This document describes how to manually configure your system for running openstreetmap-carto. If you prefer quick, platform independent setup for a development environment, without the need to install and configure tools by hand, follow a Docker installation guide in
You need OpenStreetMap data loaded into a PostGIS database (see below for dependencies). These stylesheets expect a database generated with osm2pgsql using the pgsql backend (table names of planet_osm_point
, etc), the default database name (gis
), and the lua transforms documented in the instructions below.
Start by setting up your database to have PostGIS and hstore with
psql -d gis -c 'CREATE EXTENSION postgis; CREATE EXTENSION hstore;'
then grab some OSM data. It's probably easiest to grab an PBF of OSM data from Mapzen or Geofabrik. Once you've done that, import with osm2pgsql:
osm2pgsql -G --hstore --style --tag-transform-script openstreetmap-carto.lua -d gis ~/path/to/data.osm.pbf
You can find a more detailed guide to setting up a database and loading data with osm2pgsql at
Custom indexes are not required, but will speed up rendering, particularly for full planet databases, heavy load, or other production environments. They will not be as helpful with development using small extracts.
psql -d gis -f indexes.sql
Additionally you need some shapefiles.
To download the shapefiles you can run the following script. No further steps should be needed as the data has been processed and placed in the requisite directories.
This script generates and populates the data directory with all needed shapefiles, including indexing them through shapeindex.
You can also download them manually at the following paths:
(updated daily)ne_110m_admin_0_boundary_lines_land.shp
(updated daily)icesheet_polygons.shp
The repeated in the Natural Earth shapefiles is correct.
Put these shapefiles at path/to/openstreetmap-carto/data
The stylesheet uses Noto, an openly licensed font family from Google with support for multiple scripts. The stylesheet uses Noto's "Sans" style where available. If not available, this stylesheet uses another appropriate style of the Noto family. The "UI" version is used where available, with its vertical metrics which fit better with Latin text.
DejaVu Sans is used as an optional fallback font for systems without Noto Sans. If all the Noto fonts are installed, it should never be used.
Hanazono is used a fallback for seldom used CJK characters that are not covered by Noto.
Unifont is used as a last resort fallback, with it's excellent coverage, common presence on machines, and ugly look.
On Ubuntu 16.04 or Debian Testing you can download and install the required fonts except Noto Emoji Regular with
sudo apt-get install fonts-noto-cjk fonts-noto-hinted fonts-noto-unhinted fonts-hanazono ttf-unifont
Noto Emoji Regular can be downloaded from the Noto Emoji repository.
It might be useful to have a more recent version of the fonts for rare non-latin scripts. This can be installed from source.
DejaVu is packaged as fonts-dejavu-core
The fonts can be downloaded here:
After the download, you have to install the font files in the usual way of your operation system.
For proper rendering of non-latin scripts, particularly those with complicated diacritics and tone marks the requirements are
FreeType 2.6.2 or later for CJK characters
A recent enough version of Noto with coverage for the scripts needed.
For development, a style design studio is needed.
- Kosmtik - Kosmtik can be launched with
node index.js serve path/to/openstreetmap-carto/project.mml
TileMill is not officially supported, but you may be able to use a recent TileMill version by copying or simlinking the project directly into your Mapbox/project directory.
For deployment, CartoCSS and Mapnik are required.
Remember to run CartoCSS with proper API version to avoid errors (at least 3.0.0: carto -a "3.0.0"
For both development and deployment, a database and some utilities are required
- osm2pgsql to import your data into a PostGIS database
- PostgreSQL
- PostGIS
for downloading and decompressing files- shapeindex (a companion utility to Mapnik found in the mapnik-utils package) for indexing downloaded shapefiles
Some colours, SVGs and other files are generated with helper scripts. Not all users will need these dependencies
- Python and Ruby to run helper scripts
- Color Math and numpy if running helper script (may be obtained with
pip install colormath numpy