To onboard your release tests (Dashboards plugins) onto this repo test function, you can follow the next steps.
- Create a name to identify your plugin, e.g
The dir name shall be descriptive to identify your plugin. You can use the same name defined in build repo
Place test files under
Place fixtures under
Place custom commands under
, if it's a general command that could be reused by other plugins, place it undercypress/utils/commands.js
Place custom constants under
, reuse the constants incypress/utils/base_constants.js
Run tests
Start OpenSearch and OpenSearch Dashboards. Then refer to the test execution file.
E.g if you want to run all plugin tests with security enabled.
npx cypress run --env SECURITY_ENABLED=true --spec "cypress/integration/plugins/*/*"
E.g if you want to run AD plugin tests with security enabled.
npx cypress run --env SECURITY_ENABLED=true --spec "cypress/integration/plugins/anomaly-detection-dashboards-plugin"
For the complete ways to run Cypress, you can refer to the Cypress official site
The env parameters are defined in where you can look for or add the desired parameters. You can refer to the Cypress official site
- [optional] Remove copied tests from your plugin and execute them remotely from your plugin
Since your release tests have been moved in this repo, to avoid maintain duplicated code and potentially diverged Cypress versions in two repos, you can remove them from your plugin. Then execute the tests inside this repo from your CI. See AD's example However, this can be decided at plugin level to phase out the changes.
- [optional] Verify test execution from OpenSearch build repo
The tests inside this repo will be executed from OpenSearch build repo. You can verify that by running test script from Please refer to the repo to the way of test exeuction. Below is the set of commands you can use based on current situation.
Suppose your plugin is ready for version 1.2.0
./ manifests/1.2.0/opensearch-1.2.0.yml
./ manifests/1.2.0/opensearch-dashboards-1.2.0.yml
./ builds/opensearch/manifest.yml
./ builds/opensearch-dashboards/manifest.yml
./ integ-test manifests/1.2.0/opensearch-dashboards-1.2.0-test.yml