This has moved to the Releases page on GitHub for all new releases.
- add support for underscore partials
- updating metadata and configurations
- lint and cleanup code and tests
- add plates support
- add teacup support
- add liquid-node support
- add velocityjs support
- allow absolute and relative partial paths
- extend dot options
- support layouts in vash
- add slm support
- add vash support
- add twig support
- fixes lodash 4 options
- fixes liquid file extensions and path resolving
- fixes react template error
- adds promises when a callback function is not passed to
- documentation updates
- fix aptl tests
- update jade caching
- add HTMLing support
- add hamlet support
- readme updates
- add tinyliquid support
- pass
to ECT.js - update ractive
- update travis-ci to test 0.10, 0.12, and iojs
- add lodash support
- add nunjucks support
- Update ECT version
- Added support for Handlebars helpers with test.
- Invalidates built-in dust cache if caching disabled
- dust-helpers support, latest version of dust
- Re-add doT - global leaks fixed
- improving templayed support
- add templayed support
- add
as an alternative tojade
- add atpl support
- add partials support
- add support for toffee templates
- remove dot it still leaks and the author has not fixed it
- add
support - add support to
partials - add support for
- add support for rendering without file
- add support for
- improve Haml-Coffee caching.
- add doT support [sannis]
- add mustache support [ForbesLindesay]
- add walrus support [kagd]
- add QEJS support
- add underscore support
- change whiskers to use pre-defined
- remove engines. Closes #37
- remove kernel, cannot comply with our caching
- Added partials loading for whiskers [gsf]
- Added dustjs-linkedin support
- Added support for dust [fatjonny]
- Added handlebars support [jstewmon]
- Added support for several more engines
- Initial release