--txt-cache-interval is disabled by default, if registry txt is selected
List of changes:
- #612 Only store endpoints with their labels in the cache @njuettner
- #611 Read hostnames from spec.tls.hosts on Ingress object @ysoldak
- #608 Reorder provider/aws suitable-zones tests @elordahl
- #607 Adds TLS flags for pdns provider @jhoch-palantir
- #600 Update RBAC for external-dns to list nodes @njuettner
- #596 Add aws max change count flag @peterbale
- #594 AWS provider: Properly check suitable domains @elordahl
- #579 Annotation with upper-case hostnames block further updates @njuettner
Docker image is available in Zalando's Open Source Docker registry:
docker run -it registry.opensource.zalan.do/teapot/external-dns:v0.5.4 --help
🎉 Thank you all for your contribution 🎉