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On the Cardinality of Identifying Code Sets for the Soccer Ball Graph


To install the conda environment in which we did our experiments, go to the root directory of this repository and run:

$ conda env create -f env/sbg-bounds.yml
$ conda activate sbg-bounds

To install the correct versions of VeriPB and RoundingSat, first install all prerequisites as specified by the respective repositories, and then run:

$ git clone
$ cd VeriPB
$ git checkout 54070be168642d4b14988841d958691c39c61350
$ pip3 install --user ./
$ cd ..
$ git clone
$ cd roundingsat
$ git checkout c548e1098a81d1f57dfc31560208034253d174c1
$ cd build
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
$ make

Running our scripts

Assuming that the root directory of your VeriPB is stored in environment variable VERIPB_DIR and that the root directory for your RoundingSat is stored in environment variable ROUNDINGSAT_DIR, do the following.

Cardinality of MICS for SBG

To verify that the cardinality of the minimum identifying code set (MICS) of the soccer ball graph (SBG) is indeed equal to $10$, navigate to the scripts/ directory and run

$ chmod +x

The expected output is the following:

(sbg-bounds) user@machine:/path/to/SBG-bounds/scripts$ ./ -r ${ROUNDINGSAT_DIR} -v ${VERIPB_DIR}

Network: SBG.edges
Budget: 9

Step 1: Encode the soccer ball graph (SBG.edges) into PB constraints and specify that there should be at most 9 satellites
Step 2: Use RoundingSAT to show that the resulting set of PB constraints is unsatisfiable, and write the refutation proof to a file
Step 3: Use VeriPB to verify that the proof is correct

Finished generating and verifying proof for 9 satellites on network SBG.edges.
If you did not see the warning 'WARNING:root:The provided proof did not claim contradiction', we have successfully proved that there exists no ICS of cardinality 9 for the SBG graph (SBG.edges).
Otherwise, we know that there exists an ICS of cardinality 9 for SBG graph SBG.edges.


Network: SBG.edges
Budget: 10

Step 1: Encode the soccer ball graph (SBG.edges) into PB constraints and specify that there should be at most 10 satellites
Step 2: Use RoundingSAT to show that the resulting set of PB constraints is unsatisfiable, and write the refutation proof to a file
Step 3: Use VeriPB to verify that the proof is correct
WARNING:root:The provided proof did not claim contradiction.

Finished generating and verifying proof for 10 satellites on network SBG.edges.
If you did not see the warning 'WARNING:root:The provided proof did not claim contradiction', we have successfully proved that there exists no ICS of cardinality 10 for the SBG graph (SBG.edges).
Otherwise, we know that there exists an ICS of cardinality 10 for SBG graph SBG.edges.

All generated files can be found in the output and logs subdirectories. Specifically, the generated files are the following:

|   - output
|   |   - SBG.edges.b10.opb  
|   |   - SBG.edges.b10.proof  
|   |   - SBG.edges.b9.opb  
|   |   - SBG.edges.b9.proof
|   - logs
|   |   - SBG.edges.b10.encoding.log 
|   |   - SBG.edges.b10.verification.log  
|   |   - SBG.edges.b9.solving.log       
|   |   - SBG.edges.reproducibility.log
|   |   - SBG.edges.b10.solving.log   
|   |   - SBG.edges.b9.encoding.log       
|   |   - SBG.edges.b9.verification.log 

Number of MICSes for SBG

To verify that there exist exactly $26$ MICSes for the SBG, navigate to the scripts/ directory and run

$ python -r ${ROUNDINGSAT_DIR}

The expected output is the following:

(sbg-bounds) user@machine:/path/to/SBG-bounds/scripts$ python -r ${ROUNDINGSAT_DIR}
Found solution #1: ('-x1', '-x10', '-x12', '-x14', '-x15', '-x18', '-x19', '-x2', '-x21', '-x23', '-x24', '-x26', '-x27', '-x28', '-x29', '-x3', '-x30', '-x31', '-x4', '-x5', '-x7', '-x8', 'x11', 'x13', 'x16', 'x17', 'x20', 'x22', 'x25', 'x32', 'x6', 'x9').
Found solution #2: ('-x1', '-x10', '-x11', '-x12', '-x13', '-x14', '-x15', '-x16', '-x17', '-x18', '-x19', '-x20', '-x21', '-x22', '-x23', '-x24', '-x25', '-x26', '-x32', '-x7', '-x8', '-x9', 'x2', 'x27', 'x28', 'x29', 'x3', 'x30', 'x31', 'x4', 'x5', 'x6').
Found solution #3: ('-x1', '-x11', '-x12', '-x13', '-x15', '-x17', '-x18', '-x2', '-x20', '-x22', '-x23', '-x24', '-x26', '-x27', '-x3', '-x30', '-x31', '-x32', '-x4', '-x7', '-x8', '-x9', 'x10', 'x14', 'x16', 'x19', 'x21', 'x25', 'x28', 'x29', 'x5', 'x6').
Found solution #4: ('-x1', '-x10', '-x11', '-x13', '-x14', '-x15', '-x16', '-x17', '-x19', '-x2', '-x21', '-x22', '-x23', '-x25', '-x27', '-x28', '-x29', '-x30', '-x31', '-x6', '-x8', '-x9', 'x12', 'x18', 'x20', 'x24', 'x26', 'x3', 'x32', 'x4', 'x5', 'x7').
Found solution #5: ('-x10', '-x12', '-x13', '-x15', '-x17', '-x19', '-x2', '-x21', '-x23', '-x24', '-x26', '-x27', '-x28', '-x29', '-x3', '-x30', '-x32', '-x4', '-x5', '-x6', '-x7', '-x8', 'x1', 'x11', 'x14', 'x16', 'x18', 'x20', 'x22', 'x25', 'x31', 'x9').
Found solution #6: ('-x11', '-x12', '-x14', '-x16', '-x17', '-x18', '-x2', '-x20', '-x21', '-x23', '-x25', '-x27', '-x29', '-x3', '-x30', '-x31', '-x32', '-x4', '-x5', '-x6', '-x7', '-x9', 'x1', 'x10', 'x13', 'x15', 'x19', 'x22', 'x24', 'x26', 'x28', 'x8').
Found solution #7: ('-x1', '-x11', '-x13', '-x14', '-x15', '-x18', '-x19', '-x2', '-x20', '-x22', '-x23', '-x24', '-x26', '-x28', '-x29', '-x30', '-x32', '-x5', '-x6', '-x7', '-x8', '-x9', 'x10', 'x12', 'x16', 'x17', 'x21', 'x25', 'x27', 'x3', 'x31', 'x4').
Found solution #8: ('-x10', '-x12', '-x14', '-x16', '-x18', '-x19', '-x2', '-x20', '-x21', '-x23', '-x24', '-x25', '-x26', '-x29', '-x3', '-x30', '-x32', '-x4', '-x5', '-x6', '-x7', '-x8', 'x1', 'x11', 'x13', 'x15', 'x17', 'x22', 'x27', 'x28', 'x31', 'x9').
Found solution #9: ('-x1', '-x10', '-x11', '-x13', '-x14', '-x16', '-x17', '-x19', '-x2', '-x20', '-x22', '-x24', '-x25', '-x27', '-x28', '-x29', '-x3', '-x30', '-x31', '-x5', '-x6', '-x8', 'x12', 'x15', 'x18', 'x21', 'x23', 'x26', 'x32', 'x4', 'x7', 'x9').
Found solution #10: ('-x10', '-x11', '-x12', '-x14', '-x16', '-x17', '-x18', '-x19', '-x2', '-x20', '-x22', '-x23', '-x24', '-x25', '-x27', '-x3', '-x31', '-x32', '-x4', '-x5', '-x6', '-x8', 'x1', 'x13', 'x15', 'x21', 'x26', 'x28', 'x29', 'x30', 'x7', 'x9').
Found solution #11: ('-x10', '-x12', '-x14', '-x15', '-x18', '-x19', '-x2', '-x21', '-x23', '-x25', '-x26', '-x28', '-x29', '-x3', '-x30', '-x31', '-x32', '-x4', '-x5', '-x6', '-x7', '-x9', 'x1', 'x11', 'x13', 'x16', 'x17', 'x20', 'x22', 'x24', 'x27', 'x8').
Found solution #12: ('-x1', '-x10', '-x11', '-x13', '-x14', '-x15', '-x18', '-x19', '-x20', '-x22', '-x24', '-x25', '-x26', '-x27', '-x28', '-x3', '-x31', '-x32', '-x4', '-x5', '-x7', '-x9', 'x12', 'x16', 'x17', 'x2', 'x21', 'x23', 'x29', 'x30', 'x6', 'x8').
Found solution #13: ('-x1', '-x10', '-x11', '-x13', '-x15', '-x16', '-x18', '-x2', '-x20', '-x21', '-x22', '-x24', '-x25', '-x26', '-x29', '-x3', '-x30', '-x31', '-x32', '-x6', '-x7', '-x9', 'x12', 'x14', 'x17', 'x19', 'x23', 'x27', 'x28', 'x4', 'x5', 'x8').
Found solution #14: ('-x1', '-x11', '-x12', '-x14', '-x16', '-x17', '-x18', '-x2', '-x20', '-x22', '-x23', '-x25', '-x27', '-x28', '-x29', '-x30', '-x31', '-x4', '-x5', '-x6', '-x8', '-x9', 'x10', 'x13', 'x15', 'x19', 'x21', 'x24', 'x26', 'x3', 'x32', 'x7').
Found solution #15: ('-x1', '-x10', '-x12', '-x13', '-x15', '-x16', '-x17', '-x19', '-x2', '-x21', '-x22', '-x24', '-x26', '-x27', '-x28', '-x29', '-x3', '-x30', '-x31', '-x4', '-x6', '-x8', 'x11', 'x14', 'x18', 'x20', 'x23', 'x25', 'x32', 'x5', 'x7', 'x9').
Found solution #16: ('-x1', '-x11', '-x12', '-x13', '-x14', '-x16', '-x17', '-x19', '-x20', '-x21', '-x23', '-x25', '-x27', '-x28', '-x29', '-x30', '-x31', '-x5', '-x6', '-x7', '-x8', '-x9', 'x10', 'x15', 'x18', 'x2', 'x22', 'x24', 'x26', 'x3', 'x32', 'x4').
Found solution #17: ('-x10', '-x12', '-x13', '-x14', '-x16', '-x17', '-x19', '-x2', '-x20', '-x21', '-x22', '-x24', '-x25', '-x26', '-x27', '-x28', '-x3', '-x32', '-x4', '-x5', '-x6', '-x8', 'x1', 'x11', 'x15', 'x18', 'x23', 'x29', 'x30', 'x31', 'x7', 'x9').
Found solution #18: ('-x1', '-x11', '-x12', '-x13', '-x15', '-x16', '-x17', '-x18', '-x20', '-x21', '-x22', '-x24', '-x26', '-x27', '-x28', '-x29', '-x32', '-x4', '-x5', '-x6', '-x7', '-x9', 'x10', 'x14', 'x19', 'x2', 'x23', 'x25', 'x3', 'x30', 'x31', 'x8').
Found solution #19: ('-x10', '-x12', '-x14', '-x16', '-x17', '-x18', '-x2', '-x20', '-x21', '-x22', '-x23', '-x25', '-x26', '-x3', '-x30', '-x31', '-x32', '-x4', '-x5', '-x6', '-x8', '-x9', 'x1', 'x11', 'x13', 'x15', 'x19', 'x24', 'x27', 'x28', 'x29', 'x7').
Found solution #20: ('-x1', '-x10', '-x12', '-x13', '-x14', '-x15', '-x17', '-x19', '-x21', '-x23', '-x25', '-x26', '-x27', '-x28', '-x29', '-x3', '-x30', '-x31', '-x4', '-x7', '-x8', '-x9', 'x11', 'x16', 'x18', 'x2', 'x20', 'x22', 'x24', 'x32', 'x5', 'x6').
Found solution #21: ('-x10', '-x11', '-x13', '-x15', '-x16', '-x17', '-x19', '-x2', '-x21', '-x22', '-x24', '-x25', '-x27', '-x28', '-x29', '-x3', '-x31', '-x32', '-x4', '-x5', '-x6', '-x8', 'x1', 'x12', 'x14', 'x18', 'x20', 'x23', 'x26', 'x30', 'x7', 'x9').
Found solution #22: ('-x1', '-x10', '-x12', '-x14', '-x16', '-x18', '-x20', '-x21', '-x23', '-x25', '-x26', '-x27', '-x28', '-x29', '-x3', '-x30', '-x31', '-x4', '-x5', '-x6', '-x7', '-x9', 'x11', 'x13', 'x15', 'x17', 'x19', 'x2', 'x22', 'x24', 'x32', 'x8').
Found solution #23: ('-x1', '-x10', '-x11', '-x12', '-x14', '-x15', '-x16', '-x17', '-x18', '-x19', '-x21', '-x23', '-x25', '-x27', '-x28', '-x29', '-x30', '-x31', '-x4', '-x5', '-x7', '-x9', 'x13', 'x2', 'x20', 'x22', 'x24', 'x26', 'x3', 'x32', 'x6', 'x8').
Found solution #24: ('-x1', '-x10', '-x11', '-x12', '-x13', '-x15', '-x16', '-x17', '-x19', '-x2', '-x21', '-x23', '-x24', '-x25', '-x27', '-x28', '-x29', '-x3', '-x30', '-x31', '-x7', '-x8', 'x14', 'x18', 'x20', 'x22', 'x26', 'x32', 'x4', 'x5', 'x6', 'x9').
Found solution #25: ('-x10', '-x12', '-x14', '-x15', '-x16', '-x17', '-x18', '-x19', '-x2', '-x21', '-x22', '-x23', '-x24', '-x26', '-x28', '-x29', '-x3', '-x32', '-x4', '-x5', '-x6', '-x8', 'x1', 'x11', 'x13', 'x20', 'x25', 'x27', 'x30', 'x31', 'x7', 'x9').
Found solution #26: ('-x11', '-x13', '-x14', '-x16', '-x17', '-x19', '-x2', '-x20', '-x22', '-x23', '-x25', '-x27', '-x28', '-x3', '-x30', '-x31', '-x32', '-x4', '-x5', '-x6', '-x8', '-x9', 'x1', 'x10', 'x12', 'x15', 'x18', 'x21', 'x24', 'x26', 'x29', 'x7').
Current formula /path/to/SBG-bounds/output/SBG.edges.b_10.it_26.opb is unsatisfiable.
Found number of solutions: 26.
SUCCESS: Verified that /path/to/SBG-bounds/output/SBG.edges.b_10.it_26.opb is indeed unsatisfiable.
Confirmed that solution 1 is indeed a solution of /path/to/SBG-bounds/output/SBG.edges.b_10.it_00.opb.
Confirmed that solution 2 is indeed a solution of /path/to/SBG-bounds/output/SBG.edges.b_10.it_00.opb.
Confirmed that solution 3 is indeed a solution of /path/to/SBG-bounds/output/SBG.edges.b_10.it_00.opb.
Confirmed that solution 4 is indeed a solution of /path/to/SBG-bounds/output/SBG.edges.b_10.it_00.opb.
Confirmed that solution 5 is indeed a solution of /path/to/SBG-bounds/output/SBG.edges.b_10.it_00.opb.
Confirmed that solution 6 is indeed a solution of /path/to/SBG-bounds/output/SBG.edges.b_10.it_00.opb.
Confirmed that solution 7 is indeed a solution of /path/to/SBG-bounds/output/SBG.edges.b_10.it_00.opb.
Confirmed that solution 8 is indeed a solution of /path/to/SBG-bounds/output/SBG.edges.b_10.it_00.opb.
Confirmed that solution 9 is indeed a solution of /path/to/SBG-bounds/output/SBG.edges.b_10.it_00.opb.
Confirmed that solution 10 is indeed a solution of /path/to/SBG-bounds/output/SBG.edges.b_10.it_00.opb.
Confirmed that solution 11 is indeed a solution of /path/to/SBG-bounds/output/SBG.edges.b_10.it_00.opb.
Confirmed that solution 12 is indeed a solution of /path/to/SBG-bounds/output/SBG.edges.b_10.it_00.opb.
Confirmed that solution 13 is indeed a solution of /path/to/SBG-bounds/output/SBG.edges.b_10.it_00.opb.
Confirmed that solution 14 is indeed a solution of /path/to/SBG-bounds/output/SBG.edges.b_10.it_00.opb.
Confirmed that solution 15 is indeed a solution of /path/to/SBG-bounds/output/SBG.edges.b_10.it_00.opb.
Confirmed that solution 16 is indeed a solution of /path/to/SBG-bounds/output/SBG.edges.b_10.it_00.opb.
Confirmed that solution 17 is indeed a solution of /path/to/SBG-bounds/output/SBG.edges.b_10.it_00.opb.
Confirmed that solution 18 is indeed a solution of /path/to/SBG-bounds/output/SBG.edges.b_10.it_00.opb.
Confirmed that solution 19 is indeed a solution of /path/to/SBG-bounds/output/SBG.edges.b_10.it_00.opb.
Confirmed that solution 20 is indeed a solution of /path/to/SBG-bounds/output/SBG.edges.b_10.it_00.opb.
Confirmed that solution 21 is indeed a solution of /path/to/SBG-bounds/output/SBG.edges.b_10.it_00.opb.
Confirmed that solution 22 is indeed a solution of /path/to/SBG-bounds/output/SBG.edges.b_10.it_00.opb.
Confirmed that solution 23 is indeed a solution of /path/to/SBG-bounds/output/SBG.edges.b_10.it_00.opb.
Confirmed that solution 24 is indeed a solution of /path/to/SBG-bounds/output/SBG.edges.b_10.it_00.opb.
Confirmed that solution 25 is indeed a solution of /path/to/SBG-bounds/output/SBG.edges.b_10.it_00.opb.
Confirmed that solution 26 is indeed a solution of /path/to/SBG-bounds/output/SBG.edges.b_10.it_00.opb.
All found solutions are unique.
SUCCESS: verified that all found solutions are indeed solutions to the problem.

All generated files can be found in the output and logs subdirectories. Specifically, this script generates the following files:

|   - output
|   |   - SBG.edges.b_10.it_00.opb
|   |   - ...
|   |   - SBG.edges.b_10.it_26.opb
|   |   - SBG.edges.b_10.it_00.sol_01.opb
|   |   - ...
|   |   - SBG.edges.b_10.it_00.sol_26.opb
|   |   - SBG.edges.b_10.it_00.sol_01.opb.proof
|   |   - ...
|   |   - SBG.edges.b_10.it_00.sol_26.opb.proof
|   |   - SBG.edges.b_10.proof
|   - logs
|   |   - SBG.edges.b_10.it_00.encoding.log
|   |   - SBG.edges.b_10.it_00.solving.log  
|   |   - ...      
|   |   - SBG.edges.b_10.it_26.solving.log
|   |   - SBG.edges.b_10.it_26.sol_01.solving.log    
|   |   - ...      
|   |   - SBG.edges.b_10.it_26.sol_26.solving.log 
|   |   - SBG.edges.b_10.it_26.verification.log


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