Watch the thirty second screencast
Ever wanted to be able to click on paths to open things in a shell? Well, now you can! Just hold Command and click on the path in the shell. It'll even open it to the right line if it looks like filename.ext:line_number.
You can also use Command + drag and it will turn it into a draggable file handle, which you can drop in any OSX app. Pretty rad, no?
Download (or build your own, if you're paranoid or you want the newest features).
Works with MacVim, Textmate and BBedit (it searches for editor in that order)
If you want it to work even when changing between directories, your shell must set a window title every time your prompt shows up. I'm using this as a hook cause it seemed the most appropriate. If you have oh-my-zsh, then it works out of the box.
Other zsh users, see termsupport.zsh.
Other shell users, see here.
- Command + Click opens the file if it is text in MacVim/Textmate/BBedit, otherwise opens with associated program.
- Command + Drag gives you a file handle you can drop on any app that supports drag and drop (pretty much everything).
- Command + Shift + Click on a directory does
cd <path>; ls
If you don't use MacVim, Textmate or BBedit or if you want write specific parsers, you can have the path sent to an external script of your choice.
defaults write com.googlecode.iterm2 SemanticHistoryHandler <path to script>
The script must be marked executable (chmod +x <file>
) and it will
receive the full path and the line number (if any) as arguments.
- Does not work with paths with spaces (for now).
- No configuration options (for now).
- Changing support doesn't work out of the box.
- Drag detection is way too sensitive. Even one pixel makes it think it's a drag. Will be fixed in next alpha.
- Make paths work even after the directory has been changed.
- Configuration options
- More modifier keys: e.g.,
- Shift + Command + Click on a foo_spec.rb:88 does
spec foo_spec.rb -l 88
- Shift + Command + Click on a foo_spec.rb:88 does
- Native support for other editors (TextWrangler, JEdit, Emacs, Rubymine)
- Quicklook support
- Basic functionality still works if shell isn't setting window title
- Now works when the working directory is not valid for old paths in the buffer
- Command + Drag lets you drag file/directory handles into any OSX app
- Command + Shift + Click does
d <path>; ls
- External script support
- Built with llvm/clang for slight performance increase
- Scrolling with wheel always move at least one line.
- Native BBedit support
- Command + Click to open implemented for Textmate and MacVim
Jack Chen (@chendo)