nibiru-3000 is the final testnet before mainnet launch. The main purpose of this testnet is to simulate upgrade process with the orchestration of validators. Besides we will test pre-released GAME GS Pad which allows users to interact with our blockchain through governance and staking.
Genesis Validators Application Period
Until January 19, 2022 11:00 GMT
Genesis Launch
January 21, 2022 11:00 GMT
Node Upgrade Event
January 26, 2022 11:00 GMT
"max_validators": 300
"send_enabled": false
"receive_enabled": false
"signed_blocks_window": "10000"
"min_signed_per_window": "0.050000000000000000"
"unbonding_time": "86400s"
"voting_period": "86400s"
- You have to keep up at least 5% in the last 10000block for avoid downtime slashing.
- You have to wait 1day to unbond your token.
- Voting period is 1day.
- Install nibiru
git clone
cd nibiru && git checkout -b v0.9 tags/v0.9
make install
Make sure to checkout to v0.9
- Initialize the nibiru directories and create the local file with the correct chain-id
nibirud init <moniker> --chain-id=nibiru-3000
- Create a local key pair in the keybase
nibirud keys add <your key name>
- Add the account to your local genesis file with a given amount and key you just created.
nibirud add-genesis-account $(nibirud keys show <your key name> -a) 100000000000ugame
- Create the gentx
nibirud gentx <your key name> 100000000000ugame --commission-rate=0.1 --commission-max-rate=1 --commission-max-change-rate=0.1 --pubkey $(nibirud tendermint show-validator) --chain-id=nibiru-3000
- Create Pull Request to this repository (nibiru-3000/gentxs) with the file
<your validator moniker>.json
- Get genesis.json
curl -o $HOME/.nibiru/config/genesis.json
- Check genesis.json is correct
shasum -a 256 ~/.nibiru/config/genesis.json
0ef249be8ba5706d5702eb55834035bbc06744be70bb64d8d57aacea70d36445 /root/.nibiru/config/genesis.json
- Check your validator state is initial
correct ex:
cat .nibiru/data/priv_validator_state.json
"height": "0",
"round": 0,
"step": 0
If you have already started, then should reset the state with the command nibirud unsafe-reset-all
. The command delete all blockchain data but keep genesis.json and node configs.
- Add seed node info
sed -i -e "s%^seeds *=.*%seeds = \"[email protected]:26656\"%; " $HOME/.nibiru/config/config.toml
- Create a service file
printf "[Unit]
Description=Game Node
ExecStart=`which nibirud` start
[Install]" > /etc/systemd/system/nibirud.service
- Run the service file
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable nibirud
sudo systemctl restart nibirud
- View a log of the node
sudo journalctl -fn 100 -u nibirud
If you run before the genesis time, you can see the message Genesis time is in the future. Sleeping until then...
- Check sign status
curl -s localhost:26657/dump_consensus_state | jq '.result.round_state.votes[0]'
That command shows all the info about validator sign status.
You can find your validator pubkey in priv_validator_state.json
. If you've already signed, you can find your pubkey in the sign status.
The team has prepared NO validator node so that there is a potential launch delay due to lack of voting power. We will wait +2 hours from planned launch time but if voting power is not sufficiently gathered, we will publish new genesis.json with team validators and launch next day.
In this testnet, we will update nibirud version from v0.9 to sm-upgrade.
We will experience softwareUpgrade
through governance voting, and all nodes(including validators) are required to switch their binary at the designated block height. Manual update and automatic update are both fine. If you haven't try automatic update with Cosmovisor
, you can try in this testnet.
Check how to use Cosmovisor in our docs.
Check proposal info in the nibiru-3000 explorer.
- content:
'@type': /cosmos.upgrade.v1beta1.SoftwareUpgradeProposal
description: In nibiru-3000 testnet, we will update nibirud version from v0.9
to sm-upgrade. We will experience softwareUpgrade through governance voting,
and all nodes(including validators) are required to switch their binary at 64000.
Manual update and automatic update are both fine. After the upgrade is successful,
you can use signal command.
height: "64000"
info: '{"binaries":{"linux/amd64":""}}'
name: signal-module-upgrade
time: "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
upgraded_client_state: null
title: sm-upgrade
deposit_end_time: "2022-01-27T03:04:52.511678383Z"
abstain: "0"
"no": "0"
no_with_veto: "0"
"yes": "0"
proposal_id: "1"
submit_time: "2022-01-25T03:04:52.511678383Z"
- amount: "10000000"
denom: ugame
voting_end_time: "2022-01-26T03:06:18.766424741Z"
voting_start_time: "2022-01-25T03:06:18.766424741Z"
- vote this proposal
You can vote simply from nibirud
nibirud tx gov vote 1 yes --from=<your wallet name> --chain-id=nibiru-3000
Other way is using GAME GS Pad.
- prepare for the update
If you are using Cosmovisor, you have to build sm-module
binary before reaching upgrade height.
If you are not using Cosmovisor, you will see the message ERR UPGRADE "sm-upgrade" NEEDED at height: 64000
, then stop nibirud process manually, update bianry and start again.