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560 lines (443 loc) · 30.1 KB

Cairo-VM Changelog

Upcoming Changes

  • Add methor Program::data_len(&self) -> usize to get the number of data cells in a given program #1022

  • Add missing hint on uint256_improvements lib #1013:

    BuiltinHintProcessor now supports the following hint:

        a = (ids.a.high << 128) + ids.a.low
        div = (ids.div.b23 << 128) + ids.div.b01
        quotient, remainder = divmod(a, div)
        ids.quotient.low = quotient & ((1 << 128) - 1)
        ids.quotient.high = quotient >> 128
        ids.remainder.low = remainder & ((1 << 128) - 1)
        ids.remainder.high = remainder >> 128
  • Add missing hint on cairo_secp lib #1010:

    BuiltinHintProcessor now supports the following hint:

        memory[ap] = int(x == 0)
  • Implement hint on get_felt_bitlength #993

    BuiltinHintProcessor now supports the following hint:

    x = ids.x
    ids.bit_length = x.bit_length()

    Used by the Garaga library function get_felt_bitlength

  • Add missing hint on cairo_secp lib #1009:

    BuiltinHintProcessor now supports the following hint:

        ids.dibit = ((ids.scalar_u >> ids.m) & 1) + 2 * ((ids.scalar_v >> ids.m) & 1)
  • Add getters to read properties of a Program #1017:

    • prime(&self) -> &str: get the prime associated to data in hex representation
    • iter_data(&self) -> Iterator<Item = &MaybeRelocatable>: get an iterator over all elements in the program data
    • iter_builtins(&self) -> Iterator<Item = &BuiltinName>: get an iterator over the names of required builtins
  • Add missing hint on cairo_secp lib #1008:

    BuiltinHintProcessor now supports the following hint:

        ids.len_hi = max(ids.scalar_u.d2.bit_length(), ids.scalar_v.d2.bit_length())-1
  • Update starknet-crypto to version 0.4.3 #1011

    • The new version carries an 85% reduction in execution time for ECDSA signature verification
  • BREAKING CHANGE: refactor Program to optimize Program::clone #999

    • Breaking change: many fields that were (unnecessarily) public become hidden by the refactor.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Add _builtin suffix to builtin names e.g.: output -> output_builtin #1005

  • Implement hint on uint384_extension lib #983

    BuiltinHintProcessor now supports the following hint:

        def split(num: int, num_bits_shift: int, length: int):
            a = []
            for _ in range(length):
                a.append( num & ((1 << num_bits_shift) - 1) )
                num = num >> num_bits_shift
            return tuple(a)
        def pack(z, num_bits_shift: int) -> int:
            limbs = (z.d0, z.d1, z.d2)
            return sum(limb << (num_bits_shift * i) for i, limb in enumerate(limbs))
        def pack_extended(z, num_bits_shift: int) -> int:
            limbs = (z.d0, z.d1, z.d2, z.d3, z.d4, z.d5)
            return sum(limb << (num_bits_shift * i) for i, limb in enumerate(limbs))
        a = pack_extended(ids.a, num_bits_shift = 128)
        div = pack(ids.div, num_bits_shift = 128)
        quotient, remainder = divmod(a, div)
        quotient_split = split(quotient, num_bits_shift=128, length=6)
        ids.quotient.d0 = quotient_split[0]
        ids.quotient.d1 = quotient_split[1]
        ids.quotient.d2 = quotient_split[2]
        ids.quotient.d3 = quotient_split[3]
        ids.quotient.d4 = quotient_split[4]
        ids.quotient.d5 = quotient_split[5]
        remainder_split = split(remainder, num_bits_shift=128, length=3)
        ids.remainder.d0 = remainder_split[0]
        ids.remainder.d1 = remainder_split[1]
        ids.remainder.d2 = remainder_split[2]
  • Add missing \n character in traceback string #997

    • BugFix: Add missing \n character after traceback lines when the filename is missing ("Unknown Location")
  • 0.11 Support

    • Add missing hints on cairo_secp lib #991: BuiltinHintProcessor now supports the following hints:
      from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import pack
      from starkware.python.math_utils import div_mod, safe_div
      N = 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141
      x = pack(ids.x, PRIME) % N
      s = pack(ids.s, PRIME) % N
      value = res = div_mod(x, s, N)
      value = k = safe_div(res * s - x, N)
    • Layouts update #874
    • Keccak builtin updated #873, #883
    • Changes to ec_op #876
    • Poseidon builtin #875
    • Renamed Felt to Felt252 #899
    • Added SegmentArenaBuiltinRunner #913
    • Added program_segment_size argument to verify_secure_runner & run_from_entrypoint #928
    • Added dynamic layout #879
    • get_segment_size was exposed #934
  • Add missing hint on cairo_secp lib #1006:

    BuiltinHintProcessor now supports the following hint:

        ids.quad_bit = (
            8 * ((ids.scalar_v >> ids.m) & 1)
            + 4 * ((ids.scalar_u >> ids.m) & 1)
            + 2 * ((ids.scalar_v >> (ids.m - 1)) & 1)
            + ((ids.scalar_u >> (ids.m - 1)) & 1)
  • Add missing hint on cairo_secp lib #1003:

    BuiltinHintProcessor now supports the following hint:

        from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import pack
        x = pack(ids.x, PRIME) % SECP_P
  • Add missing hint on cairo_secp lib #996:

    BuiltinHintProcessor now supports the following hint:

        from starkware.python.math_utils import div_mod
        value = x_inv = div_mod(1, x, SECP_P)
  • Add missing hints on cairo_secp lib #994:

    BuiltinHintProcessor now supports the following hints:

        from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import pack
        from starkware.python.math_utils import div_mod, safe_div
        a = pack(ids.a, PRIME)
        b = pack(ids.b, PRIME)
        value = res = div_mod(a, b, N)
        value = k_plus_one = safe_div(res * b - a, N) + 1
  • Add missing hint on cairo_secp lib #992:

    BuiltinHintProcessor now supports the following hint:

        from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import pack
        q, r = divmod(pack(ids.val, PRIME), SECP_P)
        assert r == 0, f"verify_zero: Invalid input {ids.val.d0, ids.val.d1, ids.val.d2}."
        ids.q = q % PRIME
  • Add missing hint on cairo_secp lib #990:

    BuiltinHintProcessor now supports the following hint:

        from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import pack
        slope = pack(ids.slope, PRIME)
        x = pack(ids.point.x, PRIME)
        y = pack(ids.point.y, PRIME)
        value = new_x = (pow(slope, 2, SECP_P) - 2 * x) % SECP_P
  • Add missing hint on cairo_secp lib #989:

    BuiltinHintProcessor now supports the following hint:

        from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import SECP_P
        q, r = divmod(pack(ids.val, PRIME), SECP_P)
        assert r == 0, f"verify_zero: Invalid input {ids.val.d0, ids.val.d1, ids.val.d2}."
        ids.q = q % PRIME
  • Add missing hint on cairo_secp lib #986:

    BuiltinHintProcessor now supports the following hint:

        from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import SECP_P, pack
        from starkware.python.math_utils import div_mod
        # Compute the slope.
        x = pack(, PRIME)
        y = pack(, PRIME)
        value = slope = div_mod(3 * x ** 2, 2 * y, SECP_P)
  • Add missing hint on cairo_secp lib #984:

    BuiltinHintProcessor now supports the following hint:

        from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import SECP_P, pack
        from starkware.python.math_utils import div_mod
        # Compute the slope.
        x0 = pack(ids.pt0.x, PRIME)
        y0 = pack(ids.pt0.y, PRIME)
        x1 = pack(ids.pt1.x, PRIME)
        y1 = pack(ids.pt1.y, PRIME)
        value = slope = div_mod(y0 - y1, x0 - x1, SECP_P)
  • Implement hints on uint384 lib (Part 2) #971

    BuiltinHintProcessor now supports the following hint:

        memory[ap] = 1 if 0 <= (ids.a.d2 % PRIME) < 2 ** 127 else 0
  • Add alternative hint code for hint on _block_permutation used by 0.10.3 whitelist #958

    BuiltinHintProcessor now supports the following hint:

        from starkware.cairo.common.keccak_utils.keccak_utils import keccak_func
        _keccak_state_size_felts = int(ids.KECCAK_STATE_SIZE_FELTS)
        assert 0 <= _keccak_state_size_felts < 100
        output_values = keccak_func(memory.get_range(
            ids.keccak_ptr - _keccak_state_size_felts, _keccak_state_size_felts))
        segments.write_arg(ids.keccak_ptr, output_values)
  • Make hints code src/hint_processor/builtin_hint_processor/ public #988

  • Implement hints on uint384 lib (Part 1) #960

    BuiltinHintProcessor now supports the following hints:

        def split(num: int, num_bits_shift: int, length: int):
        a = []
        for _ in range(length):
            a.append( num & ((1 << num_bits_shift) - 1) )
            num = num >> num_bits_shift
        return tuple(a)
        def pack(z, num_bits_shift: int) -> int:
            limbs = (z.d0, z.d1, z.d2)
            return sum(limb << (num_bits_shift * i) for i, limb in enumerate(limbs))
        a = pack(ids.a, num_bits_shift = 128)
        div = pack(ids.div, num_bits_shift = 128)
        quotient, remainder = divmod(a, div)
        quotient_split = split(quotient, num_bits_shift=128, length=3)
        assert len(quotient_split) == 3
        ids.quotient.d0 = quotient_split[0]
        ids.quotient.d1 = quotient_split[1]
        ids.quotient.d2 = quotient_split[2]
        remainder_split = split(remainder, num_bits_shift=128, length=3)
        ids.remainder.d0 = remainder_split[0]
        ids.remainder.d1 = remainder_split[1]
        ids.remainder.d2 = remainder_split[2]
        ids.low = ids.a & ((1<<128) - 1)
        ids.high = ids.a >> 128
            sum_d0 = ids.a.d0 + ids.b.d0
        ids.carry_d0 = 1 if sum_d0 >= ids.SHIFT else 0
        sum_d1 = ids.a.d1 + ids.b.d1 + ids.carry_d0
        ids.carry_d1 = 1 if sum_d1 >= ids.SHIFT else 0
        sum_d2 = ids.a.d2 + ids.b.d2 + ids.carry_d1
        ids.carry_d2 = 1 if sum_d2 >= ids.SHIFT else 0
        def split(num: int, num_bits_shift: int, length: int):
            a = []
            for _ in range(length):
                a.append( num & ((1 << num_bits_shift) - 1) )
                num = num >> num_bits_shift
            return tuple(a)
        def pack(z, num_bits_shift: int) -> int:
            limbs = (z.d0, z.d1, z.d2)
            return sum(limb << (num_bits_shift * i) for i, limb in enumerate(limbs))
        def pack2(z, num_bits_shift: int) -> int:
            limbs = (z.b01, z.b23, z.b45)
            return sum(limb << (num_bits_shift * i) for i, limb in enumerate(limbs))
        a = pack(ids.a, num_bits_shift = 128)
        div = pack2(ids.div, num_bits_shift = 128)
        quotient, remainder = divmod(a, div)
        quotient_split = split(quotient, num_bits_shift=128, length=3)
        assert len(quotient_split) == 3
        ids.quotient.d0 = quotient_split[0]
        ids.quotient.d1 = quotient_split[1]
        ids.quotient.d2 = quotient_split[2]
        remainder_split = split(remainder, num_bits_shift=128, length=3)
        ids.remainder.d0 = remainder_split[0]
        ids.remainder.d1 = remainder_split[1]
        ids.remainder.d2 = remainder_split[2]
        from starkware.python.math_utils import isqrt
        def split(num: int, num_bits_shift: int, length: int):
            a = []
            for _ in range(length):
                a.append( num & ((1 << num_bits_shift) - 1) )
                num = num >> num_bits_shift
            return tuple(a)
        def pack(z, num_bits_shift: int) -> int:
            limbs = (z.d0, z.d1, z.d2)
            return sum(limb << (num_bits_shift * i) for i, limb in enumerate(limbs))
        a = pack(ids.a, num_bits_shift=128)
        root = isqrt(a)
        assert 0 <= root < 2 ** 192
        root_split = split(root, num_bits_shift=128, length=3)
        ids.root.d0 = root_split[0]
        ids.root.d1 = root_split[1]
        ids.root.d2 = root_split[2]
  • Re-export the cairo-felt crate as cairo_vm::felt #981

    • Removes the need of explicitly importing cairo-felt in downstream projects and helps ensure there is no version mismatch caused by that
  • Implement hint on uint256_mul_div_mod#957

    BuiltinHintProcessor now supports the following hint:

    a = (ids.a.high << 128) + ids.a.low
    b = (ids.b.high << 128) + ids.b.low
    div = (ids.div.high << 128) + ids.div.low
    quotient, remainder = divmod(a * b, div)
    ids.quotient_low.low = quotient & ((1 << 128) - 1)
    ids.quotient_low.high = (quotient >> 128) & ((1 << 128) - 1)
    ids.quotient_high.low = (quotient >> 256) & ((1 << 128) - 1)
    ids.quotient_high.high = quotient >> 384
    ids.remainder.low = remainder & ((1 << 128) - 1)
    ids.remainder.high = remainder >> 128"

    Used by the common library function uint256_mul_div_mod

[0.3.0-rc1] - 2023-04-13

  • Derive Deserialize for ExecutionResources #922

  • Remove builtin names from VirtualMachine.builtin_runners #921

  • Implemented hints on common/ec.cairo #888

  • Changed Memory.insert argument types #902

  • feat: implemented Deserialize on Program by changing builtins field type to enum #896

  • Effective size computation from the VM exposed #887

  • Wasm32 Support! #828, #893

  • MathError added for math operation #855

  • Check for overflows in relocatable operations #859

  • Use Relocatable instead of &MaybeRelocatable in load_data and get_range#860 #867

  • Memory-related errors moved to MemoryError #854

    • Removed unused error variants
    • Moved memory-related error variants to MemoryError
    • Changed memory getters to return MemoryError instead of VirtualMachineError
    • Changed all memory-related errors in hint from HintError::Internal(VmError::... to HintError::Memory(MemoryError::...
  • feat: Builder pattern for VirtualMachine #820

  • Simplified Memory::get return type to Option #852

  • Improved idenitifier variable error handling #851

  • CairoRunner::write_output now prints missing and relocatable values #853

  • VirtualMachineError::FailedToComputeOperands error message expanded #848

  • Builtin names made public #849

  • secure_run flag moved to CairoRunConfig struct #832

  • vm_core error types revised and iimplemented AddAssign for Relocatable #837

  • to_bigint and to_biguint deprecated #757

  • Memory moved into MemorySegmentManager #830

    • To reduce the complexity of the VM's memory and enforce proper usage (as the memory and its segment manager are now a "unified" entity)
    • Removed memory field from VirtualMachine
    • Added memory field to MemorySegmentManager
    • Removed Memory argument from methods where MemorySegmentManager is also an argument
    • Added test macro segments (an extension of the memory macro)
  • Display trait added to Memory struct #812

  • feat: Extensible VirtualMachineError and removed PartialEq trait #783

    • VirtualMachineError::Other(anyhow::Error) was added to allow to returning custom errors when using cairo-rs
    • The PartialEq trait was removed from the VirtualMachineError enum
  • VM hooks added as a conditional feature #761

    • Cairo-rs based testing tools such as cairo-foundry or those built by FuzzingLabs need access to the state of the VM at specific points during the execution.
    • This PR adds the possibility for users of the cairo-rs lib to execute their custom additional code during the program execution.
    • The Rust "feature" mechanism was used in order to guarantee that this ability is only available when the lib user needs it, and is not compiled when it's not required.
    • Three hooks were created:
      • before the first step
      • before each step
      • after each step
  • ExecutionResource operations: add and substract #774, multiplication #908 , and AddAssign #914

  • Move Memory into MemorySegmentManager #830

    • Structural changes:
      • Remove memory: Memory field from VirtualMachine
      • Add memory: Memory field to MemorySegmentManager
    • As a result of this, multiple public methods' signatures changed:
      • BuiltinRunner (and its inner enum types):
        • initialize_segments(&mut self, segments: &mut MemorySegmentManager, memory: &mut Memory) -> initialize_segments(&mut self, segments: &mut MemorySegmentManager)
        • final_stack(&mut self, segments: &MemorySegmentManager, memory: &Memory, stack_pointer: Relocatable) -> Result<Relocatable, RunnerError> -> final_stack(&mut self, segments: &MemorySegmentManager, stack_pointer: Relocatable) -> Result<Relocatable, RunnerError>
      • MemorySegmentManager
        • add(&mut self, memory: &mut Memory) -> Relocatable -> add(&mut self) -> Relocatable
        • add_temporary_segment(&mut self, memory: &mut Memory) -> Relocatable -> add_temporary_segment(&mut self) -> Relocatable
        • load_data(&mut self, memory: &mut Memory, ptr: &MaybeRelocatable, data: &Vec<MaybeRelocatable>) -> Result<MaybeRelocatable, MemoryError> -> load_data(&mut self, ptr: &MaybeRelocatable, data: &Vec<MaybeRelocatable>) -> Result<MaybeRelocatable, MemoryError>
        • compute_effective_sizes(&mut self, memory: &Memory) -> &Vec<usize> -> compute_effective_sizes(&mut self) -> &Vec<usize>
        • gen_arg(&mut self, arg: &dyn Any, memory: &mut Memory) -> Result<MaybeRelocatable, VirtualMachineError> -> gen_arg(&mut self, arg: &dyn Any) -> Result<MaybeRelocatable, VirtualMachineError>
        • gen_cairo_arg(&mut self, arg: &CairoArg, memory: &mut Memory) -> Result<MaybeRelocatable, VirtualMachineError> -> gen_cairo_arg(&mut self, arg: &CairoArg) -> Result<MaybeRelocatable, VirtualMachineError>
        • write_arg(&mut self, memory: &mut Memory, ptr: &Relocatable, arg: &dyn Any) -> Result<MaybeRelocatable, MemoryError> -> write_arg(&mut self, ptr: &Relocatable, arg: &dyn Any) -> Result<MaybeRelocatable, MemoryError>
  • Refactor Memory::relocate memory #784

    • Bugfixes:
      • Memory::relocate_memory now moves data in the temporary memory relocated by a relocation rule to the real memory
    • Aditional Notes:
      • When relocating temporary memory produces clashes with pre-existing values in the real memory, an InconsistentMemory error is returned instead of keeping the last inserted value. This differs from the original implementation.
  • Restrict addresses to Relocatable + fix some error variants used in #792

    • Public Api Changes:
      • Change ValidationRule inner type to Box<dyn Fn(&Memory, &Relocatable) -> Result<Vec<Relocatable>, MemoryError>>.
      • Change validated_addresses field of Memory to HashSet<Relocatable>.
      • Change validate_memory_cell(&mut self, address: &MaybeRelocatable) -> Result<(), MemoryError> to validate_memory_cell(&mut self, addr: &Relocatable) -> Result<(), MemoryError>.
  • Add VmException to CairoRunner::run_from_entrypoint#775

    • Public Api Changes:
      • Change error return type of CairoRunner::run_from_entrypoint to CairoRunError.
      • Convert VirtualMachineErrors outputed during the vm run to VmException in CairoRunner::run_from_entrypoint.
      • Make VmException fields public
  • Fix BuiltinRunner::final_stack and remove quick fix #778

    • Public Api changes:
      • Various changes to public BuiltinRunner method's signatures:
        • final_stack(&self, vm: &VirtualMachine, pointer: Relocatable) -> Result<(Relocatable, usize), RunnerError> to final_stack(&mut self, segments: &MemorySegmentManager, memory: &Memory, pointer: Relocatable) -> Result<Relocatable,RunnerError>.
        • get_used_cells(&self, vm: &VirtualMachine) -> Result<usize, MemoryError> to get_used_cells(&self, segments: &MemorySegmentManager) -> Result<usize, MemoryError>.
        • get_used_instances(&self, vm: &VirtualMachine) -> Result<usize, MemoryError> to get_used_instances(&self, segments: &MemorySegmentManager) -> Result<usize, MemoryError>.
    • Bugfixes:
      • BuiltinRunner::final_stack now updates the builtin's stop_ptr instead of returning it. This replaces the bugfix on PR #768.

[0.1.3] - 2023-01-26

  • Add secure_run flag + integrate verify_secure_runner into cairo-run #771

    • Public Api changes:
      • Add command_line argument secure_run
      • Add argument secure_run: Option<bool> to cairo_run
      • verify_secure_runner is now called inside cairo-run when secure_run is set to true or when it not set and the run is not on proof_mode
    • Bugfixes:
      • EcOpBuiltinRunner::deduce_memory_cell now checks that both points are on the curve instead of only the first one
      • EcOpBuiltinRunner::deduce_memory_cell now returns the values of the point coordinates instead of the indices when a PointNotOnCurve error is returned
  • Refactor Refactor verify_secure_runner #768

    • Public Api changes:
      • Remove builtin name from the return value of BuiltinRunner::get_memory_segment_addresses
      • Simplify the return value of CairoRunner::get_builtin_segments_info to Vec<(usize, usize)>
      • CairoRunner::read_return_values now receives a mutable reference to VirtualMachine
    • Bugfixes:
      • CairoRunner::read_return_values now updates the stop_ptr of each builtin after calling BuiltinRunner::final_stack
  • Use CairoArg enum instead of Any in CairoRunner::run_from_entrypoint #686

    • Public Api changes:
      • Remove Result from MaybeRelocatable::mod_floor, it now returns a MaybeRelocatable
      • Add struct CairoArg
      • Change arg argument of CairoRunner::run_from_entrypoint from Vec<&dyn Any> to &[&CairoArg]
      • Remove argument typed_args from CairoRunner::run_from_entrypoint
      • Remove no longer used method gen_typed_arg from VirtualMachine & MemorySegmentManager
      • Add methods MemorySegmentManager::gen_cairo_arg & MemorySegmentManager::write_simple_args as typed counterparts to MemorySegmentManager::gen_arg & MemorySegmentManager::write_arg

[0.1.1] - 2023-01-11

  • Add input file contents to traceback #666

    • Public Api changes:
      • VirtualMachineError enum variants containing MaybeRelocatable and/or Relocatable values now use the Display format instead of Debug in their Display implementation
      • get_traceback now adds the source code line to each traceback entry
  • Use hint location instead of instruction location when building VmExceptions from hint failure #673

    • Public Api changes:
      • hints field added to InstructionLocation
      • Program.instruction_locations type changed from Option<HashMap<usize, Location>> to Option<HashMap<usize, InstructionLocation>>
      • VirtualMachineErrors produced by HintProcessor::execute_hint() will be wrapped in a VirtualMachineError::Hint error containing their hint_index
      • get_location() now receives an an optional usize value hint_index, used to obtain hint locations
  • Default implementation of compile_hint #680

    • Internal changes:
      • Make the compile_hint implementation which was in the BuiltinHintProcessor the default implementation in the trait.
  • Add new error type HintError #676

    • Public Api changes:
      • HintProcessor::execute_hint() now returns a HintError instead of a VirtualMachineError
      • Helper functions on now return a HintError
  • Change the Dictionary used in dict hints to store MaybeRelocatable instead of BigInt #687

    • Public Api changes:
      • DictManager, its dictionaries, and all dict module hints implemented in rust now use MaybeRelocatable for keys and values instead of BigInt
      • Add helper functions that allow extracting ids variables as MaybeRelocatable: get_maybe_relocatable_from_var_name & get_maybe_relocatable_from_reference
      • Change inner value type of dict-related HintError variants to MaybeRelocatable
  • Implement substitute_error_message_attribute_references [#689] (#689)

    • Public Api changes:
      • Remove error_message_attributes field from VirtualMachine, and VirtualMachine::new
      • Add flow_tracking_data field to Attribute
      • get_error_attr_value now replaces the references in the error message with the corresponding cairo values.
      • Remove duplicated handling of error attribute messages leading to duplicated into in the final error display.
  • Fix multiplicative inverse bug #697 #698. The VM was using integer division rather than prime field inverse when deducing op0 or op1 for the multiplication opcode

[0.1.0] - 2022-12-30

  • Add traceback to VmException #657
    • Public API changes:
      • traceback field added to VmException struct
      • pub fn from_vm_error(runner: &CairoRunner, error: VirtualMachineError, pc: usize) -> Self is now pub fn from_vm_error(runner: &CairoRunner, vm: &VirtualMachine, error: VirtualMachineError) -> Self
      • pub fn get_location(pc: &usize, runner: &CairoRunner) -> Option<Location> is now pub fn get_location(pc: usize, runner: &CairoRunner) -> Option<Location>
      • pub fn decode_instruction(encoded_instr: i64, mut imm: Option<BigInt>) -> Result<instruction::Instruction, VirtualMachineError> is now pub fn decode_instruction(encoded_instr: i64, mut imm: Option<&BigInt>) -> Result<instruction::Instruction, VirtualMachineError>
      • VmExcepion field's string format now mirror their cairo-lang conterparts.