For the benefit of the MATE developers and admins, here is a rundown of how the WordPress site was migrated to Nikola way back in the past.
Nikola is being powered by Python 2.7 and some additional packages were required on the server.
sudo apt-get install python2.7-dev libfreetype6-dev libjpeg8-dev libxslt1-dev libxml2-dev libyaml-dev
provides the header files for Python 2.7 so that Python modules with C extensions can be built.
The following are required to build pillow
, the Python imaging library.
The following are required to build lxml
, a Python XML library.
The following are required to build python-coveralls
is used to create
sandboxed Python environments, so you don't pollute the system Python. This is
how the virtualenv
for Nikola was created.
cd ~
curl -O
tar xvfz virtualenv-1.10.1.tar.gz
cd virtualenv-1.10.1
sudo python install
Create an environment for Nikola.
mkdir ~/PythonEnvs
virtualenv -p python2.7 ~/PythonEnvs/nikola-64
Activate the environment.
source ~/PythonEnvs/nikola-64/bin/activate
Download Nikola 6.4.0
mkdir -p ${VIRTUAL_ENV}/src
cd ${VIRTUAL_ENV}/src
wget -O nikola-640.tar.gz
tar zxvf nikola-640.tar.gz
cd nikola-6.4.0
Install the Nikola requirements.
pip install cython
pip install -r requirements-full.txt
Actually install nikola.
python install
Export the WordPress content.
Tools -> Export -> All Content
Make sure the Nikola environment is activated.
source ~/PythonEnvs/nikola-64/bin/activate
Clone the Git repository.
cd ~/Websites
git clone
Run the migration.
nikola import_wordpress ~/Downloads/mate.wordpress.2013-10-23.xml ~/Migration
The only interesting log entries form the migration were:
[2013-10-23T15:26:02Z] WARNING: import_wordpress: Not going to import "Wiki" because it seems to contain no content.
[2013-10-23T15:26:02Z] WARNING: import_wordpress: Not going to import "Forum" because it seems to contain no content.
the migrated files to the git repository.
rsync -av ~/Migration/ ~/Websites/
Install html2text.
pip install
Convert the WordPress .wp
faux HTML files to
Markdown and correct the image
cd ~/Websites/
for FILE in *.wp; do html2text ${FILE} > `basename ${FILE} .wp`.md; done
for FILE in *.md; do sed -i 's/\/martin\/Migration//g' ${FILE}; done
rm *.wp
cd ~/Websites/
for FILE in *.wp; do html2text ${FILE} > `basename ${FILE} .wp`.md; done
for FILE in *.md; do sed -i 's/\/martin\/Migration//g' ${FILE}; done
rm *.wp
The metadata and content were merged using scripts/
At this point you have a basic Nikola site that preserves all the content (but not the comments) from the WordPress site. Now the hacking begins.
When the site cleanup is complete, Nikola will be integrated with Git so that any new pushes to the Git repository will automatically trigger a Nikola build and deploy.
In the meantime, here is how Nikola can be run manually. This assumes you are running as me on the server, however.
source ~/PythonEnvs/nikola-64/bin/activate
cd ~/Websites/
nikola build
nikola deploy
- Add more text to the homepage.
- Floating MATE logo
- All the applications, with improved layout.
- Integrate SocialSharePrivacy