Releases: linuxserver/docker-swag
LinuxServer Changes:
Clean up rust/cargo cache, which ballooned the image size in the last couple of builds.
PIP Changes:
Updating PIP version of certbot to 1.13.0
LinuxServer Changes:
Clean up rust/cargo cache, which ballooned the image size in the last couple of builds.
PIP Changes:
Updating PIP version of certbot to 1.13.0
LinuxServer Changes:
Clean up rust/cargo cache, which ballooned the image size in the last couple of builds.
PIP Changes:
Updating PIP version of certbot to 1.12.0
LinuxServer Changes:
Clean up rust/cargo cache, which ballooned the image size in the last couple of builds.
PIP Changes:
Updating PIP version of certbot to 1.12.0
LinuxServer Changes:
Clean up rust/cargo cache, which ballooned the image size in the last couple of builds.
PIP Changes:
Updating PIP version of certbot to 1.12.0
LinuxServer Changes:
Clean up rust/cargo cache, which ballooned the image size in the last couple of builds.
PIP Changes:
Updating PIP version of certbot to 1.12.0
LinuxServer Changes:
Fix aliyun, domeneshop, inwx and transip dns confs for existing users.
PIP Changes:
Updating PIP version of certbot to 1.12.0
LinuxServer Changes:
Rebasing to alpine 3.13. Add nginx mods brotli and dav-ext. Remove nginx mods lua and lua-upstream (due to regression over the last couple of years).
PIP Changes:
Updating PIP version of certbot to 1.12.0
LinuxServer Changes:
Add support for hetzner dns validation.
PIP Changes:
Updating PIP version of certbot to 1.12.0
LinuxServer Changes:
Add support for hetzner dns validation.
PIP Changes:
Updating PIP version of certbot to 1.12.0