No news this week
- Livestream Serverless Coding: Build a Serverless Web App that Sends Notifications
- Azure Functions V4 Versus V3
- Are Azure Function Free?
- Tuning App Insights for Azure Functions
- After 5 years, I'm out of the serverless compute cult
- Azure Apps Autopilot #2 - Deployment Script
- Azure User Group Sweden - Deploying Static Websites to Azure the cheap and performant way
- How to consume GraphQL APIs from Azure Logic Apps
- Managing Kubernetes Resources with Kustomize
- Logging in Kubernetes with Loki and the PLG stack
- How To Unit Test Your Helm Charts
- Bring your own Container Network Interface (CNI) plugin with Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) (PREVIEW)
- Cloud Native Rosenheim Meetup - Dapr und Grafana Tempo
- Dapr Community Call 58 - 4/5/2022
- Software Architecture and Design InfoQ Trends Report—April 2022 - Dapr
- Dapr v1.7 is now available
- Integrate Dapr with Nest.js and the Dapr JS SDK
- GitHub Availability Report: March 2022
- How Dependabot empowers you to keep your projects secure
- Proactively prevent secret leaks with GitHub Advanced Security secret scanning
- Prevent the introduction of known vulnerabilities into your code
- The new GitHub Issues – April 7th update
- Codespaces now offers organization policies to restrict port visibility settings
- 4 ways we use GitHub Actions to build GitHub
- Switchedon Podcast Episode! S2E5: Holger Bruchelt
- SAP on Azure Podcast #87 - The one with the AzSAP Assessments (Etienne Dittrich & Jitendra Singh)
- What's your super power? Super apps!
- Wir canceln JavaScript? Let's Go! // deutsch
- GitHub Copilot: Werden wir durch KI ersetzt?
- CNCF Incubating Project Showcase w/ KEDA, DAPR, SPIRE, & CONTOUR
The podcast as well as the content of the repository represent my personal opinion and especially does not represent the one of my employer, SAP or Microsoft.