My current working environment installation notes
If you do not want ZFS then you can install 22.04 desktop on your way; then proceed to install Regolith.
This is the method I ended up doing.
It is tricky since Saverio Miroddi's excellent zfs-installer does not support Ubuntu 22.04 (yet?) only 20.04.
I tested it and it stopped on the very first dialog; haven't investigate it in more detail.
Instead I spined up a supported live image and run the script with that and performed dist-upgrade to the next LTS release 22.04.
Tweaks I made:
- set bpool to 5GB (I struggled with it getting full when it was on the defaul 2GB)
- set swap to 5GB (default 2)
- set space at the end of the disk to 12GB (leaving it on 0 resulted in error previously)
- add
to default dataset list
Thanks to OpenZFS team there is an excellent howto on installing 22.04 to ZFS root. It is not that straightforward but explains everyt step in detail.
Seems like ZFS support in Ubuntu and zsys in particular is abandoned in Ubuntu but it is still installable and usable in 22.04 so go ahead and install it:
sudo apt install zsys
It will create restore points on every apt
operation so you can reboot to a previous state if something goes wrong by choosing a snapshot from History for Ubuntu 22.04 LTS in grub menu.
Assuming you have a working Ubuntu 22.04 desktop, you can install Regolith on top of it. Just follow the steps on main page, I copy it here for reference:
Add repo key:
wget -qO - | \
gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/regolith-archive-keyring.gpg > /dev/null
Add PPA repo:
echo deb "[arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/regolith-archive-keyring.gpg] \ jammy main" | \
sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/regolith.list
Install Regolith:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install regolith-desktop
Reboot and choose Regolith session at login.
Additional Regolith packages:
sudo apt install regolith-lightdm-config regolith-look-* i3xrocks-focused-window-name i3xrocks-rofication i3xrocks-info i3xrocks-app-launcher i3xrocks-memory i3xrocks-battery i3xrocks-volume
Set Dracula look:
regolith-look set dracula
Remove unneeded packages:
sudo apt remove gdm3 gnome-shell evolution-data-server*
sudo apt autoremove
Reboot and enjoy LightDM login and debloated system.
sudo snap install spotify chromium dracula-gtk-theme
sudo apt install git git-lfs gitk curl pass stow screen tmux fonts-powerline zsh exa fd-find ripgrep fzf bat autojump maim geany
Set Chromium as default browser
- ublock origin
- I don't care about cookies
- https everywhere
- dracula
Get "stable" .deb from github releases
There is a snap package but it failed to run when I tried so I ended up installing (building) it manually.
Set it as default xterm:
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator x-terminal-emulator $(which alacritty) 50
Get .deb from github releases
exa is already installed but lsd seems more like a drop-in replacement for ls so I ended up using it via an alias of ls.
Get .deb from github releases
Download and install the following font sets. They are required for p10k ZSH theme.
Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold+Italic
Set your xterm to use MesloLGS NF, example for Alacritty here
Install ohmyzsh:
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Install p10k theme:
git clone --depth=1 ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-$HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/themes/powerlevel10k
Install zsh extras:
git clone $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions
git clone $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting
To get the whole thing working, proceed to get dotfiles; or at least the zsh folder