returns a uniform random non-negative integer less than max (0 <= output < max)
. max
must be at most 2^53
import {randomUIntBelow} from "random-uint-below"
console.log(randomUIntBelow(6)); // Generates a uniform random value from [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Since one of the most common use cases for this is to select a random element from an array, we also provide a convenience:
import {randomChoice} from "random-uint-below"
console.log(randomChoice(["vanilla", "strawberry", "peppermint"]))
requires crypto.getRandomValues
, which is available in:
- All major browsers since 2014: https://caniuse.com/getrandomvalues
without a flag sincev19
: https://nodejs.org/api/webcrypto.html#cryptogetrandomvaluestypedarray
Builds are only published in ESM (with ES2020 compatibility).
We no longer publish a build that modifies the global variable. You can create such a build yourself using:
# bash
cd "$(mktemp -d)" && npm init -y && npm install esbuild random-uint-below
echo 'import { randomUIntBelow } from "random-uint-below"; globalThis.randomUIntBelow = randomUIntBelow' | \
npx esbuild --target=es6 --bundle --minify --outfile=randomUintBelow.global.js
This work is dedicated to the public domain using the Unlicense.