Before a pull request is merged, you must sign our Contributor's License Agreement
- Fork and clone the repo
- Create a virtualenv for this project
- Install dependent packages with pip install -e .
- Install test dependent packages with pip install -r requirements-test.txt
- Run tests
- Submitting code
Start by clicking the Fork button on our Github repo. Then, open a command line and type the following.
cd ~/Projects
git clone [email protected]:{YOUR_USERNAME}/kubos-cli.git
Kubos uses Vagrant to create environments that also has the added benifit of a virtual dev environment. We will be using Vagrant in place of installing a Python Virtual Environment.
Follow these instructions for setting up Vagrant for Kubos
To develop locally on your machine and have the changes take affect, link your cloned kubos-cli folder to Vagrant.
Open your Vagrant file from the previous step and change the following line:
config.vm.synced_folder "../data", "/vagrant_data"
To this
config.vm.synced_folder "~/Projects/kubos-cli, "/home/vagrant/kubos-cli"
Afterwards, if you have already ran Vagrant, you will need to reload for the changes to take affect.
vagrant reload
Next, log into your Vagrant environment and install Kubos CLI for development
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
It is also recommended to use the latest version of pip. You can upgrade it with:
pip install -U pip
Then install the dependent libraries
cd /home/vagrant/kubos-cli
pip install -e .
pip install -e .
means install the kubos-cli package in editable mode (or developer mode). This allows you to edit code directly in ~/Projects/kubos-cli without reinstalling the package.
To run tests, requirements are placed in a separate file named requirements.txt. To install them, do:
cd /home/vagrant/kubos-cli
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd /home/vagrant/kubos-cli
# Integration
python ./kubos/test/integration/
# Unit
python test
Note After making changes to your code, run both unit and integration tests to ensure no side effects have occurred.
git checkout -b new-fix
git push --set-upstream origin new-fix
Then head to (kubos-cli)[] and create a PR.