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Developing Plugins for OpenSearch

The easiest way to get started authoring a new OpenSearch plugin is to follow instruction in opensearch-project/opensearch-plugin-template-java. See also My First Steps in OpenSearch Plugins.

All OpenSearch plugins require a file. The fields contained in the file are documented here. When using the gradle build system, these fields can be specified in the build.gradle file and the build system will generate the properties file.

Use opensearchplugin in build.gradle to generate a

opensearchplugin {
    name 'opensearch-plugin'
    description 'Example OpenSearch plugin'
    classname 'org.opensearch.example.Plugin'

Building within the OpenSearch Build System

OpenSearch builds and releases the core engine at the same time as plugins as one monolithic distribution. This is documented in the build workflow. To accommodate this system plugins are required to make build scripts configurable as follows.

  1. Define the plugin version based on the version of OpenSearch.
  2. Consume dynamic versions of OpenSearch dependencies with -Dopensearch.version=.
  3. Support building -SNAPSHOT vs. release artifacts with -Dbuild.snapshot=, default to always building snapshot.
  4. Prioritize Maven local for dependencies, including OpenSearch.
  5. Publish Maven checksums.

Define a Version Based on the OpenSearch Dependency

Do not include version= in Instead, dynamically define it in build.gradle. Adjust the version when building a snapshot.

buildscript {
    ext {
        opensearch_group = "org.opensearch"
        opensearch_version = System.getProperty("opensearch.version", "1.1.0-SNAPSHOT")

allprojects {
    group = 'org.opensearch'

    version = opensearch_version - "-SNAPSHOT" + ".0"

Consume Dynamic Versions of OpenSearch Dependencies

OpenSearch uses a 3-digit versioning scheme while plugins have a 4th free digit for patches. Patch the version number to consume dependencies such as common-utils or job-scheduler.

buildscript {
    ext {
        // 1.1.0 ->, and 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT ->
        opensearch_build = opensearch_version.replaceAll(/(\.\d)([^\d]*)$/, '$1.0$2')
        common_utils_version = System.getProperty("common_utils.version", opensearch_build)
        job_scheduler_version = System.getProperty("job_scheduler.version", opensearch_build)

Use the above versions as follows.

dependencies {
    compile "org.opensearch:opensearch:${opensearch_version}"
    compile "org.opensearch:common-utils:${common_utils_version}"
    compileOnly "org.opensearch:opensearch-job-scheduler-spi:${job_scheduler_version}"

Always Build SNAPSHOT Artifacts

OpenSearch SNAPSHOT artifacts are built continuously and made available in AWS OSS Sonatype Maven.

Plugins that depend on OpenSearch artifacts should always consume -SNAPSHOT artifacts in all branches in their GHA workflows. While it's typical for Java projects to consume snapshot dependencies early and stabilize on released artifacts, OpenSearch builds and releases the core engine at the same time as plugins as one monolithic distribution, thus switching from -SNAPSHOT to released artifacts is not necessary. This substitution is performed by the build workflow by passing -Dbuild.snapshot=false into Gradle build.

buildscript {
    ext {
        opensearch_group = "org.opensearch"
        // always default to -SNAPSHOT
        opensearch_version = System.getProperty("opensearch.version", "1.1.0-SNAPSHOT")

ext {
    // support -Dbuild.snapshot=false, but default to true
    isSnapshot = "true" == System.getProperty("build.snapshot", "true")

allprojects {
    group = 'org.opensearch'

    version = opensearch_version - "-SNAPSHOT" + ".0"

    // append -SNAPSHOT when building snapshot, which is the default 
    if (isSnapshot) {
        version += "-SNAPSHOT"

Note that signed OpenSearch release artifacts are also available in Maven Central for components that don't release with the monolithic distribution.

Consume Maven Artifacts in Order

Plugins must declare the dependencies for the root projects and all sub-projects in the following order. The first two repositories mavenLocal() and maven( are required, while the rest are optional as needed for external dependencies.

repositories {
    maven { url "" }
    maven { url "" }

Same applies for dependencies for the build script itself, in-case the buildscript { } needs to consume the OpenSearch build-tools artifact.

buildscript {
    repositories {
        maven { url "" }
        maven { url "" }
    dependencies {
       classpath "org.opensearch.gradle:build-tools:${opensearch_version}"

Include Checksums in Maven Publications

If your component publishes maven artifacts, use shadow and publish to a local repository at a non default location. The maven publish plugin used by gradle will not include checksums when publishing to maven local ~/m2/repository.

publishing {
    repositories {
        maven {
            name = 'staging'
            url = "${rootProject.buildDir}/local-staging-repo"
    publications {
        shadow(MavenPublication) { publication ->

Use ./gradlew publishShadowPublicationToStagingRepository to produce maven artifacts. When building as part of the monolithic distribution customize scripts/ to collect maven artifacts. See job-scheduler#71 for an example.

Custom Gradle Plugins

OpenSearch provides a set of custom gradle plugins that avoid boilerplate code for building and testing plugins.


opensearch.pluginzip is designed to facilitate OpenSearch plugin distributions (ZIPs) to be available as Apache Maven artifacts which can then be fetched as dependency using Apache Maven dependency management. This plugin identifies the OpenSearch plugin ZIP file, the output of bundlePlugin task and publishes to local Apache Maven repository. Plugin Code, Plugin Tests, Plugin META-INF

Plugin Design

  • opensearch.pluginzip is java based code published into build-tools.
  • The maven coordinates groupID is fixed as org.openserach.plugin, version and artifcatID will be inferred from gradle project properties.
  • User can also pass custom POM extensions, that will add desired properties to Apache Maven POM file generated during runtime.
  • Once the plugin is added to the build.gradle as apply plugin: 'opensearch.pluginzip', this will add a new custom publish task publishPluginZipPublicationToZipStagingRepository, the purpose of this task is to publish the ZIP distribution to the Apache Maven local repository (file system).
  • The Apache Maven local artifacts could then be published to Apache Maven central/nexus using CI workflows.
  • The plugin will not publish generated JARs (sourcesJar, javadocJar), this is done on purpose to separate jars and zip publications.

Plugin Usage

  1. Ensure that the project uses bundlePlugin task that comes from existing PublishPlugin. ./gradlew tasks --all should list bundlePlugin.

  2. Add build-tools dependency to the current gradle project. (If already exists, dont need to re-add again) Example:

buildscript {
    ext {
        opensearch_version = System.getProperty("opensearch.version", "2.0.0-rc1-SNAPSHOT")
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath "org.opensearch.gradle:build-tools:${opensearch_version}"
  1. Add apply plugin: 'opensearch.pluginzip' to the build.gradle file. Once added, this should list the new task publishPluginZipPublicationToZipStagingRepository.

  2. Run the task publishPluginZipPublicationToZipStagingRepository (add it to managed build script
    ./gradlew publishPluginZipPublicationToZipStagingRepository -Dopensearch.version=$VERSION -Dbuild.snapshot=$SNAPSHOT -Dbuild.version_qualifier=$QUALIFIER

    Note: The gradle task responsible to generate the distribution zip should be called first before executing publishPluginZipPublicationToZipStagingRepository, as the zip file needs to be generated before publishing.

  3. To add custom POM extensions to zip publication: Example:

publishing {
    publications {
        pluginZip(MavenPublication) { publication ->
            pom {
              name = pluginName
              description = pluginDescription
              licenses {
                license {
                  name = "The Apache License, Version 2.0"
                  url = ""
              developers {
                developer {
                  name = "OpenSearch"
                  url = ""
  1. To run build task using ./gradlew build for the entire project without having proper POM reference, add startParameter.excludedTaskNames=["validatePluginZipPom"] in settings.gradle file, this task validatePluginZipPom is not required if POM is formated right with name, description, licenses, developers fields. If these fields not added and executed ./gradlew build would throw an error as
name is missing in [/usr/share/opensearch/git/opensearch-plugin-template-java/build/distributions/rename-unspecified.pom]
description is missing in [/usr/share/opensearch/git/opensearch-plugin-template-java/build/distributions/rename-unspecified.pom]
licenses is empty in [/usr/share/opensearch/git/opensearch-plugin-template-java/build/distributions/rename-unspecified.pom]
developers is empty in [/usr/share/opensearch/git/opensearch-plugin-template-java/build/distributions/rename-unspecified.pom]
Note: If gradle project already has the setting as shown in step 5, then its not required to add ```startParameter.excludedTaskNames=["validatePluginZipPom"]```. This setting is only required when ran `./gradlew build` without proper POM reference.
  1. Exclude the following tasks in settings.gradle file, if the build script exists for the plugin and has the tasks publishToMavenLocal and publishAllPublicationsToStagingRepository, these will also include the tasks publishPluginZipPublicationToMavenLocal and publishPluginZipPublicationToStagingRepository which is not required to be called with this plugin. To exclude add the following in settings.gradle file startParameter.excludedTaskNames=["publishPluginZipPublicationToMavenLocal", "publishPluginZipPublicationToStagingRepository"]

    Note: If there is a managed file and do not have any publish tasks, then its not required to exlcude these tasks, only required if it is calling publish tasks that targets ALL repos and ALL publications.

  2. Quick Example: Job-scheduler: build.gradle settings.gradle