- use
- Statement, expression
- Arrays and Lists
- Hashes
- References
- Scope
- Regex
- Subroutines
- Command line
- Precedence
- Unicode
- Exceptions
- Traps
- Documentation
- Modules
- End of the program
use v5.10 # say, state, //, -r -w (-r $file && -w _)
use v5.12 # use strict, ...
use v5.14 # s///r
use v5.16 # fc
use v5.20 # postderef
use v5.22 # regex modifier /n
use v5.26 # <<~
use v5.32 # chained comparisons
statement -> code
expression -> code that returns a value
creates lists. ()
is only necessary if precedence is ambiguous.
=> (fat coma) is the same as ,
foreach is the same as for
@items = qw/one two three four five/ # quote words into a list ('', '', ...)
if (@items) # number of elements
@items[1..$#items] # slice: all bar 1st
my $a = @array # last to $a in scalar context, see coma operator
my ($a) = @array # 1st to $a in list context
my ($a, $b, $c) = @array # multiple assignments
splice @items, 0, 2 # remove beginning : three four five | ~shift
splice @items, 1, -1 # remove middle : one five |
splice @items, -2 # remove end : one two three | ~pop
splice @items, 1, 3, qw/2 3 4/ # remove & REPLACE : one 2 3 4 five |
splice @items, 2, 0, qw/2 3/ # remove 0 (INSERT) : one two three four five |
# '- 2 3
shift, unshift, pop and push # special cases of splice
map expr, @items # modify - comprehension
grep expr, @items # filter - like @list =~ /match/ but check ~~ for this
print @items # $, - print's field separator; $\ is the record separator only printed after print's last argument
print "@items" # $" - list separator for interpolation
my @unique = uniq(@array1, @array2); # 1. use List::Util 'uniq';
my @merged{@array1, @array2} = (); # 2.
my %merged = map { $_, 1 } @array1, @rray2; # 3. create (key:$_, val:1) list for each item
methods 2. and 3. need this:
my @unique = keys %merged;
%items = @pairs;
%items = (
key1 => 'val1', # keys auto quoted (same for $items{key1})
key2 => 'val2'
while (my ($key, $val) = each %items)
$ref = \$named_variable; # \@, \%
$ref = [qw/anonymous array/]; # mnemo: []s access array elements
$ref = {anonymous => 'hash'}; # {}s access hash elements
use {$ref} anywhere an array/hash would be used ({}s are optional)
%hash | %$ref | $ref->%*
@array | @$ref | $ref->@*
$hash{key} | $$ref{key} | $ref->{key}
$array[3] | $$ref[3] | $ref->[3]
optional between 2 subscripts:
([...], [..x], [...]) - $$array[1][2] <=>
$array[1]->[2] <=>
$array[1][2] {}{} for hashes
my - lexical scope
our - same but alias for package var so can be accessed from outside
local - local copy of a global variable
example: input record separator aka IFS
local $/ = "\0"; # read null separated records
local $/; # slurp file mode
local $/ = ''; # paragraph mode
private | public (inherited by children)
Bash: EDITOR | export EDITOR -> $ env # see public
$ set # see all
zero-width assertions don't consume chars => they are ANDed
hello(?=\d)(?!123) # followed by a number AND not followed by 123
- check $var
only once since we know it's not going to change
pre - $`
match - $&
post - $'
s/(\d+).\1/...$1/; # \1 and $1 represent the actual match, not \d+
my ($ext) = $file =~ /\.(\w{3})/;
my @numbers = $version =~ /\d+/g; # progressive matching
(?<= ... ) --- (?= ... )
(?<! ... ) --- (?! ... )
(variable length pattern) is a bad idea as lookahead is of zero-width so .+
consumes everything!
# ^ and $ positions: hello$\n^alien$\n^world, beware of $\ or $. which are special variables!
$_ = qq/hello\nalien\nworld\n/;
s/^.+$/---/m; # multilines: match ^ and $ many times
s/lo.+wo/@@/s; # pretend $msg is a single line => . matches anything, including \ns
no backtracking <=> don't give up characters
is syntactic sugar for atomic group notation: (?>A+)
"abcd =~ "[^"]+"
after matching "abcd
, it's clear that no backtracking will change the fact that
a final "
cannot be matched. Thus, in order to speedup failure, the pattern is
better rewritten as "[^"]++"
"abcd" =~ "[^"]++"
still matches.- the optimizer would've automatically turned the regex possessive in this simple case.
FMTEYEWTK on Prototypes in Perl
# takes a scalar, and a 2nd optional one
sub get ($;$) {
my $var = shift; # or my ($var1, $var2) = @_;
wantarray ? @res : $res;
printf "I've got %d camel%s", $ARGV[0], $ARGV[0] == 1 ? '' : 's';
print 'Found a ', pos($i), "at\n";
printf "Found a %d at\n", pos($i);
it can then be passed to functions such as say
which lack formatting capabilities.
strftime '%d-%b-%Y_%Hh%M:%S', localtime; # POSIX module
$now->strftime($format); # Time::Piece->new
$add = 4 + 3;
$_ = 'Sum: $add';
without /e -> "" interpolation
with /e -> normal code:
$1 gets 'interpolated' by the first /e,
it's value (4 + 3) gets evaluated by the second /e!
s/// - number of substitutions
chomp - number of chars
grep - list
map - list
if (my $var = ...) - lvalue, not boolean
each %hash, //g - boolean
shift, pop - element
unshift, push - number of elements
perl -n # while (<>) { ... } read lines from files, add -l for chomp
perl -p # while (<>) { ...; print } read and print lines from files
-a implies -n
-F implies -an
perl -00 # paragraph mode
perl -0777 # file slurp mode
# to match newlines we need 'slurp' and //s
# use print $1 because $& would be the whole file
# 'while //sg' could be replaced with 'if //ms' when matching with ^ and/or $
perl -0777 -lne 'print $1 while /(---)/sg' file
perl -lpe 's///' file
perl [-i(suffix)] -lp[0]e 's///' file
\ \
\ read null separated data
edit in place
perl -M'Term::ANSIColor ":constants"' -E 'say YELLOW.Hello'
perl -mTerm::ANSIColor=:constants -E 'say YELLOW.Hello'
perl -i -lnE 'say unless /.../ or /.../' file
rg -il mem | parallel -q perl -i -lpe 's/mem/Memory/ig'
perl -lane 'print "@F[2..$#F]"' /my/file
perl -e 'print for sort {@m=map/(\d\.\d)/,$b,$a; pop@m<=>pop@m} <>' /my/file
perl -e 'print for sort {(split" ",$a)[1]<=>(split" ",$b)[1]} <>' /my/file # sort on 2nd field
perl -i -lnE '$name=...; $_=`cat ~/keys/$name` if /$name/; chomp; say' authorized_keys
perl -e '$_=shift; push @paths, $`.$& while m{.*?/(?!$)}g; exec qw/ls -lhd/, @paths, $_' /my/file
du -ah0 -t100m -d1 | sort -hrz | perl -0lane 's:^\./:: for @F; print shift @F, " ", `ls -d --color "@F"`'
perl -E 'for(<*>){say if-M>1}'
perl -Mopen=':std,IN,crlf:encoding(cp1251),OUT,unix:encoding(utf8)' -lpe '' star_wars.sub > star_wars.srt
, and
are the same as
, &&
but with lower precedence
use utf8; # write Unicode characters in your source code
use Encode 'decode'; # process @ARGV in utf8 (perl -CA can also be used)
use open qw/:std :encoding(UTF-8)/; # Unicode with IO filehandles, e.g `say '零'`
try, catch is:
eval BLOCK;
if ($@) BLOCK
always chomp
after: system
, backticks, open
, <*>
is safe for word splitting,
it's arguments only split on whitespace, not the returned files!
solutions: <"">
, glob '""'
, or best to completely avoid the shell:
opendir my $DIR, '.' or die "$!\n";
my @dotfiles = grep { -f and /^\./ } readdir $DIR;
use open
, system
, ... with 3 args '-|', ...
- be protected against clobbering, code exe, ... (
, ... in$filename
) - avoid spawning a shell
die "exception"; # without a newline, the script line number is appended
if (`lsof ...`)
if (system('lsof', ...) == 0)
% lsof +D folder
'always' sets $?
to 1, man lsof
do not use -X
file tests because of race conditions
example: just use
`cat $file`
`cat $file` if -f $file;
and //g
return boolean so use while
instead of for
while (each %hash)
while (//g)
@backups[0 .. $#backups - 3]
@backups[0 .. -3]
because ..
counts up only
100 % 3 = 1 (100 - 3 * 33 = 99)
100 % -3 = -2 (100 - 3 * 34 = 102 <=> 100 % 3 - 3) # => it's either 0 or negative
Easier access to Perl help topics
perldoc perl
perldoc perldoc
perldoc perlop
perldoc perlrun # command line options
perldoc File::Basename
perldoc -f split
perldoc -f -x # file test operators
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- Have fun with code golf
use warnings;
use diagnostics;
use Getopt::Long 'GetOptions';
use File::Basename 'basename';
use File::Path 'make_path';
use Term::ANSIColor ':constants';
use List::Util 'any';
or __DATA__
- comments
- data that we want to process with
while (<DATA>)