- Fix Safari line-and-col reporting bug
- Fix 0 runnable tests showing initially on Chui ui
- Upgrade Glögi
- Upgrade Reagent
- Upgrade glogi dependency
- Added text wrapping support for test reports
- Added basic column resizing via
resize: horizontal
CSS support - Change default in UI to show passing tests
- Fix :once fixtures when running via chui-remote
- Fail more gracefully when a test definition happens to be not available at runtime due to a load error
- Upgrade dependencies, glogi, funnel-client, deep-diff2
- Source mapped stack trace in UI and remote
- Make sure terminate callback is always called, this prevents Shadow's reloading from hanging indefinitely
- Better exception reporting
- First release of chui-remote, based on Funnel-client
- Work around an issue that cropped up due to Shadow's monkey patching of cljs.test.
- Added a warning when synchronous fixtures are used, these are not supported
- Make the whole namespace name and surrounding block a click target for toggle
- Show original form in failing assertion
- Change select behaviour in column 3 to be more intuitive
- Sort namespaces by name and vars by line number
- Don't delegate to the original cljs.test/report, no need for all that noise in the console
- Only show expected/actual sections when the assertion contains the relevant keys
- chui-ui: include compiled styles.clj in jar, not garden-based styles.clj
- Don't wait on next tick in between interceptor steps, so as not to unduly slow things down
- UI improvements
- Don't call capture-test-data at the top level, this may fix issues when our code is included in a doo project
- Improve release process
- Colorize progress bar / top bar based on run result
- Initial alpha release of chui-core, chui-ui, and chui-shadow