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Kha committed Dec 16, 2020
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Showing 16 changed files with 101 additions and 128 deletions.
17 changes: 10 additions & 7 deletions src/Lean/Elab/Binders.lean
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Expand Up @@ -4,9 +4,11 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Leonardo de Moura
import Lean.Elab.Term
import Lean.Parser.Term

namespace Lean.Elab.Term
open Meta
open Lean.Parser.Term

Given syntax of the forms
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -350,10 +352,11 @@ def elabFunBinders {α} (binders : Array Syntax) (expectedType? : Option Expr) (
x s.fvars s.expectedType?

/- Helper function for `expandEqnsIntoMatch` -/
private def getMatchAltNumPatterns (matchAlts : Syntax) : Nat :=
let alt0 := matchAlts[1][0]
let pats := alt0[0].getSepArgs
private def getMatchAltsNumPatterns : Syntax → Nat
| alts => match alts[0][0] with
| `(matchAltExpr| | $pats,* => $rhs) =>
| _ => unreachable!

private def mkMatch (ref : Syntax) (discrs : Array Syntax) (matchAlts : Syntax) (matchTactic := false) : Syntax :=
Syntax.node (if matchTactic then `Lean.Parser.Tactic.match else `Lean.Parser.Term.match)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -429,10 +432,10 @@ private def expandMatchAltsIntoMatchAux (ref : Syntax) (matchAlts : Syntax) (mat
def expandMatchAltsIntoMatch (ref : Syntax) (matchAlts : Syntax) (tactic := false) : MacroM Syntax :=
expandMatchAltsIntoMatchAux ref matchAlts tactic (getMatchAltNumPatterns matchAlts) #[]
expandMatchAltsIntoMatchAux ref matchAlts tactic (getMatchAltsNumPatterns matchAlts) #[]

def expandMatchAltsIntoMatchTactic (ref : Syntax) (matchAlts : Syntax) : MacroM Syntax :=
expandMatchAltsIntoMatchAux ref matchAlts true (getMatchAltNumPatterns matchAlts) #[]
expandMatchAltsIntoMatchAux ref matchAlts true (getMatchAltsNumPatterns matchAlts) #[]

Similar to `expandMatchAltsIntoMatch`, but supports an optional `where` clause.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -477,7 +480,7 @@ def expandMatchAltsWhereDecls (ref : Syntax) (matchAltsWhereDecls : Syntax) : Ma
let x ← `(x)
let body ← loop n (addDiscr ref discrs x)
`(@fun $x => $body)
loop (getMatchAltNumPatterns matchAlts) #[]
loop (getMatchAltsNumPatterns matchAlts) #[]

@[builtinTermElab «fun»] def elabFun : TermElab := fun stx expectedType? => match stx with
| `(fun $binders* => $body) => do
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/Lean/Elab/Deriving/BEq.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import Lean.Elab.Deriving.Basic
import Lean.Elab.Deriving.Util

namespace Lean.Elab.Deriving.BEq

open Lean.Parser.Term
open Meta

structure Header where
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ def mkHeader (ctx : Context) (indVal : InductiveVal) : TermElabM Header := do
def mkMatch (ctx : Context) (header : Header) (indVal : InductiveVal) (auxFunName : Name) (argNames : Array Name) : TermElabM Syntax := do
let discrs ← mkDiscrs
let alts ← mkAlts
`(match $[$discrs],* with | $[$alts:matchAlt]|*)
`(match $[$discrs],* with $alts:matchAlt*)
mkDiscr (varName : Name) : TermElabM Syntax :=
`(Parser.Term.matchDiscr| $(mkIdent varName):term)
Expand All @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ where
patterns := patterns.push (← `(_))
patterns := patterns.push (← `(_))
let altRhs ← `(false)
`(matchAltExpr| $[$patterns:term],* => $altRhs:term)
`(matchAltExpr| | $[$patterns:term],* => $altRhs:term)

mkAlts : TermElabM (Array Syntax) := do
let mut alts := #[]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ where
rhs ← `($rhs && $a:ident == $b:ident)
patterns := patterns.push (← `(@$(mkIdent ctorName):ident $ctorArgs1:term*))
patterns := patterns.push (← `(@$(mkIdent ctorName):ident $ctorArgs2:term*))
`(matchAltExpr| $[$patterns:term],* => $rhs:term)
`(matchAltExpr| | $[$patterns:term],* => $rhs:term)
alts := alts.push alt
alts := alts.push (← mkElseAlt)
return alts
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion src/Lean/Elab/Deriving/Util.lean
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Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ open Meta
def implicitBinderF := Parser.Term.implicitBinder
def instBinderF := Parser.Term.instBinder
def explicitBinderF := Parser.Term.explicitBinder
def matchAltExpr := Parser.Term.matchAlt

def mkInductArgNames (indVal : InductiveVal) : TermElabM (Array Name) := do
forallTelescopeReducing indVal.type fun xs _ => do
Expand Down
26 changes: 9 additions & 17 deletions src/Lean/Elab/Do.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import Lean.Elab.Term
import Lean.Elab.Binders
import Lean.Elab.Match
import Lean.Elab.Quotation.Util
import Lean.Parser.Do

namespace Lean.Elab.Term
open Meta
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1016,15 +1017,12 @@ partial def toTerm : Code → M Syntax
| Code.seq stx k => do seqToTerm stx (← toTerm k)
| Code.ite ref _ o c t e => do mkIte ref o c (← toTerm t) (← toTerm e)
| Code.«match» ref discrs optType alts => do
let mut termSepAlts := #[]
let mut termAlts := #[]
for alt in alts do
termSepAlts := termSepAlts.push $ mkAtomFrom alt.ref "|"
let rhs ← toTerm alt.rhs
let termAlt := mkNode `Lean.Parser.Term.matchAlt #[alt.patterns, mkAtomFrom alt.ref "=>", rhs]
termSepAlts := termSepAlts.push termAlt
let firstVBar := termSepAlts[0]
let termSepAlts := mkNullNode termSepAlts[1:termSepAlts.size]
let termMatchAlts := mkNode `Lean.Parser.Term.matchAlts #[mkNullNode #[firstVBar], termSepAlts]
let termAlt := mkNode `Lean.Parser.Term.matchAlt #[mkAtomFrom alt.ref "|", alt.patterns, mkAtomFrom alt.ref "=>", rhs]
termAlts := termAlts.push termAlt
let termMatchAlts := mkNode `Lean.Parser.Term.matchAlts #[mkNullNode termAlts]
pure $ mkNode `Lean.Parser.Term.«match» #[mkAtomFrom ref "match", discrs, optType, mkAtomFrom ref "with", termMatchAlts]

def run (code : Code) (m : Syntax) (uvars : Array Name := #[]) (kind := Kind.regular) : MacroM Syntax := do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1328,22 +1326,16 @@ def doForToCode (doSeqToCode : List Syntax → M CodeBlock) (doFor : Syntax) (do
let auxDo ← `(do let r ← $forInTerm:term; $uvarsTuple:term := r)
doSeqToCode (getDoSeqElems (getDoSeq auxDo) ++ doElems)

Generate `CodeBlock` for `doMatch; doElems`
def doMatchAlt := sepBy1 termParser ", " >> darrow >> doSeq
def doMatchAlts := parser! optional "| " >> sepBy1 doMatchAlt "|"
def doMatch := parser! "match " >> sepBy1 matchDiscr ", " >> optType >> " with " >> doMatchAlts
``` -/
/-- Generate `CodeBlock` for `doMatch; doElems` -/
def doMatchToCode (doSeqToCode : List Syntax → M CodeBlock) (doMatch : Syntax) (doElems: List Syntax) : M CodeBlock := do
let ref := doMatch
let discrs := doMatch[1]
let optType := doMatch[2]
let matchAlts := doMatch[4][1].getSepArgs -- Array of `doMatchAlt`
let matchAlts := doMatch[4][0].getArgs -- Array of `doMatchAlt`
let alts ← matchAlts.mapM fun matchAlt => do
let patterns := matchAlt[0]
let patterns := matchAlt[1]
let vars ← getPatternsVarsEx patterns.getSepArgs
let rhs := matchAlt[2]
let rhs := matchAlt[3]
let rhs ← doSeqToCode (getDoSeqElems rhs)
pure { ref := matchAlt, vars := vars, patterns := patterns, rhs := rhs : Alt CodeBlock }
let matchCode ← mkMatch ref discrs optType alts
Expand Down
44 changes: 10 additions & 34 deletions src/Lean/Elab/Match.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,22 +7,14 @@ import Lean.Meta.Match.MatchPatternAttr
import Lean.Meta.Match.Match
import Lean.Elab.SyntheticMVars
import Lean.Elab.App
import Lean.Parser.Term

namespace Lean.Elab.Term
open Meta

/- This modules assumes "match"-expressions use the following syntax.
def matchAlt : Parser :=
nodeWithAntiquot "matchAlt" `Lean.Parser.Term.matchAlt $
sepBy1 termParser ", " >> darrow >> termParser
def matchAlts (optionalFirstBar := true) : Parser :=
group $ withPosition $ fun pos =>
(if optionalFirstBar then optional "| " else "| ") >>
sepBy1 matchAlt (checkColGe pos.column "alternatives must be indented" >> "|")
def matchDiscr := parser! optional (try (ident >> checkNoWsBefore "no space before ':'" >> ":")) >> termParser
def «match» := parser!:leadPrec "match " >> sepBy1 matchDiscr ", " >> optType >> " with " >> matchAlts
Expand All @@ -34,12 +26,6 @@ structure MatchAltView where
patterns : Array Syntax
rhs : Syntax

def mkMatchAltView (ref : Syntax) (matchAlt : Syntax) : MatchAltView := {
ref := ref
patterns := matchAlt[0].getSepArgs
rhs := matchAlt[2]

private def expandSimpleMatch (stx discr lhsVar rhs : Syntax) (expectedType? : Option Expr) : TermElabM Expr := do
let newStx ← `(let $lhsVar := $discr; $rhs)
withMacroExpansion stx newStx $ elabTerm newStx expectedType?
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -122,28 +108,20 @@ private def elabMatchTypeAndDiscrs (discrStxs : Array Syntax) (matchOptType : Sy
let discrs ← elabDiscrsWitMatchType discrStxs matchType expectedType
pure (discrs, matchType, matchAltViews)

nodeWithAntiquot "matchAlt" `Lean.Parser.Term.matchAlt $ sepBy1 termParser ", " >> darrow >> termParser
def expandMacrosInPatterns (matchAlts : Array MatchAltView) : MacroM (Array MatchAltView) := do
matchAlts.mapM fun matchAlt => do
let patterns ← matchAlt.patterns.mapM expandMacros
pure { matchAlt with patterns := patterns }

/- Given `stx` a match-expression, return its alternatives. -/
private def getMatchAlts (stx : Syntax) : Array MatchAltView := do
let matchAlts := stx[4]
let firstVBar := matchAlts[0]
let mut ref := firstVBar
let mut result := #[]
for arg in matchAlts[1].getArgs do
if ref.isNone then
ref := arg -- The first vertical bar is optional
if arg.getKind == `Lean.Parser.Term.matchAlt then
result := result.push (mkMatchAltView ref arg)
ref := arg -- current `arg` is a vertical bar
pure result
/- Given `stx` a match-expression, return its alternatives. -/
private def getMatchAlts : Syntax → Array MatchAltView
| `(match $discrs,* $[: $ty?]? with $[| $patternss,* => $rhss]*) =>
patternss.zipWith rhss fun patterns rhs => {
ref := patterns[0],
patterns := patterns,
rhs := rhs
| stx => dbgTrace s!"{stx}" fun _ => unreachable!

Auxiliary annotation used to mark terms marked with the "inaccessible" annotation `.(t)` and
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -894,9 +872,7 @@ private def elabMatchCore (stx : Syntax) (expectedType? : Option Expr) : TermEla
-- parser! "match " >> sepBy1 termParser ", " >> optType >> " with " >> matchAlts
@[builtinTermElab «match»] def elabMatch : TermElab := fun stx expectedType? =>
match stx with
| `(match $discr:term with $y:ident => $rhs:term) => expandSimpleMatch stx discr y rhs expectedType?
| `(match $discr:term with | $y:ident => $rhs:term) => expandSimpleMatch stx discr y rhs expectedType?
| `(match $discr:term : $type with $y:ident => $rhs:term) => expandSimpleMatchWithType stx discr y type rhs expectedType?
| `(match $discr:term : $type with | $y:ident => $rhs:term) => expandSimpleMatchWithType stx discr y type rhs expectedType?
| _ => do
match (← expandNonAtomicDiscrs? stx) with
Expand Down
4 changes: 0 additions & 4 deletions src/Lean/Elab/MutualDef.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -166,10 +166,6 @@ private def expandWhereDeclsAsStructInst (whereDecls : Syntax) : MacroM Syntax :
Recall that
def matchAlts (optionalFirstBar := true) : Parser :=
withPosition $ fun pos =>
(if optionalFirstBar then optional "| " else "| ") >>
sepBy1 matchAlt (checkColGe pos.column "alternatives must be indented" >> "|")
def declValSimple := parser! " :=\n" >> termParser >> optional Term.whereDecls
def declValEqns := parser! Term.matchAltsWhereDecls
def declVal := declValSimple <|> declValEqns <|> Term.whereDecls
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/Lean/Elab/Quotation.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import Lean.Syntax
import Lean.ResolveName
import Lean.Elab.Term
import Lean.Elab.Quotation.Util
import Lean.Parser.Term

namespace Lean.Elab.Term.Quotation

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -343,7 +344,7 @@ private def letBindRhss (cont : List Alt → TermElabM Syntax) : List Alt → Li

def match_syntax.expand (stx : Syntax) : TermElabM Syntax := do
match stx with
| `(match $[$discrs:term],* with $[|]? $[$[$patss],* => $rhss]|*) => do
| `(match $[$discrs:term],* with $[| $[$patss],* => $rhss]*) => do
-- letBindRhss ...
if patss.all (·.all (!·.isQuot)) then
-- no quotations => fall back to regular `match`
Expand Down
69 changes: 36 additions & 33 deletions src/Lean/Elab/Syntax.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -172,6 +172,7 @@ end Term

namespace Command
open Lean.Syntax
open Lean.Parser.Term hiding macroArg
open Lean.Parser.Command

private def getCatSuffix (catName : Name) : String :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -329,54 +330,56 @@ def syntaxAbbrev := parser! "syntax " >> ident >> " := " >> many1 syntaxParser
Recall that syntax node kinds contain the current namespace.
def elabMacroRulesAux (k : SyntaxNodeKind) (alts : Array Syntax) : CommandElabM Syntax := do
let alts ← alts.mapSepElemsM fun alt => do
let lhs := alt[0]
let pat := lhs[0]
if !pat.isQuot then
let quot := pat[1]
let k' := quot.getKind
if k' == k then
pure alt
else if k' == choiceKind then
match quot.getArgs.find? fun quotAlt => quotAlt.getKind == k with
| none => throwErrorAt! alt "invalid macro_rules alternative, expected syntax node kind '{k}'"
| some quot =>
let pat := pat.setArg 1 quot
let lhs := lhs.setArg 0 pat
pure $ alt.setArg 0 lhs
throwErrorAt! alt "invalid macro_rules alternative, unexpected syntax node kind '{k'}'"
let alts ← alts.mapM fun alt => match alt with
| `(matchAltExpr| | $pats,* => $rhs) => do
let pat := pats.elemsAndSeps[0]
if !pat.isQuot then
let quoted := getQuotContent pat
let k' := quoted.getKind
if k' == k then
pure alt
else if k' == choiceKind then
match quoted.getArgs.find? fun quotAlt => quotAlt.getKind == k with
| none => throwErrorAt! alt "invalid macro_rules alternative, expected syntax node kind '{k}'"
| some quoted =>
let pat := pat.setArg 1 quoted
let pats := pats.elemsAndSeps.set! 0 pat
`(matchAltExpr| | $pats,* => $rhs)
throwErrorAt! alt "invalid macro_rules alternative, unexpected syntax node kind '{k'}'"
| _ => throwUnsupportedSyntax
`(@[macro $(Lean.mkIdent k)] def myMacro : Macro :=
fun | $( alts):matchAlt|* | _ => throw Lean.Macro.Exception.unsupportedSyntax)
fun $alts:matchAlt* | _ => throw Lean.Macro.Exception.unsupportedSyntax)

def inferMacroRulesAltKind (alt : Syntax) : CommandElabM SyntaxNodeKind := do
let lhs := alt[0]
let pat := lhs[0]
if !pat.isQuot then
let quot := pat[1]
pure quot.getKind
def inferMacroRulesAltKind : Syntax → CommandElabM SyntaxNodeKind
| `(matchAltExpr| | $pats,* => $rhs) => do
let pat := pats.elemsAndSeps[0]
if !pat.isQuot then
let quoted := getQuotContent pat
pure quoted.getKind
| _ => throwUnsupportedSyntax

def elabNoKindMacroRulesAux (alts : Array Syntax) : CommandElabM Syntax := do
let k ← inferMacroRulesAltKind (alts.get! 0)
let k ← inferMacroRulesAltKind alts[0]
if k == choiceKind then
throwErrorAt! alts[0]
"invalid macro_rules alternative, multiple interpretations for pattern (solution: specify node kind using `macro_rules [<kind>] ...`)"
let altsK ← alts.filterSepElemsM fun alt => do pure $ k == (← inferMacroRulesAltKind alt)
let altsNotK ← alts.filterSepElemsM fun alt => do pure $ k != (← inferMacroRulesAltKind alt)
let altsK ← alts.filterM fun alt => do pure $ k == (← inferMacroRulesAltKind alt)
let altsNotK ← alts.filterM fun alt => do pure $ k != (← inferMacroRulesAltKind alt)
let defCmd ← elabMacroRulesAux k altsK
if altsNotK.isEmpty then
pure defCmd
`($defCmd:command macro_rules $( altsNotK):matchAlt|*)
`($defCmd:command macro_rules $altsNotK:matchAlt*)

@[builtinCommandElab «macro_rules»] def elabMacroRules : CommandElab :=
adaptExpander fun stx => match stx with
| `(macro_rules $[|]? $alts:matchAlt|*) => elabNoKindMacroRulesAux alts.elemsAndSeps
| `(macro_rules [$kind] $[|]? $alts:matchAlt|*) => do elabMacroRulesAux ((← getCurrNamespace) ++ kind.getId) alts.elemsAndSeps
| _ => throwUnsupportedSyntax
| `(macro_rules $alts:matchAlt*) => elabNoKindMacroRulesAux alts
| `(macro_rules [$kind] $alts:matchAlt*) => do elabMacroRulesAux ((← getCurrNamespace) ++ kind.getId) alts
| _ => throwUnsupportedSyntax

-- TODO: cleanup after we have support for optional syntax at `match_syntax`
@[builtinMacro Lean.Parser.Command.mixfix] def expandMixfix : Macro := fun stx =>
Expand Down
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/Lean/Elab/Tactic/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -326,7 +326,9 @@ private def introStep (n : Name) : TacticM Unit :=
| `(tactic| intro $h:ident) => introStep h.getId
| `(tactic| intro _) => introStep `_
| `(tactic| intro $pat:term) => do
let stxNew ← `(tactic| intro h; match h with | $pat:term => _; clear h)
let m ← `(match h with | $pat:term => _)
let m := m.setKind ``Lean.Parser.Tactic.match
let stxNew ← `(tactic| intro h; $m; clear h)
withMacroExpansion stx stxNew $ evalTactic stxNew
| `(tactic| intro $hs:term*) => do
let h0 := hs.get! 0
Expand Down
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions src/Lean/Elab/Tactic/Induction.lean
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Expand Up @@ -23,13 +23,13 @@ open Meta
private def getAltName (alt : Syntax) : Name :=
getNameOfIdent' alt[0] |>.eraseMacroScopes
getNameOfIdent' alt[1] |>.eraseMacroScopes
private def getAltVarNames (alt : Syntax) : Array Name :=
alt[1] getNameOfIdent'
alt[2] getNameOfIdent'
private def getAltRHS (alt : Syntax) : Syntax :=
private def getAltDArrow (alt : Syntax) : Syntax :=

-- Return true if `stx` is a term occurring in the RHS of the induction/cases tactic
def isHoleRHS (rhs : Syntax) : Bool :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ private def generalizeVars (stx : Syntax) (targets : Array Expr) : TacticM Nat :
pure (fvarIds.size, [mvarId'])

private def getAltsOfInductionAlts (inductionAlts : Syntax) : Array Syntax :=

private def getAltsOfOptInductionAlts (optInductionAlts : Syntax) : Array Syntax :=
if optInductionAlts.isNone then #[] else getAltsOfInductionAlts optInductionAlts[0]
Expand Down

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