# Overview
Pipeflow-lite is a flexible and powerful data processing pipeline framework designed to simplify the flow of data from sources to destinations such as databases, file systems, APIs, and more. It leverages a plugin-based architecture that allows users to easily extend functionality as needed while keeping the core logic simple and efficient.
# Installation
Pipeflow-lite can be installed via Python's package management tool pip (assuming you have packaged the project as an installable Python package):
pip install pipeflow-lite
Alternatively, if you are developing locally, you can use the project's source code directly:
python setup.py develop
# Quick Start
## 1. Configure the Environment
Ensure your Python environment has Pipeflow-lite and its dependencies installed.
## 2. Define Actions
Create your action files
```python from pipeflow.core.pipeflow_action import PipeflowAction from types import MappingProxyType from typing import Any
- class AAction(PipeflowAction):
- async def execute(self, params: MappingProxyType) -> Any:
- # Implement your data processing logic # Access and modify data in the context pass
- class BAction(PipeflowAction):
- async def execute(self, params: MappingProxyType) -> Any:
- # ... pass
- class CAction(PipeflowAction):
- def upstream(self):
- return [AAction, BAction]
- async def execute(self, params: MappingProxyType) -> Any:
- # ... pass
## 3. Define Context
Create your context file, e.g., one_context.py:
```python from pipeflow.core.pipeflow_context import PipeflowContext, load_from_directory
- class OneContext(PipeflowContext):
- def __init__(self):
# Load from path # Relative to the project root path, or just use the absolute path action_classes = load_from_directory("./example")
# # Or load by type # from example.actions.a_action import AAction # from example.actions.b_action import BAction # from example.actions.c_action import CAction # from example.actions.d_action import DAction # from example.actions.e_action import EAction # action_classes = [ # AAction, # BAction, # CAction, # DAction, # EAction # ]
## 4. Run the Pipeline
Write code in example/main.py to create and run your pipeline:
```python from example.one_context import OneContext
# Create a context instance pipeline = OneContext() result = pipeline.execute(initial_params={"key1": "value1"}) ```
## 5. Visualize the Flow
Use view.py to generate and view the flowchart of your action node sequences:
python view.py