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File metadata and controls

78 lines (65 loc) · 4.01 KB


Batch submitting code (2016 - 2018) with and in UOS gate server


Config files for wjets and zjets background estimation, respectively

  • CR1) CENTRAL: Central selections + Vetoes
  • CR2) CENTRAL + VBF: Central selections + VBF + Vetoes

In each CR folder,

  • wjets and zjets: for mc files except for inclusive DY and Wjets
  • wjets_htfilter and zjets_htfilter: for inclusive DY and Wjets. We turn on the ht filter from 0 to 100, so that the output file can mimick ht binned from 0 to 100, which we are missing.
  • wjets_data and zjets_data: for running data. It is important to note that the output file name should specify the year and the version of the data, i.e. "SingleMuon_2016B.root" and will automatically do things for you. Just edit the config files as you need them to be.


Output from the Plotter

  • Root folder: contains output files in root format from the Plotter
  • SaveAsPdf folder: reads the output file in root format and save certain figures inside the root file as pdf, following the options given by user
    • Get a plotter output root file and a config file that contains the options for saving the figures from the plotter output. Then, save them as pdf files following the user options given in the config file.
         python --config <config file> --input_file <input root file (output file from the Plotter)>
    • Running the line above will give you the certain histograms after certain cut step that you specified in the config file, in pdf format under the name of <cut_step>_<histogram_name>.pdf. Unless you specified the output pdf directory in the config file, i.e. --output_dir <dir>, these will be stored in ./output/ directory which will be automatically created.
    • config: i.e. config/saveOptions.config
      • Config file contains options for saving figures.
      • Mandatory options to be included in every line of the config file are as follows.
           --step <cut step> --kinematic <kinematic>
      • Additional options you can add are as follows.
           --year <year (to correct the lumi on the top right if necessary)>
           --isPreliminary <True (change Work in Progress to Preliminary) or False (keep Work in Progress)>
           --output_dir <output directory>
           --legend_column <# of columns for the legend>
           --display_title <True or False>
           --draw_without_ratio <True or False>
           --set_logX <True or False>
           --x_range <x axis range in list format> 
           --x_title <x axis title in TLatex format>
           --set_logY <True or False> 
           --histo_y_range <stacked histogram y axis range in list format> 
           --histo_y_title <stacked histogram y axis title>
           --ratio_y_range <ratio plot y axis range in list format>
      • IMPORTANT: when giving options for axis title, please note the followings (otherwise, it'll crash):
          1. if the title contains brackets, please put a backslash before opening and closing of the brackets, i.e. p_{T}\(jj\) instead of p_{T}(jj)
          1. if the title contains greek letters that require backslash in latex form, replace the backslash with hashtag, i.e. #mu instead of \mu
        # Example
        --step NDiMuonCombinations --kinematic DiMuonPt --x_range [0,300] --set_logY True --ratio_y_range [0.6,1.4] --legend_column 2 --year 2017
        --step NRecoBJet --kinematic Met --x_title p^{miss}_{T}[GeV] --histo_y_title Events --legend_column 1 --x_range [250,1000] --year 2017
# Example
# from /VBF/PlotterOutput/, 
cd ./SaveAsPdf/
python --config config/saveOptions.config --input_file ../Root/2017_Z_CR1.root


python3 [sample]


From the cutflow output from the Plotter, get scale factors for W or Z for each step.

python3 2016_Z_CR1_cutflow.txt DY+Jets


Config for the Plotter


hadd/merge outputs