diff --git a/libs/text-splitters/langchain_text_splitters/xsl/html_chunks_with_headers.xslt b/libs/text-splitters/langchain_text_splitters/xsl/html_chunks_with_headers.xslt
deleted file mode 100644
index 285edfe892db9..0000000000000
--- a/libs/text-splitters/langchain_text_splitters/xsl/html_chunks_with_headers.xslt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
-This performs a best-effort preliminary "chunking" of text in an HTML file,
-matching each chunk with a "headers" metadata value based on header tags in proximity.
-recursively visits every element (template mode=list).
-for every element with tagname of interest (only):
-1. serializes a div (and metadata marking the element's xpath).
-2. calculates all text-content for the given element, including descendant elements which are *not* themselves tags of interest.
-3. if any such text-content was found, serializes a "headers" (span.headers) along with this text (span.chunk).
-to calculate the "headers" of an element:
-1. recursively gets the *nearest* prior-siblings for headings of *each* level
-2. recursively repeats that step#1 for each ancestor (regardless of tag)
-n.b. this recursion is only performed (beginning with) elements which are
-both (1) tags-of-interest and (2) have their own text-content.
-<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
-	xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"
-	xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
-	<xsl:param name="tags">div|p|blockquote|ol|ul</xsl:param>
-	<xsl:template match="/">
-		<html>
-			<head>
-				<style>
-					div {
-						border: solid;
-						margin-top: .5em;
-						padding-left: .5em;
-					}
-					h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
-						margin: 0;
-					}
-					.xpath {
-						color: blue;
-					}
-					.chunk {
-						margin: .5em 1em;
-					}
-				</style>
-			</head>
-			<body>
-				<!-- create "filtered tree" with only tags of interest -->
-				<xsl:apply-templates select="*" />
-			</body>
-		</html>
-	</xsl:template>
-	<xsl:template match="*">
-		<xsl:choose>
-			<!-- tags of interest get serialized into the filtered tree (and recurse down child elements) -->
-			<xsl:when test="contains(
-				concat('|', $tags, '|'),
-				concat('|', local-name(), '|'))">
-				<xsl:variable name="xpath">
-					<xsl:apply-templates mode="xpath" select="." />
-				</xsl:variable>
-				<xsl:variable name="txt">
-					<!-- recurse down child text-nodes and elements -->
-					<xsl:apply-templates mode="text" />
-				</xsl:variable>
-				<xsl:variable name="txt-norm" select="normalize-space($txt)" />
-				<div title="{$xpath}">
-					<small class="xpath">
-						<xsl:value-of select="$xpath" />
-					</small>
-					<xsl:if test="$txt-norm">
-						<xsl:variable name="headers">
-							<xsl:apply-templates mode="headingsWithAncestors" select="." />
-						</xsl:variable>
-						<xsl:if test="normalize-space($headers)">
-							<span class="headers">
-								<xsl:copy-of select="$headers" />
-							</span>
-						</xsl:if>
-						<p class="chunk">
-							<xsl:value-of select="$txt-norm" />
-						</p>
-					</xsl:if>
-					<xsl:apply-templates select="*" />
-				</div>
-			</xsl:when>
-			<!-- all other tags get "skipped" and recurse down child elements -->
-			<xsl:otherwise>
-				<xsl:apply-templates select="*" />
-			</xsl:otherwise>
-		</xsl:choose>
-	</xsl:template>
-	<!-- text mode:
-	prints text nodes;
-	for elements, recurses down child nodes (text and elements) *except* certain exceptions:
-		tags of interest (handled in their own list-mode match),
-		non-content text (e.g. script|style)
-	-->
-	<!-- ignore non-content text -->
-	<xsl:template mode="text" match="
-		script|style" />
-	<!-- for all other elements *except tags of interest*, recurse on child-nodes (text and elements) -->
-	<xsl:template mode="text" match="*">
-		<xsl:choose>
-			<!-- ignore tags of interest -->
-			<xsl:when test="contains(
-				concat('|', $tags, '|'),
-				concat('|', local-name(), '|'))" />
-			<xsl:otherwise>
-				<xsl:apply-templates mode="text" />
-			</xsl:otherwise>
-		</xsl:choose>
-	</xsl:template>
-	<!-- xpath mode:
-	return an xpath which matches this element uniquely
-	-->
-	<xsl:template mode="xpath" match="*">
-		<!-- recurse up parents -->
-		<xsl:apply-templates mode="xpath" select="parent::*" />
-		<xsl:value-of select="name()" />
-		<xsl:text>[</xsl:text>
-		<xsl:value-of select="1+count(preceding-sibling::*)" />
-		<xsl:text>]/</xsl:text>
-	</xsl:template>
-	<!-- headingsWithAncestors mode:
-	recurses up parents (ALL ancestors)
-	-->
-	<xsl:template mode="headingsWithAncestors" match="*">
-		<!-- recurse -->
-		<xsl:apply-templates mode="headingsWithAncestors" select="parent::*" />
-		<xsl:apply-templates mode="headingsWithPriorSiblings" select=".">
-			<xsl:with-param name="maxHead" select="6" />
-		</xsl:apply-templates>
-	</xsl:template>
-	<!-- headingsWithPriorSiblings mode:
-	recurses up preceding-siblings
-	-->
-	<xsl:template mode="headingsWithPriorSiblings" match="*">
-		<xsl:param name="maxHead" />
-		<xsl:variable name="headLevel" select="number(substring(local-name(), 2))" />
-		<xsl:choose>
-			<xsl:when test="'h' = substring(local-name(), 1, 1) and $maxHead >= $headLevel">
-				<!-- recurse up to prior sibling; max level one less than current -->
-				<xsl:apply-templates mode="headingsWithPriorSiblings" select="preceding-sibling::*[1]">
-					<xsl:with-param name="maxHead" select="$headLevel - 1" />
-				</xsl:apply-templates>
-				<xsl:apply-templates mode="heading" select="." />
-			</xsl:when>
-			<!-- special case for 'header' tag, serialize child-headers -->
-			<xsl:when test="self::header">
-				<xsl:apply-templates mode="heading" select="h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6" />
-				<!--
-				we choose not to recurse further up prior-siblings in this case,
-				but n.b. the 'headingsWithAncestors' template above will still continue recursion.
-				-->
-			</xsl:when>
-			<xsl:otherwise>
-				<!-- recurse up to prior sibling; no other work on this element -->
-				<xsl:apply-templates mode="headingsWithPriorSiblings" select="preceding-sibling::*[1]">
-					<xsl:with-param name="maxHead" select="$maxHead" />
-				</xsl:apply-templates>
-			</xsl:otherwise>
-		</xsl:choose>
-	</xsl:template>
-	<xsl:template mode="heading" match="h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6">
-		<xsl:copy>
-			<xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(.)" />
-		</xsl:copy>
-	</xsl:template>