No news this week
No news this week
No news this week
- Wir sind SAP (E-3 Magazin)
- Close the Gap - Sprich mit mir! Chatbots für Unternehmen
- Accelerate SAP innovation with Google Cloud Cortex Framework
No news this week
- Durable Functions: Semantics for Stateful Serverless
- Durable Functions with Netherite on Kyma
- Public preview: Customize Azure Static Web Apps authentication with a serverless function
- Generally available: IP-based website protection for Azure Static Web Apps
- KubeCon North America 2021: Kubernetes on Azure and open source updates
- Phippy goes to the Zoo - A Kubernetes Story
- Public preview: AKS support for WebAssembly System Interface (WASI) workloads
- The new GitHub Issues – 10/14 update
- GitHub Action for Conventional Release Labels
- Easier to search branches by exact name
- GitHub Demo Days - How elite DevOps performers improve velocity and quality
- Get a consistent Azure naming convention with Bicep modules
- Announcing .NET 6 Release Candidate 2
- Empowering cloud sustainability with the Microsoft Emissions Impact Dashboard
- Azure Friday - Add communications user experiences with Azure Communication Services
- SAPonAzure Podcast #63 - The one with Azure APIM, OData and Principal Propagation (Martin Pankraz)
- Getting Ready for UI5 Development with Visual Studio Code
- Web3 Architecture and How It Compares to Traditional Web Apps
- TypeScript lernen: Eine Einführung in 80 Minuten // deutsch
- Event Sourcing für die Praxis | Arno Haase
- Microsoft Certification Poster
- Coming soon: The new Azure Cosmos DB Developer Specialty certification
- Entry Level Kubernetes Certification to Help Advance Cloud Careers
- Reminder - GitHub Universe
- Apply now for GitHub Universe 2021 micro-mentoring
- How to make the ultimate Terminal Prompt on Windows 11 - This video is LONG and WORDY and DETAILED
- Windows 11 runs Graphical Linux Apps out of the box with WSLg
- VS Code Thunder Client
The podcast as well as the content of the repository represent my personal opinion and especially does not represent the one of my employer, SAP or Microsoft.