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564 lines (420 loc) · 21.7 KB

Libris XL 'REST' API

The APIs in this document are not versioned and hence this interface might change in the future.


embellished is a term used to specify that a record should be delivered with not only it's own data, but also with any relevant data that the record links to. The boundaries for where any one record ends and another begins shift over time. Generally the trend is that more and more data is broken out of the records that used to hold them, into new records of their own, in order to make that data reusable for many records. It is often a good idea to request your data embellished as that means you will not be affected by these shifting boundaries.

framed is a term meaning that any extra data delivered with your requested record (generally due to linking) should be embedded in every location where it is referenced within the JSON-LD-structure. If you request data that is not framed it is instead delivered as a list of separate entities.

lens is a term for selecting how much of a records information you want filtered out of the response. Exactly which information is filtered depends on the type of record/entity you are requesting. At present there are three levels of filtering available:

  • chip is the most filtered variant. On this level, often the only thing remaining will be an entities name (if there is one).
  • card is the mid-level of filtering, it includes whatever was at the chip-level and a little bit more. For example it could be variant-names and other forms of identifiers.
  • none means no data is filtered.


Libris XL uses JSON-LD as data format, and we provide an API to create, read, update, and delete records. Read operations are available without authentication, but all other requests require an access token.

Reading a record

A record can be read by sending a GET request to the record's URI (e.g.<record-id>) with the Accept header set to e.g. application/ld+json. The default content type is text/html, which would give you an HTML rendering of the record and not just the underlying data.


All parameters are optional and can be left out.

  • embellished - true or false. Default is true.
  • framed - true or false.
    • Default false for Content-Type: application/ld+json.
    • Default true for Content-Type: application/json.
  • lens - chip, card or none. Default is none. If value is chip or card this implies framed=true.


$ curl -XGET -H "Accept: application/ld+json"
  "@context": "/context.jsonld",
  "@graph": [
$ curl -XGET -H "Accept: application/ld+json"
  "@context": "/context.jsonld",
  "@graph": [

Profile Negotiation

To get data in a different flavour (using a specific selection of RDF vocabularies), we support a form of profile negotiation.

(Note: As of 2024, Profile Negotiation is not yet a standard. See the IETF Internet Draft on Profile Negotiation and W3C Working Draft on Content Negotiation by Profile for details.)

Currently Defined Profiles

See the target contexts in the libris definitions repository.

Profiled Data Views

Using content negotation plus parameters:

$ curl -s -H'Accept: text/turtle' ""

$ curl -s -H'Accept: text/turtle' ""

$ curl -s -H'Accept: text/turtle' ""

Combining parameters:

$ curl -s -H'Accept: text/turtle' ""

Using only headers for negotation:

$ curl -s -H 'Accept: application/trig' -H 'Accept-Profile: <>' \

Content Negotiation

To get data in different representations, we support content negotiation. Currently supported:

  • application/ld+json (JSON-LD)
  • application/json (JSON)
  • text/turtle (Turtle)
  • application/trig (TriG)
  • application/rdf+xml (RDF/XML)
$ curl -s -H'Accept: application/ld+json'

$ curl -s -H'Accept: application/json'

$ curl -s -H'Accept: text/turtle'

$ curl -s -H'Accept: application/trig'

$ curl -s -H'Accept: application/rdf+xml'

For convenience, you can add /data.<extension> to get a certain representation without having to specify it with Accept (in this case, the Accept header is ignored):

$ curl -s

$ curl -s

# Turtle
$ curl -s

# TriG
$ curl -s

$ curl -s

Requests that require authentication – create, update and remove

In order to make requests that require authentication, an oauth client has to be registered in Libris. To register a client, contact Libris customer service and they will provide you with a new set of credentials (client id and client secret) as well as an instruction on how these can be used to obtain a bearer token. This bearer token is referred to in the examples below. The provided credentials work either for the Libris test environments or the production environment, depending on the character of the integration as well as the needs of the user.

There are two different permission levels for the client: one for working with holdings and one for working with both holdings and bibliographic records. The client is connected to one or several sigels. Only holdings connected to any of these sigels can be created, updated or removed in the following examples.

Obtain a bearertoken

Once you have obtained a client id and a client secret from Libris customer service, do the following to obtain a bearertoken:

$ curl -X POST -d 'client_id=<Your client id>&client_secret=<Your client secret>&grant_type=client_credentials''

To fetch a token that is valid for the test environments, adjust the token endpoint to

The response to the above request should look something like:

{"access_token": "tU77KXIxxxxxxxKh5qxqgxsS", "expires_in": 36000, "token_type": "Bearer", "scope": "read write", "app_version": "1.5.0"}

From that response you are expected to extract your access_token and pass it along with each subsequent request that requires authentication.


A new record is created by sending a POST request to /data with at least the Content-Type, Authorization, and XL-Active-Sigel headers set.

There are some checks in place, e.g. in order to prevent creation of duplicate holding records, and to these requests the API responds with a 400 Bad Request with an error message explaining the issue.

Note that a temporary @id must be set in a few places in the document you send:

  • Temporary @id in Record
  • Temporary mainEntity.@id in Record
  • Temporary @id in Thing

For example:


A successful creation will get a 201 Created response with a Location header containing the URI of the new record.


$ curl -XPOST -H 'Content-Type: application/ld+json' \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \ 
    -H 'XL-Active-Sigel: <sigel>' \
    -d@my_record.jsonld \
  • <token> - An active and valid bearer token (e.g. hW3IHc9PexxxFP2IkAAbqKvjLbW4thQ)
  • <sigel> - A sigel that is connected to your oauth client (e.g. Doro)


An existing record can be updated by sending a PUT request to the record URI (e.g. with at least the Content-Type, Authorization, If-Match, and XL-Active-Sigel headers set.

To prevent accidentally overwriting a record modified by someone else, you need to set the record's ETag in the If-Match header. The ETag value can be obtained from the ETag header in the response of a GET request from a specific record. If the record has been modified by someone else since the ETag was fetched, you will receive a 409 Conflict response.

You are not allowed to change the ID of a record, for that you must instead first delete the original record and then create the replacement.

A successful update will get a 204 No Content response, and invalid requests will get a 400 Bad Request response, with an error message.


$ curl -XPUT -H 'Content-Type: application/ld+json' \
    -H 'If-Match: <etag>' \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \ 
    -H 'XL-Active-Sigel: <sigel>' \
    -d@my_updated_record.jsonld \<id>
  • <etag> - The record's ETag (e.g. 1821177452)
  • <token> - An active and valid bearer token (e.g. hW3IHc9PexxxFP2IkAAbqKvjLbW4thQ)
  • <sigel> - A sigel that is connected to your oauth client (e.g. S)
  • <id> - Record ID (e.g. s93ns5h436dxqsh)


You delete a record by sending a DELETE request to the record URI (e.g.<record-id>) with the Authorization and XL-Active-Sigel headers set.

You can only delete records that are not linked to by other records. That is, if you want to delete a bibliographic record, you can only do so if there are no holding records related to it. If there are holding records related to it, the API will respond with a 403 Forbidden.

A successful deletion will get a 204 No Content response. Any subsequent requests to the record's URI will get a 410 Gone response.


$ curl -XDELETE 
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
    -H 'XL-Active-Sigel: <sigel>' \<id>
  • <token> - An active and valid bearer token (e.g. hW3IHc9PexxxFP2IkAAbqKvjLbW4thQ)
  • <sigel> - A sigel that is connected to your oauth client (e.g. T)
  • <id> - Record ID (e.g. s93ns5h436dxqsh)

Other API endpoints

/find - Search the Libris database

This endpoint allows you to query the internal Libris database.

The default operator is + (AND), which means that a search for tove jansson is equivalent to a search for tove +jansson. - excludes terms, | means OR, * is used for prefix queries, "" matches the whole phrase, and () is used for operator precedence.


  • q - Search query.
  • o - Only find records that link to this ID.
  • _limit - Max number of hits to include in result, used for pagination. Default is 200.
  • _offset - Number of hits to skip in the result, used for pagination. Default is 0.

Records can be filtered on field values. Specifying multiple values for the same field can be done by repeating the parameter or by giving a comma-separated list as value. Specifying multiple fields means AND. Multiple values for the same field means OR, unless you use the prefix and-. It is possible to combine multiple fields with OR by using the prefix or-.

  • <field> - The record has this value for field.
  • not-<field> - The record does not have this value for field.
  • or-<field> - Combine filters for multiple fields with OR instead of AND.
  • and-<field> - Combine multiple filters for the same field with AND instead of OR.
  • exists-<field> - The field exists in the record. Value should be true or false.
  • min-<field> - Greater or equal to.
  • minEx-<field> - Greater than (exclusive minimum).
  • max-<field> - Less or equal to.
  • maxEx-<field> - Less than.
  • matches-<field> - Value is matching (see date-search and "include narrower terms" search below).
  • and-matches-<field> - Combine multiple matches- filters for the same field with AND instead of OR.
Filter-expression Filter-parameters
a is x OR a is y... a=x&a=y...
a is x AND a is NOT y... a=x&not-a=y...
a is x AND a is y... and-a=x&and-a=y...
a is x AND b is y AND c is z... a=x&b=y&c=z...
a is x OR b is y... or-a=x&or-b=y...
(a is x OR b is y) AND c is z... or-a=x&or-b=y&c=z...
(a is x OR b is y) AND (c is z OR d is q) Not possible. Can only specify one group with or-.

For fields of type date (meta.created, meta.modified and meta.generationDate) the following formats can be used for value:

Format Precision Example
ÅÅÅÅ Year 2020
ÅÅÅÅ-MM Month 2020-04
ÅÅÅÅ-MM-DD Day 2020-04-01
ÅÅÅÅ-MM-DD'T'HH Hour 2020-04-01T12
ÅÅÅÅ-MM-DD'T'HH:mm Minute 2020-04-01T12:15
ÅÅÅÅ-MM-DD'T'HH:mm:ss Second 2020-04-01T12:15:10
ÅÅÅÅ-'W'VV Week 2020-W04


$ curl -XGET -H "Accept: application/ld+json" \\?q\=tove%20\(jansson\|lindgren\)\&_limit=2


Linking to country/Vietnam.

$ curl -XGET -H "Accept: application/ld+json" \


Has mediaType but not carrierType.

$ curl -XGET -H "Accept: application/ld+json" \


Published in the 1760s.

$ curl -XGET -H "Accept: application/ld+json" \


Notated music published in the 1930s or 1950s.

$ curl -XGET -H "Accept: application/ld+json" -G \
    '' \
    -d instanceOf.@type=NotatedMusic \
    -d min-publication.year=1930 \
    -d max-publication.year=1939 \
    -d min-publication.year=1950 \
    -d max-publication.year=1959 \
    -d _limit=5


Catalogued by sigel "S" week eight or week ten 2018.

$ curl -XGET -H "Accept: application/ld+json" \


Containing 'Aniara' and held by sigel APP1.

$ curl -XGET -H "Accept: application/ld+json" \


Has subject term/sao/Monster.

$ curl -XGET -H "Accept: application/ld+json" \


Has subject term/sao/Monster or subject term/sao/Magi.

$ curl -XGET -H "Accept: application/ld+json" \


Has subject term/sao/Monster and subject term/sao/Magi.

$ curl -XGET -H "Accept: application/ld+json" \


Has subject term/sao/Monster and subject term/sao/Magi but not term/sao/Trollkarlar, and has genreForm term/saogf/Fantasy.

$ curl -XGET -H "Accept: application/ld+json" -G \
    '' \
    -d and-instanceOf.subject.@id= \
    -d and-instanceOf.subject.@id= \
    -d not-instanceOf.subject.@id= \
    -d instanceOf.genreForm.@id=


Has subject term/sao/Monster (or a narrower term, e.g., Drakar, Gorgoner).

$ curl -XGET -H "Accept: application/ld+json" \


Has subject term/sao/Monster (or a narrower term, e.g., Drakar, Gorgoner), and term/sao/Magi (or a narrower term, e.g., Amuletter, Häxeri).

$ curl -XGET -H "Accept: application/ld+json" -G \
    '' \
    -d and-matches-instanceOf.subject.@id= \
    -d and-matches-instanceOf.subject.@id=

/_remotesearch - Search external databases - Requires authentication

This endpoint allows you to query external databases.


  • q - Search query
  • start - Search result offset, used for pagination. Default is 0 (no offset).
  • n - Max number of hits to include in result, used for pagination. Default is 10.
  • databases - A comma separated list of databases to search. Used alone it will list available databases.


List available databases:

$ curl -XGET -H "Authorization: Bearer xxxx" ''
[{"database":"AGRALIN","name":"Wageningen UR",
  "alternativeName":"Wageningen UR Library",
  "comment":"Bibliografiska uppgifter om böcker och tidskrifter.",

Search two external databases for the phrase "tove":

$ curl -XGET ',DANBIB'

/_convert - Preview MARC21 conversion

This endpoint allows you to preview what a JSON-LD document would look like converted to MARC21.


$ curl -XGET -H "Content-Type: application/ld+json" \
    -H "Accept: application/x-marc-json" \

/_findhold - Find holding records for a bibliographic record

This endpoint will list the holding records that the specified library has for the specified bibliographic record.



$ curl -XGET ''
$ curl -XGET ''

/_dependencies - List record dependencies


  • id - Bibliographic record ID (e.g.
  • relation - Type of relation (this parameter is optional and may be omitted)
  • reverse - Boolean to indicate reverse relation (defaults to false)


$ curl -XGET ''

/_compilemarc - Download MARC21 bibliographic record with holding and authority information

This endpoint allows you to download a complete bibliographic record with holding information in MARC21. If the compiled record is to contain any holding information, there must be an export profile registered for that library ID. Contact support if you need to register such a profile.



$ curl -XGET ''
01040cam a22002897  45000010005000000030008000050050017000130080041000300200015000710350015000860400008001010840013001090840014001220840016001360840017001520840018001690840017001872450047002042640038002513000021002897000029003107720121003398870107004608410051005678520020006188870112006381234SE-LIBR20180126135547.0011211s1971    xxu|||||||||||000 ||eng|   a0824711165  99900990307  aLi*  aUbb2sab  aUcef2sab  aUbb2kssb/5  aUcef2kssb/5  aUe.052kssb/5  aPpdc2kssb/500aWater and water pollution handbooknVol. 2 1aNew York :bMarcel Dekker ,c1971
 aS. 451-800bill.1 aCiaccio, Leonard L.4edt0 dNew York : Marcel Dekker, cop. 1971-1973w99000064967nn92ced. by L.L. CiacciotWater and water pollution handbook  a{"@id":"s93ns5h436dxqsh","modified":"2018-01-26T13:55:47.68+01:00","checksum":"12499440084"}2librisxl  5SEKax  ab150526||    |   1001||und|901128e4  5SEKbSEKhTEST2  5SEKa{"@id":"48h9kp894jm8kzz","modified":"2018-01-27T11:29:46.804+01:00","checksum":"-426929336"}2librisxl