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Want to contribute?

Fabio Pagoti edited this page Jan 9, 2014 · 2 revisions

There are many ways to contribute. Don't worry if you are not (yet) an ABAP developer. Here are some ways you can help support this project:

  • Coding
  • Testing (UX, Security, Performance, Design)
  • Using
  • Reviewing documentation
  • Reporting bugs
  • Suggesting enhancements
  • Sharing among friends, SCN, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc

Helping coding

If you are an ABAP developer or wanna be, you might want to help coding Here are some of the things you should have or be able to work before helping us.

  • Basic ABAP knowledge
  • Access to a SAP server as a developer
  • Git (commit, push, pull, etc)
  • GitHub (specially how to fork and create a pull request, document stuff on wikis and manage issues)
  • SAPLink (convert ABAP code into xml)

If you are not confident with your knowledge on ALL the items above, maybe helping in a different manner is a good choice.

If you are, set your environment and check all open issues in the backlog.

Helping testing

If you are a tester or wanna-be or simply a developer trying to test something, this is for you. Here are some stuff you will need to test the application:

  • Know how yUML create diagrams in detail
  • Understand project scope
  • Access to a SAP server with SAPLink installed
  • SAPLink (to import the solution)

If you are set, check all closed issues in the backlog (specially the recent ones).

Helping Using

If you download ABAP2yUML with the only purpose of using it. You are of great help! If you could contribute spreading some words with the world (on twitter, facebook, etc) we would appreciate even more

Helping reviewing documentation

We do document. We do are worried about the quality of what we write, no matter if it's code or not). Reviewing the documentation is for those who know each piece of documentation in the project and is willing to read each word and give feedback

Helping reporting bugs

Found an error? Create an issue reporting a bug.

Helping suggesting enhancements

Wanna something better? Create an issue suggesting an enhancement

Helping spreading the word

Share on facebook, tweet, RT, Pin it, +1 and so on. Please help us telling the word ABAP2yUML exists and is there for you.

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