- The underground SAP Sapphire Orlando '22 Review - with Jon Reed and Josh Greenbaum
- Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
- What's new in Azure Functions v4 for .NET Developers
- Useful APIs for writing azure functions middleware
- Azure Static Web Apps Anniversary
- SWA CLI - V1
- Public preview: Azure Container Apps now support log streaming and console connect
- DAPR ANNOUNCEMENT: Removal of default content type for Dapr service invocation -> Impact on Azure Container Apps
- KubeCon 2022 - Playlist
- All videos
- From Kubernetes to PaaS to … Err, What’s Next? - Daniel Bryant
- Join Microsoft at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2022
- keptn - Cloud-native application life-cycle orchestration
- Creation dates for release assets
- Updates to Markdown pasting on GitHub
- Compare differences between branches
- Dependabot alerts show all affected files for vulnerable function calls (Python Beta)
- New help and getting started experience in GitHub app for Microsoft Teams and Slack
- GitHub Achieves ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certification!
- The new GitHub Issues – May 19th update
- GH Action - Size Limits
- How to measure innersource across your organization
- How we’re continuing to enable all developers to build
- Is my dashboard lying to me? Data cataloguing and origin trace back through lineage for SAP sources
- Of Kings & Queens and SAP scans to identify the right lineage for a marriage proposal
- Low-coding from Sapphire & DSAG
- State of Process Automaton 56 - Insider erklärt: Wie sich die Softwareindustrieverändert hat und wie die Zukunft aussehen wird
- SAP on Azure Video Podcast #93 - The one with Power Apps and SAP (Holger Bruchelt)
- Ask me Anything (AMA) mit Golo Roden: 1 Jahr Livestreams // deutsch
- SICP.js #1: Die DNA des Programmierens // deutsch
- Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist - CKS
- todo:cast Folge 37 - Skalierbarkeit
- Warm up for MS Build
The podcast as well as the content of the repository represent my personal opinion and especially does not represent the one of my employer, SAP or Microsoft.