diff --git a/paramgenerator/generateparamsbi.jl b/paramgenerator/generateparamsbi.jl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0a3e0d597
--- /dev/null
+++ b/paramgenerator/generateparamsbi.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+# class ParamsWriter:
+# def __init__(self, outdir, number, param_nameFactors):
+# self.file = codecs.open(outdir+"/bi_"+str(number)+"_param.txt", "w",encoding="utf-8")
+# for i in range(0,len(param_nameFactors)):
+# if i>0:
+# self.file.write("|")
+# self.file.write(param_nameFactors[i])
+# self.file.write("\n")
+# def append(self, params):
+# for i, param in enumerate(params):
+# if i>0:
+# self.file.write("|")
+# self.file.write(param)
+# self.file.write("\n")
+# def key_params(sample, lower_bound, upper_bound):
+# results = []
+# for key, count in sample:
+# if count > lower_bound and count < upper_bound:
+# results.append([key, count])
+# return results
+# def serialize_q6(outdir, tagFactors):
+# writer = ParamsWriter(outdir, 6, ["tag"])
+# for tag, count in tagFactors:
+# writer.append([tag])
+# # read precomputed counts from files
+# (personFactors, countryFactors, tagFactors, tagClassFactors, nameFactors, givennameFactors, ts, postsHisto) = \
+# readfactors.load(personFactorFiles,activityFactorFiles, friendsFiles)
+# tag_posts = tagFactors
+# tag_posts.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
+# total_posts = 0
+# for day, count in tag_posts:
+# total_posts += count
+# serialize_q6 (outdir, key_params(tag_posts, total_posts/1300, total_posts/900))
+## readfactors.py
+# for inputFileName in activityFactorFiles:
+# with codecs.open(inputFileName, "r", "utf-8") as f:
+# countryCount = int(f.readline())
+# for i in range(countryCount):
+# line = f.readline().split(",")
+# country = line[0]
+# if not countryFactors.existParam(country):
+# countryFactors.addNewParam(country)
+# countryFactors.addValue(country, "p", int(line[1]))
+# tagClassCount = int(f.readline())
+# for i in range(tagClassCount):
+# line = f.readline().split(",")
+# tagClass = line[0]
+# if not tagClass in tagClassFactors:
+# tagClassFactors[tagClass] = 0
+# tagClassFactors[tagClass] += int(line[2])
+# tagCount = int(f.readline())
+# for i in range(tagCount):
+# line = f.readline()
+# count = line[1+line.rfind(","):]
+# name = line[:line.rfind(",")]
+# if not name in tagFactors:
+# tagFactors[name] = 0
+# tagFactors[name] += int(count)
+# nameCount = int(f.readline())
+# for i in range(nameCount):
+# line = f.readline().split(",")
+# name = line[0]
+# if not name in nameFactors:
+# nameFactors[name] = 0
+# nameFactors[name] += int(line[1])
+# for i in range(4):
+# t = f.readline().rstrip()
+# if timestamp[i] == 0 and t != 'null':
+# timestamp[i] = int(t)
+# loadFriends(friendFiles, results)
+# return (results, countryFactors, tagFactors.items(), tagClassFactors.items(), nameFactors.items(), givennameFactors,timestamp, postsHisto)
+# Julia code starts from here
+# if length(ARGS) < 2
+# println("arguments: