git log main.. # commits in HEAD only
git log A...B # commits in B only and in A only
git diff # changes introduced by both
git diff # changes in bar only
- a branch is a pointer to a commit
points to the current branch #git checkout br1
- The
branch moves forward when a commit is made
git ls-remote origin -> refs/heads/main # *heads* refers to 'branches'
you do that in order to use git pull/push without arguments (implied origin + remote)
note: origin/main
is called a remote-tracking branch. it's a local reference/pointer that can't be moved
git checkout -b <branch> <remote>/<branch>
git checkout --track origin/serverfix
git checkout serverfix
git branch -u origin/serverfix
git push -u origin my-branch # set origin/my-branch (@{u[pstream]}) as upstream for my-branch
└─ or HEAD if on the branch
git fetch --prune
git remote prune origin
git rebase main experiment
git checkout experiment
git rebase main
git checkout main
git merge experiment
Apply any commit to the current branch
git cherry-pick 3c9b10a # this commit comes from another branch
we now have a duplicate commit (it exists in 2 branches) => only do if you don't want the whole other branch!
Everything tracked is in your staging area - the index
git rm --cached # untrack: remove from index
git rm # rm: remove from index and working copy
git commit --amend
, same as:
git reset --soft HEAD^
- modify staging area
git commit
uncommit file example:
git reset @~ file
git commit --amend -m'...'
Our need is to change the commits...
- move the
pair to another commit. - update index: stop here by default (change with --soft/hard)
- optionally update the working dir
HEAD (--soft) ⇒ Index ⇒ Working dir (--hard)
example 1: git reset HEAD~
- move
to previous commit => undo last commit - update index with the snapshot
points to => unstage everything
example 2: git reset main
- move
to wheremain
points - ...
- Here, commit history isn't the issue, plus changing commit would affect many files => so skip this step
- unstage file or more accurately, copy file from HEAD to index
git reset file
: unstage file (opposite of git add file)git reset
: unstage all filesgit reset --hard
: unstage everything + reset working dirgit checkout main~2 file
: update the index + working dir frommain~2
commit (default isHEAD
)git reset --hard main~2 file
would do the same thing.
- it's a local history of all (no history rewriting as with
git log
) commits - ring buffer with a limited amount of data (a few months)
git checkout [commit] # same as:
git reset --hard [commit] # but working-dir safe + only moves HEAD
git checkout [commit] file # same as:
git reset --hard [commit] file # but not implemented in git-reset
git checkout -b topic main
same as:
git branch topic main
git checkout topic
- fetch =
- push =
: update the reference even if it isn’t a fast-forward
remote branches refs/heads/\*
go under refs/remotes/origin/*
locally: fetch = +refs/heads/\*:refs/remotes/origin/*
these are equivalent:
git push origin serverfix
git push origin serverfix:serverfix
git push origin refs/heads/serverfix:refs/heads/serverfix
git push origin --delete topic
git push origin :topic
<- push emptysrc
to remote
fd --strip-cwd-prefix -FIH -td .git | parallel --tag --tagstring '{//}' 'git -C {//} branch' | grep -v 'main$'
fd --strip-cwd-prefix -FIH -td .git | parallel --tag --tagstring '{//}' 'git -c color.status=always -C {//} status -sb'
git config --global credential. kurkale6ka
git config --global credential.helper store
then git push
will ask for the token/password
parent commit of HEAD
or HEAD~
or @~