From 80d38ad491e4a8d5209a0609bdfc61587d42868c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: student_2333 Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 00:53:51 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] up --- pyproject.toml | 7 +- typings/skia/__init__.pyi | 27462 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ typings/skia/cms.pyi | 74 + 3 files changed, 27542 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) create mode 100644 typings/skia/__init__.pyi create mode 100644 typings/skia/cms.pyi diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml index d446ce7..c5d0728 100644 --- a/pyproject.toml +++ b/pyproject.toml @@ -69,13 +69,17 @@ exclude = [ "./plugins/nonebot-plugin-rimofun/nonebot_plugin_rimofun/bnhhsh", "./plugins/nonebot-plugin-rimofun/nonebot_plugin_rimofun/not_translator", ] +executionEnvironments = [ + { root = "typings/skia", reportIncompatibleMethodOverride = false, reportSelfClsParameterName = false }, + { root = "." }, +] [tool.ruff] target-version = "py39" extend-exclude = [ + "./plugins/nb-cli-plugin-bootstrap/nb_cli_plugin_bootstrap/templates/bootstrap", "./plugins/nonebot-plugin-rimofun/nonebot_plugin_rimofun/bnhhsh", "./plugins/nonebot-plugin-rimofun/nonebot_plugin_rimofun/not_translator", - "./plugins/nb-cli-plugin-bootstrap/nb_cli_plugin_bootstrap/templates/bootstrap", ] [tool.ruff.format] @@ -162,6 +166,7 @@ select = [ ] [tool.ruff.lint.per-file-ignores] +"typings/skia/*" = ["A002", "E743", "N8", "PLW0211", "PYI021", "PYI034"] [tool.ruff.lint.isort] combine-as-imports = true diff --git a/typings/skia/__init__.pyi b/typings/skia/__init__.pyi new file mode 100644 index 0000000..94c2d9e --- /dev/null +++ b/typings/skia/__init__.pyi @@ -0,0 +1,27462 @@ +"""Python Skia binding module.""" + +import datetime +import types +import typing +import typing_extensions + +import numpy + +from . import cms + +__version__: str = "132.0b11" + +__all__ = [ + "M44", + "PDF", + "SVGDOM", + "V3", + "V4", + "AlphaOPAQUE", + "AlphaTRANSPARENT", + "AlphaType", + "AlphaTypeIsOpaque", + "ApplyPerspectiveClip", + "AsWinding", + "AutoCanvasRestore", + "BBHFactory", + "BBoxHierarchy", + "Bitmap", + "BlendMode", + "BlendModeCoeff", + "BlendMode_AsCoeff", + "BlendMode_Name", + "BlurMaskFilter", + "BlurStyle", + "Budgeted", + "Canvas", + "ClipOp", + "Codec", + "Color", + "Color4f", + "ColorBLACK", + "ColorBLUE", + "ColorCYAN", + "ColorChannel", + "ColorChannelFlag", + "ColorDKGRAY", + "ColorFilter", + "ColorFilters", + "ColorGRAY", + "ColorGREEN", + "ColorGetA", + "ColorGetB", + "ColorGetG", + "ColorGetR", + "ColorInfo", + "ColorLTGRAY", + "ColorMAGENTA", + "ColorMatrix", + "ColorMatrixFilter", + "ColorRED", + "ColorSetA", + "ColorSetARGB", + "ColorSetRGB", + "ColorSpace", + "ColorTRANSPARENT", + "ColorToHSV", + "ColorType", + "ColorTypeBytesPerPixel", + "ColorTypeIsAlwaysOpaque", + "ColorTypeValidateAlphaType", + "ColorWHITE", + "ColorYELLOW", + "ComputeIsOpaque", + "ConvergeMode", + "CornerPathEffect", + "CubicResampler", + "DashPathEffect", + "Data", + "DiscretePathEffect", + "Document", + "Drawable", + "DynamicMemoryWStream", + "EncodedImageFormat", + "EncodedOrigin", + "EncodedOriginToMatrix", + "FILEStream", + "FILEWStream", + "FilterMode", + "Flattanable", + "Font", + "FontArguments", + "FontHinting", + "FontMetrics", + "FontMgr", + "FontParameters", + "FontStyle", + "FontStyleSet", + "GrBackendApi", + "GrBackendFormat", + "GrBackendRenderTarget", + "GrBackendRenderTargets", + "GrBackendSemaphore", + "GrBackendTexture", + "GrColorType", + "GrContext", + "GrContextOptions", + "GrContext_Base", + "GrDirectContext", + "GrDirectContexts", + "GrFlushInfo", + "GrGLBackendState", + "GrGLFormat", + "GrGLFramebufferInfo", + "GrGLInterface", + "GrGLTextureInfo", + "GrImageContext", + "GrMipmapped", + "GrMockOptions", + "GrMockRenderTargetInfo", + "GrMockTextureInfo", + "GrProtected", + "GrPurgeResourceOptions", + "GrRecordingContext", + "GrRenderable", + "GrSemaphoresSubmitted", + "GrSurfaceOrigin", + "GrSyncCpu", + "GrTextureType", + "GrVkAlloc", + "GrVkBackendContext", + "GrVkDrawableInfo", + "GrVkImageInfo", + "GrVkYcbcrConversionInfo", + "GradientShader", + "HSVToColor", + "HighContrastConfig", + "HighContrastFilter", + "IPoint", + "IRect", + "ISize", + "Image", + "ImageFilter", + "ImageFilters", + "ImageInfo", + "Line2DPathEffect", + "LumaColorFilter", + "MakeNullCanvas", + "MaskFilter", + "Matrix", + "MemoryStream", + "MipmapBuilder", + "MipmapMode", + "NullWStream", + "Op", + "OpBuilder", + "OverdrawColorFilter", + "Paint", + "Path", + "Path1DPathEffect", + "Path2DPathEffect", + "PathBuilder", + "PathDirection", + "PathEffect", + "PathFillType", + "PathFillType_ConvertToNonInverse", + "PathFillType_IsEvenOdd", + "PathFillType_IsInverse", + "PathMeasure", + "PathOp", + "PathSegmentMask", + "PathVerb", + "PerlinNoiseShader", + "Picture", + "PictureRecorder", + "PixelGeometry", + "PixelRef", + "Pixmap", + "Point", + "Point3", + "PreMultiplyARGB", + "PreMultiplyColor", + "RGBToHSV", + "RRect", + "RSXform", + "RTreeFactory", + "Rect", + "RefCnt", + "RefCntBase", + "Region", + "RuntimeBlendBuilder", + "RuntimeColorFilterBuilder", + "RuntimeEffect", + "RuntimeEffectBuilder", + "RuntimeEffectBuilderChild", + "RuntimeEffectBuilderUniform", + "RuntimeEffectChildPtr", + "RuntimeEffectResult", + "RuntimeShaderBuilder", + "SVGCanvas", + "SamplingOptions", + "ScalarInfinity", + "ScalarNegativeInfinity", + "Shader", + "ShaderMaskFilter", + "Shaders", + "Simplify", + "Size", + "SpanRuntimeEffectChildPtr", + "Stream", + "StreamAsset", + "StreamMemory", + "StreamRewindable", + "StreamSeekable", + "String", + "StrokeRec", + "Surface", + "SurfaceCharacterization", + "SurfaceProps", + "Surfaces", + "TableColorFilter", + "TableMaskFilter", + "TextBlob", + "TextBlobBuilder", + "TextEncoding", + "TightBounds", + "TileMode", + "TrimPathEffect", + "Typeface", + "Unicode", + "Unicodes", + "VectorRuntimeEffectChildPtr", + "Vertices", + "VkFormat", + "VkImageLayout", + "WStream", + "YUVAInfo", + "YUVAPixmapInfo", + "YUVAPixmaps", + "YUVColorSpace", + "cms", + "gpuBackendApi", + "k2D", + "kA", + "kA16_float_ColorType", + "kA16_unorm_ColorType", + "kABGR_4444", + "kALL_GrGLBackendState", + "kALPHA8", + "kARGB_4444_ColorType", + "kASTC", + "kAllResources", + "kAlpha_8", + "kAlpha_8_ColorType", + "kAlpha_8xxx", + "kAlpha_16", + "kAlpha_ColorChannelFlag", + "kAlpha_F16", + "kAlpha_F32xxx", + "kB", + "kBGRA8", + "kBGRA_8888", + "kBGRA_8888_ColorType", + "kBGRA_1010102_ColorType", + "kBGR_565", + "kBGR_101010x_ColorType", + "kBGR_H_PixelGeometry", + "kBGR_V_PixelGeometry", + "kBMP", + "kBT2020_YUVColorSpace", + "kBlend_GrGLBackendState", + "kBlue_ColorChannelFlag", + "kBottomLeft_EncodedOrigin", + "kBottomLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin", + "kBottomRight_EncodedOrigin", + "kCCW", + "kCOMPRESSED_ETC1_RGB8", + "kCOMPRESSED_RGB8_BC1", + "kCOMPRESSED_RGB8_ETC2", + "kCOMPRESSED_RGBA8_BC1", + "kCW", + "kCenter", + "kClamp", + "kClear", + "kClose", + "kCoeffCount", + "kColor", + "kColorBurn", + "kColorDodge", + "kConic", + "kConic_PathSegmentMask", + "kCubic", + "kCubic_PathSegmentMask", + "kDA", + "kDC", + "kDNG", + "kDarken", + "kDashed", + "kDawn", + "kDecal", + "kDefault_EncodedOrigin", + "kDifference", + "kDifference_PathOp", + "kDirect3D", + "kDotted", + "kDouble", + "kDst", + "kDstATop", + "kDstIn", + "kDstOut", + "kDstOver", + "kEnd", + "kEvenOdd", + "kExclusion", + "kExternal", + "kFixedFunction_GrGLBackendState", + "kFull", + "kG", + "kGIF", + "kGaps", + "kGlyphID", + "kGray_8", + "kGray_8_ColorType", + "kGray_8xxx", + "kGray_ColorChannelFlag", + "kGray_F16", + "kGreen_ColorChannelFlag", + "kHEIF", + "kHardLight", + "kHue", + "kICO", + "kIDA", + "kIDC", + "kISA", + "kISC", + "kIdentity_YUVColorSpace", + "kInner_BlurStyle", + "kIntersect", + "kIntersect_PathOp", + "kInverseEvenOdd", + "kInverseWinding", + "kJPEG", + "kJPEG_YUVColorSpace", + "kJustify", + "kKTX", + "kLUMINANCE8", + "kLUMINANCE16F", + "kLast", + "kLastCoeffMode", + "kLastEnum", + "kLastEnum_AlphaType", + "kLastEnum_BlurStyle", + "kLastEnum_YUVColorSpace", + "kLastMode", + "kLastSeparableMode", + "kLastTileMode", + "kLast_EncodedOrigin", + "kLeft", + "kLeftBottom_EncodedOrigin", + "kLeftTop_EncodedOrigin", + "kLighten", + "kLine", + "kLineThrough", + "kLine_PathSegmentMask", + "kLinear", + "kLuminosity", + "kMSAAEnable_GrGLBackendState", + "kMetal", + "kMirror", + "kMisc_GrGLBackendState", + "kMock", + "kModulate", + "kMove", + "kMultiply", + "kN32_ColorType", + "kNearest", + "kNo", + "kNoDecoration", + "kNone", + "kNormal", + "kNormal_BlurStyle", + "kOne", + "kOpaque_AlphaType", + "kOpenGL", + "kOpenGL_GrBackend", + "kOuter_BlurStyle", + "kOverlay", + "kOverline", + "kOverlineLineThrough", + "kPKM", + "kPNG", + "kPixelStore_GrGLBackendState", + "kPlus", + "kPremul_AlphaType", + "kProgram_GrGLBackendState", + "kQuad", + "kQuad_PathSegmentMask", + "kR", + "kR8", + "kR8G8_unorm_ColorType", + "kR16", + "kR16F", + "kR16G16B16A16_unorm_ColorType", + "kR16G16_float_ColorType", + "kR16G16_unorm_ColorType", + "kRG8", + "kRG16", + "kRG16F", + "kRGB8", + "kRGB10_A2", + "kRGB565", + "kRGBA4", + "kRGBA8", + "kRGBA16", + "kRGBA16F", + "kRGBA_8888", + "kRGBA_8888_ColorType", + "kRGBA_8888_SRGB", + "kRGBA_1010102", + "kRGBA_1010102_ColorType", + "kRGBA_16161616", + "kRGBA_ColorChannelFlags", + "kRGBA_F16", + "kRGBA_F16Norm_ColorType", + "kRGBA_F16_Clamped", + "kRGBA_F16_ColorType", + "kRGBA_F32", + "kRGBA_F32_ColorType", + "kRGB_565_ColorType", + "kRGB_888", + "kRGB_888x", + "kRGB_888x_ColorType", + "kRGB_101010x_ColorType", + "kRGB_ColorChannelFlags", + "kRGB_H_PixelGeometry", + "kRGB_V_PixelGeometry", + "kRG_88", + "kRG_1616", + "kRG_ColorChannelFlags", + "kRG_F16", + "kR_8", + "kR_16", + "kR_F16", + "kRec601_YUVColorSpace", + "kRec709_YUVColorSpace", + "kRectangle", + "kRed_ColorChannelFlag", + "kRenderTarget_GrGLBackendState", + "kRepeat", + "kReverseDifference", + "kReverseDifference_PathOp", + "kRight", + "kRightBottom_EncodedOrigin", + "kRightTop_EncodedOrigin", + "kSA", + "kSC", + "kSRGB8_ALPHA8", + "kSaturation", + "kScratchResourcesOnly", + "kScreen", + "kSlight", + "kSoftLight", + "kSolid", + "kSolid_BlurStyle", + "kSrc", + "kSrcATop", + "kSrcIn", + "kSrcOut", + "kSrcOver", + "kStart", + "kStencil_GrGLBackendState", + "kTextureBinding_GrGLBackendState", + "kThrough", + "kTopLeft_EncodedOrigin", + "kTopLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin", + "kTopRight_EncodedOrigin", + "kUTF8", + "kUTF16", + "kUTF32", + "kUnderline", + "kUnderlineLineThrough", + "kUnderlineOverline", + "kUnderlineOverlineLineThrough", + "kUnion", + "kUnion_PathOp", + "kUnknown", + "kUnknown_AlphaType", + "kUnknown_ColorType", + "kUnknown_PixelGeometry", + "kUnpremul_AlphaType", + "kVertex_GrGLBackendState", + "kView_GrGLBackendState", + "kVulkan", + "kWBMP", + "kWEBP", + "kWavy", + "kWinding", + "kXOR_PathOp", + "kXor", + "kYes", + "kZero", + "skgpu", + "textlayout", + "textlayout_FontCollection", + "textlayout_Paragraph", + "textlayout_ParagraphBuilder", + "textlayout_ParagraphStyle", + "textlayout_TextAlign", + "textlayout_TextDecoration", + "textlayout_TextDecorationMode", + "textlayout_TextDecorationStyle", + "textlayout_TextStyle", +] + +class AlphaType: + """ + Members: + + kUnknown_AlphaType : uninitialized + + kOpaque_AlphaType : pixel is opaque + + kPremul_AlphaType : pixel components are premultiplied by alpha + + kUnpremul_AlphaType : pixel components are independent of alpha + + kLastEnum_AlphaType : last valid value + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, AlphaType] + ] # value = {'kUnknown_AlphaType': , 'kOpaque_AlphaType': , 'kPremul_AlphaType': , 'kUnpremul_AlphaType': , 'kLastEnum_AlphaType': } + kLastEnum_AlphaType: typing.ClassVar[ + AlphaType + ] # value = + kOpaque_AlphaType: typing.ClassVar[ + AlphaType + ] # value = + kPremul_AlphaType: typing.ClassVar[ + AlphaType + ] # value = + kUnknown_AlphaType: typing.ClassVar[ + AlphaType + ] # value = + kUnpremul_AlphaType: typing.ClassVar[ + AlphaType + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + +class ApplyPerspectiveClip: + """ + Members: + + kNo : Don't pre-clip the geometry before applying the (perspective) matrix. + + kYes : Do pre-clip the geometry before applying the (perspective) matrix. + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, ApplyPerspectiveClip] + ] # value = {'kNo': , 'kYes': } + kNo: typing.ClassVar[ApplyPerspectiveClip] # value = + kYes: typing.ClassVar[ + ApplyPerspectiveClip + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + +class AutoCanvasRestore: + """ + + Stack helper class calls :py:meth:`Canvas.restoreToCount` when + :py:class:`AutoCanvasRestore` goes out of scope. + + Use this to guarantee that the canvas is restored to a known state. + + Example:: + + with skia.AutoCanvasRestore(canvas): + canvas.drawCircle(50.0, 50.0, 10.0, paint) + + + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __enter__(self) -> None: ... + def __exit__(self, *args) -> None: ... + def __init__(self, canvas: Canvas, doSave: bool = True) -> None: + """ + Preserves :py:meth:`` count. + + Optionally saves :py:class:`Canvas` clip and :py:class:`Canvas` matrix. + + :param skia.Canvas canvas: :py:class:`Canvas` to guard + :param bool doSave: call :py:meth:`` + :return: utility to restore :py:class:`Canvas` state on destructor + """ + def restore(self) -> None: + """ + Restores :py:class:`Canvas` to saved state immediately. + + Subsequent calls and destructor have no effect. + """ + +class BBHFactory: + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + +class BBoxHierarchy(RefCnt): + class Metadata: + isDraw: bool + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + def bytesUsed(self) -> int: + """ + Return approximate size in memory of this. + """ + @typing.overload + def insert(self, rects: Rect, N: int) -> None: + """ + Insert N bounding boxes into the hierarchy. + """ + @typing.overload + def insert(self, rects: Rect, metadata: BBoxHierarchy.Metadata, N: int) -> None: ... + def search(self, query: Rect, results: ..., std: ...) -> None: + """ + Populate results with the indices of bounding boxes intersecting that + query. + """ + +class Bitmap: + """ + + :py:class:`Bitmap` describes a two-dimensional raster pixel array. + + :py:class:`Bitmap` is built on :py:class:`ImageInfo`, containing integer + width and height, :py:class:`ColorType` and :py:class:`AlphaType` describing + the pixel format, and :py:class:`ColorSpace` describing the range of colors. + :py:class:`Bitmap` points to :py:class:`PixelRef`, which describes the + physical array of pixels. :py:class:`ImageInfo` bounds may be located + anywhere fully inside :py:class:`PixelRef` bounds. + + :py:class:`Bitmap` can be drawn using :py:class:`Canvas`. + :py:class:`Bitmap` can be a drawing destination for :py:class:`Canvas` draw + member functions. :py:class:`Bitmap` flexibility as a pixel container limits + some optimizations available to the target platform. + + If pixel array is primarily read-only, use :py:class:`Image` for better + performance. If pixel array is primarily written to, use + :py:class:`Surface` for better performance. + + Declaring :py:class:`Bitmap` const prevents altering + :py:class:`ImageInfo`: the :py:class:`Bitmap` height, width, and so on + cannot change. It does not affect :py:class:`PixelRef`: a caller may write + its pixels. Declaring :py:class:`Bitmap` const affects :py:class:`Bitmap` + configuration, not its contents. + + :py:class:`Bitmap` is not thread safe. Each thread must have its own copy of + :py:class:`Bitmap` fields, although threads may share the underlying pixel + array. + + :py:class:`Bitmap` supports buffer protocol. It is possible to mount + :py:class:`Bitmap` as array:: + + array = np.array(bitmap, copy=False) + + Or mount array as :py:class:`Bitmap` with :py:class:`ImageInfo`:: + + buffer = np.zeros((100, 100, 4), np.uint8) + bitmap = skia.Bitmap() + bitmap.setInfo(skia.ImageInfo.MakeN32Premul(100, 100)) + bitmap.setPixels(buffer) + + + """ + class AllocFlags: + """ + Members: + + kZeroPixels_AllocFlag : + zero pixel memory. No effect. This is the default. + + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, Bitmap.AllocFlags] + ] # value = {'kZeroPixels_AllocFlag': } + kZeroPixels_AllocFlag: typing.ClassVar[ + Bitmap.AllocFlags + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __and__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __ge__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __gt__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __invert__(self) -> typing.Any: ... + def __le__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __lt__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __or__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __rand__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __ror__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __rxor__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + def __xor__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + kZeroPixels_AllocFlag: typing.ClassVar[ + Bitmap.AllocFlags + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __buffer__(self, flags): + """ + Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object. + """ + def __getitem__(self, arg0: typing.Any) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, src: Bitmap | None = None) -> None: + """ + Creates a :py:class:`Bitmap`. + + When ``src`` is given, copies settings from src to returned + :py:class:`Bitmap`. + + Shares pixels if src has pixels allocated, so both bitmaps reference the + same pixels. + + When ``src`` is ``None``, creates an empty :py:class:`Bitmap` without + pixels, with :py:attr:`~ColorType.kUnknown_ColorType`, + :py:attr:`~AlphaType.kUnknown_AlphaType`, and with a width and height of + zero. + + :py:class:`PixelRef` origin is set to (0, 0). :py:class:`Bitmap` is not + volatile. + + Use :py:meth:`setInfo` to associate :py:class:`ColorType`, + :py:class:`AlphaType`, width, and height after :py:class:`Bitmap` has + been created. + + :param: src :py:class:`Bitmap` to copy :py:class:`ImageInfo`, and share + :py:class:`PixelRef` + """ + def __len__(self) -> int: ... + def __release_buffer__(self, buffer): + """ + Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object. + """ + def allocN32Pixels(self, width: int, height: int, isOpaque: bool) -> None: + """ + Sets :py:class:`ImageInfo` to width, height, and the native color type; + and allocates pixel memory. + + If isOpaque is true, sets :py:class:`ImageInfo` to + :py:attr:`~AlphaType.kOpaque_AlphaType`; otherwise, sets to + :py:attr:`~AlphaType.kPremul_AlphaType`. + + Aborts if width exceeds 29 bits or is negative, or height is negative, + or allocation fails. Abort steps may be provided by the user at compile + time by defining SK_ABORT. + + Use to create :py:class:`Bitmap` that matches :py:class:`PMColor`, the + native pixel arrangement on the platform. :py:class:`Bitmap` drawn to + output device skips converting its pixel format. + + :param int width: pixel column count; must be zero or greater + :param int height: pixel row count; must be zero or greater + :param bool isOpaque: true if pixels do not have transparency + """ + def allocPixels(self, info: ImageInfo | None = None, rowBytes: int = 0) -> None: + """ + Sets :py:class:`ImageInfo` to info following the rules in + :py:meth:`setInfo` and allocates pixel memory. + + rowBytes must equal or exceed info.:py:meth:`width` times + info.bytesPerPixel, or equal zero. Pass in zero for rowBytes to compute + the minimum valid value. + + Aborts execution if :py:class:`ImageInfo` could not be set, or memory + could not be allocated. Abort steps may be provided by the user at + compile time by defining SK_ABORT. + + On most platforms, allocating pixel memory may succeed even though there + is not sufficient memory to hold pixels; allocation does not take place + until the pixels are written to. The actual behavior depends on the + platform implementation of :py:meth:`malloc`. + + :param skia.ImageInfo info: contains width, height, + :py:class:`AlphaType`, :py:class:`ColorType`, :py:class:`ColorSpace` + :param int rowBytes: size of pixel row or larger; may be zero + """ + def allocPixelsFlags(self, info: ImageInfo, flags: int) -> None: + """ + Sets :py:class:`ImageInfo` to info following the rules in + :py:meth:`setInfo` and allocates pixel memory. + + Memory is zeroed. + + Aborts execution if :py:class:`ImageInfo` could not be set, or memory + could not be allocated, or memory could not optionally be zeroed. Abort + steps may be provided by the user at compile time by defining SK_ABORT. + + On most platforms, allocating pixel memory may succeed even though there + is not sufficient memory to hold pixels; allocation does not take place + until the pixels are written to. The actual behavior depends on the + platform implementation of ``calloc``. + + :param skia.ImageInfo info: contains width, height, + :py:class:`AlphaType`, :py:class:`ColorType`, :py:class:`ColorSpace` + :param int flags: :py:attr:`kZeroPixels_AllocFlag`, or zero + """ + def alphaType(self) -> AlphaType: ... + def bounds(self) -> IRect: + """ + Returns :py:class:`IRect` { 0, 0, :py:meth:`width`, :py:meth:`height` }. + + :return: integral rectangle from origin to :py:meth:`width` and + :py:meth:`height` + """ + def bytesPerPixel(self) -> int: + """ + Returns number of bytes per pixel required by :py:class:`ColorType`. + + Returns zero if colorType( is :py:attr:`ColorType.kUnknown_ColorType`. + + :return: bytes in pixel + """ + def colorSpace(self) -> ColorSpace: + """ + Returns :py:class:`ColorSpace`, the range of colors, associated with + :py:class:`ImageInfo`. + + The reference count of :py:class:`ColorSpace` is unchanged. The returned + :py:class:`ColorSpace` is immutable. + + :return: :py:class:`ColorSpace` in :py:class:`ImageInfo`, or nullptr + """ + def colorType(self) -> ColorType: ... + def computeByteSize(self) -> int: + """ + Returns minimum memory required for pixel storage. + + Does not include unused memory on last row when + :py:meth:`rowBytesAsPixels` exceeds :py:meth:`width`. Returns SIZE_MAX + if result does not fit in size_t. Returns zero if :py:meth:`height` or + :py:meth:`width` is 0. Returns :py:meth:`height` times + :py:meth:`rowBytes` if :py:meth:`colorType` is + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kUnknown_ColorType`. + + :return: size in bytes of image buffer + """ + def dimensions(self) -> ISize: + """ + Returns :py:class:`ISize` { :py:meth:`width`, :py:meth:`height` }. + + :return: integral size of :py:meth:`width` and :py:meth:`height` + """ + def drawsNothing(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if :py:meth:`width` or :py:meth:`height` are zero, or if + :py:class:`PixelRef` is nullptr. + + If true, :py:class:`Bitmap` has no effect when drawn or drawn into. + + :return: true if drawing has no effect + """ + def empty(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if either :py:meth:`width` or :py:meth:`height` are zero. + + Does not check if :py:class:`PixelRef` is nullptr; call + :py:meth:`drawsNothing` to check :py:meth:`width`, :py:meth:`height`, + and :py:class:`PixelRef`. + + :return: true if dimensions do not enclose area + """ + @typing.overload + def erase(self, c: Color4f, area: IRect) -> None: + """ + Replaces pixel values inside area with c. + + interpreted as being in the sRGB :py:class:`ColorSpace`. If area does + not intersect bounds(), call has no effect. + + If the colorType() is :py:attr:`~ColorType.kGray_8_ColorType` or + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kRGB_565_ColorType`, then alpha is ignored; RGB is + treated as opaque. If colorType() is + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kAlpha_8_ColorType`, then RGB is ignored. + + :param int c: unpremultiplied color + :param skia.IRect area: rectangle to fill + """ + @typing.overload + def erase(self, c: int, area: IRect) -> None: + """ + Deprecated. + + :param int c: unpremultiplied color + :param skia.IRect area: rectangle to fill + """ + def eraseARGB(self, a: int, r: int, g: int, b: int) -> None: + """ + Replaces pixel values with unpremultiplied color built from a, r, g, and + b, interpreted as being in the sRGB :py:class:`ColorSpace`. + + All pixels contained by bounds() are affected. If the colorType() is + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kGray_8_ColorType` or + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kRGB_565_ColorType`, then alpha is ignored; RGB is + treated as opaque. If colorType() is + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kAlpha_8_ColorType`, then RGB is ignored. + + :param int a: amount of alpha, from fully transparent (0) to fully + opaque (255) + :param int r: amount of red, from no red (0) to full red (255) + :param int g: amount of green, from no green (0) to full green (255) + :param int b: amount of blue, from no blue (0) to full blue (255) + """ + def extractAlpha( + self, + dst: Bitmap, + paint: Paint | None = None, + offset: IPoint | None = None, + ) -> bool: + """ + Sets dst to alpha described by pixels. + + Returns false if dst cannot be written to or dst pixels cannot be + allocated. + + If paint is not nullptr and contains :py:class:`MaskFilter`, + :py:class:`MaskFilter` generates mask alpha from :py:class:`Bitmap`. + Uses HeapAllocator to reserve memory for dst :py:class:`PixelRef`. Sets + offset to top-left position for dst for alignment with + :py:class:`Bitmap`; (0, 0) unless :py:class:`MaskFilter` generates mask. + + :param dst: holds :py:class:`PixelRef` to fill with alpha layer + :param paint: holds optional :py:class:`MaskFilter`; may be nullptr + :param offset: top-left position for dst; may be nullptr + :return: true if alpha layer was constructed in dst :py:class:`PixelRef` + """ + def extractSubset(self, dst: Bitmap, subset: IRect) -> bool: + """ + Shares :py:class:`PixelRef` with dst. + + Pixels are not copied; :py:class:`Bitmap` and dst point to the same + pixels; dst :py:meth:`bounds` are set to the intersection of subset and + the original :py:meth:`bounds`. + + subset may be larger than :py:meth:`bounds`. Any area outside of + :py:meth:`bounds` is ignored. + + Any contents of dst are discarded. :py:meth:`isVolatile` setting is + copied to dst. dst is set to :py:meth:`colorType`, :py:meth:`alphaType`, + and :py:meth:`colorSpace`. + + Return false if: + + - dst is nullptr + - :py:class:`PixelRef` is nullptr + - subset does not intersect :py:meth:`bounds` + + :param dst: :py:class:`Bitmap` set to subset + :param subset: rectangle of pixels to reference + :return: true if dst is replaced by subset + """ + def getAlphaf(self, x: int, y: int) -> float: + """ + Look up the pixel at (x,y) and return its alpha component, normalized to + [0..1]. + + This is roughly equivalent to :py:func:`GetColorA` of + :py:meth:`getColor`, but can be more efficent (and more precise if the + pixels store more than 8 bits per component). + + :param int x: column index, zero or greater, and less than + :py:meth:`width` + :param int y: row index, zero or greater, and less than + :py:meth:`height` + :return: alpha converted to normalized float + """ + def getBounds(self) -> IRect: + """ + Returns :py:class:`IRect` { 0, 0, :py:meth:`width`, :py:meth:`height` }. + + :return: integral rectangle + """ + def getColor(self, x: int, y: int) -> int: + """ + Returns pixel at (x, y) as unpremultiplied color. + + Returns black with alpha if :py:class:`ColorType` is + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kAlpha_8_ColorType`. + + Input is not validated: out of bounds values of x or y trigger an + assert() if built with SK_DEBUG defined; and returns undefined values or + may crash if SK_RELEASE is defined. Fails if :py:class:`ColorType` is + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kUnknown_ColorType` or pixel address is nullptr. + + :py:class:`ColorSpace` in :py:class:`ImageInfo` is ignored. Some color + precision may be lost in the conversion to unpremultiplied color; + original pixel data may have additional precision. + + :param int x: column index, zero or greater, and less than width() + :param int y: row index, zero or greater, and less than height() + :return: pixel converted to unpremultiplied color + """ + def getGenerationID(self) -> int: + """ + Returns a unique value corresponding to the pixels in + :py:class:`PixelRef`. + + Returns a different value after :py:meth:`notifyPixelsChanged` has been + called. Returns zero if :py:class:`PixelRef` is nullptr. + + Determines if pixels have changed since last examined. + + :return: unique value for pixels in :py:class:`PixelRef` + """ + def getPixels(self) -> typing.Any: + """ + Returns pixel address, the base address corresponding to the pixel + origin. + + :return: pixel address + """ + def getSubset(self) -> IRect: + """ + Returns the bounds of this bitmap, offset by its :py:class:`PixelRef` + origin. + + :return: bounds within :py:class:`PixelRef` bounds + """ + def height(self) -> int: + """ + Returns pixel row count. + + Maybe be less than :py:meth:`pixelRef` . :py:meth:`height`. Will not + exceed :py:meth:`pixelRef` . :py:meth:`height` less + :py:meth:`pixelRefOrigin` . fY. + + :return: pixel height in :py:class:`ImageInfo` + """ + def info(self) -> ImageInfo: + """ + Returns width, height, :py:class:`AlphaType`, :py:class:`ColorType`, and + :py:class:`ColorSpace`. + + :return: reference to :py:class:`ImageInfo` + """ + @typing.overload + def installPixels( + self, + info: ImageInfo, + pixels: typing.Any, + rowBytes: int, + ) -> bool: + """ + Sets :py:class:`ImageInfo` to info following the rules in + :py:meth:`setInfo`, and creates :py:class:`PixelRef` containing pixels + and rowBytes. + + If :py:class:`ImageInfo` could not be set, or rowBytes is less than + info.minRowBytes(): calls :py:meth:`reset`, and returns false. + + Otherwise, if pixels equals nullptr: sets :py:class:`ImageInfo`, returns + true. + + Caller must ensure that pixels are valid for the lifetime of + :py:class:`Bitmap` and :py:class:`PixelRef`. + + :info: contains width, height, + :py:class:`AlphaType`, :py:class:`ColorType`, :py:class:`ColorSpace` + :pixels: address or pixel storage buffer; may be nullptr + :rowBytes: size of pixel row or larger + :return: true if :py:class:`ImageInfo` is set to info + """ + @typing.overload + def installPixels(self, pixmap: Pixmap) -> bool: + """ + Sets :py:class:`ImageInfo` to following the rules in + :py:meth:`setInfo`, and creates :py:class:`PixelRef` containing + pixmap.addr() and pixmap.rowBytes(). + + If :py:class:`ImageInfo` could not be set, or pixmap.rowBytes() is less + than :py:meth:`ImageInfo.minRowBytes` : calls :py:meth:`reset`, and + returns false. + + Otherwise, if pixmap.addr() equals nullptr: sets :py:class:`ImageInfo`, + returns true. + + Caller must ensure that pixmap is valid for the lifetime of + :py:class:`Bitmap` and :py:class:`PixelRef`. + + :pixmap: :py:class:`ImageInfo`, pixel address, and rowBytes() + :return: true if :py:class:`ImageInfo` was set to + """ + def isImmutable(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if pixels can not change. + + Most immutable :py:class:`Bitmap` checks trigger an assert only on debug + builds. + + :return: true if pixels are immutable + """ + def isNull(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if :py:class:`PixelRef` is nullptr. + + Does not check if :py:meth:`width` or :py:meth:`height` are zero; call + :py:meth:`drawsNothing` to check :py:meth:`width`, :py:meth:`height`, + and :py:class:`PixelRef`. + + :return: true if no :py:class:`PixelRef` is associated + """ + def isOpaque(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if :py:class:`AlphaType` is set to hint that all pixels are + opaque; their alpha value is implicitly or explicitly 1.0. + + If true, and all pixels are not opaque, Skia may draw incorrectly. + + Does not check if :py:class:`ColorType` allows alpha, or if any pixel + value has transparency. + + :return: true if :py:class:`ImageInfo` :py:class:`AlphaType` is + :py:attr:`~AlphaType.kOpaque_AlphaType` + """ + def makeShader( + self, + tmx: TileMode = ..., + tmy: TileMode = ..., + sampling: SamplingOptions = ..., + localMatrix: Matrix | None = None, + ) -> Shader: ... + def notifyPixelsChanged(self) -> None: + """ + Marks that pixels in :py:class:`PixelRef` have changed. + + Subsequent calls to :py:meth:`getGenerationID` return a different value. + """ + def peekPixels(self, pixmap: Pixmap) -> bool: + """ + Copies :py:class:`Bitmap` pixel address, row bytes, and + :py:class:`ImageInfo` to pixmap, if address is available, and returns + true. + + If pixel address is not available, return false and leave pixmap + unchanged. + + pixmap contents become invalid on any future change to + :py:class:`Bitmap`. + + :param skia.Pixmap pixmap: storage for pixel state if pixels are + readable; otherwise, ignored + :return: true if :py:class:`Bitmap` has direct access to pixels + """ + def pixmap(self) -> Pixmap: + """ + Returns a constant reference to the :py:class:`Pixmap` holding the + :py:class:`Bitmap` pixel address, row bytes, and :py:class:`ImageInfo`. + + :return: reference to :py:class:`Pixmap` describing this + :py:class:`Bitmap` + """ + @typing.overload + def readPixels( + self, + dstInfo: ImageInfo, + dstPixels: typing_extensions.Buffer, + dstRowBytes: int = 0, + srcX: int = 0, + srcY: int = 0, + ) -> bool: + """ + Copies a :py:class:`Rect` of pixels from :py:class:`Bitmap` to + dstPixels. + + Copy starts at (srcX, srcY), and does not exceed :py:class:`Bitmap` ( + :py:meth:`width`, :py:meth:`height`). + + dstInfo specifies width, height, :py:class:`ColorType`, + :py:class:`AlphaType`, and :py:class:`ColorSpace` of destination. + dstRowBytes specifics the gap from one destination row to the next. + Returns true if pixels are copied. Returns false if: + + - dstInfo has no address + - dstRowBytes is less than dstInfo.minRowBytes() + - :py:class:`PixelRef` is nullptr + + Pixels are copied only if pixel conversion is possible. If + :py:class:`Bitmap` colorType() is + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kGray_8_ColorType`, or + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kAlpha_8_ColorType`; dstInfo.colorType() must + match. If :py:class:`Bitmap` colorType() is + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kGray_8_ColorType`, dstInfo.colorSpace() must + match. If :py:class:`Bitmap` alphaType() is + :py:attr:`~AlphaType.kOpaque_AlphaType`, dstInfo.alphaType() must match. + If :py:class:`Bitmap` colorSpace() is nullptr, dstInfo.colorSpace() must + match. Returns false if pixel conversion is not possible. + + srcX and srcY may be negative to copy only top or left of source. + Returns false if width() or height() is zero or negative. Returns false + if abs(srcX) >= Bitmap width(), or if abs(srcY) >= Bitmap height(). + + :dstInfo: destination width, height, :py:class:`ColorType`, + :py:class:`AlphaType`, :py:class:`ColorSpace` + :dstPixels: destination pixel storage + :dstRowBytes: destination row length + :srcX: column index whose absolute value is less than :py:meth:`width` + :srcY: row index whose absolute value is less than :py:meth:`height` + :return: true if pixels are copied to dstPixels + """ + @typing.overload + def readPixels(self, dst: Pixmap, srcX: int = 0, srcY: int = 0) -> bool: + """ + Copies a :py:class:`Rect` of pixels from :py:class:`Bitmap` to + dst. + + Copy starts at (srcX, srcY), and does not exceed :py:class:`Bitmap` ( + :py:meth:`width`, :py:meth:`height`). + + dst specifies width, height, :py:class:`ColorType`, + :py:class:`AlphaType`, :py:class:`ColorSpace`, pixel storage, and row + bytes of destination. dst.rowBytes() specifics the gap from one + destination row to the next. Returns true if pixels are copied. Returns + false if: + + - dst pixel storage equals nullptr + - dst.rowBytes is less than :py:meth:`ImageInfo.minRowBytes` + - :py:class:`PixelRef` is nullptr + + Pixels are copied only if pixel conversion is possible. If + :py:class:`Bitmap` colorType() is + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kGray_8_ColorType`, or + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kAlpha_8_ColorType`; dst :py:class:`ColorType` must + match. If :py:class:`Bitmap` colorType() is + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kGray_8_ColorType`, dst :py:class:`ColorSpace` must + match. If :py:class:`Bitmap` alphaType() is + :py:attr:`~AlphaType.kOpaque_AlphaType`, dst :py:class:`AlphaType` must + match. If :py:class:`Bitmap` colorSpace() is nullptr, dst + :py:class:`ColorSpace` must match. Returns false if pixel conversion is + not possible. + + srcX and srcY may be negative to copy only top or left of source. + Returns false if width() or height() is zero or negative. Returns false + if abs(srcX) >= Bitmap width(), or if abs(srcY) >= Bitmap height(). + + :dst: destination :py:class:`Pixmap`: :py:class:`ImageInfo`, pixels, row + bytes + :srcX: column index whose absolute value is less than width() + :srcY: row index whose absolute value is less than height() + :return: true if pixels are copied to dst + """ + def readyToDraw(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if :py:class:`Bitmap` is can be drawn. + + :return: true if :py:class:`getPixels` is not nullptr + """ + def refColorSpace(self) -> ColorSpace: + """ + Returns smart pointer to :py:class:`ColorSpace`, the range of colors, + associated with :py:class:`ImageInfo`. + + The smart pointer tracks the number of objects sharing this + :py:class:`ColorSpace` reference so the memory is released when the + owners destruct. + + The returned :py:class:`ColorSpace` is immutable. + + :return: :py:class:`ColorSpace` in :py:class:`ImageInfo` wrapped in a + smart pointer + """ + def reset(self) -> None: + """ + Resets to its initial state; all fields are set to zero, as if + :py:class:`Bitmap` had been initialized by :py:class:`Bitmap`. + + Sets width, height, row bytes to zero; pixel address to nullptr; + :py:class:`ColorType` to :py:attr:`~ColorType.kUnknown_ColorType`; and + :py:class:`AlphaType` to :py:attr:`~AlphaType.kUnknown_AlphaType`. + + If :py:class:`PixelRef` is allocated, its reference count is decreased + by one, releasing its memory if :py:class:`Bitmap` is the sole owner. + """ + def rowBytes(self) -> int: + """ + Returns row bytes, the interval from one pixel row to the next. + + Row bytes is at least as large as: :py:meth:`width` * :py:meth:`info` . + :py:meth:`bytesPerPixel`. + + Returns zero if :py:meth:`colorType` is + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kUnknown_ColorType`, or if row bytes supplied to + :py:meth:`setInfo` is not large enough to hold a row of pixels. + + :return: byte length of pixel row + """ + def rowBytesAsPixels(self) -> int: + """ + Returns number of pixels that fit on row. + + Should be greater than or equal to width(). + + :return: maximum pixels per row + """ + def setAlphaType(self, alphaType: AlphaType) -> bool: + """ + Sets :py:class:`AlphaType`, if alphaType is compatible with + :py:class:`ColorType`. + + Returns true unless alphaType is + :py:attr:`~AlphaType.kUnknown_AlphaType` and current + :py:class:`AlphaType` is not :py:attr:`~AlphaType.kUnknown_AlphaType`. + + Returns true if :py:class:`ColorType` is + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kUnknown_ColorType`. alphaType is ignored, and + :py:class:`AlphaType` remains :py:attr:`~AlphaType.kUnknown_AlphaType`. + + Returns true if :py:class:`ColorType` is + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kRGB_565_ColorType` or + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kGray_8_ColorType`. alphaType is ignored, and + :py:class:`AlphaType` remains :py:attr:`~AlphaType.kOpaque_AlphaType`. + + If :py:class:`ColorType` is :py:attr:`~ColorType.kARGB_4444_ColorType`, + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kRGBA_8888_ColorType`, + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kBGRA_8888_ColorType`, or + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kRGBA_F16_ColorType`: returns true unless alphaType + is :py:attr:`~AlphaType.kUnknown_AlphaType` and :py:class:`AlphaType` is + not :py:attr:`~AlphaType.kUnknown_AlphaType`. If :py:class:`AlphaType` + is :py:attr:`~AlphaType.kUnknown_AlphaType`, alphaType is ignored. + + If :py:class:`ColorType` is :py:attr:`~ColorType.kAlpha_8_ColorType`, + returns true unless alphaType is + :py:attr:`~AlphaType.kUnknown_AlphaType` and :py:class:`AlphaType` is + not :py:attr:`~AlphaType.kUnknown_AlphaType`. If :py:class:`AlphaType` + is :py:attr:`~AlphaType.kUnknown_AlphaType`, alphaType is ignored. If + alphaType is :py:attr:`~AlphaType.kUnpremul_AlphaType`, it is treated as + :py:attr:`~AlphaType.kPremul_AlphaType`. + + This changes :py:class:`AlphaType` in :py:class:`PixelRef`; all bitmaps + sharing :py:class:`PixelRef` are affected. + + :return: true if :py:class:`AlphaType` is set + """ + def setImmutable(self) -> None: + """ + Sets internal flag to mark :py:class:`Bitmap` as immutable. + + Once set, pixels can not change. Any other bitmap sharing the same + :py:class:`PixelRef` are also marked as immutable. Once + :py:class:`PixelRef` is marked immutable, the setting cannot be cleared. + + Writing to immutable :py:class:`Bitmap` pixels triggers an assert on + debug builds. + """ + def setInfo(self, imageInfo: ImageInfo, rowBytes: int = 0) -> bool: + """ + Sets width, height, :py:class:`AlphaType`, :py:class:`ColorType`, + :py:class:`ColorSpace`, and optional rowBytes. + + Frees pixels, and returns true if successful. + + imageInfo.alphaType() may be altered to a value permitted by + imageInfo.colorSpace(). If imageInfo.colorType() is + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kUnknown_ColorType`, imageInfo.alphaType() is set + to :py:attr:`~AlphaType.kUnknown_AlphaType`. If imageInfo.colorType() is + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kAlpha_8_ColorType` and imageInfo.alphaType() is + :py:attr:`~AlphaType.kUnpremul_AlphaType`, imageInfo.alphaType() is + replaced by :py:attr:`~AlphaType.kPremul_AlphaType`. If + imageInfo.colorType() is :py:attr:`~ColorType.kRGB_565_ColorType` or + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kGray_8_ColorType`, imageInfo.alphaType() is set to + :py:attr:`~AlphaType.kOpaque_AlphaType`. If imageInfo.colorType() is + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kARGB_4444_ColorType`, + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kRGBA_8888_ColorType`, + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kBGRA_8888_ColorType`, or + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kRGBA_F16_ColorType`: imageInfo.alphaType() remains + unchanged. + + rowBytes must equal or exceed imageInfo.minRowBytes(). If + imageInfo.colorSpace() is :py:attr:`~ColorType.kUnknown_ColorType`, + rowBytes is ignored and treated as zero; for all other + :py:class:`ColorSpace` values, rowBytes of zero is treated as + imageInfo.minRowBytes(). + + Calls :py:meth:`reset` and returns false if: + + - rowBytes exceeds 31 bits + - imageInfo.width() is negative + - imageInfo.height() is negative + - rowBytes is positive and less than imageInfo.width() times + imageInfo.bytesPerPixel() + + :param skia.ImageInfo imageInfo: contains width, height, + :py:class:`AlphaType`, :py:class:`ColorType`, :py:class:`ColorSpace` + :param int rowBytes: imageInfo.minRowBytes() or larger; or zero + :return: true if :py:class:`ImageInfo` set successfully + """ + def setPixels(self, pixels: typing_extensions.Buffer) -> None: + """ + Replaces :py:class:`PixelRef` with pixels, preserving + :py:class:`ImageInfo` and rowBytes(). + + Sets :py:class:`PixelRef` origin to (0, 0). + + If pixels is nullptr, or if info().colorType() equals + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kUnknown_ColorType`; release reference to + :py:class:`PixelRef`, and set :py:class:`PixelRef` to nullptr. + + Caller is responsible for handling ownership pixel memory for the + lifetime of :py:class:`Bitmap` and :py:class:`PixelRef`. + + :param Union[bytes,bytearray,memoryview] pixels: address of pixel + storage, managed by caller + """ + def shiftPerPixel(self) -> int: + """ + Returns bit shift converting row bytes to row pixels. + + Returns zero for :py:attr:`~ColorType.kUnknown_ColorType`. + + :return: one of: 0, 1, 2, 3; left shift to convert pixels to bytes + """ + def swap(self, other: Bitmap) -> None: + """ + Swaps the fields of the two bitmaps. + + :param skia.Bitmap other: :py:class:`Bitmap` exchanged with original + """ + def tobytes(self) -> typing.Any: ... + def tryAllocN32Pixels(self, width: int, height: int, isOpaque: bool) -> bool: + """ + Sets :py:class:`ImageInfo` to width, height, and native color type; and + allocates pixel memory. + + If isOpaque is true, sets :py:class:`ImageInfo` to + :py:attr:`~AlphaType.kOpaque_AlphaType`; otherwise, sets to + :py:attr:`~AlphaType.kPremul_AlphaType`. + + Calls reset() and returns false if width exceeds 29 bits or is negative, + or height is negative. + + Returns false if allocation fails. + + Use to create :py:class:`Bitmap` that matches :py:class:`PMColor`, the + native pixel arrangement on the platform. :py:class:`Bitmap` drawn to + output device skips converting its pixel format. + + :param int width: pixel column count; must be zero or greater + :param int height: pixel row count; must be zero or greater + :param bool isOpaque: true if pixels do not have transparency + :return: true if pixel storage is allocated + """ + def tryAllocPixels(self, info: ImageInfo | None = None, rowBytes: int = 0) -> bool: + """ + Sets :py:class:`ImageInfo` to info following the rules in + :py:meth:`setInfo` and allocates pixel memory. + + rowBytes must equal or exceed info.:py:meth:`width` times + info.bytesPerPixel, or equal zero. Pass in zero for rowBytes to compute + the minimum valid value. + + Returns false and calls :py:meth:`reset` if :py:class:`ImageInfo` could + not be set, or memory could not be allocated. + + On most platforms, allocating pixel memory may succeed even though there + is not sufficient memory to hold pixels; allocation does not take place + until the pixels are written to. The actual behavior depends on the + platform implementation of :py:meth:`malloc`. + + :param skia.ImageInfo info: contains width, height, + :py:class:`AlphaType`, :py:class:`ColorType`, :py:class:`ColorSpace` + :param int rowBytes: size of pixel row or larger; may be zero + :return: true if pixel storage is allocated + """ + def tryAllocPixelsFlags(self, info: ImageInfo, flags: int) -> bool: + """ + Sets :py:class:`ImageInfo` to info following the rules in + :py:meth:`setInfo` and allocates pixel memory. + + Memory is zeroed. + + Returns false and calls :py:meth:`reset` if :py:class:`ImageInfo` could + not be set, or memory could not be allocated, or memory could not + optionally be zeroed. + + On most platforms, allocating pixel memory may succeed even though there + is not sufficient memory to hold pixels; allocation does not take place + until the pixels are written to. The actual behavior depends on the + platform implementation of ``calloc``. + + :param skia.ImageInfo info: contains width, height, + :py:class:`AlphaType`, :py:class:`ColorType`, :py:class:`ColorSpace` + :param int flags: :py:attr:`kZeroPixels_AllocFlag`, or zero + :return: true if pixels allocation is successful + """ + def width(self) -> int: + """ + Returns pixel count in each row. + + Should be equal or less than :py:meth:`rowBytes` / :py:meth:`info` . + :py:meth:`bytesPerPixel`. + + May be less than :py:meth:`pixelRef` . :py:meth:`width`. Will not exceed + :py:meth:`pixelRef` . :py:meth:`width` less :py:meth:`pixelRefOrigin` . + fX. + + :return: pixel width in SkImageInfo + """ + def writePixels(self, src: Pixmap, dstX: int = 0, dstY: int = 0) -> bool: + """ + Copies a :py:class:`Rect` of pixels from src. + + Copy starts at (dstX, dstY), and does not exceed (``src.width()``, + ``src.height()``). + + src specifies width, height, :py:class:`ColorType`, + :py:class:`AlphaType`, :py:class:`ColorSpace`, pixel storage, and row + bytes of source. src.rowBytes() specifics the gap from one source row to + the next. Returns true if pixels are copied. Returns false if: + + - src pixel storage equals nullptr + - src.rowBytes is less than :py:class:`ImageInfo`::minRowBytes() + - :py:class:`PixelRef` is nullptr + + Pixels are copied only if pixel conversion is possible. If + :py:class:`Bitmap` colorType() is + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kGray_8_ColorType`, or + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kAlpha_8_ColorType`; src :py:class:`ColorType` must + match. If :py:class:`Bitmap` colorType() is + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kGray_8_ColorType`, src :py:class:`ColorSpace` must + match. If :py:class:`Bitmap` alphaType() is + :py:attr:`~AlphaType.kOpaque_AlphaType`, src :py:class:`AlphaType` must + match. If :py:class:`Bitmap` colorSpace() is nullptr, src + :py:class:`ColorSpace` must match. Returns false if pixel conversion is + not possible. + + dstX and dstY may be negative to copy only top or left of source. + Returns false if width() or height() is zero or negative. Returns false + if abs(dstX) >= Bitmap width(), or if abs(dstY) >= Bitmap height(). + + :param skia.Pixmap src: source :py:class:`Pixmap`: + :py:class:`ImageInfo`, pixels, row bytes + :param int dstX: column index whose absolute value is less than width() + :param int dstY: row index whose absolute value is less than height() + :return: true if src pixels are copied to :py:class:`Bitmap` + """ + @property + def __array_interface__(self) -> dict: ... + +class BlendMode: + """ + Members: + + kClear : replaces destination with zero: fully transparent + + kSrc : replaces destination + + kDst : preserves destination + + kSrcOver : source over destination + + kDstOver : destination over source + + kSrcIn : source trimmed inside destination + + kDstIn : destination trimmed by source + + kSrcOut : source trimmed outside destination + + kDstOut : destination trimmed outside source + + kSrcATop : source inside destination blended with destination + + kDstATop : destination inside source blended with source + + kXor : each of source and destination trimmed outside the other + + kPlus : sum of colors + + kModulate : product of premultiplied colors; darkens destination + + kScreen : multiply inverse of pixels, inverting result; brightens destination + + kLastCoeffMode : last porter duff blend mode + + kOverlay : multiply or screen, depending on destination + + kDarken : darker of source and destination + + kLighten : lighter of source and destination + + kColorDodge : brighten destination to reflect source + + kColorBurn : darken destination to reflect source + + kHardLight : multiply or screen, depending on source + + kSoftLight : lighten or darken, depending on source + + kDifference : subtract darker from lighter with higher contrast + + kExclusion : subtract darker from lighter with lower contrast + + kMultiply : multiply source with destination, darkening image + + kLastSeparableMode : last blend mode operating separately on components + + kHue : hue of source with saturation and luminosity of destination + + kSaturation : saturation of source with hue and luminosity of destination + + kColor : hue and saturation of source with luminosity of destination + + kLuminosity : luminosity of source with hue and saturation of destination + + kLastMode : last valid value + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, BlendMode] + ] # value = {'kClear': , 'kSrc': , 'kDst': , 'kSrcOver': , 'kDstOver': , 'kSrcIn': , 'kDstIn': , 'kSrcOut': , 'kDstOut': , 'kSrcATop': , 'kDstATop': , 'kXor': , 'kPlus': , 'kModulate': , 'kScreen': , 'kLastCoeffMode': , 'kOverlay': , 'kDarken': , 'kLighten': , 'kColorDodge': , 'kColorBurn': , 'kHardLight': , 'kSoftLight': , 'kDifference': , 'kExclusion': , 'kMultiply': , 'kLastSeparableMode': , 'kHue': , 'kSaturation': , 'kColor': , 'kLuminosity': , 'kLastMode': } + kClear: typing.ClassVar[BlendMode] # value = + kColor: typing.ClassVar[BlendMode] # value = + kColorBurn: typing.ClassVar[BlendMode] # value = + kColorDodge: typing.ClassVar[BlendMode] # value = + kDarken: typing.ClassVar[BlendMode] # value = + kDifference: typing.ClassVar[BlendMode] # value = + kDst: typing.ClassVar[BlendMode] # value = + kDstATop: typing.ClassVar[BlendMode] # value = + kDstIn: typing.ClassVar[BlendMode] # value = + kDstOut: typing.ClassVar[BlendMode] # value = + kDstOver: typing.ClassVar[BlendMode] # value = + kExclusion: typing.ClassVar[BlendMode] # value = + kHardLight: typing.ClassVar[BlendMode] # value = + kHue: typing.ClassVar[BlendMode] # value = + kLastCoeffMode: typing.ClassVar[BlendMode] # value = + kLastMode: typing.ClassVar[BlendMode] # value = + kLastSeparableMode: typing.ClassVar[BlendMode] # value = + kLighten: typing.ClassVar[BlendMode] # value = + kLuminosity: typing.ClassVar[BlendMode] # value = + kModulate: typing.ClassVar[BlendMode] # value = + kMultiply: typing.ClassVar[BlendMode] # value = + kOverlay: typing.ClassVar[BlendMode] # value = + kPlus: typing.ClassVar[BlendMode] # value = + kSaturation: typing.ClassVar[BlendMode] # value = + kScreen: typing.ClassVar[BlendMode] # value = + kSoftLight: typing.ClassVar[BlendMode] # value = + kSrc: typing.ClassVar[BlendMode] # value = + kSrcATop: typing.ClassVar[BlendMode] # value = + kSrcIn: typing.ClassVar[BlendMode] # value = + kSrcOut: typing.ClassVar[BlendMode] # value = + kSrcOver: typing.ClassVar[BlendMode] # value = + kXor: typing.ClassVar[BlendMode] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + +class BlendModeCoeff: + """ + + For Porter-Duff SkBlendModes (those <= kLastCoeffMode), these coefficients + describe the blend equation used. + + Coefficient-based blend modes specify an equation: ('dstCoeff' * dst + + 'srcCoeff' * src), where the coefficient values are constants, functions of + the src or dst alpha, or functions of the src or dst color. + + + Members: + + kZero : 0 + + kOne : 1 + + kSC : src color + + kISC : inverse src color (i.e. 1 - sc) + + kDC : dst color + + kIDC : inverse dst color (i.e. 1 - dc) + + kSA : src alpha + + kISA : inverse src alpha (i.e. 1 - sa) + + kDA : dst alpha + + kIDA : inverse dst alpha (i.e. 1 - da) + + kCoeffCount + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, BlendModeCoeff] + ] # value = {'kZero': , 'kOne': , 'kSC': , 'kISC': , 'kDC': , 'kIDC': , 'kSA': , 'kISA': , 'kDA': , 'kIDA': , 'kCoeffCount': } + kCoeffCount: typing.ClassVar[ + BlendModeCoeff + ] # value = + kDA: typing.ClassVar[BlendModeCoeff] # value = + kDC: typing.ClassVar[BlendModeCoeff] # value = + kIDA: typing.ClassVar[BlendModeCoeff] # value = + kIDC: typing.ClassVar[BlendModeCoeff] # value = + kISA: typing.ClassVar[BlendModeCoeff] # value = + kISC: typing.ClassVar[BlendModeCoeff] # value = + kOne: typing.ClassVar[BlendModeCoeff] # value = + kSA: typing.ClassVar[BlendModeCoeff] # value = + kSC: typing.ClassVar[BlendModeCoeff] # value = + kZero: typing.ClassVar[BlendModeCoeff] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + +class BlurMaskFilter: + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + +class BlurStyle: + """ + Members: + + kNormal_BlurStyle : fuzzy inside and outside + + kSolid_BlurStyle : solid inside, fuzzy outside + + kOuter_BlurStyle : nothing inside, fuzzy outside + + kInner_BlurStyle : fuzzy inside, nothing outside + + kLastEnum_BlurStyle : + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, BlurStyle] + ] # value = {'kNormal_BlurStyle': , 'kSolid_BlurStyle': , 'kOuter_BlurStyle': , 'kInner_BlurStyle': , 'kLastEnum_BlurStyle': } + kInner_BlurStyle: typing.ClassVar[ + BlurStyle + ] # value = + kLastEnum_BlurStyle: typing.ClassVar[ + BlurStyle + ] # value = + kNormal_BlurStyle: typing.ClassVar[ + BlurStyle + ] # value = + kOuter_BlurStyle: typing.ClassVar[ + BlurStyle + ] # value = + kSolid_BlurStyle: typing.ClassVar[ + BlurStyle + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __and__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __ge__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __gt__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __invert__(self) -> typing.Any: ... + def __le__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __lt__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __or__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __rand__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __ror__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __rxor__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + def __xor__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + +class Budgeted: + """ + + Indicates whether an allocation should count against a cache budget. + + + Members: + + kNo + + kYes + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, Budgeted] + ] # value = {'kNo': , 'kYes': } + kNo: typing.ClassVar[Budgeted] # value = + kYes: typing.ClassVar[Budgeted] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + +class Canvas: + """ + + :py:class:`Canvas` provides an interface for drawing, and how the drawing is + clipped and transformed. + + :py:class:`Canvas` contains a stack of :py:class:`Matrix` and clip values. + + :py:class:`Canvas` and :py:class:`Paint` together provide the state to draw + into :py:class:`Surface` or :py:class:`BaseDevice`. Each :py:class:`Canvas` + draw call transforms the geometry of the object by the concatenation of all + :py:class:`Matrix` values in the stack. The transformed geometry is clipped + by the intersection of all of clip values in the stack. The + :py:class:`Canvas` draw calls use :py:class:`Paint` to supply drawing state + such as color, :py:class:`Typeface`, text size, stroke width, + :py:class:`Shader` and so on. + + To draw to a pixel-based destination, create raster surface or GPU surface. + Request :py:class:`Canvas` from :py:class:`Surface` to obtain the interface + to draw. :py:class:`Canvas` generated by raster surface draws to memory + visible to the CPU. :py:class:`Canvas` generated by GPU surface uses Vulkan + or OpenGL to draw to the GPU. + + To draw to a document, obtain :py:class:`Canvas` from SVG canvas, document + PDF, or :py:class:`PictureRecorder`. :py:class:`Document` based + :py:class:`Canvas` and other :py:class:`Canvas` subclasses reference + :py:class:`BaseDevice` describing the destination. + + :py:class:`Canvas` can be constructed to draw to :py:class:`Bitmap` without + first creating raster surface. This approach may be deprecated in the + future. + + """ + class Lattice: + """ + + :py:class:`Canvas.Lattice` divides :py:class:`Bitmap` or :py:class:`Image` + into a rectangular grid. + + Grid entries on even columns and even rows are fixed; these entries are + always drawn at their original size if the destination is large enough. If + the destination side is too small to hold the fixed entries, all fixed + entries are proportionately scaled down to fit. The grid entries not on even + columns and rows are scaled to fit the remaining space, if any. + + """ + class RectType: + """ + Members: + + kDefault : + draws :py:class:`Bitmap` into lattice rectangle + + + kTransparent : + skips lattice rectangle by making it transparent + + + kFixedColor : + draws one of fColors into lattice rectangle + + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, Canvas.Lattice.RectType] + ] # value = {'kDefault': , 'kTransparent': , 'kFixedColor': } + kDefault: typing.ClassVar[ + Canvas.Lattice.RectType + ] # value = + kFixedColor: typing.ClassVar[ + Canvas.Lattice.RectType + ] # value = + kTransparent: typing.ClassVar[ + Canvas.Lattice.RectType + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + kDefault: typing.ClassVar[ + Canvas.Lattice.RectType + ] # value = + kFixedColor: typing.ClassVar[ + Canvas.Lattice.RectType + ] # value = + kTransparent: typing.ClassVar[ + Canvas.Lattice.RectType + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + @property + def fBounds(self) -> IRect: + """ + source bounds to draw from + """ + @fBounds.setter + def fBounds(self, arg0: IRect) -> None: ... + @property + def fColors(self) -> int: + """ + array of colors + """ + @fColors.setter + def fColors(self, arg0: int) -> None: ... + @property + def fRectTypes(self) -> Canvas.Lattice.RectType: + """ + array of fill types + """ + @fRectTypes.setter + def fRectTypes(self, arg0: Canvas.Lattice.RectType) -> None: ... + @property + def fXCount(self) -> int: + """ + number of x-coordinates + """ + @fXCount.setter + def fXCount(self, arg0: int) -> None: ... + @property + def fXDivs(self) -> int: + """ + x-axis values dividing bitmap + """ + @fXDivs.setter + def fXDivs(self, arg0: int) -> None: ... + @property + def fYCount(self) -> int: + """ + number of y-coordinates + """ + @fYCount.setter + def fYCount(self, arg0: int) -> None: ... + @property + def fYDivs(self) -> int: + """ + y-axis values dividing bitmap + """ + @fYDivs.setter + def fYDivs(self, arg0: int) -> None: ... + + class PointMode: + """ + Members: + + kPoints_PointMode : + draw each point separately + + + kLines_PointMode : + draw each pair of points as a line segment + + + kPolygon_PointMode : + draw the array of points as a open polygon + + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, Canvas.PointMode] + ] # value = {'kPoints_PointMode': , 'kLines_PointMode': , 'kPolygon_PointMode': } + kLines_PointMode: typing.ClassVar[ + Canvas.PointMode + ] # value = + kPoints_PointMode: typing.ClassVar[ + Canvas.PointMode + ] # value = + kPolygon_PointMode: typing.ClassVar[ + Canvas.PointMode + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + class QuadAAFlags: + """ + Members: + + kLeft_QuadAAFlag + + kTop_QuadAAFlag + + kRight_QuadAAFlag + + kBottom_QuadAAFlag + + kNone_QuadAAFlags + + kAll_QuadAAFlags + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, Canvas.QuadAAFlags] + ] # value = {'kLeft_QuadAAFlag': , 'kTop_QuadAAFlag': , 'kRight_QuadAAFlag': , 'kBottom_QuadAAFlag': , 'kNone_QuadAAFlags': , 'kAll_QuadAAFlags': } + kAll_QuadAAFlags: typing.ClassVar[ + Canvas.QuadAAFlags + ] # value = + kBottom_QuadAAFlag: typing.ClassVar[ + Canvas.QuadAAFlags + ] # value = + kLeft_QuadAAFlag: typing.ClassVar[ + Canvas.QuadAAFlags + ] # value = + kNone_QuadAAFlags: typing.ClassVar[ + Canvas.QuadAAFlags + ] # value = + kRight_QuadAAFlag: typing.ClassVar[ + Canvas.QuadAAFlags + ] # value = + kTop_QuadAAFlag: typing.ClassVar[ + Canvas.QuadAAFlags + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + class SaveLayerFlags: + """ + Members: + + kPreserveLCDText_SaveLayerFlag + + kInitWithPrevious_SaveLayerFlag : initializes with previous contents + + kF16ColorType + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, Canvas.SaveLayerFlags] + ] # value = {'kPreserveLCDText_SaveLayerFlag': , 'kInitWithPrevious_SaveLayerFlag': , 'kF16ColorType': } + kF16ColorType: typing.ClassVar[ + Canvas.SaveLayerFlags + ] # value = + kInitWithPrevious_SaveLayerFlag: typing.ClassVar[ + Canvas.SaveLayerFlags + ] # value = + kPreserveLCDText_SaveLayerFlag: typing.ClassVar[ + Canvas.SaveLayerFlags + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __and__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __ge__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __gt__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __invert__(self) -> typing.Any: ... + def __le__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __lt__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __or__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __rand__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __ror__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __rxor__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + def __xor__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + class SaveLayerRec: + """ + + SaveLayerRec contains the state used to create the layer. + + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self) -> None: + """ + Sets :py:attr:`fBounds`, :py:attr:`fPaint`, and :py:attr:`fBackdrop` to + nullptr. + + Clears :py:attr:`fSaveLayerFlags`. + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, bounds: Rect, paint: Paint, saveLayerFlags: int = 0) -> None: + """ + Sets :py:attr:`fBounds`, :py:attr:`fPaint`, and + :py:attr:`fSaveLayerFlags`; sets :py:attr:`fBackdrop` to nullptr. + + :bounds: layer dimensions; may be nullptr + :paint: applied to layer when overlaying prior layer; + may be nullptr + :saveLayerFlags: SaveLayerRec options to + modify layer + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__( + self, + bounds: Rect, + paint: Paint, + backdrop: ImageFilter, + saveLayerFlags: int, + ) -> None: + """ + Sets :py:attr:`fBounds`, :py:attr:`fPaint`, :py:attr:`fBackdrop`, and + :py:attr:`fSaveLayerFlags`. + + :bounds: layer dimensions; may be nullptr + :paint: applied to layer when overlaying prior layer; + may be nullptr + :backdrop: If not null, this causes the current + layer to be filtered by backdrop, and then drawn into the new layer + (respecting the current clip). If null, the new layer is initialized + with transparent-black. + :saveLayerFlags: SaveLayerRec options to + modify layer + """ + @property + def fBackdrop(self) -> ImageFilter: + """ + If not null, this triggers the same initialization behavior as setting + :py:attr:`Canvas.SaveLayerFlags.kInitWithPrevious` on + :py:attr:`fSaveLayerFlags`: the current layer is copied into the new + layer, rather than initializing the new layer with transparent-black. + + This is then filtered by fBackdrop (respecting the current clip). + """ + @fBackdrop.setter + def fBackdrop(self, arg0: ImageFilter) -> None: ... + @property + def fBounds(self) -> Rect: + """ + hints at layer size limit + """ + @fBounds.setter + def fBounds(self, arg0: Rect) -> None: ... + @property + def fPaint(self) -> Paint: + """ + modifies overlay + """ + @fPaint.setter + def fPaint(self, arg0: Paint) -> None: ... + @property + def fSaveLayerFlags(self) -> int: + """ + preserves LCD text, creates with prior layer contents + """ + @fSaveLayerFlags.setter + def fSaveLayerFlags(self, arg0: int) -> None: ... + + class SrcRectConstraint: + """ + Members: + + kStrict_SrcRectConstraint : + sample only inside bounds; slower + + + kFast_SrcRectConstraint : + sample outside bounds; faster + + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, Canvas.SrcRectConstraint] + ] # value = {'kStrict_SrcRectConstraint': , 'kFast_SrcRectConstraint': } + kFast_SrcRectConstraint: typing.ClassVar[ + Canvas.SrcRectConstraint + ] # value = + kStrict_SrcRectConstraint: typing.ClassVar[ + Canvas.SrcRectConstraint + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + kAll_QuadAAFlags: typing.ClassVar[ + Canvas.QuadAAFlags + ] # value = + kBottom_QuadAAFlag: typing.ClassVar[ + Canvas.QuadAAFlags + ] # value = + kF16ColorType: typing.ClassVar[ + Canvas.SaveLayerFlags + ] # value = + kFast_SrcRectConstraint: typing.ClassVar[ + Canvas.SrcRectConstraint + ] # value = + kInitWithPrevious_SaveLayerFlag: typing.ClassVar[ + Canvas.SaveLayerFlags + ] # value = + kLeft_QuadAAFlag: typing.ClassVar[ + Canvas.QuadAAFlags + ] # value = + kLines_PointMode: typing.ClassVar[ + Canvas.PointMode + ] # value = + kNone_QuadAAFlags: typing.ClassVar[ + Canvas.QuadAAFlags + ] # value = + kPoints_PointMode: typing.ClassVar[ + Canvas.PointMode + ] # value = + kPolygon_PointMode: typing.ClassVar[ + Canvas.PointMode + ] # value = + kPreserveLCDText_SaveLayerFlag: typing.ClassVar[ + Canvas.SaveLayerFlags + ] # value = + kRight_QuadAAFlag: typing.ClassVar[ + Canvas.QuadAAFlags + ] # value = + kStrict_SrcRectConstraint: typing.ClassVar[ + Canvas.SrcRectConstraint + ] # value = + kTop_QuadAAFlag: typing.ClassVar[ + Canvas.QuadAAFlags + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def MakeRasterDirect( + imageInfo: ImageInfo, + pixels: typing_extensions.Buffer, + rowBytes: int = 0, + surfaceProps: SurfaceProps | None = None, + ) -> Canvas: + """ + Allocates raster :py:class:`Canvas` that will draw directly into pixels. + + :py:class:`Canvas` is returned if all parameters are valid. Valid + parameters include: info dimensions are zero or positive; info contains + :py:class:`ColorType` and :py:class:`AlphaType` supported by raster + surface; pixels is buffer object of sufficient length; rowBytes is zero + or large enough to contain info width pixels of :py:class:`ColorType`. + + Pass zero for rowBytes to compute rowBytes from info width and size of + pixel. If rowBytes is greater than zero, it must be equal to or greater + than info width times bytes required for :py:class:`ColorType`. + + Pixel buffer size should be info height times computed rowBytes. Pixels + are not initialized. To access pixels after drawing, call flush() or + peekPixels(). + + :param skia.ImageInfo info: width, height, :py:class:`ColorType`, + :py:class:`AlphaType`, :py:class:`ColorSpace`, of raster surface; + width, or height, or both, may be zero + :param Union[bytes,bytearray,memoryview] pixels: destination pixels + buffer + :param int rowBytes: interval from one :py:class:`Surface` row to the + next, or zero + :param skia.SurfaceProps props: LCD striping orientation and setting for + device independent fonts; may be `None` + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeRasterDirectN32( + width: int, + height: int, + pixels: typing_extensions.Buffer, + rowBytes: int = 0, + ) -> Canvas: + """ + Allocates raster :py:class:`Canvas` specified by inline image + specification. + + Subsequent :py:class:`Canvas` calls draw into pixels. + :py:class:`ColorType` is set to :py:attr:`ColorType.kN32_ColorType`. + :py:class:`AlphaType` is set to :py:attr:`AlphaType.kPremul_AlphaType`. + To access pixels after drawing, call flush() or peekPixels(). + + :py:class:`Canvas` is returned if all parameters are valid. Valid + parameters include: width and height are zero or positive; pixels is + buffer object with sufficient length; rowBytes is zero or large enough + to contain width pixels of :py:attr:`ColorType.kN32_ColorType`. + + Pass zero for rowBytes to compute rowBytes from width and size of pixel. + If rowBytes is greater than zero, it must be equal to or greater than + width times bytes required for :py:class:`ColorType`. + + Pixel buffer size should be height times rowBytes. + + :param int width: pixel column count on raster surface created; must be + zero or greater + :param int height: pixel row count on raster surface created; must be + zero or greater + :param Union[bytes,bytearray,memoryview] pixels: pointer to destination + pixels buffer; buffer size should be height times rowBytes + :param int rowBytes: interval from one :py:class:`Surface` row to the + next, or zero + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self) -> None: + """ + Creates an empty :py:class:`Canvas` with no backing device or pixels, + with a width and height of zero. + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__( + self, + array: numpy.ndarray, + colorType: ColorType = ..., + alphaType: AlphaType = ..., + colorSpace: ColorSpace | None = None, + surfaceProps: SurfaceProps | None = None, + ) -> None: + """ + Creates raster :py:class:`Canvas` backed by numpy array. + + Subsequent :py:class:`Canvas` calls draw into pixels. To access pixels + after drawing, call flush() or peekPixels(). + + :array: numpy ndarray of shape=(height, width, channels) and appropriate + dtype. Must have non-zero width and height, and the valid number of + channels for the specified color type. + :colorType: color type of the array + :alphaType: alpha type of the array + :colorSpace: range of colors; may be nullptr + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__( + self, + width: int, + height: int, + props: SurfaceProps | None = None, + ) -> None: + """ + Creates :py:class:`Canvas` of the specified dimensions without a + :py:class:`Surface`. + + Used by subclasses with custom implementations for draw member + functions. + + If props equals `None`, :py:class:`SurfaceProps` are created with + :py:class:`SurfaceProps.InitType` settings, which choose the pixel + striping direction and order. Since a platform may dynamically change + its direction when the device is rotated, and since a platform may have + multiple monitors with different characteristics, it is best not to rely + on this legacy behavior. + + :width: zero or greater + :height: zero or greater + :props: LCD striping orientation and setting for device independent + fonts; may be `None` + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, bitmap: Bitmap) -> None: + """ + Constructs a canvas that draws into bitmap. + + Sets :py:attr:`SurfaceProps.kLegacyFontHost` in constructed + :py:class:`Surface`. + + :py:class:`Bitmap` is copied so that subsequently editing bitmap will + not affect constructed :py:class:`Canvas`. + + May be deprecated in the future. + + :bitmap: width, height, :py:class:`ColorType`, :py:class:`AlphaType`, + and pixel storage of raster surface + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, bitmap: Bitmap, props: SurfaceProps) -> None: + """ + Constructs a canvas that draws into bitmap. + + Use props to match the device characteristics, like LCD striping. + + bitmap is copied so that subsequently editing bitmap will not affect + constructed :py:class:`Canvas`. + + :bitmap: width, height, :py:class:`ColorType`, :py:class:`AlphaType`, + and pixel storage of raster surface + :props: order and orientation of RGB striping; and whether to use device + independent fonts + """ + def accessTopLayerPixels(self, origin: IPoint | None = None) -> typing.Any: + """ + Returns the pixel base address, and origin if the pixels can be read + directly. + + The returned address is only valid while :py:class:`Canvas` is in scope + and unchanged. Any :py:class:`Canvas` call or :py:class:`Surface` call + may invalidate the returned address and other returned values. + + If pixels are inaccessible, returns None. + + :param origin: storage for :py:class:`Canvas` top layer origin, its + top-left corner; may be nullptr + :return: address of pixels, or nullptr if inaccessible + """ + def androidFramework_setDeviceClipRestriction(self, rect: IRect) -> None: + """ + Sets the maximum clip rectangle, which can be set by + :py:meth:`clipRect`, :py:meth:`clipRRect` and :py:meth:`clipPath` and + intersect the current clip with the specified rect. + + The maximum clip affects only future clipping operations; it is not + retroactive. The clip restriction is not recorded in pictures. + + Pass an empty rect to disable maximum clip. This private API is for use + by Android framework only. + + :param skia.IRect rect: maximum allowed clip in device coordinates + """ + @typing.overload + def clear(self, color: int) -> None: + """ + Fills clip with color color using :py:attr:`BlendMode.kSrc`. + + This has the effect of replacing all pixels contained by clip with + color. + + :param int color: unpremultiplied ARGB + """ + @typing.overload + def clear(self, color: Color4f) -> None: + """ + Fills clip with color color using :py:attr:`BlendMode.kSrc`. + + This has the effect of replacing all pixels contained by clip with + color. + + :param color: :py:class:`Color4f` representing unpremultiplied color. + """ + @typing.overload + def clipPath(self, path: Path, op: ClipOp, doAntiAlias: bool) -> None: + """ + Replaces clip with the intersection or difference of clip and path, with + an aliased or anti-aliased clip edge. + + :py:class:`Path.FillType` determines if path describes the area inside + or outside its contours; and if path contour overlaps itself or another + path contour, whether the overlaps form part of the area. path is + transformed by :py:class:`Matrix` before it is combined with clip. + + :path: :py:class:`Path` to combine with clip + :op: :py:class:`ClipOp` to apply to clip + :doAntiAlias: true if clip is to be anti-aliased + """ + @typing.overload + def clipPath(self, path: Path, op: ClipOp) -> None: + """ + Replaces clip with the intersection or difference of clip and path. + + Resulting clip is aliased; pixels are fully contained by the clip. + :py:class:`Path.FillType` determines if path describes the area inside + or outside its contours; and if path contour overlaps itself or another + path contour, whether the overlaps form part of the area. path is + transformed by :py:class:`Matrix` before it is combined with clip. + + :path: :py:class:`Path` to combine with clip + :op: :py:class:`ClipOp` to apply to clip + """ + @typing.overload + def clipPath(self, path: Path, doAntiAlias: bool = False) -> None: + """ + Replaces clip with the intersection of clip and path. + + Resulting clip is aliased; pixels are fully contained by the clip. + :py:class:`Path.FillType` determines if path describes the area inside + or outside its contours; and if path contour overlaps itself or another + path contour, whether the overlaps form part of the area. path is + transformed by :py:class:`Matrix` before it is combined with clip. + + :path: :py:class:`Path` to combine with clip + :doAntiAlias: true if clip is to be anti-aliased + """ + @typing.overload + def clipRRect(self, rrect: RRect, op: ClipOp, doAntiAlias: bool) -> None: + """ + Replaces clip with the intersection or difference of clip and rrect, + with an aliased or anti-aliased clip edge. + + rrect is transformed by :py:class:`Matrix` before it is combined with + clip. + + :rrect: :py:class:`RRect` to combine with clip + :op: :py:class:`ClipOp` to apply to clip + :doAntiAlias: true if clip is to be anti-aliased + """ + @typing.overload + def clipRRect(self, rrect: RRect, op: ClipOp) -> None: + """ + Replaces clip with the intersection or difference of clip and rrect. + + Resulting clip is aliased; pixels are fully contained by the clip. rrect + is transformed by :py:class:`Matrix` before it is combined with clip. + + :rrect: :py:class:`RRect` to combine with clip + :op: :py:class:`ClipOp` to apply to clip + """ + @typing.overload + def clipRRect(self, rrect: RRect, doAntiAlias: bool = False) -> None: + """ + Replaces clip with the intersection of clip and rrect, with an aliased + or anti-aliased clip edge. + + rrect is transformed by :py:class:`Matrix` before it is combined with + clip. + + :rrect: :py:class:`RRect` to combine with clip + :doAntiAlias: true if clip is to be anti-aliased + """ + @typing.overload + def clipRect(self, rect: Rect, op: ClipOp, doAntiAlias: bool) -> None: + """ + Replaces clip with the intersection or difference of clip and rect, with + an aliased or anti-aliased clip edge. + + rect is transformed by :py:class:`Matrix` before it is combined with + clip. + + :rect: :py:class:`Rect` to combine with clip + :op: :py:class:`ClipOp` to apply to clip + :doAntiAlias: true if clip is to be anti-aliased + """ + @typing.overload + def clipRect(self, rect: Rect, op: ClipOp) -> None: + """ + Replaces clip with the intersection or difference of clip and rect. + + Resulting clip is aliased; pixels are fully contained by the clip. rect + is transformed by :py:class:`Matrix` before it is combined with clip. + + :rect: :py:class:`Rect` to combine with clip + :op: :py:class:`ClipOp` to apply to clip + """ + @typing.overload + def clipRect(self, rect: Rect, doAntiAlias: bool = False) -> None: + """ + Replaces clip with the intersection of clip and rect. + + Resulting clip is aliased; pixels are fully contained by the clip. rect + is transformed by :py:class:`Matrix` before it is combined with clip. + + :rect: :py:class:`Rect` to combine with clip + :doAntiAlias: true if clip is to be anti-aliased + """ + def clipRegion(self, deviceRgn: Region, op: ClipOp = ...) -> None: + """ + Replaces clip with the intersection or difference of clip and + :py:class:`Region` deviceRgn. + + Resulting clip is aliased; pixels are fully contained by the clip. + deviceRgn is unaffected by :py:class:`Matrix`. + + :param skia.Region deviceRgn: :py:class:`Region` to combine with clip + :param skia.ClipOp op: :py:class:`ClipOp` to apply to clip + """ + @typing.overload + def concat(self, matrix: Matrix) -> None: + """ + Replaces :py:class:`Matrix` with matrix premultiplied with existing + :py:class:`Matrix`. + + This has the effect of transforming the drawn geometry by matrix, before + transforming the result with existing :py:class:`Matrix`. + + :matrix: matrix to premultiply with existing :py:class:`Matrix` + """ + @typing.overload + def concat(self, m44: M44) -> None: ... + def discard(self) -> None: + """ + Makes :py:class:`Canvas` contents undefined. + + Subsequent calls that read :py:class:`Canvas` pixels, such as drawing + with :py:class:`BlendMode`, return undefined results. :py:meth:`discard` + does not change clip or :py:class:`Matrix`. + + :py:meth:`discard` may do nothing, depending on the implementation of + :py:class:`Surface` or :py:class:`BaseDevice` that created + :py:class:`Canvas`. + + :py:meth:`discard` allows optimized performance on subsequent draws by + removing cached data associated with :py:class:`Surface` or + :py:class:`BaseDevice`. It is not necessary to call :py:meth:`discard` + once done with SkCanvas; any cached data is deleted when owning + :py:class:`Surface` or :py:class:`BaseDevice` is deleted. + """ + def drawAnnotation(self, rect: Rect, key: str, value: Data) -> None: + """ + Associates :py:class:`Rect` on :py:class:`Canvas` when an annotation; a + key-value pair, where the key is an UTF-8 string, and optional value is + stored as :py:class:`Data`. + + Only some canvas implementations, such as recording to + :py:class:`Picture`, or drawing to document PDF, use annotations. + + :param skia.Rect rect: :py:class:`Rect` extent of canvas to annotate + :param str key: string used for lookup + :param skia.Data value: data holding value stored in annotation + """ + def drawArc( + self, + oval: Rect, + startAngle: float, + sweepAngle: float, + useCenter: bool, + paint: Paint, + ) -> None: + """ + Draws arc using clip, :py:class:`Matrix`, and :py:class:`Paint` paint. + + Arc is part of oval bounded by oval, sweeping from startAngle to + startAngle plus sweepAngle. startAngle and sweepAngle are in degrees. + + startAngle of zero places start point at the right middle edge of oval. + A positive sweepAngle places arc end point clockwise from start point; a + negative sweepAngle places arc end point counterclockwise from start + point. sweepAngle may exceed 360 degrees, a full circle. If useCenter is + true, draw a wedge that includes lines from oval center to arc end + points. If useCenter is false, draw arc between end points. + + If :py:class:`Rect` oval is empty or sweepAngle is zero, nothing is + drawn. + + :param skia.Rect oval: :py:class:`Rect` bounds of oval containing arc to + draw + :param float startAngle: angle in degrees where arc begins + :param float sweepAngle: sweep angle in degrees; positive is clockwise + :param bool useCenter: if true, include the center of the oval + :param skia.Paint paint: :py:class:`Paint` stroke or fill, blend, color, + and so on, used to draw + """ + def drawAtlas( + self, + atlas: Image, + xform: list[RSXform], + tex: list[Rect], + colors: list[int], + mode: BlendMode, + options: SamplingOptions = ..., + cullRect: Rect | None = None, + paint: Paint | None = None, + ) -> None: + """ + Draws a set of sprites from atlas, using clip, :py:class:`Matrix`, and + optional :py:class:`Paint` paint. + + paint uses anti-alias, alpha, :py:class:`ColorFilter`, + :py:class:`ImageFilter`, and :py:class:`BlendMode` to draw, if present. + For each entry in the array, :py:class:`Rect` tex locates sprite in + atlas, and :py:class:`RSXform` xform transforms it into destination + space. + + xform, text, and colors if present, must contain count entries. Optional + colors are applied for each sprite using :py:class:`BlendMode` mode, + treating sprite as source and colors as destination. Optional cullRect + is a conservative bounds of all transformed sprites. If cullRect is + outside of clip, canvas can skip drawing. + + If atlas is `None`, this draws nothing. + + :param skia.Image atlas: :py:class:`Image` containing sprites + :param List[skia.RSXform] xform: :py:class:`RSXform` mappings for + sprites in atlas + :param List[skia.Rect] tex: :py:class:`Rect` locations of sprites in + atlas + :param List[int] colors: one per sprite, blended with sprite using + :py:class:`BlendMode`; may be `None` + :param skia.BlendMode mode: :py:class:`BlendMode` combining colors and + sprites + :param Union[skia.Rect,None] cullRect: bounds of transformed sprites + for efficient clipping; may be `None` + :param Union[skia.Paint,None] paint: :py:class:`ColorFilter`, + :py:class:`ImageFilter`, :py:class:`BlendMode`, and so on; may be + `None` + """ + def drawBitmap( + self, + bitmap: Bitmap, + left: float, + top: float, + paint: Paint | None = None, + ) -> None: + """ + Draws :py:class:`Bitmap` bitmap, with its top-left corner at (left, + top), using clip, :py:class:`Matrix`, and optional :py:class:`Paint` + paint. + + If :py:class:`Paint` paint is not nullptr, apply + :py:class:`ColorFilter`, alpha, :py:class:`ImageFilter`, + :py:class:`BlendMode`, and :py:class:`DrawLooper`. If bitmap is + :py:attr:`ColorType.kAlpha_8_ColorType`, apply :py:class:`Shader`. If + paint contains :py:class:`MaskFilter`, generate mask from bitmap bounds. + + If generated mask extends beyond bitmap bounds, replicate bitmap edge + colors, just as :py:class:`Shader` made from + :py:meth:`Shader.MakeBitmapShader` with :py:attr:`TileMode.kClamp` set + replicates the bitmap edge color when it samples outside of its bounds. + + :param skia.Bitmap bitmap: :py:class:`Bitmap` containing pixels, + dimensions, and format + :param left: left side of bitmap + :param top: top side of bitmap + :param paint: :py:class:`Paint` containing :py:class:`BlendMode`, + :py:class:`ColorFilter`, :py:class:`ImageFilter`, and so on; or + nullptr + """ + @typing.overload + def drawBitmapRect( + self, + bitmap: Bitmap, + src: Rect, + dst: Rect, + paint: Paint | None = None, + constraint: Canvas.SrcRectConstraint = ..., + ) -> None: + """ + Draws :py:class:`Rect` src of :py:class:`Bitmap` bitmap, scaled and + translated to fill :py:class:`Rect` dst. + + Additionally transform draw using clip, :py:class:`Matrix`, and optional + :py:class:`Paint` paint. + + If :py:class:`Paint` paint is supplied, apply :py:class:`ColorFilter`, + alpha, :py:class:`ImageFilter`, :py:class:`BlendMode`, + and :py:class:`DrawLooper`. If bitmap is + :py:attr:`ColorType.kAlpha_8_ColorType`, apply :py:class:`Shader`. If + paint contains :py:class:`MaskFilter`, generate mask from bitmap bounds. + + If generated mask extends beyond bitmap bounds, replicate bitmap edge + colors, just as :py:class:`Shader` made from + :py:meth:`Shader.MakeBitmapShader` with :py:attr:`TileMode.kClamp` set + replicates the bitmap edge color when it samples outside of its bounds. + + constraint set to :py:attr:`kStrict_SrcRectConstraint` limits + :py:class:`Paint` :py:class:`FilterQuality` to sample within src; set to + :py:attr:`kFast_SrcRectConstraint` allows sampling outside to improve + performance. + + :bitmap: :py:class:`Bitmap` containing pixels, dimensions, and format + :src: source :py:class:`Rect` of image to draw from + :dst: destination :py:class:`Rect` of image to draw to + :paint: :py:class:`Paint` containing :py:class:`BlendMode`, + :py:class:`ColorFilter`, :py:class:`ImageFilter`, and so on; or + nullptr + :constraint: filter strictly within src or draw faster + """ + @typing.overload + def drawBitmapRect( + self, + bitmap: Bitmap, + isrc: Rect, + dst: Rect, + paint: Paint | None = None, + constraint: Canvas.SrcRectConstraint = ..., + ) -> None: + """ + Draws :py:class:`IRect` isrc of :py:class:`Bitmap` bitmap, scaled and + translated to fill :py:class:`Rect` dst. + + Additionally transform draw using clip, :py:class:`Matrix`, and optional + :py:class:`Paint` paint. + + If :py:class:`Paint` paint is supplied, apply :py:class:`ColorFilter`, + alpha, :py:class:`ImageFilter`, :py:class:`BlendMode`, + and :py:class:`DrawLooper`. If bitmap is + :py:attr:`ColorType.kAlpha_8_ColorType`, apply :py:class:`Shader`. If + paint contains :py:class:`MaskFilter`, generate mask from bitmap bounds. + + If generated mask extends beyond bitmap bounds, replicate bitmap edge + colors, just as :py:class:`Shader` made from + :py:meth:`Shader.MakeBitmapShader` with :py:attr:`TileMode.kClamp` set + replicates the bitmap edge color when it samples outside of its bounds. + + constraint set to :py:attr:`kStrict_SrcRectConstraint` limits + :py:class:`Paint` :py:class:`FilterQuality` to sample within isrc; set + to :py:attr:`kFast_SrcRectConstraint` allows sampling outside to improve + performance. + + :bitmap: :py:class:`Bitmap` containing pixels, dimensions, and format + :isrc: source :py:class:`IRect` of image to draw from + :dst: destination :py:class:`Rect` of image to draw to + :paint: :py:class:`Paint` containing :py:class:`BlendMode`, + :py:class:`ColorFilter`, :py:class:`ImageFilter`, and so on; or + nullptr + :constraint: filter strictly within isrc or draw faster + """ + @typing.overload + def drawBitmapRect( + self, + bitmap: Bitmap, + dst: Rect, + paint: Paint | None = None, + constraint: Canvas.SrcRectConstraint = ..., + ) -> None: + """ + Draws :py:class:`Bitmap` bitmap, scaled and translated to fill + :py:class:`Rect` dst. + + bitmap bounds is on integer pixel boundaries; dst may include fractional + boundaries. Additionally transform draw using clip, :py:class:`Matrix`, + and optional :py:class:`Paint` paint. + + If :py:class:`Paint` paint is supplied, apply :py:class:`ColorFilter`, + alpha, :py:class:`ImageFilter`, :py:class:`BlendMode`, + and :py:class:`DrawLooper`. If bitmap is + :py:attr:`ColorType.kAlpha_8_ColorType`, apply :py:class:`Shader`. If + paint contains :py:class:`MaskFilter`, generate mask from bitmap bounds. + + If generated mask extends beyond bitmap bounds, replicate bitmap edge + colors, just as :py:class:`Shader` made from + :py:meth:`Shader.MakeBitmapShader` with :py:attr:`TileMode.kClamp` set + replicates the bitmap edge color when it samples outside of its bounds. + + constraint set to :py:attr:`kStrict_SrcRectConstraint` limits + :py:class:`Paint` :py:class:`FilterQuality` to sample within isrc; set + to :py:attr:`kFast_SrcRectConstraint` allows sampling outside to improve + performance. + + :bitmap: :py:class:`Bitmap` containing pixels, dimensions, and format + :dst: destination :py:class:`Rect` of image to draw to + :paint: :py:class:`Paint` containing :py:class:`BlendMode`, + :py:class:`ColorFilter`, :py:class:`ImageFilter`, and so on; or + nullptr + :constraint: filter strictly within bitmap or draw faster + """ + @typing.overload + def drawCircle(self, cx: float, cy: float, radius: float, paint: Paint) -> None: + """ + Draws circle at (cx, cy) with radius using clip, :py:class:`Matrix`, and + :py:class:`Paint` paint. + + If radius is zero or less, nothing is drawn. In paint: + :py:class:`Paint.Style` determines if circle is stroked or filled; if + stroked, :py:class:`Paint` stroke width describes the line thickness. + + :cx: circle center on the x-axis + :cy: circle center on the y-axis + :radius: half the diameter of circle + :paint: :py:class:`Paint` stroke or fill, blend, color, and so on, used + to draw + """ + @typing.overload + def drawCircle(self, center: Point, radius: float, paint: Paint) -> None: + """ + Draws circle at center with radius using clip, :py:class:`Matrix`, and + :py:class:`Paint` paint. + + If radius is zero or less, nothing is drawn. In paint: + :py:class:`Paint.Style` determines if circle is stroked or filled; if + stroked, :py:class:`Paint` stroke width describes the line thickness. + + :center: circle center + :radius: half the diameter of circle + :paint: :py:class:`Paint` stroke or fill, blend, color, and so on, used + to draw + """ + @typing.overload + def drawColor(self, color: int, mode: BlendMode = ...) -> None: + """ + Fills clip with color color. + + mode determines how ARGB is combined with destination. + + :param int color: unpremultiplied ARGB + :param skia.BlendMode mode: :py:class:`BlendMode` used to combine source + color and destination + """ + @typing.overload + def drawColor(self, color: Color4f, mode: BlendMode = ...) -> None: + """ + Fills clip with color color. + + mode determines how ARGB is combined with destination. + + :param color: :py:class:`Color4f` representing unpremultiplied color. + :param skia.BlendMode mode: :py:class:`BlendMode` used to combine source + color and destination + """ + def drawDRRect(self, outer: RRect, inner: RRect, paint: Paint) -> None: + """ + Draws :py:class:`RRect` outer and inner using clip, :py:class:`Matrix`, + and :py:class:`Paint` paint. + + outer must contain inner or the drawing is undefined. In paint: + :py:class:`Paint.Style` determines if :py:class:`RRect` is stroked or + filled; if stroked, :py:class:`Paint` stroke width describes the line + thickness, and :py:class:`Paint.Join` draws the corners rounded or + square. + + GPU-backed platforms optimize drawing when both outer and inner are + concave and outer contains inner. These platforms may not be able to + draw :py:class:`Path` built with identical data as fast. + + :param skia.RRect outer: :py:class:`RRect` outer bounds to draw + :param skia.RRect inner: :py:class:`RRect` inner bounds to draw + :param skia.Paint paint: stroke or fill, blend, color, and so on, used + to draw + """ + def drawIRect(self, rect: IRect, paint: Paint) -> None: + """ + Draws :py:class:`IRect` rect using clip, :py:class:`Matrix`, and + :py:class:`Paint` paint. + + In paint: :py:class:`Paint.Style` determines if rectangle is stroked or + filled; if stroked, :py:class:`Paint` stroke width describes the line + thickness, and :py:class:`Paint.Join` draws the corners rounded or + square. + + :param skia.IRect rect: rectangle to draw + :param skia.Paint paint: stroke or fill, blend, color, and so on, used + to draw + """ + def drawImage( + self, + image: Image, + left: float, + top: float, + options: SamplingOptions = ..., + paint: Paint | None = None, + ) -> None: + """ + Draws :py:class:`Image` image, with its top-left corner at (left, top), + using clip, :py:class:`Matrix`, and optional :py:class:`Paint` paint. + + This is equivalent to drawImageRect() using a dst rect at (x,y) with the + same width and height of the image. + + :image: uncompressed rectangular map of pixels + :left: left side of image + :top: top side of image + :paint: :py:class:`Paint` containing :py:class:`BlendMode`, + :py:class:`ColorFilter`, :py:class:`ImageFilter`, and so on; or + nullptr + """ + @typing.overload + def drawImageRect( + self, + image: Image, + src: Rect, + dst: Rect, + options: SamplingOptions = ..., + paint: Paint | None = None, + constraint: Canvas.SrcRectConstraint = ..., + ) -> None: + """ + Draws :py:class:`Rect` src of :py:class:`Image` image, scaled and + translated to fill :py:class:`Rect` dst. + + Additionally transform draw using clip, :py:class:`Matrix`, and optional + :py:class:`Paint` paint. + + If :py:class:`Paint` paint is supplied, apply :py:class:`ColorFilter`, + alpha, :py:class:`ImageFilter`, :py:class:`BlendMode`, and + :py:class:`DrawLooper`. If image is + :py:attr:`ColorType.kAlpha_8_ColorType`, apply :py:class:`Shader`. If + paint contains :py:class:`MaskFilter`, generate mask from image bounds. + + If generated mask extends beyond image bounds, replicate image edge + colors, just as :py:class:`Shader` made from + :py:meth:`Image.makeShader` with :py:attr:`TileMode.kClamp` + set replicates the image edge color when it samples outside of its + bounds. + + When using a shader or shader mask filter, its coordinate system is + based on the current CTM, so will reflect the dst rect geometry and is + equivalent to drawRect(dst). The src rect is only used to access the + provided image. + + constraint set to :py:attr:`kStrict_SrcRectConstraint` limits + :py:class:`Paint` :py:class:`FilterQuality` to sample within src; set to + :py:attr:`kFast_SrcRectConstraint` allows sampling outside to improve + performance. + + :image: :py:class:`Image` containing pixels, dimensions, and format + :src: source :py:class:`Rect` of image to draw from + :dst: destination :py:class:`Rect` of image to draw to + :paint: :py:class:`Paint` containing :py:class:`BlendMode`, + :py:class:`ColorFilter`, :py:class:`ImageFilter`, and so on; or + nullptr + :constraint: filter strictly within src or draw faster + """ + @typing.overload + def drawImageRect( + self, + image: Image, + isrc: Rect, + dst: Rect, + options: SamplingOptions = ..., + paint: Paint | None = None, + constraint: Canvas.SrcRectConstraint = ..., + ) -> None: + """ + Draws :py:class:`IRect` isrc of :py:class:`Image` image, scaled and + translated to fill :py:class:`Rect` dst. + + Additionally transform draw using clip, :py:class:`Matrix`, and optional + :py:class:`Paint` paint. + + If :py:class:`Paint` paint is supplied, apply :py:class:`ColorFilter`, + alpha, :py:class:`ImageFilter`, :py:class:`BlendMode`, and + :py:class:`DrawLooper`. If image is + :py:attr:`ColorType.kAlpha_8_ColorType`, apply :py:class:`Shader`. If + paint contains :py:class:`MaskFilter`, generate mask from image bounds. + + If generated mask extends beyond image bounds, replicate image edge + colors, just as :py:class:`Shader` made from + :py:meth:`Image.makeShader` with :py:attr:`TileMode.kClamp` + set replicates the image edge color when it samples outside of its + bounds. + + When using a shader or shader mask filter, its coordinate system is + based on the current CTM, so will reflect the dst rect geometry and is + equivalent to drawRect(dst). The isrc rect is only used to access the + provided image. + + constraint set to :py:attr:`kStrict_SrcRectConstraint` limits + :py:class:`Paint` :py:class:`FilterQuality` to sample within isrc; set + to :py:attr:`kFast_SrcRectConstraint` allows sampling outside to improve + performance. + + :image: :py:class:`Image` containing pixels, dimensions, and format + :isrc: source :py:class:`IRect` of image to draw from + :dst: destination :py:class:`Rect` of image to draw to + :paint: :py:class:`Paint` containing :py:class:`BlendMode`, + :py:class:`ColorFilter`, :py:class:`ImageFilter`, and so on; or + nullptr + :constraint: filter strictly within isrc or draw faster + """ + @typing.overload + def drawImageRect( + self, + image: Image, + dst: Rect, + options: SamplingOptions = ..., + paint: Paint | None = None, + ) -> None: + """ + Draws :py:class:`Image` image, scaled and translated to fill + :py:class:`Rect` dst, using clip, :py:class:`Matrix`, and optional + :py:class:`Paint` paint. + + If :py:class:`Paint` paint is supplied, apply :py:class:`ColorFilter`, + alpha, :py:class:`ImageFilter`, :py:class:`BlendMode`, and + :py:class:`DrawLooper`. If image is + :py:attr:`ColorType.kAlpha_8_ColorType`, apply :py:class:`Shader`. If + paint contains :py:class:`MaskFilter`, generate mask from image bounds. + + If generated mask extends beyond image bounds, replicate image edge + colors, just as :py:class:`Shader` made from + :py:meth:`Image.makeShader` with :py:attr:`TileMode.kClamp` + set replicates the image edge color when it samples outside of its + bounds. + + When using a shader or shader mask filter, its coordinate system is + based on the current CTM, so will reflect the dst rect geometry and is + equivalent to drawRect(dst). + + :image: :py:class:`Image` containing pixels, dimensions, and format + :dst: destination :py:class:`Rect` of image to draw to + :paint: :py:class:`Paint` containing :py:class:`BlendMode`, + :py:class:`ColorFilter`, :py:class:`ImageFilter`, and so on; or + nullptr + :constraint: filter strictly within src or draw faster + """ + @typing.overload + def drawLine( + self, + x0: float, + y0: float, + x1: float, + y1: float, + paint: Paint, + ) -> None: + """ + Draws line segment from (x0, y0) to (x1, y1) using clip, + :py:class:`Matrix`, and :py:class:`Paint` paint. + + In paint: :py:class:`Paint` stroke width describes the line thickness; + :py:class:`Paint.Cap` draws the end rounded or square; + :py:class:`Paint.Style` is ignored, as if were set to + :py:attr:`Paint.Style.kStroke`. + + :x0: start of line segment on x-axis + :y0: start of line segment on y-axis + :x1: end of line segment on x-axis + :y1: end of line segment on y-axis + :paint: stroke, blend, color, and so on, used to draw + """ + @typing.overload + def drawLine(self, p0: Point, p1: Point, paint: Paint) -> None: + """ + Draws line segment from p0 to p1 using clip, :py:class:`Matrix`, and + :py:class:`Paint` paint. + + In paint: :py:class:`Paint` stroke width describes the line thickness; + :py:class:`Paint.Cap` draws the end rounded or square; + :py:class:`Paint.Style` is ignored, as if were set to + :py:attr:`Paint.Style.kStroke`. + + :p0: start of line segment + :p1: end of line segment + :paint: stroke, blend, color, and so on, used to draw + """ + def drawOval(self, oval: Rect, paint: Paint) -> None: + """ + Draws oval using clip, :py:class:`Matrix`, and :py:class:`Paint` paint. + + In paint: :py:class:`Paint.Style` determines if oval is stroked or + filled; if stroked, :py:class:`Paint` stroke width describes the line + thickness, and :py:class:`Paint.Join` draws the corners rounded or + square. + + :param skia.Rect oval: oval to draw + :param skia.Paint paint: stroke or fill, blend, color, and so on, used + to draw + """ + def drawPaint(self, paint: Paint) -> None: + """ + Fills clip with :py:class:`Paint` paint. + + :py:class:`Paint` components :py:class:`MaskFilter`, :py:class:`Shader`, + :py:class:`ColorFilter`, :py:class:`ImageFilter`, and + :py:class:`BlendMode` affect drawing; :py:class:`PathEffect` in paint is + ignored. + + :param skia.Paint paint: graphics state used to fill :py:class:`Canvas` + """ + def drawPatch( + self, + cubics: list[Point], + colors: list[int], + texCoords: list[Point], + mode: BlendMode, + paint: Paint, + ) -> None: + """ + Draws a Coons patch: the interpolation of four cubics with shared + corners, associating a color, and optionally a texture + :py:class:`Point`, with each corner. + + Coons patch uses clip and :py:class:`Matrix`, paint :py:class:`Shader`, + :py:class:`ColorFilter`, alpha, :py:class:`ImageFilter`, and + :py:class:`BlendMode`. If :py:class:`Shader` is provided it is treated + as Coons patch texture; :py:class:`BlendMode` mode combines color colors + and :py:class:`Shader` if both are provided. + + :py:class:`Point` array cubics specifies four :py:class:`Path` cubic + starting at the top-left corner, in clockwise order, sharing every + fourth point. The last :py:class:`Path` cubic ends at the first point. + + Color array color associates colors with corners in top-left, top-right, + bottom-right, bottom-left order. + + If paint contains :py:class:`Shader`, :py:class:`Point` array texCoords + maps :py:class:`Shader` as texture to corners in top-left, top-right, + bottom-right, bottom-left order. If texCoords is nullptr, + :py:class:`Shader` is mapped using positions (derived from cubics). + + :param List[skia.Point] cubics: :py:class:`Path` cubic array, sharing + common points (length 12) + :param List[int] colors: color array, one for each corner (length 4) + :param List[skia.Point] texCoords: :py:class:`Point` array of texture + coordinates, mapping :py:class:`Shader` to corners (length 4); may + be an empty list + :param mode: :py:class:`BlendMode` for colors, and for + :py:class:`Shader` if paint has one + :param paint: :py:class:`Shader`, :py:class:`ColorFilter`, + :py:class:`BlendMode`, used to draw + """ + def drawPath(self, path: Path, paint: Paint) -> None: + """ + Draws :py:class:`Path` path using clip, :py:class:`Matrix`, and + :py:class:`Paint` paint. + + :py:class:`Path` contains an array of path contour, each of which may be + open or closed. + + In paint: :py:class:`Paint.Style` determines if :py:class:`RRect` is + stroked or filled: if filled, :py:class:`Path.FillType` determines + whether path contour describes inside or outside of fill; if stroked, + :py:class:`Paint` stroke width describes the line thickness, + :py:class:`Paint`::Cap describes line ends, and :py:class:`Paint.Join` + describes how corners are drawn. + + :param skia.Path path: :py:class:`Path` to draw + :param skia.Paint paint: stroke, blend, color, and so on, used to draw + """ + def drawPicture( + self, + picture: Picture, + matrix: Matrix | None = None, + paint: Paint | None = None, + ) -> None: + """ + Draws :py:class:`Picture` picture, using clip and :py:class:`Matrix`; + transforming picture with :py:class:`Matrix` matrix, if provided; and + use :py:class:`Paint` paint alpha, :py:class:`ColorFilter`, + :py:class:`ImageFilter`, and :py:class:`BlendMode`, if provided. + + :py:class:`Picture` records a series of draw commands for later + playback. + + matrix transformation is equivalent to: save(), concat(), drawPicture(), + restore(). paint use is equivalent to: saveLayer(), drawPicture(), + restore(). + + :param skia.Picture picture: recorded drawing commands to play + :param skia.Matrix matrix: :py:class:`Matrix` to rotate, scale, + translate, and so on; may be `None` + :param skia.Paint paint: :py:class:`Paint` to apply transparency, + filtering, and so on; may be `None` + """ + @typing.overload + def drawPoint(self, x: float, y: float, paint: Paint) -> None: + """ + Draws point at (x, y) using clip, :py:class:`Matrix` and + :py:class:`Paint` paint. + + The shape of point drawn depends on paint :py:class:`Paint.Cap`. If + paint is set to :py:attr:`Paint.Cap.kRound`, draw a circle of diameter + :py:class:`Paint` stroke width. If paint is set to + :py:attr:`Paint.Cap.kSquare` or :py:class:`Paint.Cap.Butt`, draw a + square of width and height :py:class:`Paint` stroke width. + :py:class:`Paint.Style` is ignored, as if were set to + :py:class:`Paint.Style.kStroke`. + + :x: left edge of circle or square + :y: top edge of circle or square + :paint: stroke, blend, color, and so on, used to draw + """ + @typing.overload + def drawPoint(self, p: Point, paint: Paint) -> None: + """ + Draws point p using clip, :py:class:`Matrix` and :py:class:`Paint` + paint. + + The shape of point drawn depends on paint :py:class:`Paint.Cap`. If + paint is set to :py:attr:`Paint.Cap.kRound`, draw a circle of diameter + :py:class:`Paint` stroke width. If paint is set to + :py:attr:`Paint.Cap.kSquare` or :py:class:`Paint.Cap.Butt`, draw a + square of width and height :py:class:`Paint` stroke width. + :py:class:`Paint.Style` is ignored, as if were set to + :py:class:`Paint.Style.kStroke`. + + :p: top-left edge of circle or square + :paint: stroke, blend, color, and so on, used to draw + """ + def drawPoints( + self, + mode: Canvas.PointMode, + pts: list[Point], + paint: Paint, + ) -> None: + """ + Draws pts using clip, :py:class:`Matrix` and :py:class:`Paint` + paint. + + mode may be one of: :py:attr:`~Canvas.PointMode.kPoints`, + :py:attr:`~Canvas.PointMode.kLines`, or + :py:attr:`~Canvas.PointMode.kPolygon`. + + If mode is :py:attr:`kPoints`, the shape of point drawn depends on + paint :py:class:`Paint.Cap`. If paint is set to :py:attr:`Paint.kRound`, + each point draws a circle of diameter :py:class:`Paint` stroke width. If + paint is set to :py:attr:`Paint.kSquare` or :py:attr:`Paint.kButt`, each + point draws a square of width and height :py:attr:`Paint` stroke width. + + If mode is :py:attr:`kLines`, each pair of points draws a line segment. + One line is drawn for every two points; each point is used once. If + count is odd, the final point is ignored. + + If mode is :py:attr:`kPolygon`, each adjacent pair of points draws a + line segment. count minus one lines are drawn; the first and last point + are used once. + + Each line segment respects paint :py:class:`Paint.Cap` and + :py:class:`Paint` stroke width. :py:class:`Paint.Style` is ignored, as + if were set to :py:attr:`Paint.kStroke`. + + Always draws each element one at a time; is not affected by + :py:class:`Paint.Join`, and unlike :py:meth:`drawPath`, does not create + a mask from all points and lines before drawing. + + :param skia.Canvas.PointMode mode: whether pts draws points or lines + :param Iterable[skia.Point] pts: array of points to draw + :param skia.Paint paint: stroke, blend, color, and so on, used to draw + """ + def drawRRect(self, rrect: RRect, paint: Paint) -> None: + """ + Draws :py:class:`RRect` rrect using clip, :py:class:`Matrix`, and + :py:class:`Paint` paint. + + In paint: :py:class:`Paint.Style` determines if rrect is stroked or + filled; if stroked, :py:class:`Paint` stroke width describes the line + thickness, and :py:class:`Paint.Join` draws the corners rounded or + square. + + rrect may represent a rectangle, circle, oval, uniformly rounded + rectangle, or may have any combination of positive non-square radii for + the four corners. + + :param skia.RRect rrect: rrect to draw + :param skia.Paint paint: stroke or fill, blend, color, and so on, used + to draw + """ + def drawRect(self, rect: Rect, paint: Paint) -> None: + """ + Draws :py:class:`Rect` rect using clip, :py:class:`Matrix`, and + :py:class:`Paint` paint. + + In paint: :py:class:`Paint.Style` determines if rectangle is stroked or + filled; if stroked, :py:class:`Paint` stroke width describes the line + thickness, and :py:class:`Paint.Join` draws the corners rounded or + square. + + :param skia.Rect rect: rectangle to draw + :param skia.Paint paint: stroke or fill, blend, color, and so on, used + to draw + """ + def drawRegion(self, region: Region, paint: Paint) -> None: + """ + Draws :py:class:`Region` region using clip, :py:class:`Matrix`, and + :py:class:`Paint` paint. + + In paint: :py:class:`Paint.Style` determines if rectangle is stroked or + filled; if stroked, :py:class:`Paint` stroke width describes the line + thickness, and :py:class:`Paint.Join` draws the corners rounded or + square. + + :param skia.Region region: region to draw + :param skia.Paint paint: stroke or fill, blend, color, and so on, used + to draw + """ + def drawRoundRect(self, rect: Rect, rx: float, ry: float, paint: Paint) -> None: + """ + Draws :py:class:`RRect` bounded by :py:class:`Rect` rect, with corner + radii (rx, ry) using clip, :py:class:`Matrix`, and :py:class:`Paint` + paint. + + In paint: :py:class:`Paint.Style` determines if :py:class:`RRect` is + stroked or filled; if stroked, :py:class:`Paint` stroke width describes + the line thickness. If rx or ry are less than zero, they are treated as + if they are zero. If rx plus ry exceeds rect width or rect height, radii + are scaled down to fit. If rx and ry are zero, :py:class:`RRect` is + drawn as :py:class:`Rect` and if stroked is affected by + :py:class:`Paint.Join`. + + :param skia.Rect rect: SkRect bounds of SkRRect to draw + :param float rx: axis length on x-axis of oval describing rounded + corners + :param float ry: axis length on y-axis of oval describing rounded + corners + :param skia.Paint paint: stroke, blend, color, and so on, used to draw + """ + def drawSimpleText( + self, + text: str, + x: float, + y: float, + font: Font, + paint: Paint, + ) -> None: + """ + Draws text, with origin at (x, y), using clip, :py:class:`Matrix`, + :py:class:`Font` font, and :py:class:`Paint` paint. + + This function uses the default character-to-glyph mapping from the + :py:class:`Typeface` in font. It does not perform typeface fallback for + characters not found in the :py:class:`Typeface`. It does not perform + kerning or other complex shaping; glyphs are positioned based on their + default advances. + + Text size is affected by :py:class:`Matrix` and :py:class:`Font` text + size. Default text size is 12 point. + + All elements of paint: :py:class:`PathEffect`, :py:class:`MaskFilter`, + :py:class:`Shader`, :py:class:`ColorFilter`, :py:class:`ImageFilter`, + and :py:class:`DrawLooper`; apply to text. By default, draws filled + black glyphs. + + :param str text: character code points or glyphs drawn + :param float x: start of text on x-axis + :param float y: start of text on y-axis + :param skia.Font font: typeface, text size and so, used to describe the + text + :param skia.Paint paint: blend, color, and so on, used to draw + """ + def drawString( + self, + text: str, + x: float, + y: float, + font: Font, + paint: Paint, + ) -> None: + """ + Draws string, with origin at (x, y), using clip, :py:class:`Matrix`, + :py:class:`Font` font, and :py:class:`Paint` paint. + + This function uses the default character-to-glyph mapping from the + :py:class:`Typeface` in font. It does not perform typeface fallback for + characters not found in the :py:class:`Typeface`. It does not perform + kerning; glyphs are positioned based on their default advances. + + String `text` is encoded as UTF-8. + + Text size is affected by :py:class:`Matrix` and font text size. Default + text size is 12 point. + + All elements of paint: :py:class:`PathEffect`, :py:class:`MaskFilter`, + :py:class:`Shader`, :py:class:`ColorFilter`, :py:class:`ImageFilter`, + and :py:class:`DrawLooper`; apply to text. By default, draws filled + black glyphs. + + :param str text: character code points drawn, ending with a char value + of zero + :param float x: start of string on x-axis + :param float y: start of string on y-axis + :param skia.Font font: typeface, text size and so, used to describe the + text + :param skia.Paint paint: blend, color, and so on, used to draw + """ + def drawTextBlob(self, blob: TextBlob, x: float, y: float, paint: Paint) -> None: + """ + Draws :py:class:`TextBlob` blob at (x, y), using clip, + :py:class:`Matrix`, and :py:class:`Paint` paint. + + `blob` contains glyphs, their positions, and paint attributes specific + to text: :py:class:`Typeface`, :py:class:`Paint` text size, + :py:class:`Paint` text scale x, :py:class:`Paint` text skew x, + :py:class:`Paint`::Align, :py:class:`Paint`::Hinting, anti-alias, + :py:class:`Paint` fake bold, :py:class:`Paint` font embedded bitmaps, + :py:class:`Paint` full hinting spacing, LCD text, :py:class:`Paint` + linear text, and :py:class:`Paint` subpixel text. + + :py:class:`TextEncoding` must be set to + :py:attr:`TextEncoding.kGlyphID`. + + Elements of paint: anti-alias, :py:class:`BlendMode`, color including + alpha, :py:class:`ColorFilter`, :py:class:`Paint` dither, + :py:class:`DrawLooper`, :py:class:`MaskFilter`, :py:class:`PathEffect`, + :py:class:`Shader`, and :py:class:`Paint.Style`; apply to blob. If + :py:class:`Paint` contains :py:attr:`Paint.kStroke`: :py:class:`Paint` + iter limit, :py:class:`Paint.Cap`, :py:class:`Paint.Join`, and + :py:class:`Paint` stroke width; apply to :py:class:`Path` created from + blob. + + :param skia.TextBlob blob: glyphs, positions, and their paints' text + size, typeface, and so on + :param float x: horizontal offset applied to blob + :param float y: vertical offset applied to blob + :param skia.Paint paint: blend, color, stroking, and so on, used to draw + """ + def drawVertices( + self, + vertices: Vertices, + paint: Paint, + mode: BlendMode = ..., + ) -> None: + """ + Draws :py:class:`Vertices` vertices, a triangle mesh, using clip and + :py:class:`Matrix`. If paint contains an :py:class:`Shader` and vertices + does not contain texCoords, the shader is mapped using the vertices' + positions. + + If vvertices colors are defined in vertices, and :py:class:`Paint` paint + contains :py:class:`Shader`, :py:class:`BlendMode` mode combines + vertices colors with :py:class:`Shader`. + + :param skia.Vertices vertices: triangle mesh to draw + :param skia.BlendMode mode: combines vertices colors with + :py:class:`Shader`, if both are present + :param skia.Paint paint: specifies the :py:class:`Shader`, used as + :py:class:`Vertices` texture + """ + def flush(self) -> None: + """ + Triggers the immediate execution of all pending draw operations. + + If :py:class:`Canvas` is associated with GPU surface, resolves all + pending GPU operations. If :py:class:`Canvas` is associated with raster + surface, has no effect; raster draw operations are never deferred. + """ + def getBaseLayerSize(self) -> ISize: + """ + Gets the size of the base or root layer in global canvas coordinates. + + The origin of the base layer is always (0,0). The area available for + drawing may be smaller (due to clipping or saveLayer). + + :return: integral width and height of base layer + :rtype: skia.ISize + """ + @typing.overload + def getDeviceClipBounds(self) -> IRect: + """ + Returns :py:class:`IRect` bounds of clip, unaffected by + :py:class:`Matrix`. + + If clip is empty, return :py:meth:`Rect.MakeEmpty`, where all + :py:class:`Rect` sides equal zero. + + Unlike :py:meth:`getLocalClipBounds`, returned :py:class:`IRect` is not + outset. + + :return: bounds of clip in :py:class:`BaseDevice` coordinates + """ + @typing.overload + def getDeviceClipBounds(self, bounds: IRect) -> bool: + """ + Returns :py:class:`IRect` bounds of clip, unaffected by + :py:class:`Matrix`. + + If clip is empty, return false, and set bounds to + :py:meth:`Rect.MakeEmpty`, where all :py:class:`Rect` sides equal zero. + + Unlike :py:meth:`getLocalClipBounds`, returned :py:class:`IRect` is not + outset. + + :param skia.Rect bounds: :py:class:`Rect` of clip in device coordinates + :return: bounds of clip in :py:class:`BaseDevice` coordinates + """ + @typing.overload + def getLocalClipBounds(self) -> Rect: + """ + Returns bounds of clip, transformed by inverse of :py:class:`Matrix`. + + If clip is empty, return :py:meth:`Rect.MakeEmpty`, where all + :py:class:`Rect` sides equal zero. + + :py:class:`Rect` returned is outset by one to account for partial pixel + coverage if clip is anti-aliased. + + :return: bounds of clip in local coordinates + """ + @typing.overload + def getLocalClipBounds(self, bounds: Rect) -> bool: + """ + Returns bounds of clip, transformed by inverse of :py:class:`Matrix`. + + If clip is empty, return false, and set bounds to + :py:meth:`Rect.MakeEmpty`, where all :py:class:`Rect` sides equal zero. + + bounds is outset by one to account for partial pixel coverage if clip is + anti-aliased. + + :bounds: :py:class:`Rect` of clip in local coordinates + :return: true if clip bounds is not empty + """ + def getLocalToDevice(self) -> M44: ... + def getProps(self, props: SurfaceProps) -> bool: + """ + Copies :py:class:`SurfaceProps`, if :py:class:`Canvas` is associated + with raster surface or GPU surface, and returns true. + + Otherwise, returns false and leave props unchanged. + + :param skia.SurfaceProps props: storage for writable SurfaceProps + :return: true if :py:class:`SurfaceProps` was copied + """ + def getSaveCount(self) -> int: + """ + Returns the number of saved states, each containing: :py:class:`Matrix` + and clip. + + Equals the number of :py:meth:`save` calls less the number of + :py:meth:`restore` calls plus one. The save count of a new canvas is + one. + + :return: depth of save state stack + """ + def getSurface(self) -> Surface: + """ + Sometimes a canvas is owned by a surface. + + If it is, getSurface() will return a bare pointer to that surface, else + this will return nullptr. + + :rtype: skia.Surface or None + """ + def getTotalMatrix(self) -> Matrix: + """ + Legacy version of :py:meth:`getLocalToDevice`, which strips away any Z + information, and just returns a 3x3 version. + + :return: 3x3 version of :py:meth:`getLocalToDevice` + """ + def imageInfo(self) -> ImageInfo: + """ + Returns :py:class:`ImageInfo` for :py:class:`Canvas`. + + If :py:class:`Canvas` is not associated with raster surface or GPU + surface, returned :py:class:`ColorType` is set to + :py:attr:`ColorType.kUnknown_ColorType`. + + :return: dimensions and :py:class:`ColorType` of :py:class:`Canvas` + """ + def isClipEmpty(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if clip is empty; that is, nothing will draw. + + May do work when called; it should not be called more often than needed. + However, once called, subsequent calls perform no work until clip + changes. + + :return: true if clip is empty + """ + def isClipRect(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if clip is :py:class:`Rect` and not empty. + + Returns false if the clip is empty, or if it is not :py:class:`Rect`. + + :return: true if clip is :py:class:`Rect` and not empty + """ + def makeSurface( + self, + info: ImageInfo, + props: SurfaceProps | None = None, + ) -> Surface: + """ + Creates :py:class:`Surface` matching info and props, and associates it + with :py:class:`Canvas`. + + Returns nullptr if no match found. + + If props is nullptr, matches :py:class:`SurfaceProps` in + :py:class:`Canvas`. If props is nullptr and :py:class:`Canvas` does not + have :py:class:`SurfaceProps`, creates :py:class:`Surface` with default + :py:class:`SurfaceProps`. + + :param skia.ImageInfo info: width, height, :py:class:`ColorType`, + :py:class:`AlphaType`, and :py:class:`ColorSpace` + :param skia.SurfaceProps props: :py:class:`SurfaceProps` to match; may + be nullptr to match :py:class:`Canvas` + :return: SkSurface matching info and props, or nullptr if no match is + available + :rtype: skia.Surface or None + """ + def peekPixels(self, pixmap: Pixmap) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if :py:class:`Canvas` has direct access to its pixels. + + Pixels are readable when :py:class:`BaseDevice` is raster. Pixels are + not readable when :py:class:`Canvas` is returned from GPU surface, + returned by :py:class:`Document`::beginPage, returned by + :py:class:`PictureRecorder`::beginRecording, or :py:class:`Canvas` is + the base of a utility class like DebugCanvas. + + pixmap is valid only while :py:class:`Canvas` is in scope and unchanged. + Any :py:class:`Canvas` or :py:class:`Surface` call may invalidate the + pixmap values. + + :param skia.Pixmap pixmap: storage for pixel state if pixels are + readable; otherwise, ignored + :return: true if :py:class:`Canvas` has direct access to pixels + """ + @typing.overload + def quickReject(self, rect: Rect) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if :py:class:`Rect` rect, transformed by + :py:class:`Matrix`, can be quickly determined to be outside of clip. + + May return false even though rect is outside of clip. + + Use to check if an area to be drawn is clipped out, to skip subsequent + draw calls. + + :rect: :py:class:`Rect` to compare with clip + :return: true if rect, transformed by :py:class:`Matrix`, does not + intersect clip + """ + @typing.overload + def quickReject(self, path: Path) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if path, transformed by :py:class:`Matrix`, can be + quickly determined to be outside of clip. + + May return false even though path is outside of clip. + + Use to check if an area to be drawn is clipped out, to skip subsequent + draw calls. + + :path: :py:class:`Path` to compare with clip + :return: true if path, transformed by :py:class:`Matrix`, does not + intersect clip + """ + @typing.overload + def readPixels( + self, + dstInfo: ImageInfo, + dstPixels: typing_extensions.Buffer, + dstRowBytes: int = 0, + srcX: int = 0, + srcY: int = 0, + ) -> bool: + """ + Copies :py:class:`Rect` of pixels from :py:class:`Canvas` into + dstPixels. + + :py:class:`Matrix` and clip are ignored. + + Source :py:class:`Rect` corners are (srcX, srcY) and ( + imageInfo().width(), imageInfo().height()). Destination :py:class:`Rect` + corners are (0, 0) and (array.shape[1], array.shape[0]). Copies each + readable pixel intersecting both rectangles, without scaling, converting + to :py:attr:`ColorType.kN32_ColorType` and + :py:attr:`AlphaType.kPremul_AlphaType` if required. + + Pixels are readable when :py:class:`BaseDevice` is raster, or backed by + a GPU. Pixels are not readable when :py:class:`Canvas` is returned by + :py:meth:`Document.beginPage`, returned by + :py:meth:`PictureRecorder.beginRecording`, or :py:class:`Canvas` is the + base of a utility class like DebugCanvas. + + The destination pixel storage must be allocated by the caller. + + Pixel values are converted only if :py:class:`ColorType` and + :py:class:`AlphaType` do not match. Only pixels within both source and + destination rectangles are copied. array contents outside + :py:class:`Rect` intersection are unchanged. + + Pass negative values for srcX or srcY to offset pixels across or down + destination. + + Does not copy, and returns false if: + + - Source and destination rectangles do not intersect. + - :py:class:`Canvas` pixels could not be converted to + :py:attr:`ColorType.kN32_ColorType` or + :py:attr:`AlphaType.kPremul_AlphaType`. + - :py:class:`Canvas` pixels are not readable; for instance, + - :py:class:`Canvas` is document-based. + + :dstInfo: width, height, :py:class:`ColorType`, and + :py:class:`AlphaType` of dstPixels + :dstPixels: storage for pixels; dstInfo.height() times dstRowBytes, or + larger + :dstRowBytes: size of one destination row; dstInfo.width() times pixel + size, or larger. Ignored when dstPixels has more than one-dimension. + :srcX: offset into readable pixels on x-axis; may be negative + :srcY: offset into readable pixels on y-axis; may be negative + :return: true if pixels were copied + """ + @typing.overload + def readPixels(self, pixmap: Pixmap, srcX: int = 0, srcY: int = 0) -> bool: + """ + Copies :py:class:`Rect` of pixels from :py:class:`Canvas` into pixmap. + + :py:class:`Matrix` and clip are ignored. + + Source :py:class:`Rect` corners are (srcX, srcY) and ( + imageInfo().width(), imageInfo().height()). Destination + :py:class:`Rect` corners are (0, 0) and (pixmap.width(), + pixmap.height()). Copies each readable pixel intersecting both + rectangles, without scaling, converting to pixmap.colorType() and + pixmap.alphaType() if required. + + Pixels are readable when :py:class:`BaseDevice` is raster, or backed by + a GPU. Pixels are not readable when :py:class:`Canvas` is returned by + :py:meth:`Document.beginPage`, returned by + :py:meth:`PictureRecorder.beginRecording`, or :py:class:`Canvas` is the + base of a utility class like DebugCanvas. + + Caller must allocate pixel storage in pixmap if needed. + + Pixel values are converted only if :py:class:`ColorType` and + :py:class:`AlphaType` do not match. Only pixels within both source and + destination :py:class:`Rect` are copied. pixmap pixels contents outside + :py:class:`Rect` intersection are unchanged. + + Pass negative values for srcX or srcY to offset pixels across or down + pixmap. + + Does not copy, and returns false if: + + - Source and destination rectangles do not intersect. + - :py:class:`Canvas` pixels could not be converted to + pixmap.colorType() or pixmap.alphaType(). + - :py:class:`Canvas` pixels are not readable; for instance, + :py:class:`Canvas` is document-based. + - :py:class:`Pixmap` pixels could not be allocated. + - pixmap.rowBytes() is too small to contain one row of pixels. + + :pixmap: storage for pixels copied from + :py:class:`Canvas` + :srcX: offset into readable pixels on x-axis; may be negative + :srcY: offset into readable pixels on y-axis; may be negative + :return: true if pixels were copied + """ + @typing.overload + def readPixels(self, bitmap: Bitmap, srcX: int = 0, srcY: int = 0) -> bool: + """ + Copies :py:class:`Rect` of pixels from :py:class:`Canvas` into bitmap. + + :py:class:`Matrix` and clip are ignored. + + Source :py:class:`Rect` corners are (srcX, srcY) and ( + imageInfo().width(), imageInfo().height()). Destination + :py:class:`Rect` corners are (0, 0) and (bitmap.width(), + bitmap.height()). Copies each readable pixel intersecting both + rectangles, without scaling, converting to bitmap.colorType() and + bitmap.alphaType() if required. + + Pixels are readable when :py:class:`BaseDevice` is raster, or backed by + a GPU. Pixels are not readable when :py:class:`Canvas` is returned by + :py:meth:`Document.beginPage`, returned by + :py:meth:`PictureRecorder.beginRecording`, or :py:class:`Canvas` is the + base of a utility class like DebugCanvas. + + Caller must allocate pixel storage in bitmap if needed. + + :py:class:`Bitmap` values are converted only if :py:class:`ColorType` + and :py:class:`AlphaType` do not match. Only pixels within both source + and destination rectangles are copied. :py:class:`Bitmap` pixels outside + :py:class:`Rect` intersection are unchanged. + + Pass negative values for srcX or srcY to offset pixels across or down + bitmap. + + Does not copy, and returns false if: + + - Source and destination rectangles do not intersect. + - :py:class:`Canvas` pixels could not be converted to bitmap.colorType() + or bitmap.alphaType(). + - :py:class:`Canvas` pixels are not readable; for instance, + :py:class:`Canvas` is document-based. + - bitmap pixels could not be allocated. + - bitmap.rowBytes() is too small to contain one row of pixels. + + :bitmap: storage for pixels copied from + :py:class:`Canvas` + :srcX: offset into readable pixels on x-axis; may be negative + :srcY: offset into readable pixels on y-axis; may be negative + + :return: true if pixels were copied + """ + def resetMatrix(self) -> None: + """ + Sets SkMatrix to the identity matrix. + + Any prior matrix state is overwritten. + """ + def restore(self) -> None: + """ + Removes changes to :py:class:`Matrix` and clip since :py:class:`Canvas` + state was last saved. + + The state is removed from the stack. + + Does nothing if the stack is empty. + """ + def restoreToCount(self, saveCount: int) -> None: + """ + Restores state to :py:class:`Matrix` and clip values when + :py:meth:`save`, :py:meth:`saveLayer`, + :py:meth:`saveLayerPreserveLCDTextRequests`, or + :py:meth:`saveLayerAlpha` returned saveCount. + + Does nothing if saveCount is greater than state stack count. Restores + state to initial values if saveCount is less than or equal to one. + + :param int saveCount: depth of state stack to restore + """ + @typing.overload + def rotate(self, degrees: float) -> None: + """ + Rotates :py:class:`Matrix` by degrees. + + Positive degrees rotates clockwise. + + Mathematically, replaces :py:class:`Matrix` with a rotation matrix + premultiplied with :py:class:`Matrix`. + + This has the effect of rotating the drawing by degrees before + transforming the result with :py:class:`Matrix`. + + :degrees: amount to rotate, in degrees + """ + @typing.overload + def rotate(self, degrees: float, px: float, py: float) -> None: + """ + Rotates :py:class:`Matrix` by degrees about a point at (px, py). + + Positive degrees rotates clockwise. + + Mathematically, constructs a rotation matrix; premultiplies the rotation + matrix by a translation matrix; then replaces :py:class:`Matrix` with + the resulting matrix premultiplied with :py:class:`Matrix`. + + This has the effect of rotating the drawing about a given point before + transforming the result with :py:class:`Matrix`. + + :degrees: amount to rotate, in degrees + :px: x-axis value of the point to rotate about + :py: y-axis value of the point to rotate about + """ + def save(self) -> int: + """ + Saves :py:class:`Matrix` and clip. + + Calling :py:meth:`restore` discards changes to :py:class:`Matrix` and + clip, restoring the :py:class:`Matrix` and clip to their state when + :py:meth:`save` was called. + + :py:class:`Matrix` may be changed by :py:meth:`translate`, + :py:meth:`scale`, :py:meth:`rotate`, :py:meth:`skew`, :py:meth:`concat`, + :py:meth:`setMatrix`, and :py:meth:`resetMatrix`. Clip may be changed by + :py:meth:`clipRect`, :py:meth:`clipRRect`, :py:meth:`clipPath`, + :py:meth:`clipRegion`. + + Saved :py:class:`Canvas` state is put on a stack; multiple calls to + :py:meth:`save` should be balance by an equal number of calls to + :py:meth:`restore`. + + Call :py:meth:`restoreToCount` with result to restore this and + subsequent saves. + + :return: depth of saved stack + """ + @typing.overload + def saveLayer(self, bounds: Rect | None = None, paint: Paint | None = None) -> int: + """ + Saves :py:class:`Matrix` and clip, and allocates a :py:class:`Bitmap` + for subsequent drawing. + + Calling :py:meth:`restore` discards changes to :py:class:`Matrix` and + clip, and draws the :py:class:`Bitmap`. + + :py:class:`Matrix` may be changed by :py:meth:`translate`, + :py:meth:`scale`, :py:meth:`rotate`, :py:meth:`skew`, :py:meth:`concat`, + :py:meth:`setMatrix`, and :py:meth:`resetMatrix`. Clip may be changed by + :py:meth:`clipRect`, :py:meth:`clipRRect`, :py:meth:`clipPath`, + :py:meth:`clipRegion`. + + :py:class:`Rect` bounds suggests but does not define the + :py:class:`Bitmap` size. To clip drawing to a specific rectangle, use + :py:meth:`clipRect`. + + Optional :py:class:`Paint` paint applies alpha, :py:class:`ColorFilter`, + :py:class:`ImageFilter`, and :py:class:`BlendMode` when + :py:meth:`restore` is called. + + Call :py:meth:`restoreToCount` with returned value to restore this and + subsequent saves. + + :bounds: hint to limit the size of the layer; may be nullptr + :paint: graphics state for layer; may be nullptr + + :return: depth of saved stack + """ + @typing.overload + def saveLayer(self, layerRec: Canvas.SaveLayerRec) -> int: + """ + Saves :py:class:`Matrix` and clip, and allocates a :py:class:`Bitmap` + for subsequent drawing. + + Calling :py:meth:`restore` discards changes to :py:class:`Matrix` and + clip, and blends :py:class:`Bitmap` with alpha opacity onto the prior + layer. + + :py:class:`Matrix` may be changed by :py:meth:`translate`, + :py:meth:`scale`, :py:meth:`rotate`, :py:meth:`skew`, :py:meth:`concat`, + :py:meth:`setMatrix`, and :py:meth:`resetMatrix`. Clip may be changed by + :py:meth:`clipRect`, :py:meth:`clipRRect`, :py:meth:`clipPath`, + :py:meth:`clipRegion`. + + :py:class:`SaveLayerRec` contains the state used to create the layer. + + Call :py:meth:`restoreToCount` with returned value to restore this and + subsequent saves. + + :layerRec: layer state + + :return: depth of save state stack before this call was made. + """ + def saveLayerAlpha(self, bounds: Rect, alpha: int) -> int: + """ + Saves :py:class:`Matrix` and clip, and allocates a :py:class:`Bitmap` + for subsequent drawing. + + Calling :py:meth:`restore` discards changes to :py:class:`Matrix` and + clip, and blends layer with alpha opacity onto prior layer. + + :py:class:`Matrix` may be changed by :py:meth:`translate`, + :py:meth:`scale`, :py:meth:`rotate`, :py:meth:`skew`, :py:meth:`concat`, + :py:meth:`setMatrix`, and :py:meth:`resetMatrix`. Clip may be changed by + :py:meth:`clipRect`, :py:meth:`clipRRect`, :py:meth:`clipPath`, + :py:meth:`clipRegion`. + + :py:class:`Rect` bounds suggests but does not define the + :py:class:`Bitmap` size. To clip drawing to a specific rectangle, use + :py:meth:`clipRect`. + + alpha of zero is fully transparent, 255 is fully opaque. + + Call :py:meth:`restoreToCount` with returned value to restore this and + subsequent saves. + + :param skia.Rect bounds: hint to limit the size of the layer; may be + nullptr + :param int alpha: opacity of layer + + :return: depth of saved stack + """ + def scale(self, sx: float, sy: float) -> None: + """ + Scales :py:class:`Matrix` by sx on the x-axis and sy on the y-axis. + + Mathematically, replaces :py:class:`Matrix` with a scale matrix + premultiplied with :py:class:`Matrix`. + + This has the effect of scaling the drawing by (sx, sy) before + transforming the result with :py:class:`Matrix`. + + :param float sx: amount to scale on x-axis + :param float sy: amount to scale on y-axis + """ + @typing.overload + def setMatrix(self, matrix: M44) -> None: + """ + Replaces :py:class:`Matrix` with matrix. + + Unlike :py:meth:`concat`, any prior matrix state is overwritten. + + :param skia.Matrix matrix: matrix to copy, replacing existing + :py:class:`Matrix` + """ + @typing.overload + def setMatrix(self, matrix: Matrix) -> None: + """ + DEPRECATED -- use SkM44 version + + Unlike :py:meth:`concat`, any prior matrix state is overwritten. + + :param skia.Matrix matrix: matrix to copy, replacing existing + :py:class:`Matrix` + """ + def skew(self, sx: float, sy: float) -> None: + """ + Skews :py:class:`Matrix` by sx on the x-axis and sy on the y-axis. + + A positive value of sx skews the drawing right as y-axis values + increase; a positive value of sy skews the drawing down as x-axis values + increase. + + Mathematically, replaces :py:class:`Matrix` with a skew matrix + premultiplied with :py:class:`Matrix`. + + This has the effect of skewing the drawing by (sx, sy) before + transforming the result with :py:class:`Matrix`. + + :param float sx: amount to skew on x-axis + :param float sy: amount to skew on y-axis + """ + def toarray( + self, + srcX: int = 0, + srcY: int = 0, + colorType: ColorType = ..., + alphaType: AlphaType = ..., + colorSpace: ColorSpace | None = None, + ) -> numpy.ndarray: + """ + Exports a ``numpy.ndarray``. + + :param srcX: offset into readable pixels on x-axis; may be negative + :param srcY: offset into readable pixels on y-axis; may be negative + :param colorType: target :py:class:`ColorType` + :param alphaType: target :py:class:`AlphaType` + :param colorSpace: target :py:class:`ColorSpace` + :return: numpy.ndarray + """ + def translate(self, dx: float, dy: float) -> None: + """ + Translates :py:class:`Matrix` by dx along the x-axis and dy along the + y-axis. + + Mathematically, replaces :py:class:`Matrix` with a translation matrix + premultiplied with :py:class:`Matrix`. + + This has the effect of moving the drawing by (dx, dy) before + transforming the result with :py:class:`Matrix`. + + :param dx: distance to translate on x-axis + :param dy: distance to translate on y-axis + """ + @typing.overload + def writePixels( + self, + info: ImageInfo, + pixels: typing_extensions.Buffer, + rowBytes: int = 0, + x: int = 0, + y: int = 0, + ) -> bool: + """ + Copies :py:class:`Rect` from pixels to :py:class:`Canvas`. + + :py:class:`Matrix` and clip are ignored. Source :py:class:`Rect` corners + are (0, 0) and (info.width(), info.height()). Destination + :py:class:`Rect` corners are (x, y) and (imageInfo().width(), + imageInfo().height()). + + Copies each readable pixel intersecting both rectangles, without + scaling, converting to imageInfo().colorType() and + imageInfo().alphaType() if required. + + Pixels are writable when :py:class:`BaseDevice` is raster, or backed by + a GPU. Pixels are not writable when :py:class:`Canvas` is returned by + :py:meth:`Document.beginPage`, returned by + :py:meth:`PictureRecorder.beginRecording`, or :py:class:`Canvas` is the + base of a utility class like DebugCanvas. + + Pixel values are converted only if :py:class:`ColorType` and + :py:class:`AlphaType` do not match. Only pixels within both source and + destination rectangles are copied. :py:class:`Canvas` pixels outside + :py:class:`Rect` intersection are unchanged. + + Pass negative values for x or y to offset pixels to the left or above + :py:class:`Canvas` pixels. + + Does not copy, and returns false if: + + - Source and destination rectangles do not intersect. + - pixels could not be converted to :py:class:`Canvas` + imageInfo().colorType() or imageInfo().alphaType(). + - :py:class:`Canvas` pixels are not writable; for instance, + :py:class:`Canvas` is document-based. + - rowBytes is too small to contain one row of pixels. + + :array: pixels to copy, in native 32-bit colors. + :x: offset into :py:class:`Canvas` writable pixels on x-axis; may be + negative + :y: offset into :py:class:`Canvas` writable pixels on y-axis; may be + negative + + :return: true if pixels were written to :py:class:`Canvas` + """ + @typing.overload + def writePixels(self, bitmap: Bitmap, x: int = 0, y: int = 0) -> bool: + """ + Copies :py:class:`Rect` from pixels to :py:class:`Canvas`. + + :py:class:`Matrix` and clip are ignored. Source :py:class:`Rect` corners + are (0, 0) and (bitmap.width(), bitmap.height()). + + Destination :py:class:`Rect` corners are (x, y) and + (imageInfo().width(), imageInfo().height()). + + Copies each readable pixel intersecting both rectangles, without + scaling, converting to imageInfo().colorType() and + imageInfo().alphaType() if required. + + Pixels are writable when :py:class:`BaseDevice` is raster, or backed by + a GPU. Pixels are not writable when :py:class:`Canvas` is returned by + :py:meth:`Document.beginPage`, returned by + :py:meth:`PictureRecorder.beginRecording`, or :py:class:`Canvas` is the + base of a utility class like DebugCanvas. + + Pixel values are converted only if :py:class:`ColorType` and + :py:class:`AlphaType` do not match. Only pixels within both source and + destination rectangles are copied. :py:class:`Canvas` pixels outside + :py:class:`Rect` intersection are unchanged. + + Pass negative values for x or y to offset pixels to the left or above + :py:class:`Canvas` pixels. + + Does not copy, and returns false if: + + - Source and destination rectangles do not intersect. + - bitmap does not have allocated pixels. + - bitmap pixels could not be converted to + :py:meth:`Canvas.imageInfo()`.colorType() or alphaType(). + - :py:class:`Canvas` pixels are not writable; for instance, + :py:class:`Canvas` is document-based. + - bitmap pixels are inaccessible; for instance, bitmap wraps a texture. + + :bitmap: contains pixels copied to :py:class:`Canvas`. + :x: offset into :py:class:`Canvas` writable pixels on x-axis; may be + negative + :y: offset into :py:class:`Canvas` writable pixels on y-axis; may be + negative + + :return: true if pixels were written to :py:class:`Canvas` + """ + +class ClipOp: + """ + Members: + + kDifference + + kIntersect + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, ClipOp] + ] # value = {'kDifference': , 'kIntersect': } + kDifference: typing.ClassVar[ClipOp] # value = + kIntersect: typing.ClassVar[ClipOp] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + +class Codec: + """ + + :py:class:`Codec` Abstraction layer directly on top of an image codec. + + """ + class DisposalMethod: + """ + + This specifies how the next frame is based on this frame. + + Names are based on the GIF 89a spec. + + The numbers correspond to values in a GIF. + + + Members: + + kKeep : + The next frame should be drawn on top of this one. + + In a GIF, a value of 0 (not specified) is also treated as Keep. + + + kRestoreBGColor : + Similar to Keep, except the area inside this frame's rectangle + should be cleared to the BackGround color (transparent) before + drawing the next frame. + + + kRestorePrevious : + The next frame should be drawn on top of the previous frame - i.e. + disregarding this one. + + In a GIF, a value of 4 is also treated as RestorePrevious. + + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, Codec.DisposalMethod] + ] # value = {'kKeep': , 'kRestoreBGColor': , 'kRestorePrevious': } + kKeep: typing.ClassVar[ + Codec.DisposalMethod + ] # value = + kRestoreBGColor: typing.ClassVar[ + Codec.DisposalMethod + ] # value = + kRestorePrevious: typing.ClassVar[ + Codec.DisposalMethod + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + class FrameInfo: + """ + + Information about individual frames in a multi-framed image. + + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + @property + def fAlphaType(self) -> AlphaType: + """ + This is conservative; it will still return non-opaque if e.g. a + color index-based frame has a color with alpha but does not use it. + """ + @fAlphaType.setter + def fAlphaType(self, arg0: AlphaType) -> None: ... + @property + def fDisposalMethod(self) -> ...: + """ + How this frame should be modified before decoding the next one. + """ + @fDisposalMethod.setter + def fDisposalMethod(self, arg0: ...) -> None: ... + @property + def fDuration(self) -> int: + """ + Number of milliseconds to show this frame. + """ + @fDuration.setter + def fDuration(self, arg0: int) -> None: ... + @property + def fFullyReceived(self) -> bool: + """ + Whether the end marker for this frame is contained in the stream. + + Note: this does not guarantee that an attempt to decode will be + complete. There could be an error in the stream. + """ + @fFullyReceived.setter + def fFullyReceived(self, arg0: bool) -> None: ... + @property + def fRequiredFrame(self) -> int: + """ + The frame that this frame needs to be blended with, or + kNoFrame if this frame is independent (so it can be + drawn over an uninitialized buffer). + + Note that this is the *earliest* frame that can be used + for blending. Any frame from [fRequiredFrame, i) can be + used, unless its fDisposalMethod is kRestorePrevious. + """ + @fRequiredFrame.setter + def fRequiredFrame(self, arg0: int) -> None: ... + + class Options: + """ + + Additional options to pass to getPixels. + + """ + + fZeroInitialized: Codec.ZeroInitialized + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + @property + def fFrameIndex(self) -> int: + """ + The frame to decode. + + Only meaningful for multi-frame images. + """ + @fFrameIndex.setter + def fFrameIndex(self, arg0: int) -> None: ... + @property + def fPriorFrame(self) -> int: + """ + If not kNoFrame, the dst already contains the prior frame at this index. + + Only meaningful for multi-frame images. + + If fFrameIndex needs to be blended with a prior frame (as reported by + getFrameInfo[fFrameIndex].fRequiredFrame), the client can set this to + any non-kRestorePrevious frame in [fRequiredFrame, fFrameIndex) to + indicate that that frame is already in the dst. Options.fZeroInitialized + is ignored in this case. + + If set to kNoFrame, the codec will decode any necessary required + frame(s) first. + """ + @fPriorFrame.setter + def fPriorFrame(self, arg0: int) -> None: ... + @property + def fSubset(self) -> IRect: + """ + If not NULL, represents a subset of the original image to decode. + Must be within the bounds returned by :py:meth:`~SkCodec.getInfo`. + If the EncodedFormat is :py:attr:`EncodedImageFormat.kWEBP` (the only + one which currently supports subsets), the top and left values must be + even. + + In getPixels and incremental decode, we will attempt to decode the + exact rectangular subset specified by fSubset. + + In a scanline decode, it does not make sense to specify a subset + top or subset height, since the client already controls which rows + to get and which rows to skip. During scanline decodes, we will + require that the subset top be zero and the subset height be equal + to the full height. We will, however, use the values of + subset left and subset width to decode partial scanlines on calls + to :py:meth:`~SkCodec.getScanlines`. + """ + @fSubset.setter + def fSubset(self, arg0: IRect) -> None: ... + + class Result: + """ + + Error codes for various :py:class:`Codec` methods. + + + Members: + + kSuccess : + General return value for success. + + + kIncompleteInput : + The input is incomplete. A partial image was generated. + + + kErrorInInput : + Like kIncompleteInput, except the input had an error. + + If returned from an incremental decode, decoding cannot continue, even + with more data. + + + kInvalidConversion : + The generator cannot convert to match the request, ignoring dimensions. + + + kInvalidScale : + The generator cannot scale to requested size. + + + kInvalidParameters : + Parameters (besides info) are invalid. e.g. NULL pixels, rowBytes too + small, etc. + + + kInvalidInput : + The input did not contain a valid image. + + + kCouldNotRewind : + Fulfilling this request requires rewinding the input, which is not + supported for this input. + + + kInternalError : + An internal error, such as OOM. + + + kUnimplemented : + This method is not implemented by this codec. + + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, Codec.Result] + ] # value = {'kSuccess': , 'kIncompleteInput': , 'kErrorInInput': , 'kInvalidConversion': , 'kInvalidScale': , 'kInvalidParameters': , 'kInvalidInput': , 'kCouldNotRewind': , 'kInternalError': , 'kUnimplemented': } + kCouldNotRewind: typing.ClassVar[ + Codec.Result + ] # value = + kErrorInInput: typing.ClassVar[ + Codec.Result + ] # value = + kIncompleteInput: typing.ClassVar[ + Codec.Result + ] # value = + kInternalError: typing.ClassVar[ + Codec.Result + ] # value = + kInvalidConversion: typing.ClassVar[ + Codec.Result + ] # value = + kInvalidInput: typing.ClassVar[ + Codec.Result + ] # value = + kInvalidParameters: typing.ClassVar[ + Codec.Result + ] # value = + kInvalidScale: typing.ClassVar[ + Codec.Result + ] # value = + kSuccess: typing.ClassVar[Codec.Result] # value = + kUnimplemented: typing.ClassVar[ + Codec.Result + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + class ScanlineOrder: + """ + + The order in which rows are output from the scanline decoder is not the + same for all variations of all image types. This explains the possible + output row orderings. + + + Members: + + kKeep : + By far the most common, this indicates that the image can be decoded + reliably using the scanline decoder, and that rows will be output in + the logical order. + + + kRestoreBGColor : + This indicates that the scanline decoder reliably outputs rows, but + they will be returned in reverse order. If the scanline format is + kBottomUp, the nextScanline() API can be used to determine the actual + y-coordinate of the next output row, but the client is not forced + to take advantage of this, given that it's not too tough to keep + track independently. + + For full image decodes, it is safe to get all of the scanlines at + once, since the decoder will handle inverting the rows as it + decodes. + + For subset decodes and sampling, it is simplest to get and skip + scanlines one at a time, using the nextScanline() API. It is + possible to ask for larger chunks at a time, but this should be used + with caution. As with full image decodes, the decoder will handle + inverting the requested rows, but rows will still be delivered + starting from the bottom of the image. + + Upside down bmps are an example. + + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, Codec.ScanlineOrder] + ] # value = {'kKeep': , 'kRestoreBGColor': } + kKeep: typing.ClassVar[Codec.ScanlineOrder] # value = + kRestoreBGColor: typing.ClassVar[ + Codec.ScanlineOrder + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + class SelectionPolicy: + """ + + For container formats that contain both still images and image sequences, + instruct the decoder how the output should be selected. + + + Members: + + kPreferStillImage : + If the container format contains both still images and image sequences, + :py:class:`Codec` should choose one of the still images. This is the + default. + + + kPreferAnimation : + If the container format contains both still images and image sequences, + :py:class:`Codec` should choose one of the image sequences for + animation. + + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, Codec.SelectionPolicy] + ] # value = {'kPreferStillImage': , 'kPreferAnimation': } + kPreferAnimation: typing.ClassVar[ + Codec.SelectionPolicy + ] # value = + kPreferStillImage: typing.ClassVar[ + Codec.SelectionPolicy + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + class ZeroInitialized: + """ + + Whether or not the memory passed to getPixels is zero initialized. + + + Members: + + kYes_ZeroInitialized : + The memory passed to getPixels is zero initialized. The + :py:class:`Codec` may take advantage of this by skipping writing zeroes. + + + kNo_ZeroInitialized : + The memory passed to `getPixels` has not been initialized to zero, + so the :py:class:`Codec` must write all zeroes to memory. + + This is the default. It will be used if no Options struct is used. + + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, Codec.ZeroInitialized] + ] # value = {'kYes_ZeroInitialized': , 'kNo_ZeroInitialized': } + kNo_ZeroInitialized: typing.ClassVar[ + Codec.ZeroInitialized + ] # value = + kYes_ZeroInitialized: typing.ClassVar[ + Codec.ZeroInitialized + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + kCouldNotRewind: typing.ClassVar[ + Codec.Result + ] # value = + kErrorInInput: typing.ClassVar[Codec.Result] # value = + kIncompleteInput: typing.ClassVar[ + Codec.Result + ] # value = + kInternalError: typing.ClassVar[Codec.Result] # value = + kInvalidConversion: typing.ClassVar[ + Codec.Result + ] # value = + kInvalidInput: typing.ClassVar[Codec.Result] # value = + kInvalidParameters: typing.ClassVar[ + Codec.Result + ] # value = + kInvalidScale: typing.ClassVar[Codec.Result] # value = + kKeep: typing.ClassVar[Codec.DisposalMethod] # value = + kNoFrame: typing.ClassVar[int] = -1 + kNo_ZeroInitialized: typing.ClassVar[ + Codec.ZeroInitialized + ] # value = + kPreferAnimation: typing.ClassVar[ + Codec.SelectionPolicy + ] # value = + kPreferStillImage: typing.ClassVar[ + Codec.SelectionPolicy + ] # value = + kRepetitionCountInfinite: typing.ClassVar[int] = -1 + kRestoreBGColor: typing.ClassVar[ + Codec.DisposalMethod + ] # value = + kRestorePrevious: typing.ClassVar[ + Codec.DisposalMethod + ] # value = + kSuccess: typing.ClassVar[Codec.Result] # value = + kUnimplemented: typing.ClassVar[Codec.Result] # value = + kYes_ZeroInitialized: typing.ClassVar[ + Codec.ZeroInitialized + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def MakeFromData(data: typing_extensions.Buffer) -> Codec: + """ + If this data represents an encoded image that we know how to decode, + return an :py:class:`Codec` that can decode it. Otherwise return NULL. + """ + @staticmethod + def MinBufferedBytesNeeded() -> int: ... + @staticmethod + def ResultToString(result: Codec.Result) -> str: + """ + Returns a textual representation of :py:class:`Codec.Result` + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __init__(self, data: typing_extensions.Buffer) -> None: + """ + If this stream represents an encoded image that we know how to decode, + return an :py:class:`Codec` that can decode it. Otherwise return None. + """ + def bounds(self) -> IRect: ... + def dimensions(self) -> ISize: ... + def getEncodedFormat(self) -> EncodedImageFormat: + """ + Format of the encoded data. + """ + def getFrameCount(self) -> int: + """ + Return the number of frames in the image. + + May require reading through the stream. + """ + @typing.overload + def getFrameInfo(self, index: int, info: Codec.FrameInfo) -> bool: + """ + Return info about a single frame. + + Only supported by multi-frame images. Does not read through the stream, + so it should be called after :py:meth:`getFrameCount` to parse any + frames that have not already been parsed. + """ + @typing.overload + def getFrameInfo(self) -> list[Codec.FrameInfo]: + """ + Return info about all the frames in the image. + + May require reading through the stream to determine info about the + frames (including the count). + + As such, future decoding calls may require a rewind. + + For still (non-animated) image codecs, this will return an empty vector. + """ + def getInfo(self) -> ImageInfo: + """ + Return a reasonable :py:class:`ImageInfo` to decode into. + + If the image has an ICC profile that does not map to an + :py:class:`ColorSpace`, the returned :py:class:`ImageInfo` will use + SRGB. + """ + def getOrigin(self) -> EncodedOrigin: + """ + Returns the image orientation stored in the EXIF data. + If there is no EXIF data, or if we cannot read the EXIF data, returns + :py:attr:`~EncodedOrigin.kTopLeft`. + """ + @typing.overload + def getPixels( + self, + info: ImageInfo, + data: typing_extensions.Buffer, + rowBytes: int, + options: Codec.Options | None = None, + ) -> Codec.Result: + """ + Decode into the given pixels, a block of memory of size at + least (info.fHeight - 1) * rowBytes + (info.fWidth * + bytesPerPixel) + + Repeated calls to this function should give the same results, + allowing the PixelRef to be immutable. + + If a scanline decode is in progress, scanline mode will end, requiring + the client to call :py:meth:`startScanlineDecode` in order to return to + decoding scanlines. + + :info: A description of the format (config, size) + expected by the caller. This can simply be identical + to the info returned by getInfo(). + + This contract also allows the caller to specify + different output-configs, which the implementation can + decide to support or not. + + A size that does not match getInfo() implies a request + to scale. If the generator cannot perform this scale, + it will return kInvalidScale. + + If the info contains a non-null SkColorSpace, the codec + will perform the appropriate color space transformation. + + If the caller passes in the SkColorSpace that maps to the + ICC profile reported by getICCProfile(), the color space + transformation is a no-op. + + If the caller passes a null SkColorSpace, no color space + transformation will be done. + + :return: Result kSuccess, or another value explaining the type of + failure. + """ + @typing.overload + def getPixels( + self, + pixmap: Pixmap, + options: Codec.Options | None = None, + ) -> Codec.Result: ... + def getRepetitionCount(self) -> int: + """ + Return the number of times to repeat, if this image is animated. This + number does not include the first play through of each frame. For + example, a repetition count of 4 means that each frame is played 5 + times and then the animation stops. + + It can return kRepetitionCountInfinite, a negative number, meaning that + the animation should loop forever. + + May require reading the stream to find the repetition count. + + As such, future decoding calls may require a rewind. + + For still (non-animated) image codecs, this will return 0. + """ + def getScaledDimensions(self, desiredScale: float) -> ISize: + """ + Return a size that approximately supports the desired scale factor. + The codec may not be able to scale efficiently to the exact scale + factor requested, so return a size that approximates that scale. + The returned value is the codec's suggestion for the closest valid + scale that it can natively support + """ + def getScanlineOrder(self) -> Codec.ScanlineOrder: + """ + An enum representing the order in which scanlines will be returned by + the scanline decoder. + + This is undefined before :py:meth:`startScanlineDecode` is called. + """ + def getScanlines( + self, + dst: typing_extensions.Buffer, + countLines: int, + rowBytes: int, + ) -> int: + """ + Write the next countLines scanlines into dst. + + Not valid to call before calling startScanlineDecode(). + + :param dst: Must be non-null, and large enough to hold countLines + scanlines of size rowBytes. + :param countLines: Number of lines to write. + :param rowBytes: Number of bytes per row. Must be large enough to hold + a scanline based on the :py:class:`ImageInfo` used to create this + object. + :return: the number of lines successfully decoded. If this value is + less than countLines, this will fill the remaining lines with a + default value. + """ + def getValidSubset(self, desiredSubset: IRect) -> bool: + """ + Return (via `desiredSubset`) a subset which can decoded from this codec, + or false if this codec cannot decode subsets or anything similar to + `desiredSubset`. + + :param desiredSubset: In/out parameter. As input, a desired subset of + the original bounds (as specified by getInfo). If true is returned, + desiredSubset may have been modified to a subset which is + supported. Although a particular change may have been made to + desiredSubset to create something supported, it is possible other + changes could result in a valid subset. + If false is returned, desiredSubset's value is undefined. + :return: true if this codec supports decoding `desiredSubset` (as + returned, potentially modified) + """ + def getYUVAPlanes(self, yuvaPixmaps: YUVAPixmaps) -> Codec.Result: + """ + Returns kSuccess, or another value explaining the type of failure. + This always attempts to perform a full decode. To get the planar + configuration without decoding use queryYUVAInfo(). + + :param yuvaPixmaps: Contains preallocated pixmaps configured according + to a successful call to :py:meth:`~queryYUVAInfo`. + """ + def incrementalDecode(self, rowsDecoded: int | None = None) -> Codec.Result: + """ + Start/continue the incremental decode. + + Not valid to call before a call to :py:meth:`startIncrementalDecode` + returns kSuccess. + + If kIncompleteInput is returned, may be called again after more data has + been provided to the source SkStream. + + Unlike getPixels and getScanlines, this does not do any filling. This is + left up to the caller, since they may be skipping lines or continuing + the decode later. In the latter case, they may choose to initialize all + lines first, or only initialize the remaining lines after the first + call. + + :param rowsDecoded: Optional output variable returning the total number + of lines initialized. Only meaningful if this method returns + kIncompleteInput. Otherwise the implementation may not set it. + Note that some implementations may have initialized this many rows, + but not necessarily finished those rows (e.g. interlaced PNG). This + may be useful for determining what rows the client needs to + initialize. + :return: kSuccess if all lines requested in startIncrementalDecode have + been completely decoded. kIncompleteInput otherwise. + """ + def nextScanline(self) -> int: + """ + Returns the y-coordinate of the next row to be returned by the scanline + decoder. + + This will equal fCurrScanline, except in the case of strangely + encoded image types (bottom-up bmps). + + Results are undefined when not in scanline decoding mode. + """ + def outputScanline(self, inputScanline: int) -> int: + """ + Returns the output y-coordinate of the row that corresponds to an input + y-coordinate. The input y-coordinate represents where the scanline + is located in the encoded data. + + This will equal inputScanline, except in the case of strangely + encoded image types (bottom-up bmps, interlaced gifs). + """ + def queryYUVAInfo(self, supportedDataTypes: ...) -> typing.Any: + """ + If decoding to YUV is supported, this returns true. Otherwise, this + returns false; + + :param supportedDataTypes: Indicates the data type/planar config + combinations that are supported by the caller. If the generator + supports decoding to YUV(A), but not as a type in + supportedDataTypes, this method returns false. + :return: Output that specifies the planar configuration, subsampling, + orientation, chroma siting, plane color types, and row bytes. + """ + def skipScanlines(self, countLines: int) -> bool: + """ + Skip count scanlines. + + Not valid to call before calling startScanlineDecode(). + + The default version just calls onGetScanlines and discards the dst. + NOTE: If skipped lines are the only lines with alpha, this default + will make reallyHasAlpha return true, when it could have returned + false. + + :return: true if the scanlines were successfully skipped + false on failure, possible reasons for failure include: + + - An incomplete input image stream. + - Calling this function before calling startScanlineDecode(). + - If countLines is less than zero or so large that it moves + the current scanline past the end of the image. + """ + def startIncrementalDecode( + self, + dstInfo: ImageInfo, + dst: typing_extensions.Buffer, + rowBytes: int, + options: Codec.Options | None = None, + ) -> Codec.Result: + """ + Prepare for an incremental decode with the specified options. + + This may require a rewind. + + If kIncompleteInput is returned, may be called again after more data has + been provided to the source :py:class:`Stream`. + + :param dstInfo: Info of the destination. If the dimensions do not match + those of getInfo, this implies a scale. + :param dst: Memory to write to. Needs to be large enough to hold the + subset, if present, or the full image as described in dstInfo. + :param options: Contains decoding options, including if memory is zero + initialized and whether to decode a subset. + :return: Enum representing success or reason for failure. + """ + def startScanlineDecode( + self, + dstInfo: ImageInfo, + options: Codec.Options | None = None, + ) -> Codec.Result: + """ + Prepare for a scanline decode with the specified options. + + After this call, this class will be ready to decode the first scanline. + + This must be called in order to call :py:meth:`getScanlines` or + :py:meth:`skipScanlines`. + + This may require rewinding the stream. + + Not all Codecs support this. + + :param dstInfo: Info of the destination. If the dimensions do not match + those of getInfo, this implies a scale. + :param options: Contains decoding options, including if memory is zero + initialized. + :return: Enum representing success or reason for failure. + """ + +class Color4f: + """ + + RGBA color value, holding four floating point components. + + Color components are always in a known order, and are unpremultiplied. + + Skia's public API always uses unpremultiplied colors. + + Example:: + + color4f = skia.Color4f(0xFFFFFFFF) # From int format + color4f = skia.Color4f(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) # From elements + color4f = skia.Color4f((1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)) # From tuple + color = color4f.toColor() # Convert to int format + color = int(color4f) # Convert to int format + r, g, b, a = tuple(color4f) # Convert to tuple + + """ + + __hash__: typing.ClassVar[None] = None + kBlack: typing.ClassVar[Color4f] # value = Color4f(0, 0, 0, 1) + kBlue: typing.ClassVar[Color4f] # value = Color4f(0, 0, 1, 1) + kCyan: typing.ClassVar[Color4f] # value = Color4f(0, 1, 1, 1) + kDkGray: typing.ClassVar[Color4f] # value = Color4f(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 1) + kGray: typing.ClassVar[Color4f] # value = Color4f(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1) + kGreen: typing.ClassVar[Color4f] # value = Color4f(0, 1, 0, 1) + kLtGray: typing.ClassVar[Color4f] # value = Color4f(0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 1) + kMagenta: typing.ClassVar[Color4f] # value = Color4f(1, 0, 1, 1) + kRed: typing.ClassVar[Color4f] # value = Color4f(1, 0, 0, 1) + kTransparent: typing.ClassVar[Color4f] # value = Color4f(0, 0, 0, 0) + kWhite: typing.ClassVar[Color4f] # value = Color4f(1, 1, 1, 1) + kYellow: typing.ClassVar[Color4f] # value = Color4f(1, 1, 0, 1) + @staticmethod + def FromBytes_RGBA(rgba: int) -> Color4f: ... + @staticmethod + def FromColor(color: int) -> Color4f: + """ + Returns closest :py:class:`Color4f` to Color int. + + :param int color: Color with Alpha, red, blue, and green components + (e.g., 0xFFFFFFFF) + :return: Color int as :py:class:`Color4f` + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: Color4f) -> bool: + """ + Compares :py:class:`Color4f` with other, and returns true if all + components are equal. + + :param other: :py:class:`Color4f` to compare + :return: true if :py:class:`Color4f` equals other + """ + def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> float: + """ + Returns one component. + + Asserts if index is out of range and SK_DEBUG is defined. + + :param index: one of: 0 (fR), 1 (fG), 2 (fB), 3 (fA) + :return: value corresponding to index + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, color: int) -> None: + """ + Returns closest :py:class:`Color4f` to ARGB Color. + See :py:meth:`FromColor`. + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__( + self, + red: float, + green: float, + blue: float, + alpha: float = 1.0, + ) -> None: + """ + Returns a new Color4f instance initialized with the given values. + + :red: red components + :green: green components + :blue: blue components + :alpha: alpha components + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, t: tuple) -> None: + """ + Returns a new Color4f instance given (R, G, B) or (R, G, B, A) tuple. + """ + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __len__(self) -> int: ... + @typing.overload + def __mul__(self, arg0: float) -> Color4f: + """ + Returns :py:class:`Color4f` multiplied by scale. + """ + @typing.overload + def __mul__(self, arg0: Color4f) -> Color4f: + """ + Returns :py:class:`Color4f` multiplied component-wise by scale. + """ + def __ne__(self, other: Color4f) -> bool: + """ + Compares :py:class:`Color4f` with other, and returns true if not all + components are equal. + + :param other: :py:class:`Color4f` to compare + :return: true if :py:class:`Color4f` is not equal to other + """ + def __setitem__(self, index: int, value: float) -> None: + """ + Sets one component. + + Asserts if index is out of range and SK_DEBUG is defined. + + :param index: one of: 0 (fR), 1 (fG), 2 (fB), 3 (fA) + :param value: float value + """ + def fitsInBytes(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if all channels are in [0, 1]. + """ + def isOpaque(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if :py:class:`Color4f` is an opaque color. + + Asserts if fA is out of range and SK_DEBUG is defined. + + :return: true if :py:class:`Color4f` is opaque + """ + def makeOpaque(self) -> Color4f: ... + def toBytes_RGBA(self) -> int: ... + def toColor(self) -> int: + """ + Returns closest Color to :py:class:`Color4f`. + + :return: color as Color int + """ + def vec(self) -> memoryview: + """ + Returns a memoryview to components of :py:class:`Color4f`, for array + access. + """ + @property + def fA(self) -> float: + """ + alpha component + """ + @fA.setter + def fA(self, arg0: float) -> None: ... + @property + def fB(self) -> float: + """ + blue component + """ + @fB.setter + def fB(self, arg0: float) -> None: ... + @property + def fG(self) -> float: + """ + green component + """ + @fG.setter + def fG(self, arg0: float) -> None: ... + @property + def fR(self) -> float: + """ + red component + """ + @fR.setter + def fR(self, arg0: float) -> None: ... + +class ColorChannel: + """ + + Describes different color channels one can manipulate. + + + Members: + + kR + + kG + + kB + + kA + + kLastEnum + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, ColorChannel] + ] # value = {'kR': , 'kG': , 'kB': , 'kA': , 'kLastEnum': } + kA: typing.ClassVar[ColorChannel] # value = + kB: typing.ClassVar[ColorChannel] # value = + kG: typing.ClassVar[ColorChannel] # value = + kLastEnum: typing.ClassVar[ColorChannel] # value = + kR: typing.ClassVar[ColorChannel] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + +class ColorChannelFlag: + """ + + Used to represent the channels available in a color type or texture format + as a mask. + + + Members: + + kRed_ColorChannelFlag + + kGreen_ColorChannelFlag + + kBlue_ColorChannelFlag + + kAlpha_ColorChannelFlag + + kGray_ColorChannelFlag + + kRG_ColorChannelFlags + + kRGB_ColorChannelFlags + + kRGBA_ColorChannelFlags + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, ColorChannelFlag] + ] # value = {'kRed_ColorChannelFlag': , 'kGreen_ColorChannelFlag': , 'kBlue_ColorChannelFlag': , 'kAlpha_ColorChannelFlag': , 'kGray_ColorChannelFlag': , 'kRG_ColorChannelFlags': , 'kRGB_ColorChannelFlags': , 'kRGBA_ColorChannelFlags': } + kAlpha_ColorChannelFlag: typing.ClassVar[ + ColorChannelFlag + ] # value = + kBlue_ColorChannelFlag: typing.ClassVar[ + ColorChannelFlag + ] # value = + kGray_ColorChannelFlag: typing.ClassVar[ + ColorChannelFlag + ] # value = + kGreen_ColorChannelFlag: typing.ClassVar[ + ColorChannelFlag + ] # value = + kRGBA_ColorChannelFlags: typing.ClassVar[ + ColorChannelFlag + ] # value = + kRGB_ColorChannelFlags: typing.ClassVar[ + ColorChannelFlag + ] # value = + kRG_ColorChannelFlags: typing.ClassVar[ + ColorChannelFlag + ] # value = + kRed_ColorChannelFlag: typing.ClassVar[ + ColorChannelFlag + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __and__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __ge__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __gt__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __invert__(self) -> typing.Any: ... + def __le__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __lt__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __or__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __rand__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __ror__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __rxor__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + def __xor__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + +class ColorFilter(Flattanable): + """ + + ColorFilters are optional objects in the drawing pipeline. + + When present in a paint, they are called with the "src" colors, and return + new colors, which are then passed onto the next stage (either ImageFilter or + Xfermode). + + All subclasses are required to be reentrant-safe : it must be legal to share + the same instance between several threads. + + .. rubric:: Subclasses + + .. autosummary:: + :nosignatures: + + ~skia.ColorFilters + ~skia.ColorMatrixFilter + ~skia.HighContrastFilter + ~skia.LumaColorFilter + ~skia.OverdrawColorFilter + ~skia.TableColorFilter + + """ + @staticmethod + def Deserialize(data: typing_extensions.Buffer) -> ColorFilter: ... + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def asAColorMatrix(self) -> typing.Any: + """ + If the filter can be represented by a 5x4 matrix, this returns list of + floats appropriately. + + If not, this returns None. + + :rtype: List[float] or None + """ + def asAColorMode(self) -> typing.Any: + """ + If the filter can be represented by a source color plus Mode, this + returns color and mode appropriately. + + If not, this returns None. + + :rtype: Tuple[int,skia.BlendMode] or None + """ + def asColorMode(self) -> typing.Any: ... + def filterColor(self, color: int) -> int: ... + def filterColor4f( + self, + srcColor: Color4f, + srcCS: ColorSpace, + dstCS: ColorSpace, + ) -> Color4f: + """ + Converts the src color (in src colorspace), into the dst colorspace, + then applies this filter to it, returning the filtered color in the dst + colorspace. + """ + def makeComposed(self, inner: ColorFilter) -> ColorFilter: + """ + Construct a colorfilter whose effect is to first apply the inner filter + and then apply this filter, applied to the output of the inner filter. + + result = this(inner(...)) + """ + +class ColorFilters: + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def Blend(c: Color4f, colorspace: ColorSpace, mode: BlendMode) -> ColorFilter: ... + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def Blend(c: int, mode: BlendMode) -> ColorFilter: ... + @staticmethod + def Compose(outer: ColorFilter, inner: ColorFilter) -> ColorFilter: ... + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def HSLAMatrix(rowMajor: list[float]) -> ColorFilter: ... + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def HSLAMatrix(colorMatrix: ColorMatrix) -> ColorFilter: + """ + A version of Matrix which operates in HSLA space instead of RGBA. + i.e. ``HSLA-to-RGBA(Matrix(RGBA-to-HSLA(input)))``. + """ + @staticmethod + def Lerp(t: float, dst: ColorFilter, src: ColorFilter) -> ColorFilter: ... + @staticmethod + def LinearToSRGBGamma() -> ColorFilter: ... + @staticmethod + def Matrix(rowMajor: list[float]) -> ColorFilter: ... + @staticmethod + def SRGBToLinearGamma() -> ColorFilter: ... + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + +class ColorInfo: + """ + + Describes pixel and encoding. + + :py:class:`ImageInfo` can be created from :py:class:`ColorInfo` by providing + dimensions. + + It encodes how pixel bits describe alpha, transparency; color components + red, blue, and green; and :py:class:`ColorSpace`, the range and linearity of + colors. + + """ + + __hash__: typing.ClassVar[None] = None + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, arg0: ColorInfo) -> bool: + """ + Does other represent the same color type, alpha type, and color space? + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__(self) -> None: + """ + Creates an :py:class:`ColorInfo` with + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kUnknown_ColorType`, + :py:attr:`~AlphaType.kUnknown_AlphaType`, and no :py:class:`ColorSpace`. + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__( + self, + ct: ColorType, + at: AlphaType, + cs: ColorSpace | None = None, + ) -> None: + """ + Creates :py:class:`ColorInfo` from :py:class:`ColorType` ct, + :py:class:`AlphaType` at, and optionally :py:class:`ColorSpace` cs. + + If :py:class:`ColorSpace` cs is nullptr and :py:class:`ColorInfo` is + part of drawing source: :py:class:`ColorSpace` defaults to sRGB, mapping + into :py:class:`Surface` :py:class:`ColorSpace`. + + Parameters are not validated to see if their values are legal, or that + the combination is supported. + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, arg0: ColorInfo) -> None: ... + def __ne__(self, arg0: ColorInfo) -> bool: + """ + Does other represent a different color type, alpha type, or color space? + """ + def alphaType(self) -> AlphaType: ... + def bytesPerPixel(self) -> int: + """ + Returns number of bytes per pixel required by :py:class:`ColorType`. + + Returns zero if :py:meth:`colorType` is + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kUnknown_ColorType`. + + :return: bytes in pixel + """ + def colorSpace(self) -> ColorSpace: ... + def colorType(self) -> ColorType: ... + def gammaCloseToSRGB(self) -> bool: ... + def isOpaque(self) -> bool: ... + def makeAlphaType(self, newAlphaType: AlphaType) -> ColorInfo: + """ + Creates :py:class:`ColorInfo` with same :py:class:`ColorType`, + :py:class:`ColorSpace`, with :py:class:`AlphaType` set to newAlphaType. + + Created :py:class:`ColorInfo` contains newAlphaType even if it is + incompatible with :py:class:`ColorType`, in which case + :py:class:`AlphaType` in :py:class:`ColorInfo` is ignored. + """ + def makeColorSpace(self, cs: ColorSpace) -> ColorInfo: + """ + Creates :py:class:`ColorInfo` with same :py:class:`AlphaType`, + :py:class:`ColorType`, with :py:class:`ColorSpace` set to cs. + + cs may be nullptr. + """ + def makeColorType(self, newColorType: ColorType) -> ColorInfo: + """ + Creates new :py:class:`ColorInfo` with same :py:class:`AlphaType`, + :py:class:`ColorSpace`, with :py:class:`ColorType` set to newColorType. + """ + def refColorSpace(self) -> ColorSpace: ... + def shiftPerPixel(self) -> int: + """ + Returns bit shift converting row bytes to row pixels. + + Returns zero for :py:attr:`ColorType.kUnknown_ColorType`. + + :return: one of: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4; left shift to convert pixels to bytes + """ + +class ColorMatrix: + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + +class ColorMatrixFilter(ColorFilter): + @staticmethod + def MakeLightingFilter(mul: int, add: int) -> ColorFilter: + """ + Create a colorfilter that multiplies the RGB channels by one color, and + then adds a second color, pinning the result for each component to + [0..255]. + + The alpha components of the mul and add arguments are ignored. + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + +class ColorSpace: + __hash__: typing.ClassVar[None] = None + @staticmethod + def Deserialize(data: capsule, length: int) -> ColorSpace: ... + @staticmethod + def Make(profile: cms.ICCProfile) -> ColorSpace: + """ + Create an :py:class:`ColorSpace` from a parsed (skcms) ICC profile. + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeRGB(transferFn: cms.TransferFunction, toXYZ: cms.Matrix3x3) -> ColorSpace: + """ + Create an :py:class:`ColorSpace` from a transfer function and a + row-major 3x3 transformation to XYZ. + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeSRGB() -> ColorSpace: + """ + Create the sRGB color space. + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeSRGBLinear() -> ColorSpace: + """ + Colorspace with the sRGB primaries, but a linear (1.0) gamma. + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def Equals(self, other: ColorSpace) -> bool: + """ + If both are null, we return true. + + If one is null and the other is not, we return false. If both are + non-null, we do a deeper compare. + """ + def __eq__(self, arg0: ColorSpace) -> bool: ... + def deref(self) -> None: ... + def gammaCloseToSRGB(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if the color space gamma is near enough to be approximated + as sRGB. + """ + def gammaIsLinear(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if the color space gamma is linear. + """ + def gamutTransformTo(self, dst: ColorSpace, src_to_dst: cms.Matrix3x3) -> None: ... + def hash(self) -> int: ... + def invTransferFn(self, fn: cms.TransferFunction) -> None: ... + def isNumericalTransferFn(self, fn: cms.TransferFunction) -> bool: + """ + Sets ``|fn|`` to the transfer function from this color space. + + Returns true if the transfer function can be represented as coefficients + to the standard ICC 7-parameter equation. Returns false otherwise (eg, + PQ, HLG). + """ + def isSRGB(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if the color space is sRGB. + + Returns false otherwise. + + This allows a little bit of tolerance, given that we might see small + numerical error in some cases: converting ICC fixed point to float, + converting white point to D50, rounding decisions on transfer function + and matrix. + + This does not consider a 2.2f exponential transfer function to be sRGB. + While these functions are similar (and it is sometimes useful to + consider them together), this function checks for logical equality. + """ + def makeColorSpin(self) -> ColorSpace: + """ + Returns a color space with the same transfer function as this one, but + with the primary colors rotated. + + For any XYZ space, this produces a new color space that maps RGB to GBR + (when applied to a source), and maps RGB to BRG (when applied to a + destination). For other types of color spaces, returns nullptr. + + This is used for testing, to construct color spaces that have severe and + testable behavior. + """ + def makeLinearGamma(self) -> ColorSpace: + """ + Returns a color space with the same gamut as this one, but with a linear + gamma. + + For color spaces whose gamut can not be described in terms of XYZ D50, + returns linear sRGB. + """ + def makeSRGBGamma(self) -> ColorSpace: + """ + Returns a color space with the same gamut as this one, with with the + sRGB transfer function. + + For color spaces whose gamut can not be described in terms of XYZ D50, + returns sRGB. + """ + def ref(self) -> None: ... + def refCntGreaterThan(self, count: int) -> bool: ... + def serialize(self) -> Data: + """ + Returns nullptr on failure. + + Fails when we fallback to serializing ICC data and the data is too large + to serialize. + """ + def toProfile(self) -> cms.ICCProfile: + """ + Convert this color space to an skcms ICC profile struct. + """ + def toXYZD50(self, matrix: cms.Matrix3x3) -> bool: + """ + Returns true and sets ``|toXYZD50|`` if the color gamut can be described + as a matrix. + + Returns false otherwise. + """ + def toXYZD50Hash(self) -> int: + """ + Returns a hash of the gamut transformation to XYZ D50. + + Allows for fast equality checking of gamuts, at the (very small) risk of + collision. + """ + @typing.overload + def transferFn(self, gabcdef: float) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def transferFn(self, fn: cms.TransferFunction) -> None: ... + def transferFnHash(self) -> int: ... + def unique(self) -> bool: ... + def unref(self) -> None: ... + def writeToMemory(self, memory: capsule) -> int: + """ + If ``|memory|`` is nullptr, returns the size required to serialize. + + Otherwise, serializes into ``|memory|`` and returns the size. + """ + +class ColorType: + """ + Members: + + kUnknown_ColorType : uninitialized + + kAlpha_8_ColorType : pixel with alpha in 8-bit byte + + kRGB_565_ColorType : pixel with 5 bits red, 6 bits green, 5 bits blue, in 16-bit word + + kARGB_4444_ColorType : pixel with 4 bits for alpha, red, green, blue; in 16-bit word + + kRGBA_8888_ColorType : pixel with 8 bits for red, green, blue, alpha; in 32-bit word + + kRGB_888x_ColorType : pixel with 8 bits each for red, green, blue; in 32-bit word + + kBGRA_8888_ColorType : pixel with 8 bits for blue, green, red, alpha; in 32-bit word + + kRGBA_1010102_ColorType : 10 bits for red, green, blue; 2 bits for alpha; in 32-bit word + + kBGRA_1010102_ColorType : 10 bits for blue, green, red; 2 bits for alpha; in 32-bit word + + kRGB_101010x_ColorType : pixel with 10 bits each for red, green, blue; in 32-bit word + + kBGR_101010x_ColorType : pixel with 10 bits each for blue, green, red; in 32-bit word + + kGray_8_ColorType : pixel with grayscale level in 8-bit byte + + kRGBA_F16Norm_ColorType : pixel with half floats in [0,1] for red, green, blue, alpha; in 64-bit word + + kRGBA_F16_ColorType : pixel with half floats for red, green, blue, alpha; in 64-bit word + + kRGBA_F32_ColorType : pixel using C float for red, green, blue, alpha; in 128-bit word + + kR8G8_unorm_ColorType + + kA16_float_ColorType + + kR16G16_float_ColorType + + kA16_unorm_ColorType + + kR16G16_unorm_ColorType : pixel with a little endian uint16_t for red and green + + kR16G16B16A16_unorm_ColorType : pixel with a little endian uint16_t for red, green, blue + + kN32_ColorType + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, ColorType] + ] # value = {'kUnknown_ColorType': , 'kAlpha_8_ColorType': , 'kRGB_565_ColorType': , 'kARGB_4444_ColorType': , 'kRGBA_8888_ColorType': , 'kRGB_888x_ColorType': , 'kBGRA_8888_ColorType': , 'kRGBA_1010102_ColorType': , 'kBGRA_1010102_ColorType': , 'kRGB_101010x_ColorType': , 'kBGR_101010x_ColorType': , 'kGray_8_ColorType': , 'kRGBA_F16Norm_ColorType': , 'kRGBA_F16_ColorType': , 'kRGBA_F32_ColorType': , 'kR8G8_unorm_ColorType': , 'kA16_float_ColorType': , 'kR16G16_float_ColorType': , 'kA16_unorm_ColorType': , 'kR16G16_unorm_ColorType': , 'kR16G16B16A16_unorm_ColorType': , 'kN32_ColorType': } + kA16_float_ColorType: typing.ClassVar[ + ColorType + ] # value = + kA16_unorm_ColorType: typing.ClassVar[ + ColorType + ] # value = + kARGB_4444_ColorType: typing.ClassVar[ + ColorType + ] # value = + kAlpha_8_ColorType: typing.ClassVar[ + ColorType + ] # value = + kBGRA_1010102_ColorType: typing.ClassVar[ + ColorType + ] # value = + kBGRA_8888_ColorType: typing.ClassVar[ + ColorType + ] # value = + kBGR_101010x_ColorType: typing.ClassVar[ + ColorType + ] # value = + kGray_8_ColorType: typing.ClassVar[ + ColorType + ] # value = + kN32_ColorType: typing.ClassVar[ + ColorType + ] # value = + kR16G16B16A16_unorm_ColorType: typing.ClassVar[ + ColorType + ] # value = + kR16G16_float_ColorType: typing.ClassVar[ + ColorType + ] # value = + kR16G16_unorm_ColorType: typing.ClassVar[ + ColorType + ] # value = + kR8G8_unorm_ColorType: typing.ClassVar[ + ColorType + ] # value = + kRGBA_1010102_ColorType: typing.ClassVar[ + ColorType + ] # value = + kRGBA_8888_ColorType: typing.ClassVar[ + ColorType + ] # value = + kRGBA_F16Norm_ColorType: typing.ClassVar[ + ColorType + ] # value = + kRGBA_F16_ColorType: typing.ClassVar[ + ColorType + ] # value = + kRGBA_F32_ColorType: typing.ClassVar[ + ColorType + ] # value = + kRGB_101010x_ColorType: typing.ClassVar[ + ColorType + ] # value = + kRGB_565_ColorType: typing.ClassVar[ + ColorType + ] # value = + kRGB_888x_ColorType: typing.ClassVar[ + ColorType + ] # value = + kUnknown_ColorType: typing.ClassVar[ + ColorType + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + +class ConvergeMode: + """ + + Describes geometric operations (ala :py:class:`Region.Op`) that can be + applied to coverage bytes. + + These can be thought of as variants of porter-duff (:py:class:`BlendMode`) + modes, but only applied to the alpha channel. + + See :py:class:`MaskFilter` for ways to use these when combining two + different masks. + + + Members: + + kUnion + + kIntersect + + kDifference + + kReverseDifference + + kXor + + kLast + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, ConvergeMode] + ] # value = {'kUnion': , 'kIntersect': , 'kDifference': , 'kReverseDifference': , 'kXor': , 'kLast': } + kDifference: typing.ClassVar[ConvergeMode] # value = + kIntersect: typing.ClassVar[ConvergeMode] # value = + kLast: typing.ClassVar[ConvergeMode] # value = + kReverseDifference: typing.ClassVar[ + ConvergeMode + ] # value = + kUnion: typing.ClassVar[ConvergeMode] # value = + kXor: typing.ClassVar[ConvergeMode] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + +class CornerPathEffect: + """ + + :py:class:`CornerPathEffect` is a subclass of :py:class:`PathEffect` that + can turn sharp corners into various treatments (e.g. rounded corners) + + """ + @staticmethod + def Make(radius: float) -> PathEffect: + """ + radius must be > 0 to have an effect. + + It specifies the distance from each corner that should be "rounded". + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + +class CubicResampler: + B: float + C: float + @staticmethod + def CatmullRom() -> CubicResampler: ... + @staticmethod + def Mitchell() -> CubicResampler: ... + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + +class DashPathEffect: + @staticmethod + def Make(intervals: list[float], phase: float) -> PathEffect: + """ + For example: if intervals[] = {10, 20}, count = 2, and phase = 25, this + will set up a dashed path like so: 5 pixels off 10 pixels on 20 pixels + off 10 pixels on 20 pixels off ... A phase of -5, 25, 55, 85, etc. would + all result in the same path, because the sum of all the intervals is 30. + + Note: only affects stroked paths. + + :param List[skia.Point] intervals: array containing an even number of + entries (>=2), with the even indices specifying the length of "on" + intervals, and the odd indices specifying the length of "off" + intervals. + :param float phase: offset into the intervals array (mod the sum of all + of the intervals). + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + +class Data: + """ + + :py:class:`Data` holds an immutable data buffer. + + Not only is the data immutable, but the actual ptr that is returned (by + :py:meth:`data` or :py:meth:`bytes`) is guaranteed to always be the same for + the life of this instance. + + :py:class:`Data` supports Python buffer protocol, meaning that + :py:class:`Data` can be converted to Python buffer types without copy:: + + bytes(data) + memoryview(data) + np.array(data) + + """ + + __hash__: typing.ClassVar[None] = None + @staticmethod + def MakeEmpty() -> Data: + """ + Returns a new empty dataref (or a reference to a shared empty dataref). + + New or shared, the caller must see that unref() is eventually called. + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeFromFileName(path: str) -> Data: + """ + Create a new dataref the file with the specified path. + + If the file cannot be opened, this returns NULL. + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeSubset(src: Data, offset: int, length: int) -> Data: + """ + Create a new dataref using a subset of the data in the specified src + dataref. + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeUninitialized(length: int) -> Data: + """ + Create a new data with uninitialized contents. + + The caller should call :py:meth:`writable_data` to write into the + buffer, but this must be done before another :py:meth:`ref` is made. + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeWithCopy(data: typing_extensions.Buffer) -> Data: + """ + Create a new dataref by copying the specified data. + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeWithoutCopy(data: typing_extensions.Buffer) -> Data: + """ + Call this when the data parameter is already const and will outlive the + lifetime of the :py:class:`Data`. + + Suitable for with const globals. + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __buffer__(self, flags): + """ + Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object. + """ + def __eq__(self, other: Data) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if these two objects have the same length and contents, + effectively returning 0 == memcmp(...) + """ + def __init__(self, buf: typing_extensions.Buffer, copy: bool = False) -> None: + """ + Create a new :py:class:`Data`. + + :param Union[bytes,bytearray,memoryview] buf: Buffer object + :param bool copy: Whether to copy data, default `False`. + """ + def __release_buffer__(self, buffer): + """ + Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object. + """ + def bytes(self) -> bytes: + """ + Like data(), returns a read-only ptr into the data, but in this case it + is cast to ``bytes``. + """ + def copyRange(self, offset: int, length: int, buffer: typing.Any) -> int: + """ + Helper to copy a range of the data into a caller-provided buffer. + + Returns the actual number of bytes copied, after clamping offset and + length to the size of the data. If buffer is NULL, it is ignored, and + only the computed number of bytes is returned. + """ + def data(self) -> memoryview: + """ + Returns the read-only memoryview to the data. + """ + def deref(self) -> None: ... + def equals(self, other: Data) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if these two objects have the same length and contents, + effectively returning 0 == memcmp(...) + """ + def isEmpty(self) -> bool: ... + def ref(self) -> None: ... + def refCntGreaterThan(self, count: int) -> bool: ... + def size(self) -> int: + """ + Returns the number of bytes stored. + """ + def unique(self) -> bool: ... + def unref(self) -> None: ... + def writable_data(self) -> memoryview: + """ + USE WITH CAUTION. + + Returns the read-write memoryview to the data. + + This call will assert that the refcnt is 1, as a precaution against + modifying the contents when another client/thread has access to the + data. + """ + +class DiscretePathEffect: + @staticmethod + def Make(segLength: float, dev: float, seedAssist: int = 0) -> PathEffect: + """ + Break the path into segments of segLength length, and randomly move the + endpoints away from the original path by a maximum of deviation. + + Note: works on filled or framed paths + + :param segLength: Segment length + :param dev: Deviation + :param seedAssist: This is a caller-supplied seedAssist that modifies + the seed value that is used to randomize the path segments' + endpoints. If not supplied it defaults to 0, in which case filtering + a path multiple times will result in the same set of segments (this + is useful for testing). If a caller does not want this behaviour + they can pass in a different seedAssist to get a different set of + path segments. + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + +class Document(RefCnt): + """ + + High-level API for creating a document-based canvas. + + To use: + + 1. Create a document, specifying a stream to store the output. + 2. For each "page" of content: + + a. canvas = doc.beginPage(...) + b. draw_my_content(canvas) + c. doc.endPage() + + 3. Close the document with doc.close(). + + ``skia-python`` supports ``with`` syntax to build a document:: + + stream = skia.FILEWStream("output.pdf") + with skia.PDF.MakeDocument(stream) as document: + with, 640) as canvas: + draw(canvas) + + + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __enter__(self) -> Document: ... + def __exit__(self, arg0: object, arg1: object, arg2: object) -> None: ... + def abort(self) -> None: + """ + Call :py:meth:`abort` to stop producing the document immediately. + + The stream output must be ignored, and should not be trusted. + """ + def beginPage( + self, + width: float, + height: float, + content: Rect | None = None, + ) -> Canvas: + """ + Begin a new page for the document, returning the canvas that will draw + into the page. + + The document owns this canvas, and it will go out of scope when + :py:meth:`endPage` or :py:meth:`close` is called, or the document is + deleted. + """ + def close(self) -> None: + """ + Call :py:meth:`close` when all pages have been drawn. + + This will close the file or stream holding the document's contents. + After :py:meth:`close` the document can no longer add new pages. + Deleting the document will automatically call :py:meth:`close` if need + be. + """ + def endPage(self) -> None: + """ + Call :py:meth:`endPage` when the content for the current page has been + drawn (into the canvas returned by :py:meth:`beginPage`). + + After this call the canvas returned by :py:meth:`beginPage` will be + out-of-scope. + """ + def page(self, width: float, height: float) -> ...: ... + +class Drawable(Flattanable): + """ + + Base-class for objects that draw into :py:class:`Canvas`. + + The object has a generation ID, which is guaranteed to be unique across all + drawables. To allow for clients of the drawable that may want to cache the + results, the drawable must change its generation ID whenever its internal + state changes such that it will draw differently. + + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + @typing.overload + def draw(self, canvas: Canvas, matrix: Matrix | None = None) -> None: + """ + Draws into the specified content. + + The drawing sequence will be balanced upon return (i.e. the + ``saveLevel()`` on the canvas will match what it was when + :py:meth:`draw` was called, and the current matrix and clip settings + will not be changed. + """ + @typing.overload + def draw(self, canvas: Canvas, x: float, y: float) -> None: ... + def getBounds(self) -> Rect: + """ + Return the (conservative) bounds of what the drawable will draw. + + If the drawable can change what it draws (e.g. animation or in response + to some external change), then this must return a bounds that is always + valid for all possible states. + """ + def getGenerationID(self) -> int: + """ + Return a unique value for this instance. + + If two calls to this return the same value, it is presumed that calling + the draw() method will render the same thing as well. + + Subclasses that change their state should call + :py:meth:`notifyDrawingChanged` to ensure that a new value will be + returned the next time it is called. + """ + def newPictureSnapshot(self) -> Picture: ... + def notifyDrawingChanged(self) -> None: + """ + Calling this invalidates the previous generation ID, and causes a new + one to be computed the next time getGenerationID() is called. + + Typically this is called by the object itself, in response to its + internal state changing. + """ + +class DynamicMemoryWStream(WStream): + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + def copyTo(self, dst: typing_extensions.Buffer) -> None: + """ + More efficient version of read(dst, 0, :py:meth:`bytesWritten`). + """ + def copyToAndReset(self, dst: typing_extensions.Buffer) -> None: + """ + Equivalent to :py:meth:`copyTo` followed by :py:meth:`reset`, but may + save memory use. + """ + def detachAsData(self) -> Data: + """ + Return the contents as :py:class:`Data`, and then reset the stream. + """ + def detachAsStream(self) -> StreamAsset: + """ + Reset, returning a reader stream with the current content. + """ + def padToAlign4(self) -> None: ... + def prependToAndReset(self, dst: DynamicMemoryWStream) -> None: + """ + Prepend this stream to dst, resetting this. + """ + def read(self, data: typing_extensions.Buffer, offset: int = 0) -> bool: ... + def reset(self) -> None: ... + # @typing.overload + def writeToAndReset(self, dst: WStream) -> bool: + """ + Equivalent to :py:meth:`writeToStream` followed by :py:meth:`reset`, but + may save memory use. + """ + # @typing.overload + # def writeToAndReset(self, dst: DynamicMemoryWStream) -> bool: + # """ + # Equivalent to :py:meth:`writeToStream` followed by :py:meth:`reset`, but + # may save memory use. + # When the dst is also a :py:class:`DynamicMemoryWStream`, the + # implementation is constant time. + # """ + def writeToStream(self, dst: WStream) -> bool: ... + +class EncodedImageFormat: + """ + + Enum describing format of encoded data. + + + Members: + + kBMP + + kGIF + + kICO + + kJPEG + + kPNG + + kWBMP + + kWEBP + + kPKM + + kKTX + + kASTC + + kDNG + + kHEIF + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, EncodedImageFormat] + ] # value = {'kBMP': , 'kGIF': , 'kICO': , 'kJPEG': , 'kPNG': , 'kWBMP': , 'kWEBP': , 'kPKM': , 'kKTX': , 'kASTC': , 'kDNG': , 'kHEIF': } + kASTC: typing.ClassVar[EncodedImageFormat] # value = + kBMP: typing.ClassVar[EncodedImageFormat] # value = + kDNG: typing.ClassVar[EncodedImageFormat] # value = + kGIF: typing.ClassVar[EncodedImageFormat] # value = + kHEIF: typing.ClassVar[EncodedImageFormat] # value = + kICO: typing.ClassVar[EncodedImageFormat] # value = + kJPEG: typing.ClassVar[EncodedImageFormat] # value = + kKTX: typing.ClassVar[EncodedImageFormat] # value = + kPKM: typing.ClassVar[EncodedImageFormat] # value = + kPNG: typing.ClassVar[EncodedImageFormat] # value = + kWBMP: typing.ClassVar[EncodedImageFormat] # value = + kWEBP: typing.ClassVar[EncodedImageFormat] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + +class EncodedOrigin: + """ + + Image orientation values from their encoded EXIF data + These values match the orientation + + + Members: + + kTopLeft_EncodedOrigin + + kTopRight_EncodedOrigin + + kBottomRight_EncodedOrigin + + kBottomLeft_EncodedOrigin + + kLeftTop_EncodedOrigin + + kRightTop_EncodedOrigin + + kRightBottom_EncodedOrigin + + kLeftBottom_EncodedOrigin + + kDefault_EncodedOrigin + + kLast_EncodedOrigin + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, EncodedOrigin] + ] # value = {'kTopLeft_EncodedOrigin': , 'kTopRight_EncodedOrigin': , 'kBottomRight_EncodedOrigin': , 'kBottomLeft_EncodedOrigin': , 'kLeftTop_EncodedOrigin': , 'kRightTop_EncodedOrigin': , 'kRightBottom_EncodedOrigin': , 'kLeftBottom_EncodedOrigin': , 'kDefault_EncodedOrigin': , 'kLast_EncodedOrigin': } + kBottomLeft_EncodedOrigin: typing.ClassVar[ + EncodedOrigin + ] # value = + kBottomRight_EncodedOrigin: typing.ClassVar[ + EncodedOrigin + ] # value = + kDefault_EncodedOrigin: typing.ClassVar[ + EncodedOrigin + ] # value = + kLast_EncodedOrigin: typing.ClassVar[ + EncodedOrigin + ] # value = + kLeftBottom_EncodedOrigin: typing.ClassVar[ + EncodedOrigin + ] # value = + kLeftTop_EncodedOrigin: typing.ClassVar[ + EncodedOrigin + ] # value = + kRightBottom_EncodedOrigin: typing.ClassVar[ + EncodedOrigin + ] # value = + kRightTop_EncodedOrigin: typing.ClassVar[ + EncodedOrigin + ] # value = + kTopLeft_EncodedOrigin: typing.ClassVar[ + EncodedOrigin + ] # value = + kTopRight_EncodedOrigin: typing.ClassVar[ + EncodedOrigin + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + +class FILEStream(StreamAsset): + @staticmethod + def Make(path: str) -> FILEStream: ... + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __enter__(self) -> FILEStream: ... + def __exit__(self, arg0: object, arg1: object, arg2: object) -> None: ... + def __init__(self, path: str) -> None: ... + def close(self) -> None: ... + def isValid(self) -> bool: ... + +class FILEWStream(WStream): + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __init__(self, path: str) -> None: ... + def fsync(self) -> None: ... + def isValid(self) -> bool: ... + +class FilterMode: + """ + Members: + + kNearest : single sample point (nearest neighbor) + + kLinear : interporate between 2x2 sample points (bilinear interpolation) + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, FilterMode] + ] # value = {'kNearest': , 'kLinear': } + kLinear: typing.ClassVar[FilterMode] # value = + kNearest: typing.ClassVar[FilterMode] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + +class Flattanable(RefCnt): + """ + + :py:class:`Flattenable` is the base class for objects that need to be + flattened into a data stream for either transport or as part of the key to + the font cache. + + """ + class Type: + """ + Members: + + kColorFilter_Type + + kDrawable_Type + + kDrawLooper_Type + + kImageFilter_Type + + kMaskFilter_Type + + kPathEffect_Type + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, Flattanable.Type] + ] # value = {'kColorFilter_Type': , 'kDrawable_Type': , 'kDrawLooper_Type': , 'kImageFilter_Type': , 'kMaskFilter_Type': , 'kPathEffect_Type': } + kColorFilter_Type: typing.ClassVar[ + Flattanable.Type + ] # value = + kDrawLooper_Type: typing.ClassVar[ + Flattanable.Type + ] # value = + kDrawable_Type: typing.ClassVar[ + Flattanable.Type + ] # value = + kImageFilter_Type: typing.ClassVar[ + Flattanable.Type + ] # value = + kMaskFilter_Type: typing.ClassVar[ + Flattanable.Type + ] # value = + kPathEffect_Type: typing.ClassVar[ + Flattanable.Type + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + kColorFilter_Type: typing.ClassVar[ + Flattanable.Type + ] # value = + kDrawLooper_Type: typing.ClassVar[ + Flattanable.Type + ] # value = + kDrawable_Type: typing.ClassVar[ + Flattanable.Type + ] # value = + kImageFilter_Type: typing.ClassVar[ + Flattanable.Type + ] # value = + kMaskFilter_Type: typing.ClassVar[ + Flattanable.Type + ] # value = + kPathEffect_Type: typing.ClassVar[ + Flattanable.Type + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def Deserialize( + type: Flattanable.Type, + b: typing_extensions.Buffer, + ) -> Flattanable: ... + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def getFlattenableType(self) -> Flattanable.Type: ... + def getTypeName(self) -> str: + """ + Returns the name of the object's class. + + Implemented in :py:class:`~skia.Drawable`. + """ + def serialize(self) -> Data: ... + +class Font: + """ + + :py:class:`Font` controls options applied when drawing and measuring text. + + """ + class Edging: + """ + + Whether edge pixels draw opaque or with partial transparency. + + + Members: + + kAlias + + kAntiAlias + + kSubpixelAntiAlias + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, Font.Edging] + ] # value = {'kAlias': , 'kAntiAlias': , 'kSubpixelAntiAlias': } + kAlias: typing.ClassVar[Font.Edging] # value = + kAntiAlias: typing.ClassVar[Font.Edging] # value = + kSubpixelAntiAlias: typing.ClassVar[ + Font.Edging + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + __hash__: typing.ClassVar[None] = None + kAlias: typing.ClassVar[Font.Edging] # value = + kAntiAlias: typing.ClassVar[Font.Edging] # value = + kSubpixelAntiAlias: typing.ClassVar[ + Font.Edging + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, arg0: Font) -> bool: + """ + Compares :py:class:`Font` and font, and returns true if they are + equivalent. + + May return false if :py:class:`Typeface` has identical contents but + different pointers. + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__(self) -> None: + """ + Constructs :py:class:`Font` with default values. + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, typeface: typing.Any, size: float) -> None: + """ + Constructs :py:class:`Font` with default values with + :py:class:`Typeface` and size in points. + + :typeface: font and style used to draw and measure + text + :size: typographic height of text + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, typeface: typing.Any) -> None: + """ + Constructs :py:class:`Font` with default values with + :py:class:`Typeface`. + + :typeface: font and style used to draw and measure + text + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__( + self, + typeface: typing.Any, + size: float, + scaleX: float, + skewX: float, + ) -> None: + """ + Constructs :py:class:`Font` with default values with + :py:class:`Typeface` and size in points, horizontal scale, and + horizontal skew. + + Horizontal scale emulates condensed and expanded fonts. Horizontal skew + emulates oblique fonts. + + :typeface: font and style used to draw and measure + text + :size: typographic height of text + :scaleX: text horizontal scale + :skewX: additional shear on x-axis relative to y-axis + """ + def __ne__(self, arg0: Font) -> bool: + """ + Compares :py:class:`Font` and font, and returns true if they are not + equivalent. + + May return true if :py:class:`Typeface` has identical contents but + different pointers. + """ + def countText(self, text: str, encoding: TextEncoding = ...) -> int: + """ + Returns number of glyphs represented by text. + + If encoding is :py:attr:`TextEncoding.kUTF8`, + :py:attr:`TextEncoding.kUTF16`, or :py:attr:`TextEncoding.kUTF32`; then + each Unicode codepoint is mapped to a single glyph. + + :param str text: character storage encoded with :py:class:`TextEncoding` + :param skia.TextEncoding encoding: text encoding + """ + def dump(self) -> None: + """ + Dumps fields of the font to SkDebugf. + + May change its output over time, so clients should not rely on this for + anything specific. Used to aid in debugging. + """ + def getBounds(self, glyphs: list[int], paint: Paint | None = None) -> list[Rect]: + """ + Retrieves the bounds for each glyph in glyphs. + + If paint is not nullptr, its stroking, :py:class:`PathEffect`, and + :py:class:`MaskFilter` fields are respected. + + :param List[int] glyphs: array of glyph indices to be measured + :param skia.Paint paint: optional, specifies stroking, + :py:class:`PathEffect`, and :py:class:`MaskFilter` + :return: bounds for each glyph relative to (0, 0) + :rtype: List[skia.Rect] + """ + def getEdging(self) -> Font.Edging: + """ + Whether edge pixels draw opaque or with partial transparency. + """ + def getHinting(self) -> FontHinting: + """ + Returns level of glyph outline adjustment. + """ + def getMetrics(self) -> FontMetrics: + """ + Returns :py:class:`FontMetrics` associated with :py:class:`Typeface`. + + Results are scaled by text size but does not take into account + dimensions required by text scale, text skew, fake bold, style stroke, + and :py:class:`PathEffect`. + + :rtype: :py:class:`FontMetrics` + """ + def getPath(self, glyphID: int) -> typing.Any: + """ + Modifies path to be the outline of the glyph. + + If the glyph has an outline, modifies path to be the glyph's outline and + returns true. The glyph outline may be empty. Degenerate contours in the + glyph outline will be skipped. If glyph is described by a bitmap, + returns false and ignores path parameter. + + :param int glyphID: index of glyph + :return: true if glyphID is described by path + """ + def getPaths(self, glyphIDs: list[int]) -> typing.Any: + """ + Returns path corresponding to glyph array. + + :param glyphIDs: array of glyph indices + :return: list of :py:class:`Path` + """ + def getPos(self, glyphs: list[int], origin: Point = ...) -> list[Point]: + """ + Retrieves the positions for each glyph, beginning at the specified + origin. + + :param List[int] glyphs: array of glyph indices to be positioned + :param skia.Point origin: location of the first glyph. Defaults to + (0, 0). + :return: glyphs positions + """ + def getScaleX(self) -> float: + """ + Returns text scale on x-axis. + + Default value is 1. + + :return: text horizontal scale + """ + def getSize(self) -> float: + """ + Returns text size in points. + + :return: typographic height of text + """ + def getSkewX(self) -> float: + """ + Returns text skew on x-axis. + + Default value is zero. + + :return: additional shear on x-axis relative to y-axis + """ + def getSpacing(self) -> float: + """ + Returns the recommended spacing between lines: the sum of metrics + descent, ascent, and leading. + + Result is scaled by text size but does not take into account dimensions + required by stroking and :py:class:`PathEffect`. Returns the same result + as :py:meth:`getMetrics`. + + :return: recommended spacing between lines + """ + def getTypeface(self) -> Typeface: + """ + Returns :py:class:`Typeface` if set, or nullptr. + + :return: :py:class:`Typeface` if previously set, nullptr otherwise + """ + def getWidths(self, glyphs: list[int]) -> list[float]: + """ + Retrieves the advance and bounds for each glyph in glyphs. + + :param List[int] glyphs: array of glyph indices to be measured + :rtype: List[float] + """ + def getWidthsBounds(self, glyphs: list[int], paint: Paint | None = None) -> tuple: + """ + Retrieves the advance and bounds for each glyph in glyphs. + + :param List[int] glyphs: array of glyph indices to be measured + :param skia.Paint paint: optional, specifies stroking, + :py:class:`PathEffect` and :py:class:`MaskFilter` + :return: Widths and bounds array + :rtype: Tuple[List[float],List[skia.Rect]] + """ + def getXPos(self, glyphs: list[int], origin: float = 0) -> list[float]: + """ + Retrieves the x-positions for each glyph, beginning at the specified + origin. + + :param List[int] glyphs: array of glyph indices to be positioned + :param skia.Point origin: location of the first glyph. Defaults to 0. + :return: glyphs x-positions + """ + def isBaselineSnap(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if baselines will be snapped to pixel positions when the + current transformation matrix is axis aligned. + + :return: baselines may be snapped to pixels + """ + def isEmbeddedBitmaps(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if font engine may return glyphs from font bitmaps instead + of from outlines. + + :return: true if glyphs may be font bitmaps + """ + def isEmbolden(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if bold is approximated by increasing the stroke width when + creating glyph bitmaps from outlines. + + :return: bold is approximated through stroke width + """ + def isForceAutoHinting(self) -> bool: + """ + If true, instructs the font manager to always hint glyphs. + + Returned value is only meaningful if platform uses FreeType as the font + manager. + + :return: true if all glyphs are hinted + """ + def isLinearMetrics(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if font and glyph metrics are requested to be linearly + scalable. + + :return: true if font and glyph metrics are requested to be linearly + scalable. + """ + def isSubpixel(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if glyphs may be drawn at sub-pixel offsets. + + :return: true if glyphs may be drawn at sub-pixel offsets. + """ + def makeWithSize(self, size: float) -> Font: + """ + Returns a font with the same attributes of this font, but with the + specified size. + + Returns nullptr if size is less than zero, infinite, or NaN. + + :param float size: typographic height of text + """ + def measureText( + self, + text: str, + encoding: TextEncoding = ..., + bounds: Rect | None = None, + paint: Paint | None = None, + ) -> float: + """ + Returns the advance width of text. + + The advance is the normal distance to move before drawing additional + text. Returns the bounding box of text if bounds is not nullptr. paint + stroke width or :py:class:`PathEffect` may modify the advance with. + + :param str text: character storage encoded with :py:class:`TextEncoding` + :param skia.TextEncoding encoding: text encoding + :param skia.Rect bounds: returns bounding box relative to (0, 0) if not + nullptr + :param skia.Paint paint: optional; may be nullptr + :return: the advance width of text + """ + def refTypeface(self) -> Typeface: + """ + Increases :py:class:`Typeface` :py:class:`RefCnt` by one. + + :return: :py:class:`Typeface` if previously set, nullptr otherwise + """ + def setBaselineSnap(self, baselineSnap: bool) -> None: + """ + Requests that baselines be snapped to pixels when the current + transformation matrix is axis aligned. + + :param bool baselineSnap: setting for baseline snapping to pixels + """ + def setEdging(self, edging: Font.Edging) -> None: + """ + Requests, but does not require, that edge pixels draw opaque or with + partial transparency. + """ + def setEmbeddedBitmaps(self, embeddedBitmaps: bool) -> None: + """ + Requests, but does not require, to use bitmaps in fonts instead of + outlines. + + :param bool embeddedBitmaps setting to use bitmaps in fonts + """ + def setEmbolden(self, embolden: bool) -> None: + """ + Increases stroke width when creating glyph bitmaps to approximate a bold + typeface. + + :param bool embolden: setting for bold approximation + """ + def setForceAutoHinting(self, forceAutoHinting: bool) -> None: + """ + Sets whether to always hint glyphs. + + If forceAutoHinting is set, instructs the font manager to always hint + glyphs. + + Only affects platforms that use FreeType as the font manager. + + :param bool forceAutoHinting: setting to always hint glyphs + """ + def setHinting(self, hintingLevel: FontHinting) -> None: + """ + Sets level of glyph outline adjustment. + + Does not check for valid values of hintingLevel. + """ + def setLinearMetrics(self, linearMetrics: bool) -> None: + """ + Requests, but does not require, linearly scalable font and glyph + metrics. + + For outline fonts 'true' means font and glyph metrics should ignore + hinting and rounding. Note that some bitmap formats may not be able to + scale linearly and will ignore this flag. + + :param bool linearMetrics: setting for linearly scalable font and glyph + metrics. + """ + def setScaleX(self, scaleX: float) -> None: + """ + Sets text scale on x-axis. + + Default value is 1. + + :param float scaleX: text horizontal scale + """ + def setSize(self, textSize: float) -> None: + """ + Sets text size in points. + + Has no effect if textSize is not greater than or equal to zero. + + :param float textSize: typographic height of text + """ + def setSkewX(self, skewX: float) -> None: + """ + Sets text skew on x-axis. + + Default value is zero. + + :param float skewX: additional shear on x-axis relative to y-axis + """ + def setSubpixel(self, subpixel: bool) -> None: + """ + Requests, but does not require, that glyphs respect sub-pixel + positioning. + + :param bool subpixel: setting for sub-pixel positioning + """ + def setTypeface(self, typeface: Typeface) -> None: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Typeface` to typeface, decreasing :py:class:`RefCnt` of + the previous :py:class:`Typeface`. + + Pass nullptr to clear :py:class:`Typeface` and use the default typeface. + Increments tf :py:class:`RefCnt` by one. + + :param typeface: font and style used to draw text + """ + def textToGlyphs(self, text: str, encoding: TextEncoding = ...) -> list[int]: + """ + Converts text into glyph indices. + + Returns the number of glyph indices represented by text. + :py:class:`TextEncoding` specifies how text represents characters or + glyphs. + + Does not check text for valid character codes or valid glyph indices. + + If encoding is :py:attr:`TextEncoding.kUTF8` and text contains an + invalid UTF-8 sequence, empty array is returned. + + When encoding is :py:attr:`TextEncoding.kUTF8`, + :py:attr:`TextEncoding.kUTF16`, or :py:attr:`TextEncoding.kUTF32`; then + each Unicode codepoint is mapped to a single glyph. This function uses + the default character-to-glyph mapping from the :py:class:`Typeface` and + maps characters not found in the :py:class:`Typeface` to zero. + + :param str text: character storage encoded with :py:class:`TextEncoding` + :param skia.TextEncoding encoding: text encoding + :return: glyphs represented by text + """ + def unicharToGlyph(self, uni: int) -> int: + """ + Returns glyph index for Unicode character. + + If the character is not supported by the :py:class:`Typeface`, returns + 0. + + :param int uni: Unicode character + """ + def unicharsToGlyphs(self, uni: list[int]) -> list[int]: ... + +class FontArguments: + """ + + Represents a set of actual arguments for a font. + + """ + class VariationPosition: + """ + + Container of coordinates. + + """ + class Coordinate: + axis: int + value: float + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __init__(self, axis: int, value: float) -> None: ... + + class Coordinates: + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __bool__(self) -> bool: + """ + Check whether the list is nonempty + """ + @typing.overload + def __delitem__(self, arg0: int) -> None: + """ + Delete the list elements at index ``i`` + """ + @typing.overload + def __delitem__(self, arg0: slice) -> None: + """ + Delete list elements using a slice object + """ + @typing.overload + def __getitem__( + self, + s: slice, + ) -> FontArguments.VariationPosition.Coordinates: + """ + Retrieve list elements using a slice object + """ + @typing.overload + def __getitem__( + self, + arg0: int, + ) -> FontArguments.VariationPosition.Coordinate: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__( + self, + arg0: FontArguments.VariationPosition.Coordinates, + ) -> None: + """ + Copy constructor + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, arg0: typing.Iterable) -> None: ... + def __iter__( + self, + ) -> typing.Iterator[FontArguments.VariationPosition.Coordinate]: ... + def __len__(self) -> int: ... + @typing.overload + def __setitem__( + self, + arg0: int, + arg1: FontArguments.VariationPosition.Coordinate, + ) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __setitem__( + self, + arg0: slice, + arg1: FontArguments.VariationPosition.Coordinates, + ) -> None: + """ + Assign list elements using a slice object + """ + def append(self, x: FontArguments.VariationPosition.Coordinate) -> None: + """ + Add an item to the end of the list + """ + def clear(self) -> None: + """ + Clear the contents + """ + @typing.overload + def extend(self, L: FontArguments.VariationPosition.Coordinates) -> None: + """ + Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list + """ + @typing.overload + def extend(self, L: typing.Iterable) -> None: + """ + Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list + """ + def insert( + self, + i: int, + x: FontArguments.VariationPosition.Coordinate, + ) -> None: + """ + Insert an item at a given position. + """ + @typing.overload + def pop(self) -> FontArguments.VariationPosition.Coordinate: + """ + Remove and return the last item + """ + @typing.overload + def pop(self, i: int) -> FontArguments.VariationPosition.Coordinate: + """ + Remove and return the item at index ``i`` + """ + + coordinates: FontArguments.VariationPosition.Coordinates + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __init__( + self, + coordinates: FontArguments.VariationPosition.Coordinates, + ) -> None: ... + @property + def coordinateCount(self) -> int: ... + + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + def getCollectionIndex(self) -> int: ... + def getVariationDesignPosition(self) -> FontArguments.VariationPosition: ... + def setCollectionIndex(self, collectionIndex: int) -> FontArguments: + """ + Specify the index of the desired font. + + Font formats like ttc, dfont, cff, cid, pfr, t42, t1, and fon may + actually be indexed collections of fonts. + """ + def setVariationDesignPosition( + self, + position: FontArguments.VariationPosition, + ) -> FontArguments: + """ + Specify a position in the variation design space. + + Any axis not specified will use the default value. Any specified axis + not actually present in the font will be ignored. + + :param position: not copied. The value must remain valid for life of + :py:class:`FontArguments`. + """ + +class FontHinting: + """ + Members: + + kNone + + kSlight + + kNormal + + kFull + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, FontHinting] + ] # value = {'kNone': , 'kSlight': , 'kNormal': , 'kFull': } + kFull: typing.ClassVar[FontHinting] # value = + kNone: typing.ClassVar[FontHinting] # value = + kNormal: typing.ClassVar[FontHinting] # value = + kSlight: typing.ClassVar[FontHinting] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + +class FontMetrics: + """ + + The metrics of an :py:class:`Font`. + + The metric values are consistent with the Skia y-down coordinate system. + + """ + class FontMetricsFlags: + """ + + FontMetricsFlags indicate when certain metrics are valid; the underline or + strikeout metrics may be valid and zero. + + Fonts with embedded bitmaps may not have valid underline or strikeout + metrics. + + + Members: + + kUnderlineThicknessIsValid_Flag : set if fUnderlineThickness is valid + + kUnderlinePositionIsValid_Flag : set if fUnderlinePosition is valid + + kStrikeoutThicknessIsValid_Flag : set if fStrikeoutThickness is valid + + kStrikeoutPositionIsValid_Flag : set if fStrikeoutPosition is valid + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, FontMetrics.FontMetricsFlags] + ] # value = {'kUnderlineThicknessIsValid_Flag': , 'kUnderlinePositionIsValid_Flag': , 'kStrikeoutThicknessIsValid_Flag': , 'kStrikeoutPositionIsValid_Flag': } + kStrikeoutPositionIsValid_Flag: typing.ClassVar[ + FontMetrics.FontMetricsFlags + ] # value = + kStrikeoutThicknessIsValid_Flag: typing.ClassVar[ + FontMetrics.FontMetricsFlags + ] # value = + kUnderlinePositionIsValid_Flag: typing.ClassVar[ + FontMetrics.FontMetricsFlags + ] # value = + kUnderlineThicknessIsValid_Flag: typing.ClassVar[ + FontMetrics.FontMetricsFlags + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __and__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __ge__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __gt__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __invert__(self) -> typing.Any: ... + def __le__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __lt__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __or__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __rand__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __ror__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __rxor__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + def __xor__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + kStrikeoutPositionIsValid_Flag: typing.ClassVar[ + FontMetrics.FontMetricsFlags + ] # value = + kStrikeoutThicknessIsValid_Flag: typing.ClassVar[ + FontMetrics.FontMetricsFlags + ] # value = + kUnderlinePositionIsValid_Flag: typing.ClassVar[ + FontMetrics.FontMetricsFlags + ] # value = + kUnderlineThicknessIsValid_Flag: typing.ClassVar[ + FontMetrics.FontMetricsFlags + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + def hasStrikeoutPosition(self, position: float) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if :py:class:`FontMetrics` has a valid strikeout position, + and sets position to that value. + + If the underline position is not valid, return false, and ignore + position. + + :param float position: storage for strikeout position + :return: true if font specifies strikeout position + """ + def hasStrikeoutThickness(self, thickness: float) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if :py:class:`FontMetrics` has a valid strikeout thickness, + and sets thickness to that value. + + If the underline thickness is not valid, return false, and ignore + thickness. + + :param float thickness: storage for strikeout width + :return: true if font specifies strikeout width + """ + def hasUnderlinePosition(self, position: float) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if :py:class:`FontMetrics` has a valid underline position, + and sets position to that value. + + If the underline position is not valid, return false, and ignore + position. + + :param float position: storage for underline position + :return: true if font specifies underline position + """ + def hasUnderlineThickness(self, thickness: float) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if :py:class:`FontMetrics` has a valid underline thickness, + and sets thickness to that value. + + If the underline thickness is not valid, return false, and ignore + thickness. + + :param thickness: storage for underline width + :return: true if font specifies underline width + """ + @property + def fAscent(self) -> float: + """ + distance to reserve above baseline, typically negative + """ + @fAscent.setter + def fAscent(self, arg0: float) -> None: ... + @property + def fAvgCharWidth(self) -> float: + """ + average character width, zero if unknown + """ + @fAvgCharWidth.setter + def fAvgCharWidth(self, arg0: float) -> None: ... + @property + def fBottom(self) -> float: + """ + greatest extent below origin of any glyph bounding box, typically + positive; deprecated with variable fonts + """ + @fBottom.setter + def fBottom(self, arg0: float) -> None: ... + @property + def fCapHeight(self) -> float: + """ + height of an upper-case letter, zero if unknown, typically negative + """ + @fCapHeight.setter + def fCapHeight(self, arg0: float) -> None: ... + @property + def fDescent(self) -> float: + """ + distance to reserve below baseline, typically positive + """ + @fDescent.setter + def fDescent(self, arg0: float) -> None: ... + @property + def fFlags(self) -> int: + """ + FontMetricsFlags indicating which metrics are valid. + """ + @fFlags.setter + def fFlags(self, arg0: int) -> None: ... + @property + def fLeading(self) -> float: + """ + distance to add between lines, typically positive or zero + """ + @fLeading.setter + def fLeading(self, arg0: float) -> None: ... + @property + def fMaxCharWidth(self) -> float: + """ + maximum character width, zero if unknown + """ + @fMaxCharWidth.setter + def fMaxCharWidth(self, arg0: float) -> None: ... + @property + def fStrikeoutPosition(self) -> float: + """ + distance from baseline to bottom of stroke, typically negative + """ + @fStrikeoutPosition.setter + def fStrikeoutPosition(self, arg0: float) -> None: ... + @property + def fStrikeoutThickness(self) -> float: + """ + strikeout thickness + """ + @fStrikeoutThickness.setter + def fStrikeoutThickness(self, arg0: float) -> None: ... + @property + def fTop(self) -> float: + """ + greatest extent above origin of any glyph bounding box, typically + negative; deprecated with variable fonts + """ + @fTop.setter + def fTop(self, arg0: float) -> None: ... + @property + def fUnderlinePosition(self) -> float: + """ + distance from baseline to top of stroke, typically positive + """ + @fUnderlinePosition.setter + def fUnderlinePosition(self, arg0: float) -> None: ... + @property + def fUnderlineThickness(self) -> float: + """ + underline thickness + """ + @fUnderlineThickness.setter + def fUnderlineThickness(self, arg0: float) -> None: ... + @property + def fXHeight(self) -> float: + """ + height of lower-case 'x', zero if unknown, typically negative + """ + @fXHeight.setter + def fXHeight(self, arg0: float) -> None: ... + @property + def fXMax(self) -> float: + """ + greatest extent to right of origin of any glyph bounding box, typically + positive; deprecated with variable fonts + """ + @fXMax.setter + def fXMax(self, arg0: float) -> None: ... + @property + def fXMin(self) -> float: + """ + greatest extent to left of origin of any glyph bounding box, typically + negative; deprecated with variable fonts + """ + @fXMin.setter + def fXMin(self, arg0: float) -> None: ... + +class FontMgr(RefCnt): + """ + + Font manager that knows system fonts. + + Example:: + + fontmgr = skia.FontMgr() + print(list(fontmgr)) + familyName = fontmgr[0] + + typeface = fontmgr.matchFamilyStyle(familyName, skia.FontStyle.Normal()) + assert typeface is not None + + + """ + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def New_Custom_Empty() -> FontMgr: ... + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def New_Custom_Empty(filename: str) -> FontMgr: ... + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def New_Custom_Empty(data: Data) -> FontMgr: ... + @staticmethod + def OneFontMgr(*args, **kwargs): + """ + New_Custom_Empty(*args, **kwargs) + Overloaded function. + + 1. New_Custom_Empty() -> skia.FontMgr + + 2. New_Custom_Empty(filename: str) -> skia.FontMgr + + 3. New_Custom_Empty(data: skia.Data) -> skia.FontMgr + """ + @staticmethod + def RefDefault() -> FontMgr: + """ + Return the default fontmgr. + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> str: ... + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + def __len__(self) -> int: ... + def countFamilies(self) -> int: ... + def createStyleSet(self, index: int) -> FontStyleSet: ... + def getFamilyName(self, index: int) -> str: ... + def legacyMakeTypeface(self, familyName: str, style: FontStyle) -> Typeface: ... + def makeFromData(self, data: Data, ttcIndex: int = 0) -> Typeface: + """ + Create a typeface for the specified data and TTC index (pass 0 for none) + or NULL if the data is not recognized. + """ + def makeFromFile(self, path: str, ttcIndex: int = 0) -> Typeface: + """ + Create a typeface for the specified fileName and TTC index (pass 0 for + none) or NULL if the file is not found, or its contents are not + recognized. + """ + def matchFamily(self, familyName: str) -> FontStyleSet: + """ + Never returns NULL; will return an empty set if the name is not found. + + Passing nullptr as the parameter will return the default system family. + Note that most systems don't have a default system family, so passing + nullptr will often result in the empty set. + + It is possible that this will return a style set not accessible from + createStyleSet(int) due to hidden or auto-activated fonts. + """ + def matchFamilyStyle(self, familyName: typing.Any, style: FontStyle) -> Typeface: + """ + Find the closest matching typeface to the specified familyName and style + and return a ref to it. + + Will return nullptr if no 'good' match is found. + + Passing nullptr as the parameter for familyName will return the + default system font. + + It is possible that this will return a style set not accessible from + createStyleSet(int) or matchFamily(const char[]) due to hidden or + auto-activated fonts. + """ + def matchFamilyStyleCharacter( + self, + familyName: str, + style: FontStyle, + bcp47: list[str], + character: int, + ) -> Typeface: + """ + Use the system fallback to find a typeface for the given character. + + Note that bcp47 is a combination of ISO 639, 15924, and 3166-1 codes, so + it is fine to just pass a ISO 639 here. + + Will return NULL if no family can be found for the character in the + system fallback. + + Passing nullptr as the parameter for familyName will return the + default system font. + + bcp47[0] is the least significant fallback, bcp47[bcp47Count-1] is the + most significant. If no specified bcp47 codes match, any font with the + requested character will be matched. + """ + +class FontParameters: + class Variation: + """ + + Parameters in a variation font axis. + + """ + class Axis: + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + def isHidden(self) -> bool: + """ + Return whether this axis is recommended to be remain hidden in user + interfaces. + """ + def setHidden(self, hidden: bool) -> None: + """ + Set this axis to be remain hidden in user interfaces. + """ + # @property + # def def(self) -> float: + # """ + # Default value set by this axis. + # """ + # @def.setter + # def def(self, arg0: float) -> None: + # ... + @property + def max(self) -> float: + """ + Maximum value supported by this axis. The maximum can equal the minimum. + """ + @max.setter + def max(self, arg0: float) -> None: ... + @property + def min(self) -> float: + """ + Minimum value supported by this axis. + """ + @min.setter + def min(self, arg0: float) -> None: ... + @property + def tag(self) -> int: + """ + Four character identifier of the font axis (weight, width, slant, + italic...). + """ + @tag.setter + def tag(self, arg0: int) -> None: ... + + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + +class FontStyle: + class Slant: + """ + Members: + + kUpright_Slant + + kItalic_Slant + + kOblique_Slant + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, FontStyle.Slant] + ] # value = {'kUpright_Slant': , 'kItalic_Slant': , 'kOblique_Slant': } + kItalic_Slant: typing.ClassVar[ + FontStyle.Slant + ] # value = + kOblique_Slant: typing.ClassVar[ + FontStyle.Slant + ] # value = + kUpright_Slant: typing.ClassVar[ + FontStyle.Slant + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + class Weight: + """ + Members: + + kInvisible_Weight + + kThin_Weight + + kExtraLight_Weight + + kLight_Weight + + kNormal_Weight + + kMedium_Weight + + kSemiBold_Weight + + kBold_Weight + + kExtraBold_Weight + + kBlack_Weight + + kExtraBlack_Weight + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, FontStyle.Weight] + ] # value = {'kInvisible_Weight': , 'kThin_Weight': , 'kExtraLight_Weight': , 'kLight_Weight': , 'kNormal_Weight': , 'kMedium_Weight': , 'kSemiBold_Weight': , 'kBold_Weight': , 'kExtraBold_Weight': , 'kBlack_Weight': , 'kExtraBlack_Weight': } + kBlack_Weight: typing.ClassVar[ + FontStyle.Weight + ] # value = + kBold_Weight: typing.ClassVar[ + FontStyle.Weight + ] # value = + kExtraBlack_Weight: typing.ClassVar[ + FontStyle.Weight + ] # value = + kExtraBold_Weight: typing.ClassVar[ + FontStyle.Weight + ] # value = + kExtraLight_Weight: typing.ClassVar[ + FontStyle.Weight + ] # value = + kInvisible_Weight: typing.ClassVar[ + FontStyle.Weight + ] # value = + kLight_Weight: typing.ClassVar[ + FontStyle.Weight + ] # value = + kMedium_Weight: typing.ClassVar[ + FontStyle.Weight + ] # value = + kNormal_Weight: typing.ClassVar[ + FontStyle.Weight + ] # value = + kSemiBold_Weight: typing.ClassVar[ + FontStyle.Weight + ] # value = + kThin_Weight: typing.ClassVar[ + FontStyle.Weight + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __and__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __ge__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __gt__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __invert__(self) -> typing.Any: ... + def __le__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __lt__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __or__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __rand__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __ror__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __rxor__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + def __xor__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + class Width: + """ + Members: + + kUltraCondensed_Width + + kExtraCondensed_Width + + kCondensed_Width + + kSemiCondensed_Width + + kNormal_Width + + kSemiExpanded_Width + + kExpanded_Width + + kExtraExpanded_Width + + kUltraExpanded_Width + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, FontStyle.Width] + ] # value = {'kUltraCondensed_Width': , 'kExtraCondensed_Width': , 'kCondensed_Width': , 'kSemiCondensed_Width': , 'kNormal_Width': , 'kSemiExpanded_Width': , 'kExpanded_Width': , 'kExtraExpanded_Width': , 'kUltraExpanded_Width': } + kCondensed_Width: typing.ClassVar[ + FontStyle.Width + ] # value = + kExpanded_Width: typing.ClassVar[ + FontStyle.Width + ] # value = + kExtraCondensed_Width: typing.ClassVar[ + FontStyle.Width + ] # value = + kExtraExpanded_Width: typing.ClassVar[ + FontStyle.Width + ] # value = + kNormal_Width: typing.ClassVar[ + FontStyle.Width + ] # value = + kSemiCondensed_Width: typing.ClassVar[ + FontStyle.Width + ] # value = + kSemiExpanded_Width: typing.ClassVar[ + FontStyle.Width + ] # value = + kUltraCondensed_Width: typing.ClassVar[ + FontStyle.Width + ] # value = + kUltraExpanded_Width: typing.ClassVar[ + FontStyle.Width + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __and__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __ge__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __gt__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __invert__(self) -> typing.Any: ... + def __le__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __lt__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __or__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __rand__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __ror__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __rxor__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + def __xor__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + kBlack_Weight: typing.ClassVar[ + FontStyle.Weight + ] # value = + kBold_Weight: typing.ClassVar[ + FontStyle.Weight + ] # value = + kCondensed_Width: typing.ClassVar[ + FontStyle.Width + ] # value = + kExpanded_Width: typing.ClassVar[ + FontStyle.Width + ] # value = + kExtraBlack_Weight: typing.ClassVar[ + FontStyle.Weight + ] # value = + kExtraBold_Weight: typing.ClassVar[ + FontStyle.Weight + ] # value = + kExtraCondensed_Width: typing.ClassVar[ + FontStyle.Width + ] # value = + kExtraExpanded_Width: typing.ClassVar[ + FontStyle.Width + ] # value = + kExtraLight_Weight: typing.ClassVar[ + FontStyle.Weight + ] # value = + kInvisible_Weight: typing.ClassVar[ + FontStyle.Weight + ] # value = + kItalic_Slant: typing.ClassVar[FontStyle.Slant] # value = + kLight_Weight: typing.ClassVar[ + FontStyle.Weight + ] # value = + kMedium_Weight: typing.ClassVar[ + FontStyle.Weight + ] # value = + kNormal_Weight: typing.ClassVar[ + FontStyle.Weight + ] # value = + kNormal_Width: typing.ClassVar[FontStyle.Width] # value = + kOblique_Slant: typing.ClassVar[ + FontStyle.Slant + ] # value = + kSemiBold_Weight: typing.ClassVar[ + FontStyle.Weight + ] # value = + kSemiCondensed_Width: typing.ClassVar[ + FontStyle.Width + ] # value = + kSemiExpanded_Width: typing.ClassVar[ + FontStyle.Width + ] # value = + kThin_Weight: typing.ClassVar[ + FontStyle.Weight + ] # value = + kUltraCondensed_Width: typing.ClassVar[ + FontStyle.Width + ] # value = + kUltraExpanded_Width: typing.ClassVar[ + FontStyle.Width + ] # value = + kUpright_Slant: typing.ClassVar[ + FontStyle.Slant + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def Bold() -> FontStyle: ... + @staticmethod + def BoldItalic() -> FontStyle: ... + @staticmethod + def Italic() -> FontStyle: ... + @staticmethod + def Normal() -> FontStyle: ... + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, weight: int, width: int, slant: FontStyle.Slant) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + def slant(self) -> FontStyle.Slant: ... + def weight(self) -> int: ... + def width(self) -> int: ... + +class FontStyleSet(RefCnt): + @staticmethod + def CreateEmpty() -> FontStyleSet: ... + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> tuple: ... + def __len__(self) -> int: ... + def count(self) -> int: ... + def createTypeface(self, index: int) -> Typeface: ... + def getStyle(self, index: int) -> tuple: ... + def matchStyle(self, pattern: FontStyle) -> Typeface: ... + +class GrBackendApi: + """ + + Possible 3D APIs that may be used by Ganesh. + + + Members: + + kOpenGL + + kVulkan + + kMetal + + kDirect3D + + kMock : + Mock is a backend that does not draw anything. It is used for unit tests + and to measure CPU overhead. + + + kOpenGL_GrBackend : + Added here to support the legacy GrBackend enum value and clients who + referenced it using :py:attr:`~skia.GrBackend.kOpenGL_GrBackend`. + + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, GrBackendApi] + ] # value = {'kOpenGL': , 'kVulkan': , 'kMetal': , 'kDirect3D': , 'kMock': , 'kOpenGL_GrBackend': } + kDirect3D: typing.ClassVar[GrBackendApi] # value = + kMetal: typing.ClassVar[GrBackendApi] # value = + kMock: typing.ClassVar[GrBackendApi] # value = + kOpenGL: typing.ClassVar[GrBackendApi] # value = + kOpenGL_GrBackend: typing.ClassVar[ + GrBackendApi + ] # value = + kVulkan: typing.ClassVar[GrBackendApi] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __ge__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __gt__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __le__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __lt__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + +class GrBackendFormat: + __hash__: typing.ClassVar[None] = None + @staticmethod + def MakeGL(format: int, target: int) -> GrBackendFormat: ... + @staticmethod + def MakeMock( + colorType: GrColorType, + compression: TextureCompressionType, + isStencilFormat: bool = False, + ) -> GrBackendFormat: ... + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def MakeVk( + format: VkFormat, + willUseDRMFormatModifiers: bool = False, + ) -> GrBackendFormat: ... + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def MakeVk( + ycbcrInfo: ..., + willUseDRMFormatModifiers: bool = False, + ) -> GrBackendFormat: ... + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: GrBackendFormat) -> bool: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, arg0: GrBackendFormat) -> None: ... + def __ne__(self, other: GrBackendFormat) -> bool: ... + def asGLFormat(self) -> GrGLFormat: ... + def asMockColorType(self) -> GrColorType: ... + def asMockCompressionType(self) -> TextureCompressionType: ... + def asVkFormat(self, format: VkFormat) -> bool: ... + def backend(self) -> GrBackendApi: ... + def channelMask(self) -> int: ... + def getVkYcbcrConversionInfo(self) -> ...: ... + def isValid(self) -> bool: ... + def makeTexture2D(self) -> GrBackendFormat: ... + def textureType(self) -> GrTextureType: ... + +class GrBackendRenderTarget: + @staticmethod + def MakeGL( + width: int, + height: int, + sampleCnt: int, + stencilBits: int, + glInfo: GrGLFramebufferInfo, + ) -> GrBackendRenderTarget: ... + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__( + self, + width: int, + height: int, + sampleCnt: int, + stencilBits: int, + glInfo: GrGLFramebufferInfo, + ) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, width: int, height: int, vkInfo: GrVkImageInfo) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__( + self, + width: int, + height: int, + sampleCnt: int, + vkInfo: GrVkImageInfo, + ) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__( + self, + width: int, + height: int, + sampleCnt: int, + stencilBits: int, + mockInfo: GrMockRenderTargetInfo, + ) -> None: ... + def backend(self) -> GrBackendApi: ... + def dimensions(self) -> ISize: ... + def getBackendFormat(self) -> GrBackendFormat: + """ + Get the GrBackendFormat for this render target (or an invalid format if + this is not valid). + """ + def getGLFramebufferInfo(self, info: GrGLFramebufferInfo) -> bool: + """ + If the backend API is GL, copies a snapshot of the GrGLFramebufferInfo + struct into the passed in pointer and returns true. Otherwise returns + false if the backend API is not GL. + """ + def getMockRenderTargetInfo(self, info: GrMockRenderTargetInfo) -> bool: + """ + If the backend API is Mock, copies a snapshot of the GrMockTextureInfo + struct into the passed in pointer and returns true. Otherwise returns + false if the backend API is not Mock. + """ + def getVkImageInfo(self, info: GrVkImageInfo) -> bool: + """ + If the backend API is Vulkan, copies a snapshot of the GrVkImageInfo + struct into the passed in pointer and returns true. This snapshot will + set the fImageLayout to the current layout state. Otherwise returns + false if the backend API is not Vulkan. + """ + def height(self) -> int: ... + def isFramebufferOnly(self) -> bool: ... + def isProtected(self) -> bool: ... + def isValid(self) -> bool: ... + def sampleCnt(self) -> int: ... + def setVkImageLayout(self, layout: VkImageLayout) -> None: + """ + Anytime the client changes the VkImageLayout of the VkImage captured by + this GrBackendRenderTarget, they must call this function to notify Skia + of the changed layout. + """ + def stencilBits(self) -> int: ... + def width(self) -> int: ... + +class GrBackendSemaphore: + @staticmethod + def MakeVk(semaphore: capsule) -> GrBackendSemaphore: ... + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + def isInitialized(self) -> bool: ... + def vkSemaphore(self) -> capsule: ... + +class GrBackendTexture: + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__( + self, + width: int, + height: int, + mipMapped: GrMipmapped, + glInfo: GrGLTextureInfo, + ) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, width: int, height: int, vkInfo: GrVkImageInfo) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__( + self, + width: int, + height: int, + mipMapped: GrMipmapped, + mockInfo: GrMockTextureInfo, + ) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, that: GrBackendTexture) -> None: ... + def backend(self) -> GrBackendApi: ... + def dimensions(self) -> ISize: ... + def getBackendFormat(self) -> GrBackendFormat: ... + def getGLTextureInfo(self, info: GrGLTextureInfo) -> bool: ... + def getMockTextureInfo(self, info: GrMockTextureInfo) -> bool: ... + def getVkImageInfo(self, info: GrVkImageInfo) -> bool: ... + def glTextureParametersModified(self) -> None: ... + def hasMipmaps(self) -> bool: ... + def height(self) -> int: ... + def isProtected(self) -> bool: ... + def isSameTexture(self, texture: GrBackendTexture) -> bool: ... + def isValid(self) -> bool: ... + def setMutableState(self, state: ...) -> None: ... + def setVkImageLayout(self, layout: VkImageLayout) -> None: ... + def width(self) -> int: ... + +class GrColorType: + """ + Members: + + kUnknown + + kAlpha_8 + + kBGR_565 + + kABGR_4444 + + kRGBA_8888 + + kRGBA_8888_SRGB + + kRGB_888x + + kRG_88 + + kBGRA_8888 + + kRGBA_1010102 + + kGray_8 + + kAlpha_F16 + + kRGBA_F16 + + kRGBA_F16_Clamped + + kRGBA_F32 + + kAlpha_16 + + kRG_1616 + + kRG_F16 + + kRGBA_16161616 + + kAlpha_8xxx + + kAlpha_F32xxx + + kGray_8xxx + + kRGB_888 + + kR_8 + + kR_16 + + kR_F16 + + kGray_F16 + + kLast + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, GrColorType] + ] # value = {'kUnknown': , 'kAlpha_8': , 'kBGR_565': , 'kABGR_4444': , 'kRGBA_8888': , 'kRGBA_8888_SRGB': , 'kRGB_888x': , 'kRG_88': , 'kBGRA_8888': , 'kRGBA_1010102': , 'kGray_8': , 'kAlpha_F16': , 'kRGBA_F16': , 'kRGBA_F16_Clamped': , 'kRGBA_F32': , 'kAlpha_16': , 'kRG_1616': , 'kRG_F16': , 'kRGBA_16161616': , 'kAlpha_8xxx': , 'kAlpha_F32xxx': , 'kGray_8xxx': , 'kRGB_888': , 'kR_8': , 'kR_16': , 'kR_F16': , 'kGray_F16': , 'kLast': } + kABGR_4444: typing.ClassVar[GrColorType] # value = + kAlpha_16: typing.ClassVar[GrColorType] # value = + kAlpha_8: typing.ClassVar[GrColorType] # value = + kAlpha_8xxx: typing.ClassVar[GrColorType] # value = + kAlpha_F16: typing.ClassVar[GrColorType] # value = + kAlpha_F32xxx: typing.ClassVar[ + GrColorType + ] # value = + kBGRA_8888: typing.ClassVar[GrColorType] # value = + kBGR_565: typing.ClassVar[GrColorType] # value = + kGray_8: typing.ClassVar[GrColorType] # value = + kGray_8xxx: typing.ClassVar[GrColorType] # value = + kGray_F16: typing.ClassVar[GrColorType] # value = + kLast: typing.ClassVar[GrColorType] # value = + kRGBA_1010102: typing.ClassVar[ + GrColorType + ] # value = + kRGBA_16161616: typing.ClassVar[ + GrColorType + ] # value = + kRGBA_8888: typing.ClassVar[GrColorType] # value = + kRGBA_8888_SRGB: typing.ClassVar[ + GrColorType + ] # value = + kRGBA_F16: typing.ClassVar[GrColorType] # value = + kRGBA_F16_Clamped: typing.ClassVar[ + GrColorType + ] # value = + kRGBA_F32: typing.ClassVar[GrColorType] # value = + kRGB_888: typing.ClassVar[GrColorType] # value = + kRGB_888x: typing.ClassVar[GrColorType] # value = + kRG_1616: typing.ClassVar[GrColorType] # value = + kRG_88: typing.ClassVar[GrColorType] # value = + kRG_F16: typing.ClassVar[GrColorType] # value = + kR_16: typing.ClassVar[GrColorType] # value = + kR_8: typing.ClassVar[GrColorType] # value = + kR_F16: typing.ClassVar[GrColorType] # value = + kUnknown: typing.ClassVar[GrColorType] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + +class GrContextOptions: + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + +class GrContext_Base(RefCnt): + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def asDirectContext(self) -> GrDirectContext: + """ + Safely downcast to a :py:class:`GrDirectContext`. + """ + def backend(self) -> GrBackendApi: + """ + The 3D API backing this context. + """ + def compressedBackendFormat( + self, + arg0: TextureCompressionType, + ) -> GrBackendFormat: ... + def defaultBackendFormat( + self, + arg0: ColorType, + arg1: GrRenderable, + ) -> GrBackendFormat: + """ + Retrieve the default :py:class:`GrBackendFormat` for a given + :py:class:`ColorType` and renderability. It is guaranteed that this + backend format will be the one used by the :py:class:`GrContext` + :py:class:`ColorType` and SurfaceCharacterization-based + :py:meth:`createBackendTexture` methods. + + The caller should check that the returned format is valid. + """ + def threadSafeProxy(self) -> GrContextThreadSafeProxy: ... + +class GrDirectContext(GrRecordingContext): + @staticmethod + def ComputeImageSize( + image: Image, + mipMapped: GrMipmapped, + useNextPow2: bool = False, + ) -> int: ... + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def MakeGL(interface: GrGLInterface, options: GrContextOptions) -> GrDirectContext: + """ + Creates a :py:class:`GrDirectContext` for a backend context. If no + GrGLInterface is provided then the result of GrGLMakeNativeInterface() + is used if it succeeds. + """ + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def MakeGL(interface: GrGLInterface) -> GrDirectContext: ... + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def MakeGL(options: GrContextOptions) -> GrDirectContext: ... + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def MakeGL() -> GrDirectContext: ... + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def MakeMock( + mockOptions: GrMockOptions, + options: GrContextOptions, + ) -> GrDirectContext: ... + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def MakeMock(mockOptions: GrMockOptions) -> GrDirectContext: ... + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def MakeVulkan(backendContext: ..., options: GrContextOptions) -> GrDirectContext: + """ + The Vulkan context (VkQueue, VkDevice, VkInstance) must be kept alive + until the returned GrDirectContext is destroyed. This also means that + any objects created with this GrDirectContext (e.g. Surfaces, Images, + etc.) must also be released as they may hold refs on the + GrDirectContext. Once all these objects and the GrDirectContext are + released, then it is safe to delete the vulkan objects. + """ + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def MakeVulkan(backendContext: ...) -> GrDirectContext: ... + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def abandonContext(self) -> None: + """ + Abandons all GPU resources and assumes the underlying backend 3D API + context is no longer usable. + + Call this if you have lost the associated GPU context, and thus internal + texture, buffer, etc. references/IDs are now invalid. Calling this + ensures that the destructors of the :py:class:`GrContext` and any of its + created resource objects will not make backend 3D API calls. Content + rendered but not previously flushed may be lost. After this function is + called all subsequent calls on the GrContext will fail or be no-ops. + + The typical use case for this function is that the underlying 3D context + was lost and further API calls may crash. + + For Vulkan, even if the device becomes lost, the VkQueue, VkDevice, or + VkInstance used to create the GrContext must be alive before calling + abandonContext. + """ + def abandoned(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if the context was abandoned or if the if the backend + specific context has gotten into an unrecoverarble, lost state (e.g. + + in Vulkan backend if we've gotten a VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST). If the + backend context is lost, this call will also abandon the GrContext. + """ + def checkAsyncWorkCompletion(self) -> None: + """ + Checks whether any asynchronous work is complete and if so calls related + callbacks. + """ + def colorTypeSupportedAsImage(self, colorType: ColorType) -> bool: + """ + Can a :py:class:`Image` be created with the given color type. + """ + def colorTypeSupportedAsSurface(self, colorType: ColorType) -> bool: + """ + Can a SkSurface be created with the given color type. + + To check whether MSAA is supported use + :py:meth:`maxSurfaceSampleCountForColorType`. + """ + def compressedBackendFormat( + self, + compressionType: TextureCompressionType, + ) -> GrBackendFormat: + """ + Retrieve the :py:class:`GrBackendFormat` for a given + :py:class:`Image.CompressionType`. + + This is guaranteed to match the backend format used by the following + :py:meth:`createCompressedsBackendTexture` methods that take a + CompressionType. The caller should check that the returned format is + valid. + """ + @typing.overload + def createBackendTexture( + self, + width: int, + height: int, + backendFormat: GrBackendFormat, + mipMapped: GrMipmapped, + renderable: GrRenderable, + isProtected: GrProtected = ..., + label: str = "", + ) -> GrBackendTexture: + """ + If possible, create an uninitialized backend texture. + + The client should ensure that the returned backend texture is valid. + For the Vulkan backend the layout of the created VkImage will be: + VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED. + """ + @typing.overload + def createBackendTexture( + self, + width: int, + height: int, + colorType: ColorType, + mipMapped: GrMipmapped, + renderable: GrRenderable, + isProtected: GrProtected = ..., + label: str = "", + ) -> GrBackendTexture: + """ + If possible, create an uninitialized backend texture. + + The client should ensure that the returned backend texture is valid. If + successful, the created backend texture will be compatible with the + provided :py:class:`ColorType`. For the Vulkan backend the layout of the + created VkImage will be: VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED. + """ + @typing.overload + def createBackendTexture( + self, + width: int, + height: int, + backendFormat: GrBackendFormat, + color: Color4f, + mipMapped: GrMipmapped, + renderable: GrRenderable, + isProtected: GrProtected = ..., + ) -> GrBackendTexture: + """ + If possible, create a backend texture initialized to a particular color. + + The client should ensure that the returned backend texture is valid. The + client can pass in a finishedProc to be notified when the data has been + uploaded by the gpu and the texture can be deleted. The client is + required to call GrDirectContext::submit to send the upload work to the gpu. + The finishedProc will always get called even if we failed to create the + GrBackendTexture. + For the Vulkan backend the layout of the created VkImage will be: + VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_SHADER_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL + """ + @typing.overload + def createBackendTexture( + self, + width: int, + height: int, + colorType: ColorType, + color: Color4f, + mipMapped: GrMipmapped, + renderable: GrRenderable, + isProtected: GrProtected = ..., + ) -> GrBackendTexture: + """ + If possible, create a backend texture initialized to a particular color. + + The client should ensure that the returned backend texture is valid. + If successful, the created backend texture will be compatible with the + provided :py:class:`~skia.ColorType`. For the Vulkan backend the layout + of the created VkImage will be: VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_SHADER_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL + """ + @typing.overload + def createBackendTexture( + self, + srcData: list[Pixmap], + renderable: GrRenderable, + isProtected: GrProtected = ..., + ) -> GrBackendTexture: + """ + If possible, create a backend texture initialized with the provided + pixmap data. The client should ensure that the returned backend texture + is valid. The client can pass in a finishedProc to be notified when the + data has been uploaded by the gpu and the texture can be deleted. The + client is required to call GrDirectContext::submit to send the upload work to + the gpu. The finishedProc will always get called even if we failed to + create the GrBackendTexture. If successful, the created backend texture + will be compatible with the provided pixmap(s). Compatible, in this + case, means that the backend format will be the result of calling + defaultBackendFormat on the base pixmap's colortype. The src data can be + deleted when this call returns. + + If numLevels is 1 a non-mipMapped texture will result. If a mipMapped + texture is desired the data for all the mipmap levels must be + provided. In the mipmapped case all the colortypes of the provided + pixmaps must be the same. Additionally, all the miplevels must be + sized correctly (please see SkMipmap::ComputeLevelSize and + ComputeLevelCount). Note: the pixmap's alphatypes and colorspaces are + ignored. For the Vulkan backend the layout of the created VkImage will + be: VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_SHADER_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL + """ + @typing.overload + def createBackendTexture( + self, + pixmap: Pixmap, + renderable: GrRenderable, + isProtected: GrProtected = ..., + ) -> GrBackendTexture: ... + @typing.overload + def createCompressedBackendTexture( + self, + width: int, + height: int, + backendFormat: GrBackendFormat, + color: Color4f, + mipMapped: GrMipmapped, + isProtected: GrProtected = ..., + ) -> GrBackendTexture: + """ + If possible, create a compressed backend texture initialized to a + particular color. + + The client should ensure that the returned backend texture is valid. + For the Vulkan backend the layout of the created VkImage will be: + VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_SHADER_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL + """ + @typing.overload + def createCompressedBackendTexture( + self, + width: int, + height: int, + type: TextureCompressionType, + color: Color4f, + mipMapped: GrMipmapped, + isProtected: GrProtected = ..., + ) -> GrBackendTexture: ... + @typing.overload + def createCompressedBackendTexture( + self, + width: int, + height: int, + backendFormat: GrBackendFormat, + data: typing_extensions.Buffer, + mipMapped: GrMipmapped, + isProtected: GrProtected = ..., + ) -> GrBackendTexture: ... + @typing.overload + def createCompressedBackendTexture( + self, + width: int, + height: int, + type: TextureCompressionType, + data: typing_extensions.Buffer, + mipMapped: GrMipmapped, + isProtected: GrProtected = ..., + ) -> GrBackendTexture: ... + def defaultBackendFormat( + self, + colorType: ColorType, + renderable: GrRenderable = ..., + ) -> GrBackendFormat: + """ + Retrieve the default :py:class:`GrBackendFormat` for a given + :py:class:`ColorType` and renderability. + + It is guaranteed that this backend format will be the one used by the + following :py:class:`ColorType` and SurfaceCharacterization-based + :py:meth:`createBackendTexture` methods. + + The caller should check that the returned format is valid. + """ + def deleteBackendTexture(self, texture: GrBackendTexture) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def flush(self, info: GrFlushInfo) -> GrSemaphoresSubmitted: + """ + Call to ensure all drawing to the context has been flushed to underlying + 3D API specific objects. A call to :py:meth:`GrContext.submit` is always + required to ensure work is actually sent to the gpu. Some specific API + details: + + :GL: Commands are actually sent to the driver, but glFlush is never + called. Thus some sync objects from the flush will not be valid + until a submission occurs. + + :Vulkan/Metal/D3D/Dawn: Commands are recorded to the backend APIs + corresponding command buffer or encoder objects. However, these + objects are not sent to the gpu until a submission occurs. + + If the return is GrSemaphoresSubmitted::kYes, only initialized + GrBackendSemaphores will be submitted to the gpu during the next submit + call (it is possible Skia failed to create a subset of the semaphores). + The client should not wait on these semaphores until after submit has + been called, but must keep them alive until then. If a submit flag was + passed in with the flush these valid semaphores can we waited on + immediately. If this call returns GrSemaphoresSubmitted::kNo, the GPU + backend will not submit any semaphores to be signaled on the GPU. Thus + the client should not have the GPU wait on any of the semaphores passed + in with the GrFlushInfo. Regardless of whether semaphores were submitted + to the GPU or not, the client is still responsible for deleting any + initialized semaphores. + + Regardleess of semaphore submission the context will still be flushed. + It should be emphasized that a return value of + GrSemaphoresSubmitted::kNo does not mean the flush did not happen. It + simply means there were no semaphores submitted to the GPU. A caller + should only take this as a failure if they passed in semaphores to be + submitted. + """ + @typing.overload + def flush(self) -> None: ... + def flushAndSubmit(self, sync: GrSyncCpu = ...) -> None: + """ + Call to ensure all drawing to the context has been flushed and submitted + to the underlying 3D API. This is equivalent to calling :py:meth:`flush` + with a default :py:class:`GrFlushInfo` followed by :py:meth:`submit`. + """ + def freeGpuResources(self) -> None: + """ + Frees GPU created by the context. + + Can be called to reduce GPU memory pressure. + """ + def getResourceCacheLimit(self) -> int: + """ + Return the current GPU resource cache limit in bytes. + """ + def getResourceCachePurgeableBytes(self) -> int: + """ + Gets the number of bytes in the cache consumed by purgeable (e.g. + unlocked) resources. + """ + def getResourceCacheUsage( + self, + resourceCount: int | None = None, + maxResourceBytes: int | None = None, + ) -> None: + """ + Gets the current GPU resource cache usage. + + :param int resourceCount: If non-null, returns the number of resources + that are held in the cache. + :param int maxResourceBytes: If non-null, returns the total number of + bytes of video memory held in the cache. + """ + def maxRenderTargetSize(self) -> int: + """ + Gets the maximum supported render target size. + """ + def maxSurfaceSampleCountForColorType(self, colorType: ColorType) -> int: + """ + Gets the maximum supported sample count for a color type. + + 1 is returned if only non-MSAA rendering is supported for the color + type. 0 is returned if rendering to this color type is not supported at + all. + """ + def maxTextureSize(self) -> int: + """ + Gets the maximum supported texture size. + """ + def oomed(self) -> bool: + """ + Checks if the underlying 3D API reported an out-of-memory error. + + If this returns true it is reset and will return false until another + out-of-memory error is reported by the 3D API. If the context is + abandoned then this will report false. + + Currently this is implemented for: + + OpenGL [ES] - Note that client calls to glGetError() may swallow + GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY errors and therefore hide the error from Skia. Also, it + is not advised to use this in combination with enabling + GrContextOptions::fSkipGLErrorChecks. That option may prevent GrContext + from ever checking the GL context for OOM. + + Vulkan - Reports true if VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY or + VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY has occurred. + """ + def precompileShader(self, key: Data, data: Data) -> bool: ... + def purgeResourcesNotUsedInMs(self, msNotUsed: datetime.timedelta) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def purgeUnlockedResources( + self, + maxBytesToPurge: int, + preferScratchResources: bool, + ) -> None: + """ + Purge unlocked resources from the cache until the the provided byte + count has been reached or we have purged all unlocked resources. + + The default policy is to purge in LRU order, but can be overridden to + prefer purging scratch resources (in LRU order) prior to purging other + resource types. + + :maxBytesToPurge: the desired number of bytes to be purged. + :preferScratchResources: If true scratch resources will be purged prior + to other resource types. + """ + @typing.overload + def purgeUnlockedResources(self, opts: GrPurgeResourceOptions) -> None: + """ + This entry point is intended for instances where an app has been + backgrounded or suspended. + + :opts: If kScratchResourcesOnly only unlocked scratch resources will be purged prior + enforcing the budget requirements. + """ + def releaseResourcesAndAbandonContext(self) -> None: + """ + This is similar to :py:meth:`abandonContext` however the underlying 3D + context is not yet lost and the :py:class:`GrContext` will cleanup all + allocated resources before returning. + + After returning it will assume that the underlying context may no longer + be valid. + + The typical use case for this function is that the client is going to + destroy the 3D context but can't guarantee that :py:class:`GrContext` + will be destroyed first (perhaps because it may be ref'ed elsewhere by + either the client or Skia objects). + + For Vulkan, even if the device becomes lost, the VkQueue, VkDevice, or + VkInstance used to create the GrContext must be alive before calling + :py:meth:`releaseResourcesAndAbandonContext`. + """ + def resetContext(self, state: int = 4294967295) -> None: + """ + The :py:class:`GrContext` normally assumes that no outsider is setting + state within the underlying 3D API's context/device/whatever. + + This call informs the context that the state was modified and it should + resend. Shouldn't be called frequently for good performance. The flag + bits, state, is dependent on which backend is used by the context, + either GL or D3D (possible in future). + """ + def resetGLTextureBindings(self) -> None: + """ + If the backend is :py:attr:`~GrBackendApi.kOpenGL`, then all texture + unit/target combinations for which the GrContext has modified the bound + texture will have texture id 0 bound. + + This does not flush the :py:class:`GrContext`. Calling + :py:meth:`resetContext` does not change the set that will be bound to + texture id 0 on the next call to :py:meth:`resetGLTextureBindings`. + After this is called all unit/target combinations are considered to have + unmodified bindings until the :py:class:`GrContext` subsequently + modifies them (meaning if this is called twice in a row with no + intervening :py:class:`GrContext` usage then the second call is a + no-op.) + """ + def setBackendRenderTargetState( + self, + target: GrBackendRenderTarget, + mutableState: ..., + previousState: ... = None, + ) -> bool: ... + def setBackendTextureState( + self, + texture: GrBackendTexture, + mutableState: ..., + previousState: ... = None, + ) -> bool: + """ + Updates the state of the GrBackendTexture/RenderTarget to have the + passed in GrBackendSurfaceMutableState. + + All objects that wrap the backend surface (i.e. :py:class:`Surface` and + :py:class:`Image`) will also be aware of this state change. This call + does not submit the state change to the gpu, but requires the client to + call :py:meth:`GrContext.submit` to send it to the GPU. The work for + this call is ordered linearly with all other calls that require + :py:meth:`GrContext.submit` to be called (e.g + :py:meth:`~updateBackendTexture` and :py:meth:`~flush`). + + See :py:class:`GrBackendSurfaceMutableState` to see what state can be + set via this call. + + If the backend API is Vulkan, the caller can set the + GrBackendSurfaceMutableState's VkImageLayout to + VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED or queueFamilyIndex to VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED + to tell Skia to not change those respective states. + + If previousState is not null and this returns true, then Skia will have + filled in previousState to have the values of the state before this + call. + """ + def setResourceCacheLimit(self, maxResourceBytes: int) -> None: + """ + Specify the GPU resource cache limit. + + If the cache currently exceeds this limit, it will be purged (LRU) to + keep the cache within the limit. + + :param maxResourceBytes: The maximum number of bytes of video memory + that can be held in the cache. + """ + def storeVkPipelineCacheData(self) -> None: ... + def submit(self, sync: GrSyncCpu = ...) -> bool: + """ + Submit outstanding work to the gpu from all previously un-submitted + flushes. The return value of the submit will indicate whether or not the + submission to the GPU was successful. + + If the call returns true, all previously passed in semaphores in flush + calls will have been submitted to the GPU and they can safely be waited + on. The caller should wait on those semaphores or perform some other + global synchronization before deleting the semaphores. + + If it returns false, then those same semaphores will not have been + submitted and we will not try to submit them again. The caller is free + to delete the semaphores at any time. + + If the syncCpu flag is true this function will return once the gpu has + finished with all submitted work. + """ + def supportsDistanceFieldText(self) -> bool: ... + @typing.overload + def updateBackendTexture( + self, + backendTexture: GrBackendTexture, + color: Color4f, + ) -> bool: + """ + If possible, updates a backend texture to be filled to a particular + color. + + The client should check the return value to see if the update was + successful. The client can pass in a finishedProc to be notified when + the data has been uploaded by the gpu and the texture can be deleted. + The client is required to call :py:meth:`GrContext.submit` to send the + upload work to the gpu. The finishedProc will always get called even if + we failed to update the :py:class:`GrBackendTexture`. For the Vulkan + backend after a successful update the layout of the created VkImage will + be: VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_SHADER_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL + """ + @typing.overload + def updateBackendTexture( + self, + backendTexture: GrBackendTexture, + srcData: list[Pixmap], + ) -> bool: + """ + If possible, updates a backend texture to be filled to a particular + color. + + The client should check the return value to see if the update was + successful. The client can pass in a finishedProc to be notified when + the data has been uploaded by the gpu and the texture can be deleted. + The client is required to call :py:meth:`GrContext.submit` to send the + upload work to the gpu. The finishedProc will always get called even if + we failed to update the :py:class:`GrBackendTexture`. The backend + texture must be compatible with the provided pixmap(s). Compatible, in + this case, means that the backend format is compatible with the base + pixmap's colortype. The src data can be deleted when this call returns. + If the backend texture is mip mapped, the data for all the mipmap levels + must be provided. In the mipmapped case all the colortypes of the + provided pixmaps must be the same. Additionally, all the miplevels must + be sized correctly (please see SkMipmap::ComputeLevelSize and + ComputeLevelCount). Note: the pixmap's alphatypes and colorspaces are + ignored. For the Vulkan backend after a successful update the layout of + the created VkImage will be: VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_SHADER_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL + """ + def wait( + self, + semaphores: list[GrBackendSemaphore], + deleteSemaphoresAfterWait: bool = True, + ) -> bool: + """ + Inserts a list of GPU semaphores that the current GPU-backed API must + wait on before executing any more commands on the GPU. + + Skia will take ownership of the underlying semaphores and delete them + once they have been signaled and waited on. If this call returns false, + then the GPU back-end will not wait on any passed in semaphores, and the + client will still own the semaphores. + """ + +class GrFlushInfo: + """ + + Struct to supply options to flush calls. + + After issuing all commands, fNumSemaphore semaphores will be signaled by the + gpu. The client passes in an array of fNumSemaphores GrBackendSemaphores. In + general these :py:class:`GrBackendSemaphore`'s can be either initialized or + not. If they are initialized, the backend uses the passed in semaphore. If + it is not initialized, a new semaphore is created and the + :py:class:`GrBackendSemaphore` object is initialized with that semaphore. + + The client will own and be responsible for deleting the underlying + semaphores that are stored and returned in initialized + :py:class:`GrBackendSemaphore` objects. The :py:class:`GrBackendSemaphore` + objects themselves can be deleted as soon as this function returns. + + If a finishedProc is provided, the finishedProc will be called when all work + submitted to the gpu from this flush call and all previous flush calls has + finished on the GPU. If the flush call fails due to an error and nothing + ends up getting sent to the GPU, the finished proc is called immediately. + + If a submittedProc is provided, the submittedProc will be called when all + work from this flush call is submitted to the GPU. If the flush call fails + due to an error and nothing will get sent to the GPU, the submitted proc is + called immediately. It is possibly that when work is finally submitted, that + the submission actual fails. In this case we will not reattempt to do the + submission. Skia notifies the client of these via the success bool passed + into the submittedProc. The submittedProc is useful to the client to know + when semaphores that were sent with the flush have actually been submitted + to the GPU so that they can be waited on (or deleted if the submit fails). + + Note about GL: In GL work gets sent to the driver immediately during the + flush call, but we don't really know when the driver sends the work to the + GPU. Therefore, we treat the submitted proc as we do in other backends. It + will be called when the next GrDirectContext::submit is called after the flush (or + possibly during the flush if there is no work to be done for the flush). The + main use case for the submittedProc is to know when semaphores have been + sent to the GPU and even in GL it is required to call GrDirectContext::submit to + flush them. So a client should be able to treat all backend APIs the same in + terms of how the submitted procs are treated. + + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + @property + def fNumSemaphores(self) -> int: ... + @property + def semaphores(self) -> typing.Any: ... + @semaphores.setter + def semaphores(self, arg1: list[GrBackendSemaphore]) -> None: ... + +class GrGLBackendState: + """ + + A GrContext's cache of backend context state can be partially invalidated. + + These enums are specific to the GL backend and we'd add a new set for an + alternative backend. + + + Members: + + kRenderTarget_GrGLBackendState + + kTextureBinding_GrGLBackendState + + kView_GrGLBackendState + + kBlend_GrGLBackendState + + kMSAAEnable_GrGLBackendState + + kVertex_GrGLBackendState + + kStencil_GrGLBackendState + + kPixelStore_GrGLBackendState + + kProgram_GrGLBackendState + + kFixedFunction_GrGLBackendState + + kMisc_GrGLBackendState + + kALL_GrGLBackendState + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, GrGLBackendState] + ] # value = {'kRenderTarget_GrGLBackendState': , 'kTextureBinding_GrGLBackendState': , 'kView_GrGLBackendState': , 'kBlend_GrGLBackendState': , 'kMSAAEnable_GrGLBackendState': , 'kVertex_GrGLBackendState': , 'kStencil_GrGLBackendState': , 'kPixelStore_GrGLBackendState': , 'kProgram_GrGLBackendState': , 'kFixedFunction_GrGLBackendState': , 'kMisc_GrGLBackendState': , 'kALL_GrGLBackendState': } + kALL_GrGLBackendState: typing.ClassVar[ + GrGLBackendState + ] # value = + kBlend_GrGLBackendState: typing.ClassVar[ + GrGLBackendState + ] # value = + kFixedFunction_GrGLBackendState: typing.ClassVar[ + GrGLBackendState + ] # value = + kMSAAEnable_GrGLBackendState: typing.ClassVar[ + GrGLBackendState + ] # value = + kMisc_GrGLBackendState: typing.ClassVar[ + GrGLBackendState + ] # value = + kPixelStore_GrGLBackendState: typing.ClassVar[ + GrGLBackendState + ] # value = + kProgram_GrGLBackendState: typing.ClassVar[ + GrGLBackendState + ] # value = + kRenderTarget_GrGLBackendState: typing.ClassVar[ + GrGLBackendState + ] # value = + kStencil_GrGLBackendState: typing.ClassVar[ + GrGLBackendState + ] # value = + kTextureBinding_GrGLBackendState: typing.ClassVar[ + GrGLBackendState + ] # value = + kVertex_GrGLBackendState: typing.ClassVar[ + GrGLBackendState + ] # value = + kView_GrGLBackendState: typing.ClassVar[ + GrGLBackendState + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + +class GrGLFormat: + """ + Members: + + kUnknown + + kRGBA8 + + kR8 + + kALPHA8 + + kLUMINANCE8 + + kBGRA8 + + kRGB565 + + kRGBA16F + + kR16F + + kRGB8 + + kRG8 + + kRGB10_A2 + + kRGBA4 + + kSRGB8_ALPHA8 + + kCOMPRESSED_ETC1_RGB8 + + kCOMPRESSED_RGB8_ETC2 + + kCOMPRESSED_RGB8_BC1 + + kCOMPRESSED_RGBA8_BC1 + + kR16 + + kRG16 + + kRGBA16 + + kRG16F + + kLUMINANCE16F + + kLast + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, GrGLFormat] + ] # value = {'kUnknown': , 'kRGBA8': , 'kR8': , 'kALPHA8': , 'kLUMINANCE8': , 'kBGRA8': , 'kRGB565': , 'kRGBA16F': , 'kR16F': , 'kRGB8': , 'kRG8': , 'kRGB10_A2': , 'kRGBA4': , 'kSRGB8_ALPHA8': , 'kCOMPRESSED_ETC1_RGB8': , 'kCOMPRESSED_RGB8_ETC2': , 'kCOMPRESSED_RGB8_BC1': , 'kCOMPRESSED_RGBA8_BC1': , 'kR16': , 'kRG16': , 'kRGBA16': , 'kRG16F': , 'kLUMINANCE16F': , 'kLast': } + kALPHA8: typing.ClassVar[GrGLFormat] # value = + kBGRA8: typing.ClassVar[GrGLFormat] # value = + kCOMPRESSED_ETC1_RGB8: typing.ClassVar[ + GrGLFormat + ] # value = + kCOMPRESSED_RGB8_BC1: typing.ClassVar[ + GrGLFormat + ] # value = + kCOMPRESSED_RGB8_ETC2: typing.ClassVar[ + GrGLFormat + ] # value = + kCOMPRESSED_RGBA8_BC1: typing.ClassVar[ + GrGLFormat + ] # value = + kLUMINANCE16F: typing.ClassVar[GrGLFormat] # value = + kLUMINANCE8: typing.ClassVar[GrGLFormat] # value = + kLast: typing.ClassVar[GrGLFormat] # value = + kR16: typing.ClassVar[GrGLFormat] # value = + kR16F: typing.ClassVar[GrGLFormat] # value = + kR8: typing.ClassVar[GrGLFormat] # value = + kRG16: typing.ClassVar[GrGLFormat] # value = + kRG16F: typing.ClassVar[GrGLFormat] # value = + kRG8: typing.ClassVar[GrGLFormat] # value = + kRGB10_A2: typing.ClassVar[GrGLFormat] # value = + kRGB565: typing.ClassVar[GrGLFormat] # value = + kRGB8: typing.ClassVar[GrGLFormat] # value = + kRGBA16: typing.ClassVar[GrGLFormat] # value = + kRGBA16F: typing.ClassVar[GrGLFormat] # value = + kRGBA4: typing.ClassVar[GrGLFormat] # value = + kRGBA8: typing.ClassVar[GrGLFormat] # value = + kSRGB8_ALPHA8: typing.ClassVar[GrGLFormat] # value = + kUnknown: typing.ClassVar[GrGLFormat] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + +class GrGLFramebufferInfo: + __hash__: typing.ClassVar[None] = None + fFBOID: int + fFormat: int + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, arg0: GrGLFramebufferInfo) -> bool: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, FBOID: int, format: int = 0) -> None: ... + +class GrGLInterface(RefCnt): + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + +class GrGLTextureInfo: + __hash__: typing.ClassVar[None] = None + fFormat: int + fID: int + fTarget: int + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, arg0: GrGLTextureInfo) -> bool: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, target: int, id: int, format: int = 0) -> None: ... + +class GrImageContext(GrContext_Base): + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + +class GrMipmapped: + """ + + Used to say whether a texture has mip levels allocated or not. + + + Members: + + kNo + + kYes + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, GrMipmapped] + ] # value = {'kNo': , 'kYes': } + kNo: typing.ClassVar[GrMipmapped] # value = + kYes: typing.ClassVar[GrMipmapped] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __ge__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __gt__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __le__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __lt__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + +class GrMockOptions: + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + +class GrMockRenderTargetInfo: + __hash__: typing.ClassVar[None] = None + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, arg0: GrMockRenderTargetInfo) -> bool: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, colorType: GrColorType, id: int) -> None: ... + def colorType(self) -> GrColorType: ... + def getBackendFormat(self) -> GrBackendFormat: ... + +class GrMockTextureInfo: + __hash__: typing.ClassVar[None] = None + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, arg0: GrMockTextureInfo) -> bool: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__( + self, + colorType: GrColorType, + compressionType: TextureCompressionType, + id: int, + ) -> None: ... + def colorType(self) -> GrColorType: ... + def compressionType(self) -> TextureCompressionType: ... + def getBackendFormat(self) -> GrBackendFormat: ... + def id(self) -> int: ... + +class GrProtected: + """ + Members: + + kNo + + kYes + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, GrProtected] + ] # value = {'kNo': , 'kYes': } + kNo: typing.ClassVar[GrProtected] # value = + kYes: typing.ClassVar[GrProtected] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __ge__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __gt__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __le__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __lt__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + +class GrPurgeResourceOptions: + """ + + + + Members: + + kAllResources + + kScratchResourcesOnly + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, GrPurgeResourceOptions] + ] # value = {'kAllResources': , 'kScratchResourcesOnly': } + kAllResources: typing.ClassVar[ + GrPurgeResourceOptions + ] # value = + kScratchResourcesOnly: typing.ClassVar[ + GrPurgeResourceOptions + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __ge__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __gt__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __le__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __lt__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + +class GrRecordingContext(GrImageContext): + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def abandoned(self) -> bool: + """ + Reports whether the :py:class:`GrDirectContext` associated with this + :py:class:`GrRecordingContext` is abandoned. + + When called on a :py:class:`GrDirectContext` it may actively check + whether the underlying 3D API device/context has been disconnected + before reporting the status. If so, calling this method will transition + the :py:class:`GrDirectContext` to the abandoned state. + """ + def colorTypeSupportedAsImage(self, arg0: ColorType) -> bool: + """ + Can a :py:class:`Image` be created with the given color type. + """ + def colorTypeSupportedAsSurface(self, colorType: ColorType) -> bool: + """ + Can a :py:class:`Surface` be created with the given color type. To check + whether MSAA is supported use + :py:meth:`~GrRecordingContext.maxSurfaceSampleCountForColorType`. + """ + def defaultBackendFormat( + self, + colorType: ColorType, + renderable: GrRenderable = ..., + ) -> GrBackendFormat: + """ + Retrieve the default :py:class:`GrBackendFormat` for a given + :py:class:`ColorType` and renderability. + + It is guaranteed that this backend format will be the one used by the + following :py:class:`ColorType` and SurfaceCharacterization-based + :py:meth:`createBackendTexture` methods. + + The caller should check that the returned format is valid. + """ + def maxRenderTargetSize(self) -> int: + """ + Gets the maximum supported render target size. + """ + def maxSurfaceSampleCountForColorType(self, arg0: ColorType) -> int: + """ + Gets the maximum supported sample count for a color type. + + 1 is returned if only non-MSAA rendering is supported for the color + type. 0 is returned if rendering to this color type is not supported at + all. + """ + def maxTextureSize(self) -> int: + """ + Gets the maximum supported texture size. + """ + +class GrRenderable: + """ + Members: + + kNo + + kYes + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, GrRenderable] + ] # value = {'kNo': , 'kYes': } + kNo: typing.ClassVar[GrRenderable] # value = + kYes: typing.ClassVar[GrRenderable] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __ge__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __gt__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __le__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __lt__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + +class GrSemaphoresSubmitted: + """ + Members: + + kNo + + kYes + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, GrSemaphoresSubmitted] + ] # value = {'kNo': , 'kYes': } + kNo: typing.ClassVar[ + GrSemaphoresSubmitted + ] # value = + kYes: typing.ClassVar[ + GrSemaphoresSubmitted + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + +class GrSurfaceOrigin: + """ + + GPU :py:class:`Image` and :py:class:`Surfaces` can be stored such that + (0, 0) in texture space may correspond to either the top-left or bottom-left + content pixel. + + + Members: + + kTopLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin + + kBottomLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, GrSurfaceOrigin] + ] # value = {'kTopLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin': , 'kBottomLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin': } + kBottomLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin: typing.ClassVar[ + GrSurfaceOrigin + ] # value = + kTopLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin: typing.ClassVar[ + GrSurfaceOrigin + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __and__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __ge__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __gt__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __invert__(self) -> typing.Any: ... + def __le__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __lt__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __or__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __rand__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __ror__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __rxor__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + def __xor__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + +class GrSyncCpu: + """ + + + + Members: + + kNo + + kYes + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, GrSyncCpu] + ] # value = {'kNo': , 'kYes': } + kNo: typing.ClassVar[GrSyncCpu] # value = + kYes: typing.ClassVar[GrSyncCpu] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __ge__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __gt__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __le__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __lt__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + +class GrTextureType: + """ + Members: + + kNone + + k2D + + kRectangle + + kExternal + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, GrTextureType] + ] # value = {'kNone': , 'k2D': , 'kRectangle': , 'kExternal': } + k2D: typing.ClassVar[GrTextureType] # value = + kExternal: typing.ClassVar[GrTextureType] # value = + kNone: typing.ClassVar[GrTextureType] # value = + kRectangle: typing.ClassVar[GrTextureType] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + +class GrVkAlloc: + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + +class GrVkBackendContext: + """ + + The BackendContext contains all of the base Vulkan objects needed by the + GrVkGpu. The assumption is that the client will set these up and pass them + to the GrVkGpu constructor. The VkDevice created must support at least one + graphics queue, which is passed in as well. The QueueFamilyIndex must match + the family of the given queue. It is needed for CommandPool creation, and + any GrBackendObjects handed to us (e.g., for wrapped textures) needs to be + created in or transitioned to that family. The refs held by members of this + struct must be released (either by deleting the struct or manually releasing + the refs) before the underlying vulkan device and instance are destroyed. + + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + +class GrVkDrawableInfo: + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + +class GrVkImageInfo: + """ + + When wrapping a GrBackendTexture or GrBackendRendenderTarget, the + fCurrentQueueFamily should either be VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED, + VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_EXTERNAL, or VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_FOREIGN_EXT. If fSharingMode is + VK_SHARING_MODE_EXCLUSIVE then fCurrentQueueFamily can also be the graphics + queue index passed into Skia. + + """ + + fAlloc: GrVkAlloc + fCurrentQueueFamily: int + fLevelCount: int + fProtected: GrProtected + fSharingMode: VkSharingMode + fYcbcrConversionInfo: GrVkYcbcrConversionInfo + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + +class GrVkYcbcrConversionInfo: + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + +class GradientShader: + class Flags: + """ + Members: + + kInterpolateColorsInPremul_Flag + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, GradientShader.Flags] + ] # value = {'kInterpolateColorsInPremul_Flag': } + kInterpolateColorsInPremul_Flag: typing.ClassVar[ + GradientShader.Flags + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __and__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __ge__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __gt__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __invert__(self) -> typing.Any: ... + def __le__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __lt__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __or__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __rand__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __ror__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __rxor__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + def __xor__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + kInterpolateColorsInPremul_Flag: typing.ClassVar[ + GradientShader.Flags + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def MakeLinear( + points: list[Point], + colors: list[int], + positions: typing.Any = None, + mode: TileMode = ..., + flags: int = 0, + localMatrix: Matrix | None = None, + ) -> Shader: + """ + Returns a shader that generates a linear gradient between the two + specified points. + + :param List[skia.Point] points: The start and end points for the + gradient. + :param List[int] colors: The array of colors, to be distributed + between the two points + :param List[float] positions: May be empty list. array of Scalars, or + NULL, of the relative position of each corresponding color in the + colors array. If this is NULL, the the colors are distributed evenly + between the start and end point. If this is not null, the values + must begin with 0, end with 1.0, and intermediate values must be + strictly increasing. + :param skia.TileMode mode: The tiling mode + :param localMatrix: Local matrix + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeRadial( + center: Point, + radius: float, + colors: list[int], + positions: typing.Any = None, + mode: TileMode = ..., + flags: int = 0, + localMatrix: Matrix | None = None, + ) -> Shader: + """ + Returns a shader that generates a radial gradient given the center and + radius. + + :param skia.Point center: The center of the circle for this gradient + :param float radius: Must be positive. The radius of the circle for + this gradient + :param List[int] colors: The array of colors, to be distributed between + the center and edge of the circle + :param List[float] positions: May be empty list. The array of Scalars, + or NULL, of the relative position of each corresponding color in the + colors array. If this is NULL, the the colors are distributed evenly + between the center and edge of the circle. If this is not null, the + values must begin with 0, end with 1.0, and intermediate values must + be strictly increasing. + :param skia.TileMode mode: The tiling mode + :param localMatrix: Local matrix + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeSweep( + cx: float, + cy: float, + colors: list[int], + positions: typing.Any = None, + mode: TileMode = ..., + startAngle: float = 0, + endAngle: float = 360, + flags: int = 0, + localMatrix: Matrix | None = None, + ) -> Shader: + """ + Returns a shader that generates a conical gradient given two circles, or + returns NULL if the inputs are invalid. + + The gradient interprets the two circles according to the following HTML + spec. + + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeTwoPointConical( + start: Point, + startRadius: float, + end: Point, + endRadius: float, + colors: list[int], + positions: typing.Any = None, + mode: TileMode = ..., + flags: int = 0, + localMatrix: Matrix | None = None, + ) -> Shader: + """ + Returns a shader that generates a conical gradient given two circles, or + returns NULL if the inputs are invalid. + + The gradient interprets the two circles according to the following HTML + spec. + + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + +class HighContrastConfig: + """ + + Configuration struct for :py:class:`HighContrastFilter`. + + Provides transformations to improve contrast for users with low vision. + + """ + class InvertStyle: + """ + Members: + + kNoInvert + + kInvertBrightness + + kInvertLightness + + kLast + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, HighContrastConfig.InvertStyle] + ] # value = {'kNoInvert': , 'kInvertBrightness': , 'kInvertLightness': , 'kLast': } + kInvertBrightness: typing.ClassVar[ + HighContrastConfig.InvertStyle + ] # value = + kInvertLightness: typing.ClassVar[ + HighContrastConfig.InvertStyle + ] # value = + kLast: typing.ClassVar[ + HighContrastConfig.InvertStyle + ] # value = + kNoInvert: typing.ClassVar[ + HighContrastConfig.InvertStyle + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + kInvertBrightness: typing.ClassVar[ + HighContrastConfig.InvertStyle + ] # value = + kInvertLightness: typing.ClassVar[ + HighContrastConfig.InvertStyle + ] # value = + kLast: typing.ClassVar[ + HighContrastConfig.InvertStyle + ] # value = + kNoInvert: typing.ClassVar[ + HighContrastConfig.InvertStyle + ] # value = + fContrast: float + fGrayscale: bool + fInvertStyle: HighContrastConfig.InvertStyle + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__( + self, + grayscale: bool, + invertStyle: HighContrastConfig.InvertStyle, + contrast: float, + ) -> None: ... + def isValid(self) -> bool: ... + +class HighContrastFilter: + """ + + Color filter that provides transformations to improve contrast for users + with low vision. + + Applies the following transformations in this order. Each of these can be + configured using :py:class:`HighContrastConfig`. + + - Conversion to grayscale + - Color inversion (either in RGB or HSL space) + - Increasing the resulting contrast. + + Calling :py:meth:`HighContrastFilter.Make` will return nullptr if the config + is not valid, e.g. if you try to call it with a contrast outside the range + of -1.0 to 1.0. + + """ + @staticmethod + def Make(config: HighContrastConfig) -> ColorFilter: ... + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + +class IPoint: + """ + + :py:class:`IPoint` holds two 32-bit integer coordinates. + + Example:: + + point = skia.IPoint(0, 0) + point = skia.IPoint((0, 0)) # Convert from tuple + print(point.fX, point.fY) + point + (1, 1) # Add offset + point - (0, 0) # Subtract offset + x, y = tuple(point) # Convert to tuple + + """ + + __hash__: typing.ClassVar[None] = None + @staticmethod + def Make(x: int, y: int) -> IPoint: + """ + Sets fX to x, fY to y. + + :param x: integer x-axis value of constructed :py:class:`IPoint` + :param y: integer y-axis value of constructed :py:class:`IPoint` + :return: :py:class:`IPoint` (x, y) + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __add__(self, other: IPoint) -> IPoint: + """ + Returns :py:class:`IPoint` resulting from :py:class:`IPoint` self offset + by ivector other, computed as: (self.fX + other.fX, self.fY + other.fY). + + Can also be used to offset :py:class:`IPoint` other by ivector self, + returning :py:class:`IPoint`. Can also be used to add ivector to + ivector, returning ivector. + + :param other: :py:class:`IPoint` or ivector to add + :return: :py:class:`IPoint` equal to self offset by other + """ + def __eq__(self, other: IPoint) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if a is equivalent to b. + + :param other: :py:class:`IPoint` to compare + :return: true if self.fX == other.fX and self.fY == other.fY + """ + def __iadd__(self, v: IPoint) -> IPoint: + """ + Offsets :py:class:`IPoint` by ivector v. + + Sets :py:class:`IPoint` to ``(fX + v.fX, fY + v.fY)``. + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, x: int, y: int) -> None: + """ + Sets fX to x, fY to y. + + :x: integer x-axis value of constructed :py:class:`IPoint` + :y: integer y-axis value of constructed :py:class:`IPoint` + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, t: tuple) -> None: ... + def __isub__(self, v: IPoint) -> IPoint: + """ + Returns :py:class:`IPoint` changing the signs of fX and fY. + """ + def __iter__(self) -> typing.Iterator[int]: ... + def __len__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: IPoint) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if a is not equivalent to b. + + :param other: :py:class:`IPoint` to compare + :return: true if a.fX != b.fX or a.fY != b.fY + """ + def __neg__(self) -> IPoint: + """ + Returns :py:class:`IPoint` changing the signs of fX and fY. + """ + def __sub__(self, other: IPoint) -> IPoint: + """ + Returns ivector from other to self; computed as (self.fX - other.fX, + self.fY - other.fY). + + Can also be used to subtract ivector from ivector, returning ivector. + + :param other: ivector to subtract + :return: ivector from other to self + """ + def equals(self, x: int, y: int) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if :py:class:`IPoint` is equivalent to :py:class:`IPoint` + constructed from (x, y). + + :param x: value compared with fX + :param y: value compared with fY + """ + def isZero(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if fX and fY are both zero. + """ + def set(self, x: int, y: int) -> None: + """ + Sets fX to x and fY to y. + """ + def x(self) -> int: + """ + Returns x-axis value of :py:class:`IPoint`. + """ + def y(self) -> int: + """ + Returns y-axis value of :py:class:`IPoint`. + """ + @property + def fX(self) -> int: + """ + x-axis value + """ + @fX.setter + def fX(self, arg0: int) -> None: ... + @property + def fY(self) -> int: + """ + y-axis value + """ + @fY.setter + def fY(self, arg0: int) -> None: ... + +class IRect: + """ + + :py:class:`IRect` holds four 32-bit integer coordinates describing the upper + and lower bounds of a rectangle. + + :py:class:`IRect` may be created from outer bounds or from position, width, + and height. :py:class:`IRect` describes an area; if its right is less than + or equal to its left, or if its bottom is less than or equal to its top, it + is considered empty. + + Example:: + + irect = skia.IRect(0, 0, 180, 120) + irect = skia.IRect((0, 0, 180, 120)) # Convert from tuple + print(irect.width(), irect.height()) + left, top, right, bottom = tuple(irect) # Convert to tuple + + + """ + + __hash__: typing.ClassVar[None] = None + @staticmethod + def Intersects(a: IRect, b: IRect) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if a intersects b. + + Returns false if either a or b is empty, or do not intersect. + + :param a: :py:class:`IRect` to intersect + :param b: :py:class:`IRect` to intersect + :return: true if a and b have area in common + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeEmpty() -> IRect: + """ + Returns constructed :py:class:`IRect` set to (0, 0, 0, 0). + + Many other rectangles are empty; if left is equal to or greater than + right, or if top is equal to or greater than bottom. Setting all members + to zero is a convenience, but does not designate a special empty + rectangle. + + :return: bounds (0, 0, 0, 0) + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeLTRB(l: int, t: int, r: int, b: int) -> IRect: + """ + Returns constructed :py:class:`IRect` set to (l, t, r, b). + + Does not sort input; :py:class:`IRect` may result in fLeft greater than + fRight, or fTop greater than fBottom. + + :param l: integer stored in fLeft + :param t: integer stored in fTop + :param r: integer stored in fRight + :param b: integer stored in fBottom + :return: bounds (l, t, r, b) + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeSize(size: ISize) -> IRect: + """ + Returns constructed :py:class:`IRect` set to (0, 0, size.width(), + size.height()). + + Does not validate input; size.width() or size.height() may be negative. + + :param size: values for :py:class:`IRect` width and height + :return: bounds (0, 0, size.width(), size.height()) + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeWH(w: int, h: int) -> IRect: + """ + Returns constructed :py:class:`IRect` set to (0, 0, w, h). + + Does not validate input; w or h may be negative. + + :param w: width of constructed :py:class:`IRect` + :param h: height of constructed :py:class:`IRect` + :return: bounds (0, 0, w, h) + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeXYWH(x: int, y: int, w: int, h: int) -> IRect: + """ + Returns constructed :py:class:`IRect` set to: (x, y, x + w, y + h). + + Does not validate input; w or h may be negative. + + :param x: stored in fLeft + :param y: stored in fTop + :param w: added to x and stored in fRight + :param h: added to y and stored in fBottom + :return: bounds at (x, y) with width w and height h + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + @typing.overload + def __contains__(self, arg0: IPoint) -> bool: ... + @typing.overload + def __contains__(self, arg0: IRect) -> bool: ... + @typing.overload + def __contains__(self, arg0: Rect) -> bool: ... + def __eq__(self, other: IRect) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if all members in self: fLeft, fTop, fRight, and fBottom; + are identical to corresponding members in other. + + :param other: :py:class:`IRect` to compare + :return: true if members are equal + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__(self) -> None: + """ + Creates :py:class:`IRect` set to (0, 0, 0, 0). + + Many other rectangles are empty; if left is equal to or greater than + right, or if top is equal to or greater than bottom. Setting all members + to zero is a convenience, but does not designate a special empty + rectangle. + + :return: bounds (0, 0, 0, 0) + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, w: int, h: int) -> None: + """ + Returns constructed :py:class:`IRect` set to (0, 0, w, h). + + Does not validate input; w or h may be negative. + + :w: width of constructed :py:class:`IRect` + :h: height of constructed :py:class:`IRect` + :return: bounds (0, 0, w, h) + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, l: int, t: int, r: int, b: int) -> None: + """ + Creates :py:class:`IRect` set to: (x, y, x + w, y + h). + + Does not validate input; w or h may be negative. + + :l: integer stored in fLeft + :t: integer stored in fTop + :r: integer stored in fRight + :b: integer stored in fBottom + :return: bounds (l, t, r, b) + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, t: tuple) -> None: ... + def __iter__(self) -> typing.Iterator[int]: ... + def __len__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: IRect) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if any member in self: fLeft, fTop, fRight, and fBottom; is + not identical to the corresponding member in other. + + :param other: :py:class:`IRect` to compare + :return: true if members are not equal + """ + def adjust(self, dL: int, dT: int, dR: int, dB: int) -> None: + """ + Adjusts :py:class:`IRect` by adding dL to fLeft, dT to fTop, dR to + fRight, and dB to fBottom. + + If dL is positive, narrows :py:class:`IRect` on the left. If negative, + widens it on the left. If dT is positive, shrinks :py:class:`IRect` on + the top. If negative, lengthens it on the top. If dR is positive, + narrows :py:class:`IRect` on the right. If negative, widens it on the + right. If dB is positive, shrinks :py:class:`IRect` on the bottom. If + negative, lengthens it on the bottom. + + The resulting :py:class:`IRect` is not checked for validity. Thus, if + the resulting :py:class:`IRect` left is greater than right, the + :py:class:`IRect` will be considered empty. Call :py:meth:`sort` after + this call if that is not the desired behavior. + + :param dL: offset added to fLeft + :param dT: offset added to fTop + :param dR: offset added to fRight + :param dB: offset added to fBottom + """ + def bottom(self) -> int: + """ + Returns bottom edge of :py:class:`IRect`, if sorted. + + Call :py:meth:`isEmpty` to see if :py:class:`IRect` may be invalid, and + :py:meth:`sort` to reverse fTop and fBottom if needed. + + Returns + fBottom + """ + @typing.overload + def contains(self, x: int, y: int) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if: fLeft <= x < fRight && fTop <= y < fBottom. + + Returns false if :py:class:`IRect` is empty. + + Considers input to describe constructed :py:class:`IRect`: (x, y, x + 1, + y + 1) and returns true if constructed area is completely enclosed by + :py:class:`IRect` area. + + :x: test :py:class:`IPoint` x-coordinate + :y: test :py:class:`IPoint` y-coordinate + :return: true if (x, y) is inside :py:class:`IRect` + """ + @typing.overload + def contains(self, r: IRect) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if :py:class:`IRect` contains r. + + Returns false if :py:class:`IRect` is empty or r is empty. + + :py:class:`IRect` contains r when :py:class:`IRect` area completely + includes r area. + + :r: :py:class:`IRect` contained + :return: true if all sides of :py:class:`IRect` are outside r + """ + @typing.overload + def contains(self, r: Rect) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if :py:class:`IRect` contains r. + + Returns false if :py:class:`IRect` is empty or r is empty. + + :py:class:`IRect` contains r when :py:class:`IRect` area completely + includes r area. + + :r: :py:class:`Rect` contained + :return: true if all sides of :py:class:`IRect` are outside r + """ + def containsNoEmptyCheck(self, r: IRect) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if :py:class:`IRect` contains construction. + + Asserts if :py:class:`IRect` is empty or construction is empty, and if + SK_DEBUG is defined. + + Return is undefined if :py:class:`IRect` is empty or construction is + empty. + + :param r: :py:class:`IRect` contained + :return: true if all sides of :py:class:`IRect` are outside r + """ + def height(self) -> int: + """ + Returns span on the y-axis. + + This does not check if :py:class:`IRect` is sorted, or if result fits in + 32-bit signed integer; result may be negative. + + :return: fBottom minus fTop + """ + def height64(self) -> int: + """ + Returns span on the y-axis. + + This does not check if :py:class:`IRect` is sorted, so the result may be + negative. This is safer than calling :py:meth:`height` since + :py:meth:`height` might overflow in its calculation. + + :return: fBottom minus fTop cast to int64_t + """ + def inset(self, dx: int, dy: int) -> None: + """ + Insets :py:class:`IRect` by (dx,dy). + + If dx is positive, makes :py:class:`IRect` narrower. If dx is negative, + makes :py:class:`IRect` wider. If dy is positive, makes + :py:class:`IRect` shorter. If dy is negative, makes :py:class:`IRect` + taller. + + :param dx: offset added to fLeft and subtracted from fRight + :param dy: offset added to fTop and subtracted from fBottom + """ + @typing.overload + def intersect(self, r: IRect) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if :py:class:`IRect` intersects r, and sets + :py:class:`IRect` to intersection. + + Returns false if :py:class:`IRect` does not intersect r, and leaves + :py:class:`IRect` unchanged. + + Returns false if either r or :py:class:`IRect` is empty, leaving + :py:class:`IRect` unchanged. + + :r: limit of result + :return: true if r and :py:class:`IRect` have area in common + """ + @typing.overload + def intersect(self, a: IRect, b: IRect) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if a intersects b, and sets :py:class:`IRect` to + intersection. + + Returns false if a does not intersect b, and leaves :py:class:`IRect` + unchanged. + + Returns false if either a or b is empty, leaving :py:class:`IRect` + unchanged. + + :a: :py:class:`IRect` to intersect + :b: :py:class:`IRect` to intersect + :return: true if a and b have area in common + """ + def isEmpty(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if :py:meth:`width` or :py:meth:`height` are zero or + negative. + + :return: true if :py:meth:`width` or :py:meth:`height` are zero or + negative + """ + def isEmpty64(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if fLeft is equal to or greater than fRight, or if fTop is + equal to or greater than fBottom. + + Call :py:meth:`sort` to reverse rectangles with negative + :py:meth:`width64` or :py:meth:`height64`. + + :return: true if :py:meth:`width64` or :py:meth:`height64` are zero or + negative + """ + def join(self, r: IRect) -> None: + """ + Sets :py:class:`IRect` to the union of itself and r. + + Has no effect if r is empty. Otherwise, if :py:class:`IRect` is empty, + sets :py:class:`IRect` to r. + + :param r: expansion :py:class:`IRect` + """ + def left(self) -> int: + """ + Returns left edge of :py:class:`IRect`, if sorted. + + Call :py:meth:`sort` to reverse fLeft and fRight if needed. + + :return: fLeft + """ + def makeInset(self, dx: int, dy: int) -> IRect: + """ + Returns :py:class:`IRect`, inset by (dx, dy). + + If dx is negative, :py:class:`IRect` returned is wider. If dx is + positive, :py:class:`IRect` returned is narrower. If dy is negative, + :py:class:`IRect` returned is taller. If dy is positive, + :py:class:`IRect` returned is shorter. + + :param dx: offset added to fLeft and subtracted from fRight + :param dy: offset added to fTop and subtracted from fBottom + :return: :py:class:`IRect` inset symmetrically left and right, top and + bottom + """ + @typing.overload + def makeOffset(self, dx: int, dy: int) -> IRect: + """ + Returns :py:class:`IRect` offset by (dx, dy). + + If dx is negative, :py:class:`IRect` returned is moved to the left. If + dx is positive, :py:class:`IRect` returned is moved to the right. If dy + is negative, :py:class:`IRect` returned is moved upward. If dy is + positive, :py:class:`IRect` returned is moved downward. + + :dx: offset added to fLeft and fRight + :dy: offset added to fTop and fBottom + :return: :py:class:`IRect` offset by dx and dy, with original width and + height + """ + @typing.overload + def makeOffset(self, offset: IPoint) -> IRect: + """ + Returns :py:class:`IRect` offset by (offset.x(), offset.y()). + + If offset.x() is negative, :py:class:`IRect` returned is moved to the + left. If offset.x() is positive, :py:class:`IRect` returned is moved to + the right. If offset.y() is negative, :py:class:`IRect` returned is + moved upward. If offset.y() is positive, :py:class:`IRect` returned is + moved downward. + + :offset: translation vector + :return: :py:class:`IRect` translated by offset, with original width and + height + """ + def makeOutset(self, dx: int, dy: int) -> IRect: + """ + Returns :py:class:`IRect`, outset by (dx, dy). + + If dx is negative, :py:class:`IRect` returned is narrower. If dx is + positive, :py:class:`IRect` returned is wider. If dy is negative, + :py:class:`IRect` returned is shorter. If dy is positive, + :py:class:`IRect` returned is taller. + + :param dx: offset subtracted to fLeft and added from fRight + :param dy: offset subtracted to fTop and added from fBottom + :return: :py:class:`IRect` outset symmetrically left and right, top and + bottom + """ + def makeSorted(self) -> IRect: + """ + Returns :py:class:`IRect` with fLeft and fRight swapped if fLeft is + greater than fRight; and with fTop and fBottom swapped if fTop is + greater than fBottom. + + Result may be empty; and :py:meth:`width` and :py:meth:`height` will be + zero or positive. + + :return: sorted :py:class:`IRect` + """ + @typing.overload + def offset(self, dx: int, dy: int) -> None: + """ + Offsets :py:class:`IRect` by adding dx to fLeft, fRight; and by adding + dy to fTop, fBottom. + + If dx is negative, moves :py:class:`IRect` returned to the left. If dx + is positive, moves :py:class:`IRect` returned to the right. If dy is + negative, moves :py:class:`IRect` returned upward. If dy is positive, + moves :py:class:`IRect` returned downward. + + :dx: offset added to fLeft and fRight + :dy: offset added to fTop and fBottom + """ + @typing.overload + def offset(self, delta: IPoint) -> None: + """ + Offsets :py:class:`IRect` by adding delta.fX to fLeft, fRight; and by + adding delta.fY to fTop, fBottom. + + If delta.fX is negative, moves :py:class:`IRect` returned to the left. + If delta.fX is positive, moves :py:class:`IRect` returned to the right. + If delta.fY is negative, moves :py:class:`IRect` returned upward. If + delta.fY is positive, moves :py:class:`IRect` returned downward. + + :delta: offset added to :py:class:`IRect` + """ + def offsetTo(self, newX: int, newY: int) -> None: + """ + Offsets :py:class:`IRect` so that fLeft equals newX, and fTop equals + newY. + + width and height are unchanged. + + :param newX: stored in fLeft, preserving :py:meth:`width` + :param newY: stored in fTop, preserving :py:meth:`height` + """ + def outset(self, dx: int, dy: int) -> None: + """ + Outsets :py:class:`IRect` by (dx, dy). + + If dx is positive, makes :py:class:`IRect` wider. If dx is negative, + makes :py:class:`IRect` narrower. If dy is positive, makes + :py:class:`IRect` taller. If dy is negative, makes :py:class:`IRect` + shorter. + + :param dx: subtracted to fLeft and added from fRight + :param dy: subtracted to fTop and added from fBottom + """ + def right(self) -> int: + """ + Returns right edge of :py:class:`IRect`, if sorted. + + Call :py:meth:`sort` to reverse fLeft and fRight if needed. + + :return: fRight + """ + def setEmpty(self) -> None: + """ + Sets :py:class:`IRect` to (0, 0, 0, 0). + + Many other rectangles are empty; if left is equal to or greater than + right, or if top is equal to or greater than bottom. Setting all members + to zero is a convenience, but does not designate a special empty + rectangle. + """ + def setLTRB(self, left: int, top: int, right: int, bottom: int) -> None: + """ + Sets :py:class:`IRect` to (left, top, right, bottom). + + left and right are not sorted; left is not necessarily less than right. + top and bottom are not sorted; top is not necessarily less than bottom. + + :param left: stored in fLeft + :param top: stored in fTop + :param right: stored in fRight + :param bottom: stored in fBottom + """ + def setWH(self, width: int, height: int) -> None: ... + def setXYWH(self, x: int, y: int, width: int, height: int) -> None: + """ + Sets :py:class:`IRect` to: (x, y, x + width, y + height). + + Does not validate input; width or height may be negative. + + :param x: stored in fLeft + :param y: stored in fTop + :param width: added to x and stored in fRight + :param height: added to y and stored in fBottom + """ + def size(self) -> ISize: + """ + Returns spans on the x-axis and y-axis. + """ + def sort(self) -> None: + """ + Swaps fLeft and fRight if fLeft is greater than fRight; and swaps fTop + and fBottom if fTop is greater than fBottom. + + Result may be empty, and :py:meth:`width` and :py:meth:`height` will be + zero or positive. + """ + def top(self) -> int: + """ + Returns top edge of :py:class:`IRect`, if sorted. + + Call :py:meth:`isEmpty` to see if :py:class:`IRect` may be invalid, and + :py:meth:`sort` to reverse fTop and fBottom if needed. + + :return: fTop + """ + def topLeft(self) -> IPoint: ... + def width(self) -> int: + """ + Returns span on the x-axis. + + This does not check if :py:class:`IRect` is sorted, or if result fits in + 32-bit signed integer; result may be negative. + + :return: fRight minus fLeft + """ + def width64(self) -> int: + """ + Returns span on the x-axis. + + This does not check if :py:class:`IRect` is sorted, so the result may be + negative. This is safer than calling :py:meth:`width` since + :py:meth:`width` might overflow in its calculation. + + :return: fRight minus fLeft cast to int64_t + """ + def x(self) -> int: + """ + Returns left edge of :py:class:`IRect`, if sorted. + + Call :py:meth:`isEmpty` to see if :py:class:`IRect` is valid, and + :py:meth:`sort` to reverse fLeft and fRight if needed. + + :return: fLeft + """ + def y(self) -> int: + """ + Returns top edge of :py:class:`IRect`, if sorted. + + Call :py:meth:`isEmpty` to see if :py:class:`IRect` is invalid, and + :py:meth:`sort` to reverse fTop and fBottom if needed. + + :return: fTop + """ + @property + def fBottom(self) -> int: + """ + larger y-axis bounds + """ + @fBottom.setter + def fBottom(self, arg0: int) -> None: ... + @property + def fLeft(self) -> int: + """ + smaller x-axis bounds + """ + @fLeft.setter + def fLeft(self, arg0: int) -> None: ... + @property + def fRight(self) -> int: + """ + larger x-axis bounds + """ + @fRight.setter + def fRight(self, arg0: int) -> None: ... + @property + def fTop(self) -> int: + """ + smaller y-axis bounds + """ + @fTop.setter + def fTop(self, arg0: int) -> None: ... + +class ISize: + __hash__: typing.ClassVar[None] = None + fHeight: int + fWidth: int + @staticmethod + def Make(width: int, height: int) -> ISize: ... + @staticmethod + def MakeEmpty() -> ISize: ... + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: ISize) -> bool: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, width: int, height: int) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, t: tuple) -> None: ... + def __iter__(self) -> typing.Iterator[int]: ... + def __len__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: ISize) -> bool: ... + def area(self) -> int: ... + def equals(self, width: int, height: int) -> bool: ... + def height(self) -> int: ... + def isEmpty(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if either width or height are <= 0. + """ + def isZero(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true iff fWidth == 0 && fHeight == 0. + """ + def set(self, width: int, height: int) -> None: ... + def setEmpty(self) -> None: + """ + Set the width and height to 0. + """ + def width(self) -> int: ... + +class Image(RefCnt): + """ + + :py:class:`Image` describes a two dimensional array of pixels to draw. + + The pixels may be decoded in a raster bitmap, encoded in a + :py:class:`Picture` or compressed data stream, or located in GPU memory as a + GPU texture. + + :py:class:`Image` cannot be modified after it is created. :py:class:`Image` + may allocate additional storage as needed; for instance, an encoded + :py:class:`Image` may decode when drawn. + + :py:class:`Image` width and height are greater than zero. Creating an + :py:class:`Image` with zero width or height returns :py:class:`Image` equal + to nullptr. + + :py:class:`Image` may be created from :py:class:`Bitmap`, + :py:class:`Pixmap`, :py:class:`Surface`, :py:class:`Picture`, encoded + streams, GPU texture, YUV_ColorSpace data, or hardware buffer. Encoded + streams supported include BMP, GIF, HEIF, ICO, JPEG, PNG, WBMP, WebP. + Supported encoding details vary with platform. + + ``skia-python`` supports a few high-level methods in addition to C++ API:: + + image ="/path/to/image.png") + image = image.resize(120, 120) + image = image.convert(alphaType=skia.kUnpremul_AlphaType) +"/path/to/output.jpg", skia.kJPEG) + + NumPy arrays can be directly imported or exported:: + + image = skia.Image.fromarray(array) + array = image.toarray() + + General pixel buffers can be exchanged in the following approach:: + + image = skia.Image.frombytes(pixels, (100, 100)) + pixels = image.tobytes() + + + """ + class BitDepth: + """ + Members: + + kU8 + + kF16 + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, Image.BitDepth] + ] # value = {'kU8': , 'kF16': } + kF16: typing.ClassVar[Image.BitDepth] # value = + kU8: typing.ClassVar[Image.BitDepth] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + class CachingHint: + """ + Members: + + kAllow_CachingHint + + kDisallow_CachingHint + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, Image.CachingHint] + ] # value = {'kAllow_CachingHint': , 'kDisallow_CachingHint': } + kAllow_CachingHint: typing.ClassVar[ + Image.CachingHint + ] # value = + kDisallow_CachingHint: typing.ClassVar[ + Image.CachingHint + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + class CompressionType: + """ + Members: + + kNone + + kETC2_RGB8_UNORM + + kBC1_RGB8_UNORM + + kBC1_RGBA8_UNORM + + kLast + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, Image.CompressionType] + ] # value = {'kNone': , 'kETC2_RGB8_UNORM': , 'kBC1_RGB8_UNORM': , 'kBC1_RGBA8_UNORM': , 'kLast': } + kBC1_RGB8_UNORM: typing.ClassVar[ + Image.CompressionType + ] # value = + kBC1_RGBA8_UNORM: typing.ClassVar[ + Image.CompressionType + ] # value = + kETC2_RGB8_UNORM: typing.ClassVar[ + Image.CompressionType + ] # value = + kLast: typing.ClassVar[ + Image.CompressionType + ] # value = + kNone: typing.ClassVar[ + Image.CompressionType + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + class LegacyBitmapMode: + """ + Members: + + kRO_LegacyBitmapMode : + returned bitmap is read-only and immutable + + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, Image.LegacyBitmapMode] + ] # value = {'kRO_LegacyBitmapMode': } + kRO_LegacyBitmapMode: typing.ClassVar[ + Image.LegacyBitmapMode + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + kAllow_CachingHint: typing.ClassVar[ + Image.CachingHint + ] # value = + kBC1_RGB8_UNORM: typing.ClassVar[ + Image.CompressionType + ] # value = + kBC1_RGBA8_UNORM: typing.ClassVar[ + Image.CompressionType + ] # value = + kDisallow_CachingHint: typing.ClassVar[ + Image.CachingHint + ] # value = + kETC2_RGB8_UNORM: typing.ClassVar[ + Image.CompressionType + ] # value = + kF16: typing.ClassVar[Image.BitDepth] # value = + kLast: typing.ClassVar[ + Image.CompressionType + ] # value = + kNone: typing.ClassVar[Image.CompressionType] # value = + kRO_LegacyBitmapMode: typing.ClassVar[ + Image.LegacyBitmapMode + ] # value = + kU8: typing.ClassVar[Image.BitDepth] # value = + @staticmethod + def MakeBackendTextureFromImage( + context: GrDirectContext, + image: Image, + backendTexture: GrBackendTexture, + ) -> bool: + """ + Creates a :py:class:`GrBackendTexture` from the provided + :py:class:`Image`. + + Returns true and stores result in backendTexture if texture is created; + otherwise, returns false and leaves backendTexture unmodified. + + If :py:class:`Image` is both texture backed and singly referenced, image + is returned in backendTexture without conversion or making a copy. + :py:class:`Image` is singly referenced if it was transferred solely + using std::move(). + + If :py:class:`Image` is not texture backed, returns texture with + :py:class:`Image` contents. + + :param skia.GrContext context: GPU context + :param skia.Image image: :py:class:`Image` used for texture + :param skia.GrBackendTexture backendTexture: storage for back-end + texture + :return: true if back-end texture was created + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeCrossContextFromPixmap( + context: GrDirectContext, + pixmap: Pixmap, + buildMips: bool, + limitToMaxTextureSize: bool = False, + ) -> Image: + """ + Creates :py:class:`Image` from pixmap. + + :py:class:`Image` is uploaded to GPU back-end using context. + + Created :py:class:`Image` is available to other GPU contexts, and is + available across thread boundaries. All contexts must be in the same GPU + share group, or otherwise share resources. + + When :py:class:`Image` is no longer referenced, context releases texture + memory asynchronously. + + :py:class:`GrBackendTexture` created from pixmap is uploaded to match + :py:class:`Surface` created with dstColorSpace. :py:class:`ColorSpace` + of :py:class:`Image` is determined by pixmap.colorSpace(). + + :py:class:`Image` is returned referring to GPU back-end if context is + not nullptr, format of data is recognized and supported, and if context + supports moving resources between contexts. Otherwise, pixmap pixel data + is copied and :py:class:`Image` as returned in raster format if + possible; nullptr may be returned. Recognized GPU formats vary by + platform and GPU back-end. + + :param skia.GrDirectContext context: GPU context + :param skia.Pixmap pixmap: :py:class:`ImageInfo`, pixel address, and row + bytes + :param bool buildMips: create :py:class:`Image` as mip map if true + :param bool limitToMaxTextureSize: downscale image to GPU maximum + texture size, if necessary + :return: created :py:class:`Image`, or nullptr + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeFromAdoptedTexture( + context: GrRecordingContext, + backendTexture: GrBackendTexture, + origin: GrSurfaceOrigin, + colorType: ColorType, + alphaType: AlphaType = ..., + colorSpace: ColorSpace | None = None, + ) -> Image: + """ + Creates :py:class:`Image` from backendTexture associated with context. + + backendTexture and returned :py:class:`Image` are managed internally, + and are released when no longer needed. + + :py:class:`Image` is returned if format of backendTexture is recognized + and supported. Recognized formats vary by GPU back-end. + + :param skia.GrContext context: GPU context + :param skia.GrBackendTexture backendTexture: texture residing on GPU + :param skia.ColorSpace colorSpace: range of colors; may be nullptr + :return: created :py:class:`Image`, or nullptr + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeFromBitmap(bitmap: Bitmap) -> Image: + """ + Creates :py:class:`Image` from bitmap, sharing or copying bitmap pixels. + + If the bitmap is marked immutable, and its pixel memory is shareable, it + may be shared instead of copied. + + :py:class:`Image` is returned if bitmap is valid. Valid + :py:class:`Bitmap` parameters include: dimensions are greater than zero; + each dimension fits in 29 bits; :py:class:`ColorType` and + :py:class:`AlphaType` are valid, and :py:class:`ColorType` is not + :py:attr:`kUnknown_ColorType`; row bytes are large enough to hold one + row of pixels; pixel address is not nullptr. + + :param skia.Bitmap bitmap: :py:class:`ImageInfo`, row bytes, and pixels + :return: created :py:class:`Image`, or nullptr + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeFromCompressedTexture( + context: GrRecordingContext, + texture: GrBackendTexture, + origin: GrSurfaceOrigin, + alphaType: AlphaType, + colorSpace: ColorSpace | None = None, + ) -> Image: + """ + Creates an :py:class:`Image` from a GPU backend texture. + + An :py:class:`Image` is returned if the format of backendTexture is + recognized and supported. Recognized formats vary by GPU back-end. + + :param skia.GrRecordingContext context: the GPU context + :param skia.GrBackendTexture backendTexture: a texture already allocated + by the GPU + :param skia.AlphaType alphaType: This characterizes the nature of the + alpha values in the backend texture. For opaque compressed formats + (e.g., ETC1) this should usually be set to + :py:attr:`~AlphaType.kOpaque_AlphaType`. + :param skia.ColorSpace colorSpace: This describes the color space of + this image's contents, as seen after sampling. In general, if the + format of the backend texture is SRGB, some linear colorSpace should + be supplied (e.g., :py:meth:`ColorSpace.MakeSRGBLinear` ). If the + format of the backend texture is linear, then the colorSpace should + include a description of the transfer function as well (e.g., + :py:meth:`ColorSpace.MakeSRGB` ). + :return: created :py:class:`Image`, or nullptr + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeFromEncoded(encoded: Data, alphaType: AlphaType | None = None) -> Image: + """ + Return an image backed by the encoded data, but attempt to defer + decoding until the image is actually used/drawn. + + This deferral allows the system to cache the result, either on the CPU + or on the GPU, depending on where the image is drawn. If memory is low, + the cache may be purged, causing the next draw of the image to have to + re-decode. + + If the encoded format is not supported, nullptr is returned. + + :param encoded: the encoded data + :return: created :py:class:`Image`, or nullptr + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeFromPicture( + picture: Picture, + dimensions: ISize, + matrix: Matrix | None = None, + paint: Paint | None = None, + bitDepth: Image.BitDepth = ..., + colorSpace: ColorSpace | None = None, + ) -> Image: + """ + Creates :py:class:`Image` from picture. + + Returned :py:class:`Image` width and height are set by dimensions. + :py:class:`Image` draws picture with matrix and paint, set to bitDepth + and colorSpace. + + If matrix is nullptr, draws with identity :py:class:`Matrix`. If paint + is nullptr, draws with default :py:class:`Paint`. colorSpace may be + nullptr. + + :param skia.Picture picture: stream of drawing commands + :param skia.ISize dimensions: width and height + :param skia.Matrix matrix: :py:class:`Matrix` to rotate, scale, + translate, and so on; may be nullptr + :param skia.Paint paint: :py:class:`Paint` to apply transparency, + filtering, and so on; may be nullptr + :param skia.Image.BitDepth bitDepth: 8-bit integer or 16-bit float: + per component + :param skia.ColorSpace colorSpace: range of colors; may be nullptr + :return: created :py:class:`Image`, or nullptr + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeFromRaster(pixmap: Pixmap) -> Image: + """ + Creates :py:class:`Image` from pixmap, sharing :py:class:`Pixmap` + pixels. + + :py:class:`Image` is returned if pixmap is valid. Valid + :py:class:`Pixmap` parameters include: dimensions are greater than zero; + each dimension fits in 29 bits; :py:class:`ColorType` and + :py:class:`AlphaType` are valid, and :py:class:`ColorType` is not + :py:attr:`kUnknown_ColorType`; row bytes are large enough to hold one + row of pixels; pixel address is not nullptr. + + :param skia.Pixmap pixmap: :py:class:`ImageInfo`, pixel address, and row + bytes + :return: :py:class:`Image` sharing pixmap + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeFromTexture( + context: GrRecordingContext, + texture: GrBackendTexture, + origin: GrSurfaceOrigin, + colorType: ColorType, + alphaType: AlphaType, + colorSpace: ColorSpace | None = None, + ) -> Image: + """ + Creates :py:class:`Image` from GPU texture associated with context. + + Caller is responsible for managing the lifetime of GPU texture. + + :py:class:`Image` is returned if format of backendTexture is recognized + and supported. Recognized formats vary by GPU back-end. + + :param skia.GrRecordingContext context: GPU context + :param skia.GrBackendTexture backendTexture: texture residing on GPU + :param skia.ColorSpace colorSpace: range of colors; may be nullptr + :return: created :py:class:`Image`, or nullptr + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeFromYUVAPixmaps( + context: GrRecordingContext, + pixmaps: YUVAPixmaps, + buildMips: GrMipmapped = ..., + limitToMaxTextureSize: bool = False, + imageColorSpace: ColorSpace | None = None, + ) -> Image: + """ + Creates :py:class:`Image` from :py:class:`YUVAPixmaps`. + + The image will remain planar with each plane converted to a texture + using the passed :py:class:`GrRecordingContext`. + + :py:class:`YUVAPixmaps` has a :py:class:`YUVAInfo` which specifies the + transformation from YUV to RGB. The :py:class:`ColorSpace` of the + resulting RGB values is specified by imageColorSpace. This will be the + :py:class:`ColorSpace` reported by the image and when drawn the RGB + values will be converted from this space into the destination space (if + the destination is tagged). + + Currently, this is only supported using the GPU backend and will fail if + context is nullptr. + + :py:class:`YUVAPixmaps` does not need to remain valid after this + returns. + + :param context: GPU context + :param pixmaps: The planes as pixmaps with supported + :py:class:`YUVAInfo` that specifies + conversion to RGB. + :param buildMips: create internal YUVA textures as mip map + if kYes. This is silently ignored if the + context does not support mip maps. + :param limitToMaxTextureSize: downscale image to GPU maximum texture + size, if necessary + :param imageColorSpace: range of colors of the resulting image; + may be nullptr + :return: created :py:class:`Image`, or nullptr + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeRasterCopy(pixmap: Pixmap) -> Image: + """ + Creates :py:class:`Image` from :py:class:`Pixmap` and copy of pixels. + + Since pixels are copied, :py:class:`Pixmap` pixels may be modified or + deleted without affecting :py:class:`Image`. + + :py:class:`Image` is returned if :py:class:`Pixmap` is valid. Valid + :py:class:`Pixmap` parameters include: dimensions are greater than zero; + each dimension fits in 29 bits; :py:class:`ColorType` and + :py:class:`AlphaType` are valid, and :py:class:`ColorType` is not + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kUnknown_ColorType`; row bytes are large enough to + hold one row of pixels; pixel address is not nullptr. + + :param skia.Pixmap pixmap: :py:class:`ImageInfo`, pixel address, and row + bytes + :return: copy of :py:class:`Pixmap` pixels, or nullptr + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeRasterData( + info: ImageInfo, + pixels: typing_extensions.Buffer, + rowBytes: int, + ) -> Image: + """ + Creates :py:class:`Image` from :py:class:`ImageInfo`, sharing pixels. + + :py:class:`Image` is returned if :py:class:`ImageInfo` is valid. Valid + :py:class:`ImageInfo` parameters include: dimensions are greater than + zero; each dimension fits in 29 bits; :py:class:`ColorType` and + :py:class:`AlphaType` are valid, and :py:class:`ColorType` is not + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kUnknown_ColorType`; rowBytes are large enough to + hold one row of pixels; pixels is not nullptr, and contains enough data + for :py:class:`Image`. + + :param skia.ImageInfo info: contains width, height, + :py:class:`AlphaType`, :py:class:`ColorType`, :py:class:`ColorSpace` + :param Union[bytes,bytearray,memoryview] pixels: pixel storage + :param int rowBytes: size of pixel row or larger + :return: :py:class:`Image` sharing pixels, or nullptr + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeRasterFromCompressed( + data: Data, + width: int, + height: int, + type: Image.CompressionType, + ) -> Image: + """ + Creates a CPU-backed :py:class:`Image` from compressed data. + + This method will decompress the compressed data and create an image + wrapping it. Any mipmap levels present in the compressed data are + discarded. + + :param skia.Data data: compressed data to store in SkImage + :param int width: width of full SkImage + :param int height: height of full SkImage + :param skia.Image.CompressionType type: type of compression used + :return: created :py:class:`Image`, or nullptr + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeTextureFromCompressed( + context: GrDirectContext, + data: Data, + width: int, + height: int, + type: Image.CompressionType, + mipMapped: GrMipmapped = ..., + isProtected: GrProtected = ..., + ) -> Image: + """ + Creates a GPU-backed :py:class:`Image` from compressed data. + + This method will return an :py:class:`Image` representing the compressed + data. If the GPU doesn't support the specified compression method, the + data will be decompressed and then wrapped in a GPU-backed image. + + Note: one can query the supported compression formats via + :py:meth:`GrContext.compressedBackendFormat`. + + :param skia.GrDirectContext context: GPU context + :param skia.Data data: compressed data to store in :py:class:`Image` + :param int width: width of full :py:class:`Image` + :param int height: height of full :py:class:`Image` + :param skia.CompressionType type: type of compression used + :param skia.skgpu::Mipmapped mipMapped: does 'data' contain data for all the + mipmap levels? + :param skia.GrProtected isProtected: do the contents of 'data' require + DRM protection (on Vulkan)? + :return: created :py:class:`Image`, or nullptr + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + @staticmethod + def fromarray( + array: numpy.ndarray, + colorType: ColorType = ..., + alphaType: AlphaType = ..., + colorSpace: ColorSpace | None = None, + copy: bool = True, + ) -> Image: + """ + Creates a new :py:class:`Image` from numpy array. + + :param numpy.ndarray array: numpy ndarray of shape=(height, width, + channels) and appropriate dtype. Must have non-zero width and + height, and the valid number of channels for the specified color + type. + :param skia.ColorType colorType: color type of the array + :param skia.AlphaType alphaType: alpha type of the array + :param skia.ColorSpace colorSpace: range of colors; may be nullptr + :param bool copy: Whether to copy pixels. + """ + @staticmethod + def frombytes( + array: typing_extensions.Buffer, + dimensions: ISize, + colorType: ColorType = ..., + alphaType: AlphaType = ..., + colorSpace: ColorSpace | None = None, + copy: bool = True, + ) -> Image: + """ + Creates a new :py:class:`Image` from bytes. + + :param pixels: raw bytes of pixels + :param skia.ISize dimensions: (width, height) tuple + :param skia.ColorType colorType: color type of the array + :param skia.AlphaType alphaType: alpha type of the array + :param skia.ColorSpace colorSpace: range of colors; may be nullptr + :param bool copy: Whether to copy pixels. When false is specified, + :py:class:`Image` shares the pixel buffer without copy. + """ + @staticmethod + def open(fp: typing.Any) -> Image: + """ + Creates :py:attr:`Image` from file path or file-like object. + + Shortcut for the following:: + + if hasattr(fp, "read") and hasattr(fp, "seek"): + + data = skia.Data.MakeWithCopy( + else: + data = skia.Data.MakeFromFileName(fp) + image = skia.Image.MakeFromEncoded(data) + + :param fp: file path or file-like object that has `seek` and `read` + method. file must be opened in binary mode. + """ + def __buffer__(self, flags): + """ + Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object. + """ + def __release_buffer__(self, buffer): + """ + Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object. + """ + def _repr_png_(self) -> bytes: ... + def alphaType(self) -> AlphaType: + """ + Returns :py:class:`AlphaType`. + + :py:class:`AlphaType` returned was a parameter to an :py:class:`Image` + constructor, or was parsed from encoded data. + + :return: :py:class:`AlphaType` in :py:class:`Image` + """ + def asLegacyBitmap( + self, + bitmap: Bitmap, + legacyBitmapMode: Image.LegacyBitmapMode = ..., + ) -> bool: + """ + Deprecated. + + Creates raster :py:class:`Bitmap` with same pixels as :py:class:`Image`. + If legacyBitmapMode is :py:attr:`~Image.kRO_LegacyBitmapMode`, returned + bitmap is read-only and immutable. Returns true if :py:class:`Bitmap` is + stored in bitmap. Returns false and resets bitmap if :py:class:`Bitmap` + write did not succeed. + + :param bitmap: storage for legacy :py:class:`Bitmap` + :param legacyBitmapMode: bitmap is read-only and immutable + :return: true if :py:class:`Bitmap` was created + """ + def bitmap( + self, + colorType: ColorType = ..., + alphaType: AlphaType = ..., + colorSpace: ColorSpace | None = None, + ) -> Bitmap: + """ + Creates :py:class:`Bitmap` from :py:class:`Image`. + + Pixels are always allocated and copied. + + :param colorType: color type of :py:class:`Bitmap`. If + :py:attr:`~skia.kUnknown_ColorType`, uses the same colorType as + :py:class:`Image`. + :param alphaType: alpha type of :py:class:`Bitmap`. If + :py:attr:`~skia.kUnknown_AlphaType`, uses the same alphaType as + :py:class:`Image`. + :param colorSpace: color space of :py:class:`Bitmap`. + :return: :py:class:`Bitmap` + """ + def bounds(self) -> IRect: + """ + Returns :py:class:`IRect` (0, 0, :py:meth:`width`, :py:meth:`height`). + + :return: integral rectangle from origin to :py:meth:`width` and + :py:meth:`height` + """ + def colorSpace(self) -> ColorSpace: + """ + Returns :py:class:`ColorSpace`, the range of colors, associated with + :py:class:`Image`. + + The reference count of :py:class:`ColorSpace` is unchanged. The returned + :py:class:`ColorSpace` is immutable. + + :py:class:`ColorSpace` returned was passed to an :py:class:`Image` + constructor, or was parsed from encoded data. :py:class:`ColorSpace` + returned may be ignored when :py:class:`Image` is drawn, depending on + the capabilities of the :py:class:`Surface` receiving the drawing. + + :return: :py:class:`ColorSpace` in :py:class:`Image`, or nullptr + """ + def colorType(self) -> ColorType: + """ + Returns :py:class:`ColorType` if known; otherwise, returns + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kUnknown_ColorType`. + + :return: :py:class:`ColorType` of :py:class:`Image` + """ + def convert( + self, + colorType: ColorType = ..., + alphaType: AlphaType = ..., + colorSpace: ColorSpace | None = None, + ) -> Image: + """ + Creates :py:class:`Image` in target :py:class:`ColorType`, + :py:class:`AlphatType`, and :py:class:`ColorSpace`. Raises if + :py:class:`Image` could not be created. + + Pixels are converted only if pixel conversion is possible. If + :py:class:`Image` :py:class:`ColorType` is + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kGray_8_ColorType`, or + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kAlpha_8_ColorType`; colorType must + be the same. If :py:class:`Image` :py:class:`ColorType` is + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kGray_8_ColorType`, colorSpace must + be the same. If :py:class:`Image` :py:class:`AlphaType` is + :py:attr:`~AlphaType.kOpaque_AlphaType`, alphaType must be the same. + If :py:class:`Image` :py:class:`ColorSpace` is nullptr, + colorSpace must be the same. Raises if pixel conversion is + not possible. + + :param colorType: target color type. If + :py:attr:`~skia.kUnknown_ColorType` is given, uses the same + colorType as :py:class:`Image`. + :param alphaType: target alpha type. If + :py:attr:`~skia.kUnknown_AlphaType` is given, uses the same + alphaType as :py:class:`Image`. + :param colorSpace: target color space. + :return: :py:class:`Image` + """ + def dimensions(self) -> ISize: + """ + Returns :py:class:`ISize` (:py:meth:`width`, :py:meth:`height`). + + :return: integral size of :py:meth:`width` and :py:meth:`height` + """ + @typing.overload + def encodeToData( + self, + encodedImageFormat: EncodedImageFormat, + quality: int, + ) -> Data: + """ + Encodes :py:class:`Image` pixels, returning result as :py:class:`Data`. + + Returns nullptr if encoding fails, or if encodedImageFormat is not + supported. + + :py:class:`Image` encoding in a format requires both building with one + or more of: SK_ENCODE_JPEG, SK_ENCODE_PNG, SK_ENCODE_WEBP; and platform + support for the encoded format. + + If SK_BUILD_FOR_MAC or SK_BUILD_FOR_IOS is defined, encodedImageFormat + can additionally be one of: :py:attr:`~EncodedImageFormat.kICO`, + :py:attr:`~EncodedImageFormat.kBMP`, + :py:attr:`~EncodedImageFormat.kGIF`. + + quality is a platform and format specific metric trading off size and + encoding error. When used, quality equaling 100 encodes with the least + error. quality may be ignored by the encoder. + + :param skia.EncodedImageFormat encodedImageFormat: + one of: :py:attr:`~EncodedImageFormat.kJPEG`, + :py:attr:`~EncodedImageFormat.kPNG`, + :py:attr:`~EncodedImageFormat.kWEBP` + :param int quality: encoder specific metric with 100 equaling best + :return: encoded :py:class:`Image`, or nullptr + """ + @typing.overload + def encodeToData(self) -> Data: + """ + Encodes :py:class:`Image` pixels, returning result as :py:class:`Data`. + + Returns existing encoded data if present; otherwise, :py:class:`Image` + is encoded with :py:attr:`~EncodedImageFormat.kPNG`. Skia must be built + with SK_ENCODE_PNG to encode :py:class:`Image`. + + Returns nullptr if existing encoded data is missing or invalid, and + encoding fails. + + :return: encoded :py:class:`Image`, or nullptr + """ + @typing.overload + def flush(self, arg0: GrDirectContext, arg1: GrFlushInfo) -> GrSemaphoresSubmitted: + """ + Flushes any pending uses of texture-backed images in the GPU backend. If + the image is not texture-backed (including promise texture images) or if + the GrDirectContext does not have the same context ID as the context + backing the image then this is a no-op. + + If the image was not used in any non-culled draws in the current queue + of work for the passed GrDirectContext then this is a no-op unless the + GrFlushInfo contains semaphores or a finish proc. Those are respected + even when the image has not been used. + + :param context: the context on which to flush pending usages of the + image. + :param info: flush options + """ + @typing.overload + def flush(self, context: GrDirectContext) -> None: ... + def flushAndSubmit(self, context: GrDirectContext) -> None: + """ + Version of :py:meth:`flush` that uses a default GrFlushInfo. + + Also submits the flushed work to the GPU. + """ + def getBackendTexture( + self, + flushPendingGrContextIO: bool, + origin: GrSurfaceOrigin | None = None, + ) -> bool: + """ + Retrieves the back-end texture. If :py:class:`Image` has no back-end + texture, an invalid object is returned. Call + :py:meth:`GrBackendTexture.isValid` to determine if the result is valid. + + If flushPendingGrContextIO is true, completes deferred I/O operations. + + If origin in not nullptr, copies location of content drawn into + :py:class:`Image`. + + :param flushPendingGrContextIO: flag to flush outstanding requests + :return: back-end API texture handle; invalid on failure + """ + def hasMipmaps(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if the image has mipmap levels. + """ + def height(self) -> int: + """ + Returns pixel row count. + + :return: pixel height in :py:class:`Image` + """ + def imageInfo(self) -> ImageInfo: + """ + Returns a :py:class:`ImageInfo` describing the width, height, color + type, alpha type, and color space of the :py:class:`Image`. + + :return: image info of :py:class:`Image`. + """ + def isAlphaOnly(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if :py:class:`Image` pixels represent transparency only. + + If true, each pixel is packed in 8 bits as defined by + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kAlpha_8_ColorType`. + + :return: true if pixels represent a transparency mask + """ + def isLazyGenerated(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if :py:class:`Image` is backed by an image-generator or + other service that creates and caches its pixels or texture on-demand. + + :return: true if :py:class:`Image` is created as needed + """ + def isOpaque(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if pixels ignore their alpha value and are treated as fully + opaque. + + :return: true if :py:class:`AlphaType` is + :py:attr:`~AlphaType.kOpaque_AlphaType` + """ + def isTextureBacked(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true the contents of :py:class:`Image` was created on or + uploaded to GPU memory, and is available as a GPU texture. + + :return: true if :py:class:`Image` is a GPU texture + """ + def isValid(self, context: GrRecordingContext | None = None) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if :py:class:`Image` can be drawn on either raster surface + or GPU surface. + + If context is nullptr, tests if :py:class:`Image` draws on raster + surface; otherwise, tests if :py:class:`Image` draws on GPU surface + associated with context. + + :py:class:`Image` backed by GPU texture may become invalid if associated + GrRecordingContext is invalid. lazy image may be invalid and may not draw + to raster surface or GPU surface or both. + + :param skia.GrRecordingContext context: GPU context + :return: true if :py:class:`Image` can be drawn + """ + def makeColorSpace( + self, + target: ColorSpace, + direct: GrDirectContext | None = None, + ) -> Image: + """ + Creates :py:class:`Image` in target :py:class:`ColorSpace`. + + Returns nullptr if :py:class:`Image` could not be created. + + Returns original :py:class:`Image` if it is in target + :py:class:`ColorSpace`. Otherwise, converts pixels from + :py:class:`Image` :py:class:`ColorSpace` to target + :py:class:`ColorSpace`. If :py:class:`Image` colorSpace() returns + nullptr, :py:class:`Image` :py:class:`ColorSpace` is assumed to be sRGB. + + :param skia.ColorSpace target: :py:class:`ColorSpace` describing color + range of returned :py:class:`Image` + :return: created :py:class:`Image` in target :py:class:`ColorSpace` + """ + def makeColorTypeAndColorSpace( + self, + targetColorType: ColorType, + targetColorSpace: ColorSpace | None = None, + direct: GrDirectContext | None = None, + ) -> Image: + """ + Experimental. + + Creates :py:class:`Image` in target :py:class:`ColorType` and + :py:class:`ColorSpace`. Returns nullptr if :py:class:`Image` could not + be created. + + Returns original :py:class:`Image` if it is in target + :py:class:`ColorType` and :py:class:`ColorSpace`. + + :param skia.ColorType targetColorType: :py:class:`ColorType` of returned + :py:class:`Image` + :param skia.ColorSpace targetColorSpace: :py:class:`ColorSpace` of + returned :py:class:`Image` + :return: created :py:class:`Image` in target :py:class:`ColorType` and + :py:class:`ColorSpace` + """ + def makeNonTextureImage(self, context: GrDirectContext | None = None) -> Image: + """ + Returns raster image or lazy image. + + Copies :py:class:`Image` backed by GPU texture into CPU memory if + needed. Returns original :py:class:`Image` if decoded in raster bitmap, + or if encoded in a stream. + + Returns nullptr if backed by GPU texture and copy fails. + + :return: raster image, lazy image, or nullptr + """ + def makeRasterImage(self, cachingHint: Image.CachingHint = ...) -> Image: + """ + Returns raster image. + + Copies :py:class:`Image` backed by GPU texture into CPU memory, or + decodes :py:class:`Image` from lazy image. Returns original + :py:class:`Image` if decoded in raster bitmap. + + Returns nullptr if copy, decode, or pixel read fails. + + If cachingHint is :py:attr:`Image.CachingHint.kAllow_CachingHint`, + pixels may be retained locally. If cachingHint is + :py:attr:`Image.CachingHint.kDisallow_CachingHint`, pixels are not added + to the local cache. + + :param skia.Image.CachingHint cachingHint: Caching hint + :return: raster image, or nullptr + """ + @typing.overload + def makeRawShader( + self, + tmx: TileMode = ..., + tmy: TileMode = ..., + samplingOptions: SamplingOptions = ..., + localMatrix: Matrix | None = None, + ) -> Shader: + """ + Creates :py:class:`Shader` from :py:class:`Image`. + + makeRawShader functions like makeShader, but for images that contain non-color data. + This includes images encoding things like normals, material properties (eg, roughness), + heightmaps, or any other purely mathematical data that happens to be stored in an image. + These types of images are useful with some programmable shaders (see: SkRuntimeEffect). + + :py:class:`Shader` dimensions are taken from :py:class:`Image`. + :py:class:`Shader` uses :py:class:`TileMode` rules to fill drawn area + outside :py:class:`Image`. localMatrix permits transforming + :py:class:`Image` before :py:class:`Canvas` matrix is applied. + + :param skia.TileMode tmx: tiling in the x direction + :param skia.TileMode tmy: tiling in the y direction + :param skia.Matrix localMatrix: :py:class:`Image` transformation, or + nullptr + :return: :py:class:`Shader` containing :py:class:`Image` + """ + @typing.overload + def makeRawShader( + self, + samplingOptions: SamplingOptions = ..., + localMatrix: Matrix | None = None, + ) -> Shader: + """ + Creates :py:class:`Shader` from :py:class:`Image`. + + makeRawShader functions like makeShader, but for images that contain non-color data. + This includes images encoding things like normals, material properties (eg, roughness), + heightmaps, or any other purely mathematical data that happens to be stored in an image. + These types of images are useful with some programmable shaders (see: SkRuntimeEffect). + + :py:class:`Shader` dimensions are taken from :py:class:`Image`. + localMatrix permits transforming + :py:class:`Image` before :py:class:`Canvas` matrix is applied. + + :param skia.Matrix localMatrix: :py:class:`Image` transformation, or + nullptr + :return: :py:class:`Shader` containing :py:class:`Image` + """ + @typing.overload + def makeShader( + self, + tmx: TileMode = ..., + tmy: TileMode = ..., + samplingOptions: SamplingOptions = ..., + localMatrix: Matrix | None = None, + ) -> Shader: + """ + Creates :py:class:`Shader` from :py:class:`Image`. + + :py:class:`Shader` dimensions are taken from :py:class:`Image`. + :py:class:`Shader` uses :py:class:`TileMode` rules to fill drawn area + outside :py:class:`Image`. localMatrix permits transforming + :py:class:`Image` before :py:class:`Canvas` matrix is applied. + + :param skia.TileMode tmx: tiling in the x direction + :param skia.TileMode tmy: tiling in the y direction + :param skia.Matrix localMatrix: :py:class:`Image` transformation, or + nullptr + :return: :py:class:`Shader` containing :py:class:`Image` + """ + @typing.overload + def makeShader( + self, + samplingOptions: SamplingOptions = ..., + localMatrix: Matrix | None = None, + ) -> Shader: + """ + Creates :py:class:`Shader` from :py:class:`Image`. + + :py:class:`Shader` dimensions are taken from :py:class:`Image`. + localMatrix permits transforming + :py:class:`Image` before :py:class:`Canvas` matrix is applied. + + :param skia.Matrix localMatrix: :py:class:`Image` transformation, or + nullptr + :return: :py:class:`Shader` containing :py:class:`Image` + """ + def makeSubset(self, subset: IRect, direct: GrDirectContext | None = None) -> Image: + """ + Returns subset of :py:class:`Image`. + + subset must be fully contained by :py:class:`Image` + :py:meth:`dimensions`. The implementation may share pixels, or may copy + them. + + Returns nullptr if subset is empty, or subset is not contained by + bounds, or pixels in :py:class:`Image` could not be read or copied. + + :param skia.IRect subset: bounds of returned :py:class:`Image` + :return: partial or full :py:class:`Image`, or nullptr + """ + def makeTextureImage( + self, + context: GrDirectContext, + mipMapped: GrMipmapped = ..., + budgeted: Budgeted = ..., + ) -> Image: + """ + Returns :py:class:`Image` backed by GPU texture associated with context. + + Returned :py:class:`Image` is compatible with :py:class:`Surface` + created with dstColorSpace. The returned :py:class:`Image` respects + mipMapped setting; if mipMapped equals :py:attr:`skgpu::Mipmapped.kYes`, the + backing texture allocates mip map levels. + + The mipMapped parameter is effectively treated as kNo if MIP maps are + not supported by the GPU. + + Returns original :py:class:`Image` if the image is already + texture-backed, the context matches, and mipMapped is compatible with + the backing GPU texture. :py:class:`Budgeted` is ignored in this case. + + Returns nullptr if context is nullptr, or if :py:class:`Image` was + created with another GrDirectContext. + + :param GrDirectContext context: the GrDirectContext in play, if it + exists + :param skgpu::Mipmapped mipMapped: whether created :py:class:`Image` texture + must allocate mip map levels + :param skia.Budgeted budgeted: whether to count a newly created texture + for the returned image counts against the GrDirectContext's budget. + :return: created :py:class:`Image`, or nullptr + """ + def makeWithFilter( + self, + context: GrRecordingContext, + filter: ImageFilter, + subset: IRect, + clipBounds: IRect, + outSubset: IRect, + offset: IPoint, + ) -> Image: + """ + Creates filtered :py:class:`Image`. + + filter processes original :py:class:`Image`, potentially changing color, + position, and size. subset is the bounds of original :py:class:`Image` + processed by filter. clipBounds is the expected bounds of the filtered + :py:class:`Image`. outSubset is required storage for the actual bounds + of the filtered :py:class:`Image`. offset is required storage for + translation of returned :py:class:`Image`. + + Returns nullptr if :py:class:`Image` could not be created. If nullptr is + returned, outSubset and offset are undefined. + + Useful for animation of :py:class:`ImageFilter` that varies size from + frame to frame. Returned :py:class:`Image` is created larger than + required by filter so that GPU texture can be reused with different + sized effects. outSubset describes the valid bounds of GPU texture + returned. offset translates the returned :py:class:`Image` to keep + subsequent animation frames aligned with respect to each other. + + :param skia.GrRecordingContext context: the GrRecordingContext in play - + if it exists + :param skia.ImageFilter filter: how :py:class:`Image` is sampled when + transformed + :param skia.IRect subset: bounds of :py:class:`Image` processed by + filter + :param skia.IRect clipBounds: expected bounds of filtered + :py:class:`Image` + :param skia.IRect outSubset: output for returned :py:class:`Image` + bounds + :param skia.IPoint offset: output for returned :py:class:`Image` + translation + :return: filtered :py:class:`Image`, or nullptr + """ + def peekPixels(self, pixmap: Pixmap) -> bool: + """ + Copies :py:class:`Image` pixel address, row bytes, and + :py:class:`ImageInfo` to pixmap, if address is available, and returns + true. + + If pixel address is not available, return false and leave pixmap + unchanged. + + :param skia.Pixmap pixmap: storage for pixel state if pixels are + readable; otherwise, ignored + :return: true if :py:class:`Image` has direct access to pixels + """ + @typing.overload + def readPixels( + self, + context: GrDirectContext, + dstInfo: ImageInfo, + dstPixels: typing_extensions.Buffer, + dstRowBytes: int, + srcX: int = 0, + srcY: int = 0, + cachingHint: Image.CachingHint = ..., + ) -> bool: + """ + Copies a :py:class:`Rect` of pixels from :py:class:`Image` to dst. Copy + starts at (srcX, srcY), and does not exceed :py:class:`Image` (width(), + height()). + + dstInfo specifies width, height, :py:class:`ColorType`, + :py:class:`AlphaType`, and :py:class:`ColorSpace` of destination. + dstRowBytes specifics the gap from one destination row to the next. + Returns true if pixels are copied. Returns false if: + + - dstInfo.addr() equals nullptr + - dstRowBytes is less than ``dstInfo.minRowBytes()`` + - :py:class:`PixelRef` is nullptr + + Pixels are copied only if pixel conversion is possible. If + :py:class:`Image` :py:class:`ColorType` is + :py:attr:`~kGray_8_ColorType`, or :py:attr:`~kAlpha_8_ColorType`; + dst.colorType() must match. If :py:class:`Image` :py:class:`ColorType` + is :py:attr:`~kGray_8_ColorType`, dst.colorSpace() must match. If + :py:class:`Image` :py:class:`AlphaType` is + :py:attr:`~kOpaque_AlphaType`, dst.alphaType() must match. If + :py:class:`Image` :py:class:`ColorSpace` is nullptr, dst.colorSpace() + must match. Returns false if pixel conversion is not possible. + + srcX and srcY may be negative to copy only top or left of source. + Returns false if width() or height() is zero or negative. Returns false + if abs(srcX) >= Image width(), or if abs(srcY) >= Image height(). + + If cachingHint is kAllow_CachingHint, pixels may be retained locally. + If cachingHint is kDisallow_CachingHint, pixels are not added to the + local cache. + + :param context: the GrDirectContext in play, if it exists + :param dstInfo: destination width, height, pixels, + :py:class:`ColorType`, :py:class:`AlphaType`, + :py:class:`ColorSpace` + :param dstPixels: destination pixel storage + :param dstRowBytes: destination row length + :param srcX: column index whose absolute value is less than + width() + :param srcY: row index whose absolute value is less than + height() + :param cachingHint: whether the pixels should be cached locally + :return: true if pixels are copied to dstPixels + """ + @typing.overload + def readPixels( + self, + context: GrDirectContext, + dst: Pixmap, + srcX: int, + srcY: int, + cachingHint: Image.CachingHint = ..., + ) -> bool: + """ + Copies a :py:class:`Rect` of pixels from :py:class:`Image` to dst. Copy + starts at (srcX, srcY), and does not exceed :py:class:`Image` (width(), + height()). + + dst specifies width, height, :py:class:`ColorType`, + :py:class:`AlphaType`, :py:class:`ColorSpace`, pixel storage, and row + bytes of destination. dst.rowBytes() specifics the gap from one + destination row to the next. Returns true if pixels are copied. Returns + false if: + + - dst pixel storage equals nullptr + - dst.rowBytes is less than :py:meth:`ImageInfo.minRowBytes` + - :py:class:`PixelRef` is nullptr + + Pixels are copied only if pixel conversion is possible. If + :py:class:`Image` :py:class:`ColorType` is + :py:attr:`~kGray_8_ColorType`, or :py:attr:`~kAlpha_8_ColorType`; + dst.colorType() must match. If :py:class:`Image` :py:class:`ColorType` + is :py:attr:`~kGray_8_ColorType`, dst.colorSpace() must match. If + :py:class:`Image` :py:class:`AlphaType` is + :py:attr:`~kOpaque_AlphaType`, dst.alphaType() must match. If + :py:class:`Image` :py:class:`ColorSpace` is nullptr, dst.colorSpace() + must match. Returns false if pixel conversion is not possible. + + srcX and srcY may be negative to copy only top or left of source. + Returns false if width() or height() is zero or negative. Returns false + if abs(srcX) >= Image width(), or if abs(srcY) >= Image height(). + + If cachingHint is kAllow_CachingHint, pixels may be retained locally. + If cachingHint is kDisallow_CachingHint, pixels are not added to the + local cache. + + :param context: the GrDirectContext in play, if it exists + :param dst: destination :py:class:`Pixmap`: + :py:class:`ImageInfo`, pixels, row bytes + :param srcX: column index whose absolute value is less than + width() + :param srcY: row index whose absolute value is less than + height() + :param cachingHint: whether the pixels should be cached locally + :return: true if pixels are copied to dst + """ + @typing.overload + def readPixels( + self, + dstInfo: ImageInfo, + dstPixels: typing_extensions.Buffer, + dstRowBytes: int, + srcX: int = 0, + srcY: int = 0, + cachingHint: Image.CachingHint = ..., + ) -> bool: + """ + Deprecated. Use the variants that accept a GrDirectContext. + """ + @typing.overload + def readPixels( + self, + dst: Pixmap, + srcX: int, + srcY: int, + cachingHint: Image.CachingHint = ..., + ) -> bool: + """ + Deprecated. Use the variants that accept a `GrDirectContext`. + """ + def refColorSpace(self) -> ColorSpace: + """ + Returns a smart pointer to :py:class:`ColorSpace`, the range of colors, + associated with :py:class:`Image`. + + The smart pointer tracks the number of objects sharing this + :py:class:`ColorSpace` reference so the memory is released when the + owners destruct. + + The returned :py:class:`ColorSpace` is immutable. + + :py:class:`ColorSpace` returned was passed to an :py:class:`Image` + constructor, or was parsed from encoded data. :py:class:`ColorSpace` + returned may be ignored when :py:class:`Image` is drawn, depending on + the capabilities of the :py:class:`Surface` receiving the drawing. + + :return: :py:class:`ColorSpace` in :py:class:`Image`, or nullptr, + wrapped in a smart pointer + """ + def refEncodedData(self) -> Data: + """ + Returns encoded :py:class:`Image` pixels as :py:class:`Data`, if + :py:class:`Image` was created from supported encoded stream format. + + Platform support for formats vary and may require building with one or + more of: SK_ENCODE_JPEG, SK_ENCODE_PNG, SK_ENCODE_WEBP. + + Returns nullptr if :py:class:`Image` contents are not encoded. + + :return: encoded :py:class:`Image`, or nullptr + """ + def reinterpretColorSpace(self, newColorSpace: ColorSpace | None = None) -> Image: + """ + Creates a new :py:class:`Image` identical to this one, but with a + different :py:class:`ColorSpace`. + + This does not convert the underlying pixel data, so the resulting image + will draw differently. + """ + def resize( + self, + width: int, + height: int, + options: SamplingOptions = ..., + cachingHint: Image.CachingHint = ..., + ) -> Image: + """ + Creates :py:class:`Image` by scaling pixels to fit width and height. + Raises if :py:class:`Image` could not be scaled. + + Scales the image, with filterQuality, to match width and height. + filterQuality :py:attr:`~FilterQuality.None_FilterQuality` is fastest, + typically implemented with nearest neighbor filter. + :py:attr:`~FilterQuality.kLow_FilterQuality` is typically implemented + with bilerp filter. :py:attr:`~FilterQuality.kMedium_FilterQuality` is + typically implemented with bilerp filter, and mip-map filter when size + is reduced. :py:attr:`~FilterQuality.kHigh_FilterQuality` is slowest, + typically implemented with bicubic filter. + + If cachingHint is :py:attr:`~Image.CachingHint.kAllow_CachingHint`, + pixels may be retained locally. If cachingHint is + :py:attr:`~Image.CachingHint.kDisallow_CachingHint`, pixels are not + added to the local cache. + + :param int width: target width + :param int height: target height + :param skia.SamplingOptions options: sampling options + :param skia.Image.CachingHint cachingHint: Caching hint + :return: :py:class:`Image` + """ + def save( + self, + fp: typing.Any, + encodedImageFormat: EncodedImageFormat = ..., + quality: int = 100, + ) -> None: + """ + Saves :py:attr:`Image` to file path or file-like object. + + Shortcut for the following:: + + data = image.encodeToData(encodedImageFormat, quality) + if hasattr(fp, "write"): + fp.write(data) + else: + with open(fp, "wb") as f: + f.write(data) + + :param fp: file path or file-like object that has `write` method. file + must be opened in writable binary mode. + :param skia.EncodedImageFormat encodedImageFormat: + one of: :py:attr:`~EncodedImageFormat.kJPEG`, + :py:attr:`~EncodedImageFormat.kPNG`, + :py:attr:`~EncodedImageFormat.kWEBP` + :param int quality: encoder specific metric with 100 equaling best + """ + def scalePixels( + self, + dst: Pixmap, + samplingOptions: SamplingOptions = ..., + cachingHint: Image.CachingHint = ..., + ) -> bool: + """ + Copies :py:class:`Image` to dst, scaling pixels to fit ``dst.width()`` + and ``dst.height()``, and converting pixels to match ``dst.colorType()`` + and ``dst.alphaType()``. + + Returns true if pixels are copied. Returns false if ``dst.addr()`` is + nullptr, or ``dst.rowBytes()`` is less than dst + :py:meth:`ImageInfo.minRowBytes`. + + Pixels are copied only if pixel conversion is possible. If + :py:class:`Image` :py:class:`ColorType` is + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kGray_8_ColorType`, or + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kAlpha_8_ColorType`; ``dst.colorType()`` must + match. If :py:class:`Image` :py:class:`ColorType` is + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kGray_8_ColorType`, ``dst.colorSpace()`` must + match. If :py:class:`Image` :py:class:`AlphaType` is + :py:attr:`~AlphaType.kOpaque_AlphaType`, ``dst.alphaType()`` must match. + If :py:class:`Image` :py:class:`ColorSpace` is nullptr, + ``dst.colorSpace()`` must match. Returns false if pixel conversion is + not possible. + + Scales the image, with filterQuality, to match ``dst.width()`` and + ``dst.height()``. filterQuality + :py:attr:`~FilterQuality.None_FilterQuality` is fastest, typically + implemented with nearest neighbor filter. + :py:attr:`~FilterQuality.kLow_FilterQuality` is typically implemented + with bilerp filter. :py:attr:`~FilterQuality.kMedium_FilterQuality` is + typically implemented with bilerp filter, and mip-map filter when size + is reduced. :py:attr:`~FilterQuality.kHigh_FilterQuality` is slowest, + typically implemented with bicubic filter. + + If cachingHint is :py:attr:`~Image.CachingHint.kAllow_CachingHint`, + pixels may be retained locally. If cachingHint is + :py:attr:`~Image.CachingHint.kDisallow_CachingHint`, pixels are not + added to the local cache. + + :param skia.Pixmap dst: destination :py:class:`Pixmap`: + :py:class:`ImageInfo`, pixels, row bytes + :param skia.FilterQuality filterQuality: Filter quality + :param skia.Image.CachingHint cachingHint: Caching hint + :return: true if pixels are scaled to fit dst + """ + def toarray( + self, + srcX: int = 0, + srcY: int = 0, + colorType: ColorType = ..., + alphaType: AlphaType = ..., + colorSpace: ColorSpace | None = None, + ) -> numpy.ndarray: + """ + Exports a ``numpy.ndarray``. + + :param srcX: offset into readable pixels on x-axis; may be negative + :param srcY: offset into readable pixels on y-axis; may be negative + :param colorType: target :py:class:`ColorType` + :param alphaType: target :py:class:`AlphaType` + :param colorSpace: target :py:class:`ColorSpace` + :return: numpy.ndarray + """ + def tobytes(self) -> typing.Any: + """ + Creates python `bytes` object from internal pixels. + + When the image is raster, the returned bytes share the internal buffer. + Otherwise, pixels are copied to a newly allocated python `bytes`. + """ + def uniqueID(self) -> int: + """ + Returns value unique to image. + + :py:class:`Image` contents cannot change after :py:class:`Image` is + created. Any operation to create a new :py:class:`Image` will receive + generate a new unique number. + + :return: unique identifier + """ + def width(self) -> int: + """ + Returns pixel count in each row. + + :return: pixel width in :py:class:`Image` + """ + def withDefaultMipmaps(self) -> Image: + """ + Returns an image with the same "base" pixels as the this image, but with + mipmap levels automatically generated and attached. + """ + @property + def __array_interface__(self) -> dict: ... + +class ImageFilter(Flattanable): + """ + + Base class for image filters. + + If one is installed in the paint, then all drawing occurs as usual, but it + is as if the drawing happened into an offscreen (before the xfermode is + applied). This offscreen bitmap will then be handed to the imagefilter, who + in turn creates a new bitmap which is what will finally be drawn to the + device (using the original xfermode). + + The local space of image filters matches the local space of the drawn + geometry. For instance if there is rotation on the canvas, the blur will be + computed along those rotated axes and not in the device space. In order to + achieve this result, the actual drawing of the geometry may happen in an + unrotated coordinate system so that the filtered image can be computed more + easily, and then it will be post transformed to match what would have been + produced if the geometry were drawn with the total canvas matrix to begin + with. + + See :py:class:`ImageFilters` for available filters. + + .. rubric:: Subclasses + + .. autosummary:: + :nosignatures: + + ~skia.ArithmeticImageFilter + ~skia.BlurImageFilter + ~skia.ColorFilterImageFilter + ~skia.DilateImageFilter + ~skia.DisplacementMapEffect + ~skia.DropShadowImageFilter + ~skia.ErodeImageFilter + ~skia.ImageFilters + ~skia.LightingImageFilter + ~skia.MagnifierImageFilter + ~skia.OffsetImageFilter + ~skia.PaintImageFilter + ~skia.TileImageFilter + ~skia.XfermodeImageFilter + + """ + class CropRect: + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, rect: Rect) -> None: ... + + class MapDirection: + """ + Members: + + kForward_MapDirection + + kReverse_MapDirection + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, ImageFilter.MapDirection] + ] # value = {'kForward_MapDirection': , 'kReverse_MapDirection': } + kForward_MapDirection: typing.ClassVar[ + ImageFilter.MapDirection + ] # value = + kReverse_MapDirection: typing.ClassVar[ + ImageFilter.MapDirection + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + kForward_MapDirection: typing.ClassVar[ + ImageFilter.MapDirection + ] # value = + kReverse_MapDirection: typing.ClassVar[ + ImageFilter.MapDirection + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def Deserialize(data: typing_extensions.Buffer) -> ImageFilter: ... + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def asAColorFilter(self) -> typing.Any: + """ + Returns colorfilter if this imagefilter can be completely replaced by + the returned colorfilter. Otherwise None. + + i.e. the two effects will affect drawing in the same way. + """ + def asColorFilter(self) -> typing.Any: ... + def canComputeFastBounds(self) -> bool: ... + def computeFastBounds(self, bounds: Rect) -> Rect: ... + def countInputs(self) -> int: + """ + Returns the number of inputs this filter will accept (some inputs can be + NULL). + """ + def filterBounds( + self, + src: IRect, + ctm: Matrix, + direction: ImageFilter.MapDirection, + inputRect: IRect | None = None, + ) -> IRect: + """ + Map a device-space rect recursively forward or backward through the + filter DAG. + + :py:attr:`kForward_MapDirection` is used to determine which pixels of + the destination canvas a source image rect would touch after filtering. + :py:attr:`kReverse_MapDirection` is used to determine which rect of the + source image would be required to fill the given rect (typically, clip + bounds). Used for clipping and temp-buffer allocations, so the result + need not be exact, but should never be smaller than the real answer. The + default implementation recursively unions all input bounds, or returns + the source rect if no inputs. + + In kReverse mode, 'inputRect' is the device-space bounds of the input + pixels. In kForward mode it should always be null. If 'inputRect' is + null in kReverse mode the resulting answer may be incorrect. + """ + def getInput(self, i: int) -> ImageFilter: + """ + Returns the input filter at a given index, or NULL if no input is + connected. + + The indices used are filter-specific. + """ + def isColorFilterNode(self) -> typing.Any: + """ + Returns :py:class:`ColorFilter` if it can. Otherwise returns None. + """ + def makeWithLocalMatrix(self, matrix: Matrix) -> ImageFilter: + """ + If this filter can be represented by another filter + a localMatrix, + return that filter, else return null. + """ + +class ImageFilters: + @staticmethod + def Arithmetic( + k1: float, + k2: float, + k3: float, + k4: float, + enforcePMColor: bool, + background: ImageFilter, + foreground: ImageFilter | None = None, + cropRect: IRect | None = None, + ) -> ImageFilter: + """ + Create a filter that implements a custom blend mode. + + Each output pixel is the result of combining the corresponding + background and foreground pixels using the 4 coefficients:: + + k1 * foreground * background + k2 * foreground + \\ + k3 * background + k4 + + :param float k1: The first coefficients used to combine the foreground + and background. + :param float k2: The second coefficients used to combine the foreground + and background. + :param float k3: The third coefficients used to combine the foreground + and background. + :param float k4: The fourth coefficients used to combine the foreground + and background. + :param bool enforcePMColor: If true, the RGB channels will be clamped + to the calculated alpha. + :param skia.ImageFilter background: The background content, using the + source bitmap when this is null. + :param skia.ImageFilter foreground: The foreground content, using the + source bitmap when this is null. + :param skia.Rect cropRect: Optional rectangle that crops the inputs and + output. + """ + @staticmethod + def Blur( + sigmaX: float, + sigmaY: float, + tileMode: TileMode = ..., + input: ImageFilter | None = None, + cropRect: IRect | None = None, + ) -> ImageFilter: + """ + Create a filter that blurs its input by the separate X and Y sigmas. + + The provided tile mode is used when the blur kernel goes outside the + input image. + + :param float sigmaX: The Gaussian sigma value for blurring along the X + axis. + :param float sigmaY: The Gaussian sigma value for blurring along the Y + axis. + :param skia.TileMode tileMode: The tile mode applied at edges. + TODO (michaelludwig) - kMirror is not supported yet + :param skia.ImageFilter input: The input filter that is blurred, uses + source bitmap if this is null. + :param skia.Rect cropRect: Optional rectangle that crops the input + and output. + """ + @staticmethod + def ColorFilter( + cf: ColorFilter, + input: ImageFilter | None = None, + cropRect: IRect | None = None, + ) -> ImageFilter: + """ + Create a filter that applies the color filter to the input filter + results. + + :param skia.ColorFilter cf: The color filter that transforms the input + image. + :param skia.ImageFilter input: The input filter, or uses the source + bitmap if this is null. + :param skia.Rect cropRect: Optional rectangle that crops the input and + output. + """ + @staticmethod + def Compose(outer: ImageFilter, inner: ImageFilter) -> ImageFilter: + """ + Create a filter that composes 'inner' with 'outer', such that the + results of 'inner' are treated as the source bitmap passed to 'outer', + i.e. result = outer(inner(source)). + + :param skia.ImageFilter outer: The outer filter that evaluates the + results of inner. + :param skia.ImageFilter inner: The inner filter that produces the input + to outer. + """ + @staticmethod + def Dilate( + radiusX: float, + radiusY: float, + input: ImageFilter | None = None, + cropRect: IRect | None = None, + ) -> ImageFilter: + """ + Create a filter that dilates each input pixel's channel values to the + max value within the given radii along the x and y axes. + + :param float radiusX: The distance to dilate along the x axis to either + side of each pixel. + :param float radiusY: The distance to dilate along the y axis to either + side of each pixel. + :param skia.ImageFilter input: The image filter that is dilated, using + source bitmap if this is null. + :param skia.Rect cropRect: Optional rectangle that crops the input and + output. + """ + @staticmethod + def DisplacementMap( + xChannelSelector: ColorChannel, + yChannelSelector: ColorChannel, + scale: float, + displacement: ImageFilter, + color: ImageFilter, + cropRect: IRect | None = None, + ) -> ImageFilter: + """ + Create a filter that moves each pixel in its color input based on an + (x,y) vector encoded in its displacement input filter. + + Two color components of the displacement image are mapped into a vector + as scale * (color[xChannel], color[yChannel]), where the channel + selectors are one of R, G, B, or A. + + :param skia.ColorChannel xChannelSelector: RGBA channel that encodes the + x displacement per pixel. + :param skia.ColorChannel yChannelSelector: RGBA channel that encodes the + y displacement per pixel. + :param float scale: Scale applied to displacement extracted from image. + :param skia.ImageFilter displacement: The filter defining the + displacement image, or null to use source. + :param skia.ImageFilter color: The filter providing the color pixels to + be displaced. + :param skia.Rect cropRect: Optional rectangle that crops the color + input and output. + """ + @staticmethod + def DistantLitDiffuse( + direction: Point3, + lightColor: int, + surfaceScale: float, + kd: float, + input: ImageFilter | None = None, + cropRect: IRect | None = None, + ) -> ImageFilter: + """ + Create a filter that calculates the diffuse illumination from a distant + light source, interpreting the alpha channel of the input as the height + profile of the surface (to approximate normal vectors). + + :param skia.Point3 direction: The direction to the distance light. + :param int lightColor: The color of the diffuse light source. + :param float surfaceScale: Scale factor to transform from alpha values + to physical height. + :param float kd: Diffuse reflectance coefficient. + :param skia.ImageFilter input: The input filter that defines surface + normals (as alpha), or uses the source bitmap when null. + :param skia.Rect cropRect: Optional rectangle that crops the input and + output. + """ + @staticmethod + def DistantLitSpecular( + direction: Point3, + lightColor: int, + surfaceScale: float, + ks: float, + shininess: float, + input: ImageFilter | None = None, + cropRect: IRect | None = None, + ) -> ImageFilter: + """ + Create a filter that calculates the specular illumination from a distant + light source, interpreting the alpha channel of the input as the height + profile of the surface (to approximate normal vectors). + + :param skia.Point3 direction: The direction to the distance light. + :param int lightColor: The color of the diffuse light source. + :param float surfaceScale: Scale factor to transform from alpha values + to physical height. + :param float ks: Specular reflectance coefficient. + :param float shininess: The specular exponent determining how shiny the + surface is. + :param skia.ImageFilter input: The input filter that defines surface + normals (as alpha), or uses the source bitmap when null. + :param skia.Rect cropRect: Optional rectangle that crops the input and + output. + """ + @staticmethod + def DropShadow( + dx: float, + dy: float, + sigmaX: float, + sigmaY: float, + color: int, + input: ImageFilter | None = None, + cropRect: IRect | None = None, + ) -> ImageFilter: + """ + Create a filter that draws a drop shadow under the input content. + + This filter produces an image that includes the inputs' content. + + :param float dx: The X offset of the shadow. + :param float dy: The Y offset of the shadow. + :param float sigmaX: The blur radius for the shadow, along the X axis. + :param float sigmaY: The blur radius for the shadow, along the Y axis. + :param int color: The color of the drop shadow. + :param skia.ImageFilter input: The input filter, or will use the source + bitmap if this is null. + :param skia.Rect cropRect: Optional rectangle that crops the input and + output. + """ + @staticmethod + def DropShadowOnly( + dx: float, + dy: float, + sigmaX: float, + sigmaY: float, + color: int, + input: ImageFilter | None = None, + cropRect: IRect | None = None, + ) -> ImageFilter: + """ + Create a filter that renders a drop shadow, in exactly the same manner + as :py:meth:`~ImageFilters.DropShadow`, except that the resulting image + does not include the input content. + + This allows the shadow and input to be composed by a filter DAG in a + more flexible manner. + + :param float dx: The X offset of the shadow. + :param float dy: The Y offset of the shadow. + :param float sigmaX: The blur radius for the shadow, along the X axis. + :param float sigmaY: The blur radius for the shadow, along the Y axis. + :param int color: The color of the drop shadow. + :param skia.ImageFilter input: The input filter, or will use the source + bitmap if this is null. + :param skia.Rect cropRect: Optional rectangle that crops the input and + output. + """ + @staticmethod + def Erode( + radiusX: float, + radiusY: float, + input: ImageFilter | None = None, + cropRect: IRect | None = None, + ) -> ImageFilter: + """ + Create a filter that erodes each input pixel's channel values to the + minimum channel value within the given radii along the x and y axes. + + :param float radiusX: The distance to erode along the x axis to either + side of each pixel. + :param float radiusY: The distance to erode along the y axis to either + side of each pixel. + :param skia.ImageFilter input: The image filter that is eroded, using + source bitmap if this is null. + :param skia.Rect cropRect: Optional rectangle that crops the input and + output. + """ + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def Image( + image: Image, + srcRect: Rect, + dstRect: Rect, + options: SamplingOptions = ..., + ) -> ImageFilter: + """ + Create a filter that draws the 'srcRect' portion of image into 'dstRect' + using the given filter quality. + + Similar to :py:meth:`Canvas.drawImageRect`. Returns null if 'image' is + null. + + :image: The image that is output by the filter, subset by 'srcRect'. + :srcRect: The source pixels sampled into 'dstRect' + :dstRect: The local rectangle to draw the image into. + :filterQuality: The filter quality that is used when sampling the image. + """ + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def Image(image: Image, options: SamplingOptions = ...) -> ImageFilter: + """ + Create a filter that produces the image contents. + + :image: The image that is output by the filter. + """ + @staticmethod + def Magnifier( + srcRect: Rect, + zoomAmount: float, + inset: float, + sampling: SamplingOptions, + input: ImageFilter | None = None, + cropRect: IRect | None = None, + ) -> ImageFilter: + """ + Create a filter that mimics a zoom/magnifying lens effect. + + :param skia.Rect srcRect: Source rect. + :param float inset: Inset. + :param skia.ImageFilter input: The input filter that is magnified, if + null the source bitmap is used. + :param skia.Rect cropRect: Optional rectangle that crops the input and + output. + """ + @staticmethod + def MatrixConvolution( + kernelSize: ISize, + kernel: list[float], + gain: float, + bias: float, + kernelOffset: IPoint, + tileMode: TileMode, + convolveAlpha: bool, + input: ImageFilter | None = None, + cropRect: IRect | None = None, + ) -> ImageFilter: + """ + Create a filter that applies an NxM image processing kernel to the input + image. + + This can be used to produce effects such as sharpening, blurring, edge + detection, etc. + + :param skia.ISize kernelSize: The kernel size in pixels, in each + dimension (N by M). + :param List[float] kernel: The image processing kernel. Must contain + N * M elements, in row order. + :param float gain: A scale factor applied to each pixel after + convolution. This can be used to normalize the kernel, if it does + not already sum to 1. + :param float bias: A bias factor added to each pixel after convolution. + :param skia.IPoint kernelOffset: An offset applied to each pixel + coordinate before convolution. This can be used to center the kernel + over the image (e.g., a 3x3 kernel should have an offset of {1, 1}). + :param skia.TileMode tileMode: How accesses outside the image are + treated. TODO (michaelludwig) - kMirror is not supported yet + :param bool convolveAlpha: If true, all channels are convolved. If + false, only the RGB channels are convolved, and alpha is copied from + the source image. + :param skia.ImageFilter input: The input image filter, if null the + source bitmap is used instead. + :param skia.Rect cropRect: Optional rectangle to which the output + processing will be limited. + """ + @staticmethod + def MatrixTransform( + matrix: Matrix, + sampling: SamplingOptions, + input: ImageFilter | None = None, + ) -> ImageFilter: + """ + Create a filter that transforms the input image by 'matrix'. + + This matrix transforms the local space, which means it effectively + happens prior to any transformation coming from the SkCanvas initiating + the filtering. + + :param skia.Matrix matrix: The matrix to apply to the original content. + :param skia.SamplingOptions sampling: How the image will be sampled when it is transformed + :param skia.ImageFilter input: The image filter to transform, or null to + use the source image. + """ + @staticmethod + def Merge(filters: list, cropRect: IRect | None = None) -> ImageFilter: + """ + Create a filter that merges the 'count' filters together by drawing + their results in order with src-over blending. + + :param List[skia.ImageFilter] filters: The input filter array to merge, + which must have 'count' elements. Any null filter pointers will use + the source bitmap instead. + :param skia.Rect cropRect: Optional rectangle that crops all input + filters and the output. + """ + @staticmethod + def Offset( + dx: float, + dy: float, + input: ImageFilter | None = None, + cropRect: IRect | None = None, + ) -> ImageFilter: + """ + Create a filter that offsets the input filter by the given vector. + + :param float dx: The x offset in local space that the image is shifted. + :param float dy: The y offset in local space that the image is shifted. + :param skia.ImageFilter input: The input that will be moved, if null the + source bitmap is used instead. + :param skia.Rect cropRect: Optional rectangle to crop the input and + output. + """ + @staticmethod + def Picture(pic: Picture, targetRect: Rect | None = None) -> ImageFilter: + """ + Create a filter that produces the SkPicture as its output, drawn into + targetRect. + + Note that the targetRect is not the same as the SkIRect cropRect that + many filters accept. Returns null if 'pic' is null. + + :param skia.Picture pic: The picture that is drawn for the filter + output. + :param skia.Rect targetRect: The drawing region for the picture. + """ + @staticmethod + def PointLitDiffuse( + location: Point3, + lightColor: int, + surfaceScale: float, + kd: float, + input: ImageFilter | None = None, + cropRect: IRect | None = None, + ) -> ImageFilter: + """ + Create a filter that calculates the diffuse illumination from a point + light source, using alpha channel of the input as the height profile of + the surface (to approximate normal vectors). + + :param skia.Point3 location: The location of the point light. + :param int lightColor: The color of the diffuse light source. + :param float surfaceScale: Scale factor to transform from alpha values + to physical height. + :param float kd: Diffuse reflectance coefficient. + :param skia.ImageFilter input: The input filter that defines surface + normals (as alpha), or uses the source bitmap when null. + :param skia.IRect cropRect: Optional rectangle that crops the input and + output. + """ + @staticmethod + def PointLitSpecular( + location: Point3, + lightColor: int, + surfaceScale: float, + ks: float, + shininess: float, + input: ImageFilter | None = None, + cropRect: IRect | None = None, + ) -> ImageFilter: + """ + Create a filter that calculates the specular illumination from a point + light source, using alpha channel of the input as the height profile of + the surface (to approximate normal vectors). + + :param skia.Point3 location: The location of the point light. + :param int lightColor: The color of the diffuse light source. + :param float surfaceScale: Scale factor to transform from alpha values + to physical height. + :param float ks: Specular reflectance coefficient. + :param float shininess: The specular exponent determining how shiny the + surface is. + :param skia.ImageFilter input: The input filter that defines surface + normals (as alpha), or uses the source bitmap when null. + :param skia.IRect cropRect: Optional rectangle that crops the input and + output. + """ + @staticmethod + def SpotLitDiffuse( + location: Point3, + target: Point3, + falloffExponent: float, + cutoffAngle: float, + lightColor: int, + surfaceScale: float, + kd: float, + input: ImageFilter | None = None, + cropRect: IRect | None = None, + ) -> ImageFilter: + """ + Create a filter that calculates the diffuse illumination from a spot + light source, using alpha channel of the input as the height profile of + the surface (to approximate normal vectors). + + The spot light is restricted to be within 'cutoffAngle' of the vector + between the location and target. + + :param skia.Point3 location: The location of the spot light. + :param skia.Point3 target: The location that the spot light is point + towards + :param float falloffExponent: Exponential falloff parameter for + illumination outside of cutoffAngle + :param float cutoffAngle: Maximum angle from lighting direction that + receives full light + :param int lightColor: The color of the diffuse light source. + :param float surfaceScale: Scale factor to transform from alpha values + to physical height. + :param float kd: Diffuse reflectance coefficient. + :param skia.ImageFilter input: The input filter that defines surface + normals (as alpha), or uses the source bitmap when null. + :param skia.IRect cropRect: Optional rectangle that crops the input and + output. + """ + @staticmethod + def SpotLitSpecular( + location: Point3, + target: Point3, + falloffExponent: float, + cutoffAngle: float, + lightColor: int, + surfaceScale: float, + ks: float, + shininess: float, + input: ImageFilter | None = None, + cropRect: IRect | None = None, + ) -> ImageFilter: + """ + Create a filter that calculates the diffuse illumination from a spot + light source, using alpha channel of the input as the height profile of + the surface (to approximate normal vectors). + + The spot light is restricted to be within 'cutoffAngle' of the vector + between the location and target. + + :param skia.Point3 location: The location of the spot light. + :param skia.Point3 target: The location that the spot light is point + towards + :param float falloffExponent: Exponential falloff parameter for + illumination outside of cutoffAngle + :param float cutoffAngle: Maximum angle from lighting direction that + receives full light + :param int lightColor: The color of the diffuse light source. + :param float surfaceScale: Scale factor to transform from alpha values + to physical height. + :param float ks: Specular reflectance coefficient. + :param float shininess: The specular exponent determining how shiny the + surface is. + :param skia.ImageFilter input: The input filter that defines surface + normals (as alpha), or uses the source bitmap when null. + :param skia.IRect cropRect: Optional rectangle that crops the input and + output. + """ + @staticmethod + def Tile(src: Rect, dst: Rect, input: ImageFilter | None = None) -> ImageFilter: + """ + Create a tile image filter. + + :param skia.Rect src: Defines the pixels to tile + :param skia.Rect dst: Defines the pixel region that the tiles will be + drawn to + :param skia.ImageFilter input: The input that will be tiled, if null the + source bitmap is used instead. + """ + @staticmethod + def Xfermode( + mode: BlendMode, + background: ImageFilter | None = None, + foreground: ImageFilter | None = None, + cropRect: IRect | None = None, + ) -> ImageFilter: + """ + This filter takes an :py:class:`BlendMode` and uses it to composite the + two filters together. + + :param skia.ImageFilter background: The Dst pixels used in blending, if + null the source bitmap is used. + :param skia.ImageFilter foreground: The Src pixels used in blending, if + null the source bitmap is used. Optional rectangle to crop input and + output. + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + +class ImageInfo: + """ + + Describes pixel dimensions and encoding. + + :py:class:`Bitmap`, :py:class:`Image`, :py:class:`Pixmap`, and + :py:class:`Surface` can be created from :py:class:`ImageInfo`. + :py:class:`ImageInfo` can be retrieved from :py:class:`Bitmap` and + :py:class:`Pixmap`, but not from :py:class:`Image` and :py:class:`Surface`. + For example, :py:class:`Image` and :py:class:`Surface` implementations may + defer pixel depth, so may not completely specify :py:class:`ImageInfo`. + + :py:class:`ImageInfo` contains dimensions, the pixel integral width and + height. It encodes how pixel bits describe alpha, transparency; color + components red, blue, and green; and :py:class:`ColorSpace`, the range and + linearity of colors. + + """ + + __hash__: typing.ClassVar[None] = None + @staticmethod + def ByteSizeOverflowed(byteSize: int) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if byteSize equals SIZE_MAX. + + :py:meth:`computeByteSize` and :py:meth:`computeMinByteSize` return + SIZE_MAX if size_t can not hold buffer size. + + :param int byteSize: result of :py:meth:`computeByteSize` or + :py:meth:`computeMinByteSize` + :return: true if :py:meth:`computeByteSize` or + :py:meth:`computeMinByteSize` result exceeds size_t + """ + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def Make( + width: int, + height: int, + ct: ColorType, + at: AlphaType, + cs: ColorSpace | None = None, + ) -> ImageInfo: + """ + Creates :py:class:`ImageInfo` from integral dimensions width and height, + :py:class:`ColorType` ct, :py:class:`AlphaType` at, and optionally + :py:class:`ColorSpace` cs. + + If :py:class:`ColorSpace` cs is nullptr and :py:class:`ImageInfo` is + part of drawing source: :py:class:`ColorSpace` defaults to sRGB, mapping + into :py:class:`Surface` :py:class:`ColorSpace`. + + Parameters are not validated to see if their values are legal, or that + the combination is supported. + + :width: pixel column count; must be zero or greater + :height: pixel row count; must be zero or greater + :cs: range of colors; may be nullptr + :return: created :py:class:`ImageInfo` + """ + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def Make( + dimensions: ISize, + ct: ColorType, + at: AlphaType, + cs: ColorSpace | None = None, + ) -> ImageInfo: ... + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def Make(dimensions: ISize, colorInfo: ColorInfo) -> ImageInfo: + """ + Creates :py:class:`ImageInfo` from integral dimensions and + :py:class:`ColorInfo` colorInfo,. + + Parameters are not validated to see if their values are legal, or that + the combination is supported. + + :param skia.ISize dimensions: pixel column and row count; must be zeros + or greater + :param skia.ColorInfo colorInfo: :py:class:`ColorInfo` the pixel + encoding consisting of :py:class:`ColorType`, :py:class:`AlphaType`, + and :py:class:`ColorSpace` (which may be nullptr) + :return: created :py:class:`ImageInfo` + """ + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def MakeA8(width: int, height: int) -> ImageInfo: + """ + Creates :py:class:`ImageInfo` from integral dimensions width and height, + :py:attr:`~skia.ColorType.kAlpha_8_ColorType`, + :py:attr:`~skia.AlphaType.kPremul_AlphaType`, with + :py:class:`ColorSpace` set to nullptr. + + :width: pixel column count; must be zero or greater + :height: pixel row count; must be zero or greater + """ + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def MakeA8(dimensions: ISize) -> ImageInfo: + """ + Creates :py:class:`ImageInfo` from integral dimensions, + :py:attr:`~skia.ColorType.kAlpha_8_ColorType`, + :py:attr:`~skia.AlphaType.kPremul_AlphaType`, with + :py:class:`ColorSpace` set to nullptr. + + :dimensions: pixel row and column count; must be zero or greater + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeN32( + width: int, + height: int, + at: AlphaType, + cs: ColorSpace | None = None, + ) -> ImageInfo: + """ + Creates :py:class:`ImageInfo` from integral dimensions width and height, + :py:attr:`~skia.ColorType.kN32_ColorType`, :py:class:`AlphaType` at, and + optionally :py:class:`ColorSpace` cs. + + :py:attr:`~skia.ColorType.kN32_ColorType` will equal either + :py:attr:`~skia.ColorType.kBGRA_8888_ColorType` or + :py:attr:`~skia.ColorType.kRGBA_8888_ColorType`, whichever is optimal. + + If :py:class:`ColorSpace` cs is nullptr and :py:class:`ImageInfo` is + part of drawing source: :py:class:`ColorSpace` defaults to sRGB, mapping + into :py:class:`Surface` :py:class:`ColorSpace`. + + Parameters are not validated to see if their values are legal, or that + the combination is supported. + + :param int width: pixel column count; must be zero or greater + :param int height: pixel row count; must be zero or greater + :param skia.ColorSpace cs: range of colors; may be nullptr + :return: created :py:class:`ImageInfo` + """ + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def MakeN32Premul( + width: int, + height: int, + cs: ColorSpace | None = None, + ) -> ImageInfo: + """ + Creates :py:class:`ImageInfo` from integral dimensions width and height, + :py:attr:`~skia.ColorType.kN32_ColorType`, + :py:attr:`~skia.AlphaType.kPremul_AlphaType`, with optional + :py:class:`ColorSpace`. + + If :py:class:`ColorSpace` cs is nullptr and :py:class:`ImageInfo` is + part of drawing source: :py:class:`ColorSpace` defaults to sRGB, mapping + into :py:class:`Surface` :py:class:`ColorSpace`. + + Parameters are not validated to see if their values are legal, or that + the combination is supported. + + :width: pixel column count; must be zero or greater + :height: pixel row count; must be zero or greater + :cs: range of colors; may be nullptr + :return: created :py:class:`ImageInfo` + """ + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def MakeN32Premul(dimensions: ISize, cs: ColorSpace | None = None) -> ImageInfo: + """ + Creates :py:class:`ImageInfo` from integral dimensions width and height, + :py:attr:`~skia.ColorType.kN32_ColorType`, + :py:attr:`~skia.AlphaType.kPremul_AlphaType`, with optional + :py:class:`ColorSpace`. + + If :py:class:`ColorSpace` cs is nullptr and :py:class:`ImageInfo` is + part of drawing source: :py:class:`ColorSpace` defaults to sRGB, mapping + into :py:class:`Surface` :py:class:`ColorSpace`. + + Parameters are not validated to see if their values are legal, or that + the combination is supported. + + :dimensions: width and height, each must be zero or greater + :cs: range of colors; may be nullptr + :return: created :py:class:`ImageInfo` + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeS32(width: int, height: int, at: AlphaType) -> ImageInfo: + """ + Creates :py:class:`ImageInfo` from integral dimensions width and height, + :py:attr:`~skia.ColorType.kN32_ColorType`, :py:class:`AlphaType` at, + with sRGB :py:class:`ColorSpace`. + + Parameters are not validated to see if their values are legal, or that + the combination is supported. + + :param int width: pixel column count; must be zero or greater + :param int height: pixel row count; must be zero or greater + :return: created :py:class:`ImageInfo` + """ + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def MakeUnknown(width: int, height: int) -> ImageInfo: + """ + Creates :py:class:`ImageInfo` from integral dimensions width and height, + :py:attr:`~skia.ColorType.kUnknown_ColorType`, + :py:attr:`~skia.AlphaType.kUnknown_AlphaType`, with + :py:class:`ColorSpace` set to nullptr. + + Returned :py:class:`ImageInfo` as part of source does not draw, and as + part of destination can not be drawn to. + + :width: pixel column count; must be zero or greater + :height: pixel row count; must be zero or greater + :return: created :py:class:`ImageInfo` + """ + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def MakeUnknown() -> ImageInfo: + """ + Creates :py:class:`ImageInfo` from integral dimensions width and height + set to zero, :py:attr:`~skia.ColorType.kUnknown_ColorType`, + :py:attr:`~skia.AlphaType.kUnknown_AlphaType`, with + :py:class:`ColorSpace` set to nullptr. + + Returned :py:class:`ImageInfo` as part of source does not draw, and as + part of destination can not be drawn to. + + :return: created :py:class:`ImageInfo` + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, arg0: ImageInfo) -> bool: + """ + Compares :py:class:`ImageInfo` with other, and returns true if width, + height, :py:class:`ColorType`, :py:class:`AlphaType`, and + :py:class:`ColorSpace` are equivalent. + + :param other: :py:class:`ImageInfo` to compare + :return: true if :py:class:`ImageInfo` equals other + """ + def __init__(self) -> None: + """ + Creates an empty :py:class:`ImageInfo` with + :py:attr:`~skia.ColorType.kUnknown_ColorType`, + :py:attr:`~skia.AlphaType.kUnknown_AlphaType`, a width and height of + zero, and no :py:class:`ColorSpace`. + """ + def __ne__(self, arg0: ImageInfo) -> bool: + """ + Compares :py:class:`ImageInfo` with other, and returns true if width, + height, :py:class:`ColorType`, :py:class:`AlphaType`, and + :py:class:`ColorSpace` are not equivalent. + + :param other: :py:class:`ImageInfo` to compare + :return: true if :py:class:`ImageInfo` is not equal to other + """ + def alphaType(self) -> AlphaType: ... + def bounds(self) -> IRect: + """ + Returns :py:class:`IRect` (0, 0, :py:meth:`width`, :py:meth:`height`). + + :return: integral rectangle from origin to :py:meth:`width` and + :py:meth:`height` + """ + def bytesPerPixel(self) -> int: + """ + Returns number of bytes per pixel required by :py:class:`ColorType`. + + Returns zero if :py:meth:`colorType` is + :py:attr:`~skia.ColorType.kUnknown_ColorType`. + + :return: bytes in pixel + """ + def colorInfo(self) -> ColorInfo: + """ + Returns the dimensionless :py:class:`ColorInfo` that represents the same + color type, alpha type, and color space as this :py:class:`ImageInfo`. + """ + def colorSpace(self) -> ColorSpace: + """ + Returns :py:class:`ColorSpace`, the range of colors. + + The reference count of :py:class:`ColorSpace` is unchanged. The returned + :py:class:`ColorSpace` is immutable. + + :return: :py:class:`ColorSpace`, or nullptr + """ + def colorType(self) -> ColorType: ... + def computeByteSize(self, rowBytes: int) -> int: + """ + Returns storage required by pixel array, given :py:class:`ImageInfo` + dimensions, :py:class:`ColorType`, and rowBytes. + + rowBytes is assumed to be at least as large as :py:meth:`minRowBytes`. + + Returns zero if height is zero. Returns SIZE_MAX if answer exceeds the + range of size_t. + + :param int rowBytes: size of pixel row or larger + :return: memory required by pixel buffer + """ + def computeMinByteSize(self) -> int: + """ + Returns storage required by pixel array, given :py:class:`ImageInfo` + dimensions, and :py:class:`ColorType`. + + Uses :py:meth:`minRowBytes` to compute bytes for pixel row. + + Returns zero if height is zero. Returns SIZE_MAX if answer exceeds the + range of size_t. + + :return: least memory required by pixel buffer + """ + def computeOffset(self, x: int, y: int, rowBytes: int) -> int: + """ + Returns byte offset of pixel from pixel base address. + + Asserts in debug build if x or y is outside of bounds. Does not assert + if rowBytes is smaller than :py:meth:`minRowBytes`, even though result + may be incorrect. + + :param int x: column index, zero or greater, and less than + :py:meth:`width` + :param int y: row index, zero or greater, and less than + :py:meth:`height` + :param int rowBytes: size of pixel row or larger + :return: offset within pixel array + """ + def dimensions(self) -> ISize: + """ + Returns :py:class:`ISize` (:py:meth:`width`, :py:meth:`height`). + + :return: integral size of :py:meth:`width` and :py:meth:`height` + """ + def gammaCloseToSRGB(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if associated :py:class:`ColorSpace` is not nullptr, and + :py:class:`ColorSpace` gamma is approximately the same as sRGB. + + :return: true if :py:class:`ColorSpace` gamma is approximately the same + as sRGB + """ + def height(self) -> int: + """ + Returns pixel row count. + + :return: pixel height + """ + def isEmpty(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns if :py:class:`ImageInfo` describes an empty area of pixels by + checking if either width or height is zero or smaller. + + :return: true if either dimension is zero or smaller + """ + def isOpaque(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if :py:class:`AlphaType` is set to hint that all pixels are + opaque; their alpha value is implicitly or explicitly 1.0. + + If true, and all pixels are not opaque, Skia may draw incorrectly. + + Does not check if :py:class:`ColorType` allows alpha, or if any pixel + value has transparency. + + :return: true if :py:class:`AlphaType` is + :py:attr:`~skia.AlphaType.kOpaque_AlphaType` + """ + def makeAlphaType(self, newAlphaType: AlphaType) -> ImageInfo: + """ + Creates :py:class:`ImageInfo` with same :py:class:`ColorType`, + :py:class:`ColorSpace`, width, and height, with :py:class:`AlphaType` + set to newAlphaType. + + Created :py:class:`ImageInfo` contains newAlphaType even if it is + incompatible with :py:class:`ColorType`, in which case + :py:class:`AlphaType` in :py:class:`ImageInfo` is ignored. + + :param skia.AlphaType newAlphaType: new alpha type + :return: created :py:class:`ImageInfo` + """ + def makeColorSpace(self, cs: ColorSpace) -> ImageInfo: + """ + Creates :py:class:`ImageInfo` with same :py:class:`AlphaType`, + :py:class:`ColorType`, width, and height, with :py:class:`ColorSpace` + set to cs. + + :param skia.ColorSpace cs: range of colors; may be nullptr + :return: created :py:class:`ImageInfo` + """ + def makeColorType(self, newColorType: ColorType) -> ImageInfo: + """ + Creates :py:class:`ImageInfo` with same :py:class:`AlphaType`, + :py:class:`ColorSpace`, width, and height, with :py:class:`ColorType` + set to newColorType. + + :param skia.ColorType newColorType: new color type + :return: created :py:class:`ImageInfo` + """ + def makeDimensions(self, newSize: ISize) -> ImageInfo: + """ + Creates :py:class:`ImageInfo` with the same :py:class:`ColorType`, + :py:class:`ColorSpace`, and :py:class:`AlphaType`, with dimensions set + to newDimensions. + + :param skia.ISize newSize: pixel column and row count; must be zero or + greater + :return: created :py:class:`ImageInfo` + """ + def makeWH(self, newWidth: int, newHeight: int) -> ImageInfo: + """ + Creates :py:class:`ImageInfo` with the same :py:class:`ColorType`, + :py:class:`ColorSpace`, and :py:class:`AlphaType`, with dimensions set + to width and height. + + :param int newWidth: pixel column count; must be zero or greater + :param int newHeight: pixel row count; must be zero or greater + :return: created :py:class:`ImageInfo` + """ + def minRowBytes(self) -> int: + """ + Returns minimum bytes per row, computed from pixel :py:meth:`width` and + :py:class:`ColorType`, which specifies :py:meth:`bytesPerPixel`. + + :py:class:`Bitmap` maximum value for row bytes must fit in 31 bits. + + :return: :py:meth:`width` times :py:meth:`bytesPerPixel` as signed + 32-bit integer + """ + def minRowBytes64(self) -> int: + """ + Returns minimum bytes per row, computed from pixel :py:meth:`width` and + :py:class:`ColorType`, which specifies :py:meth:`bytesPerPixel`. + + :py:class:`Bitmap` maximum value for row bytes must fit in 31 bits. + + :return: :py:meth:`width` times :py:meth:`bytesPerPixel` as unsigned + 64-bit integer + """ + def refColorSpace(self) -> ColorSpace: + """ + Returns smart pointer to :py:class:`ColorSpace`, the range of colors. + + The smart pointer tracks the number of objects sharing this + :py:class:`ColorSpace` reference so the memory is released when the + owners destruct. + + The returned :py:class:`ColorSpace` is immutable. + + :return: :py:class:`ColorSpace` wrapped in a smart pointer + """ + def reset(self) -> None: + """ + Creates an empty :py:class:`ImageInfo` with + :py:attr:`~skia.ColorType.kUnknown_ColorType`, + :py:attr:`~skia.AlphaType.kUnknown_AlphaType`, a width and height of + zero, and no :py:class:`ColorSpace`. + """ + def shiftPerPixel(self) -> int: + """ + Returns bit shift converting row bytes to row pixels. + + Returns zero for :py:attr:`skia.ColorType.kUnknown_ColorType`. + + :return: one of: 0, 1, 2, 3; left shift to convert pixels to bytes + """ + def validRowBytes(self, rowBytes: int) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if rowBytes is valid for this :py:class:`ImageInfo`. + + :param int rowBytes: size of pixel row including padding + :return: true if rowBytes is large enough to contain pixel row and is + properly aligned + """ + def width(self) -> int: + """ + Returns pixel count in each row. + + :return: pixel width + """ + +class Line2DPathEffect: + @staticmethod + def Make(width: float, matrix: Matrix) -> PathEffect: ... + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + +class LumaColorFilter: + """ + + :py:class:`LumaColorFilter` multiplies the luma of its input into the alpha + channel, and sets the red, green, and blue channels to zero. + + :py:class:`LumaColorFilter` (r,g,b,a) = {0,0,0, a * luma(r,g,b)} + + This is similar to a luminanceToAlpha feColorMatrix, but note how this + filter folds in the previous alpha, something an feColorMatrix cannot do. + + feColorMatrix(luminanceToAlpha; r,g,b,a) = {0,0,0, luma(r,g,b)} + + (Despite its name, an feColorMatrix using luminanceToAlpha does actually + compute luma, a dot-product of gamma-encoded color channels, not luminance, + a dot-product of linear color channels. So at least + :py:class:`LumaColorFilter` and feColorMatrix+luminanceToAlpha agree there.) + + """ + @staticmethod + def Make() -> ColorFilter: ... + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + +class M44: + """ + + 4x4 matrix used by :py:class:`Canvas` and other parts of Skia. + + Skia assumes a right-handed coordinate system: +X goes to the right +Y goes + down +Z goes into the screen (away from the viewer) + + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + +class MaskFilter(Flattanable): + """ + + :py:class:`MaskFilter` is the base class for object that perform + transformations on the mask before drawing it. + + An example subclass is Blur. + + .. rubric:: Subclasses + + .. autosummary:: + :nosignatures: + + ~skia.ShaderMaskFilter + ~skia.TableMaskFilter + + """ + @staticmethod + def Deserialize(data: typing_extensions.Buffer) -> MaskFilter: ... + @staticmethod + def MakeBlur(style: BlurStyle, sigma: float, respectCTM: bool = True) -> MaskFilter: + """ + Create a blur maskfilter. + + :param skia.BlurStyle style: The :py:class:`BlurStyle` to use + :param float sigma: Standard deviation of the Gaussian blur to apply. + Must be > 0. + :param bool respectCTM: if true the blur's sigma is modified by the CTM. + :return: The new blur maskfilter + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + +class Matrix: + """ + + :py:class:`Matrix` holds a 3x3 matrix for transforming coordinates. + + This allows mapping :py:class:`Point` and vectors with translation, scaling, + skewing, rotation, and perspective. + + :py:class:`Matrix` elements are in row major order. :py:class:`Matrix` does + not have a constructor, so it must be explicitly initialized. + :py:meth:`setIdentity` initializes :py:class:`Matrix` so it has no effect. + :py:meth:`setTranslate`, :py:meth:`setScale`, :py:meth:`setSkew`, + :py:meth:`setRotate`, :py:meth:`set9` and :py:meth:`setAll` initializes all + :py:class:`Matrix` elements with the corresponding mapping. + + :py:class:`Matrix` includes a hidden variable that classifies the type of + matrix to improve performance. :py:class:`Matrix` is not thread safe unless + getType() is called first. + + """ + class ScaleToFit: + """ + Members: + + kFill_ScaleToFit : scales in x and y to fill destination SkRect + + kStart_ScaleToFit : scales and aligns to left and top + + kCenter_ScaleToFit : scales and aligns to center + + kEnd_ScaleToFit : scales and aligns to right and bottom + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, Matrix.ScaleToFit] + ] # value = {'kFill_ScaleToFit': , 'kStart_ScaleToFit': , 'kCenter_ScaleToFit': , 'kEnd_ScaleToFit': } + kCenter_ScaleToFit: typing.ClassVar[ + Matrix.ScaleToFit + ] # value = + kEnd_ScaleToFit: typing.ClassVar[ + Matrix.ScaleToFit + ] # value = + kFill_ScaleToFit: typing.ClassVar[ + Matrix.ScaleToFit + ] # value = + kStart_ScaleToFit: typing.ClassVar[ + Matrix.ScaleToFit + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + class TypeMask: + """ + Members: + + kIdentity_Mask : identity SkMatrix; all bits clear + + kTranslate_Mask : translation SkMatrix + + kScale_Mask : scale SkMatrix + + kAffine_Mask : skew or rotate SkMatrix + + kPerspective_Mask : perspective SkMatrix + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, Matrix.TypeMask] + ] # value = {'kIdentity_Mask': , 'kTranslate_Mask': , 'kScale_Mask': , 'kAffine_Mask': , 'kPerspective_Mask': } + kAffine_Mask: typing.ClassVar[ + Matrix.TypeMask + ] # value = + kIdentity_Mask: typing.ClassVar[ + Matrix.TypeMask + ] # value = + kPerspective_Mask: typing.ClassVar[ + Matrix.TypeMask + ] # value = + kScale_Mask: typing.ClassVar[ + Matrix.TypeMask + ] # value = + kTranslate_Mask: typing.ClassVar[ + Matrix.TypeMask + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + kAScaleX: typing.ClassVar[int] = 0 + kAScaleY: typing.ClassVar[int] = 3 + kASkewX: typing.ClassVar[int] = 2 + kASkewY: typing.ClassVar[int] = 1 + kATransX: typing.ClassVar[int] = 4 + kATransY: typing.ClassVar[int] = 5 + kAffine_Mask: typing.ClassVar[Matrix.TypeMask] # value = + kCenter_ScaleToFit: typing.ClassVar[ + Matrix.ScaleToFit + ] # value = + kEnd_ScaleToFit: typing.ClassVar[ + Matrix.ScaleToFit + ] # value = + kFill_ScaleToFit: typing.ClassVar[ + Matrix.ScaleToFit + ] # value = + kIdentity_Mask: typing.ClassVar[ + Matrix.TypeMask + ] # value = + kMPersp0: typing.ClassVar[int] = 6 + kMPersp1: typing.ClassVar[int] = 7 + kMPersp2: typing.ClassVar[int] = 8 + kMScaleX: typing.ClassVar[int] = 0 + kMScaleY: typing.ClassVar[int] = 4 + kMSkewX: typing.ClassVar[int] = 1 + kMSkewY: typing.ClassVar[int] = 3 + kMTransX: typing.ClassVar[int] = 2 + kMTransY: typing.ClassVar[int] = 5 + kPerspective_Mask: typing.ClassVar[ + Matrix.TypeMask + ] # value = + kScale_Mask: typing.ClassVar[Matrix.TypeMask] # value = + kStart_ScaleToFit: typing.ClassVar[ + Matrix.ScaleToFit + ] # value = + kTranslate_Mask: typing.ClassVar[ + Matrix.TypeMask + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def Concat(a: Matrix, b: Matrix) -> Matrix: + """ + Returns :py:class:`Matrix` a multiplied by :py:class:`Matrix` b. + + Given:: + + | A B C | | J K L | + a = | D E F |, b = | M N O | + | G H I | | P Q R | + + sets :py:class:`Matrix` to:: + + | A B C | | J K L | | AJ+BM+CP AK+BN+CQ AL+BO+CR | + a * b = | D E F | * | M N O | = | DJ+EM+FP DK+EN+FQ DL+EO+FR | + | G H I | | P Q R | | GJ+HM+IP GK+HN+IQ GL+HO+IR | + + :param skia.Matrix a: :py:class:`Matrix` on left side of multiply + expression + :param skia.Matrix b: :py:class:`Matrix` on right side of multiply + expression + :return: :py:class:`Matrix` computed from a times b + """ + @staticmethod + def I() -> Matrix: + """ + Returns reference to const identity :py:class:`Matrix`. + + Returned :py:class:`Matrix` is set to: + + | 1 0 0 | + | 0 1 0 | + | 0 0 1 | + + :return: const identity :py:class:`Matrix` + """ + @staticmethod + def InvalidMatrix() -> Matrix: + """ + Returns reference to a const :py:class:`Matrix` with invalid values. + + Returned :py:class:`Matrix` is set to: + + | SK_ScalarMax SK_ScalarMax SK_ScalarMax | + | SK_ScalarMax SK_ScalarMax SK_ScalarMax | + | SK_ScalarMax SK_ScalarMax SK_ScalarMax | + + :return: const invalid :py:class:`Matrix` + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeAll( + scaleX: float, + skewX: float, + transX: float, + skewY: float, + scaleY: float, + transY: float, + pers0: float, + pers1: float, + pers2: float, + ) -> Matrix: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Matrix` to:: + + | scaleX skewX transX | + | skewY scaleY transY | + | pers0 pers1 pers2 | + + :param float scaleX: horizontal scale factor + :param float skewX: horizontal skew factor + :param float transX: horizontal translation + :param float skewY: vertical skew factor + :param float scaleY: vertical scale factor + :param float transY: vertical translation + :param float pers0: input x-axis perspective factor + :param float pers1: input y-axis perspective factor + :param float pers2: perspective scale factor + :return: :py:class:`Matrix` constructed from parameters + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeRectToRect(src: Rect, dst: Rect, stf: Matrix.ScaleToFit) -> Matrix: + """ + Returns :py:class:`Matrix` set to scale and translate src + :py:class:`Rect` to dst :py:class:`Rect`. + + stf selects whether mapping completely fills dst or preserves the aspect + ratio, and how to align src within dst. Returns the identity + :py:class:`Matrix` if src is empty. If dst is empty, returns + :py:class:`Matrix` set to:: + + | 0 0 0 | + | 0 0 0 | + | 0 0 1 | + + :param skia.Rect src: :py:class:`Rect` to map from + :param skia.Rect dst: :py:class:`Rect` to map to + :param skia.Matrix.ScaleToFit stf: fill option + :return: :py:class:`Matrix` mapping src to dst + """ + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def RotateDeg(deg: float) -> Matrix: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Matrix` to rotate by ``|deg|`` about a pivot point at + (0, 0). + + :param deg: rotation angle in degrees (positive rotates clockwise) + :return: :py:class:`Matrix` with rotation + """ + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def RotateDeg(deg: float, pt: Point) -> Matrix: ... + @staticmethod + def RotateRad(rad: float) -> Matrix: ... + @staticmethod + def Scale(sx: float, sy: float) -> Matrix: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Matrix` to scale by (sx, sy). + + Returned matrix is: + + | sx 0 0 | + | 0 sy 0 | + | 0 0 1 | + + :param float sx: horizontal scale factor + :param float sy: vertical scale factor + :return: :py:class:`Matrix` with scale + """ + @staticmethod + def SetAffineIdentity() -> list[float]: + """ + Fills affine with identity values in column major order. + + Sets affine to: + + | 1 0 0 | + | 0 1 0 | + + Affine 3 by 2 matrices in column major order are used by OpenGL and XPS. + + :return: List of float + """ + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def Translate(dx: float, dy: float) -> Matrix: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Matrix` to translate by (dx, dy). + + Returned matrix is: + + | 1 0 dx | + | 0 1 dy | + | 0 0 1 | + + :dx: horizontal translation + :dy: vertical translation + :return: :py:class:`Matrix` with translation + """ + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def Translate(t: Point) -> Matrix: ... + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def Translate(t: IPoint) -> Matrix: ... + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> float: + """ + Returns one matrix value. + + Asserts if index is out of range and SK_DEBUG is defined. + + :param int index: one of: kMScaleX, kMSkewX, kMTransX, kMSkewY, + kMScaleY, kMTransY, kMPersp0, kMPersp1, kMPersp2 + :return: value corresponding to index + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__(self) -> None: + """ + Creates an identity :py:class:`Matrix`:: + + | 1 0 0 | + | 0 1 0 | + | 0 0 1 | + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__( + self, + array: numpy.ndarray[typing.Any, numpy.dtype[numpy.float32]], + ) -> None: + """ + Creates a :py:class:`Matrix` from 3x3 float32 NumPy array. + """ + def __setitem__(self, index: int, value: float) -> None: + """ + Returns writable :py:class:`Matrix` value. + + Asserts if index is out of range and SK_DEBUG is defined. Clears + internal cache anticipating that caller will change :py:class:`Matrix` + value. + + Next call to read :py:class:`Matrix` state may recompute cache; + subsequent writes to :py:class:`Matrix` value must be followed by + :py:meth:`dirtyMatrixTypeCache`. + + :param int index: one of: kMScaleX, kMSkewX, kMTransX, kMSkewY, + kMScaleY, kMTransY, kMPersp0, kMPersp1, kMPersp2 + :param value: value to set + """ + def asAffine(self) -> typing.Any: + """ + Fills affine in column major order. + + Sets affine to:: + + | scale-x skew-x translate-x | | skew-y scale-y translate-y | + + If :py:class:`Matrix` contains perspective, returns None. + + :return: list of float if :py:class:`Matrix` does not contain + perspective, else None + """ + def decomposeScale(self, scale: Size, remaining: Matrix) -> bool: + """ + Decomposes :py:class:`Matrix` into scale components and whatever + remains. + + Returns false if :py:class:`Matrix` could not be decomposed. + + Sets scale to portion of :py:class:`Matrix` that scale axes. Sets + remaining to :py:class:`Matrix` with scaling factored out. remaining may + be passed as nullptr to determine if :py:class:`Matrix` can be + decomposed without computing remainder. + + Returns true if scale components are found. scale and remaining are + unchanged if :py:class:`Matrix` contains perspective; scale factors are + not finite, or are nearly zero. + + On success: Matrix = Remaining * scale. + + :param skia.Size scale: axes scaling factors; may be nullptr + :param skia.Matrix remaining: :py:class:`Matrix` without scaling; may be + nullptr + :return: true if scale can be computed + """ + def dirtyMatrixTypeCache(self) -> None: + """ + Sets internal cache to unknown state. + + Use to force update after repeated modifications to :py:class:`Matrix` + element reference returned by operator[](int index). + """ + def dump(self) -> None: + """ + Writes text representation of :py:class:`Matrix` to standard output. + + Floating point values are written with limited precision; it may not be + possible to reconstruct original :py:class:`Matrix` from output. + """ + def get(self, index: int) -> float: + """ + Returns one matrix value. + + Asserts if index is out of range and SK_DEBUG is defined. + + :param int index: one of: kMScaleX, kMSkewX, kMTransX, kMSkewY, + kMScaleY, kMTransY, kMPersp0, kMPersp1, kMPersp2 + :return: value corresponding to index + """ + def get9(self) -> list[float]: + """ + Returns nine scalar values contained by :py:class:`Matrix` into list, + in member value ascending order: kMScaleX, kMSkewX, kMTransX, kMSkewY, + kMScaleY, kMTransY, kMPersp0, kMPersp1, kMPersp2. + """ + def getMaxScale(self) -> float: + """ + Returns the maximum scaling factor of :py:class:`Matrix` by decomposing + the scaling and skewing elements. + + Returns -1 if scale factor overflows or :py:class:`Matrix` contains + perspective. + + :return: maximum scale factor + """ + def getMinMaxScales(self) -> tuple: + """ + Returns the minimum scaling factor and the maximum scaling factor. + + Scaling factors are computed by decomposing the :py:class:`Matrix` + scaling and skewing elements. + + Returns (min, max) if scale factors are found; otherwise, returns + (-1, -1). + + :return: tuple of min and max factors + """ + def getMinScale(self) -> float: + """ + Returns the minimum scaling factor of :py:class:`Matrix` by decomposing + the scaling and skewing elements. + + Returns -1 if scale factor overflows or :py:class:`Matrix` contains + perspective. + + :return: minimum scale factor + """ + def getPerspX(self) -> float: + """ + Returns factor scaling input x-axis relative to input y-axis. + + :return: input x-axis perspective factor + """ + def getPerspY(self) -> float: + """ + Returns factor scaling input y-axis relative to input x-axis. + + :return: input y-axis perspective factor + """ + def getScaleX(self) -> float: + """ + Returns scale factor multiplied by x-axis input, contributing to x-axis + output. + + With :py:meth:`mapPoints`, scales :py:class:`Point` along the x-axis. + + :return: horizontal scale factor + """ + def getScaleY(self) -> float: + """ + Returns scale factor multiplied by y-axis input, contributing to y-axis + output. + + With :py:meth:`mapPoints`, scales :py:class:`Point` along the y-axis. + + :return: vertical scale factor + """ + def getSkewX(self) -> float: + """ + Returns scale factor multiplied by y-axis input, contributing to x-axis + output. + + With :py:meth:`mapPoints`, skews :py:class:`Point` along the x-axis. + Skewing both axes can rotate :py:class:`Point`. + + :return: horizontal scale factor + """ + def getSkewY(self) -> float: + """ + Returns scale factor multiplied by x-axis input, contributing to y-axis + output. + + With :py:meth:`mapPoints`, skews :py:class:`Point` along the y-axis. + Skewing both axes can rotate :py:class:`Point`. + + :return: vertical skew factor + """ + def getTranslateX(self) -> float: + """ + Returns translation contributing to x-axis output. + + With :py:meth:`mapPoints`, moves :py:class:`Point` along the x-axis. + + :return: horizontal translation factor + """ + def getTranslateY(self) -> float: + """ + Returns translation contributing to y-axis output. + + With :py:meth:`mapPoints`, moves :py:class:`Point` along the y-axis. + + :return: vertical translation factor + """ + def getType(self) -> Matrix.TypeMask: + """ + Returns a bit field describing the transformations the matrix may + perform. + + The bit field is computed conservatively, so it may include false + positives. For example, when kPerspective_Mask is set, all other bits + are set. + + :return: kIdentity_Mask, or combinations of: kTranslate_Mask, + kScale_Mask, kAffine_Mask, kPerspective_Mask + """ + def hasPerspective(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if the matrix contains perspective elements. + + :py:class:`Matrix` form is:: + + | – – – | + | – – – | + | perspective-x perspective-y perspective-scale | + + where perspective-x or perspective-y is non-zero, or perspective-scale + is not one. All other elements may have any value. + + :return: true if :py:class:`Matrix` is in most general form + """ + def invert(self, inverse: Matrix) -> bool: + """ + Sets inverse to reciprocal matrix, returning true if :py:class:`Matrix` + can be inverted. + + Geometrically, if :py:class:`Matrix` maps from source to destination, + inverse :py:class:`Matrix` maps from destination to source. If + :py:class:`Matrix` can not be inverted, inverse is unchanged. + + :param skia.Matrix inverse: storage for inverted :py:class:`Matrix`; may + be nullptr + :return: true if :py:class:`Matrix` can be inverted + """ + def isFinite(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if all elements of the matrix are finite. + + Returns false if any element is infinity, or NaN. + + :return: true if matrix has only finite elements + """ + def isIdentity(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if :py:class:`Matrix` is identity. + + Identity matrix is:: + + | 1 0 0 | + | 0 1 0 | + | 0 0 1 | + + :return: true if :py:class:`Matrix` has no effect + """ + def isScaleTranslate(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if :py:class:`Matrix` at most scales and translates. + + :py:class:`Matrix` may be identity, contain only scale elements, only + translate elements, or both. :py:class:`Matrix` form is:: + + | scale-x 0 translate-x | + | 0 scale-y translate-y | + | 0 0 1 | + + :return: true if :py:class:`Matrix` is identity; or scales, translates, + or both + """ + def isSimilarity(self, tol: float = ...) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if :py:class:`Matrix` contains only translation, rotation, + reflection, and uniform scale. + + Returns false if :py:class:`Matrix` contains different scales, skewing, + perspective, or degenerate forms that collapse to a line or point. + + Describes that the :py:class:`Matrix` makes rendering with and without + the matrix are visually alike; a transformed circle remains a circle. + Mathematically, this is referred to as similarity of a Euclidean space, + or a similarity transformation. + + Preserves right angles, keeping the arms of the angle equal lengths. + + :param float tol: to be deprecated + :return: true if :py:class:`Matrix` only rotates, uniformly scales, + translates + """ + def isTranslate(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if :py:class:`Matrix` is identity, or translates. + + :py:class:`Matrix` form is:: + + | 1 0 translate-x | | 0 1 translate-y | | 0 0 1 | + + :return: true if :py:class:`Matrix` is identity, or translates + """ + @typing.overload + def mapHomogeneousPoints(self, pts: list[Point3]) -> typing.Any: + """ + Takes src :py:class:`Point3` array and returns mapped :py:class:`Point3` + array. + + :py:class:`Point3` array is mapped by multiplying each + :py:class:`Point3` by :py:class:`Matrix`. Given:: + + | A B C | | x | + Matrix = | D E F |, src = | y | + | G H I | | z | + + each resulting dst :py:class:`Point` is computed as:: + + |A B C| |x| + Matrix * src = |D E F| |y| = |Ax+By+Cz Dx+Ey+Fz Gx+Hy+Iz| + |G H I| |z| + + :pts: :py:class:`Point3` array to transform + """ + @typing.overload + def mapHomogeneousPoints(self, pts: list[Point]) -> typing.Any: + """ + Returns homogeneous points, starting with 2D src points (with implied w + = 1). + + :pts: :py:class:`Point` array to transform + """ + def mapPoints(self, pts: list[Point]) -> list[Point]: + """ + Takes src :py:class:`Point` array and returns mapped :py:class:`Point` + array. + + :py:class:`Point` are mapped by multiplying each :py:class:`Point` by + :py:class:`Matrix`. Given:: + + | A B C | | x | + Matrix = | D E F |, pt = | y | + | G H I | | 1 | + + where:: + + for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { + x = src[i].fX + y = src[i].fY + } + + each dst :py:class:`Point` is computed as:: + + |A B C| |x| Ax+By+C Dx+Ey+F + Matrix * pt = |D E F| |y| = |Ax+By+C Dx+Ey+F Gx+Hy+I| = ------- , ------- + |G H I| |1| Gx+Hy+I Gx+Hy+I + + :param List[skia.Point] src: list of :py:class:`Point` to transform + """ + def mapRadius(self, radius: float) -> float: + """ + Returns geometric mean radius of ellipse formed by constructing circle + of size radius, and mapping constructed circle with :py:class:`Matrix`. + + The result squared is equal to the major axis length times the minor + axis length. Result is not meaningful if :py:class:`Matrix` contains + perspective elements. + + :param radius: circle size to map + :return: average mapped radius + """ + def mapRect(self, src: Rect, pc: ApplyPerspectiveClip = ...) -> Rect: + """ + Returns bounds of src corners mapped by :py:class:`Matrix`. + + :param skia.Rect src: rectangle to map + :param skia.ApplyPerspectiveClip pc: whether to apply perspective + clipping + :return: mapped bounds + """ + def mapRectScaleTranslate(self, src: Rect) -> Rect: + """ + Returns bounds of src corners mapped by :py:class:`Matrix`. + + If matrix contains elements other than scale or translate: asserts if + SK_DEBUG is defined; otherwise, results are undefined. + + :param skia.Rect src: :py:class:`Rect` to map + """ + def mapRectToQuad(self, rect: Rect) -> list[Point]: + """ + Maps four corners of rect to dst. + + :py:class:`Point` are mapped by multiplying each rect corner by + :py:class:`Matrix`. rect corner is processed in this order: (rect.fLeft, + rect.fTop), (rect.fRight, rect.fTop), (rect.fRight, rect.fBottom), + (rect.fLeft, rect.fBottom). + + rect may be empty: rect.fLeft may be greater than or equal to + rect.fRight; rect.fTop may be greater than or equal to rect.fBottom. + + Given:: + + | A B C | | x | + Matrix = | D E F |, pt = | y | + | G H I | | 1 | + + where pt is initialized from each of (rect.fLeft, rect.fTop), + (rect.fRight, rect.fTop), (rect.fRight, rect.fBottom), (rect.fLeft, + rect.fBottom), each dst :py:class:`Point` is computed as:: + + |A B C| |x| Ax+By+C Dx+Ey+F + Matrix * pt = |D E F| |y| = |Ax+By+C Dx+Ey+F Gx+Hy+I| = ------- , ------- + |G H I| |1| Gx+Hy+I Gx+Hy+I + + :param skia.Rect rect: :py:class:`Rect` to map + + Note: this does not perform perspective clipping (as that might result + in more than 4 points, so results are suspect if the matrix contains + perspective. + """ + def mapVector(self, dx: float, dy: float) -> Point: + """ + Returns vector (dx, dy) multiplied by :py:class:`Matrix`, treating + :py:class:`Matrix` translation as zero. + + Given:: + + | A B 0 | | dx | + Matrix = | D E 0 |, vec = | dy | + | G H I | | 1 | + + each result vector is computed as:: + + |A B 0| |dx| A*dx+B*dy D*dx+E*dy + Matrix * vec = |D E 0| |dy| = |A*dx+B*dy D*dx+E*dy G*dx+H*dy+I| = --------—--, --------—-- + |G H I| | 1| G*dx+H*dy+I G*dx+*dHy+I + + :param float dx: x-axis value of vector to map + :param float dy: y-axis value of vector to map + :return: mapped vector + """ + def mapVectors(self, src: list[Point]) -> list[Point]: + """ + Maps src vector array to vector :py:class:`Point` array. + + Vectors are mapped by multiplying each vector by :py:class:`Matrix`, + treating :py:class:`Matrix` translation as zero. Given:: + + | A B 0 | | x | + Matrix = | D E 0 |, src = | y | + | G H I | | 1 | + + where:: + + for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { + x = src[i].fX + y = src[i].fY + } + + each dst vector is computed as:: + + |A B 0| |x| Ax+By Dx+Ey + Matrix * src = |D E 0| |y| = |Ax+By Dx+Ey Gx+Hy+I| = ------- , ------- + |G H I| |1| Gx+Hy+I Gx+Hy+I + + :param List[skia.Point] src: vectors to transform + """ + def mapXY(self, x: float, y: float) -> Point: + """ + Returns :py:class:`Point` (x, y) multiplied by :py:class:`Matrix`. + + Given:: + + | A B C | | x | + Matrix = | D E F |, pt = | y | + | G H I | | 1 | + + result is computed as:: + + |A B C| |x| Ax+By+C Dx+Ey+F + Matrix * pt = |D E F| |y| = |Ax+By+C Dx+Ey+F Gx+Hy+I| = ------- , ------- + |G H I| |1| Gx+Hy+I Gx+Hy+I + + :param float x: x-axis value of :py:class:`Point` to map + :param float y: y-axis value of :py:class:`Point` to map + :return: mapped :py:class:`Point` + """ + def normalizePerspective(self) -> None: + """ + A matrix is categorized as 'perspective' if the bottom row is not + [0, 0, 1]. + + However, for most uses (e.g. mapPoints) a bottom row of [0, 0, X] + behaves like a non-perspective matrix, though it will be categorized as + perspective. Calling :py:meth:`normalizePerspective` will change the + matrix such that, if its bottom row was [0, 0, X], it will be changed to + [0, 0, 1] by scaling the rest of the matrix by 1/X:: + + | A B C | | A/X B/X C/X | | D E F | -> \\ + | D/X E/X F/X | for X != 0 | 0 0 X | | 0 0 1 | + """ + def postConcat(self, other: Matrix) -> Matrix: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Matrix` to :py:class:`Matrix` other multiplied by + :py:class:`Matrix`. + + This can be thought of mapping by other after applying + :py:class:`Matrix`. + + Given:: + + | J K L | | A B C | + Matrix = | M N O |, other = | D E F | + | P Q R | | G H I | + + sets :py:class:`Matrix` to:: + + | A B C | | J K L | | AJ+BM+CP AK+BN+CQ AL+BO+CR | + other * Matrix = | D E F | * | M N O | = | DJ+EM+FP DK+EN+FQ DL+EO+FR | + | G H I | | P Q R | | GJ+HM+IP GK+HN+IQ GL+HO+IR | + + :param skia.Matrix other: :py:class:`Matrix` on left side of multiply + expression + """ + @typing.overload + def postRotate(self, degrees: float, px: float, py: float) -> Matrix: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Matrix` to :py:class:`Matrix` constructed from rotating + by degrees about pivot point (px, py), multiplied by :py:class:`Matrix`. + + This can be thought of as rotating about a pivot point after applying + :py:class:`Matrix`. + + Positive degrees rotates clockwise. + + Given:: + + | J K L | | c -s dx | + Matrix = | M N O |, R(degrees, px, py) = | s c dy | + | P Q R | | 0 0 1 | + + where:: + + c = cos(degrees) + s = sin(degrees) + dx = s * py + (1 - c) * px + dy = -s * px + (1 - c) * py + + sets :py:class:`Matrix` to:: + + |c -s dx| |J K L| |cJ-sM+dx*P cK-sN+dx*Q cL-sO+dx+R| + R(degrees, px, py) * Matrix = |s c dy| |M N O| = |sJ+cM+dy*P sK+cN+dy*Q sL+cO+dy*R| + |0 0 1| |P Q R| | P Q R| + + :degrees: angle of axes relative to upright axes + :px: pivot on x-axis + :py: pivot on y-axis + """ + @typing.overload + def postRotate(self, degrees: float) -> Matrix: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Matrix` to :py:class:`Matrix` constructed from rotating + by degrees about pivot point (0, 0), multiplied by :py:class:`Matrix`. + + This can be thought of as rotating about the origin after applying + :py:class:`Matrix`. + + Positive degrees rotates clockwise. + + Given:: + + | J K L | | c -s 0 | + Matrix = | M N O |, R(degrees, px, py) = | s c 0 | + | P Q R | | 0 0 1 | + + where:: + + c = cos(degrees) + s = sin(degrees) + + sets :py:class:`Matrix` to:: + + | c -s dx | | J K L | | cJ-sM cK-sN cL-sO | + R(degrees, px, py) * Matrix = | s c dy | | M N O | = | sJ+cM sK+cN sL+cO | + | 0 0 1 | | P Q R | | P Q R | + + :degrees: angle of axes relative to upright axes + """ + @typing.overload + def postScale(self, sx: float, sy: float, px: float, py: float) -> Matrix: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Matrix` to :py:class:`Matrix` constructed from scaling + by (sx, sy) about pivot point (px, py), multiplied by + :py:class:`Matrix`. + + This can be thought of as scaling about a pivot point after applying :py:class:`Matrix`. + + Given:: + + | J K L | | sx 0 dx | + Matrix = | M N O |, S(sx, sy, px, py) = | 0 sy dy | + | P Q R | | 0 0 1 | + + where:: + + dx = px - sx * px + dy = py - sy * py + + sets :py:class:`Matrix` to:: + + | sx 0 dx | | J K L | | sx*J+dx*P sx*K+dx*Q sx*L+dx+R | + S(sx, sy, px, py) * Matrix = | 0 sy dy | | M N O | = | sy*M+dy*P sy*N+dy*Q sy*O+dy*R | + | 0 0 1 | | P Q R | | P Q R | + + :sx: horizontal scale factor + :sy: vertical scale factor + :px: pivot on x-axis + :py: pivot on y-axis + """ + @typing.overload + def postScale(self, sx: float, sy: float) -> Matrix: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Matrix` to :py:class:`Matrix` constructed from scaling + by (sx, sy) about pivot point (0, 0), multiplied by :py:class:`Matrix`. + + This can be thought of as scaling about the origin after applying + :py:class:`Matrix`. + + Given:: + + | J K L | | sx 0 0 | + Matrix = | M N O |, S(sx, sy) = | 0 sy 0 | + | P Q R | | 0 0 1 | + + sets :py:class:`Matrix` to:: + + | sx 0 0 | | J K L | | sx*J sx*K sx*L | + S(sx, sy) * Matrix = | 0 sy 0 | | M N O | = | sy*M sy*N sy*O | + | 0 0 1 | | P Q R | | P Q R | + + :sx: horizontal scale factor + :sy: vertical scale factor + """ + @typing.overload + def postSkew(self, kx: float, ky: float, px: float, py: float) -> Matrix: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Matrix` to :py:class:`Matrix` constructed from skewing + by (kx, ky) about pivot point (px, py), multiplied by + :py:class:`Matrix`. + + This can be thought of as skewing about a pivot point after applying + :py:class:`Matrix`. + + Given:: + + | J K L | | 1 kx dx | + Matrix = | M N O |, K(kx, ky, px, py) = | ky 1 dy | + | P Q R | | 0 0 1 | + + where:: + + dx = -kx * py + dy = -ky * px + + sets :py:class:`Matrix` to:: + + | 1 kx dx| |J K L| |J+kx*M+dx*P K+kx*N+dx*Q L+kx*O+dx+R| + K(kx, ky, px, py) * Matrix = |ky 1 dy| |M N O| = |ky*J+M+dy*P ky*K+N+dy*Q ky*L+O+dy*R| + | 0 0 1| |P Q R| | P Q R| + + :kx: horizontal skew factor + :ky: vertical skew factor + :px: pivot on x-axis + :py: pivot on y-axis + """ + @typing.overload + def postSkew(self, kx: float, ky: float) -> Matrix: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Matrix` to :py:class:`Matrix` constructed from skewing + by (kx, ky) about pivot point (0, 0), multiplied by :py:class:`Matrix`. + + This can be thought of as skewing about the origin after applying + :py:class:`Matrix`. + + Given:: + + | J K L | | 1 kx 0 | + Matrix = | M N O |, K(kx, ky) = | ky 1 0 | + | P Q R | | 0 0 1 | + + sets :py:class:`Matrix` to:: + + | 1 kx 0 | | J K L | | J+kx*M K+kx*N L+kx*O | + K(kx, ky) * Matrix = | ky 1 0 | | M N O | = | ky*J+M ky*K+N ky*L+O | + | 0 0 1 | | P Q R | | P Q R | + + :kx: horizontal skew factor + :ky: vertical skew factor + """ + def postTranslate(self, dx: float, dy: float) -> Matrix: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Matrix` to :py:class:`Matrix` constructed from + translation (dx, dy) multiplied by :py:class:`Matrix`. + + This can be thought of as moving the point to be mapped after applying + :py:class:`Matrix`. + + Given:: + + | J K L | | 1 0 dx | + Matrix = | M N O |, T(dx, dy) = | 0 1 dy | + | P Q R | | 0 0 1 | + + sets :py:class:`Matrix` to:: + + | 1 0 dx | | J K L | | J+dx*P K+dx*Q L+dx*R | + T(dx, dy) * Matrix = | 0 1 dy | | M N O | = | M+dy*P N+dy*Q O+dy*R | + | 0 0 1 | | P Q R | | P Q R | + + :param float dx: x-axis translation after applying :py:class:`Matrix` + :param float dy: y-axis translation after applying :py:class:`Matrix` + """ + def preConcat(self, other: Matrix) -> Matrix: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Matrix` to :py:class:`Matrix` multiplied by + :py:class:`Matrix` other. + + This can be thought of mapping by other before applying + :py:class:`Matrix`. + + Given:: + + | A B C | | J K L | + Matrix = | D E F |, other = | M N O | + | G H I | | P Q R | + + sets :py:class:`Matrix` to:: + + | A B C | | J K L | | AJ+BM+CP AK+BN+CQ AL+BO+CR | + Matrix * other = | D E F | * | M N O | = | DJ+EM+FP DK+EN+FQ DL+EO+FR | + | G H I | | P Q R | | GJ+HM+IP GK+HN+IQ GL+HO+IR | + + :param skia.Matrix other: :py:class:`Matrix` on right side of multiply + expression + """ + @typing.overload + def preRotate(self, degrees: float, px: float, py: float) -> Matrix: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Matrix` to :py:class:`Matrix` multiplied by + :py:class:`Matrix` constructed from rotating by degrees about pivot + point (px, py). + + This can be thought of as rotating about a pivot point before applying + :py:class:`Matrix`. + + Positive degrees rotates clockwise. + + Given:: + + | A B C | | c -s dx | + Matrix = | D E F |, R(degrees, px, py) = | s c dy | + | G H I | | 0 0 1 | + + where:: + + c = cos(degrees) + s = sin(degrees) + dx = s * py + (1 - c) * px + dy = -s * px + (1 - c) * py + + sets :py:class:`Matrix` to:: + + | A B C | | c -s dx | | Ac+Bs -As+Bc A*dx+B*dy+C | + Matrix * R(degrees, px, py) = | D E F | | s c dy | = | Dc+Es -Ds+Ec D*dx+E*dy+F | + | G H I | | 0 0 1 | | Gc+Hs -Gs+Hc G*dx+H*dy+I | + + :degrees: angle of axes relative to upright axes + :px: pivot on x-axis + :py: pivot on y-axis + """ + @typing.overload + def preRotate(self, degrees: float) -> Matrix: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Matrix` to :py:class:`Matrix` multiplied by + :py:class:`Matrix` constructed from rotating by degrees about pivot + point (0, 0). + + This can be thought of as rotating about the origin before applying + :py:class:`Matrix`. + + Positive degrees rotates clockwise. + + Given:: + + | A B C | | c -s 0 | + Matrix = | D E F |, R(degrees, px, py) = | s c 0 | + | G H I | | 0 0 1 | + + where:: + + c = cos(degrees) + s = sin(degrees) + + sets :py:class:`Matrix` to:: + + | A B C | | c -s 0 | | Ac+Bs -As+Bc C | + Matrix * R(degrees, px, py) = | D E F | | s c 0 | = | Dc+Es -Ds+Ec F | + | G H I | | 0 0 1 | | Gc+Hs -Gs+Hc I | + + :degrees: angle of axes relative to upright axes + """ + @typing.overload + def preScale(self, sx: float, sy: float, px: float, py: float) -> Matrix: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Matrix` to :py:class:`Matrix` multiplied by + :py:class:`Matrix` constructed from scaling by (sx, sy) about pivot + point (px, py). + + This can be thought of as scaling about a pivot point before applying + :py:class:`Matrix`. + + Given:: + + | A B C | | sx 0 dx | + Matrix = | D E F |, S(sx, sy, px, py) = | 0 sy dy | + | G H I | | 0 0 1 | + + where:: + + dx = px - sx * px + dy = py - sy * py + + sets :py:class:`Matrix` to:: + + | A B C | | sx 0 dx | | A*sx B*sy A*dx+B*dy+C | + Matrix * S(sx, sy, px, py) = | D E F | | 0 sy dy | = | D*sx E*sy D*dx+E*dy+F | + | G H I | | 0 0 1 | | G*sx H*sy G*dx+H*dy+I | + + :sx: horizontal scale factor + :sy: vertical scale factor + :px: pivot on x-axis + :py: pivot on y-axis + """ + @typing.overload + def preScale(self, sx: float, sy: float) -> Matrix: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Matrix` to :py:class:`Matrix` multiplied by + :py:class:`Matrix` constructed from scaling by (sx, sy) about pivot + point (0, 0). + + This can be thought of as scaling about the origin before applying + :py:class:`Matrix`. + + Given:: + + | A B C | | sx 0 0 | + Matrix = | D E F |, S(sx, sy) = | 0 sy 0 | + | G H I | | 0 0 1 | + + sets :py:class:`Matrix` to:: + + | A B C | | sx 0 0 | | A*sx B*sy C | + Matrix * S(sx, sy) = | D E F | | 0 sy 0 | = | D*sx E*sy F | + | G H I | | 0 0 1 | | G*sx H*sy I | + + :sx: horizontal scale factor + :sy: vertical scale factor + """ + @typing.overload + def preSkew(self, kx: float, ky: float, px: float, py: float) -> Matrix: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Matrix` to :py:class:`Matrix` multiplied by + :py:class:`Matrix` constructed from skewing by (kx, ky) about pivot + point (px, py). + + This can be thought of as skewing about a pivot point before applying + :py:class:`Matrix`. + + Given:: + + | A B C | | 1 kx dx | + Matrix = | D E F |, K(kx, ky, px, py) = | ky 1 dy | + | G H I | | 0 0 1 | + + where:: + + dx = -kx * py + dy = -ky * px + + sets :py:class:`Matrix` to:: + + | A B C | | 1 kx dx | | A+B*ky A*kx+B A*dx+B*dy+C | + Matrix * K(kx, ky, px, py) = | D E F | | ky 1 dy | = | D+E*ky D*kx+E D*dx+E*dy+F | + | G H I | | 0 0 1 | | G+H*ky G*kx+H G*dx+H*dy+I | + + :kx: horizontal skew factor + :ky: vertical skew factor + :px: pivot on x-axis + :py: pivot on y-axis + """ + @typing.overload + def preSkew(self, kx: float, ky: float) -> Matrix: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Matrix` to :py:class:`Matrix` multiplied by + :py:class:`Matrix` constructed from skewing by (kx, ky) about pivot + point (0, 0). + + This can be thought of as skewing about the origin before applying + :py:class:`Matrix`. + + Given:: + + | A B C | | 1 kx 0 | + Matrix = | D E F |, K(kx, ky) = | ky 1 0 | + | G H I | | 0 0 1 | + + sets :py:class:`Matrix` to:: + + | A B C | | 1 kx 0 | | A+B*ky A*kx+B C | + Matrix * K(kx, ky) = | D E F | | ky 1 0 | = | D+E*ky D*kx+E F | + | G H I | | 0 0 1 | | G+H*ky G*kx+H I | + + :kx: horizontal skew factor + :ky: vertical skew factor + """ + def preTranslate(self, dx: float, dy: float) -> Matrix: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Matrix` to :py:class:`Matrix` multiplied by + :py:class:`Matrix` constructed from translation (dx, dy). + + This can be thought of as moving the point to be mapped before applying + :py:class:`Matrix`. + + Given:: + + | A B C | | 1 0 dx | + Matrix = | D E F |, T(dx, dy) = | 0 1 dy | + | G H I | | 0 0 1 | + + sets :py:class:`Matrix` to:: + + | A B C | | 1 0 dx | | A B A*dx+B*dy+C | + Matrix * T(dx, dy) = | D E F | | 0 1 dy | = | D E D*dx+E*dy+F | + | G H I | | 0 0 1 | | G H G*dx+H*dy+I | + + :param dx: x-axis translation before applying :py:class:`Matrix` + :param dy: y-axis translation before applying :py:class:`Matrix` + """ + def preservesAxisAlignment(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true :py:class:`Matrix` maps :py:class:`Rect` to another + :py:class:`Rect`. + + If true, :py:class:`Matrix` is identity, or scales, or rotates a + multiple of 90 degrees, or mirrors on axes. In all cases, + :py:class:`Matrix` may also have translation. :py:class:`Matrix` form is + either:: + + | scale-x 0 translate-x | + | 0 scale-y translate-y | + | 0 0 1 | + + or:: + + | 0 rotate-x translate-x | + | rotate-y 0 translate-y | + | 0 0 1 | + + for non-zero values of scale-x, scale-y, rotate-x, and rotate-y. + + Also called :py:meth:`rectStaysRect`; use the one that provides better + inline documentation. + + :return: true if :py:class:`Matrix` maps one :py:class:`Rect` into + another + """ + def preservesRightAngles(self, tol: float = ...) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if :py:class:`Matrix` contains only translation, rotation, + reflection, and scale. + + Scale may differ along rotated axes. Returns false if :py:class:`Matrix` + skewing, perspective, or degenerate forms that collapse to a line or + point. + + Preserves right angles, but not requiring that the arms of the angle + retain equal lengths. + + :param float tol: to be deprecated + :return: true if :py:class:`Matrix` only rotates, scales, translates + """ + def rc(self, r: int, c: int) -> float: + """ + Returns one matrix value from a particular row/column. Asserts if index + is out of range and SK_DEBUG is defined. + + :param r: matrix row to fetch + :param c: matrix column to fetch + :return: value at the given matrix position + """ + def rectStaysRect(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true SkMatrix maps SkRect to another SkRect. + + If true, :py:class:`Matrix` is identity, or scales, or rotates a + multiple of 90 degrees, or mirrors on axes. In all cases, + :py:class:`Matrix` may also have translation. :py:class:`Matrix` form is + either:: + + | scale-x 0 translate-x | + | 0 scale-y translate-y | + | 0 0 1 | + + or:: + + | 0 rotate-x translate-x | + | rotate-y 0 translate-y | + | 0 0 1 | + for non-zero values of scale-x, scale-y, rotate-x, and rotate-y. + + Also called :py:meth:`preservesAxisAlignment`; use the one that provides + better inline documentation. + + :return: true if :py:class:`Matrix` maps one :py:class:`Rect` into + another + """ + def reset(self) -> Matrix: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Matrix` to identity; which has no effect on mapped + :py:class:`Point`. + + Sets :py:class:`Matrix` to:: + + | 1 0 0 | + | 0 1 0 | + | 0 0 1 | + + Also called :py:meth:`setIdentity`; use the one that provides better + inline documentation. + """ + def set(self, index: int, value: float) -> None: + """ + Returns writable :py:class:`Matrix` value. + + Asserts if index is out of range and SK_DEBUG is defined. Clears + internal cache anticipating that caller will change :py:class:`Matrix` + value. + + Next call to read :py:class:`Matrix` state may recompute cache; + subsequent writes to :py:class:`Matrix` value must be followed by + :py:meth:`dirtyMatrixTypeCache`. + + :param int index: one of: kMScaleX, kMSkewX, kMTransX, kMSkewY, + kMScaleY, kMTransY, kMPersp0, kMPersp1, kMPersp2 + :param value: value to set + """ + def set9(self, buffer: list[float]) -> Matrix: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Matrix` to nine scalar values in values, in member value + ascending order: kMScaleX, kMSkewX, kMTransX, kMSkewY, kMScaleY, + kMTransY, kMPersp0, kMPersp1, kMPersp2. + + Sets matrix to:: + + | values[0] values[1] values[2] | + | values[3] values[4] values[5] | + | values[6] values[7] values[8] | + + In the future, set9 followed by get9 may not return the same values. + Since :py:class:`Matrix` maps non-homogeneous coordinates, scaling all + nine values produces an equivalent transformation, possibly improving + precision. + + :param values: nine scalar values + """ + def setAffine(self, affine: list[float]) -> Matrix: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Matrix` to affine values, passed in column major order. + + Given affine, column, then row, as:: + + | scale-x skew-x translate-x | + | skew-y scale-y translate-y | + + :py:class:`Matrix` is set, row, then column, to:: + + | scale-x skew-x translate-x | + | skew-y scale-y translate-y | + | 0 0 1 | + + :param affine: 3 by 2 affine matrix + """ + def setAll( + self, + scaleX: float, + skewX: float, + transX: float, + skewY: float, + scaleY: float, + transY: float, + persp0: float, + persp1: float, + persp2: float, + ) -> Matrix: + """ + Sets all values from parameters. + + Sets matrix to:: + + | scaleX skewX transX | + | skewY scaleY transY | + | persp0 persp1 persp2 | + + :param float scaleX: horizontal scale factor to store + :param float skewX: horizontal skew factor to store + :param float transX: horizontal translation to store + :param float skewY: vertical skew factor to store + :param float scaleY: vertical scale factor to store + :param float transY: vertical translation to store + :param float persp0: input x-axis values perspective factor to store + :param float persp1: input y-axis values perspective factor to store + :param float persp2: perspective scale factor to store + """ + def setConcat(self, a: Matrix, b: Matrix) -> Matrix: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Matrix` to :py:class:`Matrix` a multiplied by + :py:class:`Matrix` b. + + Either a or b may be this. + + Given:: + + | A B C | | J K L | + a = | D E F |, b = | M N O | + | G H I | | P Q R | + + sets :py:class:`Matrix` to:: + + | A B C | | J K L | | AJ+BM+CP AK+BN+CQ AL+BO+CR | + a * b = | D E F | * | M N O | = | DJ+EM+FP DK+EN+FQ DL+EO+FR | + | G H I | | P Q R | | GJ+HM+IP GK+HN+IQ GL+HO+IR | + + :param skia.Matrix a: :py:class:`Matrix` on left side of multiply + expression + :param skia.Matrix b: :py:class:`Matrix` on right side of multiply + expression + """ + def setIdentity(self) -> Matrix: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Matrix` to identity; which has no effect on mapped + :py:class:`Point`. + + Sets :py:class:`Matrix` to:: + + | 1 0 0 | + | 0 1 0 | + | 0 0 1 | + + Also called :py:meth:`reset`; use the one that provides better inline + documentation. + """ + def setPerspX(self, v: float) -> Matrix: + """ + Sets input x-axis perspective factor, which causes mapXY() to vary input + x-axis values inversely proportional to input y-axis values. + + :param float v: perspective factor + """ + def setPerspY(self, v: float) -> Matrix: + """ + Sets input y-axis perspective factor, which causes mapXY() to vary input + y-axis values inversely proportional to input x-axis values. + + :param float v: perspective factor + """ + def setPolyToPoly(self, src: list[Point], dst: list[Point]) -> bool: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Matrix` to map src to dst. + + count must be zero or greater, and four or less. + + If count is zero, sets :py:class:`Matrix` to identity and returns true. + If count is one, sets :py:class:`Matrix` to translate and returns true. + If count is two or more, sets :py:class:`Matrix` to map + :py:class:`Point` if possible; returns false if :py:class:`Matrix` + cannot be constructed. If count is four, :py:class:`Matrix` may include + perspective. + + :param List[skia.Point] src: :py:class:`Point` to map from + :param List[skia.Point] dst: :py:class:`Point` to map to + :return: true if :py:class:`Matrix` was constructed successfully + """ + def setRSXform(self, rsxForm: RSXform) -> Matrix: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Matrix` to rotate, scale, and translate using a + compressed matrix form. + + Vector (rsxForm.fSSin, rsxForm.fSCos) describes the angle of rotation + relative to (0, 1). Vector length specifies scale. Mapped point is + rotated and scaled by vector, then translated by (rsxForm.fTx, + rsxForm.fTy). + + :param skia.RSXform rsxForm: compressed :py:class:`RSXform` matrix + :return: reference to :py:class:`Matrix` + """ + def setRectToRect(self, src: Rect, dst: Rect, stf: Matrix.ScaleToFit) -> bool: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Matrix` to scale and translate src :py:class:`Rect` to + dst :py:class:`Rect`. + + stf selects whether mapping completely fills dst or preserves the aspect + ratio, and how to align src within dst. Returns false if src is empty, + and sets :py:class:`Matrix` to identity. Returns true if dst is empty, + and sets :py:class:`Matrix` to: + + | 0 0 0 | + | 0 0 0 | + | 0 0 1 | + + :param skia.Rect src: :py:class:`Rect` to map from + :param skia.Rect dst: :py:class:`Rect` to map to + :param skia.Matrix.ScaleToFit stf: mapping method + :return: true if :py:class:`Matrix` can represent :py:class:`Rect` + mapping + """ + @typing.overload + def setRotate(self, degrees: float, px: float, py: float) -> Matrix: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Matrix` to rotate by degrees about a pivot point at (px, + py). + + The pivot point is unchanged when mapped with :py:class:`Matrix`. + + Positive degrees rotates clockwise. + + :degrees: angle of axes relative to upright axes + :px: pivot on x-axis + :py: pivot on y-axis + """ + @typing.overload + def setRotate(self, degrees: float) -> Matrix: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Matrix` to rotate by degrees about a pivot point at (0, + 0). + + Positive degrees rotates clockwise. + + :degrees: angle of axes relative to upright axes + """ + @typing.overload + def setScale(self, sx: float, sy: float, px: float, py: float) -> Matrix: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Matrix` to scale by sx and sy, about a pivot point at + (px, py). + + The pivot point is unchanged when mapped with :py:class:`Matrix`. + + :sx: horizontal scale factor + :sy: vertical scale factor + :px: pivot on x-axis + :py: pivot on y-axis + """ + @typing.overload + def setScale(self, sx: float, sy: float) -> Matrix: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Matrix` to scale by sx and sy about at pivot point at + (0, 0). + + :sx: horizontal scale factor + :sy: vertical scale factor + """ + def setScaleTranslate(self, sx: float, sy: float, tx: float, ty: float) -> None: + """ + Initializes :py:class:`Matrix` with scale and translate elements. + + | sx 0 tx | + | 0 sy ty | + | 0 0 1 | + + :param float sx: horizontal scale factor to store + :param float sy: vertical scale factor to store + :param float tx: horizontal translation to store + :param float ty: vertical translation to store + """ + def setScaleX(self, v: float) -> Matrix: + """ + Sets horizontal scale factor. + + :param float v: horizontal scale factor to store + """ + def setScaleY(self, v: float) -> Matrix: + """ + Sets vertical scale factor. + + :param float v: vertical scale factor to store + """ + @typing.overload + def setSinCos( + self, + sinValue: float, + cosValue: float, + px: float, + py: float, + ) -> Matrix: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Matrix` to rotate by sinValue and cosValue, about a + pivot point at (px, py). + + The pivot point is unchanged when mapped with :py:class:`Matrix`. + + Vector (sinValue, cosValue) describes the angle of rotation relative to + (0, 1). Vector length specifies scale. + + :sinValue: rotation vector x-axis component + :cosValue: rotation vector y-axis component + :px: pivot on x-axis + :py: pivot on y-axis + """ + @typing.overload + def setSinCos(self, sinValue: float, cosValue: float) -> Matrix: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Matrix` to rotate by sinValue and cosValue, about a + pivot point at (0, 0). + + Vector (sinValue, cosValue) describes the angle of rotation relative to + (0, 1). Vector length specifies scale. + + :sinValue: rotation vector x-axis component + :cosValue: rotation vector y-axis component + """ + @typing.overload + def setSkew(self, kx: float, ky: float, px: float, py: float) -> Matrix: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Matrix` to skew by kx and ky, about a pivot point at + (px, py). + + The pivot point is unchanged when mapped with :py:class:`Matrix`. + + :kx: horizontal skew factor + :ky: vertical skew factor + :px: pivot on x-axis + :py: pivot on y-axis + """ + @typing.overload + def setSkew(self, kx: float, ky: float) -> Matrix: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Matrix` to skew by kx and ky, about a pivot point at + (0, 0). + + :kx: horizontal skew factor + :ky: vertical skew factor + """ + def setSkewX(self, v: float) -> Matrix: + """ + Sets horizontal skew factor. + + :param float v: horizontal skew factor to store + """ + def setSkewY(self, v: float) -> Matrix: + """ + Sets vertical skew factor. + + :param v: vertical skew factor to store + """ + @typing.overload + def setTranslate(self, dx: float, dy: float) -> Matrix: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Matrix` to translate by (dx, dy). + + :dx: horizontal translation + :dy: vertical translation + """ + @typing.overload + def setTranslate(self, v: Point) -> Matrix: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Matrix` to translate by (v.fX, v.fY). + + :v: vector containing horizontal and vertical + translation + """ + def setTranslateX(self, v: float) -> Matrix: + """ + Sets horizontal translation. + + :param float v: horizontal translation to store + """ + def setTranslateY(self, v: float) -> Matrix: + """ + Sets vertical translation. + + :param float v: vertical translation to store + """ + +class MemoryStream(StreamMemory): + @staticmethod + def Make(data: Data) -> MemoryStream: ... + @staticmethod + def MakeCopy(data: typing_extensions.Buffer) -> MemoryStream: ... + @staticmethod + def MakeDirect(data: typing_extensions.Buffer) -> MemoryStream: ... + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, length: int) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__( + self, + data: typing_extensions.Buffer, + copyData: bool = False, + ) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, data: capsule, length: int, copyData: bool = False) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, data: Data) -> None: ... + def asData(self) -> Data: ... + def getAtPos(self) -> capsule: ... + def setData(self, data: Data) -> None: ... + def setMemory( + self, + data: typing_extensions.Buffer, + copyData: bool = False, + ) -> None: ... + def skipToAlign4(self) -> None: ... + +class MipmapBuilder: + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __init__(self, arg0: ImageInfo) -> None: ... + def attachTo(self, arg0: Image) -> Image: + """ + If these levels are compatible with src, return a new Image that + combines src's base level with these levels as mip levels. + + If not compatible, this returns nullptr. + """ + def countLevels(self) -> int: ... + def level(self, arg0: int) -> Pixmap: ... + +class MipmapMode: + """ + Members: + + kNone : ignore mipmap levels, sample from the "base" + + kNearest : sample from the nearest level + + kLinear : interpolate between the two nearest levels + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, MipmapMode] + ] # value = {'kNone': , 'kNearest': , 'kLinear': } + kLinear: typing.ClassVar[MipmapMode] # value = + kNearest: typing.ClassVar[MipmapMode] # value = + kNone: typing.ClassVar[MipmapMode] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + +class NullWStream(WStream): + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + +class OpBuilder: + """ + + Perform a series of path operations, optimized for unioning many paths together. + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + def add(self, path: Path, op: PathOp) -> None: + """ + Add one or more paths and their operand. + + The builder is empty before the first path is added, so the result of a + single add is (emptyPath OP path). + + :param path: The second operand. + :param op: The operator to apply to the existing and supplied paths. + """ + def resolve(self) -> Path: + """ + Computes the sum of all paths and operands, and resets the builder to + its initial state. + + :param result: The product of the operands. + :return: True if the operation succeeded. + """ + +class OverdrawColorFilter: + """ + + Uses the value in the src alpha channel to set the dst pixel. + + 0 -> colors[0] 1 -> colors[1] ... 5 (or larger) -> colors[5] + + """ + + kNumColors: typing.ClassVar[int] = 6 + @staticmethod + def MakeWithColors(colors: list[int]) -> ColorFilter: ... + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + +class PDF: + class AttributeList: + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + def appendFloat(self, owner: str, name: str, value: float) -> None: ... + def appendFloatArray( + self, + owner: str, + name: str, + value: list[float], + ) -> None: ... + def appendInt(self, owner: str, name: str, value: int) -> None: ... + def appendString(self, owner: str, name: str, value: str) -> None: ... + def appendStringArray( + self, + owner: str, + name: str, + value: list[int], + ) -> None: ... + + class Metadata: + """ + + Optional metadata to be passed into the PDF factory function. + + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, arg0: dict) -> None: ... + @property + def fAuthor(self) -> String: + """ + The name of the person who created the document. + """ + @fAuthor.setter + def fAuthor(self, arg0: String) -> None: ... + @property + def fCreator(self) -> String: + """ + If the document was converted to PDF from another format, + the name of the conforming product that created the + original document from which it was converted. + """ + @fCreator.setter + def fCreator(self, arg0: String) -> None: ... + @property + def fEncodingQuality(self) -> int: + """ + Encoding quality controls the trade-off between size and quality. By + default this is set to 101 percent, which corresponds to lossless + encoding. If this value is set to a value <= 100, and the image is + opaque, it will be encoded (using JPEG) with that quality setting. + """ + @fEncodingQuality.setter + def fEncodingQuality(self, arg0: int) -> None: ... + @property + def fKeywords(self) -> String: + """ + Keywords associated with the document. Commas may be used to delineate + keywords within the string. + """ + @fKeywords.setter + def fKeywords(self, arg0: String) -> None: ... + @property + def fPDFA(self) -> bool: + """ + If true, include XMP metadata, a document UUID, and sRGB output intent + information. This adds length to the document and makes it + non-reproducable, but are necessary features for PDF/A-2b conformance + """ + @fPDFA.setter + def fPDFA(self, arg0: bool) -> None: ... + @property + def fProducer(self) -> String: + """ + The product that is converting this document to PDF. + """ + @fProducer.setter + def fProducer(self, arg0: String) -> None: ... + @property + def fRasterDPI(self) -> float: + """ + The DPI (pixels-per-inch) at which features without native PDF support + will be rasterized (e.g. draw image with perspective, draw text with + perspective, ...) A larger DPI would create a PDF that reflects the + original intent with better fidelity, but it can make for larger PDF + files too, which would use more memory while rendering, and it would be + slower to be processed or sent online or to printer. + """ + @fRasterDPI.setter + def fRasterDPI(self, arg0: float) -> None: ... + @property + def fStructureElementTreeRoot(self) -> PDF.StructureElementNode: + """ + An optional tree of structured document tags that provide + a semantic representation of the content. The caller + should retain ownership. + """ + @fStructureElementTreeRoot.setter + def fStructureElementTreeRoot(self, arg0: PDF.StructureElementNode) -> None: ... + @property + def fSubject(self) -> String: + """ + The subject of the document. + """ + @fSubject.setter + def fSubject(self, arg0: String) -> None: ... + @property + def fTitle(self) -> String: + """ + The document's title. + """ + @fTitle.setter + def fTitle(self, arg0: String) -> None: ... + + class StructureElementNode: + """ + + A node in a PDF structure tree, giving a semantic representation + of the content. Each node ID is associated with content + by passing the :py:class:`Canvas` and node ID to :py:class:`PDF.SetNodeId` + when drawing. NodeIDs should be unique within each tree. + + """ + + fAlt: String + fLang: String + fNodeId: int + fTypeString: String + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + @property + def fAttributes(self) -> PDF.AttributeList: ... + + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def MakeDocument(stream: WStream, metadata: PDF.Metadata) -> Document: + """ + Create a PDF-backed document, writing the results into a + :py:class:`WStream`. + + PDF pages are sized in point units. 1 pt == 1/72 inch == 127/360 mm. + + :stream: A PDF document will be written to this stream. The + document may write to the stream at anytime during its lifetime, + until either :py:meth:`~Document.close` is called or the document is + deleted. + :metadata: a PDFmetadata object. Any fields may be left empty. + :return: NULL if there is an error, otherwise a newly created PDF-backed + :py:class:`Document`. + """ + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def MakeDocument(stream: WStream) -> Document: ... + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def MakeDocument(stream: WStream, **kwargs) -> Document: ... + @staticmethod + def SetNodeId(canvas: Canvas, nodeId: int) -> None: + """ + Associate a node ID with subsequent drawing commands in an + :py:class:`Canvas`. + + The same node ID can appear in a :py:class:`~PDF.StructureElementNode` + in order to associate a document's structure element tree with its + content. + + A node ID of zero indicates no node ID. + + :param canvas: The canvas used to draw to the PDF. + :param nodeId: The node ID for subsequent drawing commands. + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + +class Paint: + """ + + :py:class:`Paint` controls options applied when drawing. + + :py:class:`Paint` collects all options outside of the :py:class:`Canvas` + clip and :py:class:`Canvas` matrix. + + Various options apply to strokes and fills, and images. + + :py:class:`Paint` collects effects and filters that describe single-pass and + multiple-pass algorithms that alter the drawing geometry, color, and + transparency. For instance, :py:class:`Paint` does not directly implement + dashing or blur, but contains the objects that do so. + + Example:: + + paint = skia.Paint( + Alphaf=1.0, + AntiAlias=True, + Color=skia.ColorBLUE, + StrokeWidth=2, + Style=skia.Paint.kStroke_Style, + ) + + :py:class:`Paint` is implicitly convertible from python dict. It is + possible to replace :py:class:`Paint` with ``dict`` where required:: + + canvas.drawPaint({"Color": 0xFFFFFFFF}) + canvas.drawLine((0, 0), (1, 1), {"Color": 0xFF0000FF}) + + """ + class Cap: + """ + Members: + + kButt_Cap : no stroke extension + + kRound_Cap : adds circle + + kSquare_Cap : adds square + + kLast_Cap : largest Cap value + + kDefault_Cap : equivalent to kButt_Cap + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, Paint.Cap] + ] # value = {'kButt_Cap': , 'kRound_Cap': , 'kSquare_Cap': , 'kLast_Cap': , 'kDefault_Cap': } + kButt_Cap: typing.ClassVar[Paint.Cap] # value = + kDefault_Cap: typing.ClassVar[Paint.Cap] # value = + kLast_Cap: typing.ClassVar[Paint.Cap] # value = + kRound_Cap: typing.ClassVar[Paint.Cap] # value = + kSquare_Cap: typing.ClassVar[Paint.Cap] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + class Join: + """ + Members: + + kMiter_Join : extends to miter limit + + kRound_Join : adds circle + + kBevel_Join : connects outside edges + + kLast_Join : equivalent to the largest value for Join + + kDefault_Join : equivalent to kMiter_Join + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, Paint.Join] + ] # value = {'kMiter_Join': , 'kRound_Join': , 'kBevel_Join': , 'kLast_Join': , 'kDefault_Join': } + kBevel_Join: typing.ClassVar[Paint.Join] # value = + kDefault_Join: typing.ClassVar[Paint.Join] # value = + kLast_Join: typing.ClassVar[Paint.Join] # value = + kMiter_Join: typing.ClassVar[Paint.Join] # value = + kRound_Join: typing.ClassVar[Paint.Join] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + class Style: + """ + Members: + + kFill_Style : set to fill geometry + + kStroke_Style : set to stroke geometry + + kStrokeAndFill_Style : sets to stroke and fill geometry + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, Paint.Style] + ] # value = {'kFill_Style': , 'kStroke_Style': , 'kStrokeAndFill_Style': } + kFill_Style: typing.ClassVar[Paint.Style] # value = + kStrokeAndFill_Style: typing.ClassVar[ + Paint.Style + ] # value = + kStroke_Style: typing.ClassVar[Paint.Style] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + __hash__: typing.ClassVar[None] = None + kBevel_Join: typing.ClassVar[Paint.Join] # value = + kButt_Cap: typing.ClassVar[Paint.Cap] # value = + kCapCount: typing.ClassVar[int] = 3 + kDefault_Cap: typing.ClassVar[Paint.Cap] # value = + kDefault_Join: typing.ClassVar[Paint.Join] # value = + kFill_Style: typing.ClassVar[Paint.Style] # value = + kJoinCount: typing.ClassVar[int] = 3 + kLast_Cap: typing.ClassVar[Paint.Cap] # value = + kLast_Join: typing.ClassVar[Paint.Join] # value = + kMiter_Join: typing.ClassVar[Paint.Join] # value = + kRound_Cap: typing.ClassVar[Paint.Cap] # value = + kRound_Join: typing.ClassVar[Paint.Join] # value = + kSquare_Cap: typing.ClassVar[Paint.Cap] # value = + kStrokeAndFill_Style: typing.ClassVar[ + Paint.Style + ] # value = + kStroke_Style: typing.ClassVar[Paint.Style] # value = + kStyleCount: typing.ClassVar[int] = 3 + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: Paint) -> bool: + """ + Compares a and b, and returns true if a and b are equivalent. + + May return false if :py:class:`PathEffect`, :py:class:`Shader`, + :py:class:`MaskFilter`, :py:class:`ColorFilter`, or + :py:class:`ImageFilter` have identical contents but different pointers. + + :param other: :py:class:`Paint` to compare + :return: true if :py:class:`Paint` pair are equivalent + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__(self) -> None: + """ + Constructs :py:class:`Paint` with default values. + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, color: Color4f, colorSpace: ColorSpace | None = None) -> None: + """ + Constructs :py:class:`Paint` with default values and the given color. + + Sets alpha and RGB used when stroking and filling. The color is four + floating point values, unpremultiplied. The color values are interpreted + as being in the colorSpace. If colorSpace is nullptr, then color is + assumed to be in the sRGB color space. + + :color: unpremultiplied RGBA + :colorSpace: :py:class:`ColorSpace` describing the + encoding of color + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, paint: Paint) -> None: + """ + Makes a shallow copy of :py:class:`Paint`. + + :py:class:`PathEffect`, :py:class:`Shader`, :py:class:`MaskFilter`, + :py:class:`ColorFilter`, and :py:class:`ImageFilter` are shared between + the original paint and the copy. Objects containing :py:class:`RefCnt` + increment their references by one. + + The referenced objects :py:class:`PathEffect`, :py:class:`Shader`, + :py:class:`MaskFilter`, :py:class:`ColorFilter`, and + :py:class:`ImageFilter` cannot be modified after they are created. This + prevents objects with :py:class:`RefCnt` from being modified once + :py:class:`Paint` refers to them. + + :paint: original to copy + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: + """ + Constructs :py:class:`Paint` with keyword arguments. See ``setXXX`` + methods for required signatures. + + Example:: + + paint = skia.Paint( + Alpha=255, + Alphaf=1.0, + AntiAlias=True, + Color=0xFFFFFFFF, + Color4f=skia.Color4f.FromColor(0xFF00FF00), + ColorFilter=skia.LumaColorFilter.Make(), + Dither=False, + FilterQuality=skia.kMedium_FilterQuality, + ImageFilter=skia.ImageFilters.Blur(1.0, 1.0), + MaskFilter=skia.MaskFilter.MakeBlur(skia.kNormal_BlurStyle, 1.0), + PathEffect=skia.DashPathEffect.Make([2.0, 1.0], 0), + Shader=skia.Shaders.Empty(), + StrokeCap=skia.Paint.kButt_Cap, + StrokeJoin=skia.Paint.kMiter_Join, + StrokeMiter=0, + StrokeWidth=2, + Style=skia.Paint.kStroke_Style, + ) + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, d: dict) -> None: + """ + Constructs :py:class:`Paint` from python dict:: + + d = { + "Alpha": 255, + "Alphaf": 1.0, + "AntiAlias": True, + "Color": 0xFFFFFFFF, + "Color4f": skia.Color4f.FromColor(0xFF00FF00), + "ColorFilter": skia.LumaColorFilter.Make(), + "Dither": False, + "FilterQuality": skia.kMedium_FilterQuality, + "ImageFilter": skia.ImageFilters.Blur(1.0, 1.0), + "MaskFilter": skia.MaskFilter.MakeBlur(skia.kNormal_BlurStyle, 1.0), + "PathEffect": skia.DashPathEffect.Make([2.0, 1.0], 0), + "Shader": skia.Shaders.Empty(), + "StrokeCap": skia.Paint.kButt_Cap, + "StrokeJoin": skia.Paint.kMiter_Join, + "StrokeMiter": 0, + "StrokeWidth": 2, + "Style": skia.Paint.kStroke_Style, + } + paint = skia.Paint(d) + """ + def __ne__(self, other: Paint) -> bool: + """ + Compares a and b, and returns true if a and b are not equivalent. + + May return true if :py:class:`PathEffect`, :py:class:`Shader`, + :py:class:`MaskFilter`, :py:class:`ColorFilter`, or + :py:class:`ImageFilter` have identical contents but different pointers. + + :param other: :py:class:`Paint` to compare + :return: true if :py:class:`Paint` pair are not equivalent + """ + def canComputeFastBounds(self) -> bool: + """ + (to be made private) Returns true if :py:class:`Paint` does not include + elements requiring extensive computation to compute + :py:class:`BaseDevice` bounds of drawn geometry. + + For instance, :py:class:`Paint` with :py:class:`PathEffect` always + returns false. + + :return: true if :py:class:`Paint` allows for fast computation of bounds + """ + def computeFastBounds(self, orig: Rect) -> Rect: + """ + (to be made private) Only call this if :py:meth:`canComputeFastBounds` + returned true. + + This takes a raw rectangle (the raw bounds of a shape), and adjusts it + for stylistic effects in the paint (e.g. stroking). It returns the + adjusted bounds that can then be used for :py:meth:`Canvas.quickReject` + tests. + + :param orig: geometry modified by :py:class:`Paint` when drawn + :return: fast computed bounds + """ + def computeFastStrokeBounds(self, orig: Rect) -> Rect: + """ + (to be made private) + + :param orig: geometry modified by SkPaint when drawn + :return: fast computed bounds + """ + def doComputeFastBounds(self, orig: Rect, style: Paint.Style) -> Rect: + """ + (to be made private) Computes the bounds, overriding the + :py:class:`Paint` :py:class:`Paint.Style`. + + This can be used to account for additional width required by stroking + orig, without altering :py:class:`Paint.Style` set to fill. + + :param orig: geometry modified by :py:class:`Paint` when drawn + :param style: overrides :py:class:`Paint.Style` + :return: fast computed bounds + """ + def getAlpha(self) -> int: ... + def getAlphaf(self) -> float: + """ + Retrieves alpha from the color used when stroking and filling. + + :return: alpha ranging from zero, fully transparent, to 255, fully + opaque + """ + def getBlendMode(self) -> BlendMode: + """ + Returns :py:class:`BlendMode`. + + By default, returns :py:attr:`BlendMode.kSrcOver`. + + :return: mode used to combine source color with destination color + """ + def getColor(self) -> int: + """ + Retrieves alpha and RGB, unpremultiplied, packed into 32 bits. + + Use helpers :py:func:`ColorGetA`, :py:func:`ColorGetR`, + :py:func:`ColorGetG`, and :py:func:`ColorGetB` to extract a color + component. + + :return: unpremultiplied ARGB + """ + def getColor4f(self) -> Color4f: + """ + Retrieves alpha and RGB, unpremultiplied, as four floating point values. + + RGB are are extended sRGB values (sRGB gamut, and encoded with the sRGB + transfer function). + + :return: unpremultiplied RGBA + """ + def getColorFilter(self) -> ColorFilter: + """ + Returns :py:class:`ColorFilter` if set, or nullptr. + + Does not alter :py:class:`ColorFilter` :py:class:`RefCnt`. + + :return: :py:class:`ColorFilter` if previously set, nullptr otherwise + """ + def getFillPath( + self, + src: Path, + dst: Path, + cullRect: Rect | None = None, + resScale: float = 1, + ) -> bool: + """ + Returns the filled equivalent of the stroked path. + + :param src: :py:class:`Path` read to create a filled version + :param dst: resulting :py:class:`Path`; may be the same as src, but may + not be nullptr + :param cullRect: optional limit passed to :py:class:`PathEffect` + :param resScale: if > 1, increase precision, else if (0 < resScale < 1) + reduce precision to favor speed and size + :return: true if the path represents style fill, or false if it + represents hairline + """ + def getImageFilter(self) -> ImageFilter: + """ + Returns :py:class:`ImageFilter` if set, or nullptr. + + Does not alter :py:class:`ImageFilter` :py:class:`RefCnt`. + + :return: :py:class:`ImageFilter` if previously set, nullptr otherwise + """ + def getMaskFilter(self) -> MaskFilter: + """ + Returns :py:class:`MaskFilter` if set, or nullptr. + + Does not alter :py:class:`MaskFilter` :py:class:`RefCnt`. + + :return: :py:class:`MaskFilter` if previously set, nullptr otherwise + """ + def getPathEffect(self) -> PathEffect: + """ + Returns :py:class:`PathEffect` if set, or nullptr. + + Does not alter :py:class:`PathEffect` :py:class:`RefCnt`. + + :return: :py:class:`PathEffect` if previously set, nullptr otherwise + """ + def getShader(self) -> Shader: + """ + Returns optional colors used when filling a path, such as a gradient. + + Does not alter :py:class:`Shader` :py:class:`RefCnt`. + + :return: :py:class:`Shader` if previously set, nullptr otherwise + """ + def getStrokeCap(self) -> Paint.Cap: + """ + Returns the geometry drawn at the beginning and end of strokes. + """ + def getStrokeJoin(self) -> Paint.Join: + """ + Returns the geometry drawn at the corners of strokes. + """ + def getStrokeMiter(self) -> float: + """ + Returns the limit at which a sharp corner is drawn beveled. + + :return: zero and greater miter limit + """ + def getStrokeWidth(self) -> float: + """ + Returns the thickness of the pen used by SkPaint to outline the shape. + + :return: zero for hairline, greater than zero for pen thickness + """ + def getStyle(self) -> Paint.Style: + """ + Returns whether the geometry is filled, stroked, or filled and stroked. + """ + def isAntiAlias(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if pixels on the active edges of :py:class:`Path` may be + drawn with partial transparency. + + :return: antialiasing state + """ + def isDither(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if color error may be distributed to smooth color + transition. + + :return: dithering state + """ + def isSrcOver(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if :py:class:`BlendMode` is :py:attr:`BlendMode.kSrcOver`, + the default. + + :return: true if :py:class:`BlendMode` is :py:attr:`BlendMode.kSrcOver` + """ + def nothingToDraw(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if :py:class:`Paint` prevents all drawing; otherwise, the + :py:class:`Paint` may or may not allow drawing. + + Returns true if, for example, :py:class:`BlendMode` combined with alpha + computes a new alpha of zero. + + :return: true if :py:class:`Paint` prevents all drawing + """ + def refColorFilter(self) -> ColorFilter: + """ + Returns :py:class:`ColorFilter` if set, or nullptr. + + Increases :py:class:`ColorFilter` :py:class:`RefCnt` by one. + + :return: :py:class:`ColorFilter` if set, or nullptr + """ + def refImageFilter(self) -> ImageFilter: + """ + Returns :py:class:`ImageFilter` if set, or nullptr. + + Increases :py:class:`ImageFilter` :py:class:`RefCnt` by one. + + :return: :py:class:`ImageFilter` if previously set, nullptr otherwise + """ + def refMaskFilter(self) -> MaskFilter: + """ + Returns :py:class:`MaskFilter` if set, or nullptr. + + Increases :py:class:`MaskFilter` :py:class:`RefCnt` by one. + + :return: :py:class:`MaskFilter` if previously set, nullptr otherwise + """ + def refPathEffect(self) -> PathEffect: + """ + Returns :py:class:`PathEffect` if set, or nullptr. + + Increases :py:class:`PathEffect` :py:class:`RefCnt` by one. + + :return: :py:class:`PathEffect` if previously set, nullptr otherwise + """ + def refShader(self) -> Shader: + """ + Returns optional colors used when filling a path, such as a gradient. + + Increases :py:class:`Shader` :py:class:`RefCnt` by one. + + :return: :py:class:`Shader` if previously set, nullptr otherwise + """ + def reset(self) -> None: + """ + Sets all :py:class:`Paint` contents to their initial values. + + This is equivalent to replacing :py:class:`Paint` with the result of + :py:meth:`__init__` without arguments. + """ + def setARGB(self, a: int, r: int, g: int, b: int) -> None: + """ + Sets color used when drawing solid fills. + + The color components range from 0 to 255. The color is unpremultiplied; + alpha sets the transparency independent of RGB. + + :param int a: amount of alpha, from fully transparent (0) to fully + opaque (255) + :param int r: amount of red, from no red (0) to full red (255) + :param int g: amount of green, from no green (0) to full green (255) + :param int b: amount of blue, from no blue (0) to full blue (255) + """ + def setAlpha(self, a: int) -> None: ... + def setAlphaf(self, a: float) -> None: + """ + Replaces alpha, leaving RGB unchanged. + + An out of range value triggers an assert in the debug build. a is a + value from 0.0 to 1.0. a set to zero makes color fully transparent; a + set to 1.0 makes color fully opaque. + + :param float a: alpha component of color + """ + def setAntiAlias(self, aa: bool) -> None: + """ + Requests, but does not require, that edge pixels draw opaque or with + partial transparency. + + :param bool aa: setting for antialiasing + """ + def setBlendMode(self, mode: BlendMode) -> None: + """ + Sets :py:class:`BlendMode` to mode. + + Does not check for valid input. + + :param skia.BlendMode mode: :py:class:`BlendMode` used to combine source + color and destination + """ + def setColor(self, color: int) -> None: + """ + Sets alpha and RGB used when stroking and filling. + + The color is a 32-bit value, unpremultiplied, packing 8-bit components + for alpha, red, blue, and green. + + :param int color: unpremultiplied ARGB + """ + def setColor4f(self, color: Color4f, colorSpace: ColorSpace | None = None) -> None: + """ + Sets alpha and RGB used when stroking and filling. + + The color is four floating point values, unpremultiplied. The color + values are interpreted as being in the colorSpace. If colorSpace is + nullptr, then color is assumed to be in the sRGB color space. + + :param skia.Color4f color: unpremultiplied RGBA + :param skia.ColorSpace colorSpace: :py:class:`ColorSpace` describing the + encoding of color + """ + def setColorFilter(self, colorFilter: ColorFilter) -> None: + """ + Sets :py:class:`ColorFilter` to filter, decreasing :py:class:`RefCnt` of + the previous :py:class:`ColorFilter`. + + Pass nullptr to clear :py:class:`ColorFilter`. + + Increments filter :py:class:`RefCnt` by one. + + :param skia.ColorFilter colorFilter: :py:class:`ColorFilter` to apply to + subsequent draw + """ + def setDither(self, dither: bool) -> None: + """ + Requests, but does not require, to distribute color error. + + :param bool dither: dither setting for ditering + """ + def setImageFilter(self, imageFilter: ImageFilter) -> None: + """ + Sets :py:class:`ImageFilter` to imageFilter, decreasing + :py:class:`RefCnt` of the previous :py:class:`ImageFilter`. + + Pass nullptr to clear :py:class:`ImageFilter`, and remove + :py:class:`ImageFilter` effect on drawing. + + Increments imageFilter :py:class:`RefCnt` by one. + + :param skia.ImageFilter imageFilter: how :py:class:`Image` is sampled + when transformed + """ + def setMaskFilter(self, maskFilter: MaskFilter) -> None: + """ + Sets :py:class:`MaskFilter` to maskFilter, decreasing :py:class:`RefCnt` + of the previous :py:class:`MaskFilter`. + + Pass nullptr to clear :py:class:`MaskFilter` and leave + :py:class:`MaskFilter` effect on mask alpha unaltered. + + Increments maskFilter :py:class:`RefCnt` by one. + + :param skia.MaskFilter maskFilter: modifies clipping mask generated from + drawn geometry + """ + def setPathEffect(self, pathEffect: PathEffect) -> None: + """ + Sets :py:class:`PathEffect` to pathEffect, decreasing :py:class:`RefCnt` + of the previous :py:class:`PathEffect`. + + Pass nullptr to leave the path geometry unaltered. + + Increments pathEffect :py:class:`RefCnt` by one. + + :param skia.PathEffect pathEffect: replace :py:class:`Path` with a + modification when drawn + """ + def setShader(self, shader: Shader) -> None: + """ + Sets optional colors used when filling a path, such as a gradient. + + Sets :py:class:`Shader` to shader, decreasing :py:class:`RefCnt` of the + previous :py:class:`Shader`. Increments shader :py:class:`RefCnt` by + one. + + :param skia.Shader shader: how geometry is filled with color; if + nullptr, color is used instead + """ + def setStrokeCap(self, cap: Paint.Cap) -> None: + """ + Sets the geometry drawn at the beginning and end of strokes. + """ + def setStrokeJoin(self, join: Paint.Join) -> None: + """ + Sets the geometry drawn at the corners of strokes. + """ + def setStrokeMiter(self, miter: float) -> None: + """ + Sets the limit at which a sharp corner is drawn beveled. + + Valid values are zero and greater. Has no effect if miter is less than zero. + + :param float miter: zero and greater miter limit + """ + def setStrokeWidth(self, width: float) -> None: + """ + Sets the thickness of the pen used by the paint to outline the shape. + + Has no effect if width is less than zero. + + :param float width: zero thickness for hairline; greater than zero for + pen thickness + """ + def setStyle(self, style: Paint.Style) -> None: + """ + Sets whether the geometry is filled, stroked, or filled and stroked. + + Has no effect if style is not a legal :py:class:`Paint.Style` value. + """ + +class Path: + """ + + :py:class:`Path` contain geometry. + + :py:class:`Path` may be empty, or contain one or more verbs that outline a + figure. :py:class:`Path` always starts with a move verb to a Cartesian + coordinate, and may be followed by additional verbs that add lines or + curves. Adding a close verb makes the geometry into a continuous loop, a + closed contour. :py:class:`Path` may contain any number of contours, each + beginning with a move verb. + + :py:class:`Path` contours may contain only a move verb, or may also contain + lines, quadratic beziers, conics, and cubic beziers. :py:class:`Path` + contours may be open or closed. + + When used to draw a filled area, :py:class:`Path` describes whether the fill + is inside or outside the geometry. :py:class:`Path` also describes the + winding rule used to fill overlapping contours. + + Internally, :py:class:`Path` lazily computes metrics likes bounds and + convexity. Call :py:meth:`Path.updateBoundsCache` to make :py:class:`Path` + thread safe. + + Example:: + + path = skia.Path() + path.addCircle(25, 25, 10) + path.addRect((50, 60, 70, 70)) + + for verb, points in path: + print(verb) + + """ + class AddPathMode: + """ + Members: + + kAppend_AddPathMode : appended to destination unaltered + + kExtend_AddPathMode : add line if prior contour is not closed + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, Path.AddPathMode] + ] # value = {'kAppend_AddPathMode': , 'kExtend_AddPathMode': } + kAppend_AddPathMode: typing.ClassVar[ + Path.AddPathMode + ] # value = + kExtend_AddPathMode: typing.ClassVar[ + Path.AddPathMode + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + class ArcSize: + """ + Members: + + kSmall_ArcSize : smaller of arc pair + + kLarge_ArcSize : larger of arc pair + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, Path.ArcSize] + ] # value = {'kSmall_ArcSize': , 'kLarge_ArcSize': } + kLarge_ArcSize: typing.ClassVar[ + Path.ArcSize + ] # value = + kSmall_ArcSize: typing.ClassVar[ + Path.ArcSize + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + class Iter: + """ + + Iterates through verb array, and associated :py:class:`Point` array and + conic weight. + + Provides options to treat open contours as closed, and to ignore degenerate + data. + + Example:: + + it = iter(path) + verb, points = + while verb != skia.Path.kDone_Verb: + print(verb) + print(points) + print(it.conicWeight()) + verb, points = + + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self) -> None: + """ + Initializes :py:class:`Iter` with an empty :py:class:`Path`. + + next() on :py:class:`Iter` returns :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kDone_Verb`. + Call setPath to initialize :py:class:`Iter` at a later time. + + :return: :py:class:`Iter` of empty SkPath + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, path: Path, forceClose: bool) -> None: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Iter` to return elements of verb array, + :py:class:`Point` array, and conic weight in path. + + If forceClose is true, :py:class:`Iter` will add + :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kLine_Verb` and :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kClose_Verb` + after each open contour. path is not altered. + + :path: :py:class:`Path` to iterate + :forceClose: true if open contours generate + :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kClose_Verb` + + :return: :py:class:`Iter` of path + """ + def __iter__(self) -> Path.Iter: ... + def __next__(self) -> tuple: ... + def conicWeight(self) -> float: + """ + Returns conic weight if :py:meth:`next` returned + :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kConic_Verb`. + + If :py:meth:`next` has not been called, or :py:meth:`next` did not + return :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kConic_Verb`, result is undefined. + + :return: conic weight for conic :py:class:`Point` returned by + :py:meth:`next` + """ + def isCloseLine(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if last:py:attr:`~skia.Path.kLine_Verb` returned by + :py:meth:`next` was generated by :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kClose_Verb`. + + When true, the end point returned by :py:meth:`next` is also the start + point of contour. + + If :py:meth:`next` has not been called, or :py:meth:`next` did not + return :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kLine_Verb`, result is undefined. + + :return: true if last :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kLine_Verb` was generated by + :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kClose_Verb` + """ + def isClosedContour(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if subsequent calls to :py:meth:`next` return + :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kClose_Verb` before returning + :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kMove_Verb`. + + if true, contour :py:class:`Iter` is processing may end with + :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kClose_Verb`, or :py:class:`Iter` may have been + initialized with force close set to true. + + :return: true if contour is closed + """ + def next(self) -> tuple: + """ + Returns next :py:class:`~skia.Path.Verb` in verb array, and advances + :py:class:`Iter`. + + When verb array is exhausted, returns :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kDone_Verb`. + + Zero to four :py:class:`Point` are stored in pts, depending on the + returned :py:class:`~skia.Path.Verb`. + + :return: tuple of the following: next :py:class:`~skia.Path.Verb` from + verb array; and storage for :py:class:`Point` data describing + returned :py:class:`~skia.Path.Verb` + :rtype: Tuple[skia.Path.Verb,List[skia.Point]] + """ + def setPath(self, path: Path, forceClose: bool) -> None: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Iter` to return elements of verb array, + :py:class:`Point` array, and conic weight in path. + + If forceClose is true, :py:class:`Iter` will add + :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kLine_Verb` and :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kClose_Verb` + after each open contour. path is not altered. + + :param skia.Path path: :py:class:`Path` to iterate + :param bool forceClose: true if open contours generate + :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kClose_Verb` + """ + + class RawIter: + """ + + Iterates through verb array, and associated :py:class:`Point` array and + conic weight. + + verb array, :py:class:`Point` array, and conic weight are returned + unaltered. + + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self) -> None: + """ + Initializes :py:class:`RawIter` with an empty :py:class:`Path`. + + :py:meth:`next` on :py:class:`RawIter` returns + :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kDone_Verb`. Call :py:meth:`setPath` to initialize + :py:class:`RawIter` at a later time. + + :return: :py:class:`RawIter` of empty :py:class:`Path` + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, path: Path) -> None: + """ + Sets :py:class:`RawIter` to return elements of verb array, + :py:class:`Point` array, and conic weight in path. + + :path: :py:class:`Path` to iterate + :return: :py:class:`RawIter` of path + """ + def __iter__(self) -> Path.RawIter: ... + def __next__(self) -> tuple: ... + def conicWeight(self) -> float: + """ + Returns conic weight if :py:meth:`next` returned + :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kConic_Verb`. + + If :py:meth:`next` has not been called, or :py:meth:`next` did not + return :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kConic_Verb`, result is undefined. + + :return: conic weight for conic :py:class:`Point` returned by + :py:meth:`next` + """ + def next(self) -> tuple: + """ + Returns next :py:class:`~skia.Path.Verb` in verb array, and advances + :py:class:`RawIter`. + + When verb array is exhausted, returns :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kDone_Verb`. + + Zero to four :py:class:`Point` are stored in pts, depending on the + returned :py:class:`~skia.Path.Verb`. + + :return: tuple of the following: next :py:class:`~skia.Path.Verb` from + verb array; and storage for :py:class:`Point` data describing + returned :py:class:`~skia.Path.Verb` + :rtype: Tuple[skia.Path.Verb,List[skia.Point]] + """ + def peek(self) -> Path.Verb: + """ + Returns next :py:class:`~skia.Path.Verb`, but does not advance + :py:class:`RawIter`. + + :return: next :py:class:`~skia.Path.Verb` from verb array + """ + def setPath(self, path: Path) -> None: + """ + Sets :py:class:`RawIter` to return elements of verb array, + :py:class:`Point` array, and conic weight in path. + + :param skia.Path path: :py:class:`Path` to iterate + """ + + class SegmentMask: + """ + Members: + + kLine_SegmentMask + + kQuad_SegmentMask + + kConic_SegmentMask + + kCubic_SegmentMask + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, Path.SegmentMask] + ] # value = {'kLine_SegmentMask': , 'kQuad_SegmentMask': , 'kConic_SegmentMask': , 'kCubic_SegmentMask': } + kConic_SegmentMask: typing.ClassVar[ + Path.SegmentMask + ] # value = + kCubic_SegmentMask: typing.ClassVar[ + Path.SegmentMask + ] # value = + kLine_SegmentMask: typing.ClassVar[ + Path.SegmentMask + ] # value = + kQuad_SegmentMask: typing.ClassVar[ + Path.SegmentMask + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + class Verb: + """ + Members: + + kMove_Verb + + kLine_Verb + + kQuad_Verb + + kConic_Verb + + kCubic_Verb + + kClose_Verb + + kDone_Verb + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, Path.Verb] + ] # value = {'kMove_Verb': , 'kLine_Verb': , 'kQuad_Verb': , 'kConic_Verb': , 'kCubic_Verb': , 'kClose_Verb': , 'kDone_Verb': } + kClose_Verb: typing.ClassVar[Path.Verb] # value = + kConic_Verb: typing.ClassVar[Path.Verb] # value = + kCubic_Verb: typing.ClassVar[Path.Verb] # value = + kDone_Verb: typing.ClassVar[Path.Verb] # value = + kLine_Verb: typing.ClassVar[Path.Verb] # value = + kMove_Verb: typing.ClassVar[Path.Verb] # value = + kQuad_Verb: typing.ClassVar[Path.Verb] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __and__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __ge__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __gt__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __invert__(self) -> typing.Any: ... + def __le__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __lt__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __or__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __rand__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __ror__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __rxor__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + def __xor__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + __hash__: typing.ClassVar[None] = None + kAppend_AddPathMode: typing.ClassVar[ + Path.AddPathMode + ] # value = + kClose_Verb: typing.ClassVar[Path.Verb] # value = + kConic_SegmentMask: typing.ClassVar[ + Path.SegmentMask + ] # value = + kConic_Verb: typing.ClassVar[Path.Verb] # value = + kCubic_SegmentMask: typing.ClassVar[ + Path.SegmentMask + ] # value = + kCubic_Verb: typing.ClassVar[Path.Verb] # value = + kDone_Verb: typing.ClassVar[Path.Verb] # value = + kExtend_AddPathMode: typing.ClassVar[ + Path.AddPathMode + ] # value = + kLarge_ArcSize: typing.ClassVar[Path.ArcSize] # value = + kLine_SegmentMask: typing.ClassVar[ + Path.SegmentMask + ] # value = + kLine_Verb: typing.ClassVar[Path.Verb] # value = + kMove_Verb: typing.ClassVar[Path.Verb] # value = + kQuad_SegmentMask: typing.ClassVar[ + Path.SegmentMask + ] # value = + kQuad_Verb: typing.ClassVar[Path.Verb] # value = + kSmall_ArcSize: typing.ClassVar[Path.ArcSize] # value = + @staticmethod + def Circle( + center_x: float, + center_y: float, + radius: float, + pathDirection: PathDirection = ..., + ) -> Path: ... + @staticmethod + def ConvertConicToQuads( + p0: Point, + p1: Point, + p2: Point, + w: float, + pow2: int, + ) -> list[Point]: + """ + Approximates conic with quad array. + + Conic is constructed from start :py:class:`Point` p0, control + :py:class:`Point` p1, end :py:class:`Point` p2, and weight w. Maximum + quad count is 2 to the pow2. Every third point in array shares last + :py:class:`Point` of previous quad and first :py:class:`Point` of next + quad. Maximum possible return array size is given by: + (1 + 2 * (1 << pow2)). + + Conic weight determines the amount of influence conic control point has + on the curve. w less than one represents an elliptical section. w + greater than one represents a hyperbolic section. w equal to one + represents a parabolic section. + + Two quad curves are sufficient to approximate an elliptical conic with a + sweep of up to 90 degrees; in this case, set pow2 to one. + + :param skia.Point p0: conic start :py:class:`Point` + :param skia.Point p1: conic control :py:class:`Point` + :param skia.Point p2: conic end :py:class:`Point` + :param float w: conic weight + :param int pow2: quad count, as power of two, normally 0 to 5 (1 to 32 + quad curves) + :return: quad array + :rtype: List[skia.Point] + """ + @staticmethod + def IsCubicDegenerate( + p1: Point, + p2: Point, + p3: Point, + p4: Point, + exact: bool, + ) -> bool: + """ + Tests if cubic is degenerate. + + Cubic with no length or that moves a very short distance is degenerate; + it is treated as a point. + + :param skia.Path p1: cubic start point + :param skia.Path p2: cubic control point 1 + :param skia.Path p3: cubic control point 2 + :param skia.Path p4: cubic end point + :param bool exact: if true, returns true only if p1, p2, p3, and p4 are + equal; if false, returns true if p1, p2, p3, and p4 are equal or + nearly equal + :return: true if cubic is degenerate; its length is effectively zero + """ + @staticmethod + def IsLineDegenerate(p1: Point, p2: Point, exact: bool) -> bool: + """ + Tests if line between :py:class:`Point` pair is degenerate. + + Line with no length or that moves a very short distance is degenerate; + it is treated as a point. + + exact changes the equality test. If true, returns true only if p1 equals + p2. If false, returns true if p1 equals or nearly equals p2. + + :param skia.Point p1: line start point + :param skia.Point p2: line end point + :param bool exact: if false, allow nearly equals + :return: true if line is degenerate; its length is effectively zero + """ + @staticmethod + def IsQuadDegenerate(p1: Point, p2: Point, p3: Point, exact: bool) -> bool: + """ + Tests if quad is degenerate. + + Quad with no length or that moves a very short distance is degenerate; + it is treated as a point. + + :param skia.Path p1: quad start point + :param skia.Path p2: quad control point + :param skia.Path p3: quad end point + :param bool exact: if true, returns true only if p1, p2, and p3 are + equal; if false, returns true if p1, p2, and p3 are equal or nearly + equal + :return: true if quad is degenerate; its length is effectively zero + """ + @staticmethod + def Line(a: Point, b: Point) -> Path: ... + @staticmethod + def Make( + points: list[Point], + verbs: list[int], + conicWeights: list[float], + fillType: PathFillType, + isVolatile: bool = False, + ) -> Path: + """ + Create a new path with the specified segments. + + The points and weights arrays are read in order, based on the sequence + of verbs. + + Move 1 point + Line 1 point + Quad 2 points + Conic 2 points and 1 weight + Cubic 3 points + Close 0 points + + If an illegal sequence of verbs is encountered, or the specified number + of points or weights is not sufficient given the verbs, an empty Path is + returned. + + A legal sequence of verbs consists of any number of Contours. A contour + always begins with a Move verb, followed by 0 or more segments: Line, + Quad, Conic, Cubic, followed by an optional Close. + """ + @staticmethod + def Oval( + rect: Rect, + pathDirection: PathDirection = ..., + startIndex: int = 0, + ) -> Path: ... + @staticmethod + def Polygon( + points: list[Point], + isClosed: bool, + fillType: PathFillType = ..., + isVolatile: bool = False, + ) -> Path: ... + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def RRect( + rrect: RRect, + pathDirection: PathDirection = ..., + startIndex: int = 0, + ) -> Path: ... + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def RRect( + bounds: Rect, + rx: float, + ry: float, + pathDirection: PathDirection = ..., + ) -> Path: ... + @staticmethod + def Rect( + rect: Rect, + pathDirection: PathDirection = ..., + startIndex: int = 0, + ) -> Path: ... + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: Path) -> bool: + """ + Compares a and b; returns true if :py:class:`Path.FillType`, verb array, + :py:class:`Point` array, and weights are equivalent. + + :param skia.Path other: :py:class:`Path` to compare + :return: true if :py:class:`Path` pair are equivalent + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__(self) -> None: + """ + Constructs an empty :py:class:`Path`. + + By default, :py:class:`Path` has no verbs, no :py:class:`Point`, and no + weights. :py:class:`FillType` is set to kWinding. + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, path: Path) -> None: + """ + Constructs a copy of an existing path. + + Copy constructor makes two paths identical by value. Internally, path + and the returned result share pointer values. The underlying verb array, + :py:class:`Point` array and weights are copied when modified. + + Creating a :py:class:`Path` copy is very efficient and never allocates + memory. :py:class:`Path` are always copied by value from the interface; + the underlying shared pointers are not exposed. + + :path: :py:class:`Path` to copy by value + """ + def __iter__(self) -> Path.Iter: ... + def __ne__(self, other: Path) -> bool: + """ + Compares a and b; returns true if :py:class:`Path.FillType`, verb array, + :py:class:`Point` array, and weights are not equivalent. + + :param skia.Path other: :py:class:`Path` to compare + :return: true if :py:class:`Path` pair are not equivalent + """ + def addArc(self, oval: Rect, startAngle: float, sweepAngle: float) -> Path: + """ + Appends arc to :py:class:`Path`, as the start of new contour. + + Arc added is part of ellipse bounded by oval, from startAngle through + sweepAngle. Both startAngle and sweepAngle are measured in degrees, + where zero degrees is aligned with the positive x-axis, and positive + sweeps extends arc clockwise. + + If sweepAngle <= -360, or sweepAngle >= 360; and startAngle modulo 90 is + nearly zero, append oval instead of arc. Otherwise, sweepAngle values + are treated modulo 360, and arc may or may not draw depending on numeric + rounding. + + :param skia.Rect oval: bounds of ellipse containing arc + :param float startAngle: starting angle of arc in degrees + :param float sweepAngle: sweep, in degrees. Positive is clockwise; + treated modulo 360 + :return: reference to :py:class:`Path` + """ + def addCircle( + self, + x: float, + y: float, + radius: float, + dir: PathDirection = ..., + ) -> Path: + """ + Adds circle centered at (x, y) of size radius to :py:class:`Path`, + appending :py:attr:`PathVerb.kMove`, four :py:attr:`PathVerb.kConic`, + and :py:attr:`PathVerb.kClose`. + + Circle begins at: (x + radius, y), continuing clockwise if dir is + :py:attr:`PathDirection.kCW`, and counterclockwise if dir is + :py:attr:`PathDirection.kCCW`. + + Has no effect if radius is zero or negative. + + :param float x: center of circle + :param float y: center of circle + :param float radius: distance from center to edge + :param skia.PathDirection dir: :py:class:`PathDirection` to wind circle + :rtype: :py:class:`Path` + """ + @typing.overload + def addOval(self, oval: Rect, dir: PathDirection = ...) -> Path: + """ + Adds oval to path, appending :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kMove_Verb`, four + :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kConic_Verb`, and + :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kClose_Verb`. + + Oval is upright ellipse bounded by :py:class:`Rect` oval with radii + equal to half oval width and half oval height. Oval begins at + (oval.fRight, oval.centerY()) and continues clockwise if dir is + :py:attr:`~skia.PathDirection.kCW`, counterclockwise if dir is + :py:attr:`~skia.PathDirection.kCCW`. + + :oval: bounds of ellipse added + :dir: :py:class:`~skia.PathDirection` to wind ellipse + :return: reference to :py:class:`Path` + """ + @typing.overload + def addOval(self, oval: Rect, dir: PathDirection, start: int) -> Path: + """ + Adds oval to path, appending :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kMove_Verb`, four + :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kConic_Verb`, and + :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kClose_Verb`. + + Oval is upright ellipse bounded by :py:class:`Rect` oval with radii + equal to half oval width and half oval height. Oval begins at start and + continues clockwise if dir is kCW_Direction, counterclockwise if dir is + :py:attr:`~skia.PathDirection.kCW`, counterclockwise if dir is + :py:attr:`~skia.PathDirection.kCCW`. + + :oval: bounds of ellipse added + :dir: :py:class:`Path`::Direction to wind ellipse + :start: index of initial point of ellipse + :return: reference to :py:class:`Path` + """ + @typing.overload + def addPath( + self, + src: Path, + dx: float, + dy: float, + mode: Path.AddPathMode = ..., + ) -> Path: + """ + Appends src to :py:class:`Path`, offset by (dx, dy). + + If mode is :py:attr:`~Path.kAppend_AddPathMode`, src verb array, + :py:class:`Point` array, and conic weights are added unaltered. If mode + is :py:attr:`~Path.kExtend_AddPathMode`, add line before appending + verbs, :py:class:`Point`, and conic weights. + + :src: :py:class:`Path` verbs, :py:class:`Point`, and conic weights to + add + :dx: offset added to src :py:class:`Point` array x-axis coordinates + :dy: offset added to src :py:class:`Point` array y-axis coordinates + :mode: :py:attr:`~Path.kAppend_AddPathMode` or + :py:attr:`~Path.kExtend_AddPathMode` + + refe:return: rence to :py:class:`Path` + """ + @typing.overload + def addPath(self, src: Path, mode: Path.AddPathMode = ...) -> Path: + """ + Appends src to :py:class:`Path`. + + If mode is :py:attr:`~Path.kAppend_AddPathMode`, src verb array, + :py:class:`Point` array, and conic weights are added unaltered. If mode + is :py:attr:`~Path.kExtend_AddPathMode`, add line before appending + verbs, :py:class:`Point`, and conic weights. + + :src: :py:class:`Path` verbs, :py:class:`Point`, and conic weights to + add + :mode: :py:attr:`~Path.kAppend_AddPathMode` or + :py:attr:`~Path.kExtend_AddPathMode` + + :return: reference to :py:class:`Path` + """ + @typing.overload + def addPath(self, src: Path, matrix: Matrix, mode: Path.AddPathMode = ...) -> Path: + """ + Appends src to :py:class:`Path`, transformed by matrix. + + Transformed curves may have different verbs, :py:class:`Point`, and + conic weights. + + If mode is :py:attr:`~Path.kAppend_AddPathMode`, src verb array, + :py:class:`Point` array, and conic weights are added unaltered. If mode + is :py:attr:`~Path.kExtend_AddPathMode`, add line before appending + verbs, :py:class:`Point`, and conic weights. + + :src: :py:class:`Path` verbs, :py:class:`Point`, and conic weights to + add + :matrix: transform applied to src + :mode: :py:attr:`~Path.kAppend_AddPathMode` or + :py:attr:`~Path.kExtend_AddPathMode` + + :return: reference to :py:class:`Path` + """ + def addPoly(self, pts: list[Point], close: bool) -> Path: + """ + Adds contour created from pts. + + Contour added starts at pts[0], then adds a line for every additional + :py:class:`Point` in pts. If close is true, appends + :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kClose_Verb` to :py:class:`Path`, connecting last + and first :py:class:`Point` in pts. + + If pts is empty, append :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kMove_Verb` to path. + + :param pts: iterable of :py:class:`Point` + :param close: true to add line connecting contour end and start + :return: reference to :py:class:`Path` + """ + @typing.overload + def addRRect(self, rrect: RRect, dir: PathDirection = ...) -> Path: + """ + Adds rrect to :py:class:`Path`, creating a new closed contour. + + If dir is :py:attr:`~skia.PathDirection.kCW`, rrect starts at top-left + of the lower-left corner and winds clockwise. If dir is + :py:attr:`~skia.PathDirection.kCCW`, rrect starts at the bottom-left of + the upper-left corner and winds counterclockwise. + + After appending, :py:class:`Path` may be empty, or may contain: + :py:class:`Rect`, oval, or :py:class:`RRect`. + + :rrect: bounds and radii of rounded rectangle + :dir: :py:class:`Path`::Direction to wind :py:class:`RRect` + :return: reference to :py:class:`Path` + """ + @typing.overload + def addRRect(self, rrect: RRect, dir: PathDirection, start: int) -> Path: + """ + Adds rrect to :py:class:`Path`, creating a new closed contour. + + If dir is:py:attr:`~skia.PathDirection.kCW`, rrect winds clockwise; if + dir is :py:attr:`~skia.PathDirection.kCCW`, rrect winds + counterclockwise. start determines the first point of rrect to add. + + :rrect: bounds and radii of rounded rectangle + :dir: :py:class:`Path`::Direction to wind :py:class:`RRect` + :start: index of initial point of :py:class:`RRect` + :return: reference to :py:class:`Path` + """ + @typing.overload + def addRect(self, rect: Rect, dir: PathDirection = ...) -> Path: + """ + Adds :py:class:`Rect` to :py:class:`Path`, appending + :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kMove_Verb`, three + :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kLine_Verb`, and :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kClose_Verb`, + starting with top-left corner of :py:class:`Rect`; followed by + top-right, bottom-right, and bottom-left if dir is + :py:attr:`~skia.Direction.kCW`; or followed by bottom-left, + bottom-right, and top-right if dir is :py:attr:`~skia._Direction.kCCW` + + :rect: :py:class:`Rect` to add as a closed contour + :dir: :py:class:`Path`::Direction to wind added contour + :return: reference to :py:class:`Path` + """ + @typing.overload + def addRect(self, rect: Rect, dir: PathDirection, start: int) -> Path: + """ + Adds :py:class:`Rect` to :py:class:`Path`, appending + :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kMove_Verb`, three + :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kLine_Verb`, and k:py:attr:`~skia.Path.Verb.Close`. + + If dir is :py:attr:`~skia.PathDirection.kCW`, :py:class:`Rect` corners + are added clockwise; if dir is :py:attr:`~skia.PathDirection.kCCW`, + :py:class:`Rect` corners are added counterclockwise. start determines + the first corner added. + + :rect: :py:class:`Rect` to add as a closed contour + :dir: :py:class:`Path`::Direction to wind added contour + :start: initial corner of :py:class:`Rect` to add + + :return: reference to :py:class:`Path` + """ + @typing.overload + def addRect( + self, + left: float, + top: float, + right: float, + bottom: float, + dir: PathDirection = ..., + ) -> Path: + """ + Adds :py:class:`Rect` (left, top, right, bottom) to :py:class:`Path`, + appending :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kMove_Verb`, three + :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kLine_Verb`, and :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kClose_Verb`, + starting with top-left corner of :py:class:`Rect`; followed by + top-right, bottom-right, and bottom-left if dir is + :py:attr:`~skia.PathDirection.kCW`; or followed by bottom-left, + bottom-right, and top-right if dir is + :py:attr:`~skia.PathDirection.kCCW`. + + :left: smaller x-axis value of :py:class:`Rect` + :top: smaller y-axis value of :py:class:`Rect` + :right: larger x-axis value of :py:class:`Rect` + :bottom: larger y-axis value of :py:class:`Rect` + :dir: :py:class:`Path`::Direction to wind added contour + + :return: reference to :py:class:`Path` + """ + @typing.overload + def addRoundRect( + self, + rect: Rect, + rx: float, + ry: float, + dir: PathDirection = ..., + ) -> Path: + """ + Appends :py:class:`RRect` to :py:class:`Path`, creating a new closed + contour. + + :py:class:`RRect` has bounds equal to rect; each corner is 90 degrees of + an ellipse with radii (rx, ry). If dir is + :py:attr:`~skia.PathDirection.kCW`, :py:class:`RRect` starts at top-left + of the lower-left corner and winds clockwise. If dir is + :py:attr:`~skia.PathDirection.kCCW`, :py:class:`RRect` starts at the + bottom-left of the upper-left corner and winds counterclockwise. + + If either rx or ry is too large, rx and ry are scaled uniformly until + the corners fit. If rx or ry is less than or equal to zero, + :py:meth:`addRoundRect` appends :py:class:`Rect` rect to + :py:class:`Path`. + + After appending, :py:class:`Path` may be empty, or may contain: + :py:class:`Rect`, oval, or :py:class:`RRect`. + + :rect: bounds of :py:class:`RRect` + :rx: x-axis radius of rounded corners on the :py:class:`RRect` + :ry: y-axis radius of rounded corners on the :py:class:`RRect` + :dir: :py:class:`Path`::Direction to wind :py:class:`RRect` + :return: reference to :py:class:`Path` + """ + @typing.overload + def addRoundRect( + self, + rect: Rect, + radii: typing.Iterable, + dir: PathDirection = ..., + ) -> Path: + """ + Appends :py:class:`RRect` to :py:class:`Path`, creating a new closed + contour. + + :py:class:`RRect` has bounds equal to rect; each corner is 90 degrees of + an ellipse with radii from the array. + + :rect: bounds of :py:class:`RRect` + :radii: array of 8 :py:class:`Scalar` values, a radius pair for each + corner + :dir: :py:class:`Path`::Direction to wind :py:class:`RRect` + :Returns: reference to :py:class:`Path` + """ + def approximateBytesUsed(self) -> int: + """ + Returns the approximate byte size of the SkPath in memory. + + :return: approximate size + """ + @typing.overload + def arcTo( + self, + oval: Rect, + startAngle: float, + sweepAngle: float, + forceMoveTo: bool, + ) -> Path: + """ + Appends arc to :py:class:`Path`. + + Arc added is part of ellipse bounded by oval, from startAngle through + sweepAngle. Both startAngle and sweepAngle are measured in degrees, + where zero degrees is aligned with the positive x-axis, and positive + sweeps extends arc clockwise. + + :py:meth:`arcTo` adds line connecting :py:class:`Path` last + :py:class:`Point` to initial arc :py:class:`Point` if forceMoveTo is + false and :py:class:`Path` is not empty. Otherwise, added contour begins + with first point of arc. Angles greater than -360 and less than 360 are + treated modulo 360. + + :oval: bounds of ellipse containing arc + :startAngle: starting angle of arc in degrees + :sweepAngle: sweep, in degrees. Positive is clockwise; treated modulo + 360 + :forceMoveTo: true to start a new contour with arc + :return: reference to :py:class:`Path` + """ + @typing.overload + def arcTo(self, x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float, radius: float) -> Path: + """ + Appends arc to :py:class:`Path`, after appending line if needed. + + Arc is implemented by conic weighted to describe part of circle. Arc is + contained by tangent from last :py:class:`Path` point to (x1, y1), and + tangent from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2). Arc is part of circle sized to + radius, positioned so it touches both tangent lines. + + If last Path Point does not start Arc, :py:meth:`arcTo` appends + connecting Line to Path. The length of Vector from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2) + does not affect Arc. + + Arc sweep is always less than 180 degrees. If radius is zero, or if + tangents are nearly parallel, :py:meth:`arcTo` appends Line from last + Path Point to (x1, y1). + + :py:meth:`arcTo` appends at most one Line and one conic. + :py:meth:`arcTo` implements the functionality of PostScript arct and + HTML Canvas arcTo. + + :x1: x-axis value common to pair of tangents + :y1: y-axis value common to pair of tangents + :x2: x-axis value end of second tangent + :y2: y-axis value end of second tangent + :radius: distance from arc to circle center + :return: reference to :py:class:`Path` + """ + @typing.overload + def arcTo(self, p1: Point, p2: Point, radius: float) -> Path: + """ + Appends arc to :py:class:`Path`, after appending line if needed. + + Arc is implemented by conic weighted to describe part of circle. Arc is + contained by tangent from last :py:class:`Path` point to p1, and tangent + from p1 to p2. Arc is part of circle sized to radius, positioned so it + touches both tangent lines. + + If last :py:class:`Path` :py:class:`Point` does not start arc, + :py:meth:`arcTo` appends connecting line to :py:class:`Path`. The length + of vector from p1 to p2 does not affect arc. + + Arc sweep is always less than 180 degrees. If radius is zero, or if + tangents are nearly parallel, :py:meth:`arcTo` appends line from last + :py:class:`Path` :py:class:`Point` to p1. + + :py:meth:`arcTo` appends at most one line and one conic. + :py:meth:`arcTo` implements the functionality of PostScript arct and + HTML Canvas arcTo. + + :p1: :py:class:`Point` common to pair of tangents + :p2: end of second tangent + :radius: distance from arc to circle center + :return: reference to :py:class:`Path` + """ + @typing.overload + def arcTo( + self, + rx: float, + ry: float, + xAxisRotate: float, + largeArc: Path.ArcSize, + sweep: PathDirection, + x: float, + y: float, + ) -> Path: + """ + Appends arc to :py:class:`Path`. + + Arc is implemented by one or more conics weighted to describe part of + oval with radii (rx, ry) rotated by xAxisRotate degrees. Arc curves from + last :py:class:`Path` :py:class:`Point` to (x, y), choosing one of four + possible routes: clockwise or counterclockwise, and smaller or larger. + + Arc sweep is always less than 360 degrees. :py:meth:`arcTo` appends line + to (x, y) if either radii are zero, or if last :py:class:`Path` + :py:class:`Point` equals (x, y). :py:meth:`arcTo` scales radii (rx, ry) + to fit last :py:class:`Path` :py:class:`Point` and (x, y) if both are + greater than zero but too small. + + :py:meth:`arcTo` appends up to four conic curves. :py:meth:`arcTo` + implements the functionality of SVG arc, although SVG sweep-flag value + is opposite the integer value of sweep; SVG sweep-flag uses 1 for + clockwise, while :py:attr:`~skia.PathDirection.kCW` cast to int is zero. + + :rx: radius on x-axis before x-axis rotation + :ry: radius on y-axis before x-axis rotation + :xAxisRotate: x-axis rotation in degrees; positive values are clockwise + :largeArc: chooses smaller or larger arc + :sweep: chooses clockwise or counterclockwise arc + :x: end of arc + :y: end of arc + :return: reference to :py:class:`Path` + """ + @typing.overload + def arcTo( + self, + r: Point, + xAxisRotate: float, + largeArc: Path.ArcSize, + sweep: PathDirection, + xy: Point, + ) -> Path: + """ + Appends arc to :py:class:`Path`. + + Arc is implemented by one or more conic weighted to describe part of + oval with radii (r.fX, r.fY) rotated by xAxisRotate degrees. Arc curves + from last :py:class:`Path` :py:class:`Point` to (xy.fX, xy.fY), choosing + one of four possible routes: clockwise or counterclockwise, and smaller + or larger. + + Arc sweep is always less than 360 degrees. :py:meth:`arcTo` appends line + to xy if either radii are zero, or if last :py:class:`Path` + :py:class:`Point` equals (xy.fX, xy.fY). :py:meth:`arcTo` scales radii r + to fit last :py:class:`Path` :py:class:`Point` and xy if both are + greater than zero but too small to describe an arc. + + :py:meth:`arcTo` appends up to four conic curves. :py:meth:`arcTo` + implements the functionality of SVG arc, although SVG sweep-flag value + is opposite the integer value of sweep; SVG sweep-flag uses 1 for + clockwise, while :py:attr:`~skia.PathDirection.kCW` cast to int is zero. + + :r: radii on axes before x-axis rotation + :xAxisRotate: x-axis rotation in degrees; positive values are clockwise + :largeArc: chooses smaller or larger arc + :sweep: chooses clockwise or counterclockwise arc + :xy: end of arc + :return: reference to :py:class:`Path` + """ + def close(self) -> Path: + """ + Appends :py:attr:`Path.Verb.kClose` to :py:class:`Path`. + + A closed contour connects the first and last :py:class:`Point` with + line, forming a continuous loop. Open and closed contour draw the same + with :py:attr:`Paint.kFill_Style`. With :py:attr:`Paint.kStroke_Style`, + open contour draws :py:class:`Paint.Cap` at contour start and end; + closed contour draws :py:class:`Paint.Join` at contour start and end. + + :py:meth:`close` has no effect if :py:class:`Path` is empty or last + :py:class:`Path` :py:class:`~Path.Verb` is :py:attr:`Path.Verb.kClose`. + + :return: reference to :py:class:`Path` + """ + def computeTightBounds(self) -> Rect: + """ + Returns minimum and maximum axes values of the lines and curves in + :py:class:`Path`. + + Returns (0, 0, 0, 0) if :py:class:`Path` contains no points. Returned + bounds width and height may be larger or smaller than area affected when + :py:class:`Path` is drawn. + + Includes :py:class:`Point` associated with kMove_Verb that define empty + contours. + + Behaves identically to :py:meth:`getBounds` when :py:class:`Path` + contains only lines. If :py:class:`Path` contains curves, computed + bounds includes the maximum extent of the quad, conic, or cubic; is + slower than :py:meth:`getBounds`; and unlike :py:meth:`getBounds`, does + not cache the result. + + :return: tight bounds of curves in :py:class:`Path` + """ + @typing.overload + def conicTo(self, x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float, w: float) -> Path: + """ + Adds conic from last point towards (x1, y1), to (x2, y2), weighted by w. + + If :py:class:`Path` is empty, or last :py:class:`Path.Verb` is + :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kClose_Verb`, last point is set to (0, 0) before + adding conic. + + Appends :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kMove_Verb` to verb array and (0, 0) to + :py:class:`Point` array, if needed. + + If w is finite and not one, appends :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kConic_Verb` to + verb array; and (x1, y1), (x2, y2) to :py:class:`Point` array; and w to + conic weights. + + If w is one, appends :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kQuad_Verb` to verb array, and + (x1, y1), (x2, y2) to :py:class:`Point` array. + + If w is not finite, appends :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kLine_Verb` twice to + verb array, and (x1, y1), (x2, y2) to :py:class:`Point` array. + + :x1: control :py:class:`Point` of conic on x-axis + :y1: control :py:class:`Point` of conic on y-axis + :x2: end :py:class:`Point` of conic on x-axis + :y2: end :py:class:`Point` of conic on y-axis + :w: weight of added conic + + :return: reference to :py:class:`Path` + """ + @typing.overload + def conicTo(self, p1: Point, p2: Point, w: float) -> Path: + """ + Adds conic from last point towards :py:class:`Point` p1, to + :py:class:`Point` p2, weighted by w. + + If :py:class:`Path` is empty, or last :py:class:`Path.Verb` is + :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kClose_Verb`, last point is set to (0, 0) before + adding conic. + + Appends :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kMove_Verb` to verb array and (0, 0) to + :py:class:`Point` array, if needed. + + If w is finite and not one, appends :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kConic_Verb` to + verb array; and :py:class:`Point` p1, p2 to :py:class:`Point` array; and + w to conic weights. + + If w is one, appends :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kQuad_Verb` to verb array, and + :py:class:`Point` p1, p2 to :py:class:`Point` array. + + If w is not finite, appends :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kLine_Verb` twice to + verb array, and :py:class:`Point` p1, p2 to :py:class:`Point` array. + + :p1: control :py:class:`Point` of added conic + :p2: end :py:class:`Point` of added conic + :w: weight of added conic + :return: reference to :py:class:`Path` + """ + def conservativelyContainsRect(self, rect: Rect) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if rect is contained by :py:class:`Path`. + + May return false when rect is contained by :py:class:`Path`. + + For now, only returns true if :py:class:`Path` has one contour and is + convex. rect may share points and edges with :py:class:`Path` and be + contained. Returns true if rect is empty, that is, it has zero width or + height; and the :py:class:`Point` or line described by rect is contained + by :py:class:`Path`. + + :param skia.Rect rect: :py:class:`Rect`, line, or :py:class:`Point` + checked for containment + :return: true if rect is contained + """ + def contains(self, x: float, y: float) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if the point (x, y) is contained by :py:class:`Path`, + taking into account FillType. + + :param float x: x-axis value of containment test + :param float y: y-axis value of containment test + :return: true if :py:class:`Point` is in :py:class:`Path` + """ + def countPoints(self) -> int: + """ + Returns the number of points in :py:class:`Path`. + + :py:class:`Point` count is initially zero. + + :return: :py:class:`Path` :py:class:`Point` array length + """ + def countVerbs(self) -> int: + """ + Returns the number of verbs: :py:attr:`~Path.kMove_Verb`, + :py:attr:`~Path.kLine_Verb`, :py:attr:`~Path.kQuad_Verb`, + :py:attr:`~Path.kConic_Verb`, :py:attr:`~Path.kCubic_Verb`, and + :py:attr:`~Path.kClose_Verb`; added to :py:class:`Path`. + + :return: length of verb array + """ + @typing.overload + def cubicTo( + self, + x1: float, + y1: float, + x2: float, + y2: float, + x3: float, + y3: float, + ) -> Path: + """ + Adds cubic from last point towards (x1, y1), then towards (x2, y2), + ending at (x3, y3). + + If :py:class:`Path` is empty, or last :py:class:`Path.Verb` is + :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kClose_Verb`, last point is set to (0, 0) before + adding cubic. + + Appends :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kMove_Verb` to verb array and (0, 0) to + :py:class:`Point` array, if needed; then appends + :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kCubic_Verb` to verb array; and (x1, y1), (x2, y2), + (x3, y3) to :py:class:`Point` array. + + :x1: first control :py:class:`Point` of cubic on x-axis + :y1: first control :py:class:`Point` of cubic on y-axis + :x2: second control :py:class:`Point` of cubic on x-axis + :y2: second control :py:class:`Point` of cubic on y-axis + :x3: end :py:class:`Point` of cubic on x-axis + :y3: end :py:class:`Point` of cubic on y-axis + :return: reference to :py:class:`Path` + """ + @typing.overload + def cubicTo(self, p1: Point, p2: Point, p3: Point) -> Path: + """ + Adds cubic from last point towards :py:class:`Point` p1, then towards + :py:class:`Point` p2, ending at :py:class:`Point` p3. + + If :py:class:`Path` is empty, or last :py:class:`Path.Verb` is + :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kClose_Verb`, last point is set to (0, 0) before + adding cubic. + + Appends :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kMove_Verb` to verb array and (0, 0) to + :py:class:`Point` array, if needed; then appends + :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kCubic_Verb` to verb array; and :py:class:`Point` + p1, p2, p3 to :py:class:`Point` array. + + :p1: first control :py:class:`Point` of cubic + :p2: second control :py:class:`Point` of cubic + :p3: end :py:class:`Point` of cubic + :return: reference to :py:class:`Path` + """ + @typing.overload + def dump(self, stream: WStream, dumpAsHex: bool) -> None: + """ + Writes text representation of :py:class:`Path` to stream. + + If stream is nullptr, writes to standard output. Set forceClose to true + to get edges used to fill :py:class:`Path`. Set dumpAsHex true to + generate exact binary representations of floating point numbers used in + :py:class:`Point` array and conic weights. + + :stream: writable :py:class:`WStream` receiving :py:class:`Path` text + representation; may be nullptr + :dumpAsHex: true if :py:class:`Scalar` values are written as hexadecimal + """ + @typing.overload + def dump(self) -> None: + """ + Writes text representation of :py:class:`Path` to standard output. + + The representation may be directly compiled as C++ code. Floating point + values are written with limited precision; it may not be possible to + reconstruct original :py:class:`Path` from output. + """ + def dumpHex(self) -> None: + """ + Writes text representation of :py:class:`Path` to standard output. + + The representation may be directly compiled as C++ code. Floating point + values are written in hexadecimal to preserve their exact bit pattern. + The output reconstructs the original :py:class:`Path`. + + Use instead of :py:meth:`dump` when submitting + """ + def getBounds(self) -> Rect: + """ + Returns minimum and maximum axes values of :py:class:`Point` array. + + Returns (0, 0, 0, 0) if :py:class:`Path` contains no points. Returned + bounds width and height may be larger or smaller than area affected when + :py:class:`Path` is drawn. + + :py:class:`Rect` returned includes all :py:class:`Point` added to + :py:class:`Path`, including :py:class:`Point` associated with + :py:attr:`~Path.kMove_Verb` that define empty contours. + + :return: bounds of all :py:class:`Point` in :py:class:`Point` array + """ + def getFillType(self) -> PathFillType: + """ + Returns :py:class:`PathFillType`, the rule used to fill + :py:class:`Path`. + + :return: current :py:class:`PathFillType` setting + """ + def getGenerationID(self) -> int: + """ + (See Skia bug 1762.) Returns a non-zero, globally unique value. + + A different value is returned if verb array, :py:class:`Point` array, or + conic weight changes. + + Setting :py:class:`Path.FillType` does not change generation identifier. + + Each time the path is modified, a different generation identifier will + be returned. :py:class:`Path.FillType` does affect generation identifier + on Android framework. + + :return: non-zero, globally unique value + """ + def getLastPt(self, lastPt: Point | None = None) -> bool: + """ + Returns last point on :py:class:`Path` in lastPt. + + Returns false if :py:class:`Point` array is empty, storing (0, 0) if + lastPt is not nullptr. + + :param skia.Point lastPt: storage for final :py:class:`Point` in + :py:class:`Point` array; may be nullptr + :return: true if :py:class:`Point` array contains one or more + :py:class:`Point` + """ + def getPoint(self, index: int) -> Point: + """ + Returns :py:class:`Point` at index in :py:class:`Point` array. + + Valid range for index is 0 to countPoints() - 1. Returns (0, 0) if index + is out of range. + + :param skia.Point index: :py:class:`Point` array element selector + :return: :py:class:`Point` array value or (0, 0) + """ + def getPoints(self, max: int = 0) -> list[Point]: + """ + Returns number of points in :py:class:`Path`. + + Up to max points are copied. If max is greater than number of points, + excess points storage is removed. If max is zero, calls + :py:meth:`countPoints` to get max. + + :param int max: maximum to copy; must be greater than or equal to zero + :return: List of :py:class:`skia.Point` + :rtype: List[skia.Point] + """ + def getSegmentMasks(self) -> int: + """ + Returns a mask, where each set bit corresponds to a + :py:class:`~Path.SegmentMask` constant if :py:class:`Path` contains one + or more verbs of that type. + + Returns zero if :py:class:`Path` contains no lines, or curves: quads, + conics, or cubics. + + :py:meth:`getSegmentMasks` returns a cached result; it is very fast. + + :return: SegmentMask bits or zero + """ + def getVerbs(self, max: int = 0) -> list[Path.Verb]: + """ + Returns verbs in the path. + + Up to max verbs are copied. The verbs are copied as one byte per verb. + + :param int max: maximum number to copy into verbs + :return: List of :py:class:`skia.Path.Verb` + :rtype: List[skia.Path.Verb] + """ + def incReserve( + self, + extraPtCount: int, + extraVerbCount: int = 0, + extraConicCount: int = 0, + ) -> None: + """ + Grows :py:class:`Path` verb array, :py:class:`Point` array and comics to contain + extraPtCount additional :py:class:`Point`. + + May improve performance and use less memory by reducing the number and + size of allocations when creating :py:class:`Path`. + + :param int extraPtCount: number of additional :py:class:`Point` to + allocate + :param int extraVerbCount: number of additional verbs + :param int extraConicCount: number of additional conics + """ + def interpolate(self, ending: Path, weight: float, out: Path) -> bool: + """ + Interpolates between :py:class:`Path` with :py:class:`Point` array of + equal size. + + Copy verb array and weights to out, and set out :py:class:`Point` array + to a weighted average of this :py:class:`Point` array and ending + :py:class:`Point` array, using the formula: + `(Path Point * weight) + ending Point * (1 - weight)`. + + weight is most useful when between zero (ending :py:class:`Point` array) + and one (this Point_Array); will work with values outside of this range. + + :py:meth:`interpolate` returns false and leaves out unchanged if + :py:class:`Point` array is not the same size as ending + :py:class:`Point` array. Call :py:meth:`isInterpolatable` to check + :py:class:`Path` compatibility prior to calling :py:meth:`interpolate`. + + :param skia.Path ending: :py:class:`Point` array averaged with this + :py:class:`Point` array + :param float weight: contribution of this :py:class:`Point` array, and + one minus contribution of ending :py:class:`Point` array + :param skia.Path out: :py:class:`Path` replaced by interpolated averages + + :return: true if :py:class:`Path` contain same number of + :py:class:`Point` + """ + def isConvex(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if the path is convex. + + If necessary, it will first compute the convexity. + """ + def isEmpty(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns if :py:class:`Path` is empty. + + Empty :py:class:`Path` may have FillType but has no :py:class:`Point`, + :py:class:`Path.Verb`, or conic weight. :py:class:`Path`() constructs + empty :py:class:`Path`; :py:meth:`reset` and :py:meth:`rewind` make + :py:class:`Path` empty. + + :return: true if the path contains no :py:class:`Path.Verb` array + """ + def isFinite(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true for finite :py:class:`Point` array values between negative + SK_ScalarMax and positive SK_ScalarMax. + + Returns false for any :py:class:`Point` array value of + SK_ScalarInfinity, SK_ScalarNegativeInfinity, or SK_ScalarNaN. + + :return: true if all :py:class:`Point` values are finite + """ + def isInterpolatable(self, compare: Path) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if :py:class:`Path` contain equal verbs and equal weights. + + If :py:class:`Path` contain one or more conics, the weights must match. + + :py:meth:`conicTo` may add different verbs depending on conic weight, so + it is not trivial to interpolate a pair of :py:class:`Path` containing + conics with different conic weight values. + + :param skia.Path compare: :py:class:`Path` to compare + :return: true if :py:class:`Path` verb array and weights are equivalent + """ + def isInverseFillType(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns if FillType describes area outside :py:class:`Path` geometry. + + The inverse fill area extends indefinitely. + + :return: true if FillType is + :py:attr:`~skia.PathFillType.kInverseWinding` or + :py:attr:`~skia.PathFillType.kInverseEvenOdd` + """ + def isLastContourClosed(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns if contour is closed. + + Contour is closed if :py:class:`Path` :py:class:`~skia.Path.Verb` array + was last modified by :py:meth:`close`. When stroked, closed contour + draws :py:class:`~skia.Paint.Join` instead of + :py:class:`~skia.Paint.Cap` at first and last :py:class:`Point`. + + :return: true if the last contour ends with a + :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kClose_Verb` + """ + def isLine(self, p0: Point | None = None, p1: Point | None = None) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if :py:class:`Path` contains only one line; + :py:class:`~skia.Path.Verb` array has two entries: + :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kMove_Verb`, :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kLine_Verb`. + + If :py:class:`Path` contains one line and line is not nullptr, line is + set to line start point and line end point. Returns false if + :py:class:`Path` is not one line; line is unaltered. + + :param skia.Point p0: storage for line start. May be nullptr + :param skia.Point p1: storage for line end. May be nullptr + :return: true if :py:class:`Path` contains exactly one line + """ + def isOval(self, oval: Rect | None = None) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if this path is recognized as an oval or circle. + + bounds receives bounds of oval. + + bounds is unmodified if oval is not found. + + :param skia.Rect bounds: storage for bounding :py:class:`Rect` of oval; + may be nullptr + :return: true if :py:class:`Path` is recognized as an oval or circle + """ + def isRRect(self, rrect: RRect | None = None) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if path is representable as :py:class:`RRect`. + + Returns false if path is representable as oval, circle, or + :py:class:`Rect`. + + rrect receives bounds of :py:class:`RRect`. + + rrect is unmodified if :py:class:`RRect` is not found. + + :param skia.RRect rrect: storage for bounding :py:class:`Rect` of + :py:class:`RRect`; may be nullptr + :return: true if :py:class:`Path` contains only :py:class:`RRect` + """ + def isRect( + self, + rect: Rect | None = None, + isClosed: bool | None = None, + direction: PathDirection | None = None, + ) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if :py:class:`Path` is equivalent to :py:class:`Rect` when + filled. + + If false: rect, isClosed, and direction are unchanged. If true: rect, + isClosed, and direction are written to if not nullptr. + + rect may be smaller than the :py:class:`Path` bounds. :py:class:`Path` + bounds may include :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kMove_Verb` points that do not + alter the area drawn by the returned rect. + + :param rect: storage for bounds of :py:class:`Rect`; may be nullptr + :param isClosed: storage set to true if :py:class:`Path` is closed; may + be nullptr + :param direction: storage set to :py:class:`Rect` direction; may be + nullptr + :return: true if :py:class:`Path` contains :py:class:`Rect` + """ + def isValid(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns if :py:class:`Path` data is consistent. + + Corrupt :py:class:`Path` data is detected if internal values are out of + range or internal storage does not match array dimensions. + + :return: true if :py:class:`Path` data is consistent + """ + def isVolatile(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if the path is volatile; it will not be altered or + discarded by the caller after it is drawn. + + :py:class:`Path` by default have volatile set false, allowing + :py:class:`Surface` to attach a cache of data which speeds repeated + drawing. If true, :py:class:`Surface` may not speed repeated drawing. + + :return: true if caller will alter :py:class:`Path` after drawing + """ + @typing.overload + def lineTo(self, x: float, y: float) -> Path: + """ + Adds line from last point to (x, y). + + If :py:class:`Path` is empty, or last :py:class:`~Path.Verb` is + :py:attr:`~Path.kClose_Verb`, last point is set to (0, 0) before adding + line. + + lineTo() appends :py:attr:`~Path.kMove_Verb` to verb array and (0, 0) to + :py:class:`Point` array, if needed. lineTo() then appends + :py:attr:`~Path.kLine_Verb` to verb array and (x, y) to + :py:class:`Point` array. + + :x: end of added line on x-axis + :y: end of added line on y-axis + :return: reference to :py:class:`Path` + """ + @typing.overload + def lineTo(self, p: Point) -> Path: + """ + Adds line from last point to :py:class:`Point` p. + + If :py:class:`Path` is empty, or last :py:class:`~Path.Verb` is + :py:attr:`~Path.kClose_Verb`, last point is set to (0, 0) before adding + line. + + lineTo() appends :py:attr:`~Path.kMove_Verb` to verb array and (0, 0) to + :py:class:`Point` array, if needed. lineTo() then appends + :py:attr:`~Path.kLine_Verb` to verb array and p to :py:class:`Point` + array. + + :p: end :py:class:`Point` of added line + :return: reference to :py:class:`Path` + """ + @typing.overload + def moveTo(self, x: float, y: float) -> Path: + """ + Adds beginning of contour at :py:class:`Point` (x, y). + + :x: x-axis value of contour start + :y: y-axis value of contour start + :return: reference to :py:class:`Path` + """ + @typing.overload + def moveTo(self, p: Point) -> Path: + """ + Adds beginning of contour at :py:class:`Point` p. + + :p: contour start + :return: reference to :py:class:`Path` + """ + def offset(self, dx: float, dy: float, dst: Path | None = None) -> None: + """ + Offsets :py:class:`Point` array by (dx, dy). + + Offset :py:class:`Path` replaces dst. If dst is nullptr, + :py:class:`Path` is replaced by offset data. + + :param float dx: offset added to :py:class:`Point` array x-axis + coordinates + :param float dy: offset added to :py:class:`Point` array y-axis + coordinates + :param skia.Path dst: overwritten, translated copy of :py:class:`Path`; + may be nullptr + """ + @typing.overload + def quadTo(self, x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float) -> Path: + """ + Adds quad from last point towards (x1, y1), to (x2, y2). + + If :py:class:`Path` is empty, or last :py:class:`Path.Verb` is + :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kClose_Verb`, last point is set to (0, 0) before + adding quad. + + Appends :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kMove_Verb` to verb array and (0, 0) to + :py:class:`Point` array, if needed; then appends + :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kQuad_Verb` to verb array; and (x1, y1), (x2, y2) + to :py:class:`Point` array. + + :x1: control :py:class:`Point` of quad on x-axis + :y1: control :py:class:`Point` of quad on y-axis + :x2: end :py:class:`Point` of quad on x-axis + :y2: end :py:class:`Point` of quad on y-axis + + :return: reference to :py:class:`Path` + """ + @typing.overload + def quadTo(self, p1: Point, p2: Point) -> Path: + """ + Adds quad from last point towards :py:class:`Point` p1, to + :py:class:`Point` p2. + + If :py:class:`Path` is empty, or last :py:class:`Path.Verb` is + :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kClose_Verb`, last point is set to (0, 0) before + adding quad. + + Appends :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kMove_Verb` to verb array and (0, 0) to + :py:class:`Point` array, if needed; then appends + :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kQuad_Verb` to verb array; and :py:class:`Point` + p1, p2 to :py:class:`Point` array. + + :p1: control :py:class:`Point` of added quad + :p2: end :py:class:`Point` of added quad + + :return: reference to :py:class:`Path` + """ + def rArcTo( + self, + rx: float, + ry: float, + xAxisRotate: float, + largeArc: Path.ArcSize, + sweep: PathDirection, + dx: float, + dy: float, + ) -> Path: + """ + Appends arc to :py:class:`Path`, relative to last :py:class:`Path` + :py:class:`Point`. + + Arc is implemented by one or more conic, weighted to describe part of + oval with radii (rx, ry) rotated by xAxisRotate degrees. Arc curves from + last :py:class:`Path` :py:class:`Point` to relative end + :py:class:`Point`: (dx, dy), choosing one of four possible routes: + clockwise or counterclockwise, and smaller or larger. If + :py:class:`Path` is empty, the start arc :py:class:`Point` is (0, 0). + + Arc sweep is always less than 360 degrees. :py:meth:`arcTo` appends line + to end :py:class:`Point` if either radii are zero, or if last + :py:class:`Path` :py:class:`Point` equals end :py:class:`Point`. + :py:meth:`arcTo` scales radii (rx, ry) to fit last :py:class:`Path` + :py:class:`Point` and end :py:class:`Point` if both are greater than + zero but too small to describe an arc. + + :py:meth:`arcTo` appends up to four conic curves. :py:meth:`arcTo` + implements the functionality of svg arc, although SVG "sweep-flag" value + is opposite the integer value of sweep; SVG "sweep-flag" uses 1 for + clockwise, while :py:attr:`~skia.PathDirection.kCW` cast to int is zero. + + :param float rx: radius before x-axis rotation + :param float ry: radius before x-axis rotation + :param float xAxisRotate: x-axis rotation in degrees; positive values + are clockwise + :param skia.ArcSize largeArc: chooses smaller or larger arc + :param skia.PathDirection sweep: chooses clockwise or counterclockwise + arc + :param float dx: x-axis offset end of arc from last :py:class:`Path` + :py:class:`Point` + :param float dy: y-axis offset end of arc from last :py:class:`Path` + :py:class:`Point` + :return: reference to :py:class:`Path` + """ + def rConicTo( + self, + dx1: float, + dy1: float, + dx2: float, + dy2: float, + w: float, + ) -> Path: + """ + Adds conic from last point towards vector (dx1, dy1), to vector (dx2, + dy2), weighted by w. + + If :py:class:`Path` is empty, or last :py:class:`Path`::Verb is + :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kClose_Verb`, last point is set to (0, 0) before + adding conic. + + Appends :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kMove_Verb` to verb array and (0, 0) to + :py:class:`Point` array, if needed. + + If w is finite and not one, next appends + :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kConic_Verb` to verb array, and w is recorded as + conic weight; otherwise, if w is one, appends + :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kQuad_Verb` to verb array; or if w is not finite, + appends :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kLine_Verb` twice to verb array. + + In all cases appends :py:class:`Point` control and end to + :py:class:`Point` array. control is last point plus vector (dx1, dy1). + end is last point plus vector (dx2, dy2). + + Function name stands for "relative conic to". + + :param float dx1: offset from last point to conic control on x-axis + :param float dy1: offset from last point to conic control on y-axis + :param float dx2: offset from last point to conic end on x-axis + :param float dy2: offset from last point to conic end on y-axis + :param float w: weight of added conic + :return: reference to :py:class:`Path` + """ + def rCubicTo( + self, + dx1: float, + dy1: float, + dx2: float, + dy2: float, + dx3: float, + dy3: float, + ) -> Path: + """ + Adds cubic from last point towards vector (dx1, dy1), then towards + vector (dx2, dy2), to vector (dx3, dy3). + + If :py:class:`Path` is empty, or last :py:class:`Path.Verb` is + :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kClose_Verb`, last point is set to (0, 0) before + adding cubic. + + Appends :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kMove_Verb` to verb array and (0, 0) to + :py:class:`Point` array, if needed; then appends + :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kCubic_Verb` to verb array; and appends cubic + control and cubic end to :py:class:`Point` array. Cubic control is last + point plus vector (dx1, dy1). Cubic end is last point plus vector (dx2, + dy2). Function name stands for "relative cubic to". + + :param float dx1: offset from last point to first cubic control on + x-axis + :param float dy1: offset from last point to first cubic control on + y-axis + :param float dx2: offset from last point to second cubic control on + x-axis + :param float dy2: offset from last point to second cubic control on + y-axis + :param float dx3: offset from last point to cubic end on x-axis + :param float dy3: offset from last point to cubic end on y-axis + :return: reference to :py:class:`Path` + """ + def rLineTo(self, dx: float, dy: float) -> Path: + """ + Adds line from last point to vector (dx, dy). + + If :py:class:`Path` is empty, or last :py:class:`~Path.Verb` is + :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kClose_Verb`, last point is set to (0, 0) before + adding line. + + Appends :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kMove_Verb` to verb array and (0, 0) to + :py:class:`Point` array, if needed; then appends + :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kLine_Verb` to verb array and line end to + :py:class:`Point` array. Line end is last point plus vector (dx, dy). + Function name stands for "relative line to". + + :param float dx: offset from last point to line end on x-axis + :param float dy: offset from last point to line end on y-axis + :return: reference to :py:class:`Path` + """ + def rMoveTo(self, dx: float, dy: float) -> Path: + """ + Adds beginning of contour relative to last point. + + If :py:class:`Path` is empty, starts contour at (dx, dy). Otherwise, + start contour at last point offset by (dx, dy). Function name stands for + "relative move to". + + :param int dx: offset from last point to contour start on x-axis + :param int dy: offset from last point to contour start on y-axis + :return: reference to :py:class:`Path` + """ + def rQuadTo(self, dx1: float, dy1: float, dx2: float, dy2: float) -> Path: + """ + Adds quad from last point towards vector (dx1, dy1), to vector (dx2, + dy2). + + If :py:class:`Path` is empty, or last :py:class:`~Path.Verb` is + :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kClose_Verb`, last point is set to (0, 0) before + adding quad. + + Appends :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kMove_Verb` to verb array and (0, 0) to + :py:class:`Point` array, if needed; then appends + :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kQuad_Verb` to verb array;and appends quad control + and quad end to :py:class:`Point` array. Quad control is last point plus + vector (dx1, dy1). Quad end is last point plus vector (dx2, dy2). + Function name stands for "relative quad to". + + :param float dx1: offset from last point to quad control on x-axis + :param float dy1: offset from last point to quad control on y-axis + :param float dx2: offset from last point to quad end on x-axis + :param float dy2: offset from last point to quad end on y-axis + :return: reference to :py:class:`Path` + """ + def readFromMemory(self, buffer: typing_extensions.Buffer) -> int: + """ + Initializes :py:class:`Path` from buffer of size length. + + Returns zero if the buffer is data is inconsistent, or the length is too + small. + + Reads :py:class:`Path.FillType`, verb array, :py:class:`Point` array, + conic weight, and additionally reads computed information like + :py:class:`Path.Convexity` and bounds. + + Used only in concert with :py:meth:`writeToMemory`; the format used for + :py:class:`Path` in memory is not guaranteed. + + :param Union[bytes,bytearray,memoryview] buffer: storage for + :py:class:`Path` + :return: number of bytes read, or zero on failure + """ + def reset(self) -> Path: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Path` to its initial state. + + Removes verb array, :py:class:`Point` array, and weights, and sets + FillType to kWinding. Internal storage associated with :py:class:`Path` + is released. + + :return: reference to :py:class:`Path` + """ + def reverseAddPath(self, src: Path) -> Path: + """ + Appends src to :py:class:`Path`, from back to front. + + Reversed src always appends a new contour to :py:class:`Path`. + + :param src: :py:class:`Path` verbs, :py:class:`Point`, and conic weights + to add + :return: reference to :py:class:`Path` + """ + def rewind(self) -> Path: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Path` to its initial state, preserving internal storage. + + Removes verb array, :py:class:`Point` array, and weights, and sets + FillType to kWinding. Internal storage associated with :py:class:`Path` + is retained. + + Use :py:meth:`rewind` instead of :py:meth:`reset` if :py:class:`Path` + storage will be reused and performance is critical. + + :return: reference to :py:class:`Path` + """ + def serialize(self) -> Data: + """ + Writes :py:class:`Path` to buffer, returning the buffer written to, + wrapped in :py:class:`Data`. + + :py:meth:`serialize` writes :py:class:`~Path.FillType`, verb array, + :py:class:`Point` array, conic weight, and additionally writes computed + information like :py:class:`~Path.Convexity` and bounds. + + :py:meth:`serialize` should only be used in concert with + :py:meth:`readFromMemory`. The format used for :py:class:`Path` in + memory is not guaranteed. + + :return: :py:class:`Path` data wrapped in :py:class:`Data` buffer + """ + def setFillType(self, ft: PathFillType) -> None: + """ + Sets FillType, the rule used to fill :py:class:`Path`. + + While there is no check that ft is legal, values outside of FillType are + not supported. + """ + def setIsVolatile(self, isVolatile: bool) -> Path: + """ + Specifies whether :py:class:`Path` is volatile; whether it will be + altered or discarded by the caller after it is drawn. + + :py:class:`Path` by default have volatile set false, allowing + :py:class:`BaseDevice` to attach a cache of data which speeds repeated + drawing. + + Mark temporary paths, discarded or modified after use, as volatile to + inform :py:class:`BaseDevice` that the path need not be cached. + + Mark animating :py:class:`Path` volatile to improve performance. Mark + unchanging :py:class:`Path` non-volatile to improve repeated rendering. + + raster surface :py:class:`Path` draws are affected by volatile for some + shadows. GPU surface :py:class:`Path` draws are affected by volatile for + some shadows and concave geometries. + + :param bool isVolatile: true if caller will alter :py:class:`Path` after + drawing + """ + @typing.overload + def setLastPt(self, x: float, y: float) -> None: + """ + Sets last point to (x, y). + + If :py:class:`Point` array is empty, append + :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kMove_Verb` to verb array and append (x, y) to + :py:class:`Point` array. + + :x: set x-axis value of last point + :y: set y-axis value of last point + """ + @typing.overload + def setLastPt(self, p: Point) -> None: + """ + Sets the last point on the path. + + If :py:class:`Point` array is empty, append + :py:attr:`~skia.Path.kMove_Verb` to verb array and append p to + :py:class:`Point` array. + + :p: set value of last point + """ + def swap(self, other: Path) -> None: + """ + Exchanges the verb array, :py:class:`Point` array, weights, and + :py:class:`PathFillType` with other. + + Cached state is also exchanged. :py:meth:`swap` internally exchanges + pointers, so it is lightweight and does not allocate memory. + + :param skia.Path other: :py:class:`Path` exchanged by value + """ + def toggleInverseFillType(self) -> None: + """ + Replaces FillType with its inverse. + + The inverse of FillType describes the area unmodified by the original + FillType. + """ + def transform( + self, + matrix: Matrix, + dst: Path | None = None, + pc: ApplyPerspectiveClip = ..., + ) -> None: + """ + Transforms verb array, :py:class:`Point` array, and weight by matrix. + + transform may change verbs and increase their number. Transformed + :py:class:`Path` replaces dst; if dst is nullptr, original data is + replaced. + + :param skia.Matrix matrix: :py:class:`Matrix` to apply to + :py:class:`Path` + :param skia.Path dst: overwritten, transformed copy of :py:class:`Path`; + may be nullptr + :param skia.ApplyPerspectiveClip pc: whether to apply perspective + clipping + """ + def updateBoundsCache(self) -> None: + """ + Updates internal bounds so that subsequent calls to :py:meth:`getBounds` + are instantaneous. + + Unaltered copies of :py:class:`Path` may also access cached bounds + through :py:meth:`getBounds`. + + For now, identical to calling :py:meth:`getBounds` and ignoring the + returned value. + + Call to prepare :py:class:`Path` subsequently drawn from multiple + threads, to avoid a race condition where each draw separately computes + the bounds. + """ + def writeToMemory(self) -> bytes: + """ + Writes :py:class:`Path` to buffer, returning bytes. + + Writes :py:class:`~Path.FillType`, verb array, :py:class:`Point` array, + conic weight, and additionally writes computed information like + :py:class:`~Path.Convexity` and bounds. + + Use only be used in concert with :py:meth:`readFromMemory`; the format + used for :py:class:`Path` in memory is not guaranteed. + + :return: serialized bytes + """ + +class Path1DPathEffect: + class Style: + """ + Members: + + kTranslate_Style + + kRotate_Style + + kMorph_Style + + kLastEnum_Style + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, Path1DPathEffect.Style] + ] # value = {'kTranslate_Style': , 'kRotate_Style': , 'kMorph_Style': , 'kLastEnum_Style': } + kLastEnum_Style: typing.ClassVar[ + Path1DPathEffect.Style + ] # value = + kMorph_Style: typing.ClassVar[ + Path1DPathEffect.Style + ] # value = + kRotate_Style: typing.ClassVar[ + Path1DPathEffect.Style + ] # value = + kTranslate_Style: typing.ClassVar[ + Path1DPathEffect.Style + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + kLastEnum_Style: typing.ClassVar[ + Path1DPathEffect.Style + ] # value = + kMorph_Style: typing.ClassVar[ + Path1DPathEffect.Style + ] # value = + kRotate_Style: typing.ClassVar[ + Path1DPathEffect.Style + ] # value = + kTranslate_Style: typing.ClassVar[ + Path1DPathEffect.Style + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def Make( + path: Path, + advance: float, + phase: float, + style: Path1DPathEffect.Style, + ) -> PathEffect: + """ + Dash by replicating the specified path. + + :param skia.Path path: The path to replicate (dash) + :param float advance: The space between instances of path + :param float phase: distance (mod advance) along path for its initial + position + :param skia.Path1DPathEffect.Style style: how to transform path at each + point (based on the current position and tangent) + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + +class Path2DPathEffect: + @staticmethod + def Make(matrix: Matrix, path: Path) -> PathEffect: + """ + Stamp the specified path to fill the shape, using the matrix to define + the latice. + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + +class PathBuilder: + class ArcSize: + """ + Members: + + kSmall_ArcSize : + smaller of arc pair + + + kLarge_ArcSize : + larger of arc pair + + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, PathBuilder.ArcSize] + ] # value = {'kSmall_ArcSize': , 'kLarge_ArcSize': } + kLarge_ArcSize: typing.ClassVar[ + PathBuilder.ArcSize + ] # value = + kSmall_ArcSize: typing.ClassVar[ + PathBuilder.ArcSize + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + kLarge_ArcSize: typing.ClassVar[ + PathBuilder.ArcSize + ] # value = + kSmall_ArcSize: typing.ClassVar[ + PathBuilder.ArcSize + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, path: Path) -> None: ... + def addArc( + self, + oval: Rect, + startAngleDeg: float, + sweepAngleDeg: float, + ) -> PathBuilder: + """ + Appends arc to the builder, as the start of new contour. Arc added is + part of ellipse bounded by oval, from startAngle through sweepAngle. + Both startAngle and sweepAngle are measured in degrees, where zero + degrees is aligned with the positive x-axis, and positive sweeps + extends arc clockwise. + + If sweepAngle <= -360, or sweepAngle >= 360; and startAngle modulo 90 + is nearly zero, append oval instead of arc. Otherwise, sweepAngle + values are treated modulo 360, and arc may or may not draw depending + on numeric rounding. + + :param oval: bounds of ellipse containing arc + :param startAngleDeg: starting angle of arc in degrees + :param sweepAngleDeg: sweep, in degrees. Positive is clockwise; treated + modulo 360 + :return: reference to this builder + """ + def addCircle( + self, + center_x: float, + center_y: float, + radius: float, + pathDirection: PathDirection = ..., + ) -> PathBuilder: ... + @typing.overload + def addOval( + self, + rect: Rect, + pathDirection: PathDirection, + startIndex: int, + ) -> PathBuilder: ... + @typing.overload + def addOval( + self, + rect: Rect, + pathDirection: PathDirection = ..., + ) -> PathBuilder: ... + def addPolygon(self, points: list[Point], isClosed: bool) -> PathBuilder: ... + @typing.overload + def addRRect( + self, + rrect: RRect, + pathDirection: PathDirection, + startIndex: int, + ) -> PathBuilder: ... + @typing.overload + def addRRect( + self, + rrect: RRect, + pathDirection: PathDirection = ..., + ) -> PathBuilder: ... + @typing.overload + def addRect( + self, + rect: Rect, + pathDirection: PathDirection, + startIndex: int, + ) -> PathBuilder: ... + @typing.overload + def addRect( + self, + rect: Rect, + pathDirection: PathDirection = ..., + ) -> PathBuilder: ... + @typing.overload + def arcTo( + self, + oval: Rect, + startAngleDeg: float, + sweepAngleDeg: float, + forceMoveTo: bool, + ) -> PathBuilder: + """ + Appends arc to the builder. Arc added is part of ellipse + bounded by oval, from startAngle through sweepAngle. Both startAngle and + sweepAngle are measured in degrees, where zero degrees is aligned with + the positive x-axis, and positive sweeps extends arc clockwise. + + arcTo() adds line connecting the builder's last point to initial arc + point if forceMoveTo is false and the builder is not empty. Otherwise, + added contour begins with first point of arc. Angles greater than -360 + and less than 360 are treated modulo 360. + + :param oval: bounds of ellipse containing arc + :param startAngleDeg: starting angle of arc in degrees + :param sweepAngleDeg: sweep, in degrees. Positive is clockwise; treated + modulo 360 + :param forceMoveTo: true to start a new contour with arc + :return: reference to the builder + """ + @typing.overload + def arcTo(self, p1: Point, p2: Point, radius: float) -> PathBuilder: + """ + Appends arc to :py:class:`Path`, after appending line if needed. Arc + is implemented by conic weighted to describe part of circle. Arc is + contained by tangent from last :py:class:`Path` point to p1, and + tangent from p1 to p2. Arc is part of circle sized to radius, + positioned so it touches both tangent lines. + + If last :py:class:`Path` SkPoint does not start arc, arcTo() appends + connecting line to :py:class:`Path`. The length of vector from p1 to + p2 does not affect arc. + + Arc sweep is always less than 180 degrees. If radius is zero, or if + tangents are nearly parallel, arcTo() appends line from last + :py:class:`Path` SkPoint to p1. + + arcTo() appends at most one line and one conic. arcTo() implements the + functionality of PostScript arct and HTML Canvas arcTo. + + :param p1: SkPoint common to pair of tangents + :param p2: end of second tangent + :param radius: distance from arc to circle center + :return: reference to :py:class:`Path` + """ + @typing.overload + def arcTo( + self, + r: Point, + xAxisRotate: float, + largeArc: PathBuilder.ArcSize, + sweep: PathDirection, + xy: Point, + ) -> PathBuilder: + """ + Appends arc to :py:class:`Path`. Arc is implemented by one or more + conic weighted to describe part of oval with radii (r.fX, r.fY) + rotated by xAxisRotate degrees. Arc curves from last :py:class:`Path` + :py:class:`Point` to (xy.fX, xy.fY), choosing one of four possible + routes: clockwise or counterclockwise, and smaller or larger. + + Arc sweep is always less than 360 degrees. arcTo() appends line to xy + if either radii are zero, or if last :py:class:`Path` :py:class:`Point` + equals (xy.fX, xy.fY). arcTo() scales radii r to fit last + :py:class:`Path` :py:class:`Point` and xy if both are greater than zero + but too small to describe an arc. + + arcTo() appends up to four conic curves. arcTo() implements the + functionality of SVG arc, although SVG sweep-flag value is opposite + the integer value of sweep; SVG sweep-flag uses 1 for clockwise, while + kCW_Direction cast to int is zero. + + :param r: radii on axes before x-axis rotation + :param xAxisRotate: x-axis rotation in degrees; positive values are + clockwise + :param largeArc: chooses smaller or larger arc + :param sweep: chooses clockwise or counterclockwise arc + :param xy: end of arc + :return: reference to :py:class:`Path` + """ + def close(self) -> PathBuilder: ... + def computeBounds(self) -> Rect: ... + @typing.overload + def conicTo(self, pt1: Point, pt2: Point, w: float) -> PathBuilder: ... + @typing.overload + def conicTo( + self, + x1: float, + y1: float, + x2: float, + y2: float, + w: float, + ) -> PathBuilder: ... + @typing.overload + def conicTo(self, pts: list[Point], w: float) -> PathBuilder: ... + @typing.overload + def cubicTo(self, pt1: Point, pt2: Point, pt3: Point) -> PathBuilder: ... + @typing.overload + def cubicTo( + self, + x1: float, + y1: float, + x2: float, + y2: float, + x3: float, + y3: float, + ) -> PathBuilder: ... + @typing.overload + def cubicTo(self, pts: list[Point]) -> PathBuilder: ... + def detach(self) -> Path: + """ + the builder is reset to empty after returning this path + """ + def fillType(self) -> PathFillType: ... + @typing.overload + def incReserve(self, extraPtCount: int, extraVerbCount: int) -> None: + """ + Performance hint, to reserve extra storage for subsequent calls to + lineTo, quadTo, etc. + """ + @typing.overload + def incReserve(self, extraPtCount: int) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def lineTo(self, pt: Point) -> PathBuilder: ... + @typing.overload + def lineTo(self, x: float, y: float) -> PathBuilder: ... + @typing.overload + def moveTo(self, pt: Point) -> PathBuilder: ... + @typing.overload + def moveTo(self, x: float, y: float) -> PathBuilder: ... + def offset(self, dx: float, dy: float) -> PathBuilder: ... + def polylineTo(self, points: list[Point]) -> PathBuilder: + """ + Append a series of lineTo(...) + """ + @typing.overload + def quadTo(self, pt1: Point, pt2: Point) -> PathBuilder: ... + @typing.overload + def quadTo(self, x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float) -> PathBuilder: ... + @typing.overload + def quadTo(self, pts: list[Point]) -> PathBuilder: ... + @typing.overload + def rConicTo(self, pt1: Point, pt2: Point, w: float) -> PathBuilder: ... + @typing.overload + def rConicTo( + self, + x1: float, + y1: float, + x2: float, + y2: float, + w: float, + ) -> PathBuilder: ... + @typing.overload + def rCubicTo(self, pt1: Point, pt2: Point, pt3: Point) -> PathBuilder: ... + @typing.overload + def rCubicTo( + self, + x1: float, + y1: float, + x2: float, + y2: float, + x3: float, + y3: float, + ) -> PathBuilder: ... + @typing.overload + def rLineTo(self, pt: Point) -> PathBuilder: ... + @typing.overload + def rLineTo(self, x: float, y: float) -> PathBuilder: ... + @typing.overload + def rQuadTo(self, pt1: Point, pt2: Point) -> PathBuilder: ... + @typing.overload + def rQuadTo(self, x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float) -> PathBuilder: ... + def reset(self) -> PathBuilder: ... + def setFillType(self, fillType: PathFillType) -> PathBuilder: ... + def setIsVolatile(self, isVolatile: bool) -> PathBuilder: ... + def snapshot(self) -> Path: + """ + the builder is unchanged after returning this path + """ + def toggleInverseFillType(self) -> PathBuilder: ... + +class PathDirection: + """ + Members: + + kCW : clockwise direction for adding closed contours + + kCCW : counter-clockwise direction for adding closed contours + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, PathDirection] + ] # value = {'kCW': , 'kCCW': } + kCCW: typing.ClassVar[PathDirection] # value = + kCW: typing.ClassVar[PathDirection] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + +class PathEffect(Flattanable): + """ + + :py:class:`PathEffect` is the base class for objects in the + :py:class:`Paint` that affect the geometry of a drawing primitive before it + is transformed by the canvas' matrix and drawn. + + Dashing is implemented as a subclass of :py:class:`PathEffect`. + + .. rubric:: Subclasses + + .. autosummary:: + :nosignatures: + + ~skia.DiscretePathEffect + ~skia.DashPathEffect + ~skia.CornerPathEffect + ~skia.Line2DPathEffect + ~skia.Path1DPathEffect + ~skia.Path2DPathEffect + ~skia.MergePathEffect + ~skia.MatrixPathEffect + ~skia.StrokePathEffect + ~skia.TrimPathEffect + + """ + @staticmethod + def Deserialize(data: typing_extensions.Buffer) -> PathEffect: ... + @staticmethod + def GetFlattenableType() -> Flattanable.Type: ... + @staticmethod + def MakeCompose(outer: PathEffect, inner: PathEffect) -> PathEffect: + """ + Returns a patheffect that applies the inner effect to the path, and then + applies the outer effect to the result of the inner's. + + result = outer(inner(path)) + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeSum(first: PathEffect, second: PathEffect) -> PathEffect: + """ + Returns a patheffect that apples each effect (first and second) to the + original path, and returns a path with the sum of these. + + result = first(path) + second(path) + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def filterPath( + self, + dst: Path, + src: Path, + stroke_rec: StrokeRec, + cullR: Rect, + ) -> bool: + """ + Given a src path (input) and a stroke-rec (input and output), apply this + effect to the src path, returning the new path in dst, and return true. + + If this effect cannot be applied, return false and ignore dst and + stroke-rec. + + The stroke-rec specifies the initial request for stroking (if any). The + effect can treat this as input only, or it can choose to change the rec + as well. For example, the effect can decide to change the stroke's width + or join, or the effect can change the rec from stroke to fill (or fill + to stroke) in addition to returning a new (dst) path. + + If this method returns true, the caller will apply (as needed) the + resulting stroke-rec to dst and then draw. + """ + +class PathFillType: + """ + Members: + + kWinding : Specifies that "inside" is computed by a non-zero sum of signed edge crossings. + + kEvenOdd : Specifies that "inside" is computed by an odd number of edge crossings. + + kInverseWinding : Same as Winding, but draws outside of the path, rather than inside. + + kInverseEvenOdd : Same as EvenOdd, but draws outside of the path, rather than inside. + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, PathFillType] + ] # value = {'kWinding': , 'kEvenOdd': , 'kInverseWinding': , 'kInverseEvenOdd': } + kEvenOdd: typing.ClassVar[PathFillType] # value = + kInverseEvenOdd: typing.ClassVar[ + PathFillType + ] # value = + kInverseWinding: typing.ClassVar[ + PathFillType + ] # value = + kWinding: typing.ClassVar[PathFillType] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + +class PathMeasure: + """ + + :py:class:`PathMeasure` + + """ + class GetPosAndTan: + """ + Members: + + kGetPosition_MatrixFlag : get position + + kGetTangent_MatrixFlag : get tangent + + kGetPosAndTan_MatrixFlag : get position and tangent + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, PathMeasure.GetPosAndTan] + ] # value = {'kGetPosition_MatrixFlag': , 'kGetTangent_MatrixFlag': , 'kGetPosAndTan_MatrixFlag': } + kGetPosAndTan_MatrixFlag: typing.ClassVar[ + PathMeasure.GetPosAndTan + ] # value = + kGetPosition_MatrixFlag: typing.ClassVar[ + PathMeasure.GetPosAndTan + ] # value = + kGetTangent_MatrixFlag: typing.ClassVar[ + PathMeasure.GetPosAndTan + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + kGetPosAndTan_MatrixFlag: typing.ClassVar[ + PathMeasure.GetPosAndTan + ] # value = + kGetPosition_MatrixFlag: typing.ClassVar[ + PathMeasure.GetPosAndTan + ] # value = + kGetTangent_MatrixFlag: typing.ClassVar[ + PathMeasure.GetPosAndTan + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self) -> None: + """ + Initializes a PathMeasure without an associated Path + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, path: Path, forceClosed: bool, resScale: float = 1.0) -> None: + """ + Initialize the PathMeasure with the specified path. + + The parts of the path that are needed are copied, so the + client is free to modify/delete the path after this call. + + resScale controls the precision of the measure. values > 1 + increase the precision (and possibly slow down the + computation). + """ + def getLength(self) -> float: + """ + Return the total length of the current contour, or 0 if no + path is associated. + """ + def getMatrix( + self, + distance: float, + flags: PathMeasure.GetPosAndTan = ..., + ) -> typing.Any: + """ + Pins distance to 0 <= distance <= getLength(), and then + computes the corresponding matrix (by calling getPosTan). + + Returns false if there is no path, or a zero-length path was + specified, in which case matrix is unchanged. + + :return: None if there is no path, or a zero-length path was + specified. Otherwise returns a :py:class:`Matrix` containing + the result. + """ + def getPosTan(self, distance: float) -> typing.Any: + """ + Pins distance to 0 <= distance <= getLength(), and then + computes the corresponding position and tangent. + + :return: None if there is no path, or a zero-length path was + specified. Otherwise returns a tuple containing the position + :py:class:`Point` and tangent :py:class:`Vector`. + """ + def getSegment( + self, + startD: float, + stopD: float, + dst: Path, + startWithMoveTo: bool, + ) -> bool: + """ + Given a start and stop distance, return in dst the intervening + segment(s). + + :return: If the segment is zero-length, return false, else + return true. startD and stopD are pinned to legal values + (0..getLength()). If startD > stopD then return false (and + leave dst untouched). Begin the segment with a moveTo if + startWithMoveTo is true + """ + def isClosed(self) -> bool: + """ + :return: true if the current contour is closed() + """ + def nextContour(self) -> bool: + """ + Move to the next contour in the path. + + :return: true if one exists, or false if we're done with the + path. + """ + def setPath(self, arg0: Path, arg1: bool) -> None: + """ + Reset the pathmeasure with the specified path. + + The parts of the path that are needed are copied, so the + client is free to modify/delete the path after this call.. + """ + +class PathOp: + """ + + The logical operations that can be performed when combining two paths. + + + Members: + + kDifference_PathOp : subtract the op path from the first path + + kIntersect_PathOp : intersect the two paths + + kUnion_PathOp : union (inclusive-or) the two paths + + kXOR_PathOp : exclusive-or the two paths + + kReverseDifference_PathOp : subtract the first path from the op path + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, PathOp] + ] # value = {'kDifference_PathOp': , 'kIntersect_PathOp': , 'kUnion_PathOp': , 'kXOR_PathOp': , 'kReverseDifference_PathOp': } + kDifference_PathOp: typing.ClassVar[ + PathOp + ] # value = + kIntersect_PathOp: typing.ClassVar[PathOp] # value = + kReverseDifference_PathOp: typing.ClassVar[ + PathOp + ] # value = + kUnion_PathOp: typing.ClassVar[PathOp] # value = + kXOR_PathOp: typing.ClassVar[PathOp] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + +class PathSegmentMask: + """ + Members: + + kLine_PathSegmentMask + + kQuad_PathSegmentMask + + kConic_PathSegmentMask + + kCubic_PathSegmentMask + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, PathSegmentMask] + ] # value = {'kLine_PathSegmentMask': , 'kQuad_PathSegmentMask': , 'kConic_PathSegmentMask': , 'kCubic_PathSegmentMask': } + kConic_PathSegmentMask: typing.ClassVar[ + PathSegmentMask + ] # value = + kCubic_PathSegmentMask: typing.ClassVar[ + PathSegmentMask + ] # value = + kLine_PathSegmentMask: typing.ClassVar[ + PathSegmentMask + ] # value = + kQuad_PathSegmentMask: typing.ClassVar[ + PathSegmentMask + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + +class PathVerb: + """ + Members: + + kMove : returns 1 point + + kLine : returns 2 points + + kQuad : returns 3 points + + kConic : returns 3 points + iter.conicWeight() + + kCubic : returns 4 points + + kClose : returns 1 point (contour's moveTo pt) + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, PathVerb] + ] # value = {'kMove': , 'kLine': , 'kQuad': , 'kConic': , 'kCubic': , 'kClose': } + kClose: typing.ClassVar[PathVerb] # value = + kConic: typing.ClassVar[PathVerb] # value = + kCubic: typing.ClassVar[PathVerb] # value = + kLine: typing.ClassVar[PathVerb] # value = + kMove: typing.ClassVar[PathVerb] # value = + kQuad: typing.ClassVar[PathVerb] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __ge__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __gt__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __le__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __lt__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + +class PerlinNoiseShader: + """ + + :py:class:`PerlinNoiseShader` creates an image using the Perlin turbulence + function. + + It can produce tileable noise if asked to stitch tiles and provided a tile + size. In order to fill a large area with repeating noise, set the + stitchTiles flag to true, and render exactly a single tile of noise. Without + this flag, the result will contain visible seams between tiles. + + The algorithm used is described here: + + + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeFractalNoise( + baseFrequencyX: float, + baseFrequencyY: float, + numOctaves: int, + seed: float, + tileSize: ISize | None = None, + ) -> Shader: + """ + This will construct Perlin noise of the given type (Fractal Noise or + Turbulence). + + Both base frequencies (X and Y) have a usual range of (0..1) and must be + non-negative. + + The number of octaves provided should be fairly small, with a limit of + 255 enforced. Each octave doubles the frequency, so 10 octaves would + produce noise from baseFrequency * 1, * 2, * 4, ..., * 512, which + quickly yields insignificantly small periods and resembles regular + unstructured noise rather than Perlin noise. + + If tileSize isn't NULL or an empty size, the tileSize parameter will be + used to modify the frequencies so that the noise will be tileable for + the given tile size. If tileSize is NULL or an empty size, the + frequencies will be used as is without modification. + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeTurbulence( + baseFrequencyX: float, + baseFrequencyY: float, + numOctaves: int, + seed: float, + tileSize: ISize | None = None, + ) -> Shader: ... + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + +class Picture(RefCnt): + """ + + :py:class:`Picture` records drawing commands made to :py:class:`Canvas`. + + The command stream may be played in whole or in part at a later time. + + :py:class:`Picture` is an abstract class. :py:class:`Picture` may be + generated by :py:class:`PictureRecorder` or :py:class:`Drawable`, or from + :py:class:`Picture` previously saved to :py:class:`Data` or + :py:class:`Stream`. + + :py:class:`Picture` may contain any :py:class:`Canvas` drawing command, as + well as one or more :py:class:`Canvas` matrix or :py:class:`Canvas` clip. + :py:class:`Picture` has a cull :py:class:`Rect`, which is used as a bounding + box hint. To limit :py:class:`Picture` bounds, use :py:class:`Canvas` clip + when recording or drawing :py:class:`Picture`. + + Example:: + + recorder = skia.PictureRecorder() + canvas = recorder.beginRecording(skia.Rect(100, 100)) + canvas.clear(0xFFFFFFFF) + canvas.drawLine(0, 0, 100, 100, skia.Paint()) + picture = recorder.finishRecordingAsPicture() + + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeFromData(data: Data) -> Picture: + """ + Recreates :py:class:`Picture` that was serialized into data. + + Returns constructed :py:class:`Picture` if successful. Fails if data + does not permit constructing valid :py:class:`Picture`. + + :param skia.Data data: container for serial data + :return: :py:class:`Picture` constructed from data + :raise: ValueError + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeFromStream(stream: Stream) -> Picture: + """ + Recreates :py:class:`Picture` that was serialized into a stream. + + Returns constructed :py:class:`Picture` if successful; otherwise, + returns nullptr. Fails if data does not permit constructing valid + :py:class:`Picture`. + + :param stream: container for serial data + :return: :py:class:`Picture` constructed from stream data + """ + @staticmethod + def MakePlaceholder(cull: Rect) -> Picture: + """ + Returns a placeholder :py:class:`Picture`. + + Result does not draw, and contains only cull :py:class:`Rect`, a hint of + its bounds. Result is immutable; it cannot be changed later. Result + identifier is unique. + + Returned placeholder can be intercepted during playback to insert other + commands into :py:class:`Canvas` draw stream. + + :param skia.Rect cull: placeholder dimensions + :return: placeholder with unique identifier + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __init__(self, cull: Rect) -> None: + """ + Returns a placeholder :py:class:`Picture`. + + Result does not draw, and contains only cull :py:class:`Rect`, a hint of + its bounds. Result is immutable; it cannot be changed later. Result + identifier is unique. + + Returned placeholder can be intercepted during playback to insert other + commands into :py:class:`Canvas` draw stream. + + :param skia.Rect cull: placeholder dimensions + :return: placeholder with unique identifier + """ + def approximateBytesUsed(self) -> int: + """ + Returns the approximate byte size of :py:class:`Picture`. + + Does not include large objects referenced by :py:class:`Picture`. + + :return: approximate size + """ + def approximateOpCount(self, nested: bool = False) -> int: + """ + Returns the approximate number of operations in :py:class:`Picture`. + + Returned value may be greater or less than the number of + :py:class:`Canvas` calls recorded: some calls may be recorded as more + than one operation, other calls may be optimized away. + + :return: approximate operation count + """ + def cullRect(self) -> Rect: + """ + Returns cull :py:class:`Rect` for this picture, passed in when + :py:class:`Picture` was created. + + Returned :py:class:`Rect` does not specify clipping :py:class:`Rect` for + :py:class:`Picture`; cull is hint of :py:class:`Picture` bounds. + + :py:class:`Picture` is free to discard recorded drawing commands that + fall outside cull. + + :return: bounds passed when :py:class:`Picture` was created + """ + def makeShader( + self, + tmx: TileMode, + tmy: TileMode, + mode: FilterMode, + localMatrix: Matrix | None = None, + tile: Rect | None = None, + ) -> Shader: + """ + Return a new shader that will draw with this picture. + + :param skia.TileMode tmx: The tiling mode to use when sampling in the + x-direction. + :param skia.TileMode tmy: The tiling mode to use when sampling in the + y-direction. + :param skia.Matrix localMatrix: Optional matrix used when sampling + :param skia.Rect tile: The tile rectangle in picture coordinates: + this represents the subset (or superset) of the picture used when + building a tile. It is not affected by localMatrix and does not + imply scaling (only translation and cropping). If null, the tile + rect is considered equal to the picture bounds. + :return: Returns a new shader object. Note: this function never returns + null. + """ + def playback(self, canvas: Canvas) -> None: + """ + Replays the drawing commands on the specified canvas. + + In the case that the commands are recorded, each command in the + :py:class:`Picture` is sent separately to canvas. + + To add a single command to draw :py:class:`Picture` to recording canvas, + call :py:meth:`Canvas.drawPicture` instead. + + :param skia.Canvas canvas: receiver of drawing commands + :param callback: allows interruption of playback + """ + def serialize(self) -> Data: + """ + Returns storage containing :py:class:`Data` describing + :py:class:`Picture`. + + :return: storage containing serialized :py:class:`Picture` + """ + def uniqueID(self) -> int: + """ + Returns a non-zero value unique among :py:class:`Picture` in Skia + process. + + :return: identifier for :py:class:`Picture` + """ + +class PictureRecorder: + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def beginRecording(self, bounds: Rect, bbh: BBoxHierarchy) -> Canvas: + """ + Returns the canvas that records the drawing commands. + """ + @typing.overload + def beginRecording(self, bounds: Rect) -> Canvas: + """ + Returns the canvas that records the drawing commands. + + :bounds: the cull rect used when recording this picture. Any + drawing the falls outside of this rect is undefined, and may be + drawn or it may not. + :return: the canvas. + """ + @typing.overload + def beginRecording(self, width: float, height: float) -> Canvas: ... + def finishRecordingAsDrawable(self) -> Drawable: + """ + Signal that the caller is done recording. + + This invalidates the canvas returned by :py:meth:`beginRecording` or + :py:meth:`getRecordingCanvas`. Ownership of the object is passed to the + caller, who must call unref() when they are done using it. + + Unlike :py:meth:`finishRecordingAsPicture`, which returns an immutable + picture, the returned drawable may contain live references to other + drawables (if they were added to the recording canvas) and therefore + this drawable will reflect the current state of those nested drawables + anytime it is drawn or a new picture is snapped from it (by calling + drawable.newPictureSnapshot()). + """ + def finishRecordingAsPicture(self) -> Picture: + """ + Signal that the caller is done recording. + + This invalidates the canvas returned by :py:meth:`beginRecording` or + :py:meth:`getRecordingCanvas`. Ownership of the object is passed to the + caller, who must call unref() when they are done using it. + + The returned picture is immutable. If during recording drawables were + added to the canvas, these will have been "drawn" into a recording + canvas, so that this resulting picture will reflect their current state, + but will not contain a live reference to the drawables themselves. + """ + def finishRecordingAsPictureWithCull(self, cullRect: Rect) -> Picture: + """ + Signal that the caller is done recording, and update the cull rect to + use for bounding box hierarchy (BBH) generation. + + The behavior is the same as calling :py:meth:`finishRecordingAsPicture`, + except that this method updates the cull rect initially passed into + beginRecording. + + :param skia.Rect cullRect: the new culling rectangle to use as the + overall bound for BBH generation and subsequent culling operations. + :return: the picture containing the recorded content. + """ + def getRecordingCanvas(self) -> Canvas: + """ + Returns the recording canvas if one is active, or NULL if recording is + not active. + + This does not alter the refcnt on the canvas (if present). + """ + +class PixelGeometry: + """ + + Description of how the LCD strips are arranged for each pixel. + + If this is unknown, or the pixels are meant to be "portable" and/or + transformed before showing (e.g. rotated, scaled) then use + :py:attr:`PixelGeometry.kUnknown`. + + + Members: + + kUnknown_PixelGeometry + + kRGB_H_PixelGeometry + + kBGR_H_PixelGeometry + + kRGB_V_PixelGeometry + + kBGR_V_PixelGeometry + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, PixelGeometry] + ] # value = {'kUnknown_PixelGeometry': , 'kRGB_H_PixelGeometry': , 'kBGR_H_PixelGeometry': , 'kRGB_V_PixelGeometry': , 'kBGR_V_PixelGeometry': } + kBGR_H_PixelGeometry: typing.ClassVar[ + PixelGeometry + ] # value = + kBGR_V_PixelGeometry: typing.ClassVar[ + PixelGeometry + ] # value = + kRGB_H_PixelGeometry: typing.ClassVar[ + PixelGeometry + ] # value = + kRGB_V_PixelGeometry: typing.ClassVar[ + PixelGeometry + ] # value = + kUnknown_PixelGeometry: typing.ClassVar[ + PixelGeometry + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + +class PixelRef: + """ + + This class is the smart container for pixel memory, and is used with + :py:class:`Bitmap`. + + This class can be shared/accessed between multiple threads. + + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + +class Pixmap: + """ + + :py:class:`Pixmap` provides a utility to pair :py:class:`ImageInfo` with + pixels and row bytes. + + :py:class:`Pixmap` is a low level class which provides convenience functions + to access raster destinations. :py:class:`Canvas` can not draw + :py:class:`Pixmap`, nor does :py:class:`Pixmap` provide a direct drawing + destination. + + Use :py:class:`Bitmap` to draw pixels referenced by :py:class:`Pixmap`; use + :py:class:`Surface` to draw into pixels referenced by :py:class:`Pixmap`. + + :py:class:`Pixmap` does not try to manage the lifetime of the pixel memory. + Use :py:class:`PixelRef` to manage pixel memory; :py:class:`PixelRef` is + safe across threads. + + :py:class:`Pixmap` supports buffer protocol. It is possible to mount + :py:class:`Pixmap` as array:: + + array = np.array(pixmap, copy=False) + + Or mount array as :py:class:`Pixmap` with :py:class:`ImageInfo`:: + + buffer = np.zeros((100, 100, 4), np.uint8) + array = skia.Pixmap(skia.ImageInfo.MakeN32Premul(100, 100), buffer) + + + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __buffer__(self, flags): + """ + Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object. + """ + def __getitem__(self, arg0: typing.Any) -> int: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self) -> None: + """ + Creates an empty :py:class:`Pixmap` without pixels, with + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kUnknown_ColorType`, with + :py:attr:`~AlphaType.kUnknown_AlphaType`, and with a width and height of + zero. + + Use :py:meth:`reset` to associate pixels, :py:class:`ColorType`, + :py:class:`AlphaType`, width, and height after :py:class:`Pixmap` has + been created. + + :return: empty :py:class:`Pixmap` + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, info: ImageInfo, data: typing.Any, rowBytes: int) -> None: + """ + Creates :py:class:`Pixmap` from info width, height, + :py:class:`AlphaType`, and :py:class:`ColorType`. + + ``data`` points to pixels, or nullptr. rowBytes should be + ``info.width()`` times ``info.bytesPerPixel()``, or larger. + + No parameter checking is performed; it is up to the caller to ensure + that data and rowBytes agree with info. + + The memory lifetime of pixels is managed by the caller. When + :py:class:`Pixmap` goes out of scope, data is unaffected. + + :py:class:`Pixmap` may be later modified by :py:meth:`reset` to change + its size, pixel type, or storage. + + :info: width, height, :py:class:`AlphaType`, + :py:class:`ColorType` of :py:class:`ImageInfo` + :data: pointer to pixels + allocated by caller; may be nullptr + :rowBytes: size of one row of data; width times pixel size, or + larger + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__( + self, + array: numpy.ndarray, + colorType: ColorType = ..., + alphaType: AlphaType = ..., + colorSpace: ColorSpace | None = None, + ) -> None: + """ + Creates :py:class:`Pixmap` backed by numpy array. + + The memory lifetime of pixels is managed by the caller. When + :py:class:`Pixmap` goes out of scope, data is unaffected. + + :array: numpy ndarray of shape=(height, width, channels). Must have + non-zero width and height, and the valid number of channels for the + specified color type. + :colorType: color type of the array + :alphaType: alpha type of the array + :colorSpace: range of colors; may be nullptr + """ + def __len__(self) -> int: ... + def __release_buffer__(self, buffer): + """ + Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object. + """ + def addr(self) -> memoryview: + """ + Returns pixel address, the base address corresponding to the pixel + origin. + + It is up to the :py:class:`Pixmap` creator to ensure that pixel address + is a useful value. + + :return: pixel address + :rtype: memoryview + """ + def addr16(self) -> memoryview: + """ + Returns readable base pixel address. + + Result is addressable as unsigned 16-bit words. Will trigger an assert() + if :py:class:`ColorType` is not :py:attr:`kRGB_565_ColorType` or + :py:attr:`kARGB_4444_ColorType`, and is built with SK_DEBUG defined. + + One word corresponds to one pixel. + + :return: readable unsigned 16-bit pointer to pixels + :rtype: memoryview + """ + def addr32(self) -> memoryview: + """ + Returns readable base pixel address. + + Result is addressable as unsigned 32-bit words. Will trigger an assert() + if :py:class:`ColorType` is not :py:attr:`kRGBA_8888_ColorType` or + :py:attr:`kBGRA_8888_ColorType`, and is built with SK_DEBUG defined. + + One word corresponds to one pixel. + + :return: readable unsigned 32-bit pointer to pixels + :rtype: memoryview + """ + def addr64(self) -> memoryview: + """ + Returns readable base pixel address. + + Result is addressable as unsigned 64-bit words. Will trigger an assert() + if :py:class:`ColorType` is not :py:attr:`kRGBA_F16_ColorType` and is + built with SK_DEBUG defined. + + One word corresponds to one pixel. + + :return: readable unsigned 64-bit pointer to pixels + :rtype: memoryview + """ + def addr8(self) -> memoryview: + """ + Returns readable base pixel address. + + Result is addressable as unsigned 8-bit bytes. Will trigger an assert() + if :py:class:`ColorType` is not :py:attr:`~ColorType.kAlpha_8_ColorType` + or :py:attr:`~ColorType.kGray_8_ColorType`, and is built with SK_DEBUG + defined. + + One byte corresponds to one pixel. + + :return: readable unsigned 8-bit pointer to pixels + :rtype: memoryview + """ + def alphaType(self) -> AlphaType: ... + def bounds(self) -> IRect: + """ + Returns :py:class:`IRect` ( 0, 0, :py:meth:`width`, :py:meth:`height` ). + + :return: integral rectangle from origin to :py:meth:`width` and + :py:meth:`height` + """ + def colorSpace(self) -> ColorSpace: + """ + Returns :py:class:`ColorSpace`, the range of colors, associated with + :py:class:`ImageInfo`. + + The reference count of :py:class:`ColorSpace` is unchanged. The returned + :py:class:`ColorSpace` is immutable. + + :return: :py:class:`ColorSpace` in :py:class:`ImageInfo`, or nullptr + """ + def colorType(self) -> ColorType: ... + def computeByteSize(self) -> int: + """ + Returns minimum memory required for pixel storage. + + Does not include unused memory on last row when + :py:meth:`rowBytesAsPixels` exceeds width(). Returns SIZE_MAX if result + does not fit in size_t. Returns zero if :py:meth:`height` or + :py:meth:`width` is 0. Returns :py:meth:`height` times + :py:meth:`rowBytes` if :py:meth:`colorType` is + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kUnknown_ColorType`. + + :return: size in bytes of image buffer + """ + def computeIsOpaque(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if all pixels are opaque. + + :py:class:`ColorType` determines how pixels are encoded, and whether + pixel describes alpha. Returns true for :py:class:`ColorType` without + alpha in each pixel; for other :py:class:`ColorType`, returns true if + all pixels have alpha values equivalent to 1.0 or greater. + + For :py:class:`ColorType` :py:attr:`~ColorType.kRGB_565_ColorType` or + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kGray_8_ColorType`: always returns true. For + :py:class:`ColorType` :py:attr:`~ColorType.kAlpha_8_ColorType`, + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kBGRA_8888_ColorType`, + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kRGBA_8888_ColorType`: returns true if all pixel + alpha values are 255. For :py:class:`ColorType` + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kARGB_4444_ColorType`: returns true if all pixel + alpha values are 15. For :py:attr:`~ColorType.kRGBA_F16_ColorType`: + returns true if all pixel alpha values are 1.0 or greater. + + Returns false for :py:attr:`~ColorType.kUnknown_ColorType`. + + :return: true if all pixels have opaque values or :py:class:`ColorType` + is opaque + """ + def dimensions(self) -> ISize: + """ + Return the dimensions of the pixmap (from its ImageInfo) + """ + def erase(self, color: Color4f, subset: IRect | None = None) -> bool: + """ + Writes color to pixels bounded by subset; returns true on success. + + if subset is nullptr, writes colors pixels inside :py:meth:`bounds`. + Returns false if :py:meth:`colorType` is + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kUnknown_ColorType`, if subset is not nullptr and + does not intersect :py:meth:`bounds`, or if subset is nullptr and + :py:meth:`bounds` is empty. + + :param color: sRGB unpremultiplied color to write + :param subset: bounding integer :py:class:`Rect` of pixels to write; may + be nullptr + :return: true if pixels are changed + """ + def extractSubset(self, subset: Pixmap, area: IRect) -> bool: + """ + Sets subset width, height, pixel address to intersection of + :py:class:`Pixmap` with area, if intersection is not empty; and return + true. + + Otherwise, leave subset unchanged and return false. + + Failing to read the return value generates a compile time warning. + + :param skia.Pixmap subset: storage for width, height, pixel address of + intersection + :param skia.IRect area: bounds to intersect with :py:class:`Pixmap` + :return: true if intersection of :py:class:`Pixmap` and area is not + empty + """ + def getAlphaf(self, x: int, y: int) -> float: + """ + Look up the pixel at (x,y) and return its alpha component, normalized to + [0..1]. + + This is roughly equivalent to :py:meth:`~skia.GetColorA`( + :py:meth:`getColor` ), but can be more efficent (and more precise if the + pixels store more than 8 bits per component). + + :param int x: column index, zero or greater, and less than width() + :param int y: row index, zero or greater, and less than height() + :return: alpha converted to normalized float + """ + def getColor(self, x: int, y: int) -> int: + """ + Returns pixel at (x, y) as unpremultiplied color. + + Returns black with alpha if :py:class:`ColorType` is + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kAlpha_8_ColorType`. + + Input is not validated: out of bounds values of x or y trigger an + assert() if built with SK_DEBUG defined; and returns undefined values or + may crash if SK_RELEASE is defined. Fails if :py:class:`ColorType` is + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kUnknown_ColorType` or pixel address is nullptr. + + :py:class:`ColorSpace` in :py:class:`ImageInfo` is ignored. Some color + precision may be lost in the conversion to unpremultiplied color; + original pixel data may have additional precision. + + :param int x: column index, zero or greater, and less than width() + :param int y: row index, zero or greater, and less than height() + :return: pixel converted to unpremultiplied color + """ + def height(self) -> int: + """ + Returns pixel row count. + + :return: pixel height in SkImageInfo + """ + def info(self) -> ImageInfo: + """ + Returns width, height, :py:class:`AlphaType`, :py:class:`ColorType`, and + :py:class:`ColorSpace`. + + :return: reference to :py:class:`ImageInfo` + """ + def isOpaque(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if :py:class:`AlphaType` is :py:attr:`kOpaque_AlphaType`. + + Does not check if :py:class:`ColorType` allows alpha, or if any pixel + value has transparency. + + :return: true if :py:class:`ImageInfo` has opaque :py:class:`AlphaType` + """ + @typing.overload + def readPixels( + self, + dstInfo: ImageInfo, + dstPixels: typing_extensions.Buffer, + dstRowBytes: int = 0, + srcX: int = 0, + srcY: int = 0, + ) -> bool: + """ + Copies :py:class:`Rect` of pixels to dstPixels. + + Copy starts at offset (srcX, srcY), and does not exceed + :py:class:`Pixmap` (:py:meth:`width`, :py:meth:`height`). + + dstInfo specifies width, height, :py:class:`ColorType`, + :py:class:`AlphaType`, and :py:class:`ColorSpace` of destination. + dstRowBytes specifies the gap from one destination row to the next. + Returns true if pixels are copied. Returns false if dstInfo address + equals nullptr, or dstRowBytes is less than ``dstInfo.minRowBytes()``. + + Pixels are copied only if pixel conversion is possible. If + :py:class:`Pixmap` :py:class:`ColorType` is + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kGray_8_ColorType`, or + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kAlpha_8_ColorType`; ``dstInfo.colorType`` + must match. If :py:class:`Pixmap` :py:class:`ColorType` is + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kGray_8_ColorType`, ``dstInfo.colorSpace`` must + match. If :py:class:`Pixmap` :py:class:`AlphaType` is + :py:attr:`~AlphaType.kOpaque_AlphaType`, ``dstInfo.alphaType`` must + match. If :py:class:`Pixmap` :py:class:`ColorSpace` is nullptr, + ``dstInfo.colorSpace`` must match. Returns false if pixel conversion is + not possible. + + srcX and srcY may be negative to copy only top or left of source. + Returns false if :py:meth:`width` or :py:meth:`height` is zero or + negative. Returns false if abs(srcX) >= Pixmap :py:meth:`width`, or if + abs(srcY) >= Pixmap :py:meth:`height`. + + :dstInfo: destination width, height, :py:class:`ColorType`, + :py:class:`AlphaType`, :py:class:`ColorSpace` + :dstPixels: destination pixel storage + :dstRowBytes: destination row length + :srcX: column index whose absolute value is less than + :py:meth:`width` + :srcY: row index whose absolute value is less than + :py:meth:`height` + :return: true if pixels are copied to dstPixels + """ + @typing.overload + def readPixels(self, dst: Pixmap, srcX: int = 0, srcY: int = 0) -> bool: + """ + Copies :py:class:`Rect` of pixels to dst. + + Copy starts at offset (srcX, srcY), and does not exceed + :py:class:`Pixmap` (:py:meth:`width`, :py:meth:`height`). + + dstInfo specifies width, height, :py:class:`ColorType`, + :py:class:`AlphaType`, and :py:class:`ColorSpace` of destination. + dstRowBytes specifies the gap from one destination row to the next. + Returns true if pixels are copied. Returns false if dstInfo address + equals nullptr, or dstRowBytes is less than ``dstInfo.minRowBytes()``. + + Pixels are copied only if pixel conversion is possible. If + :py:class:`Pixmap` :py:class:`ColorType` is + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kGray_8_ColorType`, or + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kAlpha_8_ColorType`; ``dstInfo.colorType`` + must match. If :py:class:`Pixmap` :py:class:`ColorType` is + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kGray_8_ColorType`, ``dstInfo.colorSpace`` must + match. If :py:class:`Pixmap` :py:class:`AlphaType` is + :py:attr:`~AlphaType.kOpaque_AlphaType`, ``dstInfo.alphaType`` must + match. If :py:class:`Pixmap` :py:class:`ColorSpace` is nullptr, + ``dstInfo.colorSpace`` must match. Returns false if pixel conversion is + not possible. + + srcX and srcY may be negative to copy only top or left of source. + Returns false if :py:meth:`width` or :py:meth:`height` is zero or + negative. Returns false if abs(srcX) >= Pixmap :py:meth:`width`, or if + abs(srcY) >= Pixmap :py:meth:`height`. + + :dst: :py:class:`ImageInfo` and pixel address to write to + :srcX: column index whose absolute value is less than + :py:meth:`width` + :srcY: row index whose absolute value is less than + :py:meth:`height` + :return: true if pixels are copied to dst + """ + def refColorSpace(self) -> ColorSpace: + """ + Returns smart pointer to :py:class:`ColorSpace`, the range of colors, + associated with :py:class:`ImageInfo`. + + The smart pointer tracks the number of objects sharing this + :py:class:`ColorSpace` reference so the memory is released when the + owners destruct. + + The returned :py:class:`ColorSpace` is immutable. + + :return: :py:class:`ColorSpace` in :py:class:`ImageInfo` wrapped in a + smart pointer + """ + @typing.overload + def reset(self) -> None: + """ + Sets width, height, row bytes to zero; pixel address to nullptr; + :py:class:`ColorType` to :py:attr:`~ColorType.kUnknown_ColorType`; and + :py:class:`AlphaType` to :py:attr:`~Type.kUnknown_AlphaType`. + + The prior pixels are unaffected; it is up to the caller to release + pixels memory if desired. + """ + @typing.overload + def reset(self, info: ImageInfo, data: typing.Any, rowBytes: int) -> None: + """ + Sets width, height, :py:class:`AlphaType`, and :py:class:`ColorType` + from info. + + Sets pixel address from data, which may be nullptr. Sets row bytes from + rowBytes, which should be ``info.width()`` times + ``info.bytesPerPixel()``, or larger. + + Does not check data. Asserts if built with SK_DEBUG defined and if + rowBytes is too small to hold one row of pixels. + + The memory lifetime pixels are managed by the caller. When + :py:class:`Pixmap` goes out of scope, data is unaffected. + + :param skia.ImageInfo info: width, height, :py:class:`AlphaType`, + :py:class:`ColorType` of :py:class:`ImageInfo` + :param Union[bytes,bytearray,memoryview] data: pointer to pixels + allocated by caller; may be nullptr + :param int rowBytes: size of one row of data; width times pixel size, or + larger + """ + def rowBytes(self) -> int: + """ + Returns row bytes, the interval from one pixel row to the next. + + Row bytes is at least as large as: ``width() * info().bytesPerPixel()``. + + Returns zero if :py:meth:`colorType` is + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kUnknown_ColorType`. It is up to the + :py:class:`Bitmap` creator to ensure that row bytes is a useful value. + + :return: byte length of pixel row + """ + def rowBytesAsPixels(self) -> int: + """ + Returns number of pixels that fit on row. + + Should be greater than or equal to :py:meth:`width`. + + :return: maximum pixels per row + """ + def scalePixels(self, dst: Pixmap, samplingOptions: SamplingOptions = ...) -> bool: + """ + Copies :py:class:`Pixmap` to dst, scaling pixels to fit ``dst.width()`` + and ``dst.height()``, and converting pixels to match ``dst.colorType()`` + and ``dst.alphaType()``. + + Returns true if pixels are copied. Returns false if ``dst.addr()`` is + nullptr, or ``dst.rowBytes()`` is less than dst + :py:meth:`ImageInfo.minRowBytes`. + + Pixels are copied only if pixel conversion is possible. If + :py:class:`Pixmap` :py:class:`ColorType` is + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kGray_8_ColorType`, or + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kAlpha_8_ColorType`; ``dst.colorType()`` must + match. If :py:class:`Pixmap` :py:class:`ColorType` is + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kGray_8_ColorType`, ``dst.colorSpace()`` must + match. If :py:class:`Pixmap` :py:class:`AlphaType` is + :py:attr:`~AlphaType.kOpaque_AlphaType`, ``dst.alphaType()`` must match. + If :py:class:`Pixmap` :py:class:`ColorSpace` is nullptr, + ``dst.colorSpace()`` must match. Returns false if pixel conversion is + not possible. + + Returns false if :py:class:`Pixmap` :py:meth:`width` or + :py:meth:`height` is zero or negative. + + Scales the image, with filterQuality, to match ``dst.width()`` and + ``dst.height()``. filterQuality + :py:attr:`~FilterQuality.None_FilterQuality` is fastest, typically + implemented with nearest neighbor filter. + :py:attr:`~FilterQuality.kLow_FilterQuality` is typically implemented + with bilerp filter. :py:attr:`~FilterQuality.kMedium_FilterQuality` is + typically implemented with bilerp filter, and mip-map filter when size + is reduced. :py:attr:`~FilterQuality.kHigh_FilterQuality` is slowest, + typically implemented with bicubic filter. + + :param skia.Pixmap dst: destination :py:class:`Pixmap`: + :py:class:`ImageInfo`, pixels, row bytes + :param skia.SamplingOptions options: sampling options + :return: true if pixels are scaled to fit dst + """ + def setColorSpace(self, colorSpace: ColorSpace) -> None: + """ + Changes :py:class:`ColorSpace` in :py:class:`ImageInfo`; preserves + width, height, :py:class:`AlphaType`, and :py:class:`ColorType` in + :py:class:`Image`, and leaves pixel address and row bytes unchanged. + + :py:class:`ColorSpace` reference count is incremented. + + :param skia.ColorSpace colorSpace: :py:class:`ColorSpace` moved to + :py:class:`ImageInfo` + """ + def shiftPerPixel(self) -> int: + """ + Returns bit shift converting row bytes to row pixels. + + Returns zero for :py:attr:`~ColorType.kUnknown_ColorType`. + + :return: one of: 0, 1, 2, 3; left shift to convert pixels to bytes + """ + def tobytes(self) -> typing.Any: ... + def width(self) -> int: + """ + Returns pixel count in each pixel row. + + Should be equal or less than: + :py:meth:`rowBytes` / ``info().bytesPerPixel()``. + + :return: pixel width in :py:class:`ImageInfo` + """ + def writable_addr(self) -> memoryview: + """ + Returns writable base pixel address. + + :return: writable generic base pointer to pixels + :rtype: memoryview + """ + @property + def __array_interface__(self) -> dict: ... + +class Point: + """ + + :py:class:`Point` holds two 32-bit floating point coordinates. + + Example:: + + point = skia.Point(0.0, 0.0) + point = skia.Point((0.0, 0.0)) # Convert from tuple + print(point.fX, point.fY) + point + (1, 1) # Add offset + point - (0, 0) # Subtract offset + point * 2.0 # Scale + x, y = tuple(point) # Convert to tuple + + """ + + __hash__: typing.ClassVar[None] = None + @staticmethod + def CrossProduct(a: Point, b: Point) -> float: + """ + Returns the cross product of vector a and vector b. + + a and b form three-dimensional vectors with z-axis value equal to zero. + The cross product is a three-dimensional vector with x-axis and y-axis + values equal to zero. The cross product z-axis component is returned. + + :param a: left side of cross product + :param b: right side of cross product + :return: area spanned by vectors signed by angle direction + """ + @staticmethod + def Distance(a: Point, b: Point) -> float: + """ + Returns the Euclidean distance between a and b. + + :param a: line end point + :param b: line end point + :return: straight-line distance from a to b + """ + @staticmethod + def DotProduct(a: Point, b: Point) -> float: + """ + Returns the dot product of vector a and vector b. + + :param a: left side of dot product + :param b: right side of dot product + :return: product of input magnitudes and cosine of the angle between + them + """ + @staticmethod + def Length(x: float, y: float) -> float: + """ + Returns the Euclidean distance from origin, computed as: + + sqrt(x * x + y * y) + + :param x: component of length + :param y: component of length + :return: straight-line distance to origin + """ + @staticmethod + def Make(x: float, y: float) -> Point: + """ + Sets fX to x, fY to y. + + Used both to set :py:class:`Point` and vector. + + :param x: Scalar x-axis value of constructed :py:class:`Point` or vector + :param y: Scalar y-axis value of constructed :py:class:`Point` or vector + :return: :py:class:`Point` (x, y) + """ + @staticmethod + def Normalize(vec: Point) -> float: + """ + Scales (vec->fX, vec->fY) so that length() returns one, while preserving + ratio of vec->fX to vec->fY, if possible. + + If original length is nearly zero, sets vec to (0, 0) and returns zero; + otherwise, returns length of vec before vec is scaled. + + Returned prior length may be SK_ScalarInfinity if it can not be + represented by SkScalar. + + Note that :py:meth:`normalize` is faster if prior length is not + required. + + :param vec: normalized to unit length + :return: original vec length + """ + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def Offset(points: ..., std: ..., offset: Point) -> ...: + """ + Adds offset to each :py:class:`Point` in points array with count + entries. + + :points: :py:class:`Point` array + :offset: vector added to points + :return: :py:class:`Point` array applied offset + """ + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def Offset(points: ..., std: ..., dx: float, dy: float) -> ...: + """ + Adds offset (dx, dy) to each :py:class:`Point` in points array of length + count. + + :points: :py:class:`Point` array + :dx: added to fX in points + :dy: added to fY in points + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __add__(self, other: Point) -> Point: + """ + Returns :py:class:`Point` resulting from :py:class:`Point` self offset + by vector other, computed as: (self.fX + other.fX, self.fY + other.fY). + + Can also be used to offset :py:class:`Point` other by vector self, + returning :py:class:`Point`. Can also be used to add vector to vector, + returning vector. + + :param other: :py:class:`Point` or vector to add + :return: :py:class:`Point` equal to self offset by other + """ + def __eq__(self, other: Point) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if self is not equivalent to other. + + :param other: :py:class:`Point` to compare + :return: true if self.fX == other.fX and self.fY == other.fY + """ + def __iadd__(self, v: Point) -> Point: + """ + Adds vector v to :py:class:`Point`. + + Sets :py:class:`Point` to: (fX + v.fX, fY + v.fY). + + :param v: vector to add + """ + def __imul__(self, scale: float) -> Point: + """ + Multiplies :py:class:`Point` by scale. + + Sets :py:class:`Point` to: (fX * scale, fY * scale). + + :param scale: scalar to multiply by + :return: reference to :py:class:`Point` + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, x: float, y: float) -> None: + """ + Sets fX to x, fY to y. + + Used both to set :py:class:`Point` and vector. + + :param float x: :py:class:`Scalar` x-axis value of constructed + :py:class:`Point` or vector + :param float y: :py:class:`Scalar` y-axis value of constructed + :py:class:`Point` or vector + :return: :py:class:`Point` (x, y) + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, ipoint: IPoint) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, t: tuple) -> None: ... + def __isub__(self, v: Point) -> Point: + """ + Subtracts vector v from :py:class:`Point`. + + Sets :py:class:`Point` to: (fX - v.fX, fY - v.fY). + + :param v: vector to subtract + """ + def __iter__(self) -> typing.Iterator[float]: ... + def __len__(self) -> int: ... + def __mul__(self, scale: float) -> Point: + """ + Returns :py:class:`Point` multiplied by scale. + """ + def __ne__(self, other: Point) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if self is equivalent to other. + + :param other: :py:class:`Point` to compare + :return: true if self.fX != other.fX or self.fY != other.fY + """ + def __neg__(self) -> Point: + """ + Returns :py:class:`Point` changing the signs of fX and fY. + """ + def __sub__(self, other: Point) -> Point: + """ + Returns vector from other to self, computed as (self.fX - other.fX, + self.fY - other.fY). + + Can also be used to subtract vector from :py:class:`Point`, returning + :py:class:`Point`. Can also be used to subtract vector from vector, + returning vector. + + :param other: :py:class:`Point` to subtract + :return: vector from other to self + """ + def cross(self, vec: Point) -> float: + """ + Returns the cross product of vector and vec. + + Vector and vec form three-dimensional vectors with z-axis value equal to + zero. The cross product is a three-dimensional vector with x-axis and + y-axis values equal to zero. The cross product z-axis component is + returned. + + :param vec: right side of cross product + :return: area spanned by vectors signed by angle direction + """ + def distanceToOrigin(self) -> float: + """ + Returns the Euclidean distance from origin, computed as: + + sqrt(fX * fX + fY * fY) + + :return: straight-line distance to origin + """ + def dot(self, vec: Point) -> float: + """ + Returns the dot product of vector and vector vec. + + :param vec: right side of dot product + :return: product of input magnitudes and cosine of the angle between + them + """ + def equals(self, x: float, y: float) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if :py:class:`Point` is equivalent to :py:class:`Point` + constructed from (x, y). + + :param x: value compared with fX + :param y: value compared with fY + :return: true if :py:class:`Point` equals (x, y) + """ + def isFinite(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if both fX and fY are measurable values. + + :return: true for values other than infinities and NaN + """ + def isZero(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if fX and fY are both zero. + + :return: true if fX is zero and fY is zero + """ + @typing.overload + def iset(self, x: int, y: int) -> None: + """ + Sets fX to x and fY to y, promoting integers to SkScalar values. + + Assigning a large integer value directly to fX or fY may cause a + compiler error, triggered by narrowing conversion of int to SkScalar. + This safely casts x and y to avoid the error. + + :x: new value for fX + :y: new value for fY + """ + @typing.overload + def iset(self, p: IPoint) -> None: + """ + Sets fX to p.fX and fY to p.fY, promoting integers to SkScalar values. + + Assigning an :py:class:`IPoint` containing a large integer value + directly to fX or fY may cause a compiler error, triggered by narrowing + conversion of int to SkScalar. This safely casts p.fX and p.fY to avoid + the error. + + :p: :py:class:`IPoint` members promoted to SkScalar + """ + def length(self) -> float: + """ + Returns the Euclidean distance from origin, computed as: + + sqrt(fX * fX + fY * fY) + + :return: straight-line distance to origin + """ + def negate(self) -> None: + """ + Changes the sign of fX and fY. + """ + def normalize(self) -> bool: + """ + Scales (fX, fY) so that :py:meth:`length` returns one, while preserving + ratio of fX to fY, if possible. + + If prior length is nearly zero, sets vector to (0, 0) and returns false; + otherwise returns true. + + :return: true if former length is not zero or nearly zero + """ + def offset(self, dx: float, dy: float) -> None: + """ + Adds offset (dx, dy) to :py:class:`Point`. + + :param dx: added to fX + :param dy: added to fY + """ + def scale(self, scale: float) -> Point: + """ + Sets dst to :py:class:`Point` times scale. + + dst may be :py:class:`Point` to modify :py:class:`Point` in place. + + It is also possible to use operators:: + + p * scale + p *= scale # in-place + + :param scale: factor to multiply :py:class:`Point` by + """ + def set(self, x: float, y: float) -> None: + """ + Sets fX to x and fY to y. + + :param x: new value for fX + :param y: new value for fY + """ + def setAbs(self, pt: Point) -> None: + """ + Sets fX to absolute value of pt.fX; and fY to absolute value of pt.fY. + + :param pt: members providing magnitude for fX and fY + """ + @typing.overload + def setLength(self, length: float) -> bool: + """ + Scales vector so that :py:meth:`distanceToOrigin` returns length, if + possible. + + If former length is nearly zero, sets vector to (0, 0) and return false; + otherwise returns true. + + :length: straight-line distance to origin + :return: true if former length is not zero or nearly zero + """ + @typing.overload + def setLength(self, x: float, y: float, length: float) -> bool: + """ + Sets vector to (x, y) scaled to length, if possible. + + If former length is nearly zero, sets vector to (0, 0) and return false; + otherwise returns true. + + :x: proportional value for fX + :y: proportional value for fY + :length: straight-line distance to origin + :return: true if (x, y) length is not zero or nearly zero + """ + def setNormalize(self, x: float, y: float) -> bool: + """ + Sets vector to (x, y) scaled so :py:meth:`length` returns one, and so + that (fX, fY) is proportional to (x, y). + + If (x, y) length is nearly zero, sets vector to (0, 0) and returns + false; otherwise returns true. + + :param x: proportional value for fX + :param y: proportional value for fY + :return: true if (x, y) length is not zero or nearly zero + """ + def x(self) -> float: + """ + Returns x-axis value of :py:class:`Point` or vector. + """ + def y(self) -> float: + """ + Returns y-axis value of :py:class:`Point` or vector. + """ + @property + def fX(self) -> float: + """ + x-axis value + """ + @fX.setter + def fX(self, arg0: float) -> None: ... + @property + def fY(self) -> float: + """ + y-axis value + """ + @fY.setter + def fY(self, arg0: float) -> None: ... + +class Point3: + """ + + :py:class:`Point` holds three 32-bit floating point coordinates. + + Example:: + + point = skia.Point3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) + point = skia.Point3((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) # Convert from tuple + print(point.fX, point.fY, point.fZ) + x, y, z = tuple(point) # Convert to tuple + + """ + + __hash__: typing.ClassVar[None] = None + @staticmethod + def CrossProduct(a: Point3, b: Point3) -> Point3: + """ + Returns the cross product of a and b, treating them as 3D vectors. + """ + @staticmethod + def DotProduct(a: Point3, b: Point3) -> float: + """ + Returns the dot product of a and b, treating them as 3D vectors. + """ + @staticmethod + def Length(x: float, y: float, z: float) -> float: + """ + Returns the Euclidian distance from (0,0,0) to (x,y,z) + """ + @staticmethod + def Make(x: float, y: float, z: float) -> Point3: ... + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __add__(self, other: Point3) -> Point3: + """ + Returns a new point whose coordinates are the sum of a and b (a + b) + """ + def __eq__(self, other: Point3) -> bool: ... + def __iadd__(self, v: Point3) -> Point3: + """ + Add v's coordinates to the point's. + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, x: float, y: float, z: float) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, t: tuple) -> None: ... + def __isub__(self, v: Point3) -> Point3: + """ + Subtract v's coordinates from the point's. + """ + def __iter__(self) -> typing.Iterator[float]: ... + def __len__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: Point3) -> bool: ... + def __neg__(self) -> Point3: + """ + Return a new point whose X, Y and Z coordinates are the negative of the + original point's. + """ + def __rmul__(self, scale: float) -> Point3: ... + def __sub__(self, other: Point3) -> Point3: + """ + Returns a new point whose coordinates are the difference between a and b + (i.e., a - b) + """ + def cross(self, vec: Point3) -> Point3: ... + def dot(self, vec: Point3) -> float: ... + def isFinite(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if fX, fY, and fZ are measurable values. + """ + def length(self) -> float: + """ + Return the Euclidian distance from (0,0,0) to the point. + """ + def makeScale(self, scale: float) -> Point3: + """ + Return a new point whose X, Y and Z coordinates are scaled. + """ + def normalize(self) -> bool: + """ + Set the point (vector) to be unit-length in the same direction as it + already points. + + If the point has a degenerate length (i.e., nearly 0) then set it to + (0,0,0) and return false; otherwise return true. + """ + def scale(self, scale: float) -> None: + """ + Scale the point's coordinates by scale. + """ + def set(self, x: float, y: float, z: float) -> None: ... + def x(self) -> float: ... + def y(self) -> float: ... + def z(self) -> float: ... + @property + def fX(self) -> float: + """ + x-axis value + """ + @fX.setter + def fX(self, arg0: float) -> None: ... + @property + def fY(self) -> float: + """ + y-axis value + """ + @fY.setter + def fY(self, arg0: float) -> None: ... + @property + def fZ(self) -> float: + """ + z-axis value + """ + @fZ.setter + def fZ(self, arg0: float) -> None: ... + +class RRect: + """ + + :py:class:`RRect` describes a rounded rectangle with a bounds and a pair of + radii for each corner. + + The bounds and radii can be set so that :py:class:`RRect` describes: a + rectangle with sharp corners; a circle; an oval; or a rectangle with one or + more rounded corners. + + :py:class:`RRect` allows implementing CSS properties that describe rounded + corners. :py:class:`RRect` may have up to eight different radii, one for + each axis on each of its four corners. + + :py:class:`RRect` may modify the provided parameters when initializing + bounds and radii. If either axis radii is zero or less: radii are stored as + zero; corner is square. If corner curves overlap, radii are proportionally + reduced to fit within bounds. + + """ + class Corner: + """ + Members: + + kUpperLeft_Corner : index of top-left corner radii + + kUpperRight_Corner : index of top-right corner radii + + kLowerRight_Corner : index of bottom-right corner radii + + kLowerLeft_Corner : index of bottom-left corner radii + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, RRect.Corner] + ] # value = {'kUpperLeft_Corner': , 'kUpperRight_Corner': , 'kLowerRight_Corner': , 'kLowerLeft_Corner': } + kLowerLeft_Corner: typing.ClassVar[ + RRect.Corner + ] # value = + kLowerRight_Corner: typing.ClassVar[ + RRect.Corner + ] # value = + kUpperLeft_Corner: typing.ClassVar[ + RRect.Corner + ] # value = + kUpperRight_Corner: typing.ClassVar[ + RRect.Corner + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + class Type: + """ + Members: + + kEmpty_Type : zero width or height + + kRect_Type : non-zero width and height, and zeroed radii + + kOval_Type : non-zero width and height filled with radii + + kSimple_Type : non-zero width and height with equal radii + + kNinePatch_Type : non-zero width and height with axis-aligned radii + + kComplex_Type : non-zero width and height with arbitrary radii + + kLastType : largest Type value + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, RRect.Type] + ] # value = {'kEmpty_Type': , 'kRect_Type': , 'kOval_Type': , 'kSimple_Type': , 'kNinePatch_Type': , 'kComplex_Type': , 'kLastType': } + kComplex_Type: typing.ClassVar[RRect.Type] # value = + kEmpty_Type: typing.ClassVar[RRect.Type] # value = + kLastType: typing.ClassVar[RRect.Type] # value = + kNinePatch_Type: typing.ClassVar[ + RRect.Type + ] # value = + kOval_Type: typing.ClassVar[RRect.Type] # value = + kRect_Type: typing.ClassVar[RRect.Type] # value = + kSimple_Type: typing.ClassVar[RRect.Type] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + __hash__: typing.ClassVar[None] = None + kComplex_Type: typing.ClassVar[RRect.Type] # value = + kEmpty_Type: typing.ClassVar[RRect.Type] # value = + kLastType: typing.ClassVar[RRect.Type] # value = + kLowerLeft_Corner: typing.ClassVar[ + RRect.Corner + ] # value = + kLowerRight_Corner: typing.ClassVar[ + RRect.Corner + ] # value = + kNinePatch_Type: typing.ClassVar[RRect.Type] # value = + kOval_Type: typing.ClassVar[RRect.Type] # value = + kRect_Type: typing.ClassVar[RRect.Type] # value = + kSimple_Type: typing.ClassVar[RRect.Type] # value = + kSizeInMemory: typing.ClassVar[int] = 48 + kUpperLeft_Corner: typing.ClassVar[ + RRect.Corner + ] # value = + kUpperRight_Corner: typing.ClassVar[ + RRect.Corner + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def MakeEmpty() -> RRect: + """ + Initializes bounds at (0, 0), the origin, with zero width and height. + + Initializes corner radii to (0, 0), and sets type of kEmpty_Type. + + :return: empty :py:class:`RRect` + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeOval(oval: Rect) -> RRect: + """ + Sets bounds to oval, x-axis radii to half oval.width(), and all y-axis + radii to half oval.height(). + + If oval bounds is empty, sets to kEmpty_Type. Otherwise, sets to + kOval_Type. + + :param oval: bounds of oval + :return: oval + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeRect(r: Rect) -> RRect: + """ + Initializes to copy of r bounds and zeroes corner radii. + + :param r: bounds to copy + :return: copy of r + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeRectXY(rect: Rect, xRad: float, yRad: float) -> RRect: + """ + Sets to rounded rectangle with the same radii for all four corners. + + If rect is empty, sets to kEmpty_Type. Otherwise, if xRad and yRad are + zero, sets to kRect_Type. Otherwise, if xRad is at least half + rect.width() and yRad is at least half rect.height(), sets to + kOval_Type. Otherwise, sets to kSimple_Type. + + :param rect: bounds of rounded rectangle + :param xRad: x-axis radius of corners + :param yRad: y-axis radius of corners + :return: rounded rectangle + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: RRect) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if bounds and radii in self are equal to bounds and radii + in other. + + self and other are not equal if either contain NaN. self and other are + equal if members contain zeroes with different signs. + + :param other: :py:class:`Rect` bounds and radii to compare + :return: true if members are equal + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__(self) -> None: + """ + Initializes bounds at (0, 0), the origin, with zero width and height. + + Initializes corner radii to (0, 0), and sets type of kEmpty_Type. + + :return: empty :py:class:`RRect` + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, rrect: RRect) -> None: + """ + Initializes to copy of rrect bounds and corner radii. + + :rrect: bounds and corner to copy + :return: copy of rrect + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, rect: Rect, xRad: float, yRad: float) -> None: + """ + Initializes to rounded rectangle with the same radii for all four + corners. + + If rect is empty, sets to kEmpty_Type. Otherwise, if xRad and yRad are + zero, sets to kRect_Type. Otherwise, if xRad is at least half + rect.width() and yRad is at least half rect.height(), sets to + kOval_Type. Otherwise, sets to kSimple_Type. + + :rect: bounds of rounded rectangle + :xRad: x-axis radius of corners + :yRad: y-axis radius of corners + :return: rounded rectangle + """ + def __ne__(self, other: RRect) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if bounds and radii in self are not equal to bounds and + radii in other. + + self and other are not equal if either contain NaN. self and other are + equal if members contain zeroes with different signs. + + :param other: :py:class:`Rect` bounds and radii to compare + :return: true if members are not equal + """ + def contains(self, rect: Rect) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if rect is inside the bounds and corner radii, and if + :py:class:`RRect` and rect are not empty. + + :param rect: area tested for containment + :return: true if SkRRect contains rect + """ + def dump(self, asHex: bool = False) -> None: + """ + Writes text representation of :py:class:`RRect` to standard output. + + Set asHex true to generate exact binary representations of floating + point numbers. + + :param asHex: true if Scalar values are written as hexadecimal + """ + def dumpHex(self) -> None: + """ + Writes text representation of :py:class:`RRect` to standard output. + + The representation may be directly compiled as C++ code. Floating point + values are written in hexadecimal to preserve their exact bit pattern. + The output reconstructs the original :py:class:`RRect`. + """ + def dumpToString(self, asHex: bool) -> String: ... + def getBounds(self) -> Rect: + """ + Returns bounds. + + Bounds may have zero width or zero height. Bounds right is greater than + or equal to left; bounds bottom is greater than or equal to top. Result + is identical to :py:meth:`rect`. + + :return: bounding box + """ + def getSimpleRadii(self) -> Point: + """ + Returns top-left corner radii. + + If :py:meth:`type` returns kEmpty_Type, kRect_Type, kOval_Type, or + kSimple_Type, returns a value representative of all corner radii. If + :py:meth:`type` returns kNinePatch_Type or kComplex_Type, at least one + of the remaining three corners has a different value. + + :return: corner radii for simple types + """ + def getType(self) -> RRect.Type: ... + def height(self) -> float: + """ + Returns span on the y-axis. + + This does not check if result fits in 32-bit float; result may be + infinity. + + :return: rect().fBottom minus rect().fTop + """ + @typing.overload + def inset(self, dx: float, dy: float, dst: RRect) -> None: + """ + Copies :py:class:`RRect` to dst, then insets dst bounds by dx and dy, + and adjusts dst radii by dx and dy. + + dx and dy may be positive, negative, or zero. dst may be + :py:class:`RRect`. + + If either corner radius is zero, the corner has no curvature and is + unchanged. Otherwise, if adjusted radius becomes negative, pins radius + to zero. If dx exceeds half dst bounds width, dst bounds left and right + are set to bounds x-axis center. If dy exceeds half dst bounds height, + dst bounds top and bottom are set to bounds y-axis center. + + If dx or dy cause the bounds to become infinite, dst bounds is zeroed. + + :dx: added to rect().fLeft, and subtracted from rect().fRight + :dy: added to rect().fTop, and subtracted from rect().fBottom + :dst: insets bounds and radii + """ + @typing.overload + def inset(self, dx: float, dy: float) -> None: + """ + Insets bounds by dx and dy, and adjusts radii by dx and dy. + + dx and dy may be positive, negative, or zero. + + If either corner radius is zero, the corner has no curvature and is + unchanged. Otherwise, if adjusted radius becomes negative, pins radius + to zero. If dx exceeds half bounds width, bounds left and right are set + to bounds x-axis center. If dy exceeds half bounds height, bounds top + and bottom are set to bounds y-axis center. + + If dx or dy cause the bounds to become infinite, bounds is zeroed. + + :dx: added to rect().fLeft, and subtracted from rect().fRight + :dy: added to rect().fTop, and subtracted from rect().fBottom + """ + def isComplex(self) -> bool: ... + def isEmpty(self) -> bool: ... + def isNinePatch(self) -> bool: ... + def isOval(self) -> bool: ... + def isRect(self) -> bool: ... + def isSimple(self) -> bool: ... + def isValid(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if bounds and radii values are finite and describe a + :py:class:`RRect` :py:class:`RRect.Type` that matches + :py:meth:`getType`. + + All :py:class:`RRect` methods construct valid types, even if the input + values are not valid. Invalid :py:class:`RRect` data can only be + generated by corrupting memory. + + :return: true if bounds and radii match :py:meth:`type` + """ + def makeOffset(self, dx: float, dy: float) -> RRect: + """ + Returns :py:class:`RRect` translated by (dx, dy). + + :param dx: offset added to rect().fLeft and rect().fRight + :param dy: offset added to rect().fTop and rect().fBottom + :return: :py:class:`RRect` bounds offset by (dx, dy), with unchanged + corner radii + """ + def offset(self, dx: float, dy: float) -> None: + """ + Translates :py:class:`RRect` by (dx, dy). + + :param dx: offset added to rect().fLeft and rect().fRight + :parma dy: offset added to rect().fTop and rect().fBottom + """ + @typing.overload + def outset(self, dx: float, dy: float, dst: RRect) -> None: + """ + Outsets dst bounds by dx and dy, and adjusts radii by dx and dy. + + dx and dy may be positive, negative, or zero. + + If either corner radius is zero, the corner has no curvature and is + unchanged. Otherwise, if adjusted radius becomes negative, pins radius + to zero. If dx exceeds half dst bounds width, dst bounds left and right + are set to bounds x-axis center. If dy exceeds half dst bounds height, + dst bounds top and bottom are set to bounds y-axis center. + + If dx or dy cause the bounds to become infinite, dst bounds is zeroed. + + :dx: subtracted from rect().fLeft, and added to rect().fRight + :dy: subtracted from rect().fTop, and added to rect().fBottom + :dst: outset bounds and radii + """ + @typing.overload + def outset(self, dx: float, dy: float) -> None: + """ + Outsets bounds by dx and dy, and adjusts radii by dx and dy. + + dx and dy may be positive, negative, or zero. + + If either corner radius is zero, the corner has no curvature and is + unchanged. Otherwise, if adjusted radius becomes negative, pins radius + to zero. If dx exceeds half bounds width, bounds left and right are set + to bounds x-axis center. If dy exceeds half bounds height, bounds top + and bottom are set to bounds y-axis center. + + If dx or dy cause the bounds to become infinite, bounds is zeroed. + + :dx: subtracted from rect().fLeft, and added to rect().fRight + :dy: subtracted from rect().fTop, and added to rect().fBottom + """ + def radii(self, corner: RRect.Corner) -> Point: + """ + Returns scalar pair for radius of curve on x-axis and y-axis for one + corner. + + Both radii may be zero. If not zero, both are positive and finite. + + :return: x-axis and y-axis radii for one corner + """ + def readFromMemory(self, buffer: str) -> int: + """ + Reads :py:class:`RRect` from buffer, reading kSizeInMemory bytes. + + Returns kSizeInMemory, bytes read if length is at least kSizeInMemory. + Otherwise, returns zero. + + :param buffer: memory to read from + :return: bytes read, or 0 if length is less than kSizeInMemory + """ + def rect(self) -> Rect: + """ + Returns bounds. + + Bounds may have zero width or zero height. Bounds right is greater than + or equal to left; bounds bottom is greater than or equal to top. Result + is identical to :py:meth:`getBounds`. + + :return: bounding box + """ + def setEmpty(self) -> None: + """ + Sets bounds to zero width and height at (0, 0), the origin. + + Sets corner radii to zero and sets type to kEmpty_Type. + """ + def setNinePatch( + self, + rect: Rect, + leftRad: float, + topRad: float, + rightRad: float, + bottomRad: float, + ) -> None: + """ + Sets bounds to rect. + + Sets radii to (leftRad, topRad), (rightRad, topRad), (rightRad, + bottomRad), (leftRad, bottomRad). + + If rect is empty, sets to kEmpty_Type. Otherwise, if leftRad and + rightRad are zero, sets to kRect_Type. Otherwise, if topRad and + bottomRad are zero, sets to kRect_Type. Otherwise, if leftRad and + rightRad are equal and at least half rect.width(), and topRad and + bottomRad are equal at least half rect.height(), sets to kOval_Type. + Otherwise, if leftRad and rightRad are equal, and topRad and bottomRad + are equal, sets to kSimple_Type. Otherwise, sets to kNinePatch_Type. + + Nine patch refers to the nine parts defined by the radii: one center + rectangle, four edge patches, and four corner patches. + + :param rect: bounds of rounded rectangle + :param leftRad: left-top and left-bottom x-axis radius + :param topRad: left-top and right-top y-axis radius + :param rightRad: right-top and right-bottom x-axis radius + :param bottomRad: left-bottom and right-bottom y-axis radius + """ + def setOval(self, oval: Rect) -> None: + """ + Sets bounds to oval, x-axis radii to half oval.width(), and all y-axis + radii to half oval.height(). + + If oval bounds is empty, sets to kEmpty_Type. Otherwise, sets to + kOval_Type. + + :param oval: bounds of oval + """ + def setRect(self, rect: Rect) -> None: + """ + Sets bounds to sorted rect, and sets corner radii to zero. + + If set bounds has width and height, and sets type to kRect_Type; + otherwise, sets type to kEmpty_Type. + + :param rect: bounds to set + """ + def setRectRadii(self, rect: Rect, radii: list[Point]) -> None: + """ + Sets bounds to rect. + + Sets radii array for individual control of all for corners. + + If rect is empty, sets to kEmpty_Type. Otherwise, if one of each corner + radii are zero, sets to kRect_Type. Otherwise, if all x-axis radii are + equal and at least half rect.width(), and all y-axis radii are equal at + least half rect.height(), sets to kOval_Type. Otherwise, if all x-axis + radii are equal, and all y-axis radii are equal, sets to kSimple_Type. + Otherwise, sets to kNinePatch_Type. + + :param rect: bounds of rounded rectangle + :param radii: corner x-axis and y-axis radii + """ + def setRectXY(self, rect: Rect, xRad: float, yRad: float) -> None: + """ + Sets to rounded rectangle with the same radii for all four corners. + + If rect is empty, sets to kEmpty_Type. Otherwise, if xRad or yRad is + zero, sets to kRect_Type. Otherwise, if xRad is at least half + rect.width() and yRad is at least half rect.height(), sets to + kOval_Type. Otherwise, sets to kSimple_Type. + + :param rect: bounds of rounded rectangle + :param xRad: x-axis radius of corners + :param yRad: y-axis radius of corners + """ + def transform(self, matrix: Matrix, dst: RRect) -> bool: + """ + Transforms by :py:class:`RRect` by matrix, storing result in dst. + + Returns true if :py:class:`RRect` transformed can be represented by + another :py:class:`RRect`. Returns false if matrix contains + transformations that are not axis aligned. + + Asserts in debug builds if :py:class:`RRect` equals dst. + + :param matrix: :py:class:`Matrix` specifying the transform + :param dst: :py:class:`RRect` to store the result + :return: true if transformation succeeded. + """ + def type(self) -> RRect.Type: ... + def width(self) -> float: + """ + Returns span on the x-axis. + + This does not check if result fits in 32-bit float; result may be + infinity. + + :return: rect().fRight minus rect().fLeft + """ + def writeToMemory(self) -> bytes: + """ + Writes :py:class:`RRect` to buffer. + + Writes kSizeInMemory bytes, and returns kSizeInMemory, the number of + bytes written. + + :return: bytes written, kSizeInMemory + """ + +class RSXform: + """ + + A compressed form of a rotation+scale matrix. + + [ fSCos -fSSin fTx ] + [ fSSin fSCos fTy ] + [ 0 0 1 ] + + """ + + fSCos: float + fSSin: float + fTx: float + fTy: float + @staticmethod + def Make(scos: float, ssin: float, tx: float, ty: float) -> RSXform: ... + @staticmethod + def MakeFromRadians( + scale: float, + radians: float, + tx: float, + ty: float, + ax: float, + ay: float, + ) -> RSXform: ... + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __init__(self, scos: float, ssin: float, tx: float, ty: float) -> None: ... + def rectStaysRect(self) -> bool: ... + def set(self, scos: float, ssin: float, tx: float, ty: float) -> None: ... + def setIdentity(self) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def toQuad(self, width: float, height: float, quqd: Point) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def toQuad(self, size: Size, quqd: Point) -> None: ... + def toTriStrip(self, width: float, height: float, strip: Point) -> None: ... + +class RTreeFactory(BBHFactory): + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __call__(self) -> BBoxHierarchy: ... + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + +class Rect: + """ + + :py:class:`Rect` holds four float coordinates describing the upper and lower + bounds of a rectangle. + + :py:class:`Rect` may be created from outer bounds or from position, width, + and height. :py:class:`Rect` describes an area; if its right is less than or + equal to its left, or if its bottom is less than or equal to its top, it is + considered empty. + + Example:: + + rect = skia.Rect(0, 0, 180, 120) + rect = skia.Rect((0, 0, 180, 120)) # Convert from tuple + print(rect.width(), rect.height()) + left, top, right, bottom = tuple(rect) # Convert to tuple + + """ + + __hash__: typing.ClassVar[None] = None + @staticmethod + def Intersects(a: Rect, b: Rect) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if a intersects b. + + Returns false if either a or b is empty, or do not intersect. + + :param a: :py:class:`Rect` to intersect + :param b: :py:class:`Rect` to intersect + :return: true if a and b have area in common + """ + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def Make(size: ISize) -> Rect: + """ + Returns constructed :py:class:`Rect` set to (0, 0, size.width(), + size.height()). + + Does not validate input; size.width() or size.height() may be negative. + + :size: integer values for :py:class:`Rect` width and height + :return: bounds (0, 0, size.width(), size.height()) + """ + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def Make(irect: IRect) -> Rect: + """ + Returns constructed :py:class:`Rect` set to irect, promoting integers + to scalar. + + Does not validate input; fLeft may be greater than fRight, fTop may be + greater than fBottom. + + :irect: integer unsorted bounds + :return: irect members converted to Scalar + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeEmpty() -> Rect: + """ + Returns constructed :py:class:`Rect` set to (0, 0, 0, 0). + + Many other rectangles are empty; if left is equal to or greater than + right, or if top is equal to or greater than bottom. Setting all members + to zero is a convenience, but does not designate a special empty + rectangle. + + :return: bounds (0, 0, 0, 0) + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeIWH(w: int, h: int) -> Rect: + """ + Returns constructed :py:class:`Rect` set to integer values (0, 0, w, h). + + Does not validate input; w or h may be negative. + + Use to avoid a compiler warning that input may lose precision when + stored. Use :py:class:`IRect` for an exact integer rectangle. + + :param w: integer width of constructed :py:class:`Rect` + :param h: integer height of constructed :py:class:`Rect` + :return: bounds (0, 0, w, h) + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeLTRB(l: float, t: float, r: float, b: float) -> Rect: + """ + Returns constructed :py:class:`Rect` set to (l, t, r, b). + + Does not sort input; :py:class:`Rect` may result in fLeft greater than + fRight, or fTop greater than fBottom. + + :param l: Scalar stored in fLeft + :param t: Scalar stored in fTop + :param r: Scalar stored in fRight + :param b: Scalar stored in fBottom + :return: bounds (l, t, r, b) + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeSize(size: Size) -> Rect: + """ + Returns constructed :py:class:`Rect` set to (0, 0, size.width(), + size.height()). + + Does not validate input; size.width() or size.height() may be negative. + + :param size: Scalar values for :py:class:`Rect` width and height + :return: bounds (0, 0, size.width(), size.height()) + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeWH(w: float, h: float) -> Rect: + """ + Returns constructed :py:class:`Rect` set to :py:class:`Scalar` values + (0, 0, w, h). + + Does not validate input; w or h may be negative. + + Passing integer values may generate a compiler warning since + :py:class:`Rect` cannot represent 32-bit integers exactly. Use + :py:class:`IRect` for an exact integer rectangle. + + :param w: Scalar width of constructed :py:class:`Rect` + :param h: Scalar height of constructed :py:class:`Rect` + :return: bounds (0, 0, w, h) + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeXYWH(x: float, y: float, w: float, h: float) -> Rect: + """ + Returns constructed :py:class:`Rect` set to (x, y, x + w, y + h). + + Does not validate input; w or h may be negative. + + :param x: stored in fLeft + :param y: stored in fTop + :param w: added to x and stored in fRight + :param h: added to y and stored in fBottom + :return: bounds at (x, y) with width w and height h + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + @typing.overload + def __contains__(self, arg0: Point) -> bool: ... + @typing.overload + def __contains__(self, arg0: Rect) -> bool: ... + @typing.overload + def __contains__(self, arg0: IRect) -> bool: ... + def __eq__(self, other: Rect) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if all members in self: fLeft, fTop, fRight, and fBottom; + are equal to the corresponding members in other. + + self and other are not equal if either contain NaN. self and other are + equal if members contain zeroes with different signs. + + :param other: :py:class:`Rect` to compare + :return: true if members are equal + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__(self) -> None: + """ + Returns constructed :py:class:`Rect` set to (0, 0, 0, 0). + + Many other rectangles are empty; if left is equal to or greater than + right, or if top is equal to or greater than bottom. Setting all members + to zero is a convenience, but does not designate a special empty + rectangle. + + :return: bounds (0, 0, 0, 0) + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, w: float, h: float) -> None: + """ + Returns constructed :py:class:`Rect` set to :py:class:`Scalar` values + (0, 0, w, h). + + Does not validate input; w or h may be negative. + + Passing integer values may generate a compiler warning since + :py:class:`Rect` cannot represent 32-bit integers exactly. Use + :py:class:`IRect` for an exact integer rectangle. + + :w: Scalar width of constructed :py:class:`Rect` + :h: Scalar height of constructed :py:class:`Rect` + :return: bounds (0, 0, w, h) + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, l: float, t: float, r: float, b: float) -> None: + """ + Returns constructed :py:class:`Rect` set to (l, t, r, b). + + Does not sort input; :py:class:`Rect` may result in fLeft greater than + fRight, or fTop greater than fBottom. + + :l: Scalar stored in fLeft + :t: Scalar stored in fTop + :r: Scalar stored in fRight + :b: Scalar stored in fBottom + :return: bounds (l, t, r, b) + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, size: ISize) -> None: + """ + Returns constructed :py:class:`Rect` set to (0, 0, size.width(), + size.height()). + + Does not validate input; size.width() or size.height() may be negative. + + :size: integer values for :py:class:`Rect` width and height + :return: bounds (0, 0, size.width(), size.height()) + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, irect: IRect) -> None: + """ + Returns constructed :py:class:`Rect` set to irect, promoting integers + to scalar. + + Does not validate input; fLeft may be greater than fRight, fTop may be + greater than fBottom. + + :irect: integer unsorted bounds + :return: irect members converted to Scalar + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, t: tuple) -> None: ... + def __iter__(self) -> typing.Iterator[float]: ... + def __len__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: Rect) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if any in self: fLeft, fTop, fRight, and fBottom; does not + equal to the corresponding members in other. + + self and other are not equal if either contain NaN. self and other are + equal if members contain zeroes with different signs. + + :param other: :py:class:`Rect` to compare + :return: true if members are not equal + """ + def asScalars(self) -> memoryview: + """ + Returns pointer to first scalar in :py:class:`Rect`, to treat it as an + array with four entries. + + :return: pointer to fLeft + """ + def bottom(self) -> float: + """ + Returns bottom edge of SkRect, if sorted. + + Call :py:meth:`isEmpty` to see if SkRect may be invalid, and + :py:meth:`sort` to reverse fTop and fBottom if needed. + + :return: fBottom + """ + def centerX(self) -> float: + """ + Returns average of left edge and right edge. + + Result does not change if SkRect is sorted. Result may overflow to + infinity if :py:class:`Rect` is far from the origin. + + :return: midpoint on x-axis + """ + def centerY(self) -> float: + """ + Returns average of top edge and bottom edge. + + Result does not change if :py:class:`Rect` is sorted. + + :return: midpoint on y-axis + """ + @typing.overload + def contains(self, x: float, y: float) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if: fLeft <= x < fRight && fTop <= y < fBottom. + + Returns false if :py:class:`Rect` is empty. + + :x: test :py:class:`Point` x-coordinate + :y: test :py:class:`Point` y-coordinate + :return: true if (x, y) is inside :py:class:`Rect` + """ + @typing.overload + def contains(self, r: Rect) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if :py:class:`Rect` contains r. + + Returns false if :py:class:`Rect` is empty or r is empty. + + :py:class:`Rect` contains r when :py:class:`Rect` area completely + includes r area. + + :r: :py:class:`Rect` contained + :return: true if all sides of :py:class:`Rect` are outside r + """ + @typing.overload + def contains(self, r: IRect) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if :py:class:`Rect` contains r. + + Returns false if :py:class:`Rect` is empty or r is empty. + + :py:class:`Rect` contains r when :py:class:`Rect` area completely + includes r area. + + :r: :py:class:`IRect` contained + :return: true if all sides of :py:class:`Rect` are outside r + """ + def dump(self, asHex: bool = False) -> None: + """ + Writes text representation of :py:class:`Rect` to standard output. + + Set asHex to true to generate exact binary representations of floating + point numbers. + + :param asHex: true if Scalar values are written as hexadecimal + """ + def dumpHex(self) -> None: + """ + Writes text representation of :py:class:`Rect` to standard output. + + The representation may be directly compiled as C++ code. Floating point + values are written in hexadecimal to preserve their exact bit pattern. + The output reconstructs the original :py:class:`Rect`. + + Use instead of dump() when submitting + """ + def height(self) -> float: + """ + Returns span on the y-axis. + """ + def inset(self, dx: float, dy: float) -> None: + """ + Insets :py:class:`Rect` by (dx, dy). + + If dx is positive, makes :py:class:`Rect` narrower. If dx is negative, + makes :py:class:`Rect` wider. If dy is positive, makes :py:class:`Rect` + shorter. If dy is negative, makes :py:class:`Rect` taller. + + :param dx: added to fLeft and subtracted from fRight + :param dy: added to fTop and subtracted from fBottom + """ + @typing.overload + def intersect(self, r: Rect) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if :py:class:`Rect` intersects r, and sets :py:class:`Rect` + to intersection. + + Returns false if :py:class:`Rect` does not intersect r, and leaves + :py:class:`Rect` unchanged. + + Returns false if either r or :py:class:`Rect` is empty, leaving + :py:class:`Rect` unchanged. + + :r: limit of result + :return: true if r and :py:class:`Rect` have area in common + """ + @typing.overload + def intersect(self, a: Rect, b: Rect) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if a intersects b, and sets :py:class:`Rect` to + intersection. + + Returns false if a does not intersect b, and leaves :py:class:`Rect` + unchanged. + + Returns false if either a or b is empty, leaving :py:class:`Rect` + unchanged. + + :a: :py:class:`Rect` to intersect + :b: :py:class:`Rect` to intersect + :return: true if a and b have area in common + """ + def intersects(self, r: Rect) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if :py:class:`Rect` intersects r. + + Returns false if either r or :py:class:`Rect` is empty, or do not + intersect. + + :param r: :py:class:`Rect` to intersect + :return: true if r and :py:class:`Rect` have area in common + """ + def isEmpty(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if fLeft is equal to or greater than fRight, or if fTop is + equal to or greater than fBottom. + + Call :py:meth:`sort` to reverse rectangles with negative + :py:meth:`width` or :py:meth:`height`. + + :return: true if :py:meth:`width` or :py:meth:`height` are zero or + negative + """ + def isFinite(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if all values in the rectangle are finite: SK_ScalarMin or + larger, and SK_ScalarMax or smaller. + + :return: true if no member is infinite or NaN + """ + def isSorted(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if fLeft is equal to or less than fRight, or if fTop is + equal to or less than fBottom. + + Call :py:meth:`sort` to reverse rectangles with negative + :py:meth:`width` or :py:meth:`height`. + + :return: true if :py:meth:`width` or :py:meth:`height` are zero or + positive + """ + def join(self, r: Rect) -> None: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Rect` to the union of itself and r. + + Has no effect if r is empty. Otherwise, if :py:class:`Rect` is empty, + sets :py:class:`Rect` to r. + + :param r: expansion :py:class:`Rect` + """ + def joinNonEmptyArg(self, r: Rect) -> None: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Rect` to the union of itself and r. + + Asserts if r is empty and SK_DEBUG is defined. If :py:class:`Rect` is + empty, sets :py:class:`Rect` to r. + + May produce incorrect results if r is empty. + + :param r: expansion :py:class:`Rect` + """ + def joinPossiblyEmptyRect(self, r: Rect) -> None: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Rect` to the union of itself and the construction. + + May produce incorrect results if :py:class:`Rect` or r is empty. + + :param r: expansion :py:class:`Rect` + """ + def left(self) -> float: + """ + Returns left edge of SkRect, if sorted. + + Call :py:meth:`isSorted` to see if SkRect is valid. Call :py:meth:`sort` + to reverse fLeft and fRight if needed. + + :return: fLeft + """ + def makeInset(self, dx: float, dy: float) -> Rect: + """ + Returns :py:class:`Rect`, inset by (dx, dy). + + If dx is negative, :py:class:`Rect` returned is wider. If dx is + positive, :py:class:`Rect` returned is narrower. If dy is negative, + :py:class:`Rect` returned is taller. If dy is positive, :py:class:`Rect` + returned is shorter. + + :param dx: added to fLeft and subtracted from fRight + :param dy: added to fTop and subtracted from fBottom + :return: :py:class:`Rect` inset symmetrically left and right, top and + bottom + """ + @typing.overload + def makeOffset(self, dx: float, dy: float) -> Rect: + """ + Returns :py:class:`Rect` offset by (dx, dy). + + If dx is negative, :py:class:`Rect` returned is moved to the left. If dx + is positive, :py:class:`Rect` returned is moved to the right. If dy is + negative, :py:class:`Rect` returned is moved upward. If dy is positive, + :py:class:`Rect` returned is moved downward. + + :dx: added to fLeft and fRight + :dy: added to fTop and fBottom + :return: :py:class:`Rect` offset on axes, with original width and height + """ + @typing.overload + def makeOffset(self, v: Point) -> Rect: + """ + Returns :py:class:`Rect` offset by v. + + :v: added to rect + :return: :py:class:`Rect` offset on axes, with original width and height + """ + def makeOutset(self, dx: float, dy: float) -> Rect: + """ + Returns :py:class:`Rect`, outset by (dx, dy). + + If dx is negative, :py:class:`Rect` returned is narrower. If dx is + positive, :py:class:`Rect` returned is wider. If dy is negative, + :py:class:`Rect` returned is shorter. If dy is positive, + :py:class:`Rect` returned is taller. + + :param dx: subtracted to fLeft and added from fRight + :param dy: subtracted to fTop and added from fBottom + :return: :py:class:`Rect` outset symmetrically left and right, top and + bottom + """ + def makeSorted(self) -> Rect: + """ + Returns :py:class:`Rect` with fLeft and fRight swapped if fLeft is + greater than fRight; and with fTop and fBottom swapped if fTop is + greater than fBottom. + + Result may be empty; and :py:meth:`width` and :py:meth:`height` will be + zero or positive. + + :return: sorted :py:class:`Rect` + """ + @typing.overload + def offset(self, dx: float, dy: float) -> None: + """ + Offsets :py:class:`Rect` by adding dx to fLeft, fRight; and by adding dy + to fTop, fBottom. + + If dx is negative, moves :py:class:`Rect` to the left. If dx is + positive, moves :py:class:`Rect` to the right. If dy is negative, moves + :py:class:`Rect` upward. If dy is positive, moves :py:class:`Rect` + downward. + + :dx: offset added to fLeft and fRight + :dy: offset added to fTop and fBottom + """ + @typing.overload + def offset(self, delta: Point) -> None: + """ + Offsets :py:class:`Rect` by adding delta.fX to fLeft, fRight; and by + adding delta.fY to fTop, fBottom. + + If delta.fX is negative, moves :py:class:`Rect` to the left. If delta.fX + is positive, moves :py:class:`Rect` to the right. If delta.fY is + negative, moves :py:class:`Rect` upward. If delta.fY is positive, moves + :py:class:`Rect` downward. + + :param delta: added to :py:class:`Rect` + """ + def offsetTo(self, newX: float, newY: float) -> None: + """ + Offsets :py:class:`Rect` so that fLeft equals newX, and fTop equals + newY. + + width and height are unchanged. + + :param newX: stored in fLeft, preserving :py:meth:`width` + :param newY: stored in fTop, preserving :py:meth:`height` + """ + def outset(self, dx: float, dy: float) -> None: + """ + Outsets :py:class:`Rect` by (dx, dy). + + If dx is positive, makes :py:class:`Rect` wider. If dx is negative, + makes :py:class:`Rect` narrower. If dy is positive, makes + :py:class:`Rect` taller. If dy is negative, makes :py:class:`Rect` + shorter. + + :param dx: subtracted to fLeft and added from fRight + :param dy: subtracted to fTop and added from fBottom + """ + def right(self) -> float: + """ + Returns right edge of SkRect, if sorted. + + Call :py:meth:`isSorted` to see if SkRect is valid. Call :py:meth:`sort` + to reverse fLeft and fRight if needed. + + :return: fRight + """ + def round(self) -> IRect: + """ + Returns :py:class:`IRect` by adding 0.5 and discarding the fractional + portion of :py:class:`Rect` members, using ( + ``SkScalarRoundToInt(fLeft)``, ``SkScalarRoundToInt(fTop)``, + ``SkScalarRoundToInt(fRight)``, ``SkScalarRoundToInt(fBottom)``). + + :return: rounded :py:class:`IRect` + """ + def roundIn(self) -> IRect: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Rect` by rounding up fLeft and fTop; and discarding the + fractional portion of fRight and fBottom, using ( + ``SkScalarCeilToInt(fLeft)``, ``SkScalarCeilToInt(fTop)``, + ``SkScalarFloorToInt(fRight)``, ``SkScalarFloorToInt(fBottom)``). + """ + def roundOut(self) -> IRect: + """ + Sets :py:class:`IRect` by discarding the fractional portion of fLeft and + fTop; and rounding up fRight and fBottom, using ( + ``SkScalarFloorToInt(fLeft)``, ``SkScalarFloorToInt(fTop)``, + ``SkScalarCeilToInt(fRight)``, ``SkScalarCeilToInt(fBottom)``). + + :return: rounded :py:class:`IRect` + """ + @typing.overload + def set(self, src: IRect) -> None: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Rect` to src, promoting src members from integer to + scalar. + + Very large values in src may lose precision. + + :src: integer :py:class:`Rect` + """ + @typing.overload + def set(self, p0: Point, p1: Point) -> None: + """ + Sets bounds to the smallest :py:class:`Rect` enclosing :py:class:`Point` + p0 and p1. + + The result is sorted and may be empty. Does not check to see if values + are finite. + + :p0: corner to include + :p1: corner to include + """ + def setBounds(self, points: list[Point]) -> None: + """ + Sets to bounds of :py:class:`Point` array with count entries. + + If count is zero or smaller, or if :py:class:`Point` array contains an + infinity or NaN, sets to (0, 0, 0, 0). + + Result is either empty or sorted: fLeft is less than or equal to fRight, + and fTop is less than or equal to fBottom. + + :param points: :py:class:`Point` array + """ + def setBoundsCheck(self, points: list[Point]) -> bool: + """ + Sets to bounds of :py:class:`Point` array with count entries. + + Returns false if count is zero or smaller, or if :py:class:`Point` array + contains an infinity or NaN; in these cases sets :py:class:`Rect` to + (0, 0, 0, 0). + + Result is either empty or sorted: fLeft is less than or equal to fRight, + and fTop is less than or equal to fBottom. + + :param points: :py:class:`Point` array + :return: true if all :py:class:`Point` values are finite + """ + def setBoundsNoCheck(self, points: list[Point]) -> None: + """ + Sets to bounds of :py:class:`Point` pts array with count entries. + + If any :py:class:`Point` in pts contains infinity or NaN, all + :py:class:`Rect` dimensions are set to NaN. + + :param points: :py:class:`Point` array + """ + def setEmpty(self) -> None: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Rect` to (0, 0, 0, 0). + + Many other rectangles are empty; if left is equal to or greater than + right, or if top is equal to or greater than bottom. Setting all members + to zero is a convenience, but does not designate a special empty + rectangle. + """ + def setIWH(self, width: int, height: int) -> None: ... + def setLTRB(self, left: float, top: float, right: float, bottom: float) -> None: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Rect` to (left, top, right, bottom). + + left and right are not sorted; left is not necessarily less than right. + top and bottom are not sorted; top is not necessarily less than bottom. + + :param left: stored in fLeft + :param top: stored in fTop + :param right: stored in fRight + :param bottom: stored in fBottom + """ + def setWH(self, width: float, height: float) -> None: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Rect` to (0, 0, width, height). + + Does not validate input; width or height may be negative. + + :param width: stored in fRight + :param height: stored in fBottom + """ + def setXYWH(self, x: float, y: float, width: float, height: float) -> None: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Rect` to (x, y, x + width, y + height). + + Does not validate input; width or height may be negative. + + :param x: stored in fLeft + :param y: stored in fTop + :param width: added to x and stored in fRight + :param height: added to y and stored in fBottom + """ + def sort(self) -> None: + """ + Swaps fLeft and fRight if fLeft is greater than fRight; and swaps fTop + and fBottom if fTop is greater than fBottom. + + Result may be empty; and :py:meth:`width` and :py:meth:`height` will be + zero or positive. + """ + def toQuad(self) -> list[Point]: + """ + Returns four points in quad that enclose :py:class:`Rect` ordered as: + top-left, top-right, bottom-right, bottom-left. + + :return: corners of :py:class:`Rect` + """ + def top(self) -> float: + """ + Returns top edge of SkRect, if sorted. + + Call :py:meth:`isEmpty` to see if SkRect may be invalid, and + :py:meth:`sort` to reverse fTop and fBottom if needed. + + :return: fTop + """ + def width(self) -> float: + """ + Returns span on the x-axis. + + This does not check if :py:class:`Rect` is sorted, or if result fits in + 32-bit float; result may be negative or infinity. + + :return: fRight minus fLeft + """ + def x(self) -> float: + """ + Returns left edge of :py:class:`Rect`, if sorted. + + Call :py:meth:`isSorted` to see if :py:class:`Rect` is valid. Call + :py:meth:`sort` to reverse fLeft and fRight if needed. + + :return: fLeft + """ + def y(self) -> float: + """ + Returns top edge of SkRect, if sorted. + + Call :py:meth:`isEmpty` to see if SkRect may be invalid, and + :py:meth:`sort` to reverse fTop and fBottom if needed. + + :return: fTop + """ + @property + def fBottom(self) -> float: + """ + larger y-axis bounds + """ + @fBottom.setter + def fBottom(self, arg0: float) -> None: ... + @property + def fLeft(self) -> float: + """ + smaller x-axis bounds + """ + @fLeft.setter + def fLeft(self, arg0: float) -> None: ... + @property + def fRight(self) -> float: + """ + larger x-axis bounds + """ + @fRight.setter + def fRight(self, arg0: float) -> None: ... + @property + def fTop(self) -> float: + """ + smaller y-axis bounds + """ + @fTop.setter + def fTop(self, arg0: float) -> None: ... + +class RefCnt(RefCntBase): + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + +class RefCntBase: + """ + + :py:class:`RefCntBase` is the base class for objects that may be shared by + multiple objects. + + When an existing owner wants to share a reference, it calls ref(). When an + owner wants to release its reference, it calls unref(). When the shared + object's reference count goes to zero as the result of an unref() call, its + (virtual) destructor is called. It is an error for the destructor to be + called explicitly (or via the object going out of scope on the stack or + calling delete) if getRefCnt() > 1. + + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def ref(self) -> None: + """ + Increment the reference count. + + Must be balanced by a call to :py:meth:`unref`. + """ + def unique(self) -> bool: + """ + May return true if the caller is the only owner. + + Ensures that all previous owner's actions are complete. + """ + def unref(self) -> None: + """ + Decrement the reference count. + + If the reference count is 1 before the decrement, then delete the + object. Note that if this is the case, then the object needs to have + been allocated via new, and not on the stack. + """ + +class Region: + """ + + :py:class:`Region` describes the set of pixels used to clip + :py:class:`Canvas`. + + :py:class:`Region` is compact, efficiently storing a single integer + rectangle, or a run length encoded array of rectangles. :py:class:`Region` + may reduce the current :py:class:`Canvas` clip, or may be drawn as one or + more integer rectangles. :py:class:`Region` iterator returns the scan lines + or rectangles contained by it, optionally intersecting a bounding rectangle. + + :py:class:`Region` supports a few operators:: + + regionA == regionB # Equality + regionA != regionB # Inequality + + regionA - regionB # Difference + regionA & regionB # Intersect + regionA | regionB # Union + regionA ^ regionB # XOR + + regionA -= regionB # In-place Difference + regionA &= regionB # In-place Intersect + regionA |= regionB # In-place Union + regionA ^= regionB # In-place XOR + + """ + class Cliperator: + """ + + Returns the sequence of rectangles, sorted along y-axis, then x-axis, that + make up :py:class:`Region` intersected with the specified clip rectangle. + + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __init__(self, region: Region, clip: IRect) -> None: + """ + Sets :py:class:`~Region.Cliperator` to return elements of + :py:class:`IRect` array in :py:class:`Region` within clip. + + :param skia.Region region: :py:class:`Region` to iterate + :param skia.IRect clip: bounds of iteration + :return: :py:class:`Region` iterator + """ + def __iter__(self) -> Region.Cliperator: ... + def __next__(self) -> IRect: ... + def done(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if :py:class:`~Region.Cliperator` is pointing to final + :py:class:`IRect` in :py:class:`Region`. + + :return: true if data parsing is complete + """ + def next(self) -> None: + """ + Advances iterator to next :py:class:`IRect` in :py:class:`Region` + contained by clip. + """ + def rect(self) -> IRect: + """ + Returns :py:class:`IRect` element in :py:class:`Region`, intersected + with clip passed to :py:class:`~Region.Cliperator` constructor. + + Does not return predictable results if :py:class:`Region` is empty. + + :return: part of :py:class:`Region` inside clip as :py:class:`IRect` + """ + + class Iterator: + """ + + Returns sequence of rectangles, sorted along y-axis, then x-axis, that make + up :py:class:`Region`. + + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self) -> None: + """ + Initializes :py:class:`~Region.Iterator` with an empty + :py:class:`Region`. + + :py:meth:`done` on :py:class:`~Region.Iterator` returns true. Call + :py:meth:`reset` to initialize :py:class:`~Region.Iterator` at a later + time. + + :return: empty :py:class:`Region` iterator + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, region: Region) -> None: + """ + Sets :py:class:`~Region.Iterator` to return elements of + :py:class:`IRect` array in region. + + :region: :py:class:`Region` to iterate + :py:class:`Region` iterator + """ + def __iter__(self) -> Region.Iterator: ... + def __next__(self) -> IRect: ... + def done(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if :py:class:`~Region.Iterator` is pointing to final + :py:class:`IRect` in :py:class:`Region`. + + :return: true if data parsing is complete + """ + def next(self) -> None: + """ + Advances :py:class:`~Region.Iterator` to next :py:class:`IRect` in + :py:class:`Region` if it is not done. + """ + def rect(self) -> IRect: + """ + Returns :py:class:`IRect` element in :py:class:`Region`. + + Does not return predictable results if :py:class:`Region` is empty. + + :return: part of :py:class:`Region` as :py:class:`IRect` + """ + def reset(self, region: Region) -> None: + """ + Resets iterator, using the new :py:class:`Region`. + + :param region: :py:class:`Region` to iterate + """ + def rewind(self) -> bool: + """ + :py:class:`Point` :py:class:`~Region.Iterator` to start of + :py:class:`Region`. + + Returns true if :py:class:`Region` was set; otherwise, returns false. + + :return: true if :py:class:`Region` was set + """ + def rgn(self) -> Region: + """ + Returns :py:class:`Region` if set; otherwise, returns nullptr. + + :return: iterated :py:class:`Region` + """ + + class Op: + """ + Members: + + kDifference_Op + + kIntersect_Op + + kUnion_Op + + kXOR_Op + + kReverseDifference_Op + + kReplace_Op + + kLastOp + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, Region.Op] + ] # value = {'kDifference_Op': , 'kIntersect_Op': , 'kUnion_Op': , 'kXOR_Op': , 'kReverseDifference_Op': , 'kReplace_Op': , 'kLastOp': } + kDifference_Op: typing.ClassVar[Region.Op] # value = + kIntersect_Op: typing.ClassVar[Region.Op] # value = + kLastOp: typing.ClassVar[Region.Op] # value = + kReplace_Op: typing.ClassVar[Region.Op] # value = + kReverseDifference_Op: typing.ClassVar[ + Region.Op + ] # value = + kUnion_Op: typing.ClassVar[Region.Op] # value = + kXOR_Op: typing.ClassVar[Region.Op] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + class Spanerator: + """ + + Returns the line segment ends within :py:class:`Region` that intersect a + horizontal line. + + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __init__(self, region: Region, y: int, left: int, right: int) -> None: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Region.Spanerator` to return line segments in + :py:class:`Region` on scan line. + + :param skia.Region region: :py:class:`Region` to iterate + :param int y: horizontal line to intersect + :param int left: bounds of iteration + :param int right: bounds of iteration + :return: :py:class:`Region` iterator + """ + def __iter__(self) -> Region.Spanerator: ... + def __next__(self) -> tuple: ... + def next(self, left: int, right: int) -> bool: + """ + Advances iterator to next span intersecting :py:class:`Region` within + line segment provided in constructor. + + Returns true if interval was found. + + :param int left: pointer to span start; may be nullptr + :param int right: pointer to span end; may be nullptr + :return: true if interval was found + """ + + __hash__: typing.ClassVar[None] = None + kDifference_Op: typing.ClassVar[Region.Op] # value = + kIntersect_Op: typing.ClassVar[Region.Op] # value = + kLastOp: typing.ClassVar[Region.Op] # value = + kOpCnt: typing.ClassVar[int] = 6 + kReplace_Op: typing.ClassVar[Region.Op] # value = + kReverseDifference_Op: typing.ClassVar[ + Region.Op + ] # value = + kUnion_Op: typing.ClassVar[Region.Op] # value = + kXOR_Op: typing.ClassVar[Region.Op] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + @typing.overload + def __and__(self, arg0: Region) -> Region: ... + @typing.overload + def __and__(self, arg0: IRect) -> Region: ... + def __eq__(self, other: Region) -> bool: + """ + Compares :py:class:`Region` and other; returns true if they enclose + exactly the same area. + + :param skia.Region other: :py:class:`Region` to compare + :return: true if :py:class:`Region` pair are equivalent + """ + @typing.overload + def __iand__(self, arg0: Region) -> Region: ... + @typing.overload + def __iand__(self, arg0: IRect) -> Region: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self) -> None: + """ + Constructs an empty :py:class:`Region`. + + :py:class:`Region` is set to empty bounds at (0, 0) with zero width and + height. + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, region: Region) -> None: + """ + Constructs a copy of an existing region. + + Copy constructor makes two regions identical by value. Internally, + region and the returned result share pointer values. The underlying + :py:class:`Rect` array is copied when modified. + + Creating a :py:class:`Region` copy is very efficient and never allocates + memory. :py:class:`Region` are always copied by value from the + interface; the underlying shared pointers are not exposed. + + :region: :py:class:`Region` to copy by value + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, rect: IRect) -> None: + """ + Constructs a rectangular :py:class:`Region` matching the bounds of rect. + + :rect: bounds of constructed :py:class:`Region` + """ + @typing.overload + def __ior__(self, arg0: Region) -> Region: ... + @typing.overload + def __ior__(self, arg0: IRect) -> Region: ... + @typing.overload + def __isub__(self, arg0: Region) -> Region: ... + @typing.overload + def __isub__(self, arg0: IRect) -> Region: ... + def __iter__(self) -> Region.Iterator: ... + @typing.overload + def __ixor__(self, arg0: Region) -> Region: ... + @typing.overload + def __ixor__(self, arg0: IRect) -> Region: ... + def __ne__(self, other: Region) -> bool: + """ + Compares :py:class:`Region` and other; returns true if they do not + enclose the same area.. + + :param skia.Region other: :py:class:`Region` to compare + :return: true if :py:class:`Region` pair are not equivalent + """ + @typing.overload + def __or__(self, arg0: Region) -> Region: ... + @typing.overload + def __or__(self, arg0: IRect) -> Region: ... + @typing.overload + def __sub__(self, arg0: Region) -> Region: ... + @typing.overload + def __sub__(self, arg0: IRect) -> Region: ... + @typing.overload + def __xor__(self, arg0: Region) -> Region: ... + @typing.overload + def __xor__(self, arg0: IRect) -> Region: ... + def cliperator(self, clip: IRect) -> Region.Cliperator: + """ + Creates :py:class:`~Region.Cliperator` to return elements of + :py:class:`IRect` array in :py:class:`Region` within clip. + + Example:: + + for rect in region.cliperator(skia.IRect(100, 100)): + pass + + :param skia.IRect clip: bounds of iteration + """ + def computeRegionComplexity(self) -> int: + """ + Returns a value that increases with the number of elements in + :py:class:`Region`. + + Returns zero if :py:class:`Region` is empty. Returns one if + :py:class:`Region` equals :py:class:`IRect`; otherwise, returns value + greater than one indicating that :py:class:`Region` is complex. + + Call to compare :py:class:`Region` for relative complexity. + + :return: relative complexity + """ + @typing.overload + def contains(self, x: int, y: int) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if :py:class:`IPoint` (x, y) is inside :py:class:`Region`. + + Returns false if :py:class:`Region` is empty. + + :x: test :py:class:`IPoint` x-coordinate + :y: test :py:class:`IPoint` y-coordinate + :return: true if (x, y) is inside :py:class:`Region` + """ + @typing.overload + def contains(self, other: IRect) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if other is completely inside :py:class:`Region`. + + Returns false if :py:class:`Region` or other is empty. + + :other: :py:class:`IRect` to contain + :return: true if other is inside :py:class:`Region` + """ + @typing.overload + def contains(self, other: Region) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if other is completely inside :py:class:`Region`. + + Returns false if :py:class:`Region` or other is empty. + + :other: :py:class:`Region` to contain + :return: true if other is inside :py:class:`Region` + """ + def getBoundaryPath(self, path: Path) -> bool: + """ + Appends outline of :py:class:`Region` to path. + + Returns true if :py:class:`Region` is not empty; otherwise, returns + false, and leaves path unmodified. + + :param skia.Path path: :py:class:`Path` to append to + :return: true if path changed + """ + def getBounds(self) -> IRect: + """ + Returns minimum and maximum axes values of :py:class:`IRect` array. + + Returns (0, 0, 0, 0) if :py:class:`Region` is empty. + + :return: combined bounds of all :py:class:`IRect` elements + """ + @typing.overload + def intersects(self, rect: IRect) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if :py:class:`Region` intersects rect. + + Returns false if either rect or :py:class:`Region` is empty, or do not + intersect. + + :rect: :py:class:`IRect` to intersect + :return: true if rect and :py:class:`Region` have area in common + """ + @typing.overload + def intersects(self, other: Region) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if :py:class:`Region` intersects other. + + Returns false if either other or :py:class:`Region` is empty, or do not + intersect. + + :other: :py:class:`Region` to intersect + :return: true if other and :py:class:`Region` have area in common + """ + def isComplex(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if :py:class:`Region` is described by more than one + rectangle. + + :return: true if :py:class:`Region` contains more than one + :py:class:`IRect` + """ + def isEmpty(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if :py:class:`Region` is empty. + + Empty :py:class:`Region` has bounds width or height less than or equal + to zero. :py:meth:`__init__` constructs empty :py:class:`Region`; + :py:meth:`setEmpty` and :py:meth:`setRect` with dimensionless data make + :py:class:`Region` empty. + + :return: true if bounds has no width or height + """ + def isRect(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if :py:class:`Region` is one :py:class:`IRect` with + positive dimensions. + + :return: true if :py:class:`Region` contains one :py:class:`IRect` + """ + def iterator(self) -> Region.Iterator: + """ + Creates :py:class:`~Region.Iterator` to return elements of + :py:class:`IRect` array in region. + + Example:: + + for rect in region.iterator(): + pass + """ + @typing.overload + def op(self, rect: IRect, op: Region.Op) -> bool: + """ + Replaces :py:class:`Region` with the result of :py:class:`Region` op + rect. + + Returns true if replaced :py:class:`Region` is not empty. + + :rect: :py:class:`IRect` operand + :return: false if result is empty + """ + @typing.overload + def op(self, region: Region, op: Region.Op) -> bool: + """ + Replaces :py:class:`Region` with the result of :py:class:`Region` op + region. + + Returns true if replaced :py:class:`Region` is not empty. + + :region: :py:class:`Region` operand + :return: false if result is empty + """ + @typing.overload + def op(self, rect: IRect, region: Region, op: Region.Op) -> bool: + """ + Replaces :py:class:`Region` with the result of rect op region. + + Returns true if replaced :py:class:`Region` is not empty. + + :rect: :py:class:`IRect` operand + :region: :py:class:`Region` operand + :return: false if result is empty + """ + @typing.overload + def op(self, region: Region, rect: IRect, op: Region.Op) -> bool: + """ + Replaces :py:class:`Region` with the result of region op rect. + + Returns true if replaced :py:class:`Region` is not empty. + + :region: :py:class:`Region` operand + :rect: :py:class:`IRect` operand + :return: false if result is empty + """ + @typing.overload + def op(self, regionA: Region, regionB: Region, op: Region.Op) -> bool: + """ + Replaces :py:class:`Region` with the result of regionA op regionB. + + Returns true if replaced :py:class:`Region` is not empty. + + :regionA: :py:class:`Region` operand + :regionB: :py:class:`Region` operand + :return: false if result is empty + """ + def quickContains(self, r: IRect) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if :py:class:`Region` is a single rectangle and contains r. + + May return false even though :py:class:`Region` contains r. + + :param skia.IRect r: :py:class:`IRect` to contain + :return: true quickly if r points are equal or inside + """ + @typing.overload + def quickReject(self, rect: IRect) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if :py:class:`Region` does not intersect rect. + + Returns true if rect is empty or :py:class:`Region` is empty. May return + false even though :py:class:`Region` does not intersect rect. + + :rect: :py:class:`IRect` to intersect + :return: true if rect does not intersect + """ + @typing.overload + def quickReject(self, region: Region) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if :py:class:`Region` does not intersect rgn. + + Returns true if rgn is empty or :py:class:`Region` is empty. May return + false even though :py:class:`Region` does not intersect rgn. + + :rgn: :py:class:`Region` to intersect + :return: true if rgn does not intersect + """ + def readFromMemory(self, data: Data) -> int: + """ + Constructs :py:class:`Region` from buffer of size length. + + Returns bytes read. Returned value will be multiple of four or zero if + length was too small. + + :param skia.Data data: binary data + :return: bytes read + """ + def set(self, src: Region) -> bool: + """ + Sets :py:class:`Region` to src, and returns true if src bounds is not + empty. + + This makes :py:class:`Region` and src identical by value. Internally, + :py:class:`Region` and src share pointer values. The underlying + :py:class:`Rect` array is copied when modified. + + Creating a :py:class:`Region` copy is very efficient and never allocates + memory. :py:class:`Region` are always copied by value from the + interface; the underlying shared pointers are not exposed. + + :param skia.Region src: :py:class:`Region` to copy + :return: copy of src + """ + def setEmpty(self) -> bool: + """ + Constructs an empty :py:class:`Region`. + + :py:class:`Region` is set to empty bounds at (0, 0) with zero width and + height. Always returns false. + + :return: false + """ + def setPath(self, path: Path, clip: Region) -> bool: + """ + Constructs :py:class:`Region` to match outline of path within clip. + + Returns false if constructed :py:class:`Region` is empty. + + Constructed :py:class:`Region` draws the same pixels as path through + clip when anti-aliasing is disabled. + + :param skia.Path path: :py:class:`Path` providing outline + :param skia.Region clip: :py:class:`Region` containing path + :return: true if constructed :py:class:`Region` is not empty + """ + def setRect(self, rect: IRect) -> bool: + """ + Constructs a rectangular :py:class:`Region` matching the bounds of rect. + + If rect is empty, constructs empty and returns false. + + :param skia.Rect rect: bounds of constructed :py:class:`Region` + :return: true if rect is not empty + """ + def setRects(self, rects: list[IRect]) -> bool: + """ + Constructs :py:class:`Region` as the union of :py:class:`IRect` in rects + array. + + If count is zero, constructs empty :py:class:`Region`. Returns false if + constructed :py:class:`Region` is empty. + + May be faster than repeated calls to :py:meth:`op`. + + :param List[skia.IRect] rects: array of :py:class:`IRect` + :return: true if constructed :py:class:`Region` is not empty + """ + def setRegion(self, region: Region) -> bool: + """ + Constructs a copy of an existing region. + + Makes two regions identical by value. Internally, region and the + returned result share pointer values. The underlying :py:class:`Rect` + array is copied when modified. + + Creating a :py:class:`Region` copy is very efficient and never allocates + memory. :py:class:`Region` are always copied by value from the + interface; the underlying shared pointers are not exposed. + + :param skia.Region region: :py:class:`Region` to copy by value + :return: :py:class:`Region` to copy by value + """ + def spanerator(self, y: int, left: int, right: int) -> Region.Spanerator: + """ + Creates :py:class:`Region.Spanerator` to return line segments in + :py:class:`Region` on scan line. + + Example:: + + for left, right in region.spanerator(5, 0, 100): + pass + + :param int y: horizontal line to intersect + :param int left: bounds of iteration + :param int right: bounds of iteration + """ + def swap(self, other: Region) -> None: + """ + Exchanges :py:class:`IRect` array of :py:class:`Region` and other. + + swap() internally exchanges pointers, so it is lightweight and does not + allocate memory. + + :py:class:`Path` do not copy their content on assignment until they are + written to, making assignment as efficient as swap(). + + :param skia.Region other: other region to swap + """ + def translate(self, dx: int, dy: int) -> Region: + """ + Offsets :py:class:`Region` by ivector (dx, dy). + + Has no effect if :py:class:`Region` is empty. If :py:class:`Region` is + empty, returns empty region. + + :dx: x-axis offset + :dy: y-axis offset + """ + def writeToMemory(self) -> Data: + """ + Writes :py:class:`Region` to :py:class:`Data`. + + :return: :py:class:`Data` + """ + +class RuntimeEffect(RefCnt): + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def MakeForBlender(sksl: String, options: ...) -> RuntimeEffect: ... + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def MakeForBlender(sksl: String) -> RuntimeEffect: ... + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def MakeForColorFilter(sksl: String, options: ...) -> RuntimeEffect: ... + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def MakeForColorFilter(sksl: String) -> RuntimeEffect: ... + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def MakeForShader(sksl: String, options: ...) -> RuntimeEffect: ... + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def MakeForShader(sksl: String) -> RuntimeEffect: ... + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + @typing.overload + def makeBlender(self, uniforms: Data) -> Blender: ... + @typing.overload + def makeBlender( + self, + uniforms: Data, + children: SpanRuntimeEffectChildPtr = ..., + ) -> Blender: ... + @typing.overload + def makeColorFilter(self, uniforms: Data) -> ColorFilter: ... + @typing.overload + def makeColorFilter( + self, + uniforms: Data, + children: ColorFilter, + childCount: int, + ) -> ColorFilter: ... + @typing.overload + def makeColorFilter( + self, + uniforms: Data, + children: SpanRuntimeEffectChildPtr, + ) -> ColorFilter: ... + @typing.overload + def makeShader(self, uniforms: Data) -> Shader: ... + @typing.overload + def makeShader( + self, + uniforms: Data, + children: Shader, + childCount: int, + localMatrix: Matrix | None = None, + ) -> Shader: ... + @typing.overload + def makeShader( + self, + uniforms: Data, + children: SpanRuntimeEffectChildPtr, + localMatrix: Matrix | None = None, + ) -> Shader: ... + +class RuntimeEffectBuilder: + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, arg0: RuntimeEffect) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, arg0: RuntimeEffect, arg1: Data) -> None: ... + def child(self, name: str) -> RuntimeEffectBuilderChild: ... + def children(self) -> SpanRuntimeEffectChildPtr: ... + def makeBlender(self) -> Blender: ... + def makeColorFilter(self) -> ColorFilter: ... + def makeShader(self, localMatrix: Matrix | None = None) -> Shader: ... + @typing.overload + def setChild(self, name: str, child: Shader) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def setChild(self, name: str, child: ColorFilter) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def setChild(self, name: str, child: Blender) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def setUniform(self, name: str, uniform: int) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def setUniform(self, name: str, uniform: V3) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def setUniform(self, name: str, uniform: V4) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def setUniform(self, name: str, uniform: list) -> None: ... + def uniform(self, name: str) -> RuntimeEffectBuilderUniform: ... + def uniforms(self) -> Data: ... + +class RuntimeEffectBuilderChild: + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + +class RuntimeEffectBuilderUniform: + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + +class RuntimeEffectChildPtr: + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, arg0: Shader) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, arg0: ColorFilter) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, arg0: Blender) -> None: ... + +class RuntimeEffectResult: + effect: RuntimeEffect + errorText: String + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + +class SVGCanvas: + kConvertTextToPaths_Flag: typing.ClassVar[int] = 1 + kNoPrettyXML_Flag: typing.ClassVar[int] = 2 + @staticmethod + def Make(bounds: Rect, stream: WStream, flags: int = 0) -> Canvas: + """ + Returns a new canvas that will generate SVG commands from its draw + calls, and send them to the provided stream. Ownership of the stream is + not transfered, and it must remain valid for the lifetime of the + returned canvas:: + + stream = skia.FILEWStream("output.svg") + canvas = skia.SVGCanvas.Make((640, 480), stream) + draw(canvas) + # Make sure to delete the canvas before the stream goes out of scope + del canvas + stream.flush() + + The canvas may buffer some drawing calls, so the output is not + guaranteed to be valid or complete until the canvas instance is deleted. + + The 'bounds' parameter defines an initial SVG viewport (viewBox + attribute on the root SVG element). + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + +class SVGDOM(RefCnt): + @staticmethod + def MakeFromStream(stream: Stream) -> SVGDOM: ... + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def containerSize(self) -> Size: ... + def render(self, arg0: Canvas) -> None: ... + def renderNode(self, arg0: Canvas, arg1: str) -> None: ... + def setContainerSize(self, arg0: Size) -> None: ... + +class SamplingOptions: + __hash__: typing.ClassVar[None] = None + @staticmethod + def Aniso(maxAniso: int) -> SamplingOptions: ... + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, arg0: SamplingOptions) -> bool: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, SamplingOptions: SamplingOptions) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, CubicResampler: CubicResampler) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, FilterMode: FilterMode) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, FilterMode: FilterMode, MipmapMode: MipmapMode) -> None: ... + def __ne__(self, arg0: SamplingOptions) -> bool: ... + def isAniso(self) -> bool: ... + @property + def cubic(self) -> CubicResampler: ... + @property + def filter(self) -> FilterMode: ... + @property + def maxAniso(self) -> int: ... + @property + def mipmap(self) -> MipmapMode: ... + @property + def useCubic(self) -> bool: ... + +class Shader(Flattanable): + """ + + Shaders specify the source color(s) for what is being drawn. + + If a paint has no shader, then the paint's color is used. If the paint has a + shader, then the shader's color(s) are use instead, but they are modulated + by the paint's alpha. This makes it easy to create a shader once (e.g. + bitmap tiling or gradient) and then change its transparency w/o having to + modify the original shader... only the paint's alpha needs to be modified. + + .. rubric:: Subclasses + + .. autosummary:: + :nosignatures: + + ~skia.Shaders + ~skia.GradientShader + ~skia.PerlinNoiseShader + + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + @typing.overload + def isAImage(self, localMatrix: Matrix, xy: list[TileMode] | None = None) -> Image: + """ + Iff this shader is backed by a single :py:class:`Image`, return its ptr + (the caller must ref this if they want to keep it longer than the + lifetime of the shader). + + If not, return nullptr. + """ + @typing.overload + def isAImage(self) -> bool: ... + def isOpaque(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if the shader is guaranteed to produce only opaque colors, + subject to the :py:class:`Paint` using the shader to apply an opaque + alpha value. + + Subclasses should override this to allow some optimizations. + """ + def makeWithColorFilter(self, colorFilter: ColorFilter) -> Shader: + """ + Create a new shader that produces the same colors as invoking this + shader and then applying the colorfilter. + """ + def makeWithLocalMatrix(self, matrix: Matrix) -> Shader: + """ + Return a shader that will apply the specified localMatrix to this + shader. + + The specified matrix will be applied before any matrix associated with + this shader. + """ + +class ShaderMaskFilter: + @staticmethod + def Make(shader: Shader) -> MaskFilter: ... + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + +class Shaders: + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def Blend(mode: BlendMode, dst: Shader, src: Shader) -> Shader: ... + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def Blend(blender: Blender, dst: Shader, src: Shader) -> Shader: ... + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def Color(color: int) -> Shader: ... + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def Color(color: Color4f, cs: ColorSpace | None = None) -> Shader: ... + @staticmethod + def Empty() -> Shader: ... + @staticmethod + def Lerp(t: float, dst: Shader, src: Shader) -> Shader: ... + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + +class Size: + __hash__: typing.ClassVar[None] = None + fHeight: float + fWidth: float + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def Make(width: float, height: float) -> Size: ... + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def Make(isize: ISize) -> Size: ... + @staticmethod + def MakeEmpty() -> Size: ... + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: Size) -> bool: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, width: float, height: float) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, isize: ISize) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, t: tuple) -> None: ... + def __iter__(self) -> typing.Iterator[float]: ... + def __len__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: Size) -> bool: ... + def equals(self, width: float, height: float) -> bool: ... + def height(self) -> float: ... + def isEmpty(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if either width or height are <= 0. + """ + def isZero(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true iff fWidth == 0 && fHeight == 0. + """ + def set(self, width: float, height: float) -> None: ... + def setEmpty(self) -> None: + """ + Set the width and height to 0. + """ + def toCeil(self) -> ISize: ... + def toFloor(self) -> ISize: ... + def toRound(self) -> ISize: ... + def width(self) -> float: ... + +class SpanRuntimeEffectChildPtr: + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, arg0: RuntimeEffectChildPtr, arg1: int) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, arg0: SpanRuntimeEffectChildPtr) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, arg0: VectorRuntimeEffectChildPtr) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, arg0: ...) -> None: ... + +class Stream: + """ + + :py:class:`Stream` – abstraction for a source of bytes. + + Subclasses can be backed by memory, or a file, or something else. + + NOTE: + + Classic "streams" APIs are sort of async, in that on a request for N bytes, + they may return fewer than N bytes on a given call, in which case the caller + can "try again" to get more bytes, eventually (modulo an error) receiving + their total N bytes. + + Skia streams behave differently. They are effectively synchronous, and will + always return all N bytes of the request if possible. If they return fewer + (the read() call returns the number of bytes read) then that means there is + no more data (at EOF or hit an error). The caller should not call again in + hopes of fulfilling more of the request. + + .. rubric:: Subclasses + + .. autosummary:: + :nosignatures: + + ~FILEStream + ~MemoryStream + + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeFromFile(path: str) -> StreamAsset: + """ + Attempts to open the specified file as a stream, returns nullptr on + failure. + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def duplicate(self) -> Stream: + """ + Duplicates this stream. + + If this cannot be done, returns NULL. The returned stream will be + positioned at the beginning of its data. + """ + def fork(self) -> Stream: + """ + Duplicates this stream. + + If this cannot be done, returns NULL. The returned stream will be + positioned the same as this stream. + """ + def getLength(self) -> int: + """ + Returns the total length of the stream. + + If this cannot be done, returns 0. + + Reimplemented in :py:class:`MemoryStream`, :py:class:`FILEStream`, and + :py:class:`StreamAsset`. + """ + def getMemoryBase(self) -> capsule: + """ + Returns the starting address for the data. + + If this cannot be done, returns NULL. + + Reimplemented in :py:class:`MemoryStream`, and :py:class:`StreamMemory`. + """ + def getPosition(self) -> int: + """ + Returns the current position in the stream. + + If this cannot be done, returns 0. + + Reimplemented in :py:class:`MemoryStream`, :py:class:`FILEStream`, and + :py:class:`StreamSeekable`. + """ + def hasLength(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if this stream can report it's total length. + + Reimplemented in :py:class:`StreamAsset`. + """ + def hasPosition(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if this stream can report it's current position. + + Reimplemented in :py:class:`StreamSeekable`. + """ + def isAtEnd(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true when all the bytes in the stream have been read. + + This may return true early (when there are no more bytes to be read) or + late (after the first unsuccessful read). + + Implemented in :py:class:`MemoryStream`, and :py:class:`FILEStream`. + """ + def move(self, offset: int) -> bool: + """ + Seeks to an relative offset in the stream. + + If this cannot be done, returns false. If an attempt is made to move to + a position outside the stream, the position will be set to the closest + point within the stream (beginning or end). + + Reimplemented in :py:class:`MemoryStream`, :py:class:`FILEStream`, and + :py:class:`StreamSeekable`. + """ + def peek(self, buffer: typing_extensions.Buffer) -> int: + """ + Attempt to peek at size bytes. + + If this stream supports peeking, copy min(size, peekable bytes) into + buffer, and return the number of bytes copied. If the stream does not + support peeking, or cannot peek any bytes, return 0 and leave buffer + unchanged. The stream is guaranteed to be in the same visible state + after this call, regardless of success or failure. + + :param buffer: Must not be NULL, and must be at least size bytes. + Destination to copy bytes. + :param size: Number of bytes to copy. + :return: The number of bytes peeked/copied. + + Reimplemented in :py:class:`MemoryStream`. + """ + def read(self, buffer: typing_extensions.Buffer, size: int = 0) -> int: + """ + Reads or skips size number of bytes. + + If buffer == NULL, skip size bytes, return how many were skipped. If + buffer != NULL, copy size bytes into buffer, return how many were + copied. + + :param buffer: when NULL skip size bytes, otherwise copy size bytes + into buffer + :param size: the number of bytes to skip or copy; may be nullptr + :return: the number of bytes actually read. + + Implemented in :py:class:`MemoryStream`, and :py:class:`FILEStream`. + """ + def readBool(self) -> bool: ... + def readPackedUInt(self) -> int: ... + def readS16(self) -> int: ... + def readS32(self) -> int: ... + def readS8(self) -> int: ... + def readScalar(self) -> float: ... + def readU16(self) -> int: ... + def readU32(self) -> int: ... + def readU8(self) -> int: ... + def rewind(self) -> bool: + """ + Rewinds to the beginning of the stream. + + Returns true if the stream is known to be at the beginning after this + call returns. + + Reimplemented in :py:class:`MemoryStream`, :py:class:`FILEStream`, and + :py:class:`StreamRewindable`. + """ + def seek(self, position: int) -> bool: + """ + Seeks to an absolute position in the stream. + + If this cannot be done, returns false. If an attempt is made to seek + past the end of the stream, the position will be set to the end of the + stream. + + Reimplemented in :py:class:`MemoryStream`, :py:class:`FILEStream`, and + :py:class:`StreamSeekable`. + """ + def skip(self, size: int) -> int: + """ + Skip size number of bytes. + + :return: the actual number bytes that could be skipped. + """ + +class StreamAsset(StreamSeekable): + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def duplicate(self) -> StreamSeekable: ... + def fork(self) -> StreamSeekable: ... + +class StreamMemory(StreamAsset): + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def duplicate(self) -> StreamSeekable: ... + def fork(self) -> StreamSeekable: ... + +class StreamRewindable(Stream): + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def duplicate(self) -> StreamRewindable: ... + +class StreamSeekable(StreamRewindable): + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def fork(self) -> StreamSeekable: ... + +class String: + __hash__: typing.ClassVar[None] = None + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __contains__(self, subStr: str) -> bool: ... + def __eq__(self, text: String) -> bool: ... + def __getitem__(self, arg0: int) -> str: ... + @typing.overload + def __iadd__(self, other: String) -> String: ... + @typing.overload + def __iadd__(self, other: str) -> String: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, size: int) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, text: str) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, text: str, size: int) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, other: String) -> None: ... + def __len__(self) -> int: ... + def __setitem__(self, arg0: int, arg1: str) -> String: ... + @typing.overload + def append(self, str: String) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def append(self, text: str) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def append(self, text: str, size: int) -> None: ... + def appendHex(self, value: int, minDigits: int = 0) -> None: ... + def appendS32(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def appendS64(self, value: int, minDigits: int = 0) -> None: ... + def appendScalar(self, value: float) -> None: ... + def appendU32(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def appendU64(self, value: int, minDigits: int = 0) -> None: ... + def appendUnichar(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def c_str(self) -> str: ... + @typing.overload + def contains(self, subStr: str) -> bool: ... + @typing.overload + def contains(self, subChar: str) -> bool: ... + @typing.overload + def endsWith(self, suffixStr: str) -> bool: ... + @typing.overload + def endsWith(self, suffixChar: str) -> bool: ... + @typing.overload + def equals(self, text: String) -> bool: ... + @typing.overload + def equals(self, text: str) -> bool: ... + @typing.overload + def equals(self, text: str, size: int) -> bool: ... + def find(self, substring: str) -> int: ... + def findLastOf(self, subchar: str) -> int: ... + @typing.overload + def insert(self, offset: int, src: String) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def insert(self, offset: int, text: str) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def insert(self, offset: int, text: str, size: int) -> None: ... + def insertHex(self, offset: int, value: int, minDigits: int = 0) -> None: ... + def insertS32(self, offset: int, value: int) -> None: ... + def insertS64(self, offset: int, value: int, minDigits: int = 0) -> None: ... + def insertScalar(self, offset: int, value: float) -> None: ... + def insertU32(self, offset: int, value: int) -> None: ... + def insertU64(self, offset: int, value: int, minDigits: int = 0) -> None: ... + def insertUnichar(self, offset: int, value: int) -> None: ... + def isEmpty(self) -> bool: ... + @typing.overload + def prepend(self, str: String) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def prepend(self, text: str) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def prepend(self, text: str, size: int) -> None: ... + def prependHex(self, value: int, minDigits: int = 0) -> None: ... + def prependS32(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def prependS64(self, value: int, minDigits: int = 0) -> None: ... + def prependScalar(self, value: float) -> None: ... + def prependUnichar(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def remove(self, offset: int, size: int) -> None: ... + def reset(self) -> None: ... + def resize(self, size: int) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def set(self, src: String) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def set(self, text: str) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def set(self, text: str, size: int) -> None: ... + def size(self) -> int: ... + @typing.overload + def startsWith(self, prefixStr: str) -> bool: ... + @typing.overload + def startsWith(self, prefixChar: str) -> bool: ... + def swap(self, other: String) -> None: + """ + Swap contents between this and other. + + This function is guaranteed to never fail or throw. + """ + +class StrokeRec: + class InitStyle: + """ + Members: + + kHairline_InitStyle + + kFill_InitStyle + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, StrokeRec.InitStyle] + ] # value = {'kHairline_InitStyle': , 'kFill_InitStyle': } + kFill_InitStyle: typing.ClassVar[ + StrokeRec.InitStyle + ] # value = + kHairline_InitStyle: typing.ClassVar[ + StrokeRec.InitStyle + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + class Style: + """ + Members: + + kHairline_Style + + kFill_Style + + kStroke_Style + + kStrokeAndFill_Style + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, StrokeRec.Style] + ] # value = {'kHairline_Style': , 'kFill_Style': , 'kStroke_Style': , 'kStrokeAndFill_Style': } + kFill_Style: typing.ClassVar[StrokeRec.Style] # value = + kHairline_Style: typing.ClassVar[ + StrokeRec.Style + ] # value = + kStrokeAndFill_Style: typing.ClassVar[ + StrokeRec.Style + ] # value = + kStroke_Style: typing.ClassVar[ + StrokeRec.Style + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + kFill_InitStyle: typing.ClassVar[ + StrokeRec.InitStyle + ] # value = + kFill_Style: typing.ClassVar[StrokeRec.Style] # value = + kHairline_InitStyle: typing.ClassVar[ + StrokeRec.InitStyle + ] # value = + kHairline_Style: typing.ClassVar[ + StrokeRec.Style + ] # value = + kStrokeAndFill_Style: typing.ClassVar[ + StrokeRec.Style + ] # value = + kStroke_Style: typing.ClassVar[StrokeRec.Style] # value = + kStyleCount: typing.ClassVar[int] = 4 + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def GetInflationRadius(paint: Paint, style: Paint.Style) -> float: + """ + Equivalent to: :py:class:`StrokeRec` rec(paint, style); + rec.getInflationRadius(); This does not account for other effects on the + paint (i.e. path effect). + """ + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def GetInflationRadius( + join: Paint.Join, + miterLimit: float, + cap: Paint.Cap, + strokeWidth: float, + ) -> float: ... + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, style: StrokeRec.InitStyle) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__( + self, + paint: Paint, + style: Paint.Style, + resScale: float = 1, + ) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, paint: Paint, resScale: float = 1) -> None: ... + def applyToPaint(self, paint: Paint) -> None: + """ + Apply these stroke parameters to a paint. + """ + def applyToPath(self, dst: Path, src: Path) -> bool: + """ + Apply these stroke parameters to the src path, returning the result in + dst. + + If there was no change (i.e. style == hairline or fill) this returns + false and dst is unchanged. Otherwise returns true and the result is + stored in dst. + + src and dst may be the same path. + """ + def getCap(self) -> Paint.Cap: ... + def getInflationRadius(self) -> float: + """ + Gives a conservative value for the outset that should applied to a + geometries bounds to account for any inflation due to applying this + strokeRec to the geometry. + """ + def getJoin(self) -> Paint.Join: ... + def getMiter(self) -> float: ... + def getResScale(self) -> float: ... + def getStyle(self) -> StrokeRec.Style: ... + def getWidth(self) -> float: ... + def hasEqualEffect(self, other: StrokeRec) -> bool: + """ + Compare if two SkStrokeRecs have an equal effect on a path. + + Equal SkStrokeRecs produce equal paths. Equality of produced paths does + not take the ResScale parameter into account. + """ + def isFillStyle(self) -> bool: ... + def isHairlineStyle(self) -> bool: ... + def needToApply(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if this specifes any thick stroking, i.e. + + :py:meth:`applyToPath` will return true. + """ + def setFillStyle(self) -> None: ... + def setHairlineStyle(self) -> None: ... + def setResScale(self, rs: float) -> None: ... + def setStrokeParams( + self, + cap: Paint.Cap, + join: Paint.Join, + miterLimit: float, + ) -> None: ... + def setStrokeStyle(self, width: float, strokeAndFill: bool = False) -> None: + """ + Specify the strokewidth, and optionally if you want stroke + fill. + + Note, if width==0, then this request is taken to mean: + strokeAndFill==true -> new style will be Fill strokeAndFill==false -> + new style will be Hairline + """ + +class Surface(RefCnt): + """ + + :py:class:`Surface` is responsible for managing the pixels that a canvas + draws into. + + The pixels can be allocated either in CPU memory (a raster surface) or on + the GPU (a GrRenderTarget surface). :py:class:`Surface` takes care of + allocating a :py:class:`Canvas` that will draw into the surface. Call + :py:meth:`getCanvas` to use that canvas (but don't delete it, it is owned + by the surface). :py:class:`Surface` always has non-zero dimensions. If + there is a request for a new surface, and either of the requested dimensions + are zero, then nullptr will be returned. + + Example:: + + surface = skia.Surface(640, 480) + with surface as canvas: + draw(canvas) + image = surface.makeImageSnapshot() + + + """ + class AsyncReadResult: + """ + + The result from :py:meth:`Surface.asyncRescaleAndReadPixels` or + :py:meth:`Surface.asyncRescaleAndReadPixelsYUV420`. + + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def count(self) -> int: ... + def data(self, i: int) -> capsule: ... + def rowBytes(self, i: int) -> int: ... + + class BackendHandleAccess: + """ + Members: + + kFlushRead_BackendHandleAccess : back-end object is readable + + kFlushWrite_BackendHandleAccess : back-end object is writable + + kDiscardWrite_BackendHandleAccess : back-end object must be overwritten + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, Surface.BackendHandleAccess] + ] # value = {'kFlushRead_BackendHandleAccess': , 'kFlushWrite_BackendHandleAccess': , 'kDiscardWrite_BackendHandleAccess': } + kDiscardWrite_BackendHandleAccess: typing.ClassVar[ + Surface.BackendHandleAccess + ] # value = + kFlushRead_BackendHandleAccess: typing.ClassVar[ + Surface.BackendHandleAccess + ] # value = + kFlushWrite_BackendHandleAccess: typing.ClassVar[ + Surface.BackendHandleAccess + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + class BackendSurfaceAccess: + """ + Members: + + kNoAccess : back-end object will not be used by client + + kPresent : back-end surface will be used for presenting to screen + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, Surface.BackendSurfaceAccess] + ] # value = {'kNoAccess': , 'kPresent': } + kNoAccess: typing.ClassVar[ + Surface.BackendSurfaceAccess + ] # value = + kPresent: typing.ClassVar[ + Surface.BackendSurfaceAccess + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + class ContentChangeMode: + """ + Members: + + kDiscard_ContentChangeMode : discards surface on change + + kRetain_ContentChangeMode : preserves surface on change + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, Surface.ContentChangeMode] + ] # value = {'kDiscard_ContentChangeMode': , 'kRetain_ContentChangeMode': } + kDiscard_ContentChangeMode: typing.ClassVar[ + Surface.ContentChangeMode + ] # value = + kRetain_ContentChangeMode: typing.ClassVar[ + Surface.ContentChangeMode + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + class RescaleGamma: + """ + + Controls the gamma that rescaling occurs in for + :py:meth:`Surface.asyncRescaleAndReadPixels` and + :py:meth:`Surface.asyncRescaleAndReadPixelsYUV420`. + + + Members: + + kSrc + + kLinear + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, Surface.RescaleGamma] + ] # value = {'kSrc': , 'kLinear': } + kLinear: typing.ClassVar[ + Surface.RescaleGamma + ] # value = + kSrc: typing.ClassVar[Surface.RescaleGamma] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __ge__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __gt__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __le__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __lt__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + kDiscardWrite_BackendHandleAccess: typing.ClassVar[ + Surface.BackendHandleAccess + ] # value = + kDiscard_ContentChangeMode: typing.ClassVar[ + Surface.ContentChangeMode + ] # value = + kFlushRead_BackendHandleAccess: typing.ClassVar[ + Surface.BackendHandleAccess + ] # value = + kFlushWrite_BackendHandleAccess: typing.ClassVar[ + Surface.BackendHandleAccess + ] # value = + kLinear: typing.ClassVar[Surface.RescaleGamma] # value = + kNoAccess: typing.ClassVar[ + Surface.BackendSurfaceAccess + ] # value = + kPresent: typing.ClassVar[ + Surface.BackendSurfaceAccess + ] # value = + kRetain_ContentChangeMode: typing.ClassVar[ + Surface.ContentChangeMode + ] # value = + kSrc: typing.ClassVar[Surface.RescaleGamma] # value = + @staticmethod + def MakeFromBackendRenderTarget( + context: GrRecordingContext, + backendRenderTarget: GrBackendRenderTarget, + origin: GrSurfaceOrigin, + colorType: ColorType, + colorSpace: ColorSpace, + surfaceProps: SurfaceProps | None = None, + ) -> Surface: + """ + Wraps a GPU-backed buffer into :py:class:`Surface`. + + Caller must ensure backendRenderTarget is valid for the lifetime of + returned :py:class:`Surface`. + + :py:class:`Surface` is returned if all parameters are valid. + backendRenderTarget is valid if its pixel configuration agrees with + colorSpace and context; for instance, if backendRenderTarget has an sRGB + configuration, then context must support sRGB, and colorSpace must be + present. Further, backendRenderTarget width and height must not exceed + context capabilities, and the context must be able to support back-end + render targets. + + Upon success releaseProc is called when it is safe to delete the render + target in the backend API (accounting only for use of the render target + by this surface). If :py:class:`Surface` creation fails releaseProc is + called before this function returns. + + If SK_SUPPORT_GPU is defined as zero, has no effect and returns nullptr. + + :param context: GPU context + :param backendRenderTarget: GPU intermediate memory buffer + :param colorSpace: range of colors + :param surfaceProps: LCD striping orientation and setting for device + independent fonts; may be nullptr + :return: :py:class:`Surface` if all parameters are valid; otherwise, + nullptr + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeFromBackendTexture( + context: GrRecordingContext, + backendTexture: GrBackendTexture, + origin: GrSurfaceOrigin, + sampleCnt: int, + colorType: ColorType, + colorSpace: ColorSpace, + surfaceProps: SurfaceProps | None = None, + ) -> Surface: + """ + Wraps a GPU-backed texture into :py:class:`Surface`. Caller must ensure + backendRenderTarget is valid for the lifetime of returned + :py:class:`Surface`. If sampleCnt greater than zero, creates an + intermediate MSAA :py:class:`Surface` which is used for drawing + backendTexture. + + :py:class:`Surface` is returned if all parameters are valid. + backendTexture is valid if its pixel configuration agrees with + colorSpace and context; for instance, if backendTexture has an sRGB + configuration, then context must support sRGB, and colorSpace must be + present. Further, backendTexture width and height must not exceed + context capabilities, and the context must be able to support back-end + textures. + + Upon success textureReleaseProc is called when it is safe to delete the + texture in the backend API (accounting only for use of the texture by + this surface). If :py:class:`Surface` creation fails textureReleaseProc + is called before this function returns. + + If SK_SUPPORT_GPU is defined as zero, has no effect and returns nullptr. + + :context: GPU context + :backendTexture: texture residing on GPU + :sampleCnt: samples per pixel, or 0 to disable full scene anti-aliasing + :colorSpace: range of colors; may be nullptr + :surfaceProps: LCD striping orientation and setting for device + independent fonts; may be nullptr + :return: :py:class:`Surface` if all parameters are valid; otherwise, + nullptr + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeNull(width: int, height: int) -> Surface: + """ + Returns :py:class:`Surface` without backing pixels. + + Drawing to :py:class:`Canvas` returned from :py:class:`Surface` has no + effect. Calling makeImageSnapshot() on returned :py:class:`Surface` + returns nullptr. + + :param int width: one or greater + :param int height: one or greater + + :return: :py:class:`Surface` if width and height are positive; + otherwise, nullptr + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeRaster( + imageInfo: ImageInfo, + rowBytes: int = 0, + surfaceProps: SurfaceProps | None = None, + ) -> Surface: + """ + Allocates raster :py:class:`Surface`. + + :py:class:`Canvas` returned by :py:class:`Surface` draws directly into + pixels. Allocates and zeroes pixel memory. Pixel memory size is + imageInfo.height() times rowBytes, or times imageInfo.minRowBytes() if + rowBytes is zero. Pixel memory is deleted when :py:class:`Surface` is + deleted. + + :py:class:`Surface` is returned if all parameters are valid. Valid + parameters include: info dimensions are greater than zero; info contains + :py:class:`ColorType` and :py:class:`AlphaType` supported by raster + surface; rowBytes is large enough to contain info width pixels of + :py:class:`ColorType`, or is zero. + + If rowBytes is zero, a suitable value will be chosen internally. + + :imageInfo: width, height, :py:class:`ColorType`, + :py:class:`AlphaType`, :py:class:`ColorSpace`, of raster surface; + width and height must be greater than zero + :rowBytes: interval from one :py:class:`Surface` row to the + next; may be zero + :skia.SurfaceProps surfaceProps: LCD striping orientation and + setting for device independent fonts; may be nullptr + :return: :py:class:`Surface` if all parameters are valid; otherwise, + nullptr + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeRasterDirect( + info: ImageInfo, + pixels: typing_extensions.Buffer, + rowBytes: int = 0, + surfaceProps: SurfaceProps | None = None, + ) -> Surface: + """ + Allocates raster :py:class:`Surface`. + + :py:class:`Canvas` returned by :py:class:`Surface` draws directly into + pixels. + + :py:class:`Surface` is returned if all parameters are valid. Valid + parameters include: info dimensions are greater than zero; info contains + :py:class:`ColorType` and :py:class:`AlphaType` supported by raster + surface; pixels is not nullptr; rowBytes is large enough to contain info + width pixels of :py:class:`ColorType`. + + Pixel buffer size should be info height times computed rowBytes. Pixels + are not initialized. To access pixels after drawing, peekPixels() or + readPixels(). + + :param skia.ImageInfo imageInfo: width, height, :py:class:`ColorType`, + :py:class:`AlphaType`, :py:class:`ColorSpace`, of raster surface; + width and height must be greater than zero + :param Union[bytes,bytearray,memoryview] pixels: pointer to destination + pixels buffer + :param rowBytes: interval from one :py:class:`Surface` row to the next + :param surfaceProps: LCD striping orientation and setting for device + independent fonts; may be nullptr + + :return: :py:class:`Surface` if all parameters are valid; otherwise, + nullptr + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeRasterN32Premul( + width: int, + height: int, + surfaceProps: SurfaceProps | None = None, + ) -> Surface: + """ + Allocates raster :py:class:`Surface`. + + :py:class:`Canvas` returned by :py:class:`Surface` draws directly into + pixels. Allocates and zeroes pixel memory. Pixel memory size is height + times width times four. Pixel memory is deleted when :py:class:`Surface` + is deleted. + + Internally, sets :py:class:`ImageInfo` to width, height, native color + type, and :py:attr:`AlphaType.kPremul`. + + :py:class:`Surface` is returned if width and height are greater than + zero. + + Use to create :py:class:`Surface` that matches :py:class:`PMColor`, the + native pixel arrangement on the platform. :py:class:`Surface` drawn to + output device skips converting its pixel format. + + :param int width: pixel column count; must be greater than zero + :param int height: pixel row count; must be greater than zero + :param skia.SurfaceProps surfaceProps: LCD striping orientation and + setting for device independent fonts; may be nullptr + :return: :py:class:`Surface` if all parameters are valid; otherwise, + nullptr + """ + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def MakeRenderTarget( + context: GrRecordingContext, + budgeted: Budgeted, + imageInfo: ImageInfo, + sampleCount: int = 0, + surfaceOrigin: GrSurfaceOrigin = ..., + surfaceProps: SurfaceProps | None = None, + shouldCreateWithMips: bool = False, + isProtected: bool = False, + ) -> Surface: + """ + Returns :py:class:`Surface` on GPU indicated by context. + + Allocates memory for pixels, based on the width, height, and + :py:class:`ColorType` in :py:class:`ImageInfo`. budgeted selects whether + allocation for pixels is tracked by context. imageInfo describes the + pixel format in :py:class:`ColorType`, and transparency in + :py:class:`AlphaType`, and color matching in :py:class:`ColorSpace`. + + sampleCount requests the number of samples per pixel. Pass zero to + disable multi-sample anti-aliasing. The request is rounded up to the + next supported count, or rounded down if it is larger than the maximum + supported count. + + surfaceOrigin pins either the top-left or the bottom-left corner to the + origin. + + shouldCreateWithMips hints that :py:class:`Image` returned by + makeImageSnapshot() is mip map. + + If SK_SUPPORT_GPU is defined as zero, has no effect and returns nullptr. + + :param skia.GrContext context: GPU context + :param skia.ImageInfo imageInfo: width, height, :py:class:`ColorType`, + :py:class:`AlphaType`, :py:class:`ColorSpace`; width, or height, or + both, may be zero + :param int sampleCount: samples per pixel, or 0 to disable full scene + anti-aliasing + :param skia.GrSurfaceOrigin surfaceOrigin: kTopLeft or kBottomLeft + :param skia.SurfaceProps surfaceProps: LCD striping orientation and + setting for device independent fonts; may be nullptr + :param shouldCreateWithMips: hint that :py:class:`Surface` will host mip + map images + :param isProtected: protected-ness + :return: :py:class:`Surface` if all parameters are valid; otherwise, + nullptr + """ + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def MakeRenderTarget( + context: GrRecordingContext, + budgeted: Budgeted, + imageInfo: ImageInfo, + sampleCount: int, + surfaceProps: SurfaceProps | None = None, + ) -> Surface: + """ + Returns :py:class:`Surface` on GPU indicated by context. + + Allocates memory for pixels, based on the width, height, and + :py:class:`ColorType` in :py:class:`ImageInfo`. budgeted selects whether + allocation for pixels is tracked by context. imageInfo describes the + pixel format in :py:class:`ColorType`, and transparency in + :py:class:`AlphaType`, and color matching in :py:class:`ColorSpace`. + + sampleCount requests the number of samples per pixel. Pass zero to + disable multi-sample anti-aliasing. The request is rounded up to the + next supported count, or rounded down if it is larger than the maximum + supported count. + + :py:class:`Surface` bottom-left corner is pinned to the origin. + + :context: GPU context + :imageInfo: width, height, :py:class:`ColorType`, + :py:class:`AlphaType`, :py:class:`ColorSpace`; width, or height, or + both, may be zero + :sampleCount: samples per pixel, or 0 to disable full scene + anti-aliasing + :surfaceProps: LCD striping orientation and setting for device + independent fonts; may be nullptr + :return: :py:class:`Surface` if all parameters are valid; otherwise, + nullptr + """ + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def MakeRenderTarget( + context: GrRecordingContext, + budgeted: Budgeted, + imageInfo: ImageInfo, + ) -> Surface: + """ + Returns :py:class:`Surface` on GPU indicated by context. + + Allocates memory for pixels, based on the width, height, and + :py:class:`ColorType` in :py:class:`ImageInfo`. budgeted selects whether + allocation for pixels is tracked by context. imageInfo describes the + pixel format in :py:class:`ColorType`, and transparency in + :py:class:`AlphaType`, and color matching in :py:class:`ColorSpace`. + + :py:class:`Surface` bottom-left corner is pinned to the origin. + + :context: GPU context + :imageInfo: width, height, :py:class:`ColorType`, + :py:class:`AlphaType`, :py:class:`ColorSpace`; width, or height, or + both, may be zero + """ + @staticmethod + @typing.overload + def MakeRenderTarget( + context: GrRecordingContext, + characterization: SurfaceCharacterization, + budgeted: Budgeted, + ) -> Surface: + """ + Returns :py:class:`Surface` on GPU indicated by context that is + compatible with the provided characterization. + + budgeted selects whether allocation for pixels is tracked by context. + + :context: GPU context + :characterization: description of the desired :py:class:`Surface` + :return: :py:class:`Surface` if all parameters are valid; otherwise, + nullptr + """ + @staticmethod + def Raster(*args, **kwargs): + """ + MakeRaster(imageInfo: skia.ImageInfo, rowBytes: int = 0, surfaceProps: skia.SurfaceProps = None) -> skia.Surface + + + Allocates raster :py:class:`Surface`. + + :py:class:`Canvas` returned by :py:class:`Surface` draws directly into + pixels. Allocates and zeroes pixel memory. Pixel memory size is + imageInfo.height() times rowBytes, or times imageInfo.minRowBytes() if + rowBytes is zero. Pixel memory is deleted when :py:class:`Surface` is + deleted. + + :py:class:`Surface` is returned if all parameters are valid. Valid + parameters include: info dimensions are greater than zero; info contains + :py:class:`ColorType` and :py:class:`AlphaType` supported by raster + surface; rowBytes is large enough to contain info width pixels of + :py:class:`ColorType`, or is zero. + + If rowBytes is zero, a suitable value will be chosen internally. + + :imageInfo: width, height, :py:class:`ColorType`, + :py:class:`AlphaType`, :py:class:`ColorSpace`, of raster surface; + width and height must be greater than zero + :rowBytes: interval from one :py:class:`Surface` row to the + next; may be zero + :skia.SurfaceProps surfaceProps: LCD striping orientation and + setting for device independent fonts; may be nullptr + :return: :py:class:`Surface` if all parameters are valid; otherwise, + nullptr + + """ + @staticmethod + def WrapBackendRenderTarget( + context: GrRecordingContext, + backendRenderTarget: GrBackendRenderTarget, + origin: GrSurfaceOrigin, + colorType: ColorType, + colorSpace: ColorSpace, + surfaceProps: SurfaceProps | None = None, + releaseProc: ... = None, + releaseContext: capsule | None = None, + ) -> Surface: + """ + Wraps a GPU-backed buffer into :py:class:`Surface`. + + Caller must ensure backendRenderTarget is valid for the lifetime of + returned :py:class:`Surface`. + + :py:class:`Surface` is returned if all parameters are valid. + backendRenderTarget is valid if its pixel configuration agrees with + colorSpace and context; for instance, if backendRenderTarget has an sRGB + configuration, then context must support sRGB, and colorSpace must be + present. Further, backendRenderTarget width and height must not exceed + context capabilities, and the context must be able to support back-end + render targets. + + Upon success releaseProc is called when it is safe to delete the render + target in the backend API (accounting only for use of the render target + by this surface). If :py:class:`Surface` creation fails releaseProc is + called before this function returns. + + If SK_SUPPORT_GPU is defined as zero, has no effect and returns nullptr. + + :param context: GPU context + :param backendRenderTarget: GPU intermediate memory buffer + :param colorSpace: range of colors + :param surfaceProps: LCD striping orientation and setting for device + independent fonts; may be nullptr + :return: :py:class:`Surface` if all parameters are valid; otherwise, + nullptr + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __buffer__(self, flags): + """ + Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object. + """ + def __enter__(self) -> Canvas: ... + def __exit__(self, arg0: object, arg1: object, arg2: object) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__( + self, + width: int, + height: int, + surfaceProps: SurfaceProps | None = None, + ) -> None: + """ + See :py:meth:`~MakeRasterN32Premul` + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__( + self, + array: numpy.ndarray, + colorType: ColorType = ..., + alphaType: AlphaType = ..., + colorSpace: ColorSpace | None = None, + surfaceProps: SurfaceProps | None = None, + ) -> None: + """ + Create a raster surface on numpy array. + + Input array must have compatible shape with the given color type. + + Do not destroy numpy array while using this surface. + + :array: numpy ndarray of shape=(height, width, channels) and appropriate + dtype. Must have non-zero width and height, and the valid number of + channels for the specified color type. + :colorType: color type of the array + :alphaType: alpha type of the array + :colorSpace: range of colors; may be nullptr + """ + def __release_buffer__(self, buffer): + """ + Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object. + """ + def asyncRescaleAndReadPixels( + self, + info: ImageInfo, + srcRect: IRect, + rescaleGamma: Surface.RescaleGamma, + callback: typing.Callable, + ) -> None: + """ + Makes surface pixel data available to caller, possibly asynchronously. + + It can also rescale the surface pixels. + + Currently asynchronous reads are only supported on the GPU backend and + only when the underlying 3D API supports transfer buffers and CPU/GPU + synchronization primitives. In all other cases this operates + synchronously. + + Data is read from the source sub-rectangle, is optionally converted to a + linear gamma, is rescaled to the size indicated by 'info', is then + converted to the color space, color type, and alpha type of 'info'. A + 'srcRect' that is not contained by the bounds of the surface causes + failure. + + When the pixel data is ready the caller's callback function is called + with a AsyncReadResult containing pixel data in the requested color + type, alpha type, and color space. The AsyncReadResult will have + count() == 1. Upon failure the callback is called with nullptr for + AsyncReadResult. For a GPU surface this flushes work but a submit must + occur to guarantee a finite time before the callback is called. + + The data is valid for the lifetime of AsyncReadResult with the exception + that if the :py:class:`Surface` is GPU-backed the data is immediately + invalidated if the GrContext is abandoned or destroyed. + + :param info: info of the requested pixels + :param srcRect: subrectangle of surface to read + :param rescaleGamma: controls whether rescaling is done in the + surface's gamma or whether the source data is transformed to a + linear gamma before rescaling. + :param rescaleQuality: controls the quality (and cost) of the rescaling + :param callback: function to call with result of the read. The callback + takes one argument of :py:class:`Surface.AsyncReadResult` + """ + def characterize(self, characterization: SurfaceCharacterization) -> bool: + """ + Initializes :py:class:`SurfaceCharacterization` that can be used to + perform GPU back-end processing in a separate thread. + + Typically this is used to divide drawing into multiple tiles. + :py:class:`DeferredDisplayListRecorder` records the drawing commands for + each tile. + + Return true if :py:class:`Surface` supports characterization. raster + surface returns false. + + :param skia.SurfaceCharacterization characterization: properties for + parallel drawing + :return: true if supported + """ + def draw( + self, + canvas: Canvas, + x: float, + y: float, + paint: Paint | None = None, + ) -> None: + """ + Draws :py:class:`Surface` contents to canvas, with its top-left corner + at (x, y). + + If :py:class:`Paint` paint is not nullptr, apply + :py:class:`ColorFilter`, alpha, :py:class:`ImageFilter`, + :py:class:`BlendMode`, and :py:class:`DrawLooper`. + + :canvas: :py:class:`Canvas` drawn into + :x: horizontal offset in :py:class:`Canvas` + :y: vertical offset in :py:class:`Canvas` + :paint: :py:class:`Paint` containing :py:class:`BlendMode`, + :py:class:`ColorFilter`, :py:class:`ImageFilter`, and so on; or + nullptr + """ + @typing.overload + def flush( + self, + access: Surface.BackendSurfaceAccess, + info: GrFlushInfo, + ) -> GrSemaphoresSubmitted: + """ + Issues pending :py:class:`Surface` commands to the GPU-backed API + objects and resolves any :py:class:`Surface` MSAA. A call to + :py:meth:`GrContext.submit` is always required to ensure work + is actually sent to the gpu. Some specific API details: + + :GL: Commands are actually sent to the driver, but glFlush is never + called. Thus some sync objects from the flush will not be valid + until a submission occurs. + + :Vulkan/Metal/D3D/Dawn: Commands are recorded to the backend APIs + corresponding command buffer or encoder objects. However, these + objects are not sent to the gpu until a submission occurs. + + The work that is submitted to the GPU will be dependent on the + :py:class:`BackendSurfaceAccess` that is passed in. + + If :py:attr:`BackendSurfaceAccess.kNoAccess` is passed in all commands + will be issued to the GPU. + + If :py:attr:`BackendSurfaceAccess.kPresent` is passed in and the backend + API is not Vulkan, it is treated the same as kNoAccess. If the backend + API is Vulkan, the VkImage that backs the :py:class:`Surface` will be + transferred back to its original queue. If the :py:class:`Surface` was + created by wrapping a VkImage, the queue will be set to the queue which + was originally passed in on the GrVkImageInfo. Additionally, if the + original queue was not external or foreign the layout of the VkImage + will be set to VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_PRESENT_SRC_KHR. + + The :py:class:`GrFlushInfo` describes additional options to flush. + Please see documentation at :py:class:`GrFlushInfo` for more info. + + If the return is :py:attr:`GrSemaphoresSubmitted.kYes`, only initialized + :py:class:`GrBackendSemaphores` will be submitted to the gpu during the + next submit call (it is possible Skia failed to create a subset of the + semaphores). The client should not wait on these semaphores until after + submit has been called, but must keep them alive until then. If a submit + flag was passed in with the flush these valid semaphores can we waited + on immediately. If this call returns + :py:attr:`GrSemaphoresSubmitted.kNo`, the GPU backend will not submit + any semaphores to be signaled on the GPU. Thus the client should not + have the GPU wait on any of the semaphores passed in with the + :py:class:`GrFlushInfo`. Regardless of whether semaphores were submitted + to the GPU or not, the client is still responsible for deleting any + initialized semaphores. Regardleess of semaphore submission the context + will still be flushed. It should be emphasized that a return value of + :py:attr:`GrSemaphoresSubmitted.kNo` does not mean the flush did not + happen. It simply means there were no semaphores submitted to the GPU. A + caller should only take this as a failure if they passed in semaphores + to be submitted. + + Pending surface commands are flushed regardless of the return result. + + :param access: type of access the call will do on the backend object + after flush + :param info: flush options + """ + @typing.overload + def flush(self, info: GrFlushInfo, newState: ... = None) -> GrSemaphoresSubmitted: + """ + Issues pending :py:class:`Surface` commands to the GPU-backed API + objects and resolves any :py:class:`Surface` MSAA. + + A call to :py:meth:`GrContext.submit` is always required to ensure work + is ctually sent to the gpu. Some specific API details: + + :GL: Commands are actually sent to the driver, but glFlush is never + called. Thus some sync objects from the flush will not be valid + until a submission occurs. + + :Vulkan/Metal/D3D/Dawn: Commands are recorded to the backend APIs + corresponding command buffer or encoder objects. However, these + objects are not sent to the gpu until a submission occurs. + + The GrFlushInfo describes additional options to flush. Please see + documentation at GrFlushInfo for more info. + + If a GrBackendSurfaceMutableState is passed in, at the end of the flush + we will transition the surface to be in the state requested by the + GrBackendSurfaceMutableState. If the surface (or :py:class:`Image` or + GrBackendSurface wrapping the same backend object) is used again after + this flush the state may be changed and no longer match what is + requested here. This is often used if the surface will be used for + presenting or external use and the client wants backend object to be + prepped for that use. A finishedProc or semaphore on the GrFlushInfo + will also include the work for any requested state change. + + If the return is GrSemaphoresSubmitted::kYes, only initialized + GrBackendSemaphores will be submitted to the gpu during the next submit + call (it is possible Skia failed to create a subset of the semaphores). + The client should not wait on these semaphores until after submit has + been called, but must keep them alive until then. If a submit flag was + passed in with the flush these valid semaphores can we waited on + immediately. If this call returns GrSemaphoresSubmitted::kNo, the GPU + backend will not submit any semaphores to be signaled on the GPU. Thus + the client should not have the GPU wait on any of the semaphores passed + in with the GrFlushInfo. Regardless of whether semaphores were submitted + to the GPU or not, the client is still responsible for deleting any + initialized semaphores. Regardleess of semaphore submission the context + will still be flushed. It should be emphasized that a return value of + GrSemaphoresSubmitted::kNo does not mean the flush did not happen. It + simply means there were no semaphores submitted to the GPU. A caller + should only take this as a failure if they passed in semaphores to be + submitted. + + Pending surface commands are flushed regardless of the return result. + + :param info: flush options + :param newState: optional state change request after flush + """ + def flushAndSubmit(self, sync: GrSyncCpu = ...) -> None: + """ + Call to ensure all reads/writes of the surface have been issued to the + underlying 3D API. + + Skia will correctly order its own draws and pixel operations. This must + to be used to ensure correct ordering when the surface backing store is + accessed outside Skia (e.g. direct use of the 3D API or a windowing + system). :py:class:`GrContext` has additional flush and submit methods + that apply to all surfaces and images created from a + :py:class:`GrContext`. This is equivalent to calling :py:meth:`flush` + with a default :py:class:`GrFlushInfo` followed by + :py:meth:`GrContext.submit`. + """ + def generationID(self) -> int: + """ + Returns unique value identifying the content of :py:class:`Surface`. + + Returned value changes each time the content changes. Content is changed + by drawing, or by calling :py:meth:`notifyContentWillChange`. + + :return: unique content identifier + """ + def getBackendRenderTarget( + self, + backendHandleAccess: Surface.BackendHandleAccess, + ) -> GrBackendRenderTarget: + """ + Retrieves the back-end render target. + + If :py:class:`Surface` has no back-end render target, an invalid object + is returned. Call :py:meth:`GrBackendRenderTarget.isValid` to determine + if the result is valid. + + The returned :py:class:`GrBackendRenderTarget` should be discarded if + the :py:class:`Surface` is drawn to or deleted. + + :return: GPU render target reference; invalid on failure + """ + def getBackendTexture( + self, + backendHandleAccess: Surface.BackendHandleAccess, + ) -> GrBackendTexture: + """ + Retrieves the back-end texture. + + If :py:class:`Surface` has no back-end texture, an invalid object is + returned. Call :py:meth:`GrBackendTexture.isValid` to determine if the + result is valid. + + The returned :py:class:`GrBackendTexture` should be discarded if the + :py:class:`Surface` is drawn to or deleted. + + :return: GPU texture reference; invalid on failure + """ + def getCanvas(self) -> Canvas: + """ + Returns :py:class:`Canvas` that draws into :py:class:`Surface`. + + Subsequent calls return the same :py:class:`Canvas`. :py:class:`Canvas` + returned is managed and owned by :py:class:`Surface`, and is deleted + when :py:class:`Surface` is deleted. + + :return: drawing :py:class:`Canvas` for :py:class:`Surface` + """ + def height(self) -> int: + """ + Returns pixel row count; may be zero or greater. + + :return: number of pixel rows + """ + def imageInfo(self) -> ImageInfo: + """ + Returns an :py:class:`ImageInfo` describing the surface. + """ + def isCompatible(self, characterization: SurfaceCharacterization) -> bool: + """ + Is this surface compatible with the provided characterization? + + This method can be used to determine if an existing :py:class:`Surface` + is a viable destination for an :py:class:`DeferredDisplayList`. + + :param skia.SurfaceCharacterization characterization: The + characterization for which a compatibility check is desired + :return: true if this surface is compatible with the characterization; + false otherwise + """ + @typing.overload + def makeImageSnapshot(self) -> Image: + """ + Returns :py:class:`Image` capturing :py:class:`Surface` contents. + + Subsequent drawing to :py:class:`Surface` contents are not captured. + :py:class:`Image` allocation is accounted for if :py:class:`Surface` was + created with :py:attr:`Budgeted.kYes`. + + :return: :py:class:`Image` initialized with :py:class:`Surface` contents + """ + @typing.overload + def makeImageSnapshot(self, bounds: IRect) -> Image: + """ + Like the no-parameter version, this returns an image of the current + surface contents. + + This variant takes a rectangle specifying the subset of the surface that + is of interest. These bounds will be sanitized before being used. + + - If bounds extends beyond the surface, it will be trimmed to just the + intersection of it and the surface. + - If bounds does not intersect the surface, then this returns nullptr. + - If bounds == the surface, then this is the same as calling the + no-parameter variant. + """ + @typing.overload + def makeSurface(self, imageInfo: ImageInfo) -> Surface: + """ + Returns a compatible :py:class:`Surface`, or nullptr. + + Returned :py:class:`Surface` contains the same raster, GPU, or null + properties as the original. Returned :py:class:`Surface` does not share + the same pixels. + + Returns nullptr if imageInfo width or height are zero, or if imageInfo + is incompatible with :py:class:`Surface`. + + :param skia.ImageInfo imageInfo: width, height, :py:class:`ColorType`, + :py:class:`AlphaType`, :py:class:`ColorSpace`, of + :py:class:`Surface`; width and height must be greater than zero + :return: compatible :py:class:`Surface` or nullptr + """ + @typing.overload + def makeSurface(self, width: int, height: int) -> Surface: + """ + Calls :py:meth:`makeSurface()` with the same ImageInfo as this surface, + but with the specified width and height. + """ + def notifyContentWillChange(self, mode: Surface.ContentChangeMode) -> None: + """ + Notifies that :py:class:`Surface` contents will be changed by code + outside of Skia. + + Subsequent calls to :py:meth:`generationID` return a different value. + """ + def peekPixels(self, pixmap: Pixmap) -> bool: + """ + Copies :py:class:`Surface` pixel address, row bytes, and + :py:class:`ImageInfo` to :py:class:`Pixmap`, if address is available, + and returns true. + + If pixel address is not available, return false and leave + :py:class:`Pixmap` unchanged. + + pixmap contents become invalid on any future change to + :py:class:`Surface`. + + :param skia.Pixmap pixmap: storage for pixel state if pixels are + readable; otherwise, ignored + :return: true if :py:class:`Surface` has direct access to pixels + """ + def props(self) -> SurfaceProps: + """ + Returns :py:class:`SurfaceProps` for surface. + + :return: LCD striping orientation and setting for device independent + fonts + """ + @typing.overload + def readPixels(self, dst: Pixmap, srcX: int = 0, srcY: int = 0) -> bool: + """ + Copies :py:class:`Rect` of pixels to dst. + + Source :py:class:`Rect` corners are (srcX, srcY) and :py:class:`Surface` + (width(), height()). Destination :py:class:`Rect` corners are (0, 0) and + (dst.width(), dst.height()). Copies each readable pixel intersecting + both rectangles, without scaling, converting to dst.colorType() and + dst.alphaType() if required. + + Pixels are readable when :py:class:`Surface` is raster, or backed by a + GPU. + + The destination pixel storage must be allocated by the caller. + + Pixel values are converted only if :py:class:`ColorType` and + :py:class:`AlphaType` do not match. Only pixels within both source and + destination rectangles are copied. dst contents outside :py:class:`Rect` + intersection are unchanged. + + Pass negative values for srcX or srcY to offset pixels across or down + destination. + + Does not copy, and returns false if: + + - Source and destination rectangles do not intersect. + - :py:class:`Pixmap` pixels could not be allocated. + - dst.rowBytes() is too small to contain one row of pixels. + + :dst: storage for pixels copied from :py:class:`Surface` + :srcX: offset into readable pixels on x-axis; may be negative + :srcY: offset into readable pixels on y-axis; may be negative + :return: true if pixels were copied + """ + @typing.overload + def readPixels( + self, + dstInfo: ImageInfo, + dstPixels: typing_extensions.Buffer, + dstRowBytes: int = 0, + srcX: int = 0, + srcY: int = 0, + ) -> bool: + """ + Copies :py:class:`Rect` of pixels from :py:class:`Canvas` into array. + + :py:class:`Matrix` and clip are ignored. + + Source :py:class:`Rect` corners are (srcX, srcY) and :py:class:`Surface` + (width(), height()). Destination :py:class:`Rect` corners are (0, 0) and + (array.shape[1], array.shape[0]). Copies each readable pixel + intersecting both rectangles, without scaling, converting to + :py:attr:`ColorType.kN32` and :py:attr:`AlphaType.kPremul` if required. + + Pixels are readable when :py:class:`BaseDevice` is raster, or backed by + a GPU. + + The destination pixel storage must be allocated by the caller. + + Pixel values are converted only if :py:class:`ColorType` and + :py:class:`AlphaType` do not match. Only pixels within both source and + destination rectangles are copied. array contents outside + :py:class:`Rect` intersection are unchanged. + + Pass negative values for srcX or srcY to offset pixels across or down + destination. + + Does not copy, and returns false if: + + - Source and destination rectangles do not intersect. + - :py:class:`Surface` pixels could not be converted to + :py:attr:`ColorType.kN32` or :py:attr:`AlphaType.kPremul`. + + :dstInfo: width, height, :py:class:`ColorType`, and + :py:class:`AlphaType` of dstPixels + :dstPixels: storage for pixels; dstInfo.height() times dstRowBytes, or + larger + :dstRowBytes: size of one destination row; dstInfo.width() times pixel + size, or larger. Ignored when dstPixels has more than one-dimension. + :srcX: offset into readable pixels on x-axis; may be negative + :srcY: offset into readable pixels on y-axis; may be negative + :return: true if pixels were copied + """ + @typing.overload + def readPixels(self, dst: Bitmap, srcX: int, srcY: int) -> bool: + """ + Copies :py:class:`Rect` of pixels from :py:class:`Surface` into bitmap. + + Source :py:class:`Rect` corners are (srcX, srcY) and :py:class:`Surface` + (width(), height()). Destination :py:class:`Rect` corners are (0, 0) and + (bitmap.width(), bitmap.height()). Copies each readable pixel + intersecting both rectangles, without scaling, converting to + bitmap.colorType() and bitmap.alphaType() if required. + + Pixels are readable when :py:class:`Surface` is raster, or backed by a + GPU. + + The destination pixel storage must be allocated by the caller. + + Pixel values are converted only if :py:class:`ColorType` and + :py:class:`AlphaType` do not match. Only pixels within both source and + destination rectangles are copied. dst contents outside :py:class:`Rect` + intersection are unchanged. + + Pass negative values for srcX or srcY to offset pixels across or down + destination. + + Does not copy, and returns false if: + + - Source and destination rectangles do not intersect. + - :py:class:`Surface` pixels could not be converted to dst.colorType() + or dst.alphaType(). + - dst pixels could not be allocated. + - dst.rowBytes() is too small to contain one row of pixels. + + :dst: storage for pixels copied from :py:class:`Surface` + :srcX: offset into readable pixels on x-axis; may be negative + :srcY: offset into readable pixels on y-axis; may be negative + :return: true if pixels were copied + """ + def recordingContext(self) -> GrRecordingContext: + """ + Returns the recording context being used by the :py:class:`Surface`. + + :return: GPU context, if available; nullptr otherwise + """ + def replaceBackendTexture( + self, + backendTexture: GrBackendTexture, + origin: GrSurfaceOrigin, + mode: Surface.ContentChangeMode = ..., + ) -> bool: + """ + If the surface was made via :py:meth:`MakeFromBackendTexture` then it's + backing texture may be substituted with a different texture. + + The contents of the previous backing texture are copied into the new + texture. :py:class:`Canvas` state is preserved. The original sample + count is used. The :py:class:`GrBackendFormat` and dimensions of + replacement texture must match that of the original. + + :param backendTexture: the new backing texture for the surface + :param mode: Retain or discard current Content + """ + def toarray( + self, + srcX: int = 0, + srcY: int = 0, + colorType: ColorType = ..., + alphaType: AlphaType = ..., + colorSpace: ColorSpace | None = None, + ) -> numpy.ndarray: + """ + Exports a ``numpy.ndarray``. + + :param srcX: offset into readable pixels on x-axis; may be negative + :param srcY: offset into readable pixels on y-axis; may be negative + :param colorType: target :py:class:`ColorType` + :param alphaType: target :py:class:`AlphaType` + :param colorSpace: target :py:class:`ColorSpace` + :return: numpy.ndarray + """ + def width(self) -> int: + """ + Returns pixel count in each row; may be zero or greater. + + :return: number of pixel columns + """ + @typing.overload + def writePixels(self, src: Pixmap, dstX: int = 0, dstY: int = 0) -> None: + """ + Copies :py:class:`Rect` of pixels from the src :py:class:`Pixmap` to the + :py:class:`Surface`. + + Source :py:class:`Rect` corners are (0, 0) and (src.width(), + src.height()). Destination :py:class:`Rect` corners are (dstX, dstY) and + (dstX + Surface width(), dstY + Surface height()). + + Copies each readable pixel intersecting both rectangles, without + scaling, converting to :py:class:`Surface` colorType() and + :py:class:`Surface` alphaType() if required. + + :src: storage for pixels to copy to :py:class:`Surface` + :dstX: x-axis position relative to :py:class:`Surface` to begin copy; + may be negative + :dstY: y-axis position relative to :py:class:`Surface` to begin copy; + may be negative + """ + @typing.overload + def writePixels(self, src: Bitmap, dstX: int = 0, dstY: int = 0) -> None: + """ + Copies :py:class:`Rect` of pixels from the src :py:class:`Bitmap` to the + :py:class:`Surface`. + + Source :py:class:`Rect` corners are (0, 0) and (src.width(), + src.height()). Destination :py:class:`Rect` corners are (dstX, dstY) and + (dstX + Surface width(), dstY + Surface height()). + + Copies each readable pixel intersecting both rectangles, without + scaling, converting to :py:class:`Surface` colorType() and + :py:class:`Surface` alphaType() if required. + + :src: storage for pixels to copy to :py:class:`Surface` + :dstX: x-axis position relative to :py:class:`Surface` to begin copy; + may be negative + :dstY: y-axis position relative to :py:class:`Surface` to begin copy; + may be negative + """ + +class SurfaceCharacterization: + __hash__: typing.ClassVar[None] = None + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, arg0: SurfaceCharacterization) -> bool: ... + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + def __ne__(self, arg0: SurfaceCharacterization) -> bool: ... + def cacheMaxResourceBytes(self) -> int: ... + def colorSpace(self) -> ColorSpace: ... + def createBackendFormat( + self, + colorType: ColorType, + backendFormat: GrBackendFormat, + ) -> SurfaceCharacterization: ... + def createColorSpace(self, cs: ColorSpace) -> SurfaceCharacterization: ... + def createFBO0(self, usesGLFBO0: bool) -> SurfaceCharacterization: ... + def createResized(self, width: int, height: int) -> SurfaceCharacterization: ... + def height(self) -> int: ... + def isMipMapped(self) -> bool: ... + def isTextureable(self) -> bool: ... + def isValid(self) -> bool: ... + def refColorSpace(self) -> ColorSpace: ... + def surfaceProps(self) -> SurfaceProps: ... + def usesGLFBO0(self) -> bool: ... + def vulkanSecondaryCBCompatible(self) -> bool: ... + def width(self) -> int: ... + +class SurfaceProps: + """ + + Describes properties and constraints of a given :py:class:`Surface`. + + The rendering engine can parse these during drawing, and can sometimes + optimize its performance (e.g. disabling an expensive feature). + + """ + class Flags: + """ + Members: + + kUseDeviceIndependentFonts_Flag + + kDynamicMSAA_Flag + + kAlwaysDither_Flag + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, SurfaceProps.Flags] + ] # value = {'kUseDeviceIndependentFonts_Flag': , 'kDynamicMSAA_Flag': , 'kAlwaysDither_Flag': } + kAlwaysDither_Flag: typing.ClassVar[ + SurfaceProps.Flags + ] # value = + kDynamicMSAA_Flag: typing.ClassVar[ + SurfaceProps.Flags + ] # value = + kUseDeviceIndependentFonts_Flag: typing.ClassVar[ + SurfaceProps.Flags + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __and__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __ge__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __gt__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __invert__(self) -> typing.Any: ... + def __le__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __lt__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __or__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __rand__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __ror__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __rxor__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + def __xor__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + __hash__: typing.ClassVar[None] = None + kAlwaysDither_Flag: typing.ClassVar[ + SurfaceProps.Flags + ] # value = + kDynamicMSAA_Flag: typing.ClassVar[ + SurfaceProps.Flags + ] # value = + kUseDeviceIndependentFonts_Flag: typing.ClassVar[ + SurfaceProps.Flags + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, arg0: SurfaceProps) -> bool: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, flags: int, geometry: PixelGeometry) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, props: SurfaceProps) -> None: ... + def __ne__(self, arg0: SurfaceProps) -> bool: ... + def flags(self) -> int: ... + def isUseDeviceIndependentFonts(self) -> bool: ... + def pixelGeometry(self) -> PixelGeometry: ... + +class TableColorFilter: + @staticmethod + def Make(table: list[int]) -> ColorFilter: + """ + Create a table colorfilter, copying the table into the filter, and + applying it to all 4 components. + + a' = table[a]; r' = table[r]; g' = table[g]; b' = table[b]; Compoents + are operated on in unpremultiplied space. If the incomming colors are + premultiplied, they are temporarily unpremultiplied, then the table is + applied, and then the result is remultiplied. + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeARGB( + tableA: typing.Any, + tableR: typing.Any, + tableG: typing.Any, + tableB: typing.Any, + ) -> ColorFilter: + """ + Create a table colorfilter, with a different table for each component + [A, R, G, B]. + + If a given table is NULL, then it is treated as identity, with the + component left unchanged. If a table is not null, then its contents are + copied into the filter. + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + +class TableMaskFilter: + """ + + Applies a table lookup on each of the alpha values in the mask. + + Helper methods create some common tables (e.g. gamma, clipping) + + """ + @staticmethod + def Create(table: list[int]) -> MaskFilter: ... + @staticmethod + def CreateClip(min: int, max: int) -> MaskFilter: ... + @staticmethod + def CreateGamma(gamma: float) -> MaskFilter: ... + @staticmethod + def MakeClipTable(min: int, max: int) -> typing.Any: + """ + Utility that creates a clipping table: clamps values below min to 0 and + above max to 255, and rescales the remaining into 0..255. + + :return: clipping table + :rtype: List[int] + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeGammaTable(gamma: float) -> typing.Any: + """ + Utility that sets the gamma table. + + :return: gamma table + :rtype: List[int] + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + +class TextBlob: + """ + + :py:class:`TextBlob` combines multiple text runs into an immutable + container. + + Each text run consists of glyphs, :py:class:`Paint`, and position. Only + parts of :py:class:`Paint` related to fonts and text rendering are used by + run. + + Example:: + + textblob = skia.TextBlob("text", skia.Font()) + for run in textblob: + print(run.fGlyphIndices) + + """ + class Iter: + """ + + Iterator for :py:class:`~skia.TextBlob.Iter.Run`. + + Example:: + + run = skia.TextBlob.Iter.Run() + it = skia.TextBlob.Iter(textblob) + while + print(run) + + for run in textblob(): + print(run) + + """ + class Run: + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + @property + def fGlyphCount(self) -> int: ... + @property + def fGlyphIndices(self) -> list[int]: ... + @property + def fTypeface(self) -> Typeface: ... + + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __init__(self, arg0: TextBlob) -> None: ... + def __next__(self) -> TextBlob.Iter.Run: ... + def next(self, run: TextBlob.Iter.Run) -> bool: ... + + @staticmethod + def Deserialize(data: typing_extensions.Buffer) -> TextBlob: + """ + Recreates :py:class:`TextBlob` that was serialized into data. + + Returns constructed :py:class:`TextBlob` if successful; otherwise, + returns nullptr. Fails if size is smaller than required data length, or + if data does not permit constructing valid :py:class:`TextBlob`. + + procs.fTypefaceProc permits supplying a custom function to decode + :py:class:`Typeface`. If procs.fTypefaceProc is nullptr, default + decoding is used. procs.fTypefaceCtx may be used to provide user context + to procs.fTypefaceProc; procs.fTypefaceProc is called with a pointer to + :py:class:`Typeface` data, data byte length, and user context. + + :param Union[bytes,bytearray,memoryview] data: serial data + :return: :py:class:`TextBlob` constructed from data in memory + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeFromPosText( + text: str, + pos: list[Point], + font: Font, + encoding: TextEncoding = ..., + ) -> TextBlob: + """ + Returns a textblob built from a single run of text with x-positions and + a single y value. + + This is equivalent to using :py:class:`TextBlobBuilder` and calling + :py:meth:`TextBlobBuilder.allocRunPosH`. + + :param str text: character code points or glyphs drawn (based on + encoding) + :param List[skia.Point] pos: array of positions, must contain values for + all of the character points. + :param skia.Font font: :py:class:`Font` used for this run + :param skia.TextEncoding encoding: specifies the encoding of the text + array. + :return: new textblob or nullptr + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeFromPosTextH( + text: str, + xpos: typing.Iterable, + constY: float, + font: Font, + encoding: TextEncoding = ..., + ) -> TextBlob: + """ + Returns a textblob built from a single run of text with x-positions and + a single y value. + + This is equivalent to using :py:class:`TextBlobBuilder` and calling + :py:meth:`TextBlobBuilder.allocRunPosH`. + + :param str text: character code points or glyphs drawn (based on + encoding) + :param List[float] xpos: array of x-positions, must contain values for + all of the character points. + :param float constY: shared y-position for each character point, to be + paired with each xpos. + :param skia.Font font: :py:class:`Font` used for this run + :param skia.TextEncoding encoding: specifies the encoding of the text + array. + :return: new textblob or nullptr + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeFromRSXform( + text: str, + xform: list[RSXform], + font: Font, + encoding: TextEncoding = ..., + ) -> TextBlob: ... + @staticmethod + def MakeFromShapedText( + utf8text: str, + font: Font, + leftToRight: bool = True, + ) -> TextBlob: + """ + Creates :py:class:`TextBlob` in a single run, with shaping, for a text-run direction. + + :param str utf8text: character code points drawn + :param skia.Font font: text size, typeface, text scale, and so on, used + to draw + :param leftToRight bool: text-run direction + :return: :py:class:`TextBlob` constructed from one run + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeFromString( + string: str, + font: Font, + encoding: TextEncoding = ..., + ) -> TextBlob: + """ + Creates :py:class:`TextBlob` with a single run. + + string meaning depends on :py:class:`TextEncoding`; by default, string + is encoded as UTF-8. + + font contains attributes used to define the run text. + + When encoding is :py:attr:`TextEncoding.kUTF8`, + :py:attr:`TextEncoding.kUTF16`, or :py:attr:`TextEncoding.kUTF32`, this + function uses the default character-to-glyph mapping from the + :py:class:`Typeface` in font. It does not perform typeface fallback for + characters not found in the :py:class:`Typeface`. It does not perform + kerning or other complex shaping; glyphs are positioned based on their + default advances. + + :param str string: character code points or glyphs drawn + :param skia.Font font: text size, typeface, text scale, and so on, used + to draw + :param skia.TextEncoding encoding: text encoding used in the text array + :return: :py:class:`TextBlob` constructed from one run + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeFromText(text: str, font: Font, encoding: TextEncoding = ...) -> TextBlob: + """ + Creates :py:class:`TextBlob` with a single run. + + font contains attributes used to define the run text. + + When encoding is :py:attr:`TextEncoding.kUTF8`, + :py:attr:`TextEncoding.kUTF16`, or :py:attr:`TextEncoding.kUTF32`, this + function uses the default character-to-glyph mapping from the + :py:class:`Typeface` in font. It does not perform typeface fallback for + characters not found in the :py:class:`Typeface`. It does not perform + kerning or other complex shaping; glyphs are positioned based on their + default advances. + + :param str text: character code points or glyphs drawn + :param skia.Font font: text size, typeface, text scale, and so on, used + to draw + :param skia.TextEncoding encoding: text encoding used in the text array + :return: :py:class:`TextBlob` constructed from one run + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __init__( + self, + text: str, + font: Font, + positions: typing.Any = None, + encoding: TextEncoding = ..., + ) -> None: + """ + Creates :py:class:`TextBlob` with a single run. + + `font` contains attributes used to define the run text. + + This function uses the default character-to-glyph mapping from the + :py:class:`Typeface` in font. It does not perform typeface fallback for + characters not found in the :py:class:`Typeface`. It does not perform + kerning or other complex shaping; glyphs are positioned based on their + default advances. + + :param str text: character code points or glyphs drawn + :param skia.Font font: text size, typeface, text scale, and so on, used + to draw + :param List[skia.Point] positions: array of positions, must contain + values for all of the character points. + :param skia.TextEncoding encoding: text encoding used in the text array + """ + def __iter__(self) -> TextBlob.Iter: ... + def bounds(self) -> Rect: + """ + Returns conservative bounding box. + + Uses :py:class:`Paint` associated with each glyph to determine glyph + bounds, and unions all bounds. Returned bounds may be larger than the + bounds of all glyphs in runs. + + :return: conservative bounding box + """ + def deref(self) -> None: ... + def getIntercepts( + self, + bounds: typing.Iterable, + paint: Paint | None = None, + ) -> list[float]: + """ + Returns the number of intervals that intersect bounds. + + bounds describes a pair of lines parallel to the text advance. The + return count is zero or a multiple of two, and is at most twice the + number of glyphs in the the blob. + + Pass nullptr for intervals to determine the size of the interval array. + + Runs within the blob that contain :py:class:`RSXform` are ignored when + computing intercepts. + + :param List[skia.Scalar] bounds: lower and upper line parallel to the + advance + :param skia.Paint paint: specifies stroking, :py:class:`PathEffect` that + affects the result; may be nullptr + :return: intersections; may be empty + """ + def ref(self) -> None: ... + def refCntGreaterThan(self, count: int) -> bool: ... + def serialize(self) -> Data: + """ + Returns storage containing :py:class:`Data` describing + :py:class:`TextBlob`, using optional custom encoders. + + procs.fTypefaceProc permits supplying a custom function to encode + :py:class:`Typeface`. If procs.fTypefaceProc is nullptr, default + encoding is used. procs.fTypefaceCtx may be used to provide user context + to procs.fTypefaceProc; procs.fTypefaceProc is called with a pointer to + :py:class:`Typeface` and user context. + + :return: storage containing serialized :py:class:`TextBlob` + """ + def unique(self) -> bool: ... + def uniqueID(self) -> int: + """ + Returns a non-zero value unique among all text blobs. + + :return: identifier for :py:class:`TextBlob` + """ + def unref(self) -> None: ... + +class TextBlobBuilder: + """ + + Helper class for constructing :py:class:`TextBlob`. + + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __init__(self) -> None: + """ + Constructs empty :py:class:`TextBlobBuilder`. + """ + def allocRun( + self, + text: str, + font: Font, + x: float, + y: float, + bounds: Rect | None = None, + encoding: TextEncoding = ..., + ) -> None: + """ + Sets a new run with glyphs. + + Glyphs share metrics in font. + + Glyphs are positioned on a baseline at (x, y), using font metrics to + determine their relative placement. + + bounds defines an optional bounding box, used to suppress drawing when + :py:class:`TextBlob` bounds does not intersect :py:class:`Surface` + bounds. If bounds is nullptr, :py:class:`TextBlob` bounds is computed + from (x, y) and RunBuffer::glyphs metrics. + + :param skia.Font font: :py:class:`Font` used for this run + :param str text: text for the run + :param float x: horizontal offset within the blob + :param float y: vertical offset within the blob + :param skia.Rect bounds: optional run bounding box + :param skia.TextEncoding encoding: specifies the encoding of the text + array + """ + def allocRunPos( + self, + font: Font, + glyphs: list[int], + positions: typing.Iterable, + bounds: Rect | None = None, + ) -> None: + """ + Sets a new run with glyphs and :py:class:`Point` positions. + + Glyphs share metrics in font. + + Glyphs are positioned using :py:class:`Point`, using two scalar values + for each :py:class:`Point`. + + bounds defines an optional bounding box, used to suppress drawing when + :py:class:`TextBlob` bounds does not intersect :py:class:`Surface` + bounds. If bounds is nullptr, :py:class:`TextBlob` bounds is computed + from RunBuffer::pos and RunBuffer::glyphs metrics. + + :param skia.Font font: :py:class:`Font` used for this run + :param List[int] glyphs: array of glyph IDs + :param List[skia.Point] positions: offsets within the blob + :param skia.Rect bounds: optional run bounding box + """ + def allocRunPosH( + self, + font: Font, + glyphs: list[int], + xpos: typing.Iterable, + y: float, + bounds: Rect | None = None, + ) -> None: + """ + Sets a new run with glyphs and positions along baseline. + + Glyphs share metrics in font. + + Glyphs are positioned on a baseline at y, using x-axis positions. + + bounds defines an optional bounding box, used to suppress drawing when + :py:class:`TextBlob` bounds does not intersect :py:class:`Surface` + bounds. If bounds is nullptr, :py:class:`TextBlob` bounds is computed + from y, RunBuffer::pos, and RunBuffer::glyphs metrics. + + :param skia.Font font: :py:class:`Font` used for this run + :param List[int] glyphs: array of glyph IDs + :param List[float] xpos: horizontal offsets within the blob + :param float y: vertical offset within the blob + :param skia.Rect bounds: optional run bounding box + """ + def allocRunRSXform( + self, + font: Font, + glyphs: list[int], + xforms: list[RSXform], + ) -> None: ... + def make(self) -> TextBlob: + """ + Returns :py:class:`TextBlob` built from runs of glyphs added by builder. + + Returned :py:class:`TextBlob` is immutable; it may be copied, but its + contents may not be altered. Returns nullptr if no runs of glyphs were + added by builder. + + Resets :py:class:`TextBlobBuilder` to its initial empty state, allowing + it to be reused to build a new set of runs. + + :return: :py:class:`TextBlob` or nullptr + """ + +class TextEncoding: + """ + Members: + + kUTF8 + + kUTF16 + + kUTF32 + + kGlyphID + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, TextEncoding] + ] # value = {'kUTF8': , 'kUTF16': , 'kUTF32': , 'kGlyphID': } + kGlyphID: typing.ClassVar[TextEncoding] # value = + kUTF16: typing.ClassVar[TextEncoding] # value = + kUTF32: typing.ClassVar[TextEncoding] # value = + kUTF8: typing.ClassVar[TextEncoding] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + +class TileMode: + """ + Members: + + kClamp : Replicate the edge color if the shader draws outside of its original bounds. + + kRepeat : Repeat the shader's image horizontally and vertically. + + kMirror : Repeat the shader's image horizontally and vertically, alternating mirror images so that adjacent images always seam. + + kDecal : Only draw within the original domain, return transparent-black everywhere else. + + kLastTileMode : + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, TileMode] + ] # value = {'kClamp': , 'kRepeat': , 'kMirror': , 'kDecal': , 'kLastTileMode': } + kClamp: typing.ClassVar[TileMode] # value = + kDecal: typing.ClassVar[TileMode] # value = + kLastTileMode: typing.ClassVar[TileMode] # value = + kMirror: typing.ClassVar[TileMode] # value = + kRepeat: typing.ClassVar[TileMode] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + +class TrimPathEffect: + class Mode: + """ + Members: + + kNormal + + kInverted + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, TrimPathEffect.Mode] + ] # value = {'kNormal': , 'kInverted': } + kInverted: typing.ClassVar[TrimPathEffect.Mode] # value = + kNormal: typing.ClassVar[TrimPathEffect.Mode] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + kInverted: typing.ClassVar[TrimPathEffect.Mode] # value = + kNormal: typing.ClassVar[TrimPathEffect.Mode] # value = + @staticmethod + def Make( + startT: float, + stopT: float, + mode: TrimPathEffect.Mode = ..., + ) -> PathEffect: + """ + Take start and stop "t" values (values between 0...1), and return a path + that is that subset of the original path. + + e.g. Make(0.5, 1.0) –> return the 2nd half of the path Make(0.33333, + 0.66667) –> return the middle third of the path + + The trim values apply to the entire path, so if it contains several + contours, all of them are including in the calculation. + + startT and stopT must be 0..1 inclusive. If they are outside of that + interval, they will be pinned to the nearest legal value. If either is + NaN, null will be returned. + + Note: for Mode::kNormal, this will return one (logical) segment (even if + it is spread across multiple contours). For Mode::kInverted, this will + return 2 logical segments: stopT..1 and 0...startT, in this order. + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + +class Typeface(RefCnt): + """ + + The :py:class:`Typeface` class specifies the typeface and intrinsic style of + a font. + + This is used in the paint, along with optionally algorithmic settings like + textSize, textSkewX, textScaleX, kFakeBoldText_Mask, to specify how text + appears when drawn (and measured). + + Typeface objects are immutable, and so they can be shared between threads. + + + Example:: + + typeface = skia.Typeface() + typeface = skia.Typeface("Arial") + typeface = skia.Typeface("Arial", skia.FontStyle.Bold()) + + + """ + class SerializeBehavior: + """ + + A typeface can serialize just a descriptor (names, etc.), or it can also + include the actual font data (which can be large). + + This enum controls how serialize() decides what to serialize. + + + Members: + + kDoIncludeData + + kDontIncludeData + + kIncludeDataIfLocal + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, Typeface.SerializeBehavior] + ] # value = {'kDoIncludeData': , 'kDontIncludeData': , 'kIncludeDataIfLocal': } + kDoIncludeData: typing.ClassVar[ + Typeface.SerializeBehavior + ] # value = + kDontIncludeData: typing.ClassVar[ + Typeface.SerializeBehavior + ] # value = + kIncludeDataIfLocal: typing.ClassVar[ + Typeface.SerializeBehavior + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + __hash__: typing.ClassVar[None] = None + kDoIncludeData: typing.ClassVar[ + Typeface.SerializeBehavior + ] # value = + kDontIncludeData: typing.ClassVar[ + Typeface.SerializeBehavior + ] # value = + kIncludeDataIfLocal: typing.ClassVar[ + Typeface.SerializeBehavior + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def MakeDefault() -> Typeface: + """ + Returns the default normal typeface, which is never nullptr. + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeDeserialize(dats: Data, lastResortMgr: FontMgr) -> Typeface: + """ + Given the data previously written by :py:meth:`serialize`, return a new + instance of a typeface referring to the same font. + + If that font is not available, return nullptr. + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeEmpty() -> Typeface: + """ + Returns a non-null typeface which contains no glyphs. + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeFromData(data: Data, index: int = 0) -> Typeface: + """ + Return a new typeface given a :py:class:`Data`. + + If the data is null, or is not a valid font file, returns nullptr. + + Use :py:meth:`MakeDeserialize` for the result of :py:meth:`serialize`. + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeFromFile(path: str, index: int = 0) -> Typeface: + """ + Return a new typeface given a file. + + If the file does not exist, or is not a valid font file, returns + nullptr. + """ + @staticmethod + def MakeFromName( + familyName: typing.Any, + fontStyle: FontStyle | None = None, + ) -> Typeface: + """ + Creates a new reference to the typeface that most closely matches the + requested familyName and fontStyle. + + This method allows extended font face specifiers as in the + :py:class:`FontStyle` type. Will never return null. + + :param str familyName: May be NULL. The name of the font family. + :param skia.FontStyle fontStyle: The style of the typeface. + :return: reference to the closest-matching typeface. + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def Equal(self, other: Typeface) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if the two typefaces reference the same underlying font, + handling either being null (treating null as the default font) + """ + def __eq__(self, arg0: Typeface) -> bool: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self) -> None: + """ + Returns the default normal typeface. + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__( + self, + familyName: typing.Any, + fontStyle: FontStyle | None = None, + ) -> None: + """ + Creates a new reference to the typeface that most closely matches the + requested familyName and fontStyle. + + This method allows extended font face specifiers as in the + :py:class:`FontStyle` type. Will never return null. + + :param str familyName: May be NULL. The name of the font family. + :param skia.FontStyle fontStyle: The style of the typeface. + :return: reference to the closest-matching typeface. + """ + def copyTableData(self, tag: int) -> Data: + """ + Return an immutable copy of the requested font table, or nullptr if that + table was not found. + + This can sometimes be faster than calling :py:meth:`getTableData` twice: + once to find the length, and then again to copy the data. + + :param tag: The table tag whose contents are to be copied + :return: an immutable copy of the table's data, or nullptr. + """ + def countGlyphs(self) -> int: + """ + Return the number of glyphs in the typeface. + """ + def countTables(self) -> int: + """ + Return the number of tables in the font. + """ + def fontStyle(self) -> FontStyle: + """ + Returns the typeface's intrinsic style attributes. + """ + def getBounds(self) -> Rect: + """ + Return a rectangle (scaled to 1-pt) that represents the union of the + bounds of all of the glyphs, but each one positioned at (0,). + + This may be conservatively large, and will not take into account any + hinting or other size-specific adjustments. + """ + def getFamilyName(self) -> str: + """ + Return the family name for this typeface. + + It will always be returned encoded as UTF8, but the language of the name + is whatever the host platform chooses. + """ + def getFamilyNames(self) -> list: + """ + Returns a list of (family name, language) pairs specified by the font. + """ + def getKerningPairAdjustments(self, glyphs: list[int]) -> typing.Any: + """ + Given a run of glyphs, return the associated horizontal adjustments. + + Adjustments are in "design units", which are integers relative to the + typeface's units per em (see getUnitsPerEm). + + Some typefaces are known to never support kerning. If the typeface does + not support kerning, then this method will return None (no kerning) for + all possible glyph runs. + """ + def getPostScriptName(self) -> str: + """ + Return the PostScript name for this typeface. + Value may change based on variation parameters. + Returns false if no PostScript name is available. + """ + def getTableData(self, tag: int) -> bytes: + """ + Returns the contents of a table. + + Note that the contents of the table will be in their native endian order + (which for most truetype tables is big endian). If the table tag is not + found, or there is an error copying the data, then 0 is returned. If + this happens, it is possible that some or all of the memory pointed to + by data may have been written to, even though an error has occured. + + :param int tag: The table tag whose contents are to be copied. + :return: table contents + """ + def getTableSize(self, tag: int) -> int: + """ + Given a table tag, return the size of its contents, or 0 if not present. + """ + def getTableTags(self) -> list[int]: + """ + Returns the list of table tags in the font. + """ + def getUnitsPerEm(self) -> int: + """ + Return the units-per-em value for this typeface, or zero if there is an + error. + """ + def getVariationDesignParameters(self) -> list[FontParameters.Variation.Axis]: + """ + Returns the design variation parameters. + + :return: List of axes. + :rtype: List[skia.FontParameters.Variation.Axis] + """ + def getVariationDesignPosition(self) -> FontArguments.VariationPosition.Coordinates: + """ + Returns the design variation coordinates. + + :param int coordinateCount: the maximum number of entries to get. + :return: list of coordinates + :rtype: List[skia.FontArguments.VariationPosition.Coordinate] + """ + def isBold(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if style() has the kBold bit set. + """ + def isFixedPitch(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if the typeface claims to be fixed-pitch. + """ + def isItalic(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if style() has the kItalic bit set. + """ + def makeClone(self, fontArguments: FontArguments) -> Typeface: + """ + Return a new typeface based on this typeface but parameterized as + specified in the :py:class:`FontArguments`. + + If the :py:class:`FontArguments` does not supply an argument for a + parameter in the font then the value from this typeface will be used as + the value for that argument. If the cloned typeface would be exaclty the + same as this typeface then this typeface may be ref'ed and returned. May + return nullptr on failure. + """ + def serialize(self, behavior: Typeface.SerializeBehavior = ...) -> Data: + """ + Returns a unique signature to a stream, sufficient to reconstruct a + typeface referencing the same font when Deserialize is called. + """ + def unicharToGlyph(self, unichar: int) -> int: + """ + Return the glyphID that corresponds to the specified unicode code-point + (in UTF32 encoding). + + If the unichar is not supported, returns 0. + + This is a short-cut for calling :py:meth:`unicharsToGlyphs`. + """ + def unicharsToGlyphs(self, chars: list[int]) -> list[int]: + """ + Given an array of UTF32 character codes, return their corresponding + glyph IDs. + + :param List[int] chars: the array of UTF32 chars. + :return: the corresponding glyph IDs for each character. + """ + def uniqueID(self) -> int: + """ + Return a 32bit value for this typeface, unique for the underlying font + data. + + Will never return 0. + """ + +class Unicode(RefCnt): + @staticmethod + def ICU_Make() -> Unicode: ... + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + +class V3: + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, arg0: float, arg1: float, arg2: float) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, v3: tuple) -> None: ... + +class V4: + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, arg0: float, arg1: float, arg2: float, arg3: float) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, v4: tuple) -> None: ... + +class VectorRuntimeEffectChildPtr: + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __bool__(self) -> bool: + """ + Check whether the list is nonempty + """ + @typing.overload + def __delitem__(self, arg0: int) -> None: + """ + Delete the list elements at index ``i`` + """ + @typing.overload + def __delitem__(self, arg0: slice) -> None: + """ + Delete list elements using a slice object + """ + @typing.overload + def __getitem__(self, s: slice) -> VectorRuntimeEffectChildPtr: + """ + Retrieve list elements using a slice object + """ + @typing.overload + def __getitem__(self, arg0: int) -> RuntimeEffectChildPtr: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, arg0: VectorRuntimeEffectChildPtr) -> None: + """ + Copy constructor + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__(self, arg0: typing.Iterable) -> None: ... + def __iter__(self) -> typing.Iterator[RuntimeEffectChildPtr]: ... + def __len__(self) -> int: ... + @typing.overload + def __setitem__(self, arg0: int, arg1: RuntimeEffectChildPtr) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __setitem__(self, arg0: slice, arg1: VectorRuntimeEffectChildPtr) -> None: + """ + Assign list elements using a slice object + """ + def append(self, x: RuntimeEffectChildPtr) -> None: + """ + Add an item to the end of the list + """ + def clear(self) -> None: + """ + Clear the contents + """ + @typing.overload + def extend(self, L: VectorRuntimeEffectChildPtr) -> None: + """ + Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list + """ + @typing.overload + def extend(self, L: typing.Iterable) -> None: + """ + Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list + """ + def insert(self, i: int, x: RuntimeEffectChildPtr) -> None: + """ + Insert an item at a given position. + """ + @typing.overload + def pop(self) -> RuntimeEffectChildPtr: + """ + Remove and return the last item + """ + @typing.overload + def pop(self, i: int) -> RuntimeEffectChildPtr: + """ + Remove and return the item at index ``i`` + """ + +class Vertices: + """ + + An immutable set of vertex data that can be used with + :py:meth:`Canvas.drawVertices`. + + """ + class VertexMode: + """ + Members: + + kTriangles_VertexMode + + kTriangleStrip_VertexMode + + kTriangleFan_VertexMode + + kLast_VertexMode + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, Vertices.VertexMode] + ] # value = {'kTriangles_VertexMode': , 'kTriangleStrip_VertexMode': , 'kTriangleFan_VertexMode': , 'kLast_VertexMode': } + kLast_VertexMode: typing.ClassVar[ + Vertices.VertexMode + ] # value = + kTriangleFan_VertexMode: typing.ClassVar[ + Vertices.VertexMode + ] # value = + kTriangleStrip_VertexMode: typing.ClassVar[ + Vertices.VertexMode + ] # value = + kTriangles_VertexMode: typing.ClassVar[ + Vertices.VertexMode + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + kLast_VertexMode: typing.ClassVar[ + Vertices.VertexMode + ] # value = + kTriangleFan_VertexMode: typing.ClassVar[ + Vertices.VertexMode + ] # value = + kTriangleStrip_VertexMode: typing.ClassVar[ + Vertices.VertexMode + ] # value = + kTriangles_VertexMode: typing.ClassVar[ + Vertices.VertexMode + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def MakeCopy( + mode: Vertices.VertexMode, + positions: list[Point], + texs: typing.Any = None, + colors: typing.Any = None, + indices: typing.Any = None, + ) -> Vertices: + """ + Create a vertices by copying the specified arrays. + + :param skia.Vertices.VertexMode mode: vertex mode + :param List[skia.Point] positions: List of points + :param List[skia.Point] texs: List of texs; may be None + :param List[int] colors: List of colors; may be None + :param List[int] indices: Optional list of indices; may be None + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __init__( + self, + mode: Vertices.VertexMode, + positions: list[Point], + texs: typing.Any = None, + colors: typing.Any = None, + indices: typing.Any = None, + ) -> None: + """ + Create a vertices by copying the specified arrays. + + :param skia.Vertices.VertexMode mode: vertex mode + :param List[skia.Point] positions: List of points + :param List[skia.Point] texs: List of texs; may be None + :param List[int] colors: List of colors; may be None + :param List[int] indices: Optional list of indices; may be None + """ + def approximateSize(self) -> int: ... + def bounds(self) -> Rect: ... + def deref(self) -> None: ... + def ref(self) -> None: ... + def refCntGreaterThan(self, count: int) -> bool: ... + def unique(self) -> bool: ... + def uniqueID(self) -> int: ... + def unref(self) -> None: ... + +class VkFormat: + """ + Members: + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[dict] = {} + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __and__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __ge__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __gt__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __invert__(self) -> typing.Any: ... + def __le__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __lt__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __or__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __rand__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __ror__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __rxor__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + def __xor__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + +class VkImageLayout: + """ + Members: + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[dict] = {} + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __and__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __ge__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __gt__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __invert__(self) -> typing.Any: ... + def __le__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __lt__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __or__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __rand__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __ror__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __rxor__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + def __xor__(self, other: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + +class WStream: + """ + + .. rubric:: Subclasses + + .. autosummary:: + :nosignatures: + + ~FILEWStream + ~DynamicMemoryWStream + + """ + @staticmethod + def SizeOfPackedUInt(value: int) -> int: ... + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def bytesWritten(self) -> int: ... + def flush(self) -> None: + """ + Reimplemented in :py:class:`FILEWStream`, and :py:class:`NullWStream`. + """ + def newline(self) -> bool: ... + def write(self, buffer: typing_extensions.Buffer) -> bool: + """ + Called to write bytes to a :py:class:`WStream`. + + Returns true on success + + :param buffer: the address of at least size bytes to be written to the + stream + :param size: The number of bytes in buffer to write to the stream + :return: true on success + + Implemented in :py:class:`DynamicMemoryWStream`, + :py:class:`FILEWStream`, and :py:class:`NullWStream`. + """ + def write16(self, value: int) -> bool: ... + def write32(self, value: int) -> bool: ... + def write8(self, value: int) -> bool: ... + def writeBigDecAsText(self, value: int, minDigits: int = 0) -> bool: ... + def writeBool(self, value: bool) -> bool: ... + def writeDecAsText(self, value: int) -> bool: ... + def writeHexAsText(self, value: int, minDigits: int = 0) -> bool: ... + def writePackedUInt(self, value: int) -> bool: ... + def writeScalar(self, value: float) -> bool: ... + def writeScalarAsText(self, value: float) -> bool: ... + def writeStream(self, input: Stream, length: int) -> bool: ... + def writeText(self, text: str) -> bool: ... + +class YUVAInfo: + """ + + Specifies the structure of planes for a YUV image with optional alpha. The + actual planar data is not part of this structure and depending on usage is + in external textures or pixmaps. + + """ + class PlaneConfig: + """ + + Specifies how YUV (and optionally A) are divided among planes. Planes are separated by + underscores in the enum value names. Within each plane the pixmap/texture channels are + mapped to the YUVA channels in the order specified, e.g. for kY_UV Y is in channel 0 of plane + 0, U is in channel 0 of plane 1, and V is in channel 1 of plane 1. Channel ordering + within a pixmap/texture given the channels it contains: + A: 0:A + Luminance/Gray: 0:Gray + Luminance/Gray + Alpha: 0:Gray, 1:A + RG 0:R, 1:G + RGB 0:R, 1:G, 2:B + RGBA 0:R, 1:G, 2:B, 3:A + + + Members: + + kUnknown : + + kY_U_V : Plane 0: Y, Plane 1: U, Plane 2: V + + kY_V_U : < Plane 0: Y, Plane 1: V, Plane 2: U + + kY_UV : Plane 0: Y, Plane 1: UV + + kY_VU : Plane 0: Y, Plane 1: VU + + kYUV : Plane 0: YUV + + kUYV : Plane 0: UYV + + kY_U_V_A : Plane 0: Y, Plane 1: U, Plane 2: V, Plane 3: A + + kY_V_U_A : Plane 0: Y, Plane 1: V, Plane 2: U, Plane 3: A + + kY_UV_A : Plane 0: Y, Plane 1: UV, Plane 2: A + + kY_VU_A : Plane 0: Y, Plane 1: VU, Plane 2: A + + kYUVA : Plane 0: YUVA + + kUYVA : Plane 0: UYVA + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, YUVAInfo.PlaneConfig] + ] # value = {'kUnknown': , 'kY_U_V': , 'kY_V_U': , 'kY_UV': , 'kY_VU': , 'kYUV': , 'kUYV': , 'kY_U_V_A': , 'kY_V_U_A': , 'kY_UV_A': , 'kY_VU_A': , 'kYUVA': , 'kUYVA': } + kUYV: typing.ClassVar[YUVAInfo.PlaneConfig] # value = + kUYVA: typing.ClassVar[YUVAInfo.PlaneConfig] # value = + kUnknown: typing.ClassVar[ + YUVAInfo.PlaneConfig + ] # value = + kYUV: typing.ClassVar[YUVAInfo.PlaneConfig] # value = + kYUVA: typing.ClassVar[YUVAInfo.PlaneConfig] # value = + kY_UV: typing.ClassVar[YUVAInfo.PlaneConfig] # value = + kY_UV_A: typing.ClassVar[ + YUVAInfo.PlaneConfig + ] # value = + kY_U_V: typing.ClassVar[YUVAInfo.PlaneConfig] # value = + kY_U_V_A: typing.ClassVar[ + YUVAInfo.PlaneConfig + ] # value = + kY_VU: typing.ClassVar[YUVAInfo.PlaneConfig] # value = + kY_VU_A: typing.ClassVar[ + YUVAInfo.PlaneConfig + ] # value = + kY_V_U: typing.ClassVar[YUVAInfo.PlaneConfig] # value = + kY_V_U_A: typing.ClassVar[ + YUVAInfo.PlaneConfig + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + class Siting: + """ + + Describes how subsampled chroma values are sited relative to luma values. + + Currently only centered siting is supported but will expand to support + additional sitings. + + + Members: + + kCentered : + Subsampled chroma value is sited at the center of the block of + corresponding luma values. + + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, YUVAInfo.Siting] + ] # value = {'kCentered': } + kCentered: typing.ClassVar[YUVAInfo.Siting] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + class Subsampling: + """ + + UV subsampling is also specified in the enum value names using J:a:b notation (e.g. 4:2:0 is + 1/2 horizontal and 1/2 vertical resolution for U and V). If alpha is present it is not sub- + sampled. Note that Subsampling values other than k444 are only valid with PlaneConfig values + that have U and V in different planes than Y (and A, if present). + + + Members: + + kUnknown + + k444 + + k422 + + k420 + + k440 + + k411 + + k410 + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, YUVAInfo.Subsampling] + ] # value = {'kUnknown': , 'k444': , 'k422': , 'k420': , 'k440': , 'k411': , 'k410': } + k410: typing.ClassVar[YUVAInfo.Subsampling] # value = + k411: typing.ClassVar[YUVAInfo.Subsampling] # value = + k420: typing.ClassVar[YUVAInfo.Subsampling] # value = + k422: typing.ClassVar[YUVAInfo.Subsampling] # value = + k440: typing.ClassVar[YUVAInfo.Subsampling] # value = + k444: typing.ClassVar[YUVAInfo.Subsampling] # value = + kUnknown: typing.ClassVar[ + YUVAInfo.Subsampling + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + __hash__: typing.ClassVar[None] = None + k410: typing.ClassVar[YUVAInfo.Subsampling] # value = + k411: typing.ClassVar[YUVAInfo.Subsampling] # value = + k420: typing.ClassVar[YUVAInfo.Subsampling] # value = + k422: typing.ClassVar[YUVAInfo.Subsampling] # value = + k440: typing.ClassVar[YUVAInfo.Subsampling] # value = + k444: typing.ClassVar[YUVAInfo.Subsampling] # value = + kCentered: typing.ClassVar[YUVAInfo.Siting] # value = + kMaxPlanes: typing.ClassVar[int] = 4 + kUYV: typing.ClassVar[YUVAInfo.PlaneConfig] # value = + kUYVA: typing.ClassVar[YUVAInfo.PlaneConfig] # value = + kUnknown: typing.ClassVar[YUVAInfo.Subsampling] # value = + kYUV: typing.ClassVar[YUVAInfo.PlaneConfig] # value = + kYUVA: typing.ClassVar[YUVAInfo.PlaneConfig] # value = + kY_UV: typing.ClassVar[YUVAInfo.PlaneConfig] # value = + kY_UV_A: typing.ClassVar[YUVAInfo.PlaneConfig] # value = + kY_U_V: typing.ClassVar[YUVAInfo.PlaneConfig] # value = + kY_U_V_A: typing.ClassVar[YUVAInfo.PlaneConfig] # value = + kY_VU: typing.ClassVar[YUVAInfo.PlaneConfig] # value = + kY_VU_A: typing.ClassVar[YUVAInfo.PlaneConfig] # value = + kY_V_U: typing.ClassVar[YUVAInfo.PlaneConfig] # value = + kY_V_U_A: typing.ClassVar[YUVAInfo.PlaneConfig] # value = + @staticmethod + def HasAlpha(config: YUVAInfo.PlaneConfig) -> bool: + """ + Does the PlaneConfig have alpha values? + """ + @staticmethod + def NumChannelsInPlane(config: YUVAInfo.PlaneConfig, i: int) -> int: + """ + Number of Y, U, V, A channels in the ith plane for a given PlaneConfig + (or 0 if i is invalid). + """ + @staticmethod + def NumPlanes(config: YUVAInfo.PlaneConfig) -> int: + """ + Number of planes for a given PlaneConfig. + """ + @staticmethod + def PlaneDimensions( + imageDimensions: ISize, + config: YUVAInfo.PlaneConfig, + sampling: YUVAInfo.Subsampling, + origin: EncodedOrigin, + ) -> list[ISize]: + """ + Given image dimensions, a planar configuration, and origin, determine + the expected size of each plane. Returns a list of expected + planes. + + The input image dimensions are as displayed (after the planes have + been transformed to the intended display orientation). + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, arg0: YUVAInfo) -> bool: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__( + self, + dimensions: ISize, + config: YUVAInfo.PlaneConfig, + sampling: YUVAInfo.Subsampling, + yuvColorSpace: YUVColorSpace, + origin: EncodedOrigin = ..., + sittingX: YUVAInfo.Siting = ..., + sittingY: YUVAInfo.Siting = ..., + ) -> None: + """ + 'dimensions' should specify the size of the full resolution image (after + planes have been oriented to how the image is displayed as indicated by + 'origin'). + """ + def __ne__(self, arg0: YUVAInfo) -> bool: ... + def computeTotalBytes( + self, + rowBytes: list[int], + returnPlaneSizes: bool = False, + ) -> typing.Any: + """ + Given a per-plane row bytes, determine size to allocate for all + planes. Optionally retrieves the per-plane byte sizes if + returnPlaneSizes is True. If total size overflows will return SIZE_MAX + and set all planeSizes to SIZE_MAX. + """ + def dimensions(self) -> ISize: + """ + Dimensions of the full resolution image (after planes have been oriented + to how the image is displayed as indicated by fOrigin). + """ + def hasAlpha(self) -> bool: ... + def height(self) -> int: ... + def numChannelsInPlane(self, i: int) -> int: ... + def numPlanes(self) -> int: ... + def origin(self) -> EncodedOrigin: ... + def planeConfig(self) -> YUVAInfo.PlaneConfig: ... + def planeDimensions(self) -> list[ISize]: + """ + Returns the number of planes and initializes + planeDimensions[0]..planeDimensions[] to the expected dimensions + for each plane. Dimensions are as stored in memory, before + transformation to image display space as indicated by origin(). + """ + def sitingX(self) -> YUVAInfo.Siting: ... + def sitingY(self) -> YUVAInfo.Siting: ... + def subSampling(self) -> YUVAInfo.Subsampling: ... + def width(self) -> int: ... + def yuvColorSpace(self) -> YUVColorSpace: ... + +class YUVAPixmapInfo: + """ + + :py:class:`~skia.YUVAInfo` combined with per-plane + :py:class:`~skia.ColorType` and row bytes. Fully specifies the + :py:class:`~skia.Pixmaps` for a YUVA image without the actual pixel memory + and data. + + """ + class DataType: + """ + + Data type for Y, U, V, and possibly A channels independent of how values are + packed into planes. + + + Members: + + kUnorm8 : 8 bit unsigned normalized + + kUnorm16 : 16 bit unsigned normalized + + kFloat16 : 16 bit (half) floating point + + kUnorm10_Unorm2 : 10 bit unorm for Y, U, and V. 2 bit unorm for alpha (if present). + + kLast + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, YUVAPixmapInfo.DataType] + ] # value = {'kUnorm8': , 'kUnorm16': , 'kFloat16': , 'kUnorm10_Unorm2': , 'kLast': } + kFloat16: typing.ClassVar[ + YUVAPixmapInfo.DataType + ] # value = + kLast: typing.ClassVar[ + YUVAPixmapInfo.DataType + ] # value = + kUnorm10_Unorm2: typing.ClassVar[ + YUVAPixmapInfo.DataType + ] # value = + kUnorm16: typing.ClassVar[ + YUVAPixmapInfo.DataType + ] # value = + kUnorm8: typing.ClassVar[ + YUVAPixmapInfo.DataType + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + + class SupportedDataTypes: + @staticmethod + def All() -> YUVAPixmapInfo.SupportedDataTypes: + """ + All legal combinations of PlanarConfig and DataType are supported. + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __init__(self) -> None: + """ + Defaults to nothing supported. + """ + def enableDataType( + self, + dataType: YUVAPixmapInfo.DataType, + numChannels: int, + ) -> None: + """ + Update to add support for pixmaps with numChannel channels where each + channel is represented as DataType. + """ + def supported( + self, + planarConfig: YUVAInfo.PlaneConfig, + dataType: YUVAPixmapInfo.DataType, + ) -> bool: + """ + Checks whether there is a supported combination of color types for + planes structured as indicated by PlanarConfig with channel data types + as indicated by DataType. + """ + + __hash__: typing.ClassVar[None] = None + kFloat16: typing.ClassVar[YUVAPixmapInfo.DataType] # value = + kLast: typing.ClassVar[ + YUVAPixmapInfo.DataType + ] # value = + kMaxPlanes: typing.ClassVar[int] = 4 + kUnorm10_Unorm2: typing.ClassVar[ + YUVAPixmapInfo.DataType + ] # value = + kUnorm16: typing.ClassVar[YUVAPixmapInfo.DataType] # value = + kUnorm8: typing.ClassVar[YUVAPixmapInfo.DataType] # value = + @staticmethod + def DefaultColorTypeForDataType( + dataType: YUVAPixmapInfo.DataType, + numChannels: int, + ) -> ColorType: + """ + Gets the default SkColorType to use with numChannels channels, each + represented as DataType. Returns kUnknown_SkColorType if no such color + type. + """ + @staticmethod + def NumChannelsAndDataType( + colorType: ColorType, + ) -> tuple[int, YUVAPixmapInfo.DataType]: + """ + If the :py:class:`ColorType` is supported for YUVA pixmaps this will + return the number of YUVA channels that can be stored in a plane of + this color type and what the DataType is of those channels. If the + :py:class:`ColorType` is not supported as a YUVA plane the number of + channels is reported as 0 and the DataType returned should be + ignored. + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, arg0: YUVAPixmapInfo) -> bool: ... + @typing.overload + def __init__(self) -> None: + """ + Default SkYUVAPixmapInfo is invalid. + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__( + self, + info: YUVAInfo, + colorType: list[ColorType], + rowBytes: typing.Any = None, + ) -> None: + """ + Initializes the :py:class:`YUVAPixmapInfo` from a :py:class:`YUVAInfo` + with per-plane color types and row bytes. This will be invalid if the + colorTypes aren't compatible with the :py:class:`YUVAInfo` or if a + rowBytes entry is not valid for the plane dimensions and color type. + Color type and row byte values beyond the number of planes in + :py:class:`YUVAInfo` are ignored. All :py:class:`ColorTypes` must have + the same DataType or this will be invalid. + + If rowBytes is nullptr then ``bpp*width`` is assumed for each plane. + """ + @typing.overload + def __init__( + self, + info: YUVAInfo, + dataType: YUVAPixmapInfo.DataType, + rowBytes: typing.Any = None, + ) -> None: + """ + Like above but uses DefaultColorTypeForDataType to determine each + plane's :py:class:`ColorType`. If rowBytes is nullptr then bpp*width is + assumed for each plane. + """ + def __ne__(self, arg0: YUVAPixmapInfo) -> bool: ... + def computeTotalBytes(self, returnPlaneSizes: bool = False) -> typing.Any: + """ + Determine size to allocate for all planes. Optionally returns the + per-plane sizes if returnPlaneSizes is True. If total size overflows + will return SIZE_MAX and set all planeSizes to SIZE_MAX. Returns 0 and + fills planesSizes with 0 if this :py:class:`YUVAPixmapInfo` is not + valid. + """ + def dataType(self) -> YUVAPixmapInfo.DataType: + """ + The per-YUV[A] channel data type. + """ + def initPixmapsFromSingleAllocation( + self, + memory: typing_extensions.Buffer, + ) -> list[Pixmap]: + """ + Takes an allocation that is assumed to be at least + :py:meth:`computeTotalBytes` in size and configures the first + :py:meth:`numPlanes` entries in pixmaps array to point into that + memory. The remaining entries of pixmaps are default initialized. + Fails if this :py:class:`YUVAPixmapInfo` not valid. + + :param memory: Buffer that is at least :py:meth:`computeTotalBytes` in + size. + :rtype: List[skia.Pixmap] + """ + def isSupported( + self, + supportedDataTypes: YUVAPixmapInfo.SupportedDataTypes, + ) -> bool: + """ + Is this valid and does it use color types allowed by the passed + :py:class:`SupportedDataTypes`? + """ + def isValid(self) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if this has been configured with a non-empty dimensioned + :py:class:`YUVAInfo` with compatible color types and row bytes. + """ + def numPlanes(self) -> int: + """ + The number of :py:class:`Pixmap` planes, 0 if this + :py:class:`YUVAPixmapInfo` is invalid. + """ + def planeInfo(self, i: int) -> ImageInfo: + """ + Image info for the ith plane, or default :py:class:`ImageInfo` if + ``i >= numPlanes()`` + """ + def rowBytes(self, i: int) -> int: + """ + Row bytes for the ith plane. Returns zero if ``i >= numPlanes()`` or + this :py:class:`YUVAPixmapInfo` is invalid. + """ + def yuvColorSpace(self) -> YUVColorSpace: ... + def yuvaInfo(self) -> YUVAInfo: ... + +class YUVAPixmaps: + """ + + Helper to store :py:class:`Pixmap` planes as described by a + :py:class:`YUVAPixmapInfo`. Can be responsible for + allocating/freeing memory for pixmaps or use external memory. + + """ + @staticmethod + def Allocate(yuvaPixmapInfo: YUVAPixmapInfo) -> YUVAPixmaps: + """ + Allocate space for pixmaps' pixels in the :py:class:`YUVAPixmaps`. + """ + @staticmethod + def FromData(yuvaPixmapInfo: YUVAPixmapInfo, data: Data) -> YUVAPixmaps: + """ + Use storage in :py:class:`Data` as backing store for pixmaps' pixels. + :py:class:`Data` is retained by the :py:class:`YUVAPixmaps`. + """ + @staticmethod + def FromExternalMemory( + yuvaPixmapInfo: YUVAPixmapInfo, + memory: typing_extensions.Buffer, + ) -> YUVAPixmaps: + """ + Use passed in memory as backing store for pixmaps' pixels. Caller must + ensure memory remains allocated while pixmaps are in use. There must be + at least :py:meth:`YUVAPixmapInfo.computeTotalBytes` allocated starting + at memory. + """ + @staticmethod + def FromExternalPixmaps(yuvaInfo: YUVAInfo, pixmaps: list[Pixmap]) -> YUVAPixmaps: + """ + Wraps existing :py:class:`Pixmap`. The :py:class:`YUVAPixmaps` will + have no ownership of the :py:class:`Pixmap`' pixel memory so the + caller must ensure it remains valid. Will return an invalid + :py:class:`YUVAPixmaps` if the :py:class:`YUVAInfo` isn't compatible + with the :py:class:`Pixmap` array (number of planes, plane dimensions, + sufficient color channels in planes, ...). + """ + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + def isValid(self) -> bool: + """ + Does have initialized pixmaps compatible with its :py:class:`YUVAInfo`. + """ + def numPlanes(self) -> int: + """ + Number of pixmap planes or 0 if this :py:class:`YUVAPixmaps` is invalid. + """ + def plane(self, i: int) -> Pixmap: + """ + Get the ith :py:class:`Pixmap` plane. :py:class:`Pixmap` will be default + initialized if i >= numPlanes or this :py:class:`YUVAPixmaps` is + invalid. + """ + def planes(self) -> list[Pixmap]: # FixedSize(4) + """ + Access the :py:class:`Pixmap` planes. They are default initialized if + this is not a valid :py:class:`YUVAPixmaps`. + """ + def yuvaInfo(self) -> YUVAInfo: ... + +class YUVColorSpace: + """ + Members: + + kJPEG_YUVColorSpace : describes full range + + kRec601_YUVColorSpace : describes SDTV range + + kRec709_YUVColorSpace : describes HDTV range + + kBT2020_YUVColorSpace : describes UHDTV range, non-constant-luminance + + kIdentity_YUVColorSpace : maps Y->R, U->G, V->B + + kLastEnum_YUVColorSpace : last valid value + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, YUVColorSpace] + ] # value = {'kJPEG_YUVColorSpace': , 'kRec601_YUVColorSpace': , 'kRec709_YUVColorSpace': , 'kBT2020_YUVColorSpace': , 'kIdentity_YUVColorSpace': , 'kLastEnum_YUVColorSpace': } + kBT2020_YUVColorSpace: typing.ClassVar[ + YUVColorSpace + ] # value = + kIdentity_YUVColorSpace: typing.ClassVar[ + YUVColorSpace + ] # value = + kJPEG_YUVColorSpace: typing.ClassVar[ + YUVColorSpace + ] # value = + kLastEnum_YUVColorSpace: typing.ClassVar[ + YUVColorSpace + ] # value = + kRec601_YUVColorSpace: typing.ClassVar[ + YUVColorSpace + ] # value = + kRec709_YUVColorSpace: typing.ClassVar[ + YUVColorSpace + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + +class _AutoDocumentPage: + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __enter__(self) -> Canvas: ... + def __exit__(self, arg0: object, arg1: object, arg2: object) -> None: ... + +class gpuBackendApi: + """ + + Possible 3D APIs that may be used by Graphite. + + + Members: + + kDawn + + kMetal + + kVulkan + + kMock + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, gpuBackendApi] + ] # value = {'kDawn': , 'kMetal': , 'kVulkan': , 'kMock': } + kDawn: typing.ClassVar[gpuBackendApi] # value = + kMetal: typing.ClassVar[gpuBackendApi] # value = + kMock: typing.ClassVar[gpuBackendApi] # value = + kVulkan: typing.ClassVar[gpuBackendApi] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __ge__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __gt__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __le__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __lt__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + +class textlayout_FontCollection(RefCnt): + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def setDefaultFontManager(self, fontManager: FontMgr) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def setDefaultFontManager( + self, + fontManager: FontMgr, + defaultFamilyName: str, + ) -> None: ... + @typing.overload + def setDefaultFontManager( + self, + fontManager: FontMgr, + defaultFamilyNames: list[String], + ) -> None: ... + +class textlayout_Paragraph: + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def layout(self, width: float) -> None: ... + def paint(self, canvas: Canvas, x: float, y: float) -> None: ... + @property + def AlphabeticBaseline(self) -> float: ... + @property + def ExceedMaxLines(self) -> bool: ... + @property + def Height(self) -> float: ... + @property + def IdeographicBaseline(self) -> float: ... + @property + def LongestLine(self) -> float: ... + @property + def MaxIntrinsicWidth(self) -> float: ... + @property + def MinIntrinsicWidth(self) -> float: ... + @property + def Width(self) -> float: ... + +class textlayout_ParagraphBuilder: + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + @staticmethod + def make( + style: textlayout_ParagraphStyle, + fontCollection: textlayout_FontCollection, + unicode: Unicode, + ) -> textlayout_ParagraphBuilder: ... + def Build(self) -> textlayout_Paragraph: ... + def __init__( + self, + style: textlayout_ParagraphStyle, + fontCollection: textlayout_FontCollection, + unicode: Unicode, + ) -> None: ... + def addText(self, text: str) -> None: ... + def pop(self) -> None: ... + def pushStyle(self, style: textlayout_TextStyle) -> None: ... + +class textlayout_ParagraphStyle: + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + def setTextAlign(self, align: textlayout_TextAlign) -> None: ... + def setTextStyle(self, textstyle: textlayout_TextStyle) -> None: ... + +class textlayout_TextAlign: + """ + + + + Members: + + kLeft + + kRight + + kCenter + + kJustify + + kStart + + kEnd + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, textlayout_TextAlign] + ] # value = {'kLeft': , 'kRight': , 'kCenter': , 'kJustify': , 'kStart': , 'kEnd': } + kCenter: typing.ClassVar[ + textlayout_TextAlign + ] # value = + kEnd: typing.ClassVar[ + textlayout_TextAlign + ] # value = + kJustify: typing.ClassVar[ + textlayout_TextAlign + ] # value = + kLeft: typing.ClassVar[ + textlayout_TextAlign + ] # value = + kRight: typing.ClassVar[ + textlayout_TextAlign + ] # value = + kStart: typing.ClassVar[ + textlayout_TextAlign + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + +class textlayout_TextDecoration: + """ + + + + Members: + + kNoDecoration + + kUnderline + + kOverline + + kLineThrough + + kUnderlineOverline + + kUnderlineLineThrough + + kOverlineLineThrough + + kUnderlineOverlineLineThrough + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, textlayout_TextDecoration] + ] # value = {'kNoDecoration': , 'kUnderline': , 'kOverline': , 'kLineThrough': , 'kUnderlineOverline': , 'kUnderlineLineThrough': , 'kOverlineLineThrough': , 'kUnderlineOverlineLineThrough': } + kLineThrough: typing.ClassVar[ + textlayout_TextDecoration + ] # value = + kNoDecoration: typing.ClassVar[ + textlayout_TextDecoration + ] # value = + kOverline: typing.ClassVar[ + textlayout_TextDecoration + ] # value = + kOverlineLineThrough: typing.ClassVar[ + textlayout_TextDecoration + ] # value = + kUnderline: typing.ClassVar[ + textlayout_TextDecoration + ] # value = + kUnderlineLineThrough: typing.ClassVar[ + textlayout_TextDecoration + ] # value = + kUnderlineOverline: typing.ClassVar[ + textlayout_TextDecoration + ] # value = + kUnderlineOverlineLineThrough: typing.ClassVar[ + textlayout_TextDecoration + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + +class textlayout_TextDecorationMode: + """ + + + + Members: + + kGaps + + kThrough + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, textlayout_TextDecorationMode] + ] # value = {'kGaps': , 'kThrough': } + kGaps: typing.ClassVar[ + textlayout_TextDecorationMode + ] # value = + kThrough: typing.ClassVar[ + textlayout_TextDecorationMode + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + +class textlayout_TextDecorationStyle: + """ + + + + Members: + + kSolid + + kDouble + + kDotted + + kDashed + + kWavy + """ + + __members__: typing.ClassVar[ + dict[str, textlayout_TextDecorationStyle] + ] # value = {'kSolid': , 'kDouble': , 'kDotted': , 'kDashed': , 'kWavy': } + kDashed: typing.ClassVar[ + textlayout_TextDecorationStyle + ] # value = + kDotted: typing.ClassVar[ + textlayout_TextDecorationStyle + ] # value = + kDouble: typing.ClassVar[ + textlayout_TextDecorationStyle + ] # value = + kSolid: typing.ClassVar[ + textlayout_TextDecorationStyle + ] # value = + kWavy: typing.ClassVar[ + textlayout_TextDecorationStyle + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... + def __hash__(self) -> int: ... + def __index__(self) -> int: ... + def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... + def __int__(self) -> int: ... + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... + def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... + @property + def name(self) -> str: ... + @property + def value(self) -> int: ... + +class textlayout_TextStyle: + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + def cloneForPlaceholder(self) -> textlayout_TextStyle: ... + def setColor(self, color: int) -> None: ... + def setDecoration(self, decoration: textlayout_TextDecoration) -> None: ... + def setDecorationColor(self, color: int) -> None: ... + def setDecorationMode(self, mode: textlayout_TextDecorationMode) -> None: ... + def setDecorationStyle(self, style: textlayout_TextDecorationStyle) -> None: ... + def setDecorationThicknessMultiplier(self, m: float) -> None: ... + def setFontFamilies(self, families: list[String]) -> None: ... + def setFontSize(self, size: float) -> None: ... + def setFontStyle(self, fontStyle: FontStyle) -> None: ... + def setForegroundColor(self, paint: Paint) -> None: + """ + DEPRECATED: prefer `setForegroundPaint` + """ + def setForegroundPaint(self, paint: Paint) -> None: ... + def setLocale(self, locale: String) -> None: ... + +def AlphaTypeIsOpaque(at: AlphaType) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if :py:class:`AlphaType` equals + :py:attr:`~skia.AlphaType.kOpaque_AlphaType`. + + :py:attr:`~skia.AlphaType.kOpaque_AlphaType` is a hint that the + :py:class:`ColorType` is opaque, or that all alpha values are set to their + 1.0 equivalent. If :py:class:`AlphaType` is + :py:attr:`~skia.AlphaType.kOpaque_AlphaType`, and :py:class:`ColorType` is + not opaque, then the result of drawing any pixel with a alpha value less + than 1.0 is undefined. + """ + +def AsWinding(path: Path) -> Path: + """ + Set the result with fill type winding to area equivalent to path. + + Returns true if successful. Does not detect if path contains contours which + contain self-crossings or cross other contours; in these cases, may return + true even though result does not fill same area as path. + + Returns if operation was able to produce a result; otherwise, throws a + runtime error. The result may be the input. + + :param path: The path typically with fill type set to even odd. + :return: The equivalent path with fill type set to winding. + """ + +def BlendMode_AsCoeff( + mode: BlendMode, + src: BlendModeCoeff, + dst: BlendModeCoeff, +) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if 'mode' is a coefficient-based blend mode (<= + kLastCoeffMode). + + If true is returned, the mode's src and dst coefficient functions are set in + 'src' and 'dst'. + """ + +def BlendMode_Name(blendMode: BlendMode) -> str: + """ + Returns name of blendMode as null-terminated C string. + """ + +def Color(r: int, g: int, b: int, a: int = 255) -> int: + """ + Returns color value from 8-bit component values. + + In Skia, colors are represented as 32-bit ARGB word, where each component + has 8-bit. Colors can be specified by Python literal or constructed from the + functions. + + Floating point representation is available via :py:class:`Color4f`. + + Example:: + + c = 0xFFFF0000 # ARGB + c = skia.Color(255, 0, 0) # RGB + c = skia.Color(255, 0, 0, 255) # RGBA + c = skia.ColorSetRGB(255, 255, 0, 0) # RGB + c = skia.ColorSetARGB(255, 255, 0, 0) # ARGB + + Asserts if SK_DEBUG is defined if a, r, g, or b exceed 255. Since color is + unpremultiplied, a may be smaller than the largest of r, g, and b. + + :param int r: amount of red, from no red (0) to full red (255) + :param int g: amount of green, from no green (0) to full green (255) + :param int b: amount of blue, from no blue (0) to full blue (255) + :param int a: amount of alpha, from fully transparent (0) to fully opaque + (255) + :return: color and alpha, unpremultiplied + """ + +def ColorGetA(color: int) -> int: + """ + Returns alpha byte from color value. + """ + +def ColorGetB(color: int) -> int: + """ + Returns blue component of color, from zero to 255. + """ + +def ColorGetG(color: int) -> int: + """ + Returns green component of color, from zero to 255. + """ + +def ColorGetR(color: int) -> int: + """ + Returns red component of color, from zero to 255. + """ + +def ColorSetA(c: int, a: int) -> int: + """ + Returns unpremultiplied color with red, blue, and green set from c; and + alpha set from a. + + Alpha component of c is ignored and is replaced by a in result. + + :param int c: packed RGB, eight bits per component + :param int a: alpha: transparent at zero, fully opaque at 255 + :return: color with transparency + """ + +def ColorSetARGB(a: int, r: int, g: int, b: int) -> int: + """ + Returns color value from 8-bit component values. + + Asserts if SK_DEBUG is defined if a, r, g, or b exceed 255. Since color is + unpremultiplied, a may be smaller than the largest of r, g, and b. + + :param int a: amount of alpha, from fully transparent (0) to fully opaque + (255) + :param int r: amount of red, from no red (0) to full red (255) + :param int g: amount of green, from no green (0) to full green (255) + :param int b: amount of blue, from no blue (0) to full blue (255) + :return: color and alpha, unpremultiplied + """ + +def ColorSetRGB(r: int, g: int, b: int) -> int: + """ + Returns color value from 8-bit component values, with alpha set fully opaque + to 255. + """ + +def ColorToHSV(color: int) -> list[float]: + """ + Converts ARGB to its HSV components. + + Alpha in ARGB is ignored. hsv[0] contains hsv hue, and is assigned a value + from zero to less than 360. hsv[1] contains hsv saturation, a value from + zero to one. hsv[2] contains hsv value, a value from zero to one. + + :param int color: ARGB color to convert + :return: three element array which holds the resulting HSV components + """ + +def ColorTypeBytesPerPixel(ct: ColorType) -> int: + """ + Returns the number of bytes required to store a pixel, including unused + padding. + + Returns zero if ct is :py:attr:`~skia.Type.kUnknown_ColorType` or invalid. + + :return: bytes per pixel + """ + +def ColorTypeIsAlwaysOpaque(ct: ColorType) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if :py:class:`ColorType` always decodes alpha to 1.0, making + the pixel fully opaque. + + If true, :py:class:`ColorType` does not reserve bits to encode alpha. + + :return: true if alpha is always set to 1.0 + """ + +def ColorTypeValidateAlphaType( + colorType: ColorType, + alphaType: AlphaType, + canonical: AlphaType | None = None, +) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if canonical can be set to a valid :py:class:`AlphaType` for + colorType. + + If there is more than one valid canonical :py:class:`AlphaType`, set to + alphaType, if valid. If true is returned and canonical is not nullptr, store + valid :py:class:`AlphaType`. + + Returns false only if alphaType is :py:attr:`~skia.Type.kUnknown_AlphaType`, + color type is not :py:attr:`~skia.ColorType.kUnknown_ColorType`, and + :py:class:`ColorType` is not always opaque. If false is returned, canonical + is ignored. + + :param colorType: color type + :param alphaType: alpha type + :param canonical: output storage for :py:class:`AlphaType` + :return: true if valid :py:class:`AlphaType` can be associated with + colorType + """ + +def ComputeIsOpaque(bm: Bitmap) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if all pixels are opaque. + + :py:class:`ColorType` determines how pixels are encoded, and whether pixel + describes alpha. Returns true for :py:class:`ColorType` without alpha in + each pixel; for other :py:class:`ColorType`, returns true if all pixels have + alpha values equivalent to 1.0 or greater. + + For :py:class:`ColorType` :py:attr:`~ColorType.kRGB_565_ColorType` or + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kGray_8_ColorType`: always returns true. For + :py:class:`ColorType` :py:attr:`~ColorType.kAlpha_8_ColorType`, + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kBGRA_8888_ColorType`, + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kRGBA_8888_ColorType`: returns true if all pixel alpha + values are 255. For :py:class:`ColorType` + :py:attr:`~ColorType.kARGB_4444_ColorType`: returns true if all pixel alpha + values are 15. For :py:attr:`~ColorType.kRGBA_F16_ColorType`: returns true + if all pixel alpha values are 1.0 or greater. + + Returns false for :py:attr:`~ColorType.kUnknown_ColorType`. + + :param skia.Bitmap bm: :py:class:`Bitmap` to check + :return: true if all pixels have opaque values or :py:class:`ColorType` is + opaque + """ + +def EncodedOriginToMatrix(origin: EncodedOrigin, w: int, h: int) -> Matrix: + """ + Given an encoded origin and the width and height of the source data, + returns a matrix that transforms the source rectangle with upper left + corner at [0, 0] and origin to a correctly oriented destination rectangle + of [0, 0, w, h]. + """ + +def HSVToColor(hsv: list[float], alpha: int = 255) -> int: + """ + Converts HSV components to an ARGB color. + + Alpha is passed through unchanged. hsv[0] represents hsv hue, an angle from + zero to less than 360. hsv[1] represents hsv saturation, and varies from + zero to one. hsv[2] represents hsv value, and varies from zero to one. + + Out of range hsv values are pinned. + + :param hsv: three element array which holds the input HSV components + :param alpha: alpha component of the returned ARGB color + :return: ARGB equivalent to HSV + """ + +def MakeNullCanvas() -> Canvas: ... +def Op(one: Path, two: Path, op: PathOp) -> Path: + """ + Set this path to the result of applying the Op to this path and the + specified path: this = (this op operand). + + The resulting path will be constructed from non-overlapping contours. The + curve order is reduced where possible so that cubics may be turned into + quadratics, and quadratics maybe turned into lines. + + Returns if operation was able to produce a result; otherwise, throws a + runtime error. + + :param one: The first operand (for difference, the minuend) + :param two: The second operand (for difference, the subtrahend) + :param op: The operator to apply. + :return: The product of the operands. The result may be one of the inputs. + """ + +def PathFillType_ConvertToNonInverse(ft: PathFillType) -> PathFillType: ... +def PathFillType_IsEvenOdd(ft: PathFillType) -> bool: ... +def PathFillType_IsInverse(ft: PathFillType) -> bool: ... +def PreMultiplyARGB(a: int, r: int, g: int, b: int) -> int: + """ + Returns a SkPMColor value from unpremultiplied 8-bit component values. + + :param a: amount of alpha, from fully transparent (0) to fully opaque (255) + :param r: amount of red, from no red (0) to full red (255) + :param g: amount of green, from no green (0) to full green (255) + :param b: amount of blue, from no blue (0) to full blue (255) + :return: premultiplied color + """ + +def PreMultiplyColor(c: int) -> int: + """ + Returns pmcolor closest to color c. + + Multiplies c RGB components by the c alpha, and arranges the bytes to match + the format of kN32_ColorType. + + :param c: unpremultiplied ARGB color + :return: premultiplied color + """ + +def RGBToHSV(red: int, green: int, blue: int) -> list[float]: + """ + Converts RGB to its HSV components. + + hsv[0] contains hsv hue, a value from zero to less than 360. hsv[1] contains + hsv saturation, a value from zero to one. hsv[2] contains hsv value, a value + from zero to one. + + :param int red: red component value from zero to 255 + :param int green: green component value from zero to 255 + :param int blue: blue component value from zero to 255 + :return: three element array which holds the resulting HSV components + """ + +def Simplify(path: Path) -> Path: + """ + Set this path to a set of non-overlapping contours that describe the same + area as the original path. + + The curve order is reduced where possible so that cubics may be turned into + quadratics, and quadratics maybe turned into lines. + + Returns if operation was able to produce a result; otherwise, throws a + runtime error. + + + :param path: The path to simplify. + :return: The simplified path. The result may be the input. + """ + +def TightBounds(path: Path) -> Rect: + """ + Set the resulting rectangle to the tight bounds of the path. + + :param path: The path measured. + :return: The tight bounds of the path. + """ + +AlphaOPAQUE: int = 255 +AlphaTRANSPARENT: int = 0 +ColorBLACK: int = 4278190080 +ColorBLUE: int = 4278190335 +ColorCYAN: int = 4278255615 +ColorDKGRAY: int = 4282664004 +ColorGRAY: int = 4287137928 +ColorGREEN: int = 4278255360 +ColorLTGRAY: int = 4291611852 +ColorMAGENTA: int = 4294902015 +ColorRED: int = 4294901760 +ColorTRANSPARENT: int = 0 +ColorWHITE: int = 4294967295 +ColorYELLOW: int = 4294967040 +ScalarInfinity: float # value = inf +ScalarNegativeInfinity: float # value = -inf +Unicodes: types.SimpleNamespace # value = namespace(ICU=namespace(Make=)) +k2D: GrTextureType # value = +kA: ColorChannel # value = +kA16_float_ColorType: ColorType # value = +kA16_unorm_ColorType: ColorType # value = +kABGR_4444: GrColorType # value = +kALL_GrGLBackendState: ( + GrGLBackendState # value = +) +kALPHA8: GrGLFormat # value = +kARGB_4444_ColorType: ColorType # value = +kASTC: EncodedImageFormat # value = +kAllResources: ( + GrPurgeResourceOptions # value = +) +kAlpha_16: GrColorType # value = +kAlpha_8: GrColorType # value = +kAlpha_8_ColorType: ColorType # value = +kAlpha_8xxx: GrColorType # value = +kAlpha_ColorChannelFlag: ( + ColorChannelFlag # value = +) +kAlpha_F16: GrColorType # value = +kAlpha_F32xxx: GrColorType # value = +kB: ColorChannel # value = +kBGRA8: GrGLFormat # value = +kBGRA_1010102_ColorType: ColorType # value = +kBGRA_8888: GrColorType # value = +kBGRA_8888_ColorType: ColorType # value = +kBGR_101010x_ColorType: ColorType # value = +kBGR_565: GrColorType # value = +kBGR_H_PixelGeometry: PixelGeometry # value = +kBGR_V_PixelGeometry: PixelGeometry # value = +kBMP: EncodedImageFormat # value = +kBT2020_YUVColorSpace: YUVColorSpace # value = +kBlend_GrGLBackendState: ( + GrGLBackendState # value = +) +kBlue_ColorChannelFlag: ( + ColorChannelFlag # value = +) +kBottomLeft_EncodedOrigin: ( + EncodedOrigin # value = +) +kBottomLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin: ( + GrSurfaceOrigin # value = +) +kBottomRight_EncodedOrigin: ( + EncodedOrigin # value = +) +kCCW: PathDirection # value = +kCOMPRESSED_ETC1_RGB8: GrGLFormat # value = +kCOMPRESSED_RGB8_BC1: GrGLFormat # value = +kCOMPRESSED_RGB8_ETC2: GrGLFormat # value = +kCOMPRESSED_RGBA8_BC1: GrGLFormat # value = +kCW: PathDirection # value = +kCenter: textlayout_TextAlign # value = +kClamp: TileMode # value = +kClear: BlendMode # value = +kClose: PathVerb # value = +kCoeffCount: BlendModeCoeff # value = +kColor: BlendMode # value = +kColorBurn: BlendMode # value = +kColorDodge: BlendMode # value = +kConic: PathVerb # value = +kConic_PathSegmentMask: ( + PathSegmentMask # value = +) +kCubic: PathVerb # value = +kCubic_PathSegmentMask: ( + PathSegmentMask # value = +) +kDA: BlendModeCoeff # value = +kDC: BlendModeCoeff # value = +kDNG: EncodedImageFormat # value = +kDarken: BlendMode # value = +kDashed: textlayout_TextDecorationStyle # value = +kDawn: gpuBackendApi # value = +kDecal: TileMode # value = +kDefault_EncodedOrigin: ( + EncodedOrigin # value = +) +kDifference: ClipOp # value = +kDifference_PathOp: PathOp # value = +kDirect3D: GrBackendApi # value = +kDotted: textlayout_TextDecorationStyle # value = +kDouble: textlayout_TextDecorationStyle # value = +kDst: BlendMode # value = +kDstATop: BlendMode # value = +kDstIn: BlendMode # value = +kDstOut: BlendMode # value = +kDstOver: BlendMode # value = +kEnd: textlayout_TextAlign # value = +kEvenOdd: PathFillType # value = +kExclusion: BlendMode # value = +kExternal: GrTextureType # value = +kFixedFunction_GrGLBackendState: ( + GrGLBackendState # value = +) +kFull: FontHinting # value = +kG: ColorChannel # value = +kGIF: EncodedImageFormat # value = +kGaps: textlayout_TextDecorationMode # value = +kGlyphID: TextEncoding # value = +kGray_8: GrColorType # value = +kGray_8_ColorType: ColorType # value = +kGray_8xxx: GrColorType # value = +kGray_ColorChannelFlag: ( + ColorChannelFlag # value = +) +kGray_F16: GrColorType # value = +kGreen_ColorChannelFlag: ( + ColorChannelFlag # value = +) +kHEIF: EncodedImageFormat # value = +kHardLight: BlendMode # value = +kHue: BlendMode # value = +kICO: EncodedImageFormat # value = +kIDA: BlendModeCoeff # value = +kIDC: BlendModeCoeff # value = +kISA: BlendModeCoeff # value = +kISC: BlendModeCoeff # value = +kIdentity_YUVColorSpace: ( + YUVColorSpace # value = +) +kInner_BlurStyle: BlurStyle # value = +kIntersect: ClipOp # value = +kIntersect_PathOp: PathOp # value = +kInverseEvenOdd: PathFillType # value = +kInverseWinding: PathFillType # value = +kJPEG: EncodedImageFormat # value = +kJPEG_YUVColorSpace: YUVColorSpace # value = +kJustify: textlayout_TextAlign # value = +kKTX: EncodedImageFormat # value = +kLUMINANCE16F: GrGLFormat # value = +kLUMINANCE8: GrGLFormat # value = +kLast: ConvergeMode # value = +kLastCoeffMode: BlendMode # value = +kLastEnum: ColorChannel # value = +kLastEnum_AlphaType: AlphaType # value = +kLastEnum_BlurStyle: BlurStyle # value = +kLastEnum_YUVColorSpace: ( + YUVColorSpace # value = +) +kLastMode: BlendMode # value = +kLastSeparableMode: BlendMode # value = +kLastTileMode: TileMode # value = +kLast_EncodedOrigin: ( + EncodedOrigin # value = +) +kLeft: textlayout_TextAlign # value = +kLeftBottom_EncodedOrigin: ( + EncodedOrigin # value = +) +kLeftTop_EncodedOrigin: ( + EncodedOrigin # value = +) +kLighten: BlendMode # value = +kLine: PathVerb # value = +kLineThrough: ( + textlayout_TextDecoration # value = +) +kLine_PathSegmentMask: ( + PathSegmentMask # value = +) +kLinear: MipmapMode # value = +kLuminosity: BlendMode # value = +kMSAAEnable_GrGLBackendState: ( + GrGLBackendState # value = +) +kMetal: gpuBackendApi # value = +kMirror: TileMode # value = +kMisc_GrGLBackendState: ( + GrGLBackendState # value = +) +kMock: gpuBackendApi # value = +kModulate: BlendMode # value = +kMove: PathVerb # value = +kMultiply: BlendMode # value = +kN32_ColorType: ColorType # value = +kNearest: MipmapMode # value = +kNo: Budgeted # value = +kNoDecoration: ( + textlayout_TextDecoration # value = +) +kNone: GrTextureType # value = +kNormal: FontHinting # value = +kNormal_BlurStyle: BlurStyle # value = +kOne: BlendModeCoeff # value = +kOpaque_AlphaType: AlphaType # value = +kOpenGL: GrBackendApi # value = +kOpenGL_GrBackend: GrBackendApi # value = +kOuter_BlurStyle: BlurStyle # value = +kOverlay: BlendMode # value = +kOverline: textlayout_TextDecoration # value = +kOverlineLineThrough: textlayout_TextDecoration # value = +kPKM: EncodedImageFormat # value = +kPNG: EncodedImageFormat # value = +kPixelStore_GrGLBackendState: ( + GrGLBackendState # value = +) +kPlus: BlendMode # value = +kPremul_AlphaType: AlphaType # value = +kProgram_GrGLBackendState: ( + GrGLBackendState # value = +) +kQuad: PathVerb # value = +kQuad_PathSegmentMask: ( + PathSegmentMask # value = +) +kR: ColorChannel # value = +kR16: GrGLFormat # value = +kR16F: GrGLFormat # value = +kR16G16B16A16_unorm_ColorType: ( + ColorType # value = +) +kR16G16_float_ColorType: ColorType # value = +kR16G16_unorm_ColorType: ColorType # value = +kR8: GrGLFormat # value = +kR8G8_unorm_ColorType: ColorType # value = +kRG16: GrGLFormat # value = +kRG16F: GrGLFormat # value = +kRG8: GrGLFormat # value = +kRGB10_A2: GrGLFormat # value = +kRGB565: GrGLFormat # value = +kRGB8: GrGLFormat # value = +kRGBA16: GrGLFormat # value = +kRGBA16F: GrGLFormat # value = +kRGBA4: GrGLFormat # value = +kRGBA8: GrGLFormat # value = +kRGBA_1010102: GrColorType # value = +kRGBA_1010102_ColorType: ColorType # value = +kRGBA_16161616: GrColorType # value = +kRGBA_8888: GrColorType # value = +kRGBA_8888_ColorType: ColorType # value = +kRGBA_8888_SRGB: GrColorType # value = +kRGBA_ColorChannelFlags: ( + ColorChannelFlag # value = +) +kRGBA_F16: GrColorType # value = +kRGBA_F16Norm_ColorType: ColorType # value = +kRGBA_F16_Clamped: GrColorType # value = +kRGBA_F16_ColorType: ColorType # value = +kRGBA_F32: GrColorType # value = +kRGBA_F32_ColorType: ColorType # value = +kRGB_101010x_ColorType: ColorType # value = +kRGB_565_ColorType: ColorType # value = +kRGB_888: GrColorType # value = +kRGB_888x: GrColorType # value = +kRGB_888x_ColorType: ColorType # value = +kRGB_ColorChannelFlags: ( + ColorChannelFlag # value = +) +kRGB_H_PixelGeometry: PixelGeometry # value = +kRGB_V_PixelGeometry: PixelGeometry # value = +kRG_1616: GrColorType # value = +kRG_88: GrColorType # value = +kRG_ColorChannelFlags: ( + ColorChannelFlag # value = +) +kRG_F16: GrColorType # value = +kR_16: GrColorType # value = +kR_8: GrColorType # value = +kR_F16: GrColorType # value = +kRec601_YUVColorSpace: YUVColorSpace # value = +kRec709_YUVColorSpace: YUVColorSpace # value = +kRectangle: GrTextureType # value = +kRed_ColorChannelFlag: ( + ColorChannelFlag # value = +) +kRenderTarget_GrGLBackendState: ( + GrGLBackendState # value = +) +kRepeat: TileMode # value = +kReverseDifference: ConvergeMode # value = +kReverseDifference_PathOp: PathOp # value = +kRight: textlayout_TextAlign # value = +kRightBottom_EncodedOrigin: ( + EncodedOrigin # value = +) +kRightTop_EncodedOrigin: ( + EncodedOrigin # value = +) +kSA: BlendModeCoeff # value = +kSC: BlendModeCoeff # value = +kSRGB8_ALPHA8: GrGLFormat # value = +kSaturation: BlendMode # value = +kScratchResourcesOnly: ( + GrPurgeResourceOptions # value = +) +kScreen: BlendMode # value = +kSlight: FontHinting # value = +kSoftLight: BlendMode # value = +kSolid: ( + textlayout_TextDecorationStyle # value = +) +kSolid_BlurStyle: BlurStyle # value = +kSrc: BlendMode # value = +kSrcATop: BlendMode # value = +kSrcIn: BlendMode # value = +kSrcOut: BlendMode # value = +kSrcOver: BlendMode # value = +kStart: textlayout_TextAlign # value = +kStencil_GrGLBackendState: ( + GrGLBackendState # value = +) +kTextureBinding_GrGLBackendState: ( + GrGLBackendState # value = +) +kThrough: ( + textlayout_TextDecorationMode # value = +) +kTopLeft_EncodedOrigin: ( + EncodedOrigin # value = +) +kTopLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin: ( + GrSurfaceOrigin # value = +) +kTopRight_EncodedOrigin: ( + EncodedOrigin # value = +) +kUTF16: TextEncoding # value = +kUTF32: TextEncoding # value = +kUTF8: TextEncoding # value = +kUnderline: ( + textlayout_TextDecoration # value = +) +kUnderlineLineThrough: textlayout_TextDecoration # value = +kUnderlineOverline: textlayout_TextDecoration # value = +kUnderlineOverlineLineThrough: textlayout_TextDecoration # value = +kUnion: ConvergeMode # value = +kUnion_PathOp: PathOp # value = +kUnknown: GrGLFormat # value = +kUnknown_AlphaType: AlphaType # value = +kUnknown_ColorType: ColorType # value = +kUnknown_PixelGeometry: ( + PixelGeometry # value = +) +kUnpremul_AlphaType: AlphaType # value = +kVertex_GrGLBackendState: ( + GrGLBackendState # value = +) +kView_GrGLBackendState: ( + GrGLBackendState # value = +) +kVulkan: gpuBackendApi # value = +kWBMP: EncodedImageFormat # value = +kWEBP: EncodedImageFormat # value = +kWavy: ( + textlayout_TextDecorationStyle # value = +) +kWinding: PathFillType # value = +kXOR_PathOp: PathOp # value = +kXor: ConvergeMode # value = +kYes: Budgeted # value = +kZero: BlendModeCoeff # value = +skgpu: types.SimpleNamespace # value = namespace(VulkanBackendContext=, VulkanAlloc=, VulkanYcbcrConversionInfo=) +textlayout: types.SimpleNamespace # value = namespace(FontCollection=, ParagraphBuilder=, ParagraphStyle=, Paragraph=, TextStyle=, TextAlign=, TextDecoration=, TextDecorationStyle=, TextDecorationMode=) +GrBackendRenderTargets = GrBackendRenderTarget +GrContext = GrDirectContext +GrDirectContexts = GrDirectContext +RuntimeBlendBuilder = RuntimeEffectBuilder +RuntimeColorFilterBuilder = RuntimeEffectBuilder +RuntimeShaderBuilder = RuntimeEffectBuilder +Surfaces = Surface + +# Unknown +capsule = object +TextureCompressionType = object +GrContextThreadSafeProxy = object +VkSharingMode = object +Blender = object diff --git a/typings/skia/cms.pyi b/typings/skia/cms.pyi new file mode 100644 index 0000000..222e740 --- /dev/null +++ b/typings/skia/cms.pyi @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +import typing + +__all__ = [ + "ICCProfile", + "Matrix3x3", + "NamedGamut", + "NamedTransferFn", + "TransferFunction", +] + +class ICCProfile: + buffer: int + data_color_space: int + has_A2B: bool + has_toXYZD50: bool + has_trc: bool + pcs: int + size: int + tag_count: int + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __init__(self) -> None: ... + +class Matrix3x3: + """ + + A row-major 3x3 matrix (ie vals[row][col]) + + """ + + kAdobeRGB: typing.ClassVar[Matrix3x3] # value = + kDisplayP3: typing.ClassVar[Matrix3x3] # value = + kRec2020: typing.ClassVar[Matrix3x3] # value = + kSRGB: typing.ClassVar[Matrix3x3] # value = + kXYZ: typing.ClassVar[Matrix3x3] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __init__(self, v: list[float]) -> None: ... + +class TransferFunction: + """ + + A transfer function mapping encoded values to linear values, + represented by this 7-parameter piecewise function: + + linear = sign(encoded) * (c*|encoded| + f) , 0 <= |encoded| < d + = sign(encoded) * ((a*|encoded| + b)^g + e), d <= |encoded| + + (A simple gamma transfer function sets g to gamma and a to 1.) + + """ + + k2Dot2: typing.ClassVar[ + TransferFunction + ] # value = + kHLG: typing.ClassVar[ + TransferFunction + ] # value = + kLinear: typing.ClassVar[ + TransferFunction + ] # value = + kPQ: typing.ClassVar[TransferFunction] # value = + kRec2020: typing.ClassVar[ + TransferFunction + ] # value = + kSRGB: typing.ClassVar[ + TransferFunction + ] # value = + @staticmethod + def _pybind11_conduit_v1_(*args, **kwargs): ... + def __init__(self, v: list[float]) -> None: ... + +NamedGamut = Matrix3x3 +NamedTransferFn = TransferFunction