title | created | description | tags | cover_image | series | dev_to_link |
Episode 111: myNewsWrap – SAP and Microsoft |
2022-11-19 |
Weekly news update from the SAP and Microsoft universe. |
sap, azure, serverless, kubernetes |
myNewsWrap - SAP and Microsoft |
Welcome to this week's edition of myNewsWrap, news from the world of SAP, Microsoft and the world in between.
- SAP TechEd in 2022: Opening Keynote
- Tune into the Developer Advocates Download at SAP TechEd
- SAP TechEd in 2022: Business Applications Keynote
Further information
- SAP TechEd News Guide 2022
- Power to the People: SAP Unleashes Today’s Business Experts and Tomorrow’s Tech Talent
- SAP Build: What’s Under the Hood?
- Coffee Corner Radio - Episode 62 - SAP TechEd Key Take Aways with Holger Müller
- on YouTube
and some other news besides or connected to SAP TechEd
- Warum SAP seine Marke überarbeiten will
- SAP Build Process Automation is better with Google Document AI and Google Workspace
Now let's look at the Microsoft universe.
Here is what happened this week in the serverless space like Azure Functions and Static Web Apps:
- Azure Functions in .NET 7: What You Need to Know in 8 mins!
- Migrate apps from Azure Functions version 3.x to version 4.x
- Serverless event-based architectures with Azure Cosmos DB and Azure Functions
- Use Power Automate to Retrieve Data from an Azure Function for Reporting
- Public preview: Azure Static Web Apps now Supports Node 18
- Generally available: Static Web Apps support for stable URLs for preview environments
- Name Reservation on App Service for Web Apps and App Service Environment (ASE)
From Serverless to Containers, Azure Container Apps and Kubernetes - what did this week provide us with?
- Introducing more ways to deploy Azure Container Apps
- Setting up ConsenSys's Quorum Key Manager on Azure
- Develop and Deploy applications on Kubernetes
- Upgrade your Kubernetes clusters to Azure workload identity
What happened in the area of DevOps and esp. GitHub - let's see:
- Azure DevOps client libraries migrated to MSAL
- Octoverse 2022: 10 years of tracking open source
- A better way to search, navigate, and understand code on GitHub
- GitHub Issues – November 17th update
- Dependabot version updates for Docker image tags in Kubernetes manifests
- Dependency review API is generally available with updates to dependency review enforcement
- Webhook docs generated from the OpenAPI schema
- The power of GitHub in the palm of your hand
- Filter and sort repositories on GitHub Mobile
Interested in some news from the broader Microsoft ecosystem? Then here are some links for you:
- Announcing TypeScript 4.9
- Announcing ASP.NET Core in .NET 7
- General availability: Retryable writes in Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB
- New documentation set on Azure reliability documentation
- NVIDIA Teams With Microsoft to Build Massive Cloud AI Computer
and of course ... the Azure Developer CLI:
- Azure Developer CLI
- Azure Developer CLI episode 0.4.0 - the compatibility journey continues
- Cool use case of azd: Savannah's Personal Site
Now let's enter the twilight zone (no worries the ninja cat is with us) between SAP and Microsoft and see the magic happening when we combine both worlds:
We always want to learn, so here are some links to some interesting learning resources and upcoming events:
- Interesting Twitter Thread on Microsservices by Michael Plöd
- Systems Thinking by combining Team Topologies with Context Maps - Slides of Michael Plöd from Kandddisky2022
- Softaware-Architektur.TV Architektur-Migration (nicht nur) zu Microservices
- Welsh Azure User Group - November 2022 Event
As a regular guest and due to the high-quality content here an overview what Golo Roden provided us this week:
- Neue Programmiersprachen lernen? So geht's! // deutsch
- Golo Roden wird Fullstack Developer bei der T-Systems MMS // deutsch
Last but not least, some links that might make our developer live easier and reflect on our profession:
And with this enjoy your weekend and have a successful next week!