make build
make up-db # if you still need the DB container
go run app.go -dev
# Shows all commands
make help
# Clean packages
make clean-packages
# Generate go.mod & go.sum files
make requirements
# Generate docker images
make build
# Generate docker images with no cache
make build-no-cache
# Run the project and SSH into the main container
make up
# Run local containers in background
make up-silent
# Run local containers in background with prefork
make up-silent-prefork
# Stop containers
make stop
# Start containers
make start
# Purge the database volume
make purge-db-volume
# See the Makefile script section for build info
make up-silent-prefork
Access the API at http://localhost:3000/api/v1/
- http://localhost:3000/api/v1/currencies
Fetch list of all avaliabie currency pairs. - http://localhost:3000/api/v1/currencies/<PAIR_NAME>
Fetch details about currency <PAIR_NAME>. - http://localhost:3000/api/v1/currencies/convert
Do the value amount conversion between two currency pairs.
Full Swagger documentation (with the API playground) can be found at http://localhost:3000/swagger/
See the app.go
for more info.