diff --git a/dev/arc_diagrams/index.html b/dev/arc_diagrams/index.html index c1d57350..3e503cbd 100644 --- a/dev/arc_diagrams/index.html +++ b/dev/arc_diagrams/index.html @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -Arc diagrams · PBWDeformations.jl

Arc diagrams

Arc diagram induced bases


The basis ArcDiagDeformBasis can currently only be used for exterior and symmetric powers of the standard module of special orthogonal Lie algebras.

Reverse direction

Given a basis element of an above basis, one can lookup all arc diagrams that induce it (up to a scalar).

lookup_data(m::DeformationMap{T}, basis::DeformBasis{T}) where {T <: SmashProductLieElem}

Look up additional data that was used to generate the deformation map m in the basis basis. This can e.g. be an arc diagram or a pseudograph.

+Arc diagrams · PBWDeformations.jl

Arc diagrams

Arc diagram induced bases


The basis ArcDiagDeformBasis can currently only be used for exterior and symmetric powers of the standard module of special orthogonal Lie algebras.

Reverse direction

Given a basis element of an above basis, one can lookup all arc diagrams that induce it (up to a scalar).

lookup_data(m::DeformationMap{T}, basis::DeformBasis{T}) where {T <: SmashProductLieElem}

Look up additional data that was used to generate the deformation map m in the basis basis. This can e.g. be an arc diagram or a pseudograph.

diff --git a/dev/index.html b/dev/index.html index f2aa5881..d92a0373 100644 --- a/dev/index.html +++ b/dev/index.html @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -PBWDeformations.jl · PBWDeformations.jl



The package PBWDeformations will provide both a general framework and specialized functions in order to

  • classify PBW deformations of certain smash products and
  • study their representations.

To solve classification problems efficiently, we use representation theoretic ideas.


  • Construct Lie algebras and their modules.
  • Construct smash products of the form $TV \rtimes U(L)$ for a Lie algbra $L$ and a module $V$.
  • Construct deformations of such smash products.
  • Compute a normal form for elements of smash products and their deformations.
  • Check, if a given deformation is a PBW-deformation (using [WW14]).
  • For some smash product, compute a basis of all PBW-deformations up to a given degree (using [WW14]). It is possible to give a basis of the relevant part of the deformation space, which is then used in the computation.
  • For some modules of $\mathfrak{so}_n$, give an explicit basis using arc diagrams or pseudographs (cf. [FM22]).


As this package heavily relies on Oscar, it is recommended to install Oscar first (installation instructions). Then, install this package via the Julia package manager:

] add PBWDeformations



+PBWDeformations.jl · PBWDeformations.jl



The package PBWDeformations will provide both a general framework and specialized functions in order to

  • classify PBW deformations of certain smash products and
  • study their representations.

To solve classification problems efficiently, we use representation theoretic ideas.


  • Construct Lie algebras and their modules.
  • Construct smash products of the form $TV \rtimes U(L)$ for a Lie algbra $L$ and a module $V$.
  • Construct deformations of such smash products.
  • Compute a normal form for elements of smash products and their deformations.
  • Check, if a given deformation is a PBW-deformation (using [WW14]).
  • For some smash product, compute a basis of all PBW-deformations up to a given degree (using [WW14]). It is possible to give a basis of the relevant part of the deformation space, which is then used in the computation.
  • For some modules of $\mathfrak{so}_n$, give an explicit basis using arc diagrams or pseudographs (cf. [FM22]).


As this package heavily relies on Oscar, it is recommended to install Oscar first (installation instructions). Then, install this package via the Julia package manager:

] add PBWDeformations



diff --git a/dev/pseudographs/index.html b/dev/pseudographs/index.html index f0845706..d60b416b 100644 --- a/dev/pseudographs/index.html +++ b/dev/pseudographs/index.html @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -Pseudographs · PBWDeformations.jl


Pseudograph induced bases


The basis PseudographDeformBasis can currently only be used for exterior and symmetric powers of the standard module of special orthogonal Lie algebras.

Reverse direction

Given a basis element of an above basis, one can lookup all pseudographs that induce it (up to a scalar). See lookup_data for more details.

+Pseudographs · PBWDeformations.jl


Pseudograph induced bases


The basis PseudographDeformBasis can currently only be used for exterior and symmetric powers of the standard module of special orthogonal Lie algebras.

Reverse direction

Given a basis element of an above basis, one can lookup all pseudographs that induce it (up to a scalar). See lookup_data for more details.

diff --git a/dev/references/index.html b/dev/references/index.html index 020eee84..baa111b7 100644 --- a/dev/references/index.html +++ b/dev/references/index.html @@ -6,4 +6,4 @@
C. Walton and S. Witherspoon. Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt deformations of smash product algebras from Hopf actions on Koszul algebras. Algebra & Number Theory 8, 1701 – 1731 (2014).
- + diff --git a/dev/search/index.html b/dev/search/index.html index 92f6d262..d97752bc 100644 --- a/dev/search/index.html +++ b/dev/search/index.html @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -Search · PBWDeformations.jl

Loading search...

    +Search · PBWDeformations.jl

    Loading search...

      diff --git a/dev/smash_product_deform_lie/index.html b/dev/smash_product_deform_lie/index.html index b8f29e49..372c26ea 100644 --- a/dev/smash_product_deform_lie/index.html +++ b/dev/smash_product_deform_lie/index.html @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -Smash product deformations · PBWDeformations.jl

      Smash products deformations


      DeformationMap{T} = MatElem{T} where {T <: SmashProductLieElem}

      The type for deformation maps of a Lie algebra smash product. The entry kappa[i,j] should be the image of $v_i \wedge v_j$ under the deformation map, i.e. $κ(v_i,v_j)$. Deformation maps are always assumed to be quadratic and skew-symmetric.

      deform(sp::SmashProductLie{C}, kappa::DeformationMap{elem_type(sp)}) where {C <: RingElem}

      Constructs the deformation of the smash product sp by the deformation map kappa.

      Returns a SmashProductLieDeform struct and a two-part basis.


      SmashProductLieDeform struct


      The SmashProductLieDeform struct can be used as an argument for the following functions:

      • gen
      • gens
      • ngens

      For gen, gens, and ngens, on can supply a symbol to choose the part of the smash product to use: :L for the Lie algebra, and :V for the module.

      +Smash product deformations · PBWDeformations.jl

      Smash products deformations


      DeformationMap{T} = MatElem{T} where {T <: SmashProductLieElem}

      The type for deformation maps of a Lie algebra smash product. The entry kappa[i,j] should be the image of $v_i \wedge v_j$ under the deformation map, i.e. $κ(v_i,v_j)$. Deformation maps are always assumed to be quadratic and skew-symmetric.

      deform(sp::SmashProductLie{C}, kappa::DeformationMap{elem_type(sp)}) where {C <: RingElem}

      Constructs the deformation of the smash product sp by the deformation map kappa.

      Returns a SmashProductLieDeform struct and a two-part basis.


      SmashProductLieDeform struct


      The SmashProductLieDeform struct can be used as an argument for the following functions:

      • gen
      • gens
      • ngens

      For gen, gens, and ngens, on can supply a symbol to choose the part of the smash product to use: :L for the Lie algebra, and :V for the module.

      diff --git a/dev/smash_product_lie/index.html b/dev/smash_product_lie/index.html index 76c043c3..a74dddd5 100644 --- a/dev/smash_product_lie/index.html +++ b/dev/smash_product_lie/index.html @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -Smash products · PBWDeformations.jl

      Smash products


      General case

      smash_product(L::LieAlgebra{C}, V::LieAlgebraModule{C}) where {C <: RingElem}

      Construct the smash product $TV \rtimes U(L)$.

      smash_product(R::Ring, L::LieAlgebra{C}, V::LieAlgebraModule{C}) where {C <: RingElem}

      Construct the smash product $TV \rtimes U(L)$ and extend the coefficients to R.


      Highest weight / GAP case

      SmashProductLie struct


      The SmashProductLie struct can be used as an argument for the following functions:

      • gen
      • gens
      • ngens

      For gen, gens, and ngens, on can supply a symbol to choose the part of the smash product to use: :L for the Lie algebra, and :V for the module.

      +Smash products · PBWDeformations.jl

      Smash products


      General case

      smash_product(L::LieAlgebra{C}, V::LieAlgebraModule{C}) where {C <: RingElem}

      Construct the smash product $TV \rtimes U(L)$.

      smash_product(R::Ring, L::LieAlgebra{C}, V::LieAlgebraModule{C}) where {C <: RingElem}

      Construct the smash product $TV \rtimes U(L)$ and extend the coefficients to R.


      Highest weight / GAP case

      SmashProductLie struct


      The SmashProductLie struct can be used as an argument for the following functions:

      • gen
      • gens
      • ngens

      For gen, gens, and ngens, on can supply a symbol to choose the part of the smash product to use: :L for the Lie algebra, and :V for the module.

      diff --git a/dev/smash_product_pbwdeform_lie/index.html b/dev/smash_product_pbwdeform_lie/index.html index da12984b..fe206b6b 100644 --- a/dev/smash_product_pbwdeform_lie/index.html +++ b/dev/smash_product_pbwdeform_lie/index.html @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -PBWDeformations · PBWDeformations.jl

      PBW Deformations of smash products

      General deformation functions

      pbwdeform_eqs(d::SmashProductLieDeform; disabled::Vector{Symbol}=Symbol[])

      Returns the equations for d being a PBW deformation of a smash product as in Theorem 3.1 of [WW14]. Subsets of the equations can be disabled by passing the corresponding symbols as keyword arguments, e.g. disabled = [:c, :d].


      All PBW deformations

      all_pbwdeformations(sp::SmashProductLie{C}, deform_basis::DeformBasis{elem_type(sp)}; special_return=Nothing) where {C <: RingElem}

      Computes a basis of all Poincare-Birkhoff-Witt deformations of sp. deform_basis specifies the basis to use for the space of deformation maps. If special_return is SMat, the function returns intermediate results.

      Uses pbwdeform_eqs and thus Theorem 3.1 of [WW14].

      all_pbwdeformations(sp::SmashProductLie{C}, degs::AbstractVector{Int}, DeformBasisType::Type{<:DeformBasis}=StdDeformBasis; special_return=Nothing) where {C <: RingElem}

      Computes a basis of all Poincare-Birkhoff-Witt deformations of sp of degrees degs. DeformBasisType specifies the type of basis to use for the space of deformation maps. If special_return is SMat, the function returns intermediate results.

      Uses pbwdeform_eqs and thus Theorem 3.1 of [WW14].

      all_pbwdeformations(sp::SmashProductLie{C}, deg::Int, DeformBasisType::Type{<:DeformBasis}=StdDeformBasis; special_return=Nothing) where {C <: RingElem}

      The same as the other method, but only for a single degree deg.


      Bases of deformation map spaces

      abstract type DeformBasis{T <: SmashProductLieElem} end

      A basis for a deformation map space of a Lie algebra smash product. The constructor of a subtype should accept a SmashProductLie and an AbstractVector{Int} of degrees. It is required that Base.length and Base.iterate are implemented for subtypes, where iterating yields objects of type DeformationMap{T}.

      For a reference implementation, we refer to StdDeformBasis.


      Standard basis


      Concrete subtype of DeformBasis that implements the standard basis. Each element of the basis is a skew-symmetric matrix with 2 non-zero entries, where one entry is a pure tensor power of degree ∈ degs over the Lie algebra part of the smash product, and the other entry is its additive inverse.


      Other bases

      Please refer to Arc diagram induced bases and Pseudograph induced bases for more specialized bases.

      +PBWDeformations · PBWDeformations.jl

      PBW Deformations of smash products

      General deformation functions

      pbwdeform_eqs(d::SmashProductLieDeform; disabled::Vector{Symbol}=Symbol[])

      Returns the equations for d being a PBW deformation of a smash product as in Theorem 3.1 of [WW14]. Subsets of the equations can be disabled by passing the corresponding symbols as keyword arguments, e.g. disabled = [:c, :d].


      All PBW deformations

      all_pbwdeformations(sp::SmashProductLie{C}, deform_basis::DeformBasis{elem_type(sp)}; special_return=Nothing) where {C <: RingElem}

      Computes a basis of all Poincare-Birkhoff-Witt deformations of sp. deform_basis specifies the basis to use for the space of deformation maps. If special_return is SMat, the function returns intermediate results.

      Uses pbwdeform_eqs and thus Theorem 3.1 of [WW14].

      all_pbwdeformations(sp::SmashProductLie{C}, degs::AbstractVector{Int}, DeformBasisType::Type{<:DeformBasis}=StdDeformBasis; special_return=Nothing) where {C <: RingElem}

      Computes a basis of all Poincare-Birkhoff-Witt deformations of sp of degrees degs. DeformBasisType specifies the type of basis to use for the space of deformation maps. If special_return is SMat, the function returns intermediate results.

      Uses pbwdeform_eqs and thus Theorem 3.1 of [WW14].

      all_pbwdeformations(sp::SmashProductLie{C}, deg::Int, DeformBasisType::Type{<:DeformBasis}=StdDeformBasis; special_return=Nothing) where {C <: RingElem}

      The same as the other method, but only for a single degree deg.


      Bases of deformation map spaces

      abstract type DeformBasis{T <: SmashProductLieElem} end

      A basis for a deformation map space of a Lie algebra smash product. The constructor of a subtype should accept a SmashProductLie and an AbstractVector{Int} of degrees. It is required that Base.length and Base.iterate are implemented for subtypes, where iterating yields objects of type DeformationMap{T}.

      For a reference implementation, we refer to StdDeformBasis.


      Standard basis


      Concrete subtype of DeformBasis that implements the standard basis. Each element of the basis is a skew-symmetric matrix with 2 non-zero entries, where one entry is a pure tensor power of degree ∈ degs over the Lie algebra part of the smash product, and the other entry is its additive inverse.


      Other bases

      Please refer to Arc diagram induced bases and Pseudograph induced bases for more specialized bases.

      diff --git a/dev/util/index.html b/dev/util/index.html index 59122a0e..1faa2d06 100644 --- a/dev/util/index.html +++ b/dev/util/index.html @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -Util functions · PBWDeformations.jl

      Utility functions

      This section contains some utility functions that are used in other parts of the package.

      +Util functions · PBWDeformations.jl

      Utility functions

      This section contains some utility functions that are used in other parts of the package.