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Releases: launchdarkly/js-client-sdk


20 Oct 22:46
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[2.24.2] - 2022-10-20


  • Updated to js-sdk-common 3.8.2 which includes jitter and backoff for re-connection attempts for streaming connections.


18 Oct 16:51
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[2.24.0] - 2022-10-18


  • Upgrade to js-sdk-common 3.8.1 which added support for Inspectors that can be used for collecting information for monitoring, analytics, and debugging.


05 Oct 17:32
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[2.23.0] - 2022-10-05


  • Updated js-sdk-common version which removed event de-duplication functionality which was made redundant by support of summary events. This will improve the default event behavior when using experimentation.

  • Updated escape-string-regexp to version 4.

  • Updated development dependencies to recent versions.


  • Deprecated the allowFrequentDuplicateEvents configuration option. Setting the option will no longer have any effect, and it will be removed in a future version.


27 Apr 16:09
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[2.22.1] - 2022-04-27

This release is functionally identical to the 2.22.0 release. Due to an oversight the release process re-introduced the package-lock.json.


  • The package-lock.json file is no longer in source control. As this is a library project, the lockfile never affected application code that used the SDK, but only affected the SDK's CI build. It is preferable for the CI build to refer only to package.json so that it resolves dependencies the same way an application using the SDK would, rather than using pinned dependencies that an application would not use.


26 Apr 19:28
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[2.22.0] - 2022-04-26


  • LDOptions.application, for configuration of application metadata that may be used in LaunchDarkly analytics or other product features. This does not affect feature flag evaluations.


  • The baseUrl, streamUrl, and eventsUrl properties now work properly regardless of whether the URL string has a trailing slash. Previously, a trailing slash would cause request URL paths to have double slashes.


  • The package-lock.json file is no longer in source control. As this is a library project, the lockfile never affected application code that used the SDK, but only affected the SDK's CI build. It is preferable for the CI build to refer only to package.json so that it resolves dependencies the same way an application using the SDK would, rather than using pinned dependencies that an application would not use.


21 Mar 19:58
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[2.21.0] - 2022-03-21


  • Added basicLogger, a replacement for the deprecated createConsoleLogger.


18 Feb 18:58
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[2.20.2] - 2022-02-18


  • If the SDK receives invalid JSON data from a streaming connection (possibly as a result of the connection being cut off), it now uses its regular error-handling logic: the error is emitted as an error event or, if there are no error event listeners, it is logged. Previously, the error would be thrown as an unhandled exception.


02 Feb 23:49
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[2.20.1] - 2022-02-02


  • If the browser local storage mechanism throws an exception (for instance, if it is disabled or if storage is full), the SDK now correctly catches the exception and logs a message about the failure. It will only log this message once during the lifetime of the SDK client. (#54)


15 Oct 20:05
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[2.20.0] - 2021-10-15


  • New property LDOptions.requestHeaderTransform allows custom headers to be added to all HTTP requests. This may be necessary if you have an Internet gateway that uses a custom header for authentication. Note that custom headers may cause cross-origin browser requests to be rejected unless you have a way to ensure that the header name also appears in Access-Control-Allow-Headers for CORS preflight responses; if you are connecting to the LaunchDarkly Relay Proxy, it has a way to configure this.


13 Oct 03:53
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[2.19.4] - 2021-10-12


  • Removed an obsolete warning that would appear in the browser console after calling track: Custom event "_____" does not exist. Originally, the SDK had an expectation that track would be used only for event keys that had been previously defined as custom goals in the LaunchDarkly dashboard. That is still often the case, but it is not required and LaunchDarkly no longer sends custom goal names to the SDK, so the warning was happening even if such a goal did exist.