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Boxes & borders cheat sheet
css box model border outline width height color shadow opacity sizing margin padding cheat sheet
A cheat sheet covering the CSS box model and associated properties.
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The Box Model
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*The CSS Box Model*
![An illustration of the box-model properties](box-model.svg)
Starting at the content and working out:
• `padding` — space between the content & box edge; `background-color` fills behind this space.
• `border` — line around the edge of the box.
• `margin` — space outside the box, pushing other boxes away; can see through margin to what’s behind.
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*Margin & padding number order*
![An illustration of the margin/padding value system](margin-padding-order.svg)
`margin` & `padding` can take 1–4 values.
With 4 values, we start at the top and continue clockwise around the box.
```css /* 10px on all four sizes of the box */ margin: 10px; /* 10px top/bottom; 12px left/right */ margin: 10px 12px; /* 10px top; 12px left/right; 14px bottom */ margin: 10px 12px 14px; /* 10px top; 12px right; 14px bottom; 16px left */ margin: 10px 12px 14px 16px; ```
*The same system applies completely to `padding`*
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Box dimensions
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Create space outside the box, pushing other boxes.
```css /* See above for examples of the value system */ margin: 1.125em; margin: 1.125em 1em; ```
Target each side individually: `margin-top`, `margin-right`, `margin-bottom`, `margin-left`
```css margin-top: .875em; margin-bottom: 0; ```
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*negative margins*
Because margins are outside of a box they can actually have negative numbers.
Instead of pushing other boxes away, negative margins pull the box in a specific direction.
```css margin-left: -5rem; ```
Will pull the box to the left by `5em` and can cause elements to overlap.
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Create space inside the box, pushing text away from the edge.
```css /* See above for examples of the value system */ padding: 1em; margin: 1em .8em; ```
Target each side individually: `padding-top`, `padding-right`, `padding-bottom`, `padding-left`
```css padding-left: 1em; padding-right: .875em; ```
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Control the horizontal space of a box.
```css width: 100px; width: 50%; /* of the element its inside */ width: 100vw; /* Full width of the window */ ```
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Controls the vertical space of a box.
**Setting a height should be avoided at all costs.**
Let the content inside the box dictate the height.
```css height: 25px; /* BAD! */ ```
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Make a box be at least a certain width, but can expand.
```css min-width: 100px; ```
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Make a box at least a certain height, but can expand.
*This is infinitely better than just `height`*
```css min-height: 12em; min-height: 75vh; /* 75% height of the window */ ```
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Control how elements that break out the edges of the box are dealt with.
One of: `visible`, `hidden`, `scroll`, `auto`
```css overflow: hidden; /* Chop off everything */ overflow: auto; /* Introduce a scrollbar if necessary */ ```
Also contorl a single direction: `overflow-x`, `overflow-y`
```css overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: scroll; ```
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Sometimes we can’t calculate a value ahead of time because it depends on something the browser knows but we don’t, e.g. adding `em` + `px` together.
```css width: calc(100vw - 10px); padding-left: calc(1.4em + 24px); ```
**Always have a space around the math operator!**
```css width: calc(100vw-10px); /* Not gonna work */ ```
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Colours & borders
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Set the colour of the text.
```css color: red; color: #fff; ```
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Set the colour of the box, behind the text.
```css background-color: orange; background-color: #e2e2e2; /* Semi-transparent colour */ background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .5); ```
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Control the thickness of the stroke around a box.
```css border-width: 12px; /* Or use em if you want it to scale with the text size */ border-width: .1em; ```
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Set the colour of the box stroke.
```css border-color: indigo; border-color: #f33; ```
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Set the visual appearance of the line.
Possible values: `solid`, `dashed`, `dotted`, `double`, `groove`, `ridge`, `inset`, `outset`
```css border-style: solid; border-style: dotted; ```
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`border` shorthand
A short form version for setting the three border properties.
• `border-width`
• `border-style`
• `border-color`
```css border: 3px solid black; border: 4px dotted green; ```
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*Borders on single sides*
Target each side of the box using `border-*` properties.
`border-top`, `border-right`, `border-bottom`, `border-left`
```css border-top: 3px solid indigo; border-bottom: 3px solid indigo; ```
There’s also all the other singular properties like `border-top-width`, `border-bottom-style` but I rarely use those.
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Make the corners of the box slightly rounded.
```css border-radius: 4px; border-radius: .3em; ```
Control each side differently, start on top-left, go clockwise around.
```css border-radius: 4px 6px 10px 12px; ```
Do ovals using a `/` to separate the different axes
```css border-radius: 4px/10px; ```
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Make the whole box and all its content semi-transparent.
A number between `0` & `1`
```css opacity: .5; opacity: .2; ```
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Create a drop-shadow behind the box.
Requires at least 3 values:
• `horizontal-offset`
• `vertical-offset`
• optionally: `blur-radius`
• optionally: `spread-radius`
• `color`
```css box-shadow: 2px 2px black; box-shadow: 2px 2px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, .5); box-shadow: 2px 2px 10px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, .5); /* Move the shadow inside the box with inset */ box-shadow: inset 2px 2px black; ```
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*Multiple box-shadows*
Separate each box-shadow with a comma.
```css box-shadow: 2px 0 red, -2px 0 green; ```
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Like a border, but outside border, doesn’t take up space, will overlap surrounding elements.
```css outline: 3px solid black; ```
`outline-offset` — will push the outline away from the box edge.
```css outline-offset: 2px; ```
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Box sizing systems
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`box-sizing: content-box`
**Do not use `content-box`**
The default box calculation math puts the padding & border outside the width set in CSS.
This causes all sorts of confusing math solutions on responsive sites and just makes our coding life annoying.
*Example calculation:*
```css /* Total width of box is 130px: 100px + 10px (left) + 10px (right) + 5px (left) + 5px (right) = 130px */ .box { width: 100px; padding: 10px; border-width: 5px; } ```
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`box-sizing: border-box`
**Always use `border-box`**
Simplifies the responsive math by making the width of a box, as set in CSS, not change by adding padding and border.
**Always include this snipped of CSS!**
```css /* This snipped of CSS should always be included */ html { box-sizing: border-box; } *, *::before, *::after { box-sizing: inherit; } ```
*Example calculation:*
```css /* Total width of box is: 100px, defined by width */ .box { width: 100px; padding: 10px; border-width: 5px; } ```
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*Border box vs. content box*
![An illustration of border-box vs. content-box](box-sizing.svg)
title notes items
Display & layout
See the [CSS layout cheat sheet](/topics/css-layout-cheat-sheet/) for more detail.
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`display: inline`
Flows content together, fitting on the same line if possible.
`margin`, `padding`, `width` **don’t work**.
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`display: block`
Takes up a whole line by itself.
`margin`, `padding`, `width` **do work.**
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`display: inline-block`
A hybrid between `block` & `inline`: fits on the same line, allows `padding`, `width`, etc.
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`display: none`
Completely hide the element from the page.
Set to another `display` value to make it visible again.