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File metadata and controls

93 lines (72 loc) · 2.33 KB


Lightweight virtualization
daemon + containers are OS processes =>
containers share kernel/network/disk/memory with the host

Containers abstract applications from operating systems, much like virtualization abstracts operating systems from physical hardware

The kernel isolates network and disk resources per processes running in a kernel namespace: the container.
Kernel namespaces are possible thanks to runc (run containers) and previously Linux Containers (LXC)?
aufs is used for disk sharing. All containers get a ro shared acces to all common parts of the OS + get their own mount for writing.

Each docker image contains only the differences from the base. When you run your image, you also need the base, and it layers your image on top of the base using a layered file system (aufs)

docker daemon : not a hypervisor, it's the containerization runtime

image : provides filesystem, dependencies, config

container : runnable instance of an image aka sandboxed process (akin to chroot)

docker help ps
docker search
docker ps
docker build # Dockerfile
docker volume ls # persist data
docker images # docker image ls
docker image prune # manage
docker container prune
docker rm id

docker run -it --rm centos:7 bash # interactive + tty + auto rm container on exit
docker run -d -p 80:80 docker/getting-started # detached mode
docker exec -it id cat /etc/passwd # exec a command in a running container
docker stop id

docker pull debian:stable-slim
docker push kurkale6ka/catnip

containers need to be on the same network in order to talk

docker network ls
docker network create my-app # docker run --network my-app ...

Docker Compose

  • define your application stack in a versioned file
  • docker-compose up/down/... -d
  • application can be multi-container: e.g app & mysql in the below example
version: "3.7"

    image: node:12-alpine
      - 3000:3000
      MYSQL_HOST: mysql

    image: mysql:5.7
      - mysql-data:/var/lib/mysql


versus 2 docker run commands:

docker run -dp 3000:3000 \
  -w /app -v "$(pwd):/app" \
  --network my-app \
  -e MYSQL_HOST=mysql \
  node:12-alpine \
  sh -c "yarn install && yarn run dev"

docker run -d \
  --network my-app --network-alias mysql \