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2. Setup

Uros Preloznik edited this page Nov 14, 2017 · 57 revisions

1. Get the code

Download latest release and move the contents inside release name to /var/www/html/gisapp/ (create necessary folders manually) or use GIT:

cd /var/www/html/
git clone

At the end you need such file structure:

- _demo
- _scripts
- _setup
- admin
- client
- client_common
- client_mobile
- plugins
- vendor
- index.php

Example of windows installation folder: c:\Apache24\htdocs\gisapp\.

2. Apache configuration

Windows users read this post.

Copy Apache configuration file to conf-available folder

cp /var/www/html/gisapp/_setup/gisapp.conf /etc/apache2/conf-available/

Enable gisapp configuration

a2enconf gisapp

Add this 2 lines to /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf (inside VirtualHost tag)

Include conf-available/serve-cgi-bin.conf
Include conf-available/gisapp.conf

Reload configuration

service apache2 reload

3. User for accessing database

On Windows you can skip this part and simply create new database with pgAdminIII and run just run setup.sql (read next part).

First it is recommended that you are using different user for working with database instead of default postgres. If you have to create new PGSQL user, open terminal:

sudo su - postgres

createuser -d -E -i -l -P -r -s newuser

Be sure to change newuser to desired username

Enter new password when prompted

Log out as postgres user


4. Create database

Log in to psql, create new database and run setup script. Database name used in this setup is gisapp. Change newuser to your PGSQL user.

sudo -u postgres psql


\connect gisapp

\i /var/www/html/gisapp/_scripts/_setup.sql

Just a simple test to see if everything is OK. Type:

SELECT name FROM layers;

You should get something like this:

gisapp=# SELECT name FROM layers;
(3 rows)

Quit with: \q

5. Settings.php

Copy settings_template.php to settings.php:

cp /var/www/html/gisapp/admin/settings_template.php /var/www/html/gisapp/admin/settings.php

For Windows use settings_windows.php as template. Make sure to check and edit Apache port!

Open settings.php and insert correct values for database, user and project location:

//database connection

//db user

//project location

//qgis server

6. Project structure

You have 3 options how to store and organize projects in your filesystem:

  1. All projects inside folder defined with PROJECT_PATH. This was only option before 1.4 release.
  2. In PROJECT_PATH you create subfolder with each client name as it is in database. Then you can store projects per each client in client subfolder.
  3. Write complete path to project in database. Look next chapter.

7. Test HelloWorld project

Navigate your browser to http://localhost/gisapp/helloworld?public=on.

Now you can continue with adding new users and projects with Managing Database.

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