Releases: service-mesh-performance/service-mesh-performance
SMP v0.6.1
What's New
- Update proto files and gen code @MUzairS15 (#394)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@MUzairS15 and @leecalcote
SMP v0.6.0
What's New
- Update config.yml @sulaiman-coder (#390)
- migrate smp to google tag mamager @ayushthe1 (#393)
- Fix#375 @SumantxD (#381)
- Fixed information shown on SMP dashboard @asubedy (#386)
- newcomers guide provided @sudhanshutech (#370)
- Revert "Trailing Slash Fix on soak and load pages" @theBeginner86 (#378)
- [chore ] Update remote provider APIs @theBeginner86 (#373)
- Discussion integration @asubedy (#365)
- Added methodology page link on dashboard @Adi-ty (#368)
- Presentation video alignment fix @MrBehl06 (#364)
- Updated Readme (Links, Images & About @UtkarshMishra12 (#360)
- Fix typos in docs/pages/dashboard/ @gyohuangxin (#354)
- Bump nokogiri from 1.13.6 to 1.13.9 in /docs @dependabot (#356)
- Fixed responsiveness for footer component @neeraj-2 (#355)
- [Dashboard] Updates on the Dashboard @asubedy (#353)
- [Dashboard] reverted changes, possible fix for 404 @asubedy (#352)
- Solved 404 error by pagination @YashKamboj (#349)
- removed performance profile that doesn't have results @asubedy (#347)
- fixed trailing slash error on links @asubedy (#346)
- fix for dashboard page @asubedy (#345)
- possible fix for dashboard page error @asubedy (#344)
- Dashboard updates @asubedy (#342)
- [MeshMark] CPU Utilization content addition @Chadha93 (#335)
- [Bug] Added shrink functionality to meshmark page @YashKamboj (#341)
- Bump nokogiri from 1.13.5 to 1.13.6 in /docs @dependabot (#339)
- Bump nokogiri from 1.13.4 to 1.13.5 in /docs @dependabot (#337)
- made the meshmark page responsive @asubedy (#334)
- added meshmark on navigation @asubedy (#333)
- MeshMark Landing Page @Chadha93 (#331)
- Init commit of 'The Methodology of Service Mesh Performance' @gyohuangxin (#332)
- [DRAFT/Dashboard] Improvements in @Abhishek-kumar09 (#327)
- Initialized meshmark webpage @asubedy (#324)
- Updates on dashboard @asubedy (#326)
- Update SMP Community Meetings info in @gyohuangxin (#322)
- Added Xin to Service Mesh Maintainers @iambami (#321)
- Fixed navbar broken links on dashboard page @YashKamboj (#318)
- [Dashboard] added graph details @asubedy (#317)
- [Dashboard] Added graph for a hardcoded performance result @asubedy (#316)
- [Dashboard] Some changes @asubedy (#315)
- Bump nokogiri from 1.13.2 to 1.13.4 in /docs @dependabot (#314)
- Fix for dashboard sidebar overlapping with footer @debo19 (#313)
- [SITE] [DASHBOARD]added solid border around dashboard on navigation @asubedy (#310)
- [SITE] Implementation of Dashboard Page @asubedy (#309)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Trailing Slash Fix on soak and load pages @asubedy (#377)
- Trying fixing trailing slash error @asubedy (#376)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@Abhishek-kumar09, @Adi-ty, @Chadha93, @MrBehl06, @SumantxD, @UtkarshMishra12, @YashKamboj, @asubedy, @ayushthe1, @debo19, @dependabot, @dependabot[bot], @gyohuangxin, @iambami, @leecalcote, @neeraj-2, @sudhanshutech, @sulaiman-coder, @theBeginner86, @warunicorn19 and Debopriya Bhattacharjee
SMP v0.3.4
What's New
- Bump nokogiri from 1.12.5 to 1.13.2 in /docs @dependabot (#306)
- Add cpu, memory and swap fileds in performance test result @gyohuangxin (#296)
- [Docs] Handbook info addition | CU-1ydvcdq @Chadha93 (#301)
- [Blog]Pipelining Service Mesh Specifications @debo19 (#302)
- Auto generate code after protobuf file changes @iamsdas (#300)
- added required field and removed novalidate from form @Vidyaa123 (#299)
- Issue templates updated @Ciggzy1312 (#297)
- Add support for Cilium Service Mesh @iamsdas (#295)
- Adding Screenshot of Performance Test Comparison @Deepansharora27 (#288)
- css unit fix @king-11 (#283)
- Ruby 3.0.0 Support @king-11 (#280)
- Fix 404 Resources @king-11 (#278)
- Responsive Overlapping Buttons Fix @sahilsuman933 (#285)
- [Doc] minor-typo fixes @mr-dg-wick (#284)
- [UI] Fixed the alignment of contents in website @ghulamyazdani (#273)
- Fix: Unwanted 'by' text in '/blog' @toth2000 (#276)
- adde @warunicorn19 (#271)
- Add schema for better SEO @toth2000 (#268)
- Enhanced Contributor Guides @EsteeBrooks (#270)
- Updated YouTube channel hyperlinks @vedant-kakde (#269)
- corrected alignment of objects @akshatnema (#265)
- [UI] misalignment of header in mobile view fixed @ghulamyazdani (#262)
- Decidated subscribe page created @geeythree (#256)
- ServiceMeshCon-EU 2021 video added @Rishi22-Coding (#235)
- added solarwinds logo @warunicorn19 (#251)
- Fixing slack notify on star @lohityarra (#246)
- [Snyk] Fix for 1 vulnerabilities @snyk-bot (#244)
- [CI] Label commenter workflow added @Amino19 (#241)
- Pointed towards Meshery Docs in case of errors during installation @Zain-Muiz (#233)
- Added hyperlink to slide deck @soham4abc (#230)
- [Site] Added Mailing List @NikhilSharma03 (#216)
- AddedIntelLogo @SaimBonda (#181)
- Contributing instructions updated @Rishi22-Coding (#232)
- Reference to SMP community group improved @soham4abc (#225)
- add SMP community meeting details @navendu-pottekkat (#224)
- [ImgBot] Optimize images @imgbot (#195)
- Added mobile responsiveness to the whole page @warunicorn19 (#215)
- Updated the link for help-wanted label @sayantan1413 (#209)
- [Snyk] Fix for 1 vulnerabilities @snyk-bot (#210)
- Upgrade the Github Aaction to use environment @Aisuko (#207)
- added google-slides @chetak123 (#203)
- Added community forum to readme w/signoff @parthlaw (#201)
- Fix badges & alignment in @mindninjaX (#196)
- Bump nokogiri from 1.11.1 to 1.11.4 in /docs @dependabot (#189)
- Replace community drive with community form @Chadha93 (#188)
- Bump rexml from 3.2.4 to 3.2.5 in /docs @dependabot (#185)
- Update @nicholasjackson (#183)
- Bump kramdown from 2.3.0 to 2.3.1 in /docs @dependabot (#182)
- [ImgBot] Optimize images @imgbot (#180)
- Replace SMP example gif @Utkarsh-pro (#174)
- Added Fiserv Logo @SaimBonda (#179)
- Added KubeCon+CloudNativeCon Blog @chinmaym07 (#173)
- Added Service Mesh Offers Promising Solution for Cloud Native Network Blog @chinmaym07 (#172)
- added @shwosner (#165)
🧰 Maintenance
- addendum to existing governance @warunicorn19 (#304)
- Update @leecalcote (#305)
- Update slack.yml/added newcomers-alert @cpepper96 (#290)
- [README] CII best practices badge updated @Amino19 (#212)
- [Chore] Update Maintainers List @leecalcote (#193)
📖 Documentation
- Add section for CNCF in SMP homepage @alphaX86 (#202)
- Update copyright info to "The SMP Authors" @navendu-pottekkat (#200)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@Aisuko, @Chadha93, @Ciggzy1312, @Deepansharora27, @EsteeBrooks, @ImgBotApp, @Jashpatel1, @mr-dg-wick, @Nikhil-Ladha, @NikhilSharma03, @Rishi22-Coding, @SaimBonda, @Vidyaa123, @Zain-Muiz, @akshatnema, @alphaX86, @Amino19, @chetak123, @chinmaym07, @cpepper96, @debo19, @dependabot, @dependabot[bot], @geeythree, @ghulamyazdani, @gyohuangxin, @iamsdas, @imgbot, @king-11, @leecalcote, @lohityarra, @mindninjaX, @navendu-pottekkat, @nicholasjackson, @parthlaw, @sahilsuman933, @sayantan1413, @shwosner, @snyk-bot, @soham4abc, @sudo-NithishKarthik, @toth2000, @Utkarsh-pro, @vedant-kakde, @warunicorn19 and Debopriya Bhattacharjee
SMP v0.3.3
What's New
- Recompiled SMP protos @dhruv0000 (#162)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@dhruv0000 and @leecalcote
SMP v0.3.2
What's New
- Updated metadata and serviceMesh field @dhruv0000 (#158)
- Bump nokogiri from 1.10.10 to 1.11.1 in /docs @dependabot (#161)
- Name change from Maesh to Traefik Mesh @pjzzz (#160)
- added a function for comma insertion @jomefavourite (#157)
- wrap card to blog post @navendu-pottekkat (#152)
- KubeCon video and slides added @dDab-panda (#151)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@Nikhil-Ladha, @dDab-panda, @dependabot, @dependabot[bot], @dhruv0000, @jomefavourite, @kumarabd, @leecalcote, @navendu-pottekkat and @pjzzz
SMP v0.3.1
What's New
- fix: correct the broke SMP spec @kushthedude (#148)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@kushthedude and @leecalcote
SMP v0.3.0
What's New
- Added NGINX service mesh @lumenCodes (#145)
- Optimized the footer section for mobile view @Neilblaze (#144)
- Adjust heading-size to avoid spill in mobile-view @JubayerJoy (#139)
- [Site] Enhanced Resources section @Neilblaze (#137)
- [site] chore: remove/add logos @leecalcote (#133)
- Deleted Google Logo from Assests @geraldmaboshe (#135)
- Redesigned Footer section (v1.0.0) @Neilblaze (#134)
- [ImgBot] Optimize images @imgbot (#132)
- Added infinite carousel to contributors section @Neilblaze (#131)
- Added a horizontal scrollbar to the contributors section @geraldmaboshe (#123)
- Removed Google Logo from @geraldmaboshe (#130)
- Updated SMP page @Neilblaze (#128)
- #126 - Dropped Specification from head section w/signoff @eliteReaper (#127)
- [ImgBot] Optimize images @imgbot (#125)
- Updated SMP page @Neilblaze (#122)
🚀 Features
- feat: Organise SMP Spec according to prototool and google style guide @kushthedude (#124)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@ImgBotApp, @JubayerJoy, @Neilblaze, @Nikhil-Ladha, @eliteReaper, @geraldmaboshe, @imgbot, @kushthedude, @leecalcote, @lumenCodes and cld
SMP v0.2.1
What's New
🧰 Maintenance
📖 Documentation
- [Doc] Update contributing doc with cavaet @PluckyPrecious (#118)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@PluckyPrecious, @kalradev and @leecalcote
SMP v0.2.0
What's New
- Added publish date & author name on blog posts @Neilblaze (#116)
- added RVM Description to SMP Documentation @oyinmi (#108)
- Added Reminder: Please Star the project @akashgp09 (#109)
- Good riddance S @leecalcote (#106)
- Remove particle.js theme @chandrashritii (#100)
- Remove extraneous published URLs @JubayerJoy (#97)
- [UI]:Few style tweaks and updated the github stats @Nikhil-Ladha (#95)
- Update Issue Template to SMP @PluckyPrecious (#91)
- [ImgBot] Optimize images @imgbot (#85)
- Delete unnecessary copy of SMP post @JubayerJoy (#89)
- [Update] Convert all references of smps --> smp @chandrashritii (#86)
- Change project name from SMPS to SMP @JubayerJoy (#84)
- Add releasedrafter @JubayerJoy (#79)
- Added smp contributing doc @PluckyPrecious (#73)
- Bump atob from 2.0.3 to 2.1.2 in /docs/assets/img/probable themes/particles.js-master @dependabot (#70)
- [ImgBot] Optimize images @imgbot (#69)
- [SMPS site]: blog posts @chandrashritii (#66)
- [SMPS site]: update 2.0 @chandrashritii (#64)
- Google analytics tracking id @leecalcote (#63)
- [SMPS site]: Update @chandrashritii (#61)
- [ImgBot] Optimize images @imgbot (#58)
- Bump lodash.merge from 4.6.1 to 4.6.2 in /docs/assets/img/probable themes/particles.js-master @dependabot (#60)
- Bump mixin-deep from 1.3.1 to 1.3.2 in /docs/assets/img/probable themes/particles.js-master @dependabot (#59)
- New SMPS site @chandrashritii (#57)
- feat: add trafficMetadata @kushthedude (#53)
- [ImgBot] Optimize images @imgbot (#54)
- [chore] add stalebot and welcome message, update readme @morrme (#52)
- readme: workload configuration @leecalcote (#48)
- Adding Code of Conduct @leecalcote (#47)
- feat: add application metadata … @kushthedude (#41)
- Deleted smps.yaml file @Dhiraj240 (#40)
🚀 Features
- Add support for egress gateway @leecalcote (#36)
🧰 Maintenance
- [site] Chore: remove jekyll theme and gemspec @leecalcote (#62)
- Reconciling assets and img/readme @itsapoorvj (#43)
📖 Documentation
- Reconciling assets and img/readme @itsapoorvj (#43)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@Dhiraj240, @ImgBotApp, @JubayerJoy, @Neilblaze, @Nikhil-Ladha, @PluckyPrecious, @akashgp09, @chandrashritii, @crustyy, @dependabot, @dependabot[bot], @imgbot, @itsapoorvj, @kushthedude, @leecalcote, @morrme, @oyinmi, Jubayer Abdullah Joy and Kush Trivedi
SMP v0.1.0
What's New?
- Created a sample smp.yaml for service mesh benchmark configuration and result summary.
- Initialized the SMP protobuf file for managing consistency in
- performance test configuration
- service mesh configuration
- environment configuration
- performance test results
- Create service-mesh protobuf file to managing the details of service mesh used while benchmarking.
- SMP is available as a Golang Package, use the spec in your application using
This specification is currently being advanced through the Meshery project.