This project is my solution for a challenge proposed at my current company ioBuilders.
In summary, the challenge consists in a dapp for sending messages between ethereum accounts. The following points should be achieved:
- Message data should be stored off-chain in an external repository.
- Only the receiver of the message should be able to read the message, no one else.
- It should be possible to send anonymous messages.
- Solidity as the language for the smart contract. Smart contract is based on this EIP.
- Solidity-coverage for checking smart contract coverage and Solium for analizing code style and security issues.
- Truffle and ganache-cli for smart contract testing and deployment.
- Swarm node for storing message data.
- Npm as package and project manager.
- Lite-server as development server.
- Metamask for interacting with DLT from web browser.
- Front-end libraries:
Run npm install
Run a local swarm node with docker docker run -p 8500:8500 -e PASSWORD=password123 -t ethdevops/swarm --httpaddr
Execute npm run dev
. This will start ganache-cli, deploy smart contract wih truffle and deploy and run the application with lite-server on port 3000.
Ganache-cli is started with 4 predefined ethereum private keys you can use to test the dapp:
- Alice ->
- Bob ->
- Frank ->
for sending anonymous messages.
For testing how messages are sent from one account to another, you should import at least 2 of these accounts into Metamask in differenct browser instances.
In Chrome, each instance should have a different profile. For opening Chrome with a different profile than default in linux, execute google-chrome --profile-directory=Temp
Also CORS should be enabled to be able to interact with swarm, i suggest to use this chrome plugin.
Execute contract tests:
npm run truffle test
Execute contract tests with coverage:
Execute Solium:
npm run solium