Boundary AWS ELB Plugin ======================= **Awaiting Certification** The Boundary AWS ELB plugin collects information on AWS [Elastic Load Balancers]( using the [CloudWatch]( API. The plugin requires Python 2.6 or later, as well as the [Boto Python library]( [Click here]( for Boto installation instructions. ## Metrics The plugin reports all ELB metrics reported by CloudWatch. For a full list of these metrics and their descriptions, see [this AWS documentation article]( **Note:** CloudWatch will not supply values for metrics that do not have any activity. For example, the RequestCount metric will not be supplied for periods where there were no requests to a load balancer. In this case, you will see holes in the Boundary graph. This is normal and a product of how CloudWatch works. **Note:** CloudWatch reports ELB metrics in 60 second periods. You will only see data appear in Boundary every 60 seconds for the preceding 60 seconds. This is normal and a product of how CloudWatch works. ## Adding the ELB Plugin to Premium Boundary 1. Login into Boundary Premium 2. Display the settings dialog by clicking on the _settings icon_:  3. Click on the _Plugins_ in the settings dialog. 4. Locate the _aws_elb_ plugin item and click on the _Install_ button. 5. A confirmation dialog is displayed indicating the plugin was installed successfully, along with the metrics and the dashboards. 6. Click on the _OK_ button to dismiss the dialog. ## Removing the ELB Plugin from Premium Boundary 1. Login into Boundary Premium 2. Display the settings dialog by clicking on the _settings icon_:  3. Click on the _Plugins_ in the settings dialog which lists the installed plugins. 4. Locate the _aws_elb_ plugin and click on the item, which then displays the uninstall dialog. 5. Click on the _Uninstall_ button which displays a confirmation dialog along with the details on what metrics and dashboards will be removed. 6. Click on the _Uninstall_ button to perfom the actual uninstall and then click on the _Close_ button to dismiss the dialog. ## Configuration Once the ELB plugin is installed, metric collection requires that a _relay_ is installed on the target system. Instructions on how to install a relay for Linux/Unix can found [here](, and for Windows [here]( Before the plugin will collect metrics, you must provide it with a valid AWS Access Key ID and Secret Access Key. [Click here]( for more information on where to find/generate these keys. The keys you generate should be for a user with access to both CloudWatch and ELB. General operations for plugins are described in [this article](