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Continuous processing with Travis-ci : cheat sheet

you already have read the tutorial and you want to go the fast way to apply it to your project.

Add publish step to the build

Make sure the tests are run after the data is build, and add the publish step. The end of your Makefile should look like this :

valid.txt: ../data/MY_PRODUCED_FILE.csv ../datapackage.json
    echo "Datapackage is valid" > valid.txt

pushed.txt: valid.txt
    git add ../data/MY_PRODUCED_FILE.csv
    git commit -m "[data][skip ci] automatic update" || exit 0
    git push publish
    echo "Update has been pushed if there was a change" > pushed.txt

all: pushed.txt

Set the keys

You should have a pair of public / private ssh keys, or create one with ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "SSh key for repository my-repository" -f ~/.ssh/my-repository

In the settings of your github project, paste the public key : Add public key to github project

In the settings of your travis project, paste the inner part of your private key (without header nor footer) into quotes to create a SSH_PUSH_KEY runtime variable :

set private key in travis

You should also set the private key in your local git config to work (and debug !) on your workstation : Host HostName User git IdentityFile ~/.ssh/my-ssh-private-key

Automate from travis

Enable building your project from your travis account, then add the following .travis.yml (and don't forget to replace the identity of the committer) :

language: python
  - 2.7

  - pip install --upgrade -r scripts/requirements.txt
# Avoid warnings from git :
  - git config --global push.default simple
  - git config --global "[email protected]"
  - git config --global "Update bot"

# Add the ssh key
  - echo "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----" >> ~/.ssh/id_rsa
  - echo "$SSH_PUSH_KEY" | sed 's/ /\n/g' >> ~/.ssh/id_rsa
  - echo "-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----" >> ~/.ssh/id_rsa
  - chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa
# Add remote for ssh access
  - git remote add publish [email protected]:$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG.git

  - cd scripts
  - make valid.txt

# Git is in detached HEAD, so we get back on the branch we are supposed to be
  - git checkout -B $TRAVIS_BRANCH

  skip_cleanup: true
  provider: script
  script: make pushed.txt
    all_branches: true

Enable regular build to update the data

Ask the travis support to enable cron jobs for your project, then add a daily / weekly / monthly build.

Also remove [skip ci] from the commit message in the pushed.txt of the scripts\Makefile to prevent travis from skipping the build.


Ready to work with you team without friction !