mx-auto | center horizontally |
px-x | horizontal padding |
hidden md:block | hidden on mobile but block on medium screen or up |
overflow-y-auto | enable vertical scrolling if necessary |
h-screen | span the entire viewport |
sticky | relative until it crosses a threshold |
rounded | round corners |
inset-0 | make an element fill it’s container |
inset-x-2 | left:2, right: 2 |
h-fit | fit height |
max-w-xs | set an element’s max width |
container | fit the max width |
text-wrap | wrap text |
break-words | break text at words |
space-y-x | apply x margin to all elemnts in a div |
tracking-x | spacing between letters |
sm:bg-gray | apply bg-gray if the screen is small |
align-center | align vertically |
border-white/10 | set the border to white but with opacity of 10% |
transition-colors duration-300 | every color change, ex on hover, fades in with a 300ms duration |
mt-auto | push it down all the way to the bottom |
for padding between them
works with grid and flex
apply to a div
apply to elements in the div to update them when anything in the group is hovered