- Update React peerDependency
- nothing change from 1.2.8
- fix error message 8df1d63
- [Breaking Change] Provider prop name was changed
<Provider initialState={{}}>
from<Provider appState={{}}>
- fix permanently remaining initial state key/values 0a557efd9ed998246baad7c97b6d755940d949a9
- Upgrade to ESLint7 and resolve Breaking Change eorros 2dcf669
- Update some npm dependency
- Update npm dependency
- rename package with the transfer organization.
- Please migrate with
yarn add @laststance/use-app-state
if you using less then@ryotamurakami/react-appstate v1.2.3
now, thank you for using library! - New organization @laststance is managed @ryota-murakami, so use-app-state maintainer is continue as same as before.
- fix incorrect peerDependencies @1dd20f1