This page contains a list of organizations who are using Knative in production or in stages of development.
If you would like to be included in this table, please submit a comment to this issue and your information will be added.
Organization | Product/Project Name | Status | More Information |
Alibaba Cloud | Knative on Alibaba Cloud | Production | link |
Bloomberg L.P.* | Bloomberg Data Science Platform | Production | link |
Blue Origin* | Production | link | |
Box* | Serverless PaaS for internal use cases | Development | link |
Chainguard* | Production | link | |
Control Plane Corporation* | Control Plane Multi-Cloud Platform | Production | link |* | Production | link | |
EASE lab @ University of Edinbugh* | vHive | Production | link |
Fulcrum* | Fulcrum | Production | link |
Gojek | CaraML MLOps Platform | Production | link |
Google Cloud | Cloud Run for Anthos | Production / GA | link |
Grey Rook* | Production | link | |
HighCohesion | SaaS E-commerce Integration Platform | Development | link |
IBM | IBM Cloud Code Engine | Production | link |
KubeSphere* | OpenFunction | Development & Production | link |
Liquidx* | InBlock | Production | link |
ManoMano | Development & Production | link | |
Optum* | Production | link | |
Red Hat | Red Hat OpenShift Serverless | Generally Available | link |
Scaleway* | Public Beta | link | |* | Development | link | |
Tata Communications* | Development | link | |
TriggerMesh* | Production | link | |
VMware | Cloud Native Runtimes for VMware Tanzu | Generally Available | link |
VMware | VMware Event Broker Appliance | Development | link |
vorteil pty ltd* | Serverless orchestration engine | Development & Production | link |
KA-NABELL* | Largest trading card E-commerce in Japan | Development | link |
Y Meadows* | AI and Workflow Automation Platform for Customer Service | Production | link |
organization that is an end user of Knative and not a vendor/reseller