modules |
ES2015 |
mdn01 mdn02 |
Yes |
Yes |
transform-es2015-modules-commonjs |
9 |
Babel transform not used as modules are supported by Webpack 2. Used by AVA based unit testing | property |
ES2015 |
mdn03 |
Yes |
Yes |
transform-es2015-function-name |
6 LTS |
Transform used for browser. |
Array#includes |
ES2016 |
mdn05 |
Yes |
core.js |
Yes |
NA |
6 LTS |
exponentiation operator |
ES2016 |
mdn04 |
Yes |
Yes |
transform-exponentiation-operator |
8 LTS |
Object.{values,entries} |
ES2017 |
mdn06 mdn07 |
Yes |
core.js |
Yes |
NA |
8 LTS |
String#{padStart,padEnd} |
ES2017 |
mdn08 mdn09 |
Yes |
core.js |
Yes |
NA |
8 LTS |
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors |
ES2017 |
mdn10 |
Yes |
core.js |
Yes |
NA |
8 LTS |
trailing commas from function calls |
ES2017 |
2ality00 |
Yes |
Yes |
syntax-trailing-function-commas |
8 LTS |
Async Functions |
ES2017 |
mdn11 |
Yes |
Yes |
transform-async-to-generator |
8 LTS |
Shared memory and atomics |
ES2017 |
mdn13 |
See notes |
Yes |
9 |
Typescript supports the syntax. Implementation support javascript runtime and version |
Lifting Template Literal Restriction |
ES2018 |
mdn14 2ality02 |
#12700 |
V7 Core See PR #274 |
9 |
On TypeScript 3.2 roadmap |
s (dotAll ) flag for regular expressions |
ES2018 |
2ality10 |
Yes |
transform-modern-regexp |
9 |
RegExp named capture groups |
ES2018 |
2ality09 |
Yes |
transform-modern-regexp |
10 |
Babel may also support through regexpu See babel proposals #35 |
RegExp Lookbehind Assertions |
ES2018 |
2ality07 |
No. See transform-modern-regexp #5 |
9 |
RegExp Unicode Property Escapes |
ES2018 |
2ality08 |
Yes |
transform-unicode-property-regex |
10 |
Rest/Spread Properties |
ES2018 |
2ality04 |
Yes |
Yes |
transform-object-rest-spread |
8 LTS |
Promise#finally |
ES2018 |
2ality11 |
Yes |
core.js |
Yes |
10 |
promise.prototype.finally |
Asynchronous Iteration |
ES2018 |
2ality05 |
Yes |
Yes |
transform-async-generator-functions |
10 |
Optional catch binding |
ES2019 |
2ality14 |
Yes |
Yes |
transform-optional-catch-binding |
Added to chrome codebase 2018-01-19 |
JSON superset |
ES2019 |
[proposal-json-strings ] |
Function#toString revision |
Stage 3 |
2ality01 |
10. 6 LTS (Partial) |
global |
Stage 3 |
2ality03 |
Yes |
core.js |
#12902 |
import() |
Stage 3 |
2ality06 |
Yes |
Yes |
syntax-dynamic-import |
Babel syntax/transform not used as dynamic modules are supported by Webpack 2. Used by AVA based unit testing |
Legacy RegExp features in JavaScript |
Stage 3 |
BigInt |
Stage 3 |
2ality12 |
#15096 |
PR #6015 |
On TypeScript 3.2 roadmap |
import.meta |
Stage 3 |
2ality15 |
Partial |
Yes |
10. |
See Typescript PR #23327 for instructions how to use |
Private instance methods and accessors |
Stage 3 |
2ality13 |
#9950 |
V7 transform-class-properties |
See #7842 Merged 2018-05-18 for 7.0.0-beta.48 |
Array#{flat,flatMap} |
Stage 3 |
Yes | |
Instance class fields and methods |
Stage 3 |
2ality13 |
Yes |
Yes. See comment |
transform-class-properties |
Bug in TypeScript #12212 does not pass through to Babel |
Static class fields and methods |
Stage 3 |
2ality13 |
Yes |
Yes. See comment |
transform-class-properties |
Bug in TypeScript #12212 does not pass through to Babel |
String#{trimStart,trimEnd} |
Stage 3 |
Yes |
core.js |
String#matchAll |
Stage 3 |
Yes |
core.js |
Symbol#description |
Stage 3 |
core.js |
Object.fromEntries |
Stage 3 |
core.js |
PR #26149 |
Numeric separators |
Stage 2 |
2.7 #20582 |
transform-numeric-separator |
function.sent metaproperty |
Stage 2 |
Yes |
transform-function-sent |
Decorators |
Stage 2 |
Yes |
Yes |
transform-decorators-legacy |
Needs write in Babel |
Throw expressions |
Stage 2 |
Atomics.waitAsync |
Stage 2 |
Hashbang Grammar |
Stage 2 |
WeakRefs |
Stage 2 |
Top-level await |
Stage 2 |
New Set methods |
Stage 2 |
Well-formed JSON.stringify |
Stage 2 |
Function#toString() censorship |
Stage 2 |
Realms |
Stage 2 |
ArrayBuffer#transfer |
Stage 2 |
RegExp Match array offsets |
Stage 2 |
Sequence properties in Unicode property escapes |
Stage 2 |
InterpreterDirective |
Stage 2 |
Temporal |
Stage 2 |
export v from "mod"; statements |
Stage 1 |
Observable |
Stage 1 |
Yes |
core.js |
core-js/fn/observable |
Frozen Realms |
Stage 1 |
Math Extensions |
Stage 1 |
Yes |
core.js |
of and from on collection constructors |
Stage 1 |
Yes |
core.js |
Generator arrow functions |
Stage 1 |
Promise.try |
Stage 1 |
Yes |
core.js |
Optional Chaining |
Stage 1 |
Math.signbit: IEEE-754 sign bit |
Stage 1 |
Yes |
core.js |
Error stacks |
Stage 1 |
do expressions |
Stage 1 |
Float16 on TypedArrays, DataView, Math.hfround |
Stage 1 |
[Number.{parseInt,parseFloat} changes |
Stage 1 |
Binary AST |
Stage 1 |
Pipeline Operator |
Stage 1 |
Extensible numeric literals |
Stage 1 |
First-Class Protocols |
Stage 1 |
Nullary coalescing operator |
Stage 1 |
Partial application |
Stage 1 |
Cancellation API |
Stage 1 |
String#replaceAll |
Stage 1 |
String#codePoints |
Stage 1 |
Distinguishing literal strings |
Stage 1 |
Object.freeze + Object.seal syntax |
Stage 1 |
Block Params |
Stage 1 |
{BigInt,Number}.fromString |
Stage 1 |
Math.seededRandoms |
Stage 1 |
Maximally minimal mixins |
Stage 1 |
Getting last item from Array |
Stage 1 |
Collection methods |
Stage 1 |
Richer Keys |
Stage 1 |
Slice notation |
Stage 1 |
Logical Assignment Operators |
Stage 1 |
Module Keys |
Stage 1 |
Class Static Block |
Stage 1 |
class Access Expressions |
Stage 1 |
Pattern Matching |
Stage 1 |
Explicit Resource Management |
Stage 1 |
Dynamic Modules |
Stage 1 |
JavaScript Standard Library |
Stage 1 |
"use modules" |
Stage 1 |
for-in mechanics |
Stage 1 |
Uniform Date.parse |
Stage 1 |
JSON.parse source text access |
Stage 1 |