For the latest release notes, please see the GitHub releases page.
1.8.2 (2023-04-27)
- load env from file (0c2a4b9)
1.8.1 (2023-04-21)
1.8.0 (2023-04-20)
- abi & address (6638d82)
- abi & address (6dc487b)
- add new new to sample.env (1f8f3aa)
- addr (67ee7b2)
- allow empty key (c92f6d4)
- api update (ff1c73e)
- blockhash logging (1e3e1c3)
- cachedDSMPrefixes comments (b53970a)
- code review (da65ca5)
- code review (a7fdc11)
- config env (03919cd)
- config order (ac364d5)
- constants (3667b69)
- detailed description of the file loading error by ENV_FILE (2123be1)
- do not reconnect ws on normal close (5897e61)
- docker and env configs (8763fd7)
- docker compose dev (befa0b5)
- docker compose style (68de37f)
- docker-compose.test (5476ee6)
- docker-compose.test (2633aac)
- docs and add new keys api image (7fbb6da)
- docs v2 (12bc59e)
- downgrade node version (ee86dc7)
- e2e test timeout (6494781)
- e2e tests (977368e)
- e2e timeout (2064c97)
- env and e2e (03b72d7)
- env config validation (e64bf82)
- git version (81b6fdb)
- guardian refactoring (78b3d57)
- guardian spec (cea6404)
- handling all exceptions when trying to read the config (ff74d59)
- increase kafka e2e test timeout (f03acad)
- initOrWaitCachedContracts (8083184)
- keys api host (b03ff22)
- keys-api caching (9eb9200)
- keys-api config (c124f35)
- lastContractsStateByModuleId (aab2383)
- lido locator mainnet blank address (011fd02)
- limit concurrency key requests (3c7d40c)
- log level (6aefea8)
- log level for 1000 code (bdf1d26)
- move registry request constants to env (d15feed)
- nestjs tests (a6263af)
- new locator addresses (e7870bd)
- rabbit e2e (ec25ccb)
- rabbitmq connecting/disconnecting problems (b48d787)
- remove VAR_FILE after validation (e65009b)
- repository and locator spec (0e7c1b1)
- repository spec (e873cb9)
- review (2d92293)
- review (fb3d0ff)
- review (710aaa0)
- review (b892e98)
- sample env (d02e7ad)
- separated docker-compose for dev and test (50d7800)
- set BROKER_TOPIC defaults (1109406)
- sha tag keys-api (418d68e)
- spec (958938b)
- spec (46f505c)
- staking router migration behavior (0ae8732)
- stomp nest wrapper (3907ac5)
- stomp reconnecting log level (42f9680)
- stomp reconnection and missing promises (ecf1c7a)
- sync contracts (7963ae0)
- tests and review (400671b)
- update abi (235a6a0)
- update docker sha (ee1b35f)
- wait contract impl in init (a6cb078)
- websocketserver interface (56004c1)
- workflow rules (f29e681)
- add mainnet locator address (24d072d)
- add support for Zhejiang and Dockerfile fix (a5b633e)
- add support for Zhejiang V2 (re-deploy) (faa7d11)
- dsm updates (f36f2c7)
- fix channel for Zhejiang V2 (re-deploy) (13caf06)
- guardian module refactoring (7893e73)
- keys-api service (56cc400)
- locator module (58a5b93)
- sr deploy (5dcacab)
- staking router module (ea6ace5)
- stomp spec (9edc91e)
- sync abi script (a2b7243)
- update conf files (26b41e4)
- update readme (b5a2314)
- upgrade reconnection policy (4f21792)
1.6.0 (2022-07-19)
- dsm adddress ossification (9359e0c)
- exclude eligible intersections (5cb5b9c)
- intersections metrics (6fef341)
- New release wf (#61) (dd0375a)
- verify deposits signatures (3a5bd04)
1.4.2 (2022-06-06)
- move contracts init after app start (a178cff)
1.4.1 (2022-06-06)
1.4.0 (2022-05-26)
- contracts (75dfaa3)
1.3.0 (2022-05-26)
- contracts (218382a)
1.2.1 (2022-04-17)
- increase heap limit (308ad6d)