Integration between mocha and sinon, allowing for automatic cleanup of spies
via npm:
$ npm install --save-dev mocha-sinon
Require it somewhere in your spec helper file (easier, better)
or, on your command line calling mocha:
$ mocha -R mocha-sinon test.js
For background, please see issue #1 on this project.
If you use mocha's flakey watch flag, there is experimental support for it. Note that the first method of requiring the mocha-sinon is the best way to do it.
You can put the following block in your spec helper and it might work:
Note that the difference between this method and the first method is that this is calling mocha-sinon's exported function.
Source the mocha-sinon file after you have sourced mocha and sinon, and it will "do the right thing"
Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with requirejs, so mocha-sinon does not yet support requirejs. Pull requests are welcome, though.
var child_process = require('child_process')
, events = require('events')
, chai = require('chai')
, expect = chai.expect
describe('a shell command', function(){
var fakeChild = this.fakeChild = {
stdout: new events.EventEmitter()
this.sinon.stub(child_process, 'spawn', function(){
return fakeChild;
it('gets called', function(done){
expect(child_process.spawn).to.have.been.calledWith('/usr/bin/env', ['rm', '-rf', '/']);
This module is stupidly simple. You can do it yourself with:
var sinon = require('sinon');
beforeEach(function() {
this.sinon = sinon.sandbox.create();