We are a stand for life itself
We are ordinary people choosing an extra-ordinary path
A world that is wise, well and awake.
Being changes everything. We are here to spearhead a waking up, growing up, cleaning up culture. To make politics cool again in order to address collective challenges. These are key steps to a wiser, weller world for all beings.
We build a better, wiser future, now, through culture.
We do this via spaces, a culture and a community – by pioneering our own and by allying with others to transform wider society.
The primacy of being. Building infrastructures for awakening. A commitment to commitment.
The alchemy: of presence and getting sh** done, of the ecosystem and the personal, of Zen and politics, of engaging and retreating.
The people who want to see a real change and live more wisely, honestly and coherently and have seen that community is essential.
People who go to parties and yearn for deep, meaningful conversation. People who seriously considered becoming monks and nuns or witches but are called to engage with conventional society. The doers dreaming of a bigger future who sense that the inner work is essential.
Ultimately our children, our children’s children and the many generations to come after them. For the ecosystem as a whole.
Mystery, Transformation, Possibility and Joy -- and the commitment, practice and discipline to realise them. Zen Activism, Rigorous Inquiry. Doing the washing up.
Mystery, joy, iron and earth. We discuss Buddhism and Kim Kardashian. We’re activists who discovered Zen. We’re hippies with discipline. We have macbooks on the farm. We are real more than nice. We are ordinary people who choose an extra-ordinary path.
See also our principles