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270 lines (167 loc) · 8.16 KB

File metadata and controls

270 lines (167 loc) · 8.16 KB

##UPDATE 140309


Instantiating a new Class that inherits from Simplex_Mirage_Object without any parameters now automatically creates a new modResource with a modTemplate corresponding to the Class name.

class Product extends Simplx_Mirage_Object {}

$camera = new Product(); 
$camera->name = 'Canon EOS 333';

The code above will create a new modResource which uses a modTemplate intance named "Product". If no such template is found, Mirage will report an error.

Another added feature is that all Classes which inherit from Simplex_Mirage_Object dispatches the onDocFormSave event on save.

##UPDATE 120302 21:41


Added a Simplx.Mirage.Class PropertySet which all modTemplate objects used by Mirage should implement. The properties are the same as the public meta properties of the Simplx_Mirage_Class class and are used as initial config for the Mirage class if not overridden by a custom instance.

##UPDATE 120228 23:45

Massive bug fixes in addComposite and addAggregate.

##UPDATE 120228 15:00

Bug fixes

##UPDATE 120226 15:30


Added a Snippet which queries Mirage and returns json representations of Simplx_Mirage_Object's. The Snippet also checks whether the setup snippet has run, and if it has'nt it does :)

Fixed bugs in the query engine.

Did general spring cleaning in the code :)

##UPDATE 120225 22:30


I made it possible again to use Mirage without explicitly creating php classes as wrappers which extend Simplx_Mirage_Object. I still recommend it though.

You can now do this:

$myClass = new Simplx_Mirage_Class('myClassName');
$objects = Simplx_Mirage_Class->getObjects(array(

foreach($objects as $obj){
  print $obj->id;
  print $obj->myVeryOwnSuperCoolFieldWhichIsReallyAtemplateVar;

##UPDATE 120221 11:25

Adding DocBlock annotations

##UPDATE 120216 12:55

Fixed so that Simplx_Mirage_Object->toArray/toJSON always include the modResource instance id.

##UPDATE 120216 12:45


  • Implemented proper behaviour when overriding Simplx_Mirage_Object property defaults.

##UPDATE 120215 13:12

Adding DocBlock annotations

##UPDATE 120120 13:12


  • Simplx_Mirage_Class (a modTemplate remember) is now configured by default by using the templates default PropertySet. The Property Set can be found in the "simplx.mirage.class.json" below. Just import to use.
  • Simplx_Mirage_Object now inherits all config from its Mirage Class. See point above.


  • Fixed a misstake in the addAggregate method.

##UPDATE 120119 12:50


  • Simplx_Mirage_Class->newObject() now also creates modResource containers for all associations declared in the _aggregates, _composites and _associations arrays. These arrays will later be populated by modTemplate's Property Set.

##UPDATE 120119 12:10


  • Simplx_Mirage_Class now has a newObject(array defaults, [modResource prototype]) method which creates a new instance of modResource which uses the correct modTemplate for that particular Mirage Class.

  • Simplx_Mirage_Class has a new _defaultObjectLocation property which tells Mirage where in the structure to save the new modResource objects of a particular Mirage Class by default. Can be overridden in the newObject() method.

UPDATE 120104 14:50


  • Added Simplx_Mirage_Object->renderAspect($aspect) method. $aspect is a Snippet name which in turn gets called with all Object state serialized to an array as only param. Very flexible way to render views. Also remember that there is a identical method in Simplx_Mirage_Class.

##UPDATE 120103 17:35


  • Added a Simplx_Mirage_Object->_parent property to ensure that every object always have a reference of their parent. The _parent property display the correct parent from Mirage's perspective. This means that if a Composite object is
    located in a folder beneath the parent _parent will ignore this "symbolic" folder and point to what Mirage sees as the parent object.

##UPDATE 120102 10:19


  • Added an optional "$useClassNameWrap" parameter to Simplx_Mirage_Object->toJSON() and Simplx_Mirage_Object->toArray(). This tells Mirage if to wrap the serialized object like this:


    or, without class name:


    Default "$useClassNameWrap" value is false.

##UPDATE 111227 13:26


  • Added rudemental MODx to JSON schema type conversion.

##UPDATE 111227 12:55


  • Added JSON-SCHEMA compliant toJSON output from Simplx_Mirage_Class->toJSON()
  • Added the possibility to add JSON-SCHEMA validations etc to the Simplx_Mirage_Class using the _propertyValidationRules array.
  • Lots and lots more

##UPDATE 111220 15:00

###BUG FIXES Fixed issue relating to TV Prefixing. Fixed issue with Simplx_Mirage_Object->save(). Now respects _persistOnAssign setting.

##UPDATE 111217 23:40


  • Finished implementing the getAggregates() and getComposites() methods.
  • Implemented the option to store Aggregates and Composites in sub folders. Folders are named the same as the class they contain by default.
  • Started to put more logic in to the Simplx_Mirage_Class class.
  • Ditched the usage of static members, except for the debugmode flag which is still static.
  • Optimized modResource/view query function so that joins with the view are only used when really needed.

##UPDATE 111214 14:15


Simplx_Mirage_Object now implements two new cool methods getAggregates() and getComposites().

  • Simplx_Mirage_Object->getAggregates($className,$query) This method gets sym-linked modResources which are children of the current modResource used as prototype by Simplx_Mirage_Object. The Resources must also use the modTemplate object specified in the $className argument. It automatically translates the modSymLink to the linked modResources, in other words you get the actual resource back in the result list.

    The query argument is just a regular xpdo style constraint array.

  • Simplx_Mirage_Object->getComposites($className,$query) This method gets all modResources which are children of the current modResource used as prototype by Simplx_Mirage_Object. The Resources must also use the modTemplate object specified in the $className argument. It automatically translates the modSymLink to the linked modResources, in other words you get the actual resource back in the result list.

    The query argument is, again, just a regular xpdo style constraint array.

##UPDATE 111212 15:50


Implemented the first version of fromArray(). This is an important step forward as it will make it possible, and very simple, to take a json/array representation of the Resource, including TV's, and simply load them and save.

Important Its not tested yet so hold your horses a bit.


Updated the save() method for the Mirage object a bit. Added more debug output. Probably more that i forgot ;p

##UPDATE 111125 17:10


Finally! I implemented the first version of Simplx_Mirage_Class::getObjects()! This lets you use XPDO query style to select objects. The getObjects method takes care of resolving which query parameters that are modResource properties and which are TV's.


$objectList = Simplx_Mirage_Class::getObjects('Aircraft',array(

Cool thing is that this works just fine for getting modResources in general :) No more akward special treatment of TV's!


Copy paste and run the "simplx.mirage.setup" Snippet to create the necessary MySQL view. Thats it :)

##UPDATE 111122 15:11


Forgot to add prefix separator.

##UPDATE 111122 15:00


  • Added prefix support for TV's. This means that a Class can use its Class name to distinguish it's own TV's. If prefixes are used the default prefix would look like this "Aircraft_registration_number".

Prefixing is meant to distinguish TV's from each other, like namespaces. They are not used for getting or setting of properties. So retrieving a property would look like this "$aircraft->registration_number" even with prefixing in use.