From 397c3d2baf11f7b6fc3ba530af1de0a1993b58ae Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Linmiao Xu Date: Sat, 9 Sep 2023 10:24:57 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] Update default net to nn-1ee1aba5ed4c.nnue Created by retraining the master net on a dataset composed by: - adding Leela data from T60 jul-dec 2020, T77 nov 2021, T80 jun-jul 2023 - deduplicating and unminimizing parts of the dataset before interleaving Trained initially with max epoch 800, then increased near the end of training twice. First to 960, then 1200. After training, post-processing involved: - greedy permuting L1 weights with - greedy 2- and 3- cycle permuting with python3 \ --experiment-name 2048-retrain-S6-sk28 \ --training-dataset /data/S6.binpack \ --early-fen-skipping 28 \ --start-from-engine-test-net True \ --max_epoch 1200 \ --lr 4.375e-4 \ --gamma 0.995 \ --start-lambda 1.0 \ --end-lambda 0.7 \ --tui False \ --seed $RANDOM \ --gpus 0 In the list of datasets below, periods in the filename represent the sequence of steps applied to arrive at the particular binpack. For example: test77-dec2021-16tb7p.filter-v6-dd.min-mar2023.unminimized.binpack 1. test77 dec2021 data rescored with 16 TB of syzygy tablebases during data conversion 2. filtered with - v6 filtering and deduplication in one step 3. minimized with the original mar2023 implementation of `minimize_binpack` in the tools branch 4. unminimized by removing all positions with score == 32002 (`VALUE_NONE`) Binpacks were: - filtered with: - unminimized with: - deduplicated with: DATASETS=( leela96-filt-v2.min.unminimized.binpack dfrc99-16tb7p-eval-filt-v2.min.unminimized.binpack # most of the 0dd1cebea57 v6-dd dataset (without test80-jul2022) # test60-novdec2021-12tb7p.filter-v6-dd.min-mar2023.unminimized.binpack test77-dec2021-16tb7p.filter-v6-dd.min-mar2023.unminimized.binpack test78-jantomay2022-16tb7p.filter-v6-dd.min-mar2023.unminimized.binpack test78-juntosep2022-16tb7p.filter-v6-dd.min-mar2023.unminimized.binpack test79-apr2022-16tb7p.filter-v6-dd.min-mar2023.unminimized.binpack test79-may2022-16tb7p.filter-v6-dd.min-mar2023.unminimized.binpack test80-jun2022-16tb7p.filter-v6-dd.min-mar2023.unminimized.binpack test80-aug2022-16tb7p.filter-v6-dd.min-mar2023.unminimized.binpack test80-sep2022-16tb7p.filter-v6-dd.min-mar2023.unminimized.binpack test80-oct2022-16tb7p.filter-v6-dd.min.binpack test80-nov2022-16tb7p.filter-v6-dd.min.binpack test80-jan2023-3of3-16tb7p.filter-v6-dd.min-mar2023.unminimized.binpack test80-feb2023-16tb7p.filter-v6-dd.min-mar2023.unminimized.binpack # older Leela data, recently converted test60-octnovdec2020-2tb7p.min.unminimized.binpack test60-julaugsep2020-2tb7p.min.binpack test77-nov2021-2tb7p.min.dd.binpack # newer Leela data test80-mar2023-2tb7p.min.unminimized.binpack test80-apr2023-2tb7p.filter-v6-sk16.min.unminimized.binpack test80-may2023-2tb7p.min.dd.binpack test80-jun2023-2tb7p.min.binpack test80-jul2023-2tb7p.binpack ) python3 ${DATASETS[@]} S6.binpack Training data can be found at: Local elo at 25k nodes per move: nn-epoch1059 : 2.7 +/- 1.6 Passed STC: LLR: 2.93 (-2.94,2.94) <0.00,2.00> Total: 168352 W: 43216 L: 42704 D: 82432 Ptnml(0-2): 599, 19672, 43134, 20160, 611 Passed LTC: LLR: 2.94 (-2.94,2.94) <0.50,2.50> Total: 154194 W: 39436 L: 38881 D: 75877 Ptnml(0-2): 78, 16577, 43238, 17120, 84 bench 1672490 --- src/evaluate.h | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/src/evaluate.h b/src/evaluate.h index 7f4feedf0c6..8ac24daea17 100644 --- a/src/evaluate.h +++ b/src/evaluate.h @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ namespace Eval { // The default net name MUST follow the format nn-[SHA256 first 12 digits].nnue // for the build process (profile-build and fishtest) to work. Do not change the // name of the macro, as it is used in the Makefile. - #define EvalFileDefaultName "nn-c38c3d8d3920.nnue" + #define EvalFileDefaultName "nn-1ee1aba5ed4c.nnue" namespace NNUE {