# Binaries for programs and plugins *.exe *.exe~ *.dll *.so *.dylib # Test binary, build with `go test -c` *.test # Output of the go coverage tool, specifically when used with LiteIDE *.out .DS_Store .vscode/ .cusorignore *.config Chart.min.js fortio_chart.js # UI **/node_modules/ **/out/ **/ui/playground/ ui/.next/ ui/out/ ui/node_modules/ provider-ui/out/ provider-ui/.next/ provider-ui/node_modules/ # mesheryctl mesheryctl/cmd/mesheryctl/mesheryctl mesheryctl/.meshery/ mesheryctl/mesheryctl mesheryctl/default.profraw main # Meshery cmd/meshery log.txt # Docs docs/_site docs/.sass-cache docs/.jekyll-metadata docs/.jekyll-cache docs/v0.4 docs/v0.5 docs/v0.6 docs/v0.* dist/ */npm-debug.log **/.idea yarn.lock # Generated binaries **/bin *.Identifier default.profraw **errorutil_analyze_errors.json **errorutil_analyze_summary.json **errorutil_errors_export.json .ruby-version wasm/policies/temp-bundle-extract-dir/** .nvim.lua