diff --git a/go.mod b/go.mod index f127da78fd2..f789850d6b7 100644 --- a/go.mod +++ b/go.mod @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ module github.com/kubernetes-csi/csi-driver-smb go 1.22 +toolchain go1.22.5 require ( github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go v68.0.0+incompatible @@ -11,24 +12,24 @@ require ( github.com/golang/protobuf v1.5.4 github.com/kubernetes-csi/csi-lib-utils v0.13.0 github.com/kubernetes-csi/csi-proxy/client v1.0.1 - github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2 v2.17.1 - github.com/onsi/gomega v1.33.0 + github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2 v2.19.0 + github.com/onsi/gomega v1.33.1 github.com/pborman/uuid v1.2.1 github.com/pelletier/go-toml v1.7.0 github.com/stretchr/testify v1.9.0 golang.org/x/net v0.28.0 google.golang.org/grpc v1.65.0 - k8s.io/api v0.28.12 - k8s.io/apimachinery v0.28.12 - k8s.io/client-go v0.28.12 - k8s.io/component-base v0.28.12 - k8s.io/klog/v2 v2.110.1 + k8s.io/api v0.31.3 + k8s.io/apimachinery v0.31.3 + k8s.io/client-go v0.31.3 + k8s.io/component-base v0.31.3 + k8s.io/klog/v2 v2.130.1 k8s.io/kubernetes v1.28.12 - k8s.io/mount-utils v0.29.8 - k8s.io/pod-security-admission v0.28.8 - k8s.io/utils v0.0.0-20230726121419-3b25d923346b + k8s.io/mount-utils v0.31.3 + k8s.io/pod-security-admission v0.31.3 + k8s.io/utils v0.0.0-20240711033017-18e509b52bc8 sigs.k8s.io/cloud-provider-azure v1.28.9 - sigs.k8s.io/yaml v1.3.0 + sigs.k8s.io/yaml v1.4.0 ) require ( @@ -39,78 +40,83 @@ require ( github.com/Azure/go-autorest/tracing v0.6.0 // indirect github.com/Microsoft/go-winio v0.6.0 // indirect github.com/NYTimes/gziphandler v1.1.1 // indirect - github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4 v4.0.0-20230305170008-8188dc5388df // indirect + github.com/antlr4-go/antlr/v4 v4.13.0 // indirect github.com/asaskevich/govalidator v0.0.0-20190424111038-f61b66f89f4a // indirect github.com/beorn7/perks v1.0.1 // indirect github.com/blang/semver/v4 v4.0.0 // indirect - github.com/cenkalti/backoff/v4 v4.2.1 // indirect + github.com/cenkalti/backoff/v4 v4.3.0 // indirect github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2 v2.3.0 // indirect github.com/coreos/go-semver v0.3.1 // indirect github.com/coreos/go-systemd/v22 v22.5.0 // indirect - github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.1 // indirect + github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.2-0.20180830191138-d8f796af33cc // indirect github.com/docker/distribution v2.8.2+incompatible // indirect github.com/emicklei/go-restful/v3 v3.12.1 // indirect - github.com/evanphx/json-patch v5.9.0+incompatible // indirect github.com/felixge/httpsnoop v1.0.4 // indirect github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify v1.7.0 // indirect - github.com/go-logr/logr v1.4.1 // indirect + github.com/fxamacker/cbor/v2 v2.7.0 // indirect + github.com/go-logr/logr v1.4.2 // indirect github.com/go-logr/stdr v1.2.2 // indirect github.com/go-openapi/jsonpointer v0.19.6 // indirect github.com/go-openapi/jsonreference v0.20.2 // indirect - github.com/go-openapi/swag v0.22.3 // indirect - github.com/go-task/slim-sprig v0.0.0-20230315185526-52ccab3ef572 // indirect + github.com/go-openapi/swag v0.22.4 // indirect + github.com/go-task/slim-sprig/v3 v3.0.0 // indirect + github.com/godbus/dbus/v5 v5.1.0 // indirect github.com/gogo/protobuf v1.3.2 // indirect github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/v4 v4.5.0 // indirect github.com/golang/groupcache v0.0.0-20210331224755-41bb18bfe9da // indirect - github.com/google/cel-go v0.16.1 // indirect + github.com/google/cel-go v0.20.1 // indirect github.com/google/gnostic-models v0.6.8 // indirect github.com/google/go-cmp v0.6.0 // indirect github.com/google/gofuzz v1.2.0 // indirect - github.com/google/pprof v0.0.0-20210720184732-4bb14d4b1be1 // indirect + github.com/google/pprof v0.0.0-20240525223248-4bfdf5a9a2af // indirect github.com/google/uuid v1.6.0 // indirect + github.com/gorilla/websocket v1.5.0 // indirect github.com/grpc-ecosystem/go-grpc-prometheus v1.2.0 // indirect - github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/v2 v2.16.0 // indirect + github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/v2 v2.20.0 // indirect github.com/imdario/mergo v0.3.6 // indirect github.com/inconshreveable/mousetrap v1.1.0 // indirect github.com/josharian/intern v1.0.0 // indirect github.com/json-iterator/go v1.1.12 // indirect github.com/mailru/easyjson v0.7.7 // indirect - github.com/matttproud/golang_protobuf_extensions v1.0.4 // indirect - github.com/moby/spdystream v0.2.0 // indirect - github.com/moby/sys/mountinfo v0.6.2 // indirect + github.com/moby/spdystream v0.4.0 // indirect + github.com/moby/sys/mountinfo v0.7.1 // indirect github.com/modern-go/concurrent v0.0.0-20180306012644-bacd9c7ef1dd // indirect github.com/modern-go/reflect2 v1.0.2 // indirect github.com/munnerz/goautoneg v0.0.0-20191010083416-a7dc8b61c822 // indirect + github.com/mxk/go-flowrate v0.0.0-20140419014527-cca7078d478f // indirect github.com/opencontainers/go-digest v1.0.0 // indirect + github.com/opencontainers/runc v1.1.13 // indirect + github.com/opencontainers/runtime-spec v1.0.3-0.20220909204839-494a5a6aca78 // indirect github.com/opencontainers/selinux v1.10.0 // indirect github.com/pkg/errors v0.9.1 // indirect - github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.0 // indirect - github.com/prometheus/client_golang v1.16.0 // indirect - github.com/prometheus/client_model v0.4.0 // indirect - github.com/prometheus/common v0.44.0 // indirect - github.com/prometheus/procfs v0.10.1 // indirect - github.com/spf13/cobra v1.8.0 // indirect + github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.1-0.20181226105442-5d4384ee4fb2 // indirect + github.com/prometheus/client_golang v1.19.1 // indirect + github.com/prometheus/client_model v0.6.1 // indirect + github.com/prometheus/common v0.55.0 // indirect + github.com/prometheus/procfs v0.15.1 // indirect + github.com/sirupsen/logrus v1.9.3 // indirect + github.com/spf13/cobra v1.8.1 // indirect github.com/spf13/pflag v1.0.5 // indirect github.com/stoewer/go-strcase v1.2.0 // indirect - go.etcd.io/etcd/api/v3 v3.5.9 // indirect - go.etcd.io/etcd/client/pkg/v3 v3.5.9 // indirect - go.etcd.io/etcd/client/v3 v3.5.9 // indirect - go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/google.golang.org/grpc/otelgrpc v0.46.0 // indirect - go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp v0.46.0 // indirect - go.opentelemetry.io/otel v1.20.0 // indirect - go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlptrace v1.20.0 // indirect - go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlptrace/otlptracegrpc v1.20.0 // indirect - go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric v1.20.0 // indirect - go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk v1.20.0 // indirect - go.opentelemetry.io/otel/trace v1.20.0 // indirect - go.opentelemetry.io/proto/otlp v1.0.0 // indirect - go.uber.org/atomic v1.10.0 // indirect + github.com/x448/float16 v0.8.4 // indirect + go.etcd.io/etcd/api/v3 v3.5.14 // indirect + go.etcd.io/etcd/client/pkg/v3 v3.5.14 // indirect + go.etcd.io/etcd/client/v3 v3.5.14 // indirect + go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/google.golang.org/grpc/otelgrpc v0.53.0 // indirect + go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp v0.53.0 // indirect + go.opentelemetry.io/otel v1.28.0 // indirect + go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlptrace v1.28.0 // indirect + go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlptrace/otlptracegrpc v1.27.0 // indirect + go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric v1.28.0 // indirect + go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk v1.28.0 // indirect + go.opentelemetry.io/otel/trace v1.28.0 // indirect + go.opentelemetry.io/proto/otlp v1.3.1 // indirect go.uber.org/multierr v1.11.0 // indirect - go.uber.org/zap v1.19.0 // indirect + go.uber.org/zap v1.26.0 // indirect golang.org/x/crypto v0.26.0 // indirect golang.org/x/exp v0.0.0-20230905200255-921286631fa9 // indirect golang.org/x/mod v0.17.0 // indirect - golang.org/x/oauth2 v0.20.0 // indirect + golang.org/x/oauth2 v0.21.0 // indirect golang.org/x/sync v0.8.0 // indirect golang.org/x/sys v0.23.0 // indirect golang.org/x/term v0.23.0 // indirect @@ -121,22 +127,23 @@ require ( google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api v0.0.0-20240528184218-531527333157 // indirect google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/rpc v0.0.0-20240709173604-40e1e62336c5 // indirect google.golang.org/protobuf v1.34.2 // indirect + gopkg.in/evanphx/json-patch.v4 v4.12.0 // indirect gopkg.in/inf.v0 v0.9.1 // indirect gopkg.in/natefinch/lumberjack.v2 v2.2.1 // indirect gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.4.0 // indirect gopkg.in/yaml.v3 v3.0.1 // indirect k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver v0.0.0 // indirect - k8s.io/apiserver v0.28.12 // indirect + k8s.io/apiserver v0.31.3 // indirect k8s.io/cloud-provider v0.28.12 // indirect k8s.io/component-helpers v0.28.12 // indirect k8s.io/controller-manager v0.28.12 // indirect - k8s.io/kms v0.28.12 // indirect - k8s.io/kube-openapi v0.0.0-20230717233707-2695361300d9 // indirect + k8s.io/kms v0.31.3 // indirect + k8s.io/kube-openapi v0.0.0-20240228011516-70dd3763d340 // indirect k8s.io/kubectl v0.0.0 // indirect k8s.io/kubelet v0.28.12 // indirect - sigs.k8s.io/apiserver-network-proxy/konnectivity-client v0.1.2 // indirect + sigs.k8s.io/apiserver-network-proxy/konnectivity-client v0.30.3 // indirect sigs.k8s.io/json v0.0.0-20221116044647-bc3834ca7abd // indirect - sigs.k8s.io/structured-merge-diff/v4 v4.2.3 // indirect + sigs.k8s.io/structured-merge-diff/v4 v4.4.1 // indirect ) replace ( diff --git a/go.sum b/go.sum index f3f6cf78a49..cc2d8f74c3c 100644 --- a/go.sum +++ b/go.sum @@ -1,8 +1,4 @@ cloud.google.com/go v0.26.0/go.mod h1:aQUYkXzVsufM+DwF1aE+0xfcU+56JwCaLick0ClmMTw= -cloud.google.com/go v0.110.8 h1:tyNdfIxjzaWctIiLYOTalaLKZ17SI44SKFW26QbOhME= -cloud.google.com/go/compute v1.23.1 h1:V97tBoDaZHb6leicZ1G6DLK2BAaZLJ/7+9BB/En3hR0= -cloud.google.com/go/compute/metadata v0.3.0 h1:Tz+eQXMEqDIKRsmY3cHTL6FVaynIjX2QxYC4trgAKZc= -cloud.google.com/go/compute/metadata v0.3.0/go.mod h1:zFmK7XCadkQkj6TtorcaGlCW1hT1fIilQDwofLpJ20k= github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go v68.0.0+incompatible h1:fcYLmCpyNYRnvJbPerq7U0hS+6+I79yEDJBqVNcqUzU= github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go v68.0.0+incompatible/go.mod h1:9XXNKU+eRnpl9moKnB4QOLf1HestfXbmab5FXxiDBjc= github.com/Azure/go-autorest v14.2.0+incompatible h1:V5VMDjClD3GiElqLWO7mz2MxNAK/vTfRHdAubSIPRgs= @@ -32,40 +28,34 @@ github.com/Microsoft/go-winio v0.6.0 h1:slsWYD/zyx7lCXoZVlvQrj0hPTM1HI4+v1sIda2y github.com/Microsoft/go-winio v0.6.0/go.mod h1:cTAf44im0RAYeL23bpB+fzCyDH2MJiz2BO69KH/soAE= github.com/NYTimes/gziphandler v1.1.1 h1:ZUDjpQae29j0ryrS0u/B8HZfJBtBQHjqw2rQ2cqUQ3I= github.com/NYTimes/gziphandler v1.1.1/go.mod h1:n/CVRwUEOgIxrgPvAQhUUr9oeUtvrhMomdKFjzJNB0c= -github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4 v4.0.0-20230305170008-8188dc5388df h1:7RFfzj4SSt6nnvCPbCqijJi1nWCd+TqAT3bYCStRC18= -github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4 v4.0.0-20230305170008-8188dc5388df/go.mod h1:pSwJ0fSY5KhvocuWSx4fz3BA8OrA1bQn+K1Eli3BRwM= +github.com/antlr4-go/antlr/v4 v4.13.0 h1:lxCg3LAv+EUK6t1i0y1V6/SLeUi0eKEKdhQAlS8TVTI= +github.com/antlr4-go/antlr/v4 v4.13.0/go.mod h1:pfChB/xh/Unjila75QW7+VU4TSnWnnk9UTnmpPaOR2g= github.com/armon/go-socks5 v0.0.0-20160902184237-e75332964ef5 h1:0CwZNZbxp69SHPdPJAN/hZIm0C4OItdklCFmMRWYpio= github.com/armon/go-socks5 v0.0.0-20160902184237-e75332964ef5/go.mod h1:wHh0iHkYZB8zMSxRWpUBQtwG5a7fFgvEO+odwuTv2gs= 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h1:Y3VNntkOUPxTVeUxJ/G5vcM//AlwfmyYozVcomhLiZE= +github.com/cenkalti/backoff/v4 v4.3.0 h1:MyRJ/UdXutAwSAT+s3wNd7MfTIcy71VQueUuFK343L8= +github.com/cenkalti/backoff/v4 v4.3.0/go.mod h1:Y3VNntkOUPxTVeUxJ/G5vcM//AlwfmyYozVcomhLiZE= github.com/census-instrumentation/opencensus-proto v0.2.1/go.mod h1:f6KPmirojxKA12rnyqOA5BBL4O983OfeGPqjHWSTneU= github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2 v2.3.0 h1:UL815xU9SqsFlibzuggzjXhog7bL6oX9BbNZnL2UFvs= github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2 v2.3.0/go.mod h1:VGX0DQ3Q6kWi7AoAeZDth3/j3BFtOZR5XLFGgcrjCOs= -github.com/chzyer/logex v1.1.10/go.mod h1:+Ywpsq7O8HXn0nuIou7OrIPyXbp3wmkHB+jjWRnGsAI= -github.com/chzyer/readline v0.0.0-20180603132655-2972be24d48e/go.mod h1:nSuG5e5PlCu98SY8svDHJxuZscDgtXS6KTTbou5AhLI= -github.com/chzyer/test v0.0.0-20180213035817-a1ea475d72b1/go.mod h1:Q3SI9o4m/ZMnBNeIyt5eFwwo7qiLfzFZmjNmxjkiQlU= github.com/client9/misspell v0.3.4/go.mod h1:qj6jICC3Q7zFZvVWo7KLAzC3yx5G7kyvSDkc90ppPyw= 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h1:yD4MZYeKMBwQKVht279WycxKyM84kkAx2DPrTXaeb98= k8s.io/kubectl v0.28.12 h1:CyGVOUO83jYxwLI5XtBFNoerAQj47fnEDrCPKWxlAi8= k8s.io/kubectl v0.28.12/go.mod h1:KzG7ROxXnUqfS6S+xJIIbd6WMpFYNByyxqNkIhxS6Qs= k8s.io/kubelet v0.28.12 h1:ACRS1b6XxIxAJoOJ95bsy0qm0DoxD6h/Dwi4U6Pot74= k8s.io/kubelet v0.28.12/go.mod h1:DYlF/KqAA4WoiBElCjeDKGv2K37FLTUmTWyxMDv9s8A= k8s.io/kubernetes v1.28.12 h1:DtWB8ZjoYiN/PXD4qDXFppf9IouVUavn6r3S+3NMUkU= k8s.io/kubernetes v1.28.12/go.mod h1:chlmcCDBnOA/y+572cw8dO0Rci1wiA8bm5+zhPdFLCk= -k8s.io/mount-utils v0.29.8 h1:Bf1H+43DXRuusBEhHrxZkdt8ULbm2Rq70nDRy9+GQV0= -k8s.io/mount-utils v0.29.8/go.mod h1:SHUMR9n3b6tLgEmlyT36cL6fV6Sjwa5CJhc0guCXvb0= -k8s.io/pod-security-admission v0.28.8 h1:A61fnzRmIhYRv1AUKYkljxYJVxDAypA4dARb39xBJ4I= -k8s.io/pod-security-admission v0.28.8/go.mod h1:U4cWJbHID2xQ8ZZpXadK7ccGPUDPz+TU4leXKMF4j2Y= -k8s.io/utils v0.0.0-20230726121419-3b25d923346b h1:sgn3ZU783SCgtaSJjpcVVlRqd6GSnlTLKgpAAttJvpI= -k8s.io/utils v0.0.0-20230726121419-3b25d923346b/go.mod h1:OLgZIPagt7ERELqWJFomSt595RzquPNLL48iOWgYOg0= -sigs.k8s.io/apiserver-network-proxy/konnectivity-client v0.1.2 h1:trsWhjU5jZrx6UvFu4WzQDrN7Pga4a7Qg+zcfcj64PA= -sigs.k8s.io/apiserver-network-proxy/konnectivity-client v0.1.2/go.mod h1:+qG7ISXqCDVVcyO8hLn12AKVYYUjM7ftlqsqmrhMZE0= +k8s.io/mount-utils v0.31.3 h1:CANy3prUYvvDCc2X7ZKgpjpDhAidx4gjGh/WwDrCPq8= +k8s.io/mount-utils v0.31.3/go.mod h1:HV/VYBUGqYUj4vt82YltzpWvgv8FPg0G9ItyInT3NPU= +k8s.io/pod-security-admission v0.31.3 h1:8NzEV0HtdStX367AuSKfRMIZHn0hT4xuz8xNEf7/zO8= +k8s.io/pod-security-admission v0.31.3/go.mod h1:YMIcTe/7f9R9d+3ErCMMM3Wtbj9ejKo7Z9S0OxZQrRg= +k8s.io/utils v0.0.0-20240711033017-18e509b52bc8 h1:pUdcCO1Lk/tbT5ztQWOBi5HBgbBP1J8+AsQnQCKsi8A= +k8s.io/utils v0.0.0-20240711033017-18e509b52bc8/go.mod h1:OLgZIPagt7ERELqWJFomSt595RzquPNLL48iOWgYOg0= +sigs.k8s.io/apiserver-network-proxy/konnectivity-client v0.30.3 h1:2770sDpzrjjsAtVhSeUFseziht227YAWYHLGNM8QPwY= +sigs.k8s.io/apiserver-network-proxy/konnectivity-client v0.30.3/go.mod h1:Ve9uj1L+deCXFrPOk1LpFXqTg7LCFzFso6PA48q/XZw= sigs.k8s.io/cloud-provider-azure v1.28.9 h1:OAF8cQubrNUEiMNbnDFowRl6jciWTt3DqI9FhWGcnpE= sigs.k8s.io/cloud-provider-azure v1.28.9/go.mod h1:63ByXruYF4XWLdOIRxtSz6RYel5PpdKRsCPKIj4Io58= sigs.k8s.io/json v0.0.0-20221116044647-bc3834ca7abd h1:EDPBXCAspyGV4jQlpZSudPeMmr1bNJefnuqLsRAsHZo= sigs.k8s.io/json v0.0.0-20221116044647-bc3834ca7abd/go.mod h1:B8JuhiUyNFVKdsE8h686QcCxMaH6HrOAZj4vswFpcB0= -sigs.k8s.io/structured-merge-diff/v4 v4.2.3 h1:PRbqxJClWWYMNV1dhaG4NsibJbArud9kFxnAMREiWFE= -sigs.k8s.io/structured-merge-diff/v4 v4.2.3/go.mod h1:qjx8mGObPmV2aSZepjQjbmb2ihdVs8cGKBraizNC69E= -sigs.k8s.io/yaml v1.3.0 h1:a2VclLzOGrwOHDiV8EfBGhvjHvP46CtW5j6POvhYGGo= -sigs.k8s.io/yaml v1.3.0/go.mod h1:GeOyir5tyXNByN85N/dRIT9es5UQNerPYEKK56eTBm8= +sigs.k8s.io/structured-merge-diff/v4 v4.4.1 h1:150L+0vs/8DA78h1u02ooW1/fFq/Lwr+sGiqlzvrtq4= +sigs.k8s.io/structured-merge-diff/v4 v4.4.1/go.mod h1:N8hJocpFajUSSeSJ9bOZ77VzejKZaXsTtZo4/u7Io08= +sigs.k8s.io/yaml v1.4.0 h1:Mk1wCc2gy/F0THH0TAp1QYyJNzRm2KCLy3o5ASXVI5E= +sigs.k8s.io/yaml v1.4.0/go.mod h1:Ejl7/uTz7PSA4eKMyQCUTnhZYNmLIl+5c2lQPGR2BPY= diff --git a/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/LICENSE deleted file mode 100644 index 52cf18e425e..00000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/LICENSE +++ /dev/null @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ -Copyright 2021 The ANTLR Project - -Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, -are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: - - 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, - this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - - 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, - this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation - and/or other materials provided with the distribution. - - 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its - contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this - software without specific prior written permission. - -THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND -ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED -WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE -DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE -FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL -DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR -SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER -CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, -OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/antlrdoc.go b/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/antlrdoc.go deleted file mode 100644 index ab51212676f..00000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/antlrdoc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,68 +0,0 @@ -/* -Package antlr implements the Go version of the ANTLR 4 runtime. - -# The ANTLR Tool - -ANTLR (ANother Tool for Language Recognition) is a powerful parser generator for reading, processing, executing, -or translating structured text or binary files. It's widely used to build languages, tools, and frameworks. -From a grammar, ANTLR generates a parser that can build parse trees and also generates a listener interface -(or visitor) that makes it easy to respond to the recognition of phrases of interest. - -# Code Generation - -ANTLR supports the generation of code in a number of [target languages], and the generated code is supported by a -runtime library, written specifically to support the generated code in the target language. This library is the -runtime for the Go target. - -To generate code for the go target, it is generally recommended to place the source grammar files in a package of -their own, and use the `.sh` script method of generating code, using the go generate directive. In that same directory -it is usual, though not required, to place the antlr tool that should be used to generate the code. That does mean -that the antlr tool JAR file will be checked in to your source code control though, so you are free to use any other -way of specifying the version of the ANTLR tool to use, such as aliasing in `.zshrc` or equivalent, or a profile in -your IDE, or configuration in your CI system. - -Here is a general template for an ANTLR based recognizer in Go: - - . - ├── myproject - ├── parser - │ ├── mygrammar.g4 - │ ├── antlr-4.12.0-complete.jar - │ ├── error_listeners.go - │ ├── generate.go - │ ├── generate.sh - ├── go.mod - ├── go.sum - ├── main.go - └── main_test.go - -Make sure that the package statement in your grammar file(s) reflects the go package they exist in. -The generate.go file then looks like this: - - package parser - - //go:generate ./generate.sh - -And the generate.sh file will look similar to this: - - #!/bin/sh - - alias antlr4='java -Xmx500M -cp "./antlr4-4.12.0-complete.jar:$CLASSPATH" org.antlr.v4.Tool' - antlr4 -Dlanguage=Go -no-visitor -package parser *.g4 - -depending on whether you want visitors or listeners or any other ANTLR options. - -From the command line at the root of your package “myproject” you can then simply issue the command: - - go generate ./... - -# Copyright Notice - -Copyright (c) 2012-2022 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved. - -Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license, which can be found in the [LICENSE.txt] file in the project root. - -[target languages]: https://github.com/antlr/antlr4/tree/master/runtime -[LICENSE.txt]: https://github.com/antlr/antlr4/blob/master/LICENSE.txt -*/ -package antlr diff --git a/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/atn_config.go b/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/atn_config.go deleted file mode 100644 index 7619fa172ed..00000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/atn_config.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,303 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) 2012-2022 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved. -// Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license that -// can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root. - -package antlr - -import ( - "fmt" -) - -// ATNConfig is a tuple: (ATN state, predicted alt, syntactic, semantic -// context). The syntactic context is a graph-structured stack node whose -// path(s) to the root is the rule invocation(s) chain used to arrive at the -// state. The semantic context is the tree of semantic predicates encountered -// before reaching an ATN state. -type ATNConfig interface { - Equals(o Collectable[ATNConfig]) bool - Hash() int - - GetState() ATNState - GetAlt() int - GetSemanticContext() SemanticContext - - GetContext() PredictionContext - SetContext(PredictionContext) - - GetReachesIntoOuterContext() int - SetReachesIntoOuterContext(int) - - String() string - - getPrecedenceFilterSuppressed() bool - setPrecedenceFilterSuppressed(bool) -} - -type BaseATNConfig struct { - precedenceFilterSuppressed bool - state ATNState - alt int - context PredictionContext - semanticContext SemanticContext - reachesIntoOuterContext int -} - -func NewBaseATNConfig7(old *BaseATNConfig) ATNConfig { // TODO: Dup - return &BaseATNConfig{ - state: old.state, - alt: old.alt, - context: old.context, - semanticContext: old.semanticContext, - reachesIntoOuterContext: old.reachesIntoOuterContext, - } -} - -func NewBaseATNConfig6(state ATNState, alt int, context PredictionContext) *BaseATNConfig { - return NewBaseATNConfig5(state, alt, context, SemanticContextNone) -} - -func NewBaseATNConfig5(state ATNState, alt int, context PredictionContext, semanticContext SemanticContext) *BaseATNConfig { - if semanticContext == nil { - panic("semanticContext cannot be nil") // TODO: Necessary? - } - - return &BaseATNConfig{state: state, alt: alt, context: context, semanticContext: semanticContext} -} - -func NewBaseATNConfig4(c ATNConfig, state ATNState) *BaseATNConfig { - return NewBaseATNConfig(c, state, c.GetContext(), c.GetSemanticContext()) -} - -func NewBaseATNConfig3(c ATNConfig, state ATNState, semanticContext SemanticContext) *BaseATNConfig { - return NewBaseATNConfig(c, state, c.GetContext(), semanticContext) -} - -func NewBaseATNConfig2(c ATNConfig, semanticContext SemanticContext) *BaseATNConfig { - return NewBaseATNConfig(c, c.GetState(), c.GetContext(), semanticContext) -} - -func NewBaseATNConfig1(c ATNConfig, state ATNState, context PredictionContext) *BaseATNConfig { - return NewBaseATNConfig(c, state, context, c.GetSemanticContext()) -} - -func NewBaseATNConfig(c ATNConfig, state ATNState, context PredictionContext, semanticContext SemanticContext) *BaseATNConfig { - if semanticContext == nil { - panic("semanticContext cannot be nil") - } - - return &BaseATNConfig{ - state: state, - alt: c.GetAlt(), - context: context, - semanticContext: semanticContext, - reachesIntoOuterContext: c.GetReachesIntoOuterContext(), - precedenceFilterSuppressed: c.getPrecedenceFilterSuppressed(), - } -} - -func (b *BaseATNConfig) getPrecedenceFilterSuppressed() bool { - return b.precedenceFilterSuppressed -} - -func (b *BaseATNConfig) setPrecedenceFilterSuppressed(v bool) { - b.precedenceFilterSuppressed = v -} - -func (b *BaseATNConfig) GetState() ATNState { - return b.state -} - -func (b *BaseATNConfig) GetAlt() int { - return b.alt -} - -func (b *BaseATNConfig) SetContext(v PredictionContext) { - b.context = v -} -func (b *BaseATNConfig) GetContext() PredictionContext { - return b.context -} - -func (b *BaseATNConfig) GetSemanticContext() SemanticContext { - return b.semanticContext -} - -func (b *BaseATNConfig) GetReachesIntoOuterContext() int { - return b.reachesIntoOuterContext -} - -func (b *BaseATNConfig) SetReachesIntoOuterContext(v int) { - b.reachesIntoOuterContext = v -} - -// Equals is the default comparison function for an ATNConfig when no specialist implementation is required -// for a collection. -// -// An ATN configuration is equal to another if both have the same state, they -// predict the same alternative, and syntactic/semantic contexts are the same. -func (b *BaseATNConfig) Equals(o Collectable[ATNConfig]) bool { - if b == o { - return true - } else if o == nil { - return false - } - - var other, ok = o.(*BaseATNConfig) - - if !ok { - return false - } - - var equal bool - - if b.context == nil { - equal = other.context == nil - } else { - equal = b.context.Equals(other.context) - } - - var ( - nums = b.state.GetStateNumber() == other.state.GetStateNumber() - alts = b.alt == other.alt - cons = b.semanticContext.Equals(other.semanticContext) - sups = b.precedenceFilterSuppressed == other.precedenceFilterSuppressed - ) - - return nums && alts && cons && sups && equal -} - -// Hash is the default hash function for BaseATNConfig, when no specialist hash function -// is required for a collection -func (b *BaseATNConfig) Hash() int { - var c int - if b.context != nil { - c = b.context.Hash() - } - - h := murmurInit(7) - h = murmurUpdate(h, b.state.GetStateNumber()) - h = murmurUpdate(h, b.alt) - h = murmurUpdate(h, c) - h = murmurUpdate(h, b.semanticContext.Hash()) - return murmurFinish(h, 4) -} - -func (b *BaseATNConfig) String() string { - var s1, s2, s3 string - - if b.context != nil { - s1 = ",[" + fmt.Sprint(b.context) + "]" - } - - if b.semanticContext != SemanticContextNone { - s2 = "," + fmt.Sprint(b.semanticContext) - } - - if b.reachesIntoOuterContext > 0 { - s3 = ",up=" + fmt.Sprint(b.reachesIntoOuterContext) - } - - return fmt.Sprintf("(%v,%v%v%v%v)", b.state, b.alt, s1, s2, s3) -} - -type LexerATNConfig struct { - *BaseATNConfig - lexerActionExecutor *LexerActionExecutor - passedThroughNonGreedyDecision bool -} - -func NewLexerATNConfig6(state ATNState, alt int, context PredictionContext) *LexerATNConfig { - return &LexerATNConfig{BaseATNConfig: NewBaseATNConfig5(state, alt, context, SemanticContextNone)} -} - -func NewLexerATNConfig5(state ATNState, alt int, context PredictionContext, lexerActionExecutor *LexerActionExecutor) *LexerATNConfig { - return &LexerATNConfig{ - BaseATNConfig: NewBaseATNConfig5(state, alt, context, SemanticContextNone), - lexerActionExecutor: lexerActionExecutor, - } -} - -func NewLexerATNConfig4(c *LexerATNConfig, state ATNState) *LexerATNConfig { - return &LexerATNConfig{ - BaseATNConfig: NewBaseATNConfig(c, state, c.GetContext(), c.GetSemanticContext()), - lexerActionExecutor: c.lexerActionExecutor, - passedThroughNonGreedyDecision: checkNonGreedyDecision(c, state), - } -} - -func NewLexerATNConfig3(c *LexerATNConfig, state ATNState, lexerActionExecutor *LexerActionExecutor) *LexerATNConfig { - return &LexerATNConfig{ - BaseATNConfig: NewBaseATNConfig(c, state, c.GetContext(), c.GetSemanticContext()), - lexerActionExecutor: lexerActionExecutor, - passedThroughNonGreedyDecision: checkNonGreedyDecision(c, state), - } -} - -func NewLexerATNConfig2(c *LexerATNConfig, state ATNState, context PredictionContext) *LexerATNConfig { - return &LexerATNConfig{ - BaseATNConfig: NewBaseATNConfig(c, state, context, c.GetSemanticContext()), - lexerActionExecutor: c.lexerActionExecutor, - passedThroughNonGreedyDecision: checkNonGreedyDecision(c, state), - } -} - -func NewLexerATNConfig1(state ATNState, alt int, context PredictionContext) *LexerATNConfig { - return &LexerATNConfig{BaseATNConfig: NewBaseATNConfig5(state, alt, context, SemanticContextNone)} -} - -// Hash is the default hash function for LexerATNConfig objects, it can be used directly or via -// the default comparator [ObjEqComparator]. -func (l *LexerATNConfig) Hash() int { - var f int - if l.passedThroughNonGreedyDecision { - f = 1 - } else { - f = 0 - } - h := murmurInit(7) - h = murmurUpdate(h, l.state.GetStateNumber()) - h = murmurUpdate(h, l.alt) - h = murmurUpdate(h, l.context.Hash()) - h = murmurUpdate(h, l.semanticContext.Hash()) - h = murmurUpdate(h, f) - h = murmurUpdate(h, l.lexerActionExecutor.Hash()) - h = murmurFinish(h, 6) - return h -} - -// Equals is the default comparison function for LexerATNConfig objects, it can be used directly or via -// the default comparator [ObjEqComparator]. -func (l *LexerATNConfig) Equals(other Collectable[ATNConfig]) bool { - if l == other { - return true - } - var othert, ok = other.(*LexerATNConfig) - - if l == other { - return true - } else if !ok { - return false - } else if l.passedThroughNonGreedyDecision != othert.passedThroughNonGreedyDecision { - return false - } - - var b bool - - if l.lexerActionExecutor != nil { - b = !l.lexerActionExecutor.Equals(othert.lexerActionExecutor) - } else { - b = othert.lexerActionExecutor != nil - } - - if b { - return false - } - - return l.BaseATNConfig.Equals(othert.BaseATNConfig) -} - -func checkNonGreedyDecision(source *LexerATNConfig, target ATNState) bool { - var ds, ok = target.(DecisionState) - - return source.passedThroughNonGreedyDecision || (ok && ds.getNonGreedy()) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/atn_config_set.go b/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/atn_config_set.go deleted file mode 100644 index 43e9b33f3bd..00000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/atn_config_set.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,441 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) 2012-2022 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved. -// Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license that -// can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root. - -package antlr - -import ( - "fmt" -) - -type ATNConfigSet interface { - Hash() int - Equals(o Collectable[ATNConfig]) bool - Add(ATNConfig, *DoubleDict) bool - AddAll([]ATNConfig) bool - - GetStates() *JStore[ATNState, Comparator[ATNState]] - GetPredicates() []SemanticContext - GetItems() []ATNConfig - - OptimizeConfigs(interpreter *BaseATNSimulator) - - Length() int - IsEmpty() bool - Contains(ATNConfig) bool - ContainsFast(ATNConfig) bool - Clear() - String() string - - HasSemanticContext() bool - SetHasSemanticContext(v bool) - - ReadOnly() bool - SetReadOnly(bool) - - GetConflictingAlts() *BitSet - SetConflictingAlts(*BitSet) - - Alts() *BitSet - - FullContext() bool - - GetUniqueAlt() int - SetUniqueAlt(int) - - GetDipsIntoOuterContext() bool - SetDipsIntoOuterContext(bool) -} - -// BaseATNConfigSet is a specialized set of ATNConfig that tracks information -// about its elements and can combine similar configurations using a -// graph-structured stack. -type BaseATNConfigSet struct { - cachedHash int - - // configLookup is used to determine whether two BaseATNConfigSets are equal. We - // need all configurations with the same (s, i, _, semctx) to be equal. A key - // effectively doubles the number of objects associated with ATNConfigs. All - // keys are hashed by (s, i, _, pi), not including the context. Wiped out when - // read-only because a set becomes a DFA state. - configLookup *JStore[ATNConfig, Comparator[ATNConfig]] - - // configs is the added elements. - configs []ATNConfig - - // TODO: These fields make me pretty uncomfortable, but it is nice to pack up - // info together because it saves recomputation. Can we track conflicts as they - // are added to save scanning configs later? - conflictingAlts *BitSet - - // dipsIntoOuterContext is used by parsers and lexers. In a lexer, it indicates - // we hit a pred while computing a closure operation. Do not make a DFA state - // from the BaseATNConfigSet in this case. TODO: How is this used by parsers? - dipsIntoOuterContext bool - - // fullCtx is whether it is part of a full context LL prediction. Used to - // determine how to merge $. It is a wildcard with SLL, but not for an LL - // context merge. - fullCtx bool - - // Used in parser and lexer. In lexer, it indicates we hit a pred - // while computing a closure operation. Don't make a DFA state from a. - hasSemanticContext bool - - // readOnly is whether it is read-only. Do not - // allow any code to manipulate the set if true because DFA states will point at - // sets and those must not change. It not, protect other fields; conflictingAlts - // in particular, which is assigned after readOnly. - readOnly bool - - // TODO: These fields make me pretty uncomfortable, but it is nice to pack up - // info together because it saves recomputation. Can we track conflicts as they - // are added to save scanning configs later? - uniqueAlt int -} - -func (b *BaseATNConfigSet) Alts() *BitSet { - alts := NewBitSet() - for _, it := range b.configs { - alts.add(it.GetAlt()) - } - return alts -} - -func NewBaseATNConfigSet(fullCtx bool) *BaseATNConfigSet { - return &BaseATNConfigSet{ - cachedHash: -1, - configLookup: NewJStore[ATNConfig, Comparator[ATNConfig]](aConfCompInst), - fullCtx: fullCtx, - } -} - -// Add merges contexts with existing configs for (s, i, pi, _), where s is the -// ATNConfig.state, i is the ATNConfig.alt, and pi is the -// ATNConfig.semanticContext. We use (s,i,pi) as the key. Updates -// dipsIntoOuterContext and hasSemanticContext when necessary. -func (b *BaseATNConfigSet) Add(config ATNConfig, mergeCache *DoubleDict) bool { - if b.readOnly { - panic("set is read-only") - } - - if config.GetSemanticContext() != SemanticContextNone { - b.hasSemanticContext = true - } - - if config.GetReachesIntoOuterContext() > 0 { - b.dipsIntoOuterContext = true - } - - existing, present := b.configLookup.Put(config) - - // The config was not already in the set - // - if !present { - b.cachedHash = -1 - b.configs = append(b.configs, config) // Track order here - return true - } - - // Merge a previous (s, i, pi, _) with it and save the result - rootIsWildcard := !b.fullCtx - merged := merge(existing.GetContext(), config.GetContext(), rootIsWildcard, mergeCache) - - // No need to check for existing.context because config.context is in the cache, - // since the only way to create new graphs is the "call rule" and here. We cache - // at both places. - existing.SetReachesIntoOuterContext(intMax(existing.GetReachesIntoOuterContext(), config.GetReachesIntoOuterContext())) - - // Preserve the precedence filter suppression during the merge - if config.getPrecedenceFilterSuppressed() { - existing.setPrecedenceFilterSuppressed(true) - } - - // Replace the context because there is no need to do alt mapping - existing.SetContext(merged) - - return true -} - -func (b *BaseATNConfigSet) GetStates() *JStore[ATNState, Comparator[ATNState]] { - - // states uses the standard comparator provided by the ATNState instance - // - states := NewJStore[ATNState, Comparator[ATNState]](aStateEqInst) - - for i := 0; i < len(b.configs); i++ { - states.Put(b.configs[i].GetState()) - } - - return states -} - -func (b *BaseATNConfigSet) HasSemanticContext() bool { - return b.hasSemanticContext -} - -func (b *BaseATNConfigSet) SetHasSemanticContext(v bool) { - b.hasSemanticContext = v -} - -func (b *BaseATNConfigSet) GetPredicates() []SemanticContext { - preds := make([]SemanticContext, 0) - - for i := 0; i < len(b.configs); i++ { - c := b.configs[i].GetSemanticContext() - - if c != SemanticContextNone { - preds = append(preds, c) - } - } - - return preds -} - -func (b *BaseATNConfigSet) GetItems() []ATNConfig { - return b.configs -} - -func (b *BaseATNConfigSet) OptimizeConfigs(interpreter *BaseATNSimulator) { - if b.readOnly { - panic("set is read-only") - } - - if b.configLookup.Len() == 0 { - return - } - - for i := 0; i < len(b.configs); i++ { - config := b.configs[i] - - config.SetContext(interpreter.getCachedContext(config.GetContext())) - } -} - -func (b *BaseATNConfigSet) AddAll(coll []ATNConfig) bool { - for i := 0; i < len(coll); i++ { - b.Add(coll[i], nil) - } - - return false -} - -// Compare is a hack function just to verify that adding DFAstares to the known -// set works, so long as comparison of ATNConfigSet s works. For that to work, we -// need to make sure that the set of ATNConfigs in two sets are equivalent. We can't -// know the order, so we do this inefficient hack. If this proves the point, then -// we can change the config set to a better structure. -func (b *BaseATNConfigSet) Compare(bs *BaseATNConfigSet) bool { - if len(b.configs) != len(bs.configs) { - return false - } - - for _, c := range b.configs { - found := false - for _, c2 := range bs.configs { - if c.Equals(c2) { - found = true - break - } - } - - if !found { - return false - } - - } - return true -} - -func (b *BaseATNConfigSet) Equals(other Collectable[ATNConfig]) bool { - if b == other { - return true - } else if _, ok := other.(*BaseATNConfigSet); !ok { - return false - } - - other2 := other.(*BaseATNConfigSet) - - return b.configs != nil && - b.fullCtx == other2.fullCtx && - b.uniqueAlt == other2.uniqueAlt && - b.conflictingAlts == other2.conflictingAlts && - b.hasSemanticContext == other2.hasSemanticContext && - b.dipsIntoOuterContext == other2.dipsIntoOuterContext && - b.Compare(other2) -} - -func (b *BaseATNConfigSet) Hash() int { - if b.readOnly { - if b.cachedHash == -1 { - b.cachedHash = b.hashCodeConfigs() - } - - return b.cachedHash - } - - return b.hashCodeConfigs() -} - -func (b *BaseATNConfigSet) hashCodeConfigs() int { - h := 1 - for _, config := range b.configs { - h = 31*h + config.Hash() - } - return h -} - -func (b *BaseATNConfigSet) Length() int { - return len(b.configs) -} - -func (b *BaseATNConfigSet) IsEmpty() bool { - return len(b.configs) == 0 -} - -func (b *BaseATNConfigSet) Contains(item ATNConfig) bool { - if b.configLookup == nil { - panic("not implemented for read-only sets") - } - - return b.configLookup.Contains(item) -} - -func (b *BaseATNConfigSet) ContainsFast(item ATNConfig) bool { - if b.configLookup == nil { - panic("not implemented for read-only sets") - } - - return b.configLookup.Contains(item) // TODO: containsFast is not implemented for Set -} - -func (b *BaseATNConfigSet) Clear() { - if b.readOnly { - panic("set is read-only") - } - - b.configs = make([]ATNConfig, 0) - b.cachedHash = -1 - b.configLookup = NewJStore[ATNConfig, Comparator[ATNConfig]](atnConfCompInst) -} - -func (b *BaseATNConfigSet) FullContext() bool { - return b.fullCtx -} - -func (b *BaseATNConfigSet) GetDipsIntoOuterContext() bool { - return b.dipsIntoOuterContext -} - -func (b *BaseATNConfigSet) SetDipsIntoOuterContext(v bool) { - b.dipsIntoOuterContext = v -} - -func (b *BaseATNConfigSet) GetUniqueAlt() int { - return b.uniqueAlt -} - -func (b *BaseATNConfigSet) SetUniqueAlt(v int) { - b.uniqueAlt = v -} - -func (b *BaseATNConfigSet) GetConflictingAlts() *BitSet { - return b.conflictingAlts -} - -func (b *BaseATNConfigSet) SetConflictingAlts(v *BitSet) { - b.conflictingAlts = v -} - -func (b *BaseATNConfigSet) ReadOnly() bool { - return b.readOnly -} - -func (b *BaseATNConfigSet) SetReadOnly(readOnly bool) { - b.readOnly = readOnly - - if readOnly { - b.configLookup = nil // Read only, so no need for the lookup cache - } -} - -func (b *BaseATNConfigSet) String() string { - s := "[" - - for i, c := range b.configs { - s += c.String() - - if i != len(b.configs)-1 { - s += ", " - } - } - - s += "]" - - if b.hasSemanticContext { - s += ",hasSemanticContext=" + fmt.Sprint(b.hasSemanticContext) - } - - if b.uniqueAlt != ATNInvalidAltNumber { - s += ",uniqueAlt=" + fmt.Sprint(b.uniqueAlt) - } - - if b.conflictingAlts != nil { - s += ",conflictingAlts=" + b.conflictingAlts.String() - } - - if b.dipsIntoOuterContext { - s += ",dipsIntoOuterContext" - } - - return s -} - -type OrderedATNConfigSet struct { - *BaseATNConfigSet -} - -func NewOrderedATNConfigSet() *OrderedATNConfigSet { - b := NewBaseATNConfigSet(false) - - // This set uses the standard Hash() and Equals() from ATNConfig - b.configLookup = NewJStore[ATNConfig, Comparator[ATNConfig]](aConfEqInst) - - return &OrderedATNConfigSet{BaseATNConfigSet: b} -} - -func hashATNConfig(i interface{}) int { - o := i.(ATNConfig) - hash := 7 - hash = 31*hash + o.GetState().GetStateNumber() - hash = 31*hash + o.GetAlt() - hash = 31*hash + o.GetSemanticContext().Hash() - return hash -} - -func equalATNConfigs(a, b interface{}) bool { - if a == nil || b == nil { - return false - } - - if a == b { - return true - } - - var ai, ok = a.(ATNConfig) - var bi, ok1 = b.(ATNConfig) - - if !ok || !ok1 { - return false - } - - if ai.GetState().GetStateNumber() != bi.GetState().GetStateNumber() { - return false - } - - if ai.GetAlt() != bi.GetAlt() { - return false - } - - return ai.GetSemanticContext().Equals(bi.GetSemanticContext()) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/atn_simulator.go b/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/atn_simulator.go deleted file mode 100644 index 41529115fa6..00000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/atn_simulator.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) 2012-2022 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved. -// Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license that -// can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root. - -package antlr - -var ATNSimulatorError = NewDFAState(0x7FFFFFFF, NewBaseATNConfigSet(false)) - -type IATNSimulator interface { - SharedContextCache() *PredictionContextCache - ATN() *ATN - DecisionToDFA() []*DFA -} - -type BaseATNSimulator struct { - atn *ATN - sharedContextCache *PredictionContextCache - decisionToDFA []*DFA -} - -func NewBaseATNSimulator(atn *ATN, sharedContextCache *PredictionContextCache) *BaseATNSimulator { - b := new(BaseATNSimulator) - - b.atn = atn - b.sharedContextCache = sharedContextCache - - return b -} - -func (b *BaseATNSimulator) getCachedContext(context PredictionContext) PredictionContext { - if b.sharedContextCache == nil { - return context - } - - visited := make(map[PredictionContext]PredictionContext) - - return getCachedBasePredictionContext(context, b.sharedContextCache, visited) -} - -func (b *BaseATNSimulator) SharedContextCache() *PredictionContextCache { - return b.sharedContextCache -} - -func (b *BaseATNSimulator) ATN() *ATN { - return b.atn -} - -func (b *BaseATNSimulator) DecisionToDFA() []*DFA { - return b.decisionToDFA -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/atn_state.go b/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/atn_state.go deleted file mode 100644 index 1f2a56bc311..00000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/atn_state.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,393 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) 2012-2022 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved. -// Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license that -// can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root. - -package antlr - -import "strconv" - -// Constants for serialization. -const ( - ATNStateInvalidType = 0 - ATNStateBasic = 1 - ATNStateRuleStart = 2 - ATNStateBlockStart = 3 - ATNStatePlusBlockStart = 4 - ATNStateStarBlockStart = 5 - ATNStateTokenStart = 6 - ATNStateRuleStop = 7 - ATNStateBlockEnd = 8 - ATNStateStarLoopBack = 9 - ATNStateStarLoopEntry = 10 - ATNStatePlusLoopBack = 11 - ATNStateLoopEnd = 12 - - ATNStateInvalidStateNumber = -1 -) - -var ATNStateInitialNumTransitions = 4 - -type ATNState interface { - GetEpsilonOnlyTransitions() bool - - GetRuleIndex() int - SetRuleIndex(int) - - GetNextTokenWithinRule() *IntervalSet - SetNextTokenWithinRule(*IntervalSet) - - GetATN() *ATN - SetATN(*ATN) - - GetStateType() int - - GetStateNumber() int - SetStateNumber(int) - - GetTransitions() []Transition - SetTransitions([]Transition) - AddTransition(Transition, int) - - String() string - Hash() int - Equals(Collectable[ATNState]) bool -} - -type BaseATNState struct { - // NextTokenWithinRule caches lookahead during parsing. Not used during construction. - NextTokenWithinRule *IntervalSet - - // atn is the current ATN. - atn *ATN - - epsilonOnlyTransitions bool - - // ruleIndex tracks the Rule index because there are no Rule objects at runtime. - ruleIndex int - - stateNumber int - - stateType int - - // Track the transitions emanating from this ATN state. - transitions []Transition -} - -func NewBaseATNState() *BaseATNState { - return &BaseATNState{stateNumber: ATNStateInvalidStateNumber, stateType: ATNStateInvalidType} -} - -func (as *BaseATNState) GetRuleIndex() int { - return as.ruleIndex -} - -func (as *BaseATNState) SetRuleIndex(v int) { - as.ruleIndex = v -} -func (as *BaseATNState) GetEpsilonOnlyTransitions() bool { - return as.epsilonOnlyTransitions -} - -func (as *BaseATNState) GetATN() *ATN { - return as.atn -} - -func (as *BaseATNState) SetATN(atn *ATN) { - as.atn = atn -} - -func (as *BaseATNState) GetTransitions() []Transition { - return as.transitions -} - -func (as *BaseATNState) SetTransitions(t []Transition) { - as.transitions = t -} - -func (as *BaseATNState) GetStateType() int { - return as.stateType -} - -func (as *BaseATNState) GetStateNumber() int { - return as.stateNumber -} - -func (as *BaseATNState) SetStateNumber(stateNumber int) { - as.stateNumber = stateNumber -} - -func (as *BaseATNState) GetNextTokenWithinRule() *IntervalSet { - return as.NextTokenWithinRule -} - -func (as *BaseATNState) SetNextTokenWithinRule(v *IntervalSet) { - as.NextTokenWithinRule = v -} - -func (as *BaseATNState) Hash() int { - return as.stateNumber -} - -func (as *BaseATNState) String() string { - return strconv.Itoa(as.stateNumber) -} - -func (as *BaseATNState) Equals(other Collectable[ATNState]) bool { - if ot, ok := other.(ATNState); ok { - return as.stateNumber == ot.GetStateNumber() - } - - return false -} - -func (as *BaseATNState) isNonGreedyExitState() bool { - return false -} - -func (as *BaseATNState) AddTransition(trans Transition, index int) { - if len(as.transitions) == 0 { - as.epsilonOnlyTransitions = trans.getIsEpsilon() - } else if as.epsilonOnlyTransitions != trans.getIsEpsilon() { - as.epsilonOnlyTransitions = false - } - - if index == -1 { - as.transitions = append(as.transitions, trans) - } else { - as.transitions = append(as.transitions[:index], append([]Transition{trans}, as.transitions[index:]...)...) - // TODO: as.transitions.splice(index, 1, trans) - } -} - -type BasicState struct { - *BaseATNState -} - -func NewBasicState() *BasicState { - b := NewBaseATNState() - - b.stateType = ATNStateBasic - - return &BasicState{BaseATNState: b} -} - -type DecisionState interface { - ATNState - - getDecision() int - setDecision(int) - - getNonGreedy() bool - setNonGreedy(bool) -} - -type BaseDecisionState struct { - *BaseATNState - decision int - nonGreedy bool -} - -func NewBaseDecisionState() *BaseDecisionState { - return &BaseDecisionState{BaseATNState: NewBaseATNState(), decision: -1} -} - -func (s *BaseDecisionState) getDecision() int { - return s.decision -} - -func (s *BaseDecisionState) setDecision(b int) { - s.decision = b -} - -func (s *BaseDecisionState) getNonGreedy() bool { - return s.nonGreedy -} - -func (s *BaseDecisionState) setNonGreedy(b bool) { - s.nonGreedy = b -} - -type BlockStartState interface { - DecisionState - - getEndState() *BlockEndState - setEndState(*BlockEndState) -} - -// BaseBlockStartState is the start of a regular (...) block. -type BaseBlockStartState struct { - *BaseDecisionState - endState *BlockEndState -} - -func NewBlockStartState() *BaseBlockStartState { - return &BaseBlockStartState{BaseDecisionState: NewBaseDecisionState()} -} - -func (s *BaseBlockStartState) getEndState() *BlockEndState { - return s.endState -} - -func (s *BaseBlockStartState) setEndState(b *BlockEndState) { - s.endState = b -} - -type BasicBlockStartState struct { - *BaseBlockStartState -} - -func NewBasicBlockStartState() *BasicBlockStartState { - b := NewBlockStartState() - - b.stateType = ATNStateBlockStart - - return &BasicBlockStartState{BaseBlockStartState: b} -} - -var _ BlockStartState = &BasicBlockStartState{} - -// BlockEndState is a terminal node of a simple (a|b|c) block. -type BlockEndState struct { - *BaseATNState - startState ATNState -} - -func NewBlockEndState() *BlockEndState { - b := NewBaseATNState() - - b.stateType = ATNStateBlockEnd - - return &BlockEndState{BaseATNState: b} -} - -// RuleStopState is the last node in the ATN for a rule, unless that rule is the -// start symbol. In that case, there is one transition to EOF. Later, we might -// encode references to all calls to this rule to compute FOLLOW sets for error -// handling. -type RuleStopState struct { - *BaseATNState -} - -func NewRuleStopState() *RuleStopState { - b := NewBaseATNState() - - b.stateType = ATNStateRuleStop - - return &RuleStopState{BaseATNState: b} -} - -type RuleStartState struct { - *BaseATNState - stopState ATNState - isPrecedenceRule bool -} - -func NewRuleStartState() *RuleStartState { - b := NewBaseATNState() - - b.stateType = ATNStateRuleStart - - return &RuleStartState{BaseATNState: b} -} - -// PlusLoopbackState is a decision state for A+ and (A|B)+. It has two -// transitions: one to the loop back to start of the block, and one to exit. -type PlusLoopbackState struct { - *BaseDecisionState -} - -func NewPlusLoopbackState() *PlusLoopbackState { - b := NewBaseDecisionState() - - b.stateType = ATNStatePlusLoopBack - - return &PlusLoopbackState{BaseDecisionState: b} -} - -// PlusBlockStartState is the start of a (A|B|...)+ loop. Technically it is a -// decision state; we don't use it for code generation. Somebody might need it, -// it is included for completeness. In reality, PlusLoopbackState is the real -// decision-making node for A+. -type PlusBlockStartState struct { - *BaseBlockStartState - loopBackState ATNState -} - -func NewPlusBlockStartState() *PlusBlockStartState { - b := NewBlockStartState() - - b.stateType = ATNStatePlusBlockStart - - return &PlusBlockStartState{BaseBlockStartState: b} -} - -var _ BlockStartState = &PlusBlockStartState{} - -// StarBlockStartState is the block that begins a closure loop. -type StarBlockStartState struct { - *BaseBlockStartState -} - -func NewStarBlockStartState() *StarBlockStartState { - b := NewBlockStartState() - - b.stateType = ATNStateStarBlockStart - - return &StarBlockStartState{BaseBlockStartState: b} -} - -var _ BlockStartState = &StarBlockStartState{} - -type StarLoopbackState struct { - *BaseATNState -} - -func NewStarLoopbackState() *StarLoopbackState { - b := NewBaseATNState() - - b.stateType = ATNStateStarLoopBack - - return &StarLoopbackState{BaseATNState: b} -} - -type StarLoopEntryState struct { - *BaseDecisionState - loopBackState ATNState - precedenceRuleDecision bool -} - -func NewStarLoopEntryState() *StarLoopEntryState { - b := NewBaseDecisionState() - - b.stateType = ATNStateStarLoopEntry - - // False precedenceRuleDecision indicates whether s state can benefit from a precedence DFA during SLL decision making. - return &StarLoopEntryState{BaseDecisionState: b} -} - -// LoopEndState marks the end of a * or + loop. -type LoopEndState struct { - *BaseATNState - loopBackState ATNState -} - -func NewLoopEndState() *LoopEndState { - b := NewBaseATNState() - - b.stateType = ATNStateLoopEnd - - return &LoopEndState{BaseATNState: b} -} - -// TokensStartState is the Tokens rule start state linking to each lexer rule start state. -type TokensStartState struct { - *BaseDecisionState -} - -func NewTokensStartState() *TokensStartState { - b := NewBaseDecisionState() - - b.stateType = ATNStateTokenStart - - return &TokensStartState{BaseDecisionState: b} -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/error_listener.go b/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/error_listener.go deleted file mode 100644 index f679f0dcd5e..00000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/error_listener.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,104 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) 2012-2022 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved. -// Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license that -// can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root. - -package antlr - -import ( - "fmt" - "os" - "strconv" -) - -// Provides an empty default implementation of {@link ANTLRErrorListener}. The -// default implementation of each method does nothing, but can be overridden as -// necessary. - -type ErrorListener interface { - SyntaxError(recognizer Recognizer, offendingSymbol interface{}, line, column int, msg string, e RecognitionException) - ReportAmbiguity(recognizer Parser, dfa *DFA, startIndex, stopIndex int, exact bool, ambigAlts *BitSet, configs ATNConfigSet) - ReportAttemptingFullContext(recognizer Parser, dfa *DFA, startIndex, stopIndex int, conflictingAlts *BitSet, configs ATNConfigSet) - ReportContextSensitivity(recognizer Parser, dfa *DFA, startIndex, stopIndex, prediction int, configs ATNConfigSet) -} - -type DefaultErrorListener struct { -} - -func NewDefaultErrorListener() *DefaultErrorListener { - return new(DefaultErrorListener) -} - -func (d *DefaultErrorListener) SyntaxError(recognizer Recognizer, offendingSymbol interface{}, line, column int, msg string, e RecognitionException) { -} - -func (d *DefaultErrorListener) ReportAmbiguity(recognizer Parser, dfa *DFA, startIndex, stopIndex int, exact bool, ambigAlts *BitSet, configs ATNConfigSet) { -} - -func (d *DefaultErrorListener) ReportAttemptingFullContext(recognizer Parser, dfa *DFA, startIndex, stopIndex int, conflictingAlts *BitSet, configs ATNConfigSet) { -} - -func (d *DefaultErrorListener) ReportContextSensitivity(recognizer Parser, dfa *DFA, startIndex, stopIndex, prediction int, configs ATNConfigSet) { -} - -type ConsoleErrorListener struct { - *DefaultErrorListener -} - -func NewConsoleErrorListener() *ConsoleErrorListener { - return new(ConsoleErrorListener) -} - -// Provides a default instance of {@link ConsoleErrorListener}. -var ConsoleErrorListenerINSTANCE = NewConsoleErrorListener() - -// {@inheritDoc} -// -//
-// This implementation prints messages to {@link System//err} containing the -// values of {@code line}, {@code charPositionInLine}, and {@code msg} using -// the following format.
-// -//-// line line:charPositionInLine msg -//-func (c *ConsoleErrorListener) SyntaxError(recognizer Recognizer, offendingSymbol interface{}, line, column int, msg string, e RecognitionException) { - fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "line "+strconv.Itoa(line)+":"+strconv.Itoa(column)+" "+msg) -} - -type ProxyErrorListener struct { - *DefaultErrorListener - delegates []ErrorListener -} - -func NewProxyErrorListener(delegates []ErrorListener) *ProxyErrorListener { - if delegates == nil { - panic("delegates is not provided") - } - l := new(ProxyErrorListener) - l.delegates = delegates - return l -} - -func (p *ProxyErrorListener) SyntaxError(recognizer Recognizer, offendingSymbol interface{}, line, column int, msg string, e RecognitionException) { - for _, d := range p.delegates { - d.SyntaxError(recognizer, offendingSymbol, line, column, msg, e) - } -} - -func (p *ProxyErrorListener) ReportAmbiguity(recognizer Parser, dfa *DFA, startIndex, stopIndex int, exact bool, ambigAlts *BitSet, configs ATNConfigSet) { - for _, d := range p.delegates { - d.ReportAmbiguity(recognizer, dfa, startIndex, stopIndex, exact, ambigAlts, configs) - } -} - -func (p *ProxyErrorListener) ReportAttemptingFullContext(recognizer Parser, dfa *DFA, startIndex, stopIndex int, conflictingAlts *BitSet, configs ATNConfigSet) { - for _, d := range p.delegates { - d.ReportAttemptingFullContext(recognizer, dfa, startIndex, stopIndex, conflictingAlts, configs) - } -} - -func (p *ProxyErrorListener) ReportContextSensitivity(recognizer Parser, dfa *DFA, startIndex, stopIndex, prediction int, configs ATNConfigSet) { - for _, d := range p.delegates { - d.ReportContextSensitivity(recognizer, dfa, startIndex, stopIndex, prediction, configs) - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/error_strategy.go b/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/error_strategy.go deleted file mode 100644 index 5c0a637ba4a..00000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/error_strategy.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,734 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) 2012-2022 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved. -// Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license that -// can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root. - -package antlr - -import ( - "fmt" - "reflect" - "strconv" - "strings" -) - -type ErrorStrategy interface { - reset(Parser) - RecoverInline(Parser) Token - Recover(Parser, RecognitionException) - Sync(Parser) - InErrorRecoveryMode(Parser) bool - ReportError(Parser, RecognitionException) - ReportMatch(Parser) -} - -// This is the default implementation of {@link ANTLRErrorStrategy} used for -// error Reporting and recovery in ANTLR parsers. -type DefaultErrorStrategy struct { - errorRecoveryMode bool - lastErrorIndex int - lastErrorStates *IntervalSet -} - -var _ ErrorStrategy = &DefaultErrorStrategy{} - -func NewDefaultErrorStrategy() *DefaultErrorStrategy { - - d := new(DefaultErrorStrategy) - - // Indicates whether the error strategy is currently "recovering from an - // error". This is used to suppress Reporting multiple error messages while - // attempting to recover from a detected syntax error. - // - // @see //InErrorRecoveryMode - // - d.errorRecoveryMode = false - - // The index into the input stream where the last error occurred. - // This is used to prevent infinite loops where an error is found - // but no token is consumed during recovery...another error is found, - // ad nauseum. This is a failsafe mechanism to guarantee that at least - // one token/tree node is consumed for two errors. - // - d.lastErrorIndex = -1 - d.lastErrorStates = nil - return d -} - -//
The default implementation simply calls {@link //endErrorCondition} to -// ensure that the handler is not in error recovery mode.
-func (d *DefaultErrorStrategy) reset(recognizer Parser) { - d.endErrorCondition(recognizer) -} - -// This method is called to enter error recovery mode when a recognition -// exception is Reported. -// -// @param recognizer the parser instance -func (d *DefaultErrorStrategy) beginErrorCondition(recognizer Parser) { - d.errorRecoveryMode = true -} - -func (d *DefaultErrorStrategy) InErrorRecoveryMode(recognizer Parser) bool { - return d.errorRecoveryMode -} - -// This method is called to leave error recovery mode after recovering from -// a recognition exception. -// -// @param recognizer -func (d *DefaultErrorStrategy) endErrorCondition(recognizer Parser) { - d.errorRecoveryMode = false - d.lastErrorStates = nil - d.lastErrorIndex = -1 -} - -// {@inheritDoc} -// -//The default implementation simply calls {@link //endErrorCondition}.
-func (d *DefaultErrorStrategy) ReportMatch(recognizer Parser) { - d.endErrorCondition(recognizer) -} - -// {@inheritDoc} -// -//The default implementation returns immediately if the handler is already -// in error recovery mode. Otherwise, it calls {@link //beginErrorCondition} -// and dispatches the Reporting task based on the runtime type of {@code e} -// according to the following table.
-// -//The default implementation reSynchronizes the parser by consuming tokens -// until we find one in the reSynchronization set--loosely the set of tokens -// that can follow the current rule.
-func (d *DefaultErrorStrategy) Recover(recognizer Parser, e RecognitionException) { - - if d.lastErrorIndex == recognizer.GetInputStream().Index() && - d.lastErrorStates != nil && d.lastErrorStates.contains(recognizer.GetState()) { - // uh oh, another error at same token index and previously-Visited - // state in ATN must be a case where LT(1) is in the recovery - // token set so nothing got consumed. Consume a single token - // at least to prevent an infinite loop d is a failsafe. - recognizer.Consume() - } - d.lastErrorIndex = recognizer.GetInputStream().Index() - if d.lastErrorStates == nil { - d.lastErrorStates = NewIntervalSet() - } - d.lastErrorStates.addOne(recognizer.GetState()) - followSet := d.getErrorRecoverySet(recognizer) - d.consumeUntil(recognizer, followSet) -} - -// The default implementation of {@link ANTLRErrorStrategy//Sync} makes sure -// that the current lookahead symbol is consistent with what were expecting -// at d point in the ATN. You can call d anytime but ANTLR only -// generates code to check before subrules/loops and each iteration. -// -//Implements Jim Idle's magic Sync mechanism in closures and optional -// subrules. E.g.,
-// -//-// a : Sync ( stuff Sync )* -// Sync : {consume to what can follow Sync} -//-// -// At the start of a sub rule upon error, {@link //Sync} performs single -// token deletion, if possible. If it can't do that, it bails on the current -// rule and uses the default error recovery, which consumes until the -// reSynchronization set of the current rule. -// -//
If the sub rule is optional ({@code (...)?}, {@code (...)*}, or block -// with an empty alternative), then the expected set includes what follows -// the subrule.
-// -//During loop iteration, it consumes until it sees a token that can start a -// sub rule or what follows loop. Yes, that is pretty aggressive. We opt to -// stay in the loop as long as possible.
-// -//ORIGINS
-// -//Previous versions of ANTLR did a poor job of their recovery within loops. -// A single mismatch token or missing token would force the parser to bail -// out of the entire rules surrounding the loop. So, for rule
-// -//-// classfunc : 'class' ID '{' member* '}' -//-// -// input with an extra token between members would force the parser to -// consume until it found the next class definition rather than the next -// member definition of the current class. -// -//
This functionality cost a little bit of effort because the parser has to -// compare token set at the start of the loop and at each iteration. If for -// some reason speed is suffering for you, you can turn off d -// functionality by simply overriding d method as a blank { }.
-func (d *DefaultErrorStrategy) Sync(recognizer Parser) { - // If already recovering, don't try to Sync - if d.InErrorRecoveryMode(recognizer) { - return - } - - s := recognizer.GetInterpreter().atn.states[recognizer.GetState()] - la := recognizer.GetTokenStream().LA(1) - - // try cheaper subset first might get lucky. seems to shave a wee bit off - nextTokens := recognizer.GetATN().NextTokens(s, nil) - if nextTokens.contains(TokenEpsilon) || nextTokens.contains(la) { - return - } - - switch s.GetStateType() { - case ATNStateBlockStart, ATNStateStarBlockStart, ATNStatePlusBlockStart, ATNStateStarLoopEntry: - // Report error and recover if possible - if d.SingleTokenDeletion(recognizer) != nil { - return - } - panic(NewInputMisMatchException(recognizer)) - case ATNStatePlusLoopBack, ATNStateStarLoopBack: - d.ReportUnwantedToken(recognizer) - expecting := NewIntervalSet() - expecting.addSet(recognizer.GetExpectedTokens()) - whatFollowsLoopIterationOrRule := expecting.addSet(d.getErrorRecoverySet(recognizer)) - d.consumeUntil(recognizer, whatFollowsLoopIterationOrRule) - default: - // do nothing if we can't identify the exact kind of ATN state - } -} - -// This is called by {@link //ReportError} when the exception is a -// {@link NoViableAltException}. -// -// @see //ReportError -// -// @param recognizer the parser instance -// @param e the recognition exception -func (d *DefaultErrorStrategy) ReportNoViableAlternative(recognizer Parser, e *NoViableAltException) { - tokens := recognizer.GetTokenStream() - var input string - if tokens != nil { - if e.startToken.GetTokenType() == TokenEOF { - input = "This method is called when {@link //singleTokenDeletion} identifies -// single-token deletion as a viable recovery strategy for a mismatched -// input error.
-// -//The default implementation simply returns if the handler is already in -// error recovery mode. Otherwise, it calls {@link //beginErrorCondition} to -// enter error recovery mode, followed by calling -// {@link Parser//NotifyErrorListeners}.
-// -// @param recognizer the parser instance -func (d *DefaultErrorStrategy) ReportUnwantedToken(recognizer Parser) { - if d.InErrorRecoveryMode(recognizer) { - return - } - d.beginErrorCondition(recognizer) - t := recognizer.GetCurrentToken() - tokenName := d.GetTokenErrorDisplay(t) - expecting := d.GetExpectedTokens(recognizer) - msg := "extraneous input " + tokenName + " expecting " + - expecting.StringVerbose(recognizer.GetLiteralNames(), recognizer.GetSymbolicNames(), false) - recognizer.NotifyErrorListeners(msg, t, nil) -} - -// This method is called to Report a syntax error which requires the -// insertion of a missing token into the input stream. At the time d -// method is called, the missing token has not yet been inserted. When d -// method returns, {@code recognizer} is in error recovery mode. -// -//This method is called when {@link //singleTokenInsertion} identifies -// single-token insertion as a viable recovery strategy for a mismatched -// input error.
-// -//The default implementation simply returns if the handler is already in -// error recovery mode. Otherwise, it calls {@link //beginErrorCondition} to -// enter error recovery mode, followed by calling -// {@link Parser//NotifyErrorListeners}.
-// -// @param recognizer the parser instance -func (d *DefaultErrorStrategy) ReportMissingToken(recognizer Parser) { - if d.InErrorRecoveryMode(recognizer) { - return - } - d.beginErrorCondition(recognizer) - t := recognizer.GetCurrentToken() - expecting := d.GetExpectedTokens(recognizer) - msg := "missing " + expecting.StringVerbose(recognizer.GetLiteralNames(), recognizer.GetSymbolicNames(), false) + - " at " + d.GetTokenErrorDisplay(t) - recognizer.NotifyErrorListeners(msg, t, nil) -} - -//The default implementation attempts to recover from the mismatched input -// by using single token insertion and deletion as described below. If the -// recovery attempt fails, d method panics an -// {@link InputMisMatchException}.
-// -//EXTRA TOKEN (single token deletion)
-// -//{@code LA(1)} is not what we are looking for. If {@code LA(2)} has the -// right token, however, then assume {@code LA(1)} is some extra spurious -// token and delete it. Then consume and return the next token (which was -// the {@code LA(2)} token) as the successful result of the Match operation.
-// -//This recovery strategy is implemented by {@link -// //singleTokenDeletion}.
-// -//MISSING TOKEN (single token insertion)
-// -//If current token (at {@code LA(1)}) is consistent with what could come -// after the expected {@code LA(1)} token, then assume the token is missing -// and use the parser's {@link TokenFactory} to create it on the fly. The -// "insertion" is performed by returning the created token as the successful -// result of the Match operation.
-// -//This recovery strategy is implemented by {@link -// //singleTokenInsertion}.
-// -//EXAMPLE
-// -//For example, Input {@code i=(3} is clearly missing the {@code ')'}. When -// the parser returns from the nested call to {@code expr}, it will have -// call chain:
-// -//-// stat &rarr expr &rarr atom -//-// -// and it will be trying to Match the {@code ')'} at d point in the -// derivation: -// -//
-// => ID '=' '(' INT ')' ('+' atom)* ” -// ^ -//-// -// The attempt to Match {@code ')'} will fail when it sees {@code ”} and -// call {@link //recoverInline}. To recover, it sees that {@code LA(1)==”} -// is in the set of tokens that can follow the {@code ')'} token reference -// in rule {@code atom}. It can assume that you forgot the {@code ')'}. -func (d *DefaultErrorStrategy) RecoverInline(recognizer Parser) Token { - // SINGLE TOKEN DELETION - MatchedSymbol := d.SingleTokenDeletion(recognizer) - if MatchedSymbol != nil { - // we have deleted the extra token. - // now, move past ttype token as if all were ok - recognizer.Consume() - return MatchedSymbol - } - // SINGLE TOKEN INSERTION - if d.SingleTokenInsertion(recognizer) { - return d.GetMissingSymbol(recognizer) - } - // even that didn't work must panic the exception - panic(NewInputMisMatchException(recognizer)) -} - -// This method implements the single-token insertion inline error recovery -// strategy. It is called by {@link //recoverInline} if the single-token -// deletion strategy fails to recover from the mismatched input. If this -// method returns {@code true}, {@code recognizer} will be in error recovery -// mode. -// -//
This method determines whether or not single-token insertion is viable by -// checking if the {@code LA(1)} input symbol could be successfully Matched -// if it were instead the {@code LA(2)} symbol. If d method returns -// {@code true}, the caller is responsible for creating and inserting a -// token with the correct type to produce d behavior.
-// -// @param recognizer the parser instance -// @return {@code true} if single-token insertion is a viable recovery -// strategy for the current mismatched input, otherwise {@code false} -func (d *DefaultErrorStrategy) SingleTokenInsertion(recognizer Parser) bool { - currentSymbolType := recognizer.GetTokenStream().LA(1) - // if current token is consistent with what could come after current - // ATN state, then we know we're missing a token error recovery - // is free to conjure up and insert the missing token - atn := recognizer.GetInterpreter().atn - currentState := atn.states[recognizer.GetState()] - next := currentState.GetTransitions()[0].getTarget() - expectingAtLL2 := atn.NextTokens(next, recognizer.GetParserRuleContext()) - if expectingAtLL2.contains(currentSymbolType) { - d.ReportMissingToken(recognizer) - return true - } - - return false -} - -// This method implements the single-token deletion inline error recovery -// strategy. It is called by {@link //recoverInline} to attempt to recover -// from mismatched input. If this method returns nil, the parser and error -// handler state will not have changed. If this method returns non-nil, -// {@code recognizer} will not be in error recovery mode since the -// returned token was a successful Match. -// -//If the single-token deletion is successful, d method calls -// {@link //ReportUnwantedToken} to Report the error, followed by -// {@link Parser//consume} to actually "delete" the extraneous token. Then, -// before returning {@link //ReportMatch} is called to signal a successful -// Match.
-// -// @param recognizer the parser instance -// @return the successfully Matched {@link Token} instance if single-token -// deletion successfully recovers from the mismatched input, otherwise -// {@code nil} -func (d *DefaultErrorStrategy) SingleTokenDeletion(recognizer Parser) Token { - NextTokenType := recognizer.GetTokenStream().LA(2) - expecting := d.GetExpectedTokens(recognizer) - if expecting.contains(NextTokenType) { - d.ReportUnwantedToken(recognizer) - // print("recoverFromMisMatchedToken deleting " \ - // + str(recognizer.GetTokenStream().LT(1)) \ - // + " since " + str(recognizer.GetTokenStream().LT(2)) \ - // + " is what we want", file=sys.stderr) - recognizer.Consume() // simply delete extra token - // we want to return the token we're actually Matching - MatchedSymbol := recognizer.GetCurrentToken() - d.ReportMatch(recognizer) // we know current token is correct - return MatchedSymbol - } - - return nil -} - -// Conjure up a missing token during error recovery. -// -// The recognizer attempts to recover from single missing -// symbols. But, actions might refer to that missing symbol. -// For example, x=ID {f($x)}. The action clearly assumes -// that there has been an identifier Matched previously and that -// $x points at that token. If that token is missing, but -// the next token in the stream is what we want we assume that -// d token is missing and we keep going. Because we -// have to return some token to replace the missing token, -// we have to conjure one up. This method gives the user control -// over the tokens returned for missing tokens. Mostly, -// you will want to create something special for identifier -// tokens. For literals such as '{' and ',', the default -// action in the parser or tree parser works. It simply creates -// a CommonToken of the appropriate type. The text will be the token. -// If you change what tokens must be created by the lexer, -// override d method to create the appropriate tokens. -func (d *DefaultErrorStrategy) GetMissingSymbol(recognizer Parser) Token { - currentSymbol := recognizer.GetCurrentToken() - expecting := d.GetExpectedTokens(recognizer) - expectedTokenType := expecting.first() - var tokenText string - - if expectedTokenType == TokenEOF { - tokenText = "-// This error strategy is useful in the following scenarios.
-// -//-// {@code myparser.setErrorHandler(NewBailErrorStrategy())}
-// -// @see Parser//setErrorHandler(ANTLRErrorStrategy) - -type BailErrorStrategy struct { - *DefaultErrorStrategy -} - -var _ ErrorStrategy = &BailErrorStrategy{} - -func NewBailErrorStrategy() *BailErrorStrategy { - - b := new(BailErrorStrategy) - - b.DefaultErrorStrategy = NewDefaultErrorStrategy() - - return b -} - -// Instead of recovering from exception {@code e}, re-panic it wrapped -// in a {@link ParseCancellationException} so it is not caught by the -// rule func catches. Use {@link Exception//getCause()} to get the -// original {@link RecognitionException}. -func (b *BailErrorStrategy) Recover(recognizer Parser, e RecognitionException) { - context := recognizer.GetParserRuleContext() - for context != nil { - context.SetException(e) - if parent, ok := context.GetParent().(ParserRuleContext); ok { - context = parent - } else { - context = nil - } - } - panic(NewParseCancellationException()) // TODO we don't emit e properly -} - -// Make sure we don't attempt to recover inline if the parser -// successfully recovers, it won't panic an exception. -func (b *BailErrorStrategy) RecoverInline(recognizer Parser) Token { - b.Recover(recognizer, NewInputMisMatchException(recognizer)) - - return nil -} - -// Make sure we don't attempt to recover from problems in subrules.// -func (b *BailErrorStrategy) Sync(recognizer Parser) { - // pass -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/errors.go b/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/errors.go deleted file mode 100644 index 3954c137829..00000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/errors.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,238 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) 2012-2022 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved. -// Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license that -// can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root. - -package antlr - -// The root of the ANTLR exception hierarchy. In general, ANTLR tracks just -// 3 kinds of errors: prediction errors, failed predicate errors, and -// mismatched input errors. In each case, the parser knows where it is -// in the input, where it is in the ATN, the rule invocation stack, -// and what kind of problem occurred. - -type RecognitionException interface { - GetOffendingToken() Token - GetMessage() string - GetInputStream() IntStream -} - -type BaseRecognitionException struct { - message string - recognizer Recognizer - offendingToken Token - offendingState int - ctx RuleContext - input IntStream -} - -func NewBaseRecognitionException(message string, recognizer Recognizer, input IntStream, ctx RuleContext) *BaseRecognitionException { - - // todo - // Error.call(this) - // - // if (!!Error.captureStackTrace) { - // Error.captureStackTrace(this, RecognitionException) - // } else { - // stack := NewError().stack - // } - // TODO may be able to use - "runtime" func Stack(buf []byte, all bool) int - - t := new(BaseRecognitionException) - - t.message = message - t.recognizer = recognizer - t.input = input - t.ctx = ctx - // The current {@link Token} when an error occurred. Since not all streams - // support accessing symbols by index, we have to track the {@link Token} - // instance itself. - t.offendingToken = nil - // Get the ATN state number the parser was in at the time the error - // occurred. For {@link NoViableAltException} and - // {@link LexerNoViableAltException} exceptions, this is the - // {@link DecisionState} number. For others, it is the state whose outgoing - // edge we couldn't Match. - t.offendingState = -1 - if t.recognizer != nil { - t.offendingState = t.recognizer.GetState() - } - - return t -} - -func (b *BaseRecognitionException) GetMessage() string { - return b.message -} - -func (b *BaseRecognitionException) GetOffendingToken() Token { - return b.offendingToken -} - -func (b *BaseRecognitionException) GetInputStream() IntStream { - return b.input -} - -//If the state number is not known, b method returns -1.
- -// Gets the set of input symbols which could potentially follow the -// previously Matched symbol at the time b exception was panicn. -// -//If the set of expected tokens is not known and could not be computed, -// b method returns {@code nil}.
-// -// @return The set of token types that could potentially follow the current -// state in the ATN, or {@code nil} if the information is not available. -// / -func (b *BaseRecognitionException) getExpectedTokens() *IntervalSet { - if b.recognizer != nil { - return b.recognizer.GetATN().getExpectedTokens(b.offendingState, b.ctx) - } - - return nil -} - -func (b *BaseRecognitionException) String() string { - return b.message -} - -type LexerNoViableAltException struct { - *BaseRecognitionException - - startIndex int - deadEndConfigs ATNConfigSet -} - -func NewLexerNoViableAltException(lexer Lexer, input CharStream, startIndex int, deadEndConfigs ATNConfigSet) *LexerNoViableAltException { - - l := new(LexerNoViableAltException) - - l.BaseRecognitionException = NewBaseRecognitionException("", lexer, input, nil) - - l.startIndex = startIndex - l.deadEndConfigs = deadEndConfigs - - return l -} - -func (l *LexerNoViableAltException) String() string { - symbol := "" - if l.startIndex >= 0 && l.startIndex < l.input.Size() { - symbol = l.input.(CharStream).GetTextFromInterval(NewInterval(l.startIndex, l.startIndex)) - } - return "LexerNoViableAltException" + symbol -} - -type NoViableAltException struct { - *BaseRecognitionException - - startToken Token - offendingToken Token - ctx ParserRuleContext - deadEndConfigs ATNConfigSet -} - -// Indicates that the parser could not decide which of two or more paths -// to take based upon the remaining input. It tracks the starting token -// of the offending input and also knows where the parser was -// in the various paths when the error. Reported by ReportNoViableAlternative() -func NewNoViableAltException(recognizer Parser, input TokenStream, startToken Token, offendingToken Token, deadEndConfigs ATNConfigSet, ctx ParserRuleContext) *NoViableAltException { - - if ctx == nil { - ctx = recognizer.GetParserRuleContext() - } - - if offendingToken == nil { - offendingToken = recognizer.GetCurrentToken() - } - - if startToken == nil { - startToken = recognizer.GetCurrentToken() - } - - if input == nil { - input = recognizer.GetInputStream().(TokenStream) - } - - n := new(NoViableAltException) - n.BaseRecognitionException = NewBaseRecognitionException("", recognizer, input, ctx) - - // Which configurations did we try at input.Index() that couldn't Match - // input.LT(1)?// - n.deadEndConfigs = deadEndConfigs - // The token object at the start index the input stream might - // not be buffering tokens so get a reference to it. (At the - // time the error occurred, of course the stream needs to keep a - // buffer all of the tokens but later we might not have access to those.) - n.startToken = startToken - n.offendingToken = offendingToken - - return n -} - -type InputMisMatchException struct { - *BaseRecognitionException -} - -// This signifies any kind of mismatched input exceptions such as -// when the current input does not Match the expected token. -func NewInputMisMatchException(recognizer Parser) *InputMisMatchException { - - i := new(InputMisMatchException) - i.BaseRecognitionException = NewBaseRecognitionException("", recognizer, recognizer.GetInputStream(), recognizer.GetParserRuleContext()) - - i.offendingToken = recognizer.GetCurrentToken() - - return i - -} - -// A semantic predicate failed during validation. Validation of predicates -// occurs when normally parsing the alternative just like Matching a token. -// Disambiguating predicate evaluation occurs when we test a predicate during -// prediction. - -type FailedPredicateException struct { - *BaseRecognitionException - - ruleIndex int - predicateIndex int - predicate string -} - -func NewFailedPredicateException(recognizer Parser, predicate string, message string) *FailedPredicateException { - - f := new(FailedPredicateException) - - f.BaseRecognitionException = NewBaseRecognitionException(f.formatMessage(predicate, message), recognizer, recognizer.GetInputStream(), recognizer.GetParserRuleContext()) - - s := recognizer.GetInterpreter().atn.states[recognizer.GetState()] - trans := s.GetTransitions()[0] - if trans2, ok := trans.(*PredicateTransition); ok { - f.ruleIndex = trans2.ruleIndex - f.predicateIndex = trans2.predIndex - } else { - f.ruleIndex = 0 - f.predicateIndex = 0 - } - f.predicate = predicate - f.offendingToken = recognizer.GetCurrentToken() - - return f -} - -func (f *FailedPredicateException) formatMessage(predicate, message string) string { - if message != "" { - return message - } - - return "failed predicate: {" + predicate + "}?" -} - -type ParseCancellationException struct { -} - -func NewParseCancellationException() *ParseCancellationException { - // Error.call(this) - // Error.captureStackTrace(this, ParseCancellationException) - return new(ParseCancellationException) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/file_stream.go b/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/file_stream.go deleted file mode 100644 index bd6ad5efe3d..00000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/file_stream.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) 2012-2022 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved. -// Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license that -// can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root. - -package antlr - -import ( - "bytes" - "io" - "os" -) - -// This is an InputStream that is loaded from a file all at once -// when you construct the object. - -type FileStream struct { - *InputStream - - filename string -} - -func NewFileStream(fileName string) (*FileStream, error) { - - buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) - - f, err := os.Open(fileName) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - defer f.Close() - _, err = io.Copy(buf, f) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - fs := new(FileStream) - - fs.filename = fileName - s := string(buf.Bytes()) - - fs.InputStream = NewInputStream(s) - - return fs, nil - -} - -func (f *FileStream) GetSourceName() string { - return f.filename -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/input_stream.go b/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/input_stream.go deleted file mode 100644 index a8b889cedb9..00000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/input_stream.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,113 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) 2012-2022 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved. -// Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license that -// can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root. - -package antlr - -type InputStream struct { - name string - index int - data []rune - size int -} - -func NewInputStream(data string) *InputStream { - - is := new(InputStream) - - is.name = "The executor tracks position information for position-dependent lexer actions -// efficiently, ensuring that actions appearing only at the end of the rule do -// not cause bloating of the {@link DFA} created for the lexer.
- -type LexerActionExecutor struct { - lexerActions []LexerAction - cachedHash int -} - -func NewLexerActionExecutor(lexerActions []LexerAction) *LexerActionExecutor { - - if lexerActions == nil { - lexerActions = make([]LexerAction, 0) - } - - l := new(LexerActionExecutor) - - l.lexerActions = lexerActions - - // Caches the result of {@link //hashCode} since the hash code is an element - // of the performance-critical {@link LexerATNConfig//hashCode} operation. - l.cachedHash = murmurInit(57) - for _, a := range lexerActions { - l.cachedHash = murmurUpdate(l.cachedHash, a.Hash()) - } - - return l -} - -// Creates a {@link LexerActionExecutor} which executes the actions for -// the input {@code lexerActionExecutor} followed by a specified -// {@code lexerAction}. -// -// @param lexerActionExecutor The executor for actions already traversed by -// the lexer while Matching a token within a particular -// {@link LexerATNConfig}. If this is {@code nil}, the method behaves as -// though it were an empty executor. -// @param lexerAction The lexer action to execute after the actions -// specified in {@code lexerActionExecutor}. -// -// @return A {@link LexerActionExecutor} for executing the combine actions -// of {@code lexerActionExecutor} and {@code lexerAction}. -func LexerActionExecutorappend(lexerActionExecutor *LexerActionExecutor, lexerAction LexerAction) *LexerActionExecutor { - if lexerActionExecutor == nil { - return NewLexerActionExecutor([]LexerAction{lexerAction}) - } - - return NewLexerActionExecutor(append(lexerActionExecutor.lexerActions, lexerAction)) -} - -// Creates a {@link LexerActionExecutor} which encodes the current offset -// for position-dependent lexer actions. -// -//Normally, when the executor encounters lexer actions where -// {@link LexerAction//isPositionDependent} returns {@code true}, it calls -// {@link IntStream//seek} on the input {@link CharStream} to set the input -// position to the end of the current token. This behavior provides -// for efficient DFA representation of lexer actions which appear at the end -// of a lexer rule, even when the lexer rule Matches a variable number of -// characters.
-// -//Prior to traversing a Match transition in the ATN, the current offset -// from the token start index is assigned to all position-dependent lexer -// actions which have not already been assigned a fixed offset. By storing -// the offsets relative to the token start index, the DFA representation of -// lexer actions which appear in the middle of tokens remains efficient due -// to sharing among tokens of the same length, regardless of their absolute -// position in the input stream.
-// -//If the current executor already has offsets assigned to all -// position-dependent lexer actions, the method returns {@code this}.
-// -// @param offset The current offset to assign to all position-dependent -// lexer actions which do not already have offsets assigned. -// -// @return A {@link LexerActionExecutor} which stores input stream offsets -// for all position-dependent lexer actions. -// / -func (l *LexerActionExecutor) fixOffsetBeforeMatch(offset int) *LexerActionExecutor { - var updatedLexerActions []LexerAction - for i := 0; i < len(l.lexerActions); i++ { - _, ok := l.lexerActions[i].(*LexerIndexedCustomAction) - if l.lexerActions[i].getIsPositionDependent() && !ok { - if updatedLexerActions == nil { - updatedLexerActions = make([]LexerAction, 0) - - for _, a := range l.lexerActions { - updatedLexerActions = append(updatedLexerActions, a) - } - } - - updatedLexerActions[i] = NewLexerIndexedCustomAction(offset, l.lexerActions[i]) - } - } - if updatedLexerActions == nil { - return l - } - - return NewLexerActionExecutor(updatedLexerActions) -} - -// Execute the actions encapsulated by l executor within the context of a -// particular {@link Lexer}. -// -//This method calls {@link IntStream//seek} to set the position of the -// {@code input} {@link CharStream} prior to calling -// {@link LexerAction//execute} on a position-dependent action. Before the -// method returns, the input position will be restored to the same position -// it was in when the method was invoked.
-// -// @param lexer The lexer instance. -// @param input The input stream which is the source for the current token. -// When l method is called, the current {@link IntStream//index} for -// {@code input} should be the start of the following token, i.e. 1 -// character past the end of the current token. -// @param startIndex The token start index. This value may be passed to -// {@link IntStream//seek} to set the {@code input} position to the beginning -// of the token. -// / -func (l *LexerActionExecutor) execute(lexer Lexer, input CharStream, startIndex int) { - requiresSeek := false - stopIndex := input.Index() - - defer func() { - if requiresSeek { - input.Seek(stopIndex) - } - }() - - for i := 0; i < len(l.lexerActions); i++ { - lexerAction := l.lexerActions[i] - if la, ok := lexerAction.(*LexerIndexedCustomAction); ok { - offset := la.offset - input.Seek(startIndex + offset) - lexerAction = la.lexerAction - requiresSeek = (startIndex + offset) != stopIndex - } else if lexerAction.getIsPositionDependent() { - input.Seek(stopIndex) - requiresSeek = false - } - lexerAction.execute(lexer) - } -} - -func (l *LexerActionExecutor) Hash() int { - if l == nil { - // TODO: Why is this here? l should not be nil - return 61 - } - - // TODO: This is created from the action itself when the struct is created - will this be an issue at some point? Java uses the runtime assign hashcode - return l.cachedHash -} - -func (l *LexerActionExecutor) Equals(other interface{}) bool { - if l == other { - return true - } - othert, ok := other.(*LexerActionExecutor) - if !ok { - return false - } - if othert == nil { - return false - } - if l.cachedHash != othert.cachedHash { - return false - } - if len(l.lexerActions) != len(othert.lexerActions) { - return false - } - return slices.EqualFunc(l.lexerActions, othert.lexerActions, func(i, j LexerAction) bool { - return i.Equals(j) - }) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/ll1_analyzer.go b/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/ll1_analyzer.go deleted file mode 100644 index 76689615a6d..00000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/ll1_analyzer.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,216 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) 2012-2022 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved. -// Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license that -// can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root. - -package antlr - -type LL1Analyzer struct { - atn *ATN -} - -func NewLL1Analyzer(atn *ATN) *LL1Analyzer { - la := new(LL1Analyzer) - la.atn = atn - return la -} - -// - Special value added to the lookahead sets to indicate that we hit -// a predicate during analysis if {@code seeThruPreds==false}. -// -// / -const ( - LL1AnalyzerHitPred = TokenInvalidType -) - -// * -// Calculates the SLL(1) expected lookahead set for each outgoing transition -// of an {@link ATNState}. The returned array has one element for each -// outgoing transition in {@code s}. If the closure from transition -// i leads to a semantic predicate before Matching a symbol, the -// element at index i of the result will be {@code nil}. -// -// @param s the ATN state -// @return the expected symbols for each outgoing transition of {@code s}. -func (la *LL1Analyzer) getDecisionLookahead(s ATNState) []*IntervalSet { - if s == nil { - return nil - } - count := len(s.GetTransitions()) - look := make([]*IntervalSet, count) - for alt := 0; alt < count; alt++ { - look[alt] = NewIntervalSet() - lookBusy := NewJStore[ATNConfig, Comparator[ATNConfig]](aConfEqInst) - seeThruPreds := false // fail to get lookahead upon pred - la.look1(s.GetTransitions()[alt].getTarget(), nil, BasePredictionContextEMPTY, look[alt], lookBusy, NewBitSet(), seeThruPreds, false) - // Wipe out lookahead for la alternative if we found nothing - // or we had a predicate when we !seeThruPreds - if look[alt].length() == 0 || look[alt].contains(LL1AnalyzerHitPred) { - look[alt] = nil - } - } - return look -} - -// * -// Compute set of tokens that can follow {@code s} in the ATN in the -// specified {@code ctx}. -// -//If {@code ctx} is {@code nil} and the end of the rule containing -// {@code s} is reached, {@link Token//EPSILON} is added to the result set. -// If {@code ctx} is not {@code nil} and the end of the outermost rule is -// reached, {@link Token//EOF} is added to the result set.
-// -// @param s the ATN state -// @param stopState the ATN state to stop at. This can be a -// {@link BlockEndState} to detect epsilon paths through a closure. -// @param ctx the complete parser context, or {@code nil} if the context -// should be ignored -// -// @return The set of tokens that can follow {@code s} in the ATN in the -// specified {@code ctx}. -// / -func (la *LL1Analyzer) Look(s, stopState ATNState, ctx RuleContext) *IntervalSet { - r := NewIntervalSet() - seeThruPreds := true // ignore preds get all lookahead - var lookContext PredictionContext - if ctx != nil { - lookContext = predictionContextFromRuleContext(s.GetATN(), ctx) - } - la.look1(s, stopState, lookContext, r, NewJStore[ATNConfig, Comparator[ATNConfig]](aConfEqInst), NewBitSet(), seeThruPreds, true) - return r -} - -//* -// Compute set of tokens that can follow {@code s} in the ATN in the -// specified {@code ctx}. -// -//If {@code ctx} is {@code nil} and {@code stopState} or the end of the -// rule containing {@code s} is reached, {@link Token//EPSILON} is added to -// the result set. If {@code ctx} is not {@code nil} and {@code addEOF} is -// {@code true} and {@code stopState} or the end of the outermost rule is -// reached, {@link Token//EOF} is added to the result set.
-// -// @param s the ATN state. -// @param stopState the ATN state to stop at. This can be a -// {@link BlockEndState} to detect epsilon paths through a closure. -// @param ctx The outer context, or {@code nil} if the outer context should -// not be used. -// @param look The result lookahead set. -// @param lookBusy A set used for preventing epsilon closures in the ATN -// from causing a stack overflow. Outside code should pass -// {@code NewSetWhen {@code lookToEndOfRule} is true, p method uses -// {@link ATN//NextTokens} for each configuration in {@code configs} which is -// not already in a rule stop state to see if a rule stop state is reachable -// from the configuration via epsilon-only transitions.
-// -// @param configs the configuration set to update -// @param lookToEndOfRule when true, p method checks for rule stop states -// reachable by epsilon-only transitions from each configuration in -// {@code configs}. -// -// @return {@code configs} if all configurations in {@code configs} are in a -// rule stop state, otherwise return a Newconfiguration set containing only -// the configurations from {@code configs} which are in a rule stop state -func (p *ParserATNSimulator) removeAllConfigsNotInRuleStopState(configs ATNConfigSet, lookToEndOfRule bool) ATNConfigSet { - if PredictionModeallConfigsInRuleStopStates(configs) { - return configs - } - result := NewBaseATNConfigSet(configs.FullContext()) - for _, config := range configs.GetItems() { - if _, ok := config.GetState().(*RuleStopState); ok { - result.Add(config, p.mergeCache) - continue - } - if lookToEndOfRule && config.GetState().GetEpsilonOnlyTransitions() { - NextTokens := p.atn.NextTokens(config.GetState(), nil) - if NextTokens.contains(TokenEpsilon) { - endOfRuleState := p.atn.ruleToStopState[config.GetState().GetRuleIndex()] - result.Add(NewBaseATNConfig4(config, endOfRuleState), p.mergeCache) - } - } - } - return result -} - -func (p *ParserATNSimulator) computeStartState(a ATNState, ctx RuleContext, fullCtx bool) ATNConfigSet { - // always at least the implicit call to start rule - initialContext := predictionContextFromRuleContext(p.atn, ctx) - configs := NewBaseATNConfigSet(fullCtx) - if ParserATNSimulatorDebug || ParserATNSimulatorTraceATNSim { - fmt.Println("computeStartState from ATN state " + a.String() + - " initialContext=" + initialContext.String()) - } - - for i := 0; i < len(a.GetTransitions()); i++ { - target := a.GetTransitions()[i].getTarget() - c := NewBaseATNConfig6(target, i+1, initialContext) - closureBusy := NewJStore[ATNConfig, Comparator[ATNConfig]](atnConfCompInst) - p.closure(c, configs, closureBusy, true, fullCtx, false) - } - return configs -} - -// This method transforms the start state computed by -// {@link //computeStartState} to the special start state used by a -// precedence DFA for a particular precedence value. The transformation -// process applies the following changes to the start state's configuration -// set. -// -//-// The prediction context must be considered by p filter to address -// situations like the following. -//
-// grammar TA
-// prog: statement* EOF
-// statement: letterA | statement letterA 'b'
-// letterA: 'a'
-// -// If the above grammar, the ATN state immediately before the token -// reference {@code 'a'} in {@code letterA} is reachable from the left edge -// of both the primary and closure blocks of the left-recursive rule -// {@code statement}. The prediction context associated with each of these -// configurations distinguishes between them, and prevents the alternative -// which stepped out to {@code prog} (and then back in to {@code statement} -// from being eliminated by the filter. -//
-// -// @param configs The configuration set computed by -// {@link //computeStartState} as the start state for the DFA. -// @return The transformed configuration set representing the start state -// for a precedence DFA at a particular precedence level (determined by -// calling {@link Parser//getPrecedence}). -func (p *ParserATNSimulator) applyPrecedenceFilter(configs ATNConfigSet) ATNConfigSet { - - statesFromAlt1 := make(map[int]PredictionContext) - configSet := NewBaseATNConfigSet(configs.FullContext()) - - for _, config := range configs.GetItems() { - // handle alt 1 first - if config.GetAlt() != 1 { - continue - } - updatedContext := config.GetSemanticContext().evalPrecedence(p.parser, p.outerContext) - if updatedContext == nil { - // the configuration was eliminated - continue - } - statesFromAlt1[config.GetState().GetStateNumber()] = config.GetContext() - if updatedContext != config.GetSemanticContext() { - configSet.Add(NewBaseATNConfig2(config, updatedContext), p.mergeCache) - } else { - configSet.Add(config, p.mergeCache) - } - } - for _, config := range configs.GetItems() { - - if config.GetAlt() == 1 { - // already handled - continue - } - // In the future, p elimination step could be updated to also - // filter the prediction context for alternatives predicting alt>1 - // (basically a graph subtraction algorithm). - if !config.getPrecedenceFilterSuppressed() { - context := statesFromAlt1[config.GetState().GetStateNumber()] - if context != nil && context.Equals(config.GetContext()) { - // eliminated - continue - } - } - configSet.Add(config, p.mergeCache) - } - return configSet -} - -func (p *ParserATNSimulator) getReachableTarget(trans Transition, ttype int) ATNState { - if trans.Matches(ttype, 0, p.atn.maxTokenType) { - return trans.getTarget() - } - - return nil -} - -func (p *ParserATNSimulator) getPredsForAmbigAlts(ambigAlts *BitSet, configs ATNConfigSet, nalts int) []SemanticContext { - - altToPred := make([]SemanticContext, nalts+1) - for _, c := range configs.GetItems() { - if ambigAlts.contains(c.GetAlt()) { - altToPred[c.GetAlt()] = SemanticContextorContext(altToPred[c.GetAlt()], c.GetSemanticContext()) - } - } - nPredAlts := 0 - for i := 1; i <= nalts; i++ { - pred := altToPred[i] - if pred == nil { - altToPred[i] = SemanticContextNone - } else if pred != SemanticContextNone { - nPredAlts++ - } - } - // nonambig alts are nil in altToPred - if nPredAlts == 0 { - altToPred = nil - } - if ParserATNSimulatorDebug { - fmt.Println("getPredsForAmbigAlts result " + fmt.Sprint(altToPred)) - } - return altToPred -} - -func (p *ParserATNSimulator) getPredicatePredictions(ambigAlts *BitSet, altToPred []SemanticContext) []*PredPrediction { - pairs := make([]*PredPrediction, 0) - containsPredicate := false - for i := 1; i < len(altToPred); i++ { - pred := altToPred[i] - // unpredicated is indicated by SemanticContextNONE - if ambigAlts != nil && ambigAlts.contains(i) { - pairs = append(pairs, NewPredPrediction(pred, i)) - } - if pred != SemanticContextNone { - containsPredicate = true - } - } - if !containsPredicate { - return nil - } - return pairs -} - -// This method is used to improve the localization of error messages by -// choosing an alternative rather than panicing a -// {@link NoViableAltException} in particular prediction scenarios where the -// {@link //ERROR} state was reached during ATN simulation. -// -//-// The default implementation of p method uses the following -// algorithm to identify an ATN configuration which successfully parsed the -// decision entry rule. Choosing such an alternative ensures that the -// {@link ParserRuleContext} returned by the calling rule will be complete -// and valid, and the syntax error will be Reported later at a more -// localized location.
-// -//-// In some scenarios, the algorithm described above could predict an -// alternative which will result in a {@link FailedPredicateException} in -// the parser. Specifically, p could occur if the only configuration -// capable of successfully parsing to the end of the decision rule is -// blocked by a semantic predicate. By choosing p alternative within -// {@link //AdaptivePredict} instead of panicing a -// {@link NoViableAltException}, the resulting -// {@link FailedPredicateException} in the parser will identify the specific -// predicate which is preventing the parser from successfully parsing the -// decision rule, which helps developers identify and correct logic errors -// in semantic predicates. -//
-// -// @param configs The ATN configurations which were valid immediately before -// the {@link //ERROR} state was reached -// @param outerContext The is the \gamma_0 initial parser context from the paper -// or the parser stack at the instant before prediction commences. -// -// @return The value to return from {@link //AdaptivePredict}, or -// {@link ATN//INVALID_ALT_NUMBER} if a suitable alternative was not -// identified and {@link //AdaptivePredict} should Report an error instead. -func (p *ParserATNSimulator) getSynValidOrSemInvalidAltThatFinishedDecisionEntryRule(configs ATNConfigSet, outerContext ParserRuleContext) int { - cfgs := p.splitAccordingToSemanticValidity(configs, outerContext) - semValidConfigs := cfgs[0] - semInvalidConfigs := cfgs[1] - alt := p.GetAltThatFinishedDecisionEntryRule(semValidConfigs) - if alt != ATNInvalidAltNumber { // semantically/syntactically viable path exists - return alt - } - // Is there a syntactically valid path with a failed pred? - if len(semInvalidConfigs.GetItems()) > 0 { - alt = p.GetAltThatFinishedDecisionEntryRule(semInvalidConfigs) - if alt != ATNInvalidAltNumber { // syntactically viable path exists - return alt - } - } - return ATNInvalidAltNumber -} - -func (p *ParserATNSimulator) GetAltThatFinishedDecisionEntryRule(configs ATNConfigSet) int { - alts := NewIntervalSet() - - for _, c := range configs.GetItems() { - _, ok := c.GetState().(*RuleStopState) - - if c.GetReachesIntoOuterContext() > 0 || (ok && c.GetContext().hasEmptyPath()) { - alts.addOne(c.GetAlt()) - } - } - if alts.length() == 0 { - return ATNInvalidAltNumber - } - - return alts.first() -} - -// Walk the list of configurations and split them according to -// those that have preds evaluating to true/false. If no pred, assume -// true pred and include in succeeded set. Returns Pair of sets. -// -// Create a NewSet so as not to alter the incoming parameter. -// -// Assumption: the input stream has been restored to the starting point -// prediction, which is where predicates need to evaluate. - -type ATNConfigSetPair struct { - item0, item1 ATNConfigSet -} - -func (p *ParserATNSimulator) splitAccordingToSemanticValidity(configs ATNConfigSet, outerContext ParserRuleContext) []ATNConfigSet { - succeeded := NewBaseATNConfigSet(configs.FullContext()) - failed := NewBaseATNConfigSet(configs.FullContext()) - - for _, c := range configs.GetItems() { - if c.GetSemanticContext() != SemanticContextNone { - predicateEvaluationResult := c.GetSemanticContext().evaluate(p.parser, outerContext) - if predicateEvaluationResult { - succeeded.Add(c, nil) - } else { - failed.Add(c, nil) - } - } else { - succeeded.Add(c, nil) - } - } - return []ATNConfigSet{succeeded, failed} -} - -// Look through a list of predicate/alt pairs, returning alts for the -// -// pairs that win. A {@code NONE} predicate indicates an alt containing an -// unpredicated config which behaves as "always true." If !complete -// then we stop at the first predicate that evaluates to true. This -// includes pairs with nil predicates. -func (p *ParserATNSimulator) evalSemanticContext(predPredictions []*PredPrediction, outerContext ParserRuleContext, complete bool) *BitSet { - predictions := NewBitSet() - for i := 0; i < len(predPredictions); i++ { - pair := predPredictions[i] - if pair.pred == SemanticContextNone { - predictions.add(pair.alt) - if !complete { - break - } - continue - } - - predicateEvaluationResult := pair.pred.evaluate(p.parser, outerContext) - if ParserATNSimulatorDebug || ParserATNSimulatorDFADebug { - fmt.Println("eval pred " + pair.String() + "=" + fmt.Sprint(predicateEvaluationResult)) - } - if predicateEvaluationResult { - if ParserATNSimulatorDebug || ParserATNSimulatorDFADebug { - fmt.Println("PREDICT " + fmt.Sprint(pair.alt)) - } - predictions.add(pair.alt) - if !complete { - break - } - } - } - return predictions -} - -func (p *ParserATNSimulator) closure(config ATNConfig, configs ATNConfigSet, closureBusy *JStore[ATNConfig, Comparator[ATNConfig]], collectPredicates, fullCtx, treatEOFAsEpsilon bool) { - initialDepth := 0 - p.closureCheckingStopState(config, configs, closureBusy, collectPredicates, - fullCtx, initialDepth, treatEOFAsEpsilon) -} - -func (p *ParserATNSimulator) closureCheckingStopState(config ATNConfig, configs ATNConfigSet, closureBusy *JStore[ATNConfig, Comparator[ATNConfig]], collectPredicates, fullCtx bool, depth int, treatEOFAsEpsilon bool) { - if ParserATNSimulatorTraceATNSim { - fmt.Println("closure(" + config.String() + ")") - //fmt.Println("configs(" + configs.String() + ")") - if config.GetReachesIntoOuterContext() > 50 { - panic("problem") - } - } - - if _, ok := config.GetState().(*RuleStopState); ok { - // We hit rule end. If we have context info, use it - // run thru all possible stack tops in ctx - if !config.GetContext().isEmpty() { - for i := 0; i < config.GetContext().length(); i++ { - if config.GetContext().getReturnState(i) == BasePredictionContextEmptyReturnState { - if fullCtx { - configs.Add(NewBaseATNConfig1(config, config.GetState(), BasePredictionContextEMPTY), p.mergeCache) - continue - } else { - // we have no context info, just chase follow links (if greedy) - if ParserATNSimulatorDebug { - fmt.Println("FALLING off rule " + p.getRuleName(config.GetState().GetRuleIndex())) - } - p.closureWork(config, configs, closureBusy, collectPredicates, fullCtx, depth, treatEOFAsEpsilon) - } - continue - } - returnState := p.atn.states[config.GetContext().getReturnState(i)] - newContext := config.GetContext().GetParent(i) // "pop" return state - - c := NewBaseATNConfig5(returnState, config.GetAlt(), newContext, config.GetSemanticContext()) - // While we have context to pop back from, we may have - // gotten that context AFTER having falling off a rule. - // Make sure we track that we are now out of context. - c.SetReachesIntoOuterContext(config.GetReachesIntoOuterContext()) - p.closureCheckingStopState(c, configs, closureBusy, collectPredicates, fullCtx, depth-1, treatEOFAsEpsilon) - } - return - } else if fullCtx { - // reached end of start rule - configs.Add(config, p.mergeCache) - return - } else { - // else if we have no context info, just chase follow links (if greedy) - if ParserATNSimulatorDebug { - fmt.Println("FALLING off rule " + p.getRuleName(config.GetState().GetRuleIndex())) - } - } - } - p.closureWork(config, configs, closureBusy, collectPredicates, fullCtx, depth, treatEOFAsEpsilon) -} - -// Do the actual work of walking epsilon edges// -func (p *ParserATNSimulator) closureWork(config ATNConfig, configs ATNConfigSet, closureBusy *JStore[ATNConfig, Comparator[ATNConfig]], collectPredicates, fullCtx bool, depth int, treatEOFAsEpsilon bool) { - state := config.GetState() - // optimization - if !state.GetEpsilonOnlyTransitions() { - configs.Add(config, p.mergeCache) - // make sure to not return here, because EOF transitions can act as - // both epsilon transitions and non-epsilon transitions. - } - for i := 0; i < len(state.GetTransitions()); i++ { - if i == 0 && p.canDropLoopEntryEdgeInLeftRecursiveRule(config) { - continue - } - - t := state.GetTransitions()[i] - _, ok := t.(*ActionTransition) - continueCollecting := collectPredicates && !ok - c := p.getEpsilonTarget(config, t, continueCollecting, depth == 0, fullCtx, treatEOFAsEpsilon) - if ci, ok := c.(*BaseATNConfig); ok && ci != nil { - newDepth := depth - - if _, ok := config.GetState().(*RuleStopState); ok { - // target fell off end of rule mark resulting c as having dipped into outer context - // We can't get here if incoming config was rule stop and we had context - // track how far we dip into outer context. Might - // come in handy and we avoid evaluating context dependent - // preds if p is > 0. - - if p.dfa != nil && p.dfa.getPrecedenceDfa() { - if t.(*EpsilonTransition).outermostPrecedenceReturn == p.dfa.atnStartState.GetRuleIndex() { - c.setPrecedenceFilterSuppressed(true) - } - } - - c.SetReachesIntoOuterContext(c.GetReachesIntoOuterContext() + 1) - - _, present := closureBusy.Put(c) - if present { - // avoid infinite recursion for right-recursive rules - continue - } - - configs.SetDipsIntoOuterContext(true) // TODO: can remove? only care when we add to set per middle of p method - newDepth-- - if ParserATNSimulatorDebug { - fmt.Println("dips into outer ctx: " + c.String()) - } - } else { - - if !t.getIsEpsilon() { - _, present := closureBusy.Put(c) - if present { - // avoid infinite recursion for EOF* and EOF+ - continue - } - } - if _, ok := t.(*RuleTransition); ok { - // latch when newDepth goes negative - once we step out of the entry context we can't return - if newDepth >= 0 { - newDepth++ - } - } - } - p.closureCheckingStopState(c, configs, closureBusy, continueCollecting, fullCtx, newDepth, treatEOFAsEpsilon) - } - } -} - -func (p *ParserATNSimulator) canDropLoopEntryEdgeInLeftRecursiveRule(config ATNConfig) bool { - if TurnOffLRLoopEntryBranchOpt { - return false - } - - _p := config.GetState() - - // First check to see if we are in StarLoopEntryState generated during - // left-recursion elimination. For efficiency, also check if - // the context has an empty stack case. If so, it would mean - // global FOLLOW so we can't perform optimization - if _p.GetStateType() != ATNStateStarLoopEntry { - return false - } - startLoop, ok := _p.(*StarLoopEntryState) - if !ok { - return false - } - if !startLoop.precedenceRuleDecision || - config.GetContext().isEmpty() || - config.GetContext().hasEmptyPath() { - return false - } - - // Require all return states to return back to the same rule - // that p is in. - numCtxs := config.GetContext().length() - for i := 0; i < numCtxs; i++ { - returnState := p.atn.states[config.GetContext().getReturnState(i)] - if returnState.GetRuleIndex() != _p.GetRuleIndex() { - return false - } - } - x := _p.GetTransitions()[0].getTarget() - decisionStartState := x.(BlockStartState) - blockEndStateNum := decisionStartState.getEndState().stateNumber - blockEndState := p.atn.states[blockEndStateNum].(*BlockEndState) - - // Verify that the top of each stack context leads to loop entry/exit - // state through epsilon edges and w/o leaving rule. - - for i := 0; i < numCtxs; i++ { // for each stack context - returnStateNumber := config.GetContext().getReturnState(i) - returnState := p.atn.states[returnStateNumber] - - // all states must have single outgoing epsilon edge - if len(returnState.GetTransitions()) != 1 || !returnState.GetTransitions()[0].getIsEpsilon() { - return false - } - - // Look for prefix op case like 'not expr', (' type ')' expr - returnStateTarget := returnState.GetTransitions()[0].getTarget() - if returnState.GetStateType() == ATNStateBlockEnd && returnStateTarget == _p { - continue - } - - // Look for 'expr op expr' or case where expr's return state is block end - // of (...)* internal block; the block end points to loop back - // which points to p but we don't need to check that - if returnState == blockEndState { - continue - } - - // Look for ternary expr ? expr : expr. The return state points at block end, - // which points at loop entry state - if returnStateTarget == blockEndState { - continue - } - - // Look for complex prefix 'between expr and expr' case where 2nd expr's - // return state points at block end state of (...)* internal block - if returnStateTarget.GetStateType() == ATNStateBlockEnd && - len(returnStateTarget.GetTransitions()) == 1 && - returnStateTarget.GetTransitions()[0].getIsEpsilon() && - returnStateTarget.GetTransitions()[0].getTarget() == _p { - continue - } - - // anything else ain't conforming - return false - } - - return true -} - -func (p *ParserATNSimulator) getRuleName(index int) string { - if p.parser != nil && index >= 0 { - return p.parser.GetRuleNames()[index] - } - var sb strings.Builder - sb.Grow(32) - - sb.WriteString("If {@code to} is {@code nil}, p method returns {@code nil}. -// Otherwise, p method returns the {@link DFAState} returned by calling -// {@link //addDFAState} for the {@code to} state.
-// -// @param dfa The DFA -// @param from The source state for the edge -// @param t The input symbol -// @param to The target state for the edge -// -// @return If {@code to} is {@code nil}, p method returns {@code nil} -// otherwise p method returns the result of calling {@link //addDFAState} -// on {@code to} -func (p *ParserATNSimulator) addDFAEdge(dfa *DFA, from *DFAState, t int, to *DFAState) *DFAState { - if ParserATNSimulatorDebug { - fmt.Println("EDGE " + from.String() + " -> " + to.String() + " upon " + p.GetTokenName(t)) - } - if to == nil { - return nil - } - p.atn.stateMu.Lock() - to = p.addDFAState(dfa, to) // used existing if possible not incoming - p.atn.stateMu.Unlock() - if from == nil || t < -1 || t > p.atn.maxTokenType { - return to - } - p.atn.edgeMu.Lock() - if from.getEdges() == nil { - from.setEdges(make([]*DFAState, p.atn.maxTokenType+1+1)) - } - from.setIthEdge(t+1, to) // connect - p.atn.edgeMu.Unlock() - - if ParserATNSimulatorDebug { - var names []string - if p.parser != nil { - names = p.parser.GetLiteralNames() - } - - fmt.Println("DFA=\n" + dfa.String(names, nil)) - } - return to -} - -// Add state {@code D} to the DFA if it is not already present, and return -// the actual instance stored in the DFA. If a state equivalent to {@code D} -// is already in the DFA, the existing state is returned. Otherwise p -// method returns {@code D} after adding it to the DFA. -// -//If {@code D} is {@link //ERROR}, p method returns {@link //ERROR} and -// does not change the DFA.
-// -// @param dfa The dfa -// @param D The DFA state to add -// @return The state stored in the DFA. This will be either the existing -// state if {@code D} is already in the DFA, or {@code D} itself if the -// state was not already present. -func (p *ParserATNSimulator) addDFAState(dfa *DFA, d *DFAState) *DFAState { - if d == ATNSimulatorError { - return d - } - existing, present := dfa.states.Get(d) - if present { - if ParserATNSimulatorTraceATNSim { - fmt.Print("addDFAState " + d.String() + " exists") - } - return existing - } - - // The state was not present, so update it with configs - // - d.stateNumber = dfa.states.Len() - if !d.configs.ReadOnly() { - d.configs.OptimizeConfigs(p.BaseATNSimulator) - d.configs.SetReadOnly(true) - } - dfa.states.Put(d) - if ParserATNSimulatorTraceATNSim { - fmt.Println("addDFAState new " + d.String()) - } - - return d -} - -func (p *ParserATNSimulator) ReportAttemptingFullContext(dfa *DFA, conflictingAlts *BitSet, configs ATNConfigSet, startIndex, stopIndex int) { - if ParserATNSimulatorDebug || ParserATNSimulatorRetryDebug { - interval := NewInterval(startIndex, stopIndex+1) - fmt.Println("ReportAttemptingFullContext decision=" + strconv.Itoa(dfa.decision) + ":" + configs.String() + - ", input=" + p.parser.GetTokenStream().GetTextFromInterval(interval)) - } - if p.parser != nil { - p.parser.GetErrorListenerDispatch().ReportAttemptingFullContext(p.parser, dfa, startIndex, stopIndex, conflictingAlts, configs) - } -} - -func (p *ParserATNSimulator) ReportContextSensitivity(dfa *DFA, prediction int, configs ATNConfigSet, startIndex, stopIndex int) { - if ParserATNSimulatorDebug || ParserATNSimulatorRetryDebug { - interval := NewInterval(startIndex, stopIndex+1) - fmt.Println("ReportContextSensitivity decision=" + strconv.Itoa(dfa.decision) + ":" + configs.String() + - ", input=" + p.parser.GetTokenStream().GetTextFromInterval(interval)) - } - if p.parser != nil { - p.parser.GetErrorListenerDispatch().ReportContextSensitivity(p.parser, dfa, startIndex, stopIndex, prediction, configs) - } -} - -// If context sensitive parsing, we know it's ambiguity not conflict// -func (p *ParserATNSimulator) ReportAmbiguity(dfa *DFA, D *DFAState, startIndex, stopIndex int, - exact bool, ambigAlts *BitSet, configs ATNConfigSet) { - if ParserATNSimulatorDebug || ParserATNSimulatorRetryDebug { - interval := NewInterval(startIndex, stopIndex+1) - fmt.Println("ReportAmbiguity " + ambigAlts.String() + ":" + configs.String() + - ", input=" + p.parser.GetTokenStream().GetTextFromInterval(interval)) - } - if p.parser != nil { - p.parser.GetErrorListenerDispatch().ReportAmbiguity(p.parser, dfa, startIndex, stopIndex, exact, ambigAlts, configs) - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/prediction_context.go b/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/prediction_context.go deleted file mode 100644 index ba62af36108..00000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/prediction_context.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,806 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) 2012-2022 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved. -// Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license that -// can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root. - -package antlr - -import ( - "fmt" - "golang.org/x/exp/slices" - "strconv" -) - -// Represents {@code $} in local context prediction, which means wildcard. -// {@code//+x =//}. -// / -const ( - BasePredictionContextEmptyReturnState = 0x7FFFFFFF -) - -// Represents {@code $} in an array in full context mode, when {@code $} -// doesn't mean wildcard: {@code $ + x = [$,x]}. Here, -// {@code $} = {@link //EmptyReturnState}. -// / - -var ( - BasePredictionContextglobalNodeCount = 1 - BasePredictionContextid = BasePredictionContextglobalNodeCount -) - -type PredictionContext interface { - Hash() int - Equals(interface{}) bool - GetParent(int) PredictionContext - getReturnState(int) int - length() int - isEmpty() bool - hasEmptyPath() bool - String() string -} - -type BasePredictionContext struct { - cachedHash int -} - -func NewBasePredictionContext(cachedHash int) *BasePredictionContext { - pc := new(BasePredictionContext) - pc.cachedHash = cachedHash - - return pc -} - -func (b *BasePredictionContext) isEmpty() bool { - return false -} - -func calculateHash(parent PredictionContext, returnState int) int { - h := murmurInit(1) - h = murmurUpdate(h, parent.Hash()) - h = murmurUpdate(h, returnState) - return murmurFinish(h, 2) -} - -var _emptyPredictionContextHash int - -func init() { - _emptyPredictionContextHash = murmurInit(1) - _emptyPredictionContextHash = murmurFinish(_emptyPredictionContextHash, 0) -} - -func calculateEmptyHash() int { - return _emptyPredictionContextHash -} - -// Used to cache {@link BasePredictionContext} objects. Its used for the shared -// context cash associated with contexts in DFA states. This cache -// can be used for both lexers and parsers. - -type PredictionContextCache struct { - cache map[PredictionContext]PredictionContext -} - -func NewPredictionContextCache() *PredictionContextCache { - t := new(PredictionContextCache) - t.cache = make(map[PredictionContext]PredictionContext) - return t -} - -// Add a context to the cache and return it. If the context already exists, -// return that one instead and do not add a Newcontext to the cache. -// Protect shared cache from unsafe thread access. -func (p *PredictionContextCache) add(ctx PredictionContext) PredictionContext { - if ctx == BasePredictionContextEMPTY { - return BasePredictionContextEMPTY - } - existing := p.cache[ctx] - if existing != nil { - return existing - } - p.cache[ctx] = ctx - return ctx -} - -func (p *PredictionContextCache) Get(ctx PredictionContext) PredictionContext { - return p.cache[ctx] -} - -func (p *PredictionContextCache) length() int { - return len(p.cache) -} - -type SingletonPredictionContext interface { - PredictionContext -} - -type BaseSingletonPredictionContext struct { - *BasePredictionContext - - parentCtx PredictionContext - returnState int -} - -func NewBaseSingletonPredictionContext(parent PredictionContext, returnState int) *BaseSingletonPredictionContext { - var cachedHash int - if parent != nil { - cachedHash = calculateHash(parent, returnState) - } else { - cachedHash = calculateEmptyHash() - } - - s := new(BaseSingletonPredictionContext) - s.BasePredictionContext = NewBasePredictionContext(cachedHash) - - s.parentCtx = parent - s.returnState = returnState - - return s -} - -func SingletonBasePredictionContextCreate(parent PredictionContext, returnState int) PredictionContext { - if returnState == BasePredictionContextEmptyReturnState && parent == nil { - // someone can pass in the bits of an array ctx that mean $ - return BasePredictionContextEMPTY - } - - return NewBaseSingletonPredictionContext(parent, returnState) -} - -func (b *BaseSingletonPredictionContext) length() int { - return 1 -} - -func (b *BaseSingletonPredictionContext) GetParent(index int) PredictionContext { - return b.parentCtx -} - -func (b *BaseSingletonPredictionContext) getReturnState(index int) int { - return b.returnState -} - -func (b *BaseSingletonPredictionContext) hasEmptyPath() bool { - return b.returnState == BasePredictionContextEmptyReturnState -} - -func (b *BaseSingletonPredictionContext) Hash() int { - return b.cachedHash -} - -func (b *BaseSingletonPredictionContext) Equals(other interface{}) bool { - if b == other { - return true - } - if _, ok := other.(*BaseSingletonPredictionContext); !ok { - return false - } - - otherP := other.(*BaseSingletonPredictionContext) - - if b.returnState != otherP.getReturnState(0) { - return false - } - if b.parentCtx == nil { - return otherP.parentCtx == nil - } - - return b.parentCtx.Equals(otherP.parentCtx) -} - -func (b *BaseSingletonPredictionContext) String() string { - var up string - - if b.parentCtx == nil { - up = "" - } else { - up = b.parentCtx.String() - } - - if len(up) == 0 { - if b.returnState == BasePredictionContextEmptyReturnState { - return "$" - } - - return strconv.Itoa(b.returnState) - } - - return strconv.Itoa(b.returnState) + " " + up -} - -var BasePredictionContextEMPTY = NewEmptyPredictionContext() - -type EmptyPredictionContext struct { - *BaseSingletonPredictionContext -} - -func NewEmptyPredictionContext() *EmptyPredictionContext { - - p := new(EmptyPredictionContext) - - p.BaseSingletonPredictionContext = NewBaseSingletonPredictionContext(nil, BasePredictionContextEmptyReturnState) - p.cachedHash = calculateEmptyHash() - return p -} - -func (e *EmptyPredictionContext) isEmpty() bool { - return true -} - -func (e *EmptyPredictionContext) GetParent(index int) PredictionContext { - return nil -} - -func (e *EmptyPredictionContext) getReturnState(index int) int { - return e.returnState -} - -func (e *EmptyPredictionContext) Hash() int { - return e.cachedHash -} - -func (e *EmptyPredictionContext) Equals(other interface{}) bool { - return e == other -} - -func (e *EmptyPredictionContext) String() string { - return "$" -} - -type ArrayPredictionContext struct { - *BasePredictionContext - - parents []PredictionContext - returnStates []int -} - -func NewArrayPredictionContext(parents []PredictionContext, returnStates []int) *ArrayPredictionContext { - // Parent can be nil only if full ctx mode and we make an array - // from {@link //EMPTY} and non-empty. We merge {@link //EMPTY} by using - // nil parent and - // returnState == {@link //EmptyReturnState}. - hash := murmurInit(1) - - for _, parent := range parents { - hash = murmurUpdate(hash, parent.Hash()) - } - - for _, returnState := range returnStates { - hash = murmurUpdate(hash, returnState) - } - - hash = murmurFinish(hash, len(parents)<<1) - - c := new(ArrayPredictionContext) - c.BasePredictionContext = NewBasePredictionContext(hash) - - c.parents = parents - c.returnStates = returnStates - - return c -} - -func (a *ArrayPredictionContext) GetReturnStates() []int { - return a.returnStates -} - -func (a *ArrayPredictionContext) hasEmptyPath() bool { - return a.getReturnState(a.length()-1) == BasePredictionContextEmptyReturnState -} - -func (a *ArrayPredictionContext) isEmpty() bool { - // since EmptyReturnState can only appear in the last position, we - // don't need to verify that size==1 - return a.returnStates[0] == BasePredictionContextEmptyReturnState -} - -func (a *ArrayPredictionContext) length() int { - return len(a.returnStates) -} - -func (a *ArrayPredictionContext) GetParent(index int) PredictionContext { - return a.parents[index] -} - -func (a *ArrayPredictionContext) getReturnState(index int) int { - return a.returnStates[index] -} - -// Equals is the default comparison function for ArrayPredictionContext when no specialized -// implementation is needed for a collection -func (a *ArrayPredictionContext) Equals(o interface{}) bool { - if a == o { - return true - } - other, ok := o.(*ArrayPredictionContext) - if !ok { - return false - } - if a.cachedHash != other.Hash() { - return false // can't be same if hash is different - } - - // Must compare the actual array elements and not just the array address - // - return slices.Equal(a.returnStates, other.returnStates) && - slices.EqualFunc(a.parents, other.parents, func(x, y PredictionContext) bool { - return x.Equals(y) - }) -} - -// Hash is the default hash function for ArrayPredictionContext when no specialized -// implementation is needed for a collection -func (a *ArrayPredictionContext) Hash() int { - return a.BasePredictionContext.cachedHash -} - -func (a *ArrayPredictionContext) String() string { - if a.isEmpty() { - return "[]" - } - - s := "[" - for i := 0; i < len(a.returnStates); i++ { - if i > 0 { - s = s + ", " - } - if a.returnStates[i] == BasePredictionContextEmptyReturnState { - s = s + "$" - continue - } - s = s + strconv.Itoa(a.returnStates[i]) - if a.parents[i] != nil { - s = s + " " + a.parents[i].String() - } else { - s = s + "nil" - } - } - - return s + "]" -} - -// Convert a {@link RuleContext} tree to a {@link BasePredictionContext} graph. -// Return {@link //EMPTY} if {@code outerContext} is empty or nil. -// / -func predictionContextFromRuleContext(a *ATN, outerContext RuleContext) PredictionContext { - if outerContext == nil { - outerContext = ParserRuleContextEmpty - } - // if we are in RuleContext of start rule, s, then BasePredictionContext - // is EMPTY. Nobody called us. (if we are empty, return empty) - if outerContext.GetParent() == nil || outerContext == ParserRuleContextEmpty { - return BasePredictionContextEMPTY - } - // If we have a parent, convert it to a BasePredictionContext graph - parent := predictionContextFromRuleContext(a, outerContext.GetParent().(RuleContext)) - state := a.states[outerContext.GetInvokingState()] - transition := state.GetTransitions()[0] - - return SingletonBasePredictionContextCreate(parent, transition.(*RuleTransition).followState.GetStateNumber()) -} - -func merge(a, b PredictionContext, rootIsWildcard bool, mergeCache *DoubleDict) PredictionContext { - - // Share same graph if both same - // - if a == b || a.Equals(b) { - return a - } - - // In Java, EmptyPredictionContext inherits from SingletonPredictionContext, and so the test - // in java for SingletonPredictionContext will succeed and a new ArrayPredictionContext will be created - // from it. - // In go, EmptyPredictionContext does not equate to SingletonPredictionContext and so that conversion - // will fail. We need to test for both Empty and Singleton and create an ArrayPredictionContext from - // either of them. - - ac, ok1 := a.(*BaseSingletonPredictionContext) - bc, ok2 := b.(*BaseSingletonPredictionContext) - - if ok1 && ok2 { - return mergeSingletons(ac, bc, rootIsWildcard, mergeCache) - } - // At least one of a or b is array - // If one is $ and rootIsWildcard, return $ as// wildcard - if rootIsWildcard { - if _, ok := a.(*EmptyPredictionContext); ok { - return a - } - if _, ok := b.(*EmptyPredictionContext); ok { - return b - } - } - - // Convert Singleton or Empty so both are arrays to normalize - We should not use the existing parameters - // here. - // - // TODO: I think that maybe the Prediction Context structs should be redone as there is a chance we will see this mess again - maybe redo the logic here - - var arp, arb *ArrayPredictionContext - var ok bool - if arp, ok = a.(*ArrayPredictionContext); ok { - } else if _, ok = a.(*BaseSingletonPredictionContext); ok { - arp = NewArrayPredictionContext([]PredictionContext{a.GetParent(0)}, []int{a.getReturnState(0)}) - } else if _, ok = a.(*EmptyPredictionContext); ok { - arp = NewArrayPredictionContext([]PredictionContext{}, []int{}) - } - - if arb, ok = b.(*ArrayPredictionContext); ok { - } else if _, ok = b.(*BaseSingletonPredictionContext); ok { - arb = NewArrayPredictionContext([]PredictionContext{b.GetParent(0)}, []int{b.getReturnState(0)}) - } else if _, ok = b.(*EmptyPredictionContext); ok { - arb = NewArrayPredictionContext([]PredictionContext{}, []int{}) - } - - // Both arp and arb - return mergeArrays(arp, arb, rootIsWildcard, mergeCache) -} - -// Merge two {@link SingletonBasePredictionContext} instances. -// -//Stack tops equal, parents merge is same return left graph.
Same stack top, parents differ merge parents giving array node, then
-// remainders of those graphs. A Newroot node is created to point to the
-// merged parents.
Different stack tops pointing to same parent. Make array node for the
-// root where both element in the root point to the same (original)
-// parent.
Different stack tops pointing to different parents. Make array node for
-// the root where each element points to the corresponding original
-// parent.
These local-context merge operations are used when {@code rootIsWildcard} -// is true.
-// -//{@link //EMPTY} is superset of any graph return {@link //EMPTY}.
{@link //EMPTY} and anything is {@code //EMPTY}, so merged parent is
-// {@code //EMPTY} return left graph.
Special case of last merge if local context.
These full-context merge operations are used when {@code rootIsWildcard} -// is false.
-// -// -// -//Must keep all contexts {@link //EMPTY} in array is a special value (and
-// nil parent).
Different tops, different parents.
Shared top, same parents.
Shared top, different parents.
Shared top, all shared parents.
Equal tops, merge parents and reduce top to
-// {@link SingletonBasePredictionContext}.
- // When using this prediction mode, the parser will either return a correct - // parse tree (i.e. the same parse tree that would be returned with the - // {@link //LL} prediction mode), or it will Report a syntax error. If a - // syntax error is encountered when using the {@link //SLL} prediction mode, - // it may be due to either an actual syntax error in the input or indicate - // that the particular combination of grammar and input requires the more - // powerful {@link //LL} prediction abilities to complete successfully.
- // - //- // This prediction mode does not provide any guarantees for prediction - // behavior for syntactically-incorrect inputs.
- // - PredictionModeSLL = 0 - // - // The LL(*) prediction mode. This prediction mode allows the current parser - // context to be used for resolving SLL conflicts that occur during - // prediction. This is the fastest prediction mode that guarantees correct - // parse results for all combinations of grammars with syntactically correct - // inputs. - // - //- // When using this prediction mode, the parser will make correct decisions - // for all syntactically-correct grammar and input combinations. However, in - // cases where the grammar is truly ambiguous this prediction mode might not - // Report a precise answer for exactly which alternatives are - // ambiguous.
- // - //- // This prediction mode does not provide any guarantees for prediction - // behavior for syntactically-incorrect inputs.
- // - PredictionModeLL = 1 - // - // The LL(*) prediction mode with exact ambiguity detection. In addition to - // the correctness guarantees provided by the {@link //LL} prediction mode, - // this prediction mode instructs the prediction algorithm to determine the - // complete and exact set of ambiguous alternatives for every ambiguous - // decision encountered while parsing. - // - //- // This prediction mode may be used for diagnosing ambiguities during - // grammar development. Due to the performance overhead of calculating sets - // of ambiguous alternatives, this prediction mode should be avoided when - // the exact results are not necessary.
- // - //- // This prediction mode does not provide any guarantees for prediction - // behavior for syntactically-incorrect inputs.
- // - PredictionModeLLExactAmbigDetection = 2 -) - -// Computes the SLL prediction termination condition. -// -//-// This method computes the SLL prediction termination condition for both of -// the following cases.
-// -//When LL-fallback is enabled upon SLL conflict, correct predictions are -// ensured regardless of how the termination condition is computed by this -// method. Due to the substantially higher cost of LL prediction, the -// prediction should only fall back to LL when the additional lookahead -// cannot lead to a unique SLL prediction.
-// -//Assuming combined SLL+LL parsing, an SLL configuration set with only -// conflicting subsets should fall back to full LL, even if the -// configuration sets don't resolve to the same alternative (e.g. -// {@code {1,2}} and {@code {3,4}}. If there is at least one non-conflicting -// configuration, SLL could continue with the hopes that more lookahead will -// resolve via one of those non-conflicting configurations.
-// -//Here's the prediction termination rule them: SLL (for SLL+LL parsing) -// stops when it sees only conflicting configuration subsets. In contrast, -// full LL keeps going when there is uncertainty.
-// -//As a heuristic, we stop prediction when we see any conflicting subset -// unless we see a state that only has one alternative associated with it. -// The single-alt-state thing lets prediction continue upon rules like -// (otherwise, it would admit defeat too soon):
-// -//{@code [12|1|[], 6|2|[], 12|2|[]]. s : (ID | ID ID?) ” }
-// -//When the ATN simulation reaches the state before {@code ”}, it has a -// DFA state that looks like: {@code [12|1|[], 6|2|[], 12|2|[]]}. Naturally -// {@code 12|1|[]} and {@code 12|2|[]} conflict, but we cannot stop -// processing this node because alternative to has another way to continue, -// via {@code [6|2|[]]}.
-// -//It also let's us continue for this rule:
-// -//{@code [1|1|[], 1|2|[], 8|3|[]] a : A | A | A B }
-// -//After Matching input A, we reach the stop state for rule A, state 1. -// State 8 is the state right before B. Clearly alternatives 1 and 2 -// conflict and no amount of further lookahead will separate the two. -// However, alternative 3 will be able to continue and so we do not stop -// working on this state. In the previous example, we're concerned with -// states associated with the conflicting alternatives. Here alt 3 is not -// associated with the conflicting configs, but since we can continue -// looking for input reasonably, don't declare the state done.
-// -//To handle pure SLL parsing, all we have to do is make sure that we -// combine stack contexts for configurations that differ only by semantic -// predicate. From there, we can do the usual SLL termination heuristic.
-// -//SLL decisions don't evaluate predicates until after they reach DFA stop -// states because they need to create the DFA cache that works in all -// semantic situations. In contrast, full LL evaluates predicates collected -// during start state computation so it can ignore predicates thereafter. -// This means that SLL termination detection can totally ignore semantic -// predicates.
-// -//Implementation-wise, {@link ATNConfigSet} combines stack contexts but not -// semantic predicate contexts so we might see two configurations like the -// following.
-// -//{@code (s, 1, x, {}), (s, 1, x', {p})}
-// -//Before testing these configurations against others, we have to merge -// {@code x} and {@code x'} (without modifying the existing configurations). -// For example, we test {@code (x+x')==x”} when looking for conflicts in -// the following configurations.
-// -//{@code (s, 1, x, {}), (s, 1, x', {p}), (s, 2, x”, {})}
-// -//If the configuration set has predicates (as indicated by -// {@link ATNConfigSet//hasSemanticContext}), this algorithm makes a copy of -// the configurations to strip out all of the predicates so that a standard -// {@link ATNConfigSet} will merge everything ignoring predicates.
-func PredictionModehasSLLConflictTerminatingPrediction(mode int, configs ATNConfigSet) bool { - // Configs in rule stop states indicate reaching the end of the decision - // rule (local context) or end of start rule (full context). If all - // configs meet this condition, then none of the configurations is able - // to Match additional input so we terminate prediction. - // - if PredictionModeallConfigsInRuleStopStates(configs) { - return true - } - // pure SLL mode parsing - if mode == PredictionModeSLL { - // Don't bother with combining configs from different semantic - // contexts if we can fail over to full LL costs more time - // since we'll often fail over anyway. - if configs.HasSemanticContext() { - // dup configs, tossing out semantic predicates - dup := NewBaseATNConfigSet(false) - for _, c := range configs.GetItems() { - - // NewBaseATNConfig({semanticContext:}, c) - c = NewBaseATNConfig2(c, SemanticContextNone) - dup.Add(c, nil) - } - configs = dup - } - // now we have combined contexts for configs with dissimilar preds - } - // pure SLL or combined SLL+LL mode parsing - altsets := PredictionModegetConflictingAltSubsets(configs) - return PredictionModehasConflictingAltSet(altsets) && !PredictionModehasStateAssociatedWithOneAlt(configs) -} - -// Checks if any configuration in {@code configs} is in a -// {@link RuleStopState}. Configurations meeting this condition have reached -// the end of the decision rule (local context) or end of start rule (full -// context). -// -// @param configs the configuration set to test -// @return {@code true} if any configuration in {@code configs} is in a -// {@link RuleStopState}, otherwise {@code false} -func PredictionModehasConfigInRuleStopState(configs ATNConfigSet) bool { - for _, c := range configs.GetItems() { - if _, ok := c.GetState().(*RuleStopState); ok { - return true - } - } - return false -} - -// Checks if all configurations in {@code configs} are in a -// {@link RuleStopState}. Configurations meeting this condition have reached -// the end of the decision rule (local context) or end of start rule (full -// context). -// -// @param configs the configuration set to test -// @return {@code true} if all configurations in {@code configs} are in a -// {@link RuleStopState}, otherwise {@code false} -func PredictionModeallConfigsInRuleStopStates(configs ATNConfigSet) bool { - - for _, c := range configs.GetItems() { - if _, ok := c.GetState().(*RuleStopState); !ok { - return false - } - } - return true -} - -// Full LL prediction termination. -// -//Can we stop looking ahead during ATN simulation or is there some -// uncertainty as to which alternative we will ultimately pick, after -// consuming more input? Even if there are partial conflicts, we might know -// that everything is going to resolve to the same minimum alternative. That -// means we can stop since no more lookahead will change that fact. On the -// other hand, there might be multiple conflicts that resolve to different -// minimums. That means we need more look ahead to decide which of those -// alternatives we should predict.
-// -//The basic idea is to split the set of configurations {@code C}, into -// conflicting subsets {@code (s, _, ctx, _)} and singleton subsets with -// non-conflicting configurations. Two configurations conflict if they have -// identical {@link ATNConfig//state} and {@link ATNConfig//context} values -// but different {@link ATNConfig//alt} value, e.g. {@code (s, i, ctx, _)} -// and {@code (s, j, ctx, _)} for {@code i!=j}.
-// -//Reduce these configuration subsets to the set of possible alternatives. -// You can compute the alternative subsets in one pass as follows:
-// -//{@code A_s,ctx = {i | (s, i, ctx, _)}} for each configuration in -// {@code C} holding {@code s} and {@code ctx} fixed.
-// -//Or in pseudo-code, for each configuration {@code c} in {@code C}:
-// -//-// map[c] U= c.{@link ATNConfig//alt alt} // map hash/equals uses s and x, not -// alt and not pred -//-// -//
The values in {@code map} are the set of {@code A_s,ctx} sets.
-// -//If {@code |A_s,ctx|=1} then there is no conflict associated with -// {@code s} and {@code ctx}.
-// -//Reduce the subsets to singletons by choosing a minimum of each subset. If -// the union of these alternative subsets is a singleton, then no amount of -// more lookahead will help us. We will always pick that alternative. If, -// however, there is more than one alternative, then we are uncertain which -// alternative to predict and must continue looking for resolution. We may -// or may not discover an ambiguity in the future, even if there are no -// conflicting subsets this round.
-// -//The biggest sin is to terminate early because it means we've made a -// decision but were uncertain as to the eventual outcome. We haven't used -// enough lookahead. On the other hand, announcing a conflict too late is no -// big deal you will still have the conflict. It's just inefficient. It -// might even look until the end of file.
-// -//No special consideration for semantic predicates is required because -// predicates are evaluated on-the-fly for full LL prediction, ensuring that -// no configuration contains a semantic context during the termination -// check.
-// -//Two configurations {@code (s, i, x)} and {@code (s, j, x')}, conflict -// when {@code i!=j} but {@code x=x'}. Because we merge all -// {@code (s, i, _)} configurations together, that means that there are at -// most {@code n} configurations associated with state {@code s} for -// {@code n} possible alternatives in the decision. The merged stacks -// complicate the comparison of configuration contexts {@code x} and -// {@code x'}. Sam checks to see if one is a subset of the other by calling -// merge and checking to see if the merged result is either {@code x} or -// {@code x'}. If the {@code x} associated with lowest alternative {@code i} -// is the superset, then {@code i} is the only possible prediction since the -// others resolve to {@code min(i)} as well. However, if {@code x} is -// associated with {@code j>i} then at least one stack configuration for -// {@code j} is not in conflict with alternative {@code i}. The algorithm -// should keep going, looking for more lookahead due to the uncertainty.
-// -//For simplicity, I'm doing a equality check between {@code x} and -// {@code x'} that lets the algorithm continue to consume lookahead longer -// than necessary. The reason I like the equality is of course the -// simplicity but also because that is the test you need to detect the -// alternatives that are actually in conflict.
-// -//Continue if union of resolved alternative sets from non-conflicting and -// conflicting alternative subsets has more than one alternative. We are -// uncertain about which alternative to predict.
-// -//The complete set of alternatives, {@code [i for (_,i,_)]}, tells us which -// alternatives are still in the running for the amount of input we've -// consumed at this point. The conflicting sets let us to strip away -// configurations that won't lead to more states because we resolve -// conflicts to the configuration with a minimum alternate for the -// conflicting set.
-// -//CASES
-// -//If all states Report the same conflicting set of alternatives, then we -// know we have the exact ambiguity set.
-// -//|A_i|>1
-// A_i = A_j
for all i, j.
In other words, we continue examining lookahead until all {@code A_i} -// have more than one alternative and all {@code A_i} are the same. If -// {@code A={{1,2}, {1,3}}}, then regular LL prediction would terminate -// because the resolved set is {@code {1}}. To determine what the real -// ambiguity is, we have to know whether the ambiguity is between one and -// two or one and three so we keep going. We can only stop prediction when -// we need exact ambiguity detection when the sets look like -// {@code A={{1,2}}} or {@code {{1,2},{1,2}}}, etc...
-func PredictionModeresolvesToJustOneViableAlt(altsets []*BitSet) int { - return PredictionModegetSingleViableAlt(altsets) -} - -// Determines if every alternative subset in {@code altsets} contains more -// than one alternative. -// -// @param altsets a collection of alternative subsets -// @return {@code true} if every {@link BitSet} in {@code altsets} has -// {@link BitSet//cardinality cardinality} > 1, otherwise {@code false} -func PredictionModeallSubsetsConflict(altsets []*BitSet) bool { - return !PredictionModehasNonConflictingAltSet(altsets) -} - -// Determines if any single alternative subset in {@code altsets} contains -// exactly one alternative. -// -// @param altsets a collection of alternative subsets -// @return {@code true} if {@code altsets} contains a {@link BitSet} with -// {@link BitSet//cardinality cardinality} 1, otherwise {@code false} -func PredictionModehasNonConflictingAltSet(altsets []*BitSet) bool { - for i := 0; i < len(altsets); i++ { - alts := altsets[i] - if alts.length() == 1 { - return true - } - } - return false -} - -// Determines if any single alternative subset in {@code altsets} contains -// more than one alternative. -// -// @param altsets a collection of alternative subsets -// @return {@code true} if {@code altsets} contains a {@link BitSet} with -// {@link BitSet//cardinality cardinality} > 1, otherwise {@code false} -func PredictionModehasConflictingAltSet(altsets []*BitSet) bool { - for i := 0; i < len(altsets); i++ { - alts := altsets[i] - if alts.length() > 1 { - return true - } - } - return false -} - -// Determines if every alternative subset in {@code altsets} is equivalent. -// -// @param altsets a collection of alternative subsets -// @return {@code true} if every member of {@code altsets} is equal to the -// others, otherwise {@code false} -func PredictionModeallSubsetsEqual(altsets []*BitSet) bool { - var first *BitSet - - for i := 0; i < len(altsets); i++ { - alts := altsets[i] - if first == nil { - first = alts - } else if alts != first { - return false - } - } - - return true -} - -// Returns the unique alternative predicted by all alternative subsets in -// {@code altsets}. If no such alternative exists, this method returns -// {@link ATN//INVALID_ALT_NUMBER}. -// -// @param altsets a collection of alternative subsets -func PredictionModegetUniqueAlt(altsets []*BitSet) int { - all := PredictionModeGetAlts(altsets) - if all.length() == 1 { - return all.minValue() - } - - return ATNInvalidAltNumber -} - -// Gets the complete set of represented alternatives for a collection of -// alternative subsets. This method returns the union of each {@link BitSet} -// in {@code altsets}. -// -// @param altsets a collection of alternative subsets -// @return the set of represented alternatives in {@code altsets} -func PredictionModeGetAlts(altsets []*BitSet) *BitSet { - all := NewBitSet() - for _, alts := range altsets { - all.or(alts) - } - return all -} - -// PredictionModegetConflictingAltSubsets gets the conflicting alt subsets from a configuration set. -// For each configuration {@code c} in {@code configs}: -// -//-// map[c] U= c.{@link ATNConfig//alt alt} // map hash/equals uses s and x, not -// alt and not pred -//-func PredictionModegetConflictingAltSubsets(configs ATNConfigSet) []*BitSet { - configToAlts := NewJMap[ATNConfig, *BitSet, *ATNAltConfigComparator[ATNConfig]](atnAltCfgEqInst) - - for _, c := range configs.GetItems() { - - alts, ok := configToAlts.Get(c) - if !ok { - alts = NewBitSet() - configToAlts.Put(c, alts) - } - alts.add(c.GetAlt()) - } - - return configToAlts.Values() -} - -// PredictionModeGetStateToAltMap gets a map from state to alt subset from a configuration set. For each -// configuration {@code c} in {@code configs}: -// -//
-// map[c.{@link ATNConfig//state state}] U= c.{@link ATNConfig//alt alt} -//-func PredictionModeGetStateToAltMap(configs ATNConfigSet) *AltDict { - m := NewAltDict() - - for _, c := range configs.GetItems() { - alts := m.Get(c.GetState().String()) - if alts == nil { - alts = NewBitSet() - m.put(c.GetState().String(), alts) - } - alts.(*BitSet).add(c.GetAlt()) - } - return m -} - -func PredictionModehasStateAssociatedWithOneAlt(configs ATNConfigSet) bool { - values := PredictionModeGetStateToAltMap(configs).values() - for i := 0; i < len(values); i++ { - if values[i].(*BitSet).length() == 1 { - return true - } - } - return false -} - -func PredictionModegetSingleViableAlt(altsets []*BitSet) int { - result := ATNInvalidAltNumber - - for i := 0; i < len(altsets); i++ { - alts := altsets[i] - minAlt := alts.minValue() - if result == ATNInvalidAltNumber { - result = minAlt - } else if result != minAlt { // more than 1 viable alt - return ATNInvalidAltNumber - } - } - return result -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/recognizer.go b/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/recognizer.go deleted file mode 100644 index bfe542d0914..00000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/recognizer.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,216 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) 2012-2022 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved. -// Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license that -// can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root. - -package antlr - -import ( - "fmt" - "strings" - - "strconv" -) - -type Recognizer interface { - GetLiteralNames() []string - GetSymbolicNames() []string - GetRuleNames() []string - - Sempred(RuleContext, int, int) bool - Precpred(RuleContext, int) bool - - GetState() int - SetState(int) - Action(RuleContext, int, int) - AddErrorListener(ErrorListener) - RemoveErrorListeners() - GetATN() *ATN - GetErrorListenerDispatch() ErrorListener -} - -type BaseRecognizer struct { - listeners []ErrorListener - state int - - RuleNames []string - LiteralNames []string - SymbolicNames []string - GrammarFileName string -} - -func NewBaseRecognizer() *BaseRecognizer { - rec := new(BaseRecognizer) - rec.listeners = []ErrorListener{ConsoleErrorListenerINSTANCE} - rec.state = -1 - return rec -} - -var tokenTypeMapCache = make(map[string]int) -var ruleIndexMapCache = make(map[string]int) - -func (b *BaseRecognizer) checkVersion(toolVersion string) { - runtimeVersion := "4.12.0" - if runtimeVersion != toolVersion { - fmt.Println("ANTLR runtime and generated code versions disagree: " + runtimeVersion + "!=" + toolVersion) - } -} - -func (b *BaseRecognizer) Action(context RuleContext, ruleIndex, actionIndex int) { - panic("action not implemented on Recognizer!") -} - -func (b *BaseRecognizer) AddErrorListener(listener ErrorListener) { - b.listeners = append(b.listeners, listener) -} - -func (b *BaseRecognizer) RemoveErrorListeners() { - b.listeners = make([]ErrorListener, 0) -} - -func (b *BaseRecognizer) GetRuleNames() []string { - return b.RuleNames -} - -func (b *BaseRecognizer) GetTokenNames() []string { - return b.LiteralNames -} - -func (b *BaseRecognizer) GetSymbolicNames() []string { - return b.SymbolicNames -} - -func (b *BaseRecognizer) GetLiteralNames() []string { - return b.LiteralNames -} - -func (b *BaseRecognizer) GetState() int { - return b.state -} - -func (b *BaseRecognizer) SetState(v int) { - b.state = v -} - -//func (b *Recognizer) GetTokenTypeMap() { -// var tokenNames = b.GetTokenNames() -// if (tokenNames==nil) { -// panic("The current recognizer does not provide a list of token names.") -// } -// var result = tokenTypeMapCache[tokenNames] -// if(result==nil) { -// result = tokenNames.reduce(function(o, k, i) { o[k] = i }) -// result.EOF = TokenEOF -// tokenTypeMapCache[tokenNames] = result -// } -// return result -//} - -// Get a map from rule names to rule indexes. -// -//
Used for XPath and tree pattern compilation.
-func (b *BaseRecognizer) GetRuleIndexMap() map[string]int { - - panic("Method not defined!") - // var ruleNames = b.GetRuleNames() - // if (ruleNames==nil) { - // panic("The current recognizer does not provide a list of rule names.") - // } - // - // var result = ruleIndexMapCache[ruleNames] - // if(result==nil) { - // result = ruleNames.reduce(function(o, k, i) { o[k] = i }) - // ruleIndexMapCache[ruleNames] = result - // } - // return result -} - -func (b *BaseRecognizer) GetTokenType(tokenName string) int { - panic("Method not defined!") - // var ttype = b.GetTokenTypeMap()[tokenName] - // if (ttype !=nil) { - // return ttype - // } else { - // return TokenInvalidType - // } -} - -//func (b *Recognizer) GetTokenTypeMap() map[string]int { -// Vocabulary vocabulary = getVocabulary() -// -// Synchronized (tokenTypeMapCache) { -// Map-// Since tokens on hidden channels (e.g. whitespace or comments) are not -// added to the parse trees, they will not appear in the output of b -// method. -// - -func (b *BaseRuleContext) GetParent() Tree { - return b.parentCtx -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/tokenstream_rewriter.go b/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/tokenstream_rewriter.go deleted file mode 100644 index b3e38af3445..00000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/tokenstream_rewriter.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,659 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) 2012-2022 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved. -// Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license that -// can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root. - -package antlr - -import ( - "bytes" - "fmt" -) - -// -// Useful for rewriting out a buffered input token stream after doing some -// augmentation or other manipulations on it. - -//
-// You can insert stuff, replace, and delete chunks. Note that the operations -// are done lazily--only if you convert the buffer to a {@link String} with -// {@link TokenStream#getText()}. This is very efficient because you are not -// moving data around all the time. As the buffer of tokens is converted to -// strings, the {@link #getText()} method(s) scan the input token stream and -// check to see if there is an operation at the current index. If so, the -// operation is done and then normal {@link String} rendering continues on the -// buffer. This is like having multiple Turing machine instruction streams -// (programs) operating on a single input tape. :)
-//- -// This rewriter makes no modifications to the token stream. It does not ask the -// stream to fill itself up nor does it advance the input cursor. The token -// stream {@link TokenStream#index()} will return the same value before and -// after any {@link #getText()} call.
- -//-// The rewriter only works on tokens that you have in the buffer and ignores the -// current input cursor. If you are buffering tokens on-demand, calling -// {@link #getText()} halfway through the input will only do rewrites for those -// tokens in the first half of the file.
- -//-// Since the operations are done lazily at {@link #getText}-time, operations do -// not screw up the token index values. That is, an insert operation at token -// index {@code i} does not change the index values for tokens -// {@code i}+1..n-1.
- -//-// Because operations never actually alter the buffer, you may always get the -// original token stream back without undoing anything. Since the instructions -// are queued up, you can easily simulate transactions and roll back any changes -// if there is an error just by removing instructions. For example,
- -//-// CharStream input = new ANTLRFileStream("input"); -// TLexer lex = new TLexer(input); -// CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lex); -// T parser = new T(tokens); -// TokenStreamRewriter rewriter = new TokenStreamRewriter(tokens); -// parser.startRule(); -//- -//
-// Then in the rules, you can execute (assuming rewriter is visible):
- -//-// Token t,u; -// ... -// rewriter.insertAfter(t, "text to put after t");} -// rewriter.insertAfter(u, "text after u");} -// System.out.println(rewriter.getText()); -//- -//
-// You can also have multiple "instruction streams" and get multiple rewrites -// from a single pass over the input. Just name the instruction streams and use -// that name again when printing the buffer. This could be useful for generating -// a C file and also its header file--all from the same buffer:
- -//-// rewriter.insertAfter("pass1", t, "text to put after t");} -// rewriter.insertAfter("pass2", u, "text after u");} -// System.out.println(rewriter.getText("pass1")); -// System.out.println(rewriter.getText("pass2")); -//- -//
-// If you don't use named rewrite streams, a "default" stream is used as the -// first example shows.
- -const ( - Default_Program_Name = "default" - Program_Init_Size = 100 - Min_Token_Index = 0 -) - -// Define the rewrite operation hierarchy - -type RewriteOperation interface { - // Execute the rewrite operation by possibly adding to the buffer. - // Return the index of the next token to operate on. - Execute(buffer *bytes.Buffer) int - String() string - GetInstructionIndex() int - GetIndex() int - GetText() string - GetOpName() string - GetTokens() TokenStream - SetInstructionIndex(val int) - SetIndex(int) - SetText(string) - SetOpName(string) - SetTokens(TokenStream) -} - -type BaseRewriteOperation struct { - //Current index of rewrites list - instruction_index int - //Token buffer index - index int - //Substitution text - text string - //Actual operation name - op_name string - //Pointer to token steam - tokens TokenStream -} - -func (op *BaseRewriteOperation) GetInstructionIndex() int { - return op.instruction_index -} - -func (op *BaseRewriteOperation) GetIndex() int { - return op.index -} - -func (op *BaseRewriteOperation) GetText() string { - return op.text -} - -func (op *BaseRewriteOperation) GetOpName() string { - return op.op_name -} - -func (op *BaseRewriteOperation) GetTokens() TokenStream { - return op.tokens -} - -func (op *BaseRewriteOperation) SetInstructionIndex(val int) { - op.instruction_index = val -} - -func (op *BaseRewriteOperation) SetIndex(val int) { - op.index = val -} - -func (op *BaseRewriteOperation) SetText(val string) { - op.text = val -} - -func (op *BaseRewriteOperation) SetOpName(val string) { - op.op_name = val -} - -func (op *BaseRewriteOperation) SetTokens(val TokenStream) { - op.tokens = val -} - -func (op *BaseRewriteOperation) Execute(buffer *bytes.Buffer) int { - return op.index -} - -func (op *BaseRewriteOperation) String() string { - return fmt.Sprintf("<%s@%d:\"%s\">", - op.op_name, - op.tokens.Get(op.GetIndex()), - op.text, - ) - -} - -type InsertBeforeOp struct { - BaseRewriteOperation -} - -func NewInsertBeforeOp(index int, text string, stream TokenStream) *InsertBeforeOp { - return &InsertBeforeOp{BaseRewriteOperation: BaseRewriteOperation{ - index: index, - text: text, - op_name: "InsertBeforeOp", - tokens: stream, - }} -} - -func (op *InsertBeforeOp) Execute(buffer *bytes.Buffer) int { - buffer.WriteString(op.text) - if op.tokens.Get(op.index).GetTokenType() != TokenEOF { - buffer.WriteString(op.tokens.Get(op.index).GetText()) - } - return op.index + 1 -} - -func (op *InsertBeforeOp) String() string { - return op.BaseRewriteOperation.String() -} - -// Distinguish between insert after/before to do the "insert afters" -// first and then the "insert befores" at same index. Implementation -// of "insert after" is "insert before index+1". - -type InsertAfterOp struct { - BaseRewriteOperation -} - -func NewInsertAfterOp(index int, text string, stream TokenStream) *InsertAfterOp { - return &InsertAfterOp{BaseRewriteOperation: BaseRewriteOperation{ - index: index + 1, - text: text, - tokens: stream, - }} -} - -func (op *InsertAfterOp) Execute(buffer *bytes.Buffer) int { - buffer.WriteString(op.text) - if op.tokens.Get(op.index).GetTokenType() != TokenEOF { - buffer.WriteString(op.tokens.Get(op.index).GetText()) - } - return op.index + 1 -} - -func (op *InsertAfterOp) String() string { - return op.BaseRewriteOperation.String() -} - -// I'm going to try replacing range from x..y with (y-x)+1 ReplaceOp -// instructions. -type ReplaceOp struct { - BaseRewriteOperation - LastIndex int -} - -func NewReplaceOp(from, to int, text string, stream TokenStream) *ReplaceOp { - return &ReplaceOp{ - BaseRewriteOperation: BaseRewriteOperation{ - index: from, - text: text, - op_name: "ReplaceOp", - tokens: stream, - }, - LastIndex: to, - } -} - -func (op *ReplaceOp) Execute(buffer *bytes.Buffer) int { - if op.text != "" { - buffer.WriteString(op.text) - } - return op.LastIndex + 1 -} - -func (op *ReplaceOp) String() string { - if op.text == "" { - return fmt.Sprintf("This is a one way link. It emanates from a state (usually via a list of -// transitions) and has a target state.
-// -//Since we never have to change the ATN transitions once we construct it, -// the states. We'll use the term Edge for the DFA to distinguish them from -// ATN transitions.
- -type Transition interface { - getTarget() ATNState - setTarget(ATNState) - getIsEpsilon() bool - getLabel() *IntervalSet - getSerializationType() int - Matches(int, int, int) bool -} - -type BaseTransition struct { - target ATNState - isEpsilon bool - label int - intervalSet *IntervalSet - serializationType int -} - -func NewBaseTransition(target ATNState) *BaseTransition { - - if target == nil { - panic("target cannot be nil.") - } - - t := new(BaseTransition) - - t.target = target - // Are we epsilon, action, sempred? - t.isEpsilon = false - t.intervalSet = nil - - return t -} - -func (t *BaseTransition) getTarget() ATNState { - return t.target -} - -func (t *BaseTransition) setTarget(s ATNState) { - t.target = s -} - -func (t *BaseTransition) getIsEpsilon() bool { - return t.isEpsilon -} - -func (t *BaseTransition) getLabel() *IntervalSet { - return t.intervalSet -} - -func (t *BaseTransition) getSerializationType() int { - return t.serializationType -} - -func (t *BaseTransition) Matches(symbol, minVocabSymbol, maxVocabSymbol int) bool { - panic("Not implemented") -} - -const ( - TransitionEPSILON = 1 - TransitionRANGE = 2 - TransitionRULE = 3 - TransitionPREDICATE = 4 // e.g., {isType(input.LT(1))}? - TransitionATOM = 5 - TransitionACTION = 6 - TransitionSET = 7 // ~(A|B) or ~atom, wildcard, which convert to next 2 - TransitionNOTSET = 8 - TransitionWILDCARD = 9 - TransitionPRECEDENCE = 10 -) - -var TransitionserializationNames = []string{ - "INVALID", - "EPSILON", - "RANGE", - "RULE", - "PREDICATE", - "ATOM", - "ACTION", - "SET", - "NOT_SET", - "WILDCARD", - "PRECEDENCE", -} - -//var TransitionserializationTypes struct { -// EpsilonTransition int -// RangeTransition int -// RuleTransition int -// PredicateTransition int -// AtomTransition int -// ActionTransition int -// SetTransition int -// NotSetTransition int -// WildcardTransition int -// PrecedencePredicateTransition int -//}{ -// TransitionEPSILON, -// TransitionRANGE, -// TransitionRULE, -// TransitionPREDICATE, -// TransitionATOM, -// TransitionACTION, -// TransitionSET, -// TransitionNOTSET, -// TransitionWILDCARD, -// TransitionPRECEDENCE -//} - -// TODO: make all transitions sets? no, should remove set edges -type AtomTransition struct { - *BaseTransition -} - -func NewAtomTransition(target ATNState, intervalSet int) *AtomTransition { - - t := new(AtomTransition) - t.BaseTransition = NewBaseTransition(target) - - t.label = intervalSet // The token type or character value or, signifies special intervalSet. - t.intervalSet = t.makeLabel() - t.serializationType = TransitionATOM - - return t -} - -func (t *AtomTransition) makeLabel() *IntervalSet { - s := NewIntervalSet() - s.addOne(t.label) - return s -} - -func (t *AtomTransition) Matches(symbol, minVocabSymbol, maxVocabSymbol int) bool { - return t.label == symbol -} - -func (t *AtomTransition) String() string { - return strconv.Itoa(t.label) -} - -type RuleTransition struct { - *BaseTransition - - followState ATNState - ruleIndex, precedence int -} - -func NewRuleTransition(ruleStart ATNState, ruleIndex, precedence int, followState ATNState) *RuleTransition { - - t := new(RuleTransition) - t.BaseTransition = NewBaseTransition(ruleStart) - - t.ruleIndex = ruleIndex - t.precedence = precedence - t.followState = followState - t.serializationType = TransitionRULE - t.isEpsilon = true - - return t -} - -func (t *RuleTransition) Matches(symbol, minVocabSymbol, maxVocabSymbol int) bool { - return false -} - -type EpsilonTransition struct { - *BaseTransition - - outermostPrecedenceReturn int -} - -func NewEpsilonTransition(target ATNState, outermostPrecedenceReturn int) *EpsilonTransition { - - t := new(EpsilonTransition) - t.BaseTransition = NewBaseTransition(target) - - t.serializationType = TransitionEPSILON - t.isEpsilon = true - t.outermostPrecedenceReturn = outermostPrecedenceReturn - return t -} - -func (t *EpsilonTransition) Matches(symbol, minVocabSymbol, maxVocabSymbol int) bool { - return false -} - -func (t *EpsilonTransition) String() string { - return "epsilon" -} - -type RangeTransition struct { - *BaseTransition - - start, stop int -} - -func NewRangeTransition(target ATNState, start, stop int) *RangeTransition { - - t := new(RangeTransition) - t.BaseTransition = NewBaseTransition(target) - - t.serializationType = TransitionRANGE - t.start = start - t.stop = stop - t.intervalSet = t.makeLabel() - return t -} - -func (t *RangeTransition) makeLabel() *IntervalSet { - s := NewIntervalSet() - s.addRange(t.start, t.stop) - return s -} - -func (t *RangeTransition) Matches(symbol, minVocabSymbol, maxVocabSymbol int) bool { - return symbol >= t.start && symbol <= t.stop -} - -func (t *RangeTransition) String() string { - var sb strings.Builder - sb.WriteByte('\'') - sb.WriteRune(rune(t.start)) - sb.WriteString("'..'") - sb.WriteRune(rune(t.stop)) - sb.WriteByte('\'') - return sb.String() -} - -type AbstractPredicateTransition interface { - Transition - IAbstractPredicateTransitionFoo() -} - -type BaseAbstractPredicateTransition struct { - *BaseTransition -} - -func NewBasePredicateTransition(target ATNState) *BaseAbstractPredicateTransition { - - t := new(BaseAbstractPredicateTransition) - t.BaseTransition = NewBaseTransition(target) - - return t -} - -func (a *BaseAbstractPredicateTransition) IAbstractPredicateTransitionFoo() {} - -type PredicateTransition struct { - *BaseAbstractPredicateTransition - - isCtxDependent bool - ruleIndex, predIndex int -} - -func NewPredicateTransition(target ATNState, ruleIndex, predIndex int, isCtxDependent bool) *PredicateTransition { - - t := new(PredicateTransition) - t.BaseAbstractPredicateTransition = NewBasePredicateTransition(target) - - t.serializationType = TransitionPREDICATE - t.ruleIndex = ruleIndex - t.predIndex = predIndex - t.isCtxDependent = isCtxDependent // e.g., $i ref in pred - t.isEpsilon = true - return t -} - -func (t *PredicateTransition) Matches(symbol, minVocabSymbol, maxVocabSymbol int) bool { - return false -} - -func (t *PredicateTransition) getPredicate() *Predicate { - return NewPredicate(t.ruleIndex, t.predIndex, t.isCtxDependent) -} - -func (t *PredicateTransition) String() string { - return "pred_" + strconv.Itoa(t.ruleIndex) + ":" + strconv.Itoa(t.predIndex) -} - -type ActionTransition struct { - *BaseTransition - - isCtxDependent bool - ruleIndex, actionIndex, predIndex int -} - -func NewActionTransition(target ATNState, ruleIndex, actionIndex int, isCtxDependent bool) *ActionTransition { - - t := new(ActionTransition) - t.BaseTransition = NewBaseTransition(target) - - t.serializationType = TransitionACTION - t.ruleIndex = ruleIndex - t.actionIndex = actionIndex - t.isCtxDependent = isCtxDependent // e.g., $i ref in pred - t.isEpsilon = true - return t -} - -func (t *ActionTransition) Matches(symbol, minVocabSymbol, maxVocabSymbol int) bool { - return false -} - -func (t *ActionTransition) String() string { - return "action_" + strconv.Itoa(t.ruleIndex) + ":" + strconv.Itoa(t.actionIndex) -} - -type SetTransition struct { - *BaseTransition -} - -func NewSetTransition(target ATNState, set *IntervalSet) *SetTransition { - - t := new(SetTransition) - t.BaseTransition = NewBaseTransition(target) - - t.serializationType = TransitionSET - if set != nil { - t.intervalSet = set - } else { - t.intervalSet = NewIntervalSet() - t.intervalSet.addOne(TokenInvalidType) - } - - return t -} - -func (t *SetTransition) Matches(symbol, minVocabSymbol, maxVocabSymbol int) bool { - return t.intervalSet.contains(symbol) -} - -func (t *SetTransition) String() string { - return t.intervalSet.String() -} - -type NotSetTransition struct { - *SetTransition -} - -func NewNotSetTransition(target ATNState, set *IntervalSet) *NotSetTransition { - - t := new(NotSetTransition) - - t.SetTransition = NewSetTransition(target, set) - - t.serializationType = TransitionNOTSET - - return t -} - -func (t *NotSetTransition) Matches(symbol, minVocabSymbol, maxVocabSymbol int) bool { - return symbol >= minVocabSymbol && symbol <= maxVocabSymbol && !t.intervalSet.contains(symbol) -} - -func (t *NotSetTransition) String() string { - return "~" + t.intervalSet.String() -} - -type WildcardTransition struct { - *BaseTransition -} - -func NewWildcardTransition(target ATNState) *WildcardTransition { - - t := new(WildcardTransition) - t.BaseTransition = NewBaseTransition(target) - - t.serializationType = TransitionWILDCARD - return t -} - -func (t *WildcardTransition) Matches(symbol, minVocabSymbol, maxVocabSymbol int) bool { - return symbol >= minVocabSymbol && symbol <= maxVocabSymbol -} - -func (t *WildcardTransition) String() string { - return "." -} - -type PrecedencePredicateTransition struct { - *BaseAbstractPredicateTransition - - precedence int -} - -func NewPrecedencePredicateTransition(target ATNState, precedence int) *PrecedencePredicateTransition { - - t := new(PrecedencePredicateTransition) - t.BaseAbstractPredicateTransition = NewBasePredicateTransition(target) - - t.serializationType = TransitionPRECEDENCE - t.precedence = precedence - t.isEpsilon = true - - return t -} - -func (t *PrecedencePredicateTransition) Matches(symbol, minVocabSymbol, maxVocabSymbol int) bool { - return false -} - -func (t *PrecedencePredicateTransition) getPredicate() *PrecedencePredicate { - return NewPrecedencePredicate(t.precedence) -} - -func (t *PrecedencePredicateTransition) String() string { - return fmt.Sprint(t.precedence) + " >= _p" -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/tree.go b/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/tree.go deleted file mode 100644 index 85b4f137b5a..00000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/tree.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,253 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) 2012-2022 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved. -// Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license that -// can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root. - -package antlr - -// The basic notion of a tree has a parent, a payload, and a list of children. -// It is the most abstract interface for all the trees used by ANTLR. -/// - -var TreeInvalidInterval = NewInterval(-1, -2) - -type Tree interface { - GetParent() Tree - SetParent(Tree) - GetPayload() interface{} - GetChild(i int) Tree - GetChildCount() int - GetChildren() []Tree -} - -type SyntaxTree interface { - Tree - - GetSourceInterval() *Interval -} - -type ParseTree interface { - SyntaxTree - - Accept(Visitor ParseTreeVisitor) interface{} - GetText() string - - ToStringTree([]string, Recognizer) string -} - -type RuleNode interface { - ParseTree - - GetRuleContext() RuleContext - GetBaseRuleContext() *BaseRuleContext -} - -type TerminalNode interface { - ParseTree - - GetSymbol() Token -} - -type ErrorNode interface { - TerminalNode - - errorNode() -} - -type ParseTreeVisitor interface { - Visit(tree ParseTree) interface{} - VisitChildren(node RuleNode) interface{} - VisitTerminal(node TerminalNode) interface{} - VisitErrorNode(node ErrorNode) interface{} -} - -type BaseParseTreeVisitor struct{} - -var _ ParseTreeVisitor = &BaseParseTreeVisitor{} - -func (v *BaseParseTreeVisitor) Visit(tree ParseTree) interface{} { return tree.Accept(v) } -func (v *BaseParseTreeVisitor) VisitChildren(node RuleNode) interface{} { return nil } -func (v *BaseParseTreeVisitor) VisitTerminal(node TerminalNode) interface{} { return nil } -func (v *BaseParseTreeVisitor) VisitErrorNode(node ErrorNode) interface{} { return nil } - -// TODO -//func (this ParseTreeVisitor) Visit(ctx) { -// if (Utils.isArray(ctx)) { -// self := this -// return ctx.map(function(child) { return VisitAtom(self, child)}) -// } else { -// return VisitAtom(this, ctx) -// } -//} -// -//func VisitAtom(Visitor, ctx) { -// if (ctx.parser == nil) { //is terminal -// return -// } -// -// name := ctx.parser.ruleNames[ctx.ruleIndex] -// funcName := "Visit" + Utils.titleCase(name) -// -// return Visitor[funcName](ctx) -//} - -type ParseTreeListener interface { - VisitTerminal(node TerminalNode) - VisitErrorNode(node ErrorNode) - EnterEveryRule(ctx ParserRuleContext) - ExitEveryRule(ctx ParserRuleContext) -} - -type BaseParseTreeListener struct{} - -var _ ParseTreeListener = &BaseParseTreeListener{} - -func (l *BaseParseTreeListener) VisitTerminal(node TerminalNode) {} -func (l *BaseParseTreeListener) VisitErrorNode(node ErrorNode) {} -func (l *BaseParseTreeListener) EnterEveryRule(ctx ParserRuleContext) {} -func (l *BaseParseTreeListener) ExitEveryRule(ctx ParserRuleContext) {} - -type TerminalNodeImpl struct { - parentCtx RuleContext - - symbol Token -} - -var _ TerminalNode = &TerminalNodeImpl{} - -func NewTerminalNodeImpl(symbol Token) *TerminalNodeImpl { - tn := new(TerminalNodeImpl) - - tn.parentCtx = nil - tn.symbol = symbol - - return tn -} - -func (t *TerminalNodeImpl) GetChild(i int) Tree { - return nil -} - -func (t *TerminalNodeImpl) GetChildren() []Tree { - return nil -} - -func (t *TerminalNodeImpl) SetChildren(tree []Tree) { - panic("Cannot set children on terminal node") -} - -func (t *TerminalNodeImpl) GetSymbol() Token { - return t.symbol -} - -func (t *TerminalNodeImpl) GetParent() Tree { - return t.parentCtx -} - -func (t *TerminalNodeImpl) SetParent(tree Tree) { - t.parentCtx = tree.(RuleContext) -} - -func (t *TerminalNodeImpl) GetPayload() interface{} { - return t.symbol -} - -func (t *TerminalNodeImpl) GetSourceInterval() *Interval { - if t.symbol == nil { - return TreeInvalidInterval - } - tokenIndex := t.symbol.GetTokenIndex() - return NewInterval(tokenIndex, tokenIndex) -} - -func (t *TerminalNodeImpl) GetChildCount() int { - return 0 -} - -func (t *TerminalNodeImpl) Accept(v ParseTreeVisitor) interface{} { - return v.VisitTerminal(t) -} - -func (t *TerminalNodeImpl) GetText() string { - return t.symbol.GetText() -} - -func (t *TerminalNodeImpl) String() string { - if t.symbol.GetTokenType() == TokenEOF { - return "The default implementation simply calls {@link //endErrorCondition} to +// ensure that the handler is not in error recovery mode.
+func (d *DefaultErrorStrategy) reset(recognizer Parser) { + d.endErrorCondition(recognizer) +} + +// This method is called to enter error recovery mode when a recognition +// exception is Reported. +func (d *DefaultErrorStrategy) beginErrorCondition(_ Parser) { + d.errorRecoveryMode = true +} + +func (d *DefaultErrorStrategy) InErrorRecoveryMode(_ Parser) bool { + return d.errorRecoveryMode +} + +// This method is called to leave error recovery mode after recovering from +// a recognition exception. +func (d *DefaultErrorStrategy) endErrorCondition(_ Parser) { + d.errorRecoveryMode = false + d.lastErrorStates = nil + d.lastErrorIndex = -1 +} + +// ReportMatch is the default implementation of error matching and simply calls endErrorCondition. +func (d *DefaultErrorStrategy) ReportMatch(recognizer Parser) { + d.endErrorCondition(recognizer) +} + +// ReportError is the default implementation of error reporting. +// It returns immediately if the handler is already +// in error recovery mode. Otherwise, it calls [beginErrorCondition] +// and dispatches the Reporting task based on the runtime type of e +// according to the following table. +// +// [NoViableAltException] : Dispatches the call to [ReportNoViableAlternative] +// [InputMisMatchException] : Dispatches the call to [ReportInputMisMatch] +// [FailedPredicateException] : Dispatches the call to [ReportFailedPredicate] +// All other types : Calls [NotifyErrorListeners] to Report the exception +func (d *DefaultErrorStrategy) ReportError(recognizer Parser, e RecognitionException) { + // if we've already Reported an error and have not Matched a token + // yet successfully, don't Report any errors. + if d.InErrorRecoveryMode(recognizer) { + return // don't Report spurious errors + } + d.beginErrorCondition(recognizer) + + switch t := e.(type) { + default: + fmt.Println("unknown recognition error type: " + reflect.TypeOf(e).Name()) + // fmt.Println(e.stack) + recognizer.NotifyErrorListeners(e.GetMessage(), e.GetOffendingToken(), e) + case *NoViableAltException: + d.ReportNoViableAlternative(recognizer, t) + case *InputMisMatchException: + d.ReportInputMisMatch(recognizer, t) + case *FailedPredicateException: + d.ReportFailedPredicate(recognizer, t) + } +} + +// Recover is the default recovery implementation. +// It reSynchronizes the parser by consuming tokens until we find one in the reSynchronization set - +// loosely the set of tokens that can follow the current rule. +func (d *DefaultErrorStrategy) Recover(recognizer Parser, _ RecognitionException) { + + if d.lastErrorIndex == recognizer.GetInputStream().Index() && + d.lastErrorStates != nil && d.lastErrorStates.contains(recognizer.GetState()) { + // uh oh, another error at same token index and previously-Visited + // state in ATN must be a case where LT(1) is in the recovery + // token set so nothing got consumed. Consume a single token + // at least to prevent an infinite loop d is a failsafe. + recognizer.Consume() + } + d.lastErrorIndex = recognizer.GetInputStream().Index() + if d.lastErrorStates == nil { + d.lastErrorStates = NewIntervalSet() + } + d.lastErrorStates.addOne(recognizer.GetState()) + followSet := d.GetErrorRecoverySet(recognizer) + d.consumeUntil(recognizer, followSet) +} + +// Sync is the default implementation of error strategy synchronization. +// +// This Sync makes sure that the current lookahead symbol is consistent with what were expecting +// at this point in the [ATN]. You can call this anytime but ANTLR only +// generates code to check before sub-rules/loops and each iteration. +// +// Implements [Jim Idle]'s magic Sync mechanism in closures and optional +// sub-rules. E.g.: +// +// a : Sync ( stuff Sync )* +// Sync : {consume to what can follow Sync} +// +// At the start of a sub-rule upon error, Sync performs single +// token deletion, if possible. If it can't do that, it bails on the current +// rule and uses the default error recovery, which consumes until the +// reSynchronization set of the current rule. +// +// If the sub-rule is optional +// +// ({@code (...)?}, {@code (...)*}, +// +// or a block with an empty alternative), then the expected set includes what follows +// the sub-rule. +// +// During loop iteration, it consumes until it sees a token that can start a +// sub-rule or what follows loop. Yes, that is pretty aggressive. We opt to +// stay in the loop as long as possible. +// +// # Origins +// +// Previous versions of ANTLR did a poor job of their recovery within loops. +// A single mismatch token or missing token would force the parser to bail +// out of the entire rules surrounding the loop. So, for rule: +// +// classfunc : 'class' ID '{' member* '}' +// +// input with an extra token between members would force the parser to +// consume until it found the next class definition rather than the next +// member definition of the current class. +// +// This functionality cost a bit of effort because the parser has to +// compare the token set at the start of the loop and at each iteration. If for +// some reason speed is suffering for you, you can turn off this +// functionality by simply overriding this method as empty: +// +// { } +// +// [Jim Idle]: https://github.com/jimidle +func (d *DefaultErrorStrategy) Sync(recognizer Parser) { + // If already recovering, don't try to Sync + if d.InErrorRecoveryMode(recognizer) { + return + } + + s := recognizer.GetInterpreter().atn.states[recognizer.GetState()] + la := recognizer.GetTokenStream().LA(1) + + // try cheaper subset first might get lucky. seems to shave a wee bit off + nextTokens := recognizer.GetATN().NextTokens(s, nil) + if nextTokens.contains(TokenEpsilon) || nextTokens.contains(la) { + return + } + + switch s.GetStateType() { + case ATNStateBlockStart, ATNStateStarBlockStart, ATNStatePlusBlockStart, ATNStateStarLoopEntry: + // Report error and recover if possible + if d.SingleTokenDeletion(recognizer) != nil { + return + } + recognizer.SetError(NewInputMisMatchException(recognizer)) + case ATNStatePlusLoopBack, ATNStateStarLoopBack: + d.ReportUnwantedToken(recognizer) + expecting := NewIntervalSet() + expecting.addSet(recognizer.GetExpectedTokens()) + whatFollowsLoopIterationOrRule := expecting.addSet(d.GetErrorRecoverySet(recognizer)) + d.consumeUntil(recognizer, whatFollowsLoopIterationOrRule) + default: + // do nothing if we can't identify the exact kind of ATN state + } +} + +// ReportNoViableAlternative is called by [ReportError] when the exception is a [NoViableAltException]. +// +// See also [ReportError] +func (d *DefaultErrorStrategy) ReportNoViableAlternative(recognizer Parser, e *NoViableAltException) { + tokens := recognizer.GetTokenStream() + var input string + if tokens != nil { + if e.startToken.GetTokenType() == TokenEOF { + input = "If the state number is not known, b method returns -1.
+ +// getExpectedTokens gets the set of input symbols which could potentially follow the +// previously Matched symbol at the time this exception was raised. +// +// If the set of expected tokens is not known and could not be computed, +// this method returns nil. +// +// The func returns the set of token types that could potentially follow the current +// state in the {ATN}, or nil if the information is not available. + +func (b *BaseRecognitionException) getExpectedTokens() *IntervalSet { + if b.recognizer != nil { + return b.recognizer.GetATN().getExpectedTokens(b.offendingState, b.ctx) + } + + return nil +} + +func (b *BaseRecognitionException) String() string { + return b.message +} + +type LexerNoViableAltException struct { + *BaseRecognitionException + + startIndex int + deadEndConfigs *ATNConfigSet +} + +func NewLexerNoViableAltException(lexer Lexer, input CharStream, startIndex int, deadEndConfigs *ATNConfigSet) *LexerNoViableAltException { + + l := new(LexerNoViableAltException) + + l.BaseRecognitionException = NewBaseRecognitionException("", lexer, input, nil) + + l.startIndex = startIndex + l.deadEndConfigs = deadEndConfigs + + return l +} + +func (l *LexerNoViableAltException) String() string { + symbol := "" + if l.startIndex >= 0 && l.startIndex < l.input.Size() { + symbol = l.input.(CharStream).GetTextFromInterval(NewInterval(l.startIndex, l.startIndex)) + } + return "LexerNoViableAltException" + symbol +} + +type NoViableAltException struct { + *BaseRecognitionException + + startToken Token + offendingToken Token + ctx ParserRuleContext + deadEndConfigs *ATNConfigSet +} + +// NewNoViableAltException creates an exception indicating that the parser could not decide which of two or more paths +// to take based upon the remaining input. It tracks the starting token +// of the offending input and also knows where the parser was +// in the various paths when the error. +// +// Reported by [ReportNoViableAlternative] +func NewNoViableAltException(recognizer Parser, input TokenStream, startToken Token, offendingToken Token, deadEndConfigs *ATNConfigSet, ctx ParserRuleContext) *NoViableAltException { + + if ctx == nil { + ctx = recognizer.GetParserRuleContext() + } + + if offendingToken == nil { + offendingToken = recognizer.GetCurrentToken() + } + + if startToken == nil { + startToken = recognizer.GetCurrentToken() + } + + if input == nil { + input = recognizer.GetInputStream().(TokenStream) + } + + n := new(NoViableAltException) + n.BaseRecognitionException = NewBaseRecognitionException("", recognizer, input, ctx) + + // Which configurations did we try at input.Index() that couldn't Match + // input.LT(1) + n.deadEndConfigs = deadEndConfigs + + // The token object at the start index the input stream might + // not be buffering tokens so get a reference to it. + // + // At the time the error occurred, of course the stream needs to keep a + // buffer of all the tokens, but later we might not have access to those. + n.startToken = startToken + n.offendingToken = offendingToken + + return n +} + +type InputMisMatchException struct { + *BaseRecognitionException +} + +// NewInputMisMatchException creates an exception that signifies any kind of mismatched input exceptions such as +// when the current input does not Match the expected token. +func NewInputMisMatchException(recognizer Parser) *InputMisMatchException { + + i := new(InputMisMatchException) + i.BaseRecognitionException = NewBaseRecognitionException("", recognizer, recognizer.GetInputStream(), recognizer.GetParserRuleContext()) + + i.offendingToken = recognizer.GetCurrentToken() + + return i + +} + +// FailedPredicateException indicates that a semantic predicate failed during validation. Validation of predicates +// occurs when normally parsing the alternative just like Matching a token. +// Disambiguating predicate evaluation occurs when we test a predicate during +// prediction. +type FailedPredicateException struct { + *BaseRecognitionException + + ruleIndex int + predicateIndex int + predicate string +} + +//goland:noinspection GoUnusedExportedFunction +func NewFailedPredicateException(recognizer Parser, predicate string, message string) *FailedPredicateException { + + f := new(FailedPredicateException) + + f.BaseRecognitionException = NewBaseRecognitionException(f.formatMessage(predicate, message), recognizer, recognizer.GetInputStream(), recognizer.GetParserRuleContext()) + + s := recognizer.GetInterpreter().atn.states[recognizer.GetState()] + trans := s.GetTransitions()[0] + if trans2, ok := trans.(*PredicateTransition); ok { + f.ruleIndex = trans2.ruleIndex + f.predicateIndex = trans2.predIndex + } else { + f.ruleIndex = 0 + f.predicateIndex = 0 + } + f.predicate = predicate + f.offendingToken = recognizer.GetCurrentToken() + + return f +} + +func (f *FailedPredicateException) formatMessage(predicate, message string) string { + if message != "" { + return message + } + + return "failed predicate: {" + predicate + "}?" +} + +type ParseCancellationException struct { +} + +func (p ParseCancellationException) GetOffendingToken() Token { + //TODO implement me + panic("implement me") +} + +func (p ParseCancellationException) GetMessage() string { + //TODO implement me + panic("implement me") +} + +func (p ParseCancellationException) GetInputStream() IntStream { + //TODO implement me + panic("implement me") +} + +func NewParseCancellationException() *ParseCancellationException { + // Error.call(this) + // Error.captureStackTrace(this, ParseCancellationException) + return new(ParseCancellationException) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/antlr4-go/antlr/v4/file_stream.go b/vendor/github.com/antlr4-go/antlr/v4/file_stream.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..5f65f809be5 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/antlr4-go/antlr/v4/file_stream.go @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +// Copyright (c) 2012-2022 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved. +// Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license that +// can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root. + +package antlr + +import ( + "bufio" + "os" +) + +// This is an InputStream that is loaded from a file all at once +// when you construct the object. + +type FileStream struct { + InputStream + filename string +} + +//goland:noinspection GoUnusedExportedFunction +func NewFileStream(fileName string) (*FileStream, error) { + + f, err := os.Open(fileName) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + defer func(f *os.File) { + errF := f.Close() + if errF != nil { + } + }(f) + + reader := bufio.NewReader(f) + fInfo, err := f.Stat() + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + fs := &FileStream{ + InputStream: InputStream{ + index: 0, + name: fileName, + }, + filename: fileName, + } + + // Pre-build the buffer and read runes efficiently + // + fs.data = make([]rune, 0, fInfo.Size()) + for { + r, _, err := reader.ReadRune() + if err != nil { + break + } + fs.data = append(fs.data, r) + } + fs.size = len(fs.data) // Size in runes + + // All done. + // + return fs, nil +} + +func (f *FileStream) GetSourceName() string { + return f.filename +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/antlr4-go/antlr/v4/input_stream.go b/vendor/github.com/antlr4-go/antlr/v4/input_stream.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..b737fe85fbd --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/antlr4-go/antlr/v4/input_stream.go @@ -0,0 +1,157 @@ +// Copyright (c) 2012-2022 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved. +// Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license that +// can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root. + +package antlr + +import ( + "bufio" + "io" +) + +type InputStream struct { + name string + index int + data []rune + size int +} + +// NewIoStream creates a new input stream from the given io.Reader reader. +// Note that the reader is read completely into memory and so it must actually +// have a stopping point - you cannot pass in a reader on an open-ended source such +// as a socket for instance. +func NewIoStream(reader io.Reader) *InputStream { + + rReader := bufio.NewReader(reader) + + is := &InputStream{ + name: "The {@code Skip} command does not have any parameters, so l action is -// implemented as a singleton instance exposed by {@link //INSTANCE}.
+// The Skip command does not have any parameters, so this action is +// implemented as a singleton instance exposed by the [LexerSkipActionINSTANCE]. type LexerSkipAction struct { *BaseLexerAction } @@ -73,17 +90,22 @@ func NewLexerSkipAction() *LexerSkipAction { return la } -// Provides a singleton instance of l parameterless lexer action. +// LexerSkipActionINSTANCE provides a singleton instance of this parameterless lexer action. var LexerSkipActionINSTANCE = NewLexerSkipAction() func (l *LexerSkipAction) execute(lexer Lexer) { lexer.Skip() } +// String returns a string representation of the current [LexerSkipAction]. func (l *LexerSkipAction) String() string { return "skip" } +func (b *LexerSkipAction) Equals(other LexerAction) bool { + return other.getActionType() == LexerActionTypeSkip +} + // Implements the {@code type} lexer action by calling {@link Lexer//setType} // // with the assigned type. @@ -125,11 +147,10 @@ func (l *LexerTypeAction) String() string { return "actionType(" + strconv.Itoa(l.thetype) + ")" } -// Implements the {@code pushMode} lexer action by calling -// {@link Lexer//pushMode} with the assigned mode. +// LexerPushModeAction implements the pushMode lexer action by calling +// [Lexer.pushMode] with the assigned mode. type LexerPushModeAction struct { *BaseLexerAction - mode int } @@ -169,10 +190,10 @@ func (l *LexerPushModeAction) String() string { return "pushMode(" + strconv.Itoa(l.mode) + ")" } -// Implements the {@code popMode} lexer action by calling {@link Lexer//popMode}. +// LexerPopModeAction implements the popMode lexer action by calling [Lexer.popMode]. // -//The {@code popMode} command does not have any parameters, so l action is -// implemented as a singleton instance exposed by {@link //INSTANCE}.
+// The popMode command does not have any parameters, so this action is +// implemented as a singleton instance exposed by [LexerPopModeActionINSTANCE] type LexerPopModeAction struct { *BaseLexerAction } @@ -224,11 +245,10 @@ func (l *LexerMoreAction) String() string { return "more" } -// Implements the {@code mode} lexer action by calling {@link Lexer//mode} with +// LexerModeAction implements the mode lexer action by calling [Lexer.mode] with // the assigned mode. type LexerModeAction struct { *BaseLexerAction - mode int } @@ -322,16 +342,19 @@ func (l *LexerCustomAction) Equals(other LexerAction) bool { } } -// Implements the {@code channel} lexer action by calling -// {@link Lexer//setChannel} with the assigned channel. -// Constructs a New{@code channel} action with the specified channel value. -// @param channel The channel value to pass to {@link Lexer//setChannel}. +// LexerChannelAction implements the channel lexer action by calling +// [Lexer.setChannel] with the assigned channel. +// +// Constructs a new channel action with the specified channel value. type LexerChannelAction struct { *BaseLexerAction - channel int } +// NewLexerChannelAction creates a channel lexer action by calling +// [Lexer.setChannel] with the assigned channel. +// +// Constructs a new channel action with the specified channel value. func NewLexerChannelAction(channel int) *LexerChannelAction { l := new(LexerChannelAction) l.BaseLexerAction = NewBaseLexerAction(LexerActionTypeChannel) @@ -375,25 +398,22 @@ func (l *LexerChannelAction) String() string { // lexer actions, see {@link LexerActionExecutor//append} and // {@link LexerActionExecutor//fixOffsetBeforeMatch}. -// Constructs a Newindexed custom action by associating a character offset -// with a {@link LexerAction}. -// -//Note: This class is only required for lexer actions for which -// {@link LexerAction//isPositionDependent} returns {@code true}.
-// -// @param offset The offset into the input {@link CharStream}, relative to -// the token start index, at which the specified lexer action should be -// executed. -// @param action The lexer action to execute at a particular offset in the -// input {@link CharStream}. type LexerIndexedCustomAction struct { *BaseLexerAction - offset int lexerAction LexerAction isPositionDependent bool } +// NewLexerIndexedCustomAction constructs a new indexed custom action by associating a character offset +// with a [LexerAction]. +// +// Note: This class is only required for lexer actions for which +// [LexerAction.isPositionDependent] returns true. +// +// The offset points into the input [CharStream], relative to +// the token start index, at which the specified lexerAction should be +// executed. func NewLexerIndexedCustomAction(offset int, lexerAction LexerAction) *LexerIndexedCustomAction { l := new(LexerIndexedCustomAction) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/antlr4-go/antlr/v4/lexer_action_executor.go b/vendor/github.com/antlr4-go/antlr/v4/lexer_action_executor.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..dfc28c32b30 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/antlr4-go/antlr/v4/lexer_action_executor.go @@ -0,0 +1,173 @@ +// Copyright (c) 2012-2022 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved. +// Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license that +// can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root. + +package antlr + +import "golang.org/x/exp/slices" + +// Represents an executor for a sequence of lexer actions which traversed during +// the Matching operation of a lexer rule (token). +// +//The executor tracks position information for position-dependent lexer actions +// efficiently, ensuring that actions appearing only at the end of the rule do +// not cause bloating of the {@link DFA} created for the lexer.
+ +type LexerActionExecutor struct { + lexerActions []LexerAction + cachedHash int +} + +func NewLexerActionExecutor(lexerActions []LexerAction) *LexerActionExecutor { + + if lexerActions == nil { + lexerActions = make([]LexerAction, 0) + } + + l := new(LexerActionExecutor) + + l.lexerActions = lexerActions + + // Caches the result of {@link //hashCode} since the hash code is an element + // of the performance-critical {@link ATNConfig//hashCode} operation. + l.cachedHash = murmurInit(0) + for _, a := range lexerActions { + l.cachedHash = murmurUpdate(l.cachedHash, a.Hash()) + } + l.cachedHash = murmurFinish(l.cachedHash, len(lexerActions)) + + return l +} + +// LexerActionExecutorappend creates a [LexerActionExecutor] which executes the actions for +// the input [LexerActionExecutor] followed by a specified +// [LexerAction]. +// TODO: This does not match the Java code +func LexerActionExecutorappend(lexerActionExecutor *LexerActionExecutor, lexerAction LexerAction) *LexerActionExecutor { + if lexerActionExecutor == nil { + return NewLexerActionExecutor([]LexerAction{lexerAction}) + } + + return NewLexerActionExecutor(append(lexerActionExecutor.lexerActions, lexerAction)) +} + +// fixOffsetBeforeMatch creates a [LexerActionExecutor] which encodes the current offset +// for position-dependent lexer actions. +// +// Normally, when the executor encounters lexer actions where +// [LexerAction.isPositionDependent] returns true, it calls +// [IntStream.Seek] on the input [CharStream] to set the input +// position to the end of the current token. This behavior provides +// for efficient [DFA] representation of lexer actions which appear at the end +// of a lexer rule, even when the lexer rule Matches a variable number of +// characters. +// +// Prior to traversing a Match transition in the [ATN], the current offset +// from the token start index is assigned to all position-dependent lexer +// actions which have not already been assigned a fixed offset. By storing +// the offsets relative to the token start index, the [DFA] representation of +// lexer actions which appear in the middle of tokens remains efficient due +// to sharing among tokens of the same Length, regardless of their absolute +// position in the input stream. +// +// If the current executor already has offsets assigned to all +// position-dependent lexer actions, the method returns this instance. +// +// The offset is assigned to all position-dependent +// lexer actions which do not already have offsets assigned. +// +// The func returns a [LexerActionExecutor] that stores input stream offsets +// for all position-dependent lexer actions. +func (l *LexerActionExecutor) fixOffsetBeforeMatch(offset int) *LexerActionExecutor { + var updatedLexerActions []LexerAction + for i := 0; i < len(l.lexerActions); i++ { + _, ok := l.lexerActions[i].(*LexerIndexedCustomAction) + if l.lexerActions[i].getIsPositionDependent() && !ok { + if updatedLexerActions == nil { + updatedLexerActions = make([]LexerAction, 0, len(l.lexerActions)) + updatedLexerActions = append(updatedLexerActions, l.lexerActions...) + } + updatedLexerActions[i] = NewLexerIndexedCustomAction(offset, l.lexerActions[i]) + } + } + if updatedLexerActions == nil { + return l + } + + return NewLexerActionExecutor(updatedLexerActions) +} + +// Execute the actions encapsulated by l executor within the context of a +// particular {@link Lexer}. +// +//This method calls {@link IntStream//seek} to set the position of the +// {@code input} {@link CharStream} prior to calling +// {@link LexerAction//execute} on a position-dependent action. Before the +// method returns, the input position will be restored to the same position +// it was in when the method was invoked.
+// +// @param lexer The lexer instance. +// @param input The input stream which is the source for the current token. +// When l method is called, the current {@link IntStream//index} for +// {@code input} should be the start of the following token, i.e. 1 +// character past the end of the current token. +// @param startIndex The token start index. This value may be passed to +// {@link IntStream//seek} to set the {@code input} position to the beginning +// of the token. +// / +func (l *LexerActionExecutor) execute(lexer Lexer, input CharStream, startIndex int) { + requiresSeek := false + stopIndex := input.Index() + + defer func() { + if requiresSeek { + input.Seek(stopIndex) + } + }() + + for i := 0; i < len(l.lexerActions); i++ { + lexerAction := l.lexerActions[i] + if la, ok := lexerAction.(*LexerIndexedCustomAction); ok { + offset := la.offset + input.Seek(startIndex + offset) + lexerAction = la.lexerAction + requiresSeek = (startIndex + offset) != stopIndex + } else if lexerAction.getIsPositionDependent() { + input.Seek(stopIndex) + requiresSeek = false + } + lexerAction.execute(lexer) + } +} + +func (l *LexerActionExecutor) Hash() int { + if l == nil { + // TODO: Why is this here? l should not be nil + return 61 + } + + // TODO: This is created from the action itself when the struct is created - will this be an issue at some point? Java uses the runtime assign hashcode + return l.cachedHash +} + +func (l *LexerActionExecutor) Equals(other interface{}) bool { + if l == other { + return true + } + othert, ok := other.(*LexerActionExecutor) + if !ok { + return false + } + if othert == nil { + return false + } + if l.cachedHash != othert.cachedHash { + return false + } + if len(l.lexerActions) != len(othert.lexerActions) { + return false + } + return slices.EqualFunc(l.lexerActions, othert.lexerActions, func(i, j LexerAction) bool { + return i.Equals(j) + }) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/lexer_atn_simulator.go b/vendor/github.com/antlr4-go/antlr/v4/lexer_atn_simulator.go similarity index 80% rename from vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/lexer_atn_simulator.go rename to vendor/github.com/antlr4-go/antlr/v4/lexer_atn_simulator.go index c573b752100..fe938b0259a 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/lexer_atn_simulator.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/antlr4-go/antlr/v4/lexer_atn_simulator.go @@ -10,10 +10,8 @@ import ( "strings" ) +//goland:noinspection GoUnusedGlobalVariable var ( - LexerATNSimulatorDebug = false - LexerATNSimulatorDFADebug = false - LexerATNSimulatorMinDFAEdge = 0 LexerATNSimulatorMaxDFAEdge = 127 // forces unicode to stay in ATN @@ -32,11 +30,11 @@ type ILexerATNSimulator interface { } type LexerATNSimulator struct { - *BaseATNSimulator + BaseATNSimulator recog Lexer predictionMode int - mergeCache DoubleDict + mergeCache *JPCMap2 startIndex int Line int CharPositionInLine int @@ -46,27 +44,35 @@ type LexerATNSimulator struct { } func NewLexerATNSimulator(recog Lexer, atn *ATN, decisionToDFA []*DFA, sharedContextCache *PredictionContextCache) *LexerATNSimulator { - l := new(LexerATNSimulator) - - l.BaseATNSimulator = NewBaseATNSimulator(atn, sharedContextCache) + l := &LexerATNSimulator{ + BaseATNSimulator: BaseATNSimulator{ + atn: atn, + sharedContextCache: sharedContextCache, + }, + } l.decisionToDFA = decisionToDFA l.recog = recog + // The current token's starting index into the character stream. // Shared across DFA to ATN simulation in case the ATN fails and the // DFA did not have a previous accept state. In l case, we use the // ATN-generated exception object. l.startIndex = -1 - // line number 1..n within the input/// + + // line number 1..n within the input l.Line = 1 + // The index of the character relative to the beginning of the line - // 0..n-1/// + // 0..n-1 l.CharPositionInLine = 0 + l.mode = LexerDefaultMode + // Used during DFA/ATN exec to record the most recent accept configuration // info l.prevAccept = NewSimState() - // done + return l } @@ -114,7 +120,7 @@ func (l *LexerATNSimulator) reset() { func (l *LexerATNSimulator) MatchATN(input CharStream) int { startState := l.atn.modeToStartState[l.mode] - if LexerATNSimulatorDebug { + if runtimeConfig.lexerATNSimulatorDebug { fmt.Println("MatchATN mode " + strconv.Itoa(l.mode) + " start: " + startState.String()) } oldMode := l.mode @@ -126,7 +132,7 @@ func (l *LexerATNSimulator) MatchATN(input CharStream) int { predict := l.execATN(input, next) - if LexerATNSimulatorDebug { + if runtimeConfig.lexerATNSimulatorDebug { fmt.Println("DFA after MatchATN: " + l.decisionToDFA[oldMode].ToLexerString()) } return predict @@ -134,18 +140,18 @@ func (l *LexerATNSimulator) MatchATN(input CharStream) int { func (l *LexerATNSimulator) execATN(input CharStream, ds0 *DFAState) int { - if LexerATNSimulatorDebug { + if runtimeConfig.lexerATNSimulatorDebug { fmt.Println("start state closure=" + ds0.configs.String()) } if ds0.isAcceptState { - // allow zero-length tokens + // allow zero-Length tokens l.captureSimState(l.prevAccept, input, ds0) } t := input.LA(1) s := ds0 // s is current/from DFA state for { // while more work - if LexerATNSimulatorDebug { + if runtimeConfig.lexerATNSimulatorDebug { fmt.Println("execATN loop starting closure: " + s.configs.String()) } @@ -188,7 +194,7 @@ func (l *LexerATNSimulator) execATN(input CharStream, ds0 *DFAState) int { } } t = input.LA(1) - s = target // flip current DFA target becomes Newsrc/from state + s = target // flip current DFA target becomes new src/from state } return l.failOrAccept(l.prevAccept, input, s.configs, t) @@ -214,43 +220,39 @@ func (l *LexerATNSimulator) getExistingTargetState(s *DFAState, t int) *DFAState return nil } target := s.getIthEdge(t - LexerATNSimulatorMinDFAEdge) - if LexerATNSimulatorDebug && target != nil { + if runtimeConfig.lexerATNSimulatorDebug && target != nil { fmt.Println("reuse state " + strconv.Itoa(s.stateNumber) + " edge to " + strconv.Itoa(target.stateNumber)) } return target } -// Compute a target state for an edge in the DFA, and attempt to add the -// computed state and corresponding edge to the DFA. +// computeTargetState computes a target state for an edge in the [DFA], and attempt to add the +// computed state and corresponding edge to the [DFA]. // -// @param input The input stream -// @param s The current DFA state -// @param t The next input symbol -// -// @return The computed target DFA state for the given input symbol -// {@code t}. If {@code t} does not lead to a valid DFA state, l method -// returns {@link //ERROR}. +// The func returns the computed target [DFA] state for the given input symbol t. +// If this does not lead to a valid [DFA] state, this method +// returns ATNSimulatorError. func (l *LexerATNSimulator) computeTargetState(input CharStream, s *DFAState, t int) *DFAState { reach := NewOrderedATNConfigSet() // if we don't find an existing DFA state // Fill reach starting from closure, following t transitions - l.getReachableConfigSet(input, s.configs, reach.BaseATNConfigSet, t) + l.getReachableConfigSet(input, s.configs, reach, t) if len(reach.configs) == 0 { // we got nowhere on t from s if !reach.hasSemanticContext { // we got nowhere on t, don't panic out l knowledge it'd - // cause a failover from DFA later. + // cause a fail-over from DFA later. l.addDFAEdge(s, t, ATNSimulatorError, nil) } // stop when we can't Match any more char return ATNSimulatorError } // Add an edge from s to target DFA found/created for reach - return l.addDFAEdge(s, t, nil, reach.BaseATNConfigSet) + return l.addDFAEdge(s, t, nil, reach) } -func (l *LexerATNSimulator) failOrAccept(prevAccept *SimState, input CharStream, reach ATNConfigSet, t int) int { +func (l *LexerATNSimulator) failOrAccept(prevAccept *SimState, input CharStream, reach *ATNConfigSet, t int) int { if l.prevAccept.dfaState != nil { lexerActionExecutor := prevAccept.dfaState.lexerActionExecutor l.accept(input, lexerActionExecutor, l.startIndex, prevAccept.index, prevAccept.line, prevAccept.column) @@ -265,34 +267,35 @@ func (l *LexerATNSimulator) failOrAccept(prevAccept *SimState, input CharStream, panic(NewLexerNoViableAltException(l.recog, input, l.startIndex, reach)) } -// Given a starting configuration set, figure out all ATN configurations -// we can reach upon input {@code t}. Parameter {@code reach} is a return -// parameter. -func (l *LexerATNSimulator) getReachableConfigSet(input CharStream, closure ATNConfigSet, reach ATNConfigSet, t int) { +// getReachableConfigSet when given a starting configuration set, figures out all [ATN] configurations +// we can reach upon input t. +// +// Parameter reach is a return parameter. +func (l *LexerATNSimulator) getReachableConfigSet(input CharStream, closure *ATNConfigSet, reach *ATNConfigSet, t int) { // l is used to Skip processing for configs which have a lower priority - // than a config that already reached an accept state for the same rule + // than a runtimeConfig that already reached an accept state for the same rule SkipAlt := ATNInvalidAltNumber - for _, cfg := range closure.GetItems() { - currentAltReachedAcceptState := (cfg.GetAlt() == SkipAlt) - if currentAltReachedAcceptState && cfg.(*LexerATNConfig).passedThroughNonGreedyDecision { + for _, cfg := range closure.configs { + currentAltReachedAcceptState := cfg.GetAlt() == SkipAlt + if currentAltReachedAcceptState && cfg.passedThroughNonGreedyDecision { continue } - if LexerATNSimulatorDebug { + if runtimeConfig.lexerATNSimulatorDebug { - fmt.Printf("testing %s at %s\n", l.GetTokenName(t), cfg.String()) // l.recog, true)) + fmt.Printf("testing %s at %s\n", l.GetTokenName(t), cfg.String()) } for _, trans := range cfg.GetState().GetTransitions() { target := l.getReachableTarget(trans, t) if target != nil { - lexerActionExecutor := cfg.(*LexerATNConfig).lexerActionExecutor + lexerActionExecutor := cfg.lexerActionExecutor if lexerActionExecutor != nil { lexerActionExecutor = lexerActionExecutor.fixOffsetBeforeMatch(input.Index() - l.startIndex) } - treatEOFAsEpsilon := (t == TokenEOF) - config := NewLexerATNConfig3(cfg.(*LexerATNConfig), target, lexerActionExecutor) + treatEOFAsEpsilon := t == TokenEOF + config := NewLexerATNConfig3(cfg, target, lexerActionExecutor) if l.closure(input, config, reach, currentAltReachedAcceptState, true, treatEOFAsEpsilon) { // any remaining configs for l alt have a lower priority @@ -305,7 +308,7 @@ func (l *LexerATNSimulator) getReachableConfigSet(input CharStream, closure ATNC } func (l *LexerATNSimulator) accept(input CharStream, lexerActionExecutor *LexerActionExecutor, startIndex, index, line, charPos int) { - if LexerATNSimulatorDebug { + if runtimeConfig.lexerATNSimulatorDebug { fmt.Printf("ACTION %v\n", lexerActionExecutor) } // seek to after last char in token @@ -325,7 +328,7 @@ func (l *LexerATNSimulator) getReachableTarget(trans Transition, t int) ATNState return nil } -func (l *LexerATNSimulator) computeStartState(input CharStream, p ATNState) *OrderedATNConfigSet { +func (l *LexerATNSimulator) computeStartState(input CharStream, p ATNState) *ATNConfigSet { configs := NewOrderedATNConfigSet() for i := 0; i < len(p.GetTransitions()); i++ { target := p.GetTransitions()[i].getTarget() @@ -336,25 +339,24 @@ func (l *LexerATNSimulator) computeStartState(input CharStream, p ATNState) *Ord return configs } -// Since the alternatives within any lexer decision are ordered by -// preference, l method stops pursuing the closure as soon as an accept +// closure since the alternatives within any lexer decision are ordered by +// preference, this method stops pursuing the closure as soon as an accept // state is reached. After the first accept state is reached by depth-first -// search from {@code config}, all other (potentially reachable) states for -// l rule would have a lower priority. +// search from runtimeConfig, all other (potentially reachable) states for +// this rule would have a lower priority. // -// @return {@code true} if an accept state is reached, otherwise -// {@code false}. -func (l *LexerATNSimulator) closure(input CharStream, config *LexerATNConfig, configs ATNConfigSet, +// The func returns true if an accept state is reached. +func (l *LexerATNSimulator) closure(input CharStream, config *ATNConfig, configs *ATNConfigSet, currentAltReachedAcceptState, speculative, treatEOFAsEpsilon bool) bool { - if LexerATNSimulatorDebug { - fmt.Println("closure(" + config.String() + ")") // config.String(l.recog, true) + ")") + if runtimeConfig.lexerATNSimulatorDebug { + fmt.Println("closure(" + config.String() + ")") } _, ok := config.state.(*RuleStopState) if ok { - if LexerATNSimulatorDebug { + if runtimeConfig.lexerATNSimulatorDebug { if l.recog != nil { fmt.Printf("closure at %s rule stop %s\n", l.recog.GetRuleNames()[config.state.GetRuleIndex()], config) } else { @@ -401,10 +403,10 @@ func (l *LexerATNSimulator) closure(input CharStream, config *LexerATNConfig, co } // side-effect: can alter configs.hasSemanticContext -func (l *LexerATNSimulator) getEpsilonTarget(input CharStream, config *LexerATNConfig, trans Transition, - configs ATNConfigSet, speculative, treatEOFAsEpsilon bool) *LexerATNConfig { +func (l *LexerATNSimulator) getEpsilonTarget(input CharStream, config *ATNConfig, trans Transition, + configs *ATNConfigSet, speculative, treatEOFAsEpsilon bool) *ATNConfig { - var cfg *LexerATNConfig + var cfg *ATNConfig if trans.getSerializationType() == TransitionRULE { @@ -435,10 +437,10 @@ func (l *LexerATNSimulator) getEpsilonTarget(input CharStream, config *LexerATNC pt := trans.(*PredicateTransition) - if LexerATNSimulatorDebug { + if runtimeConfig.lexerATNSimulatorDebug { fmt.Println("EVAL rule " + strconv.Itoa(trans.(*PredicateTransition).ruleIndex) + ":" + strconv.Itoa(pt.predIndex)) } - configs.SetHasSemanticContext(true) + configs.hasSemanticContext = true if l.evaluatePredicate(input, pt.ruleIndex, pt.predIndex, speculative) { cfg = NewLexerATNConfig4(config, trans.getTarget()) } @@ -449,7 +451,7 @@ func (l *LexerATNSimulator) getEpsilonTarget(input CharStream, config *LexerATNC // TODO: if the entry rule is invoked recursively, some // actions may be executed during the recursive call. The // problem can appear when hasEmptyPath() is true but - // isEmpty() is false. In l case, the config needs to be + // isEmpty() is false. In this case, the config needs to be // split into two contexts - one with just the empty path // and another with everything but the empty path. // Unfortunately, the current algorithm does not allow @@ -476,26 +478,18 @@ func (l *LexerATNSimulator) getEpsilonTarget(input CharStream, config *LexerATNC return cfg } -// Evaluate a predicate specified in the lexer. +// evaluatePredicate eEvaluates a predicate specified in the lexer. // -//If {@code speculative} is {@code true}, l method was called before -// {@link //consume} for the Matched character. This method should call -// {@link //consume} before evaluating the predicate to ensure position -// sensitive values, including {@link Lexer//GetText}, {@link Lexer//GetLine}, -// and {@link Lexer//getcolumn}, properly reflect the current -// lexer state. This method should restore {@code input} and the simulator -// to the original state before returning (i.e. undo the actions made by the -// call to {@link //consume}.
+// If speculative is true, this method was called before +// [consume] for the Matched character. This method should call +// [consume] before evaluating the predicate to ensure position +// sensitive values, including [GetText], [GetLine], +// and [GetColumn], properly reflect the current +// lexer state. This method should restore input and the simulator +// to the original state before returning, i.e. undo the actions made by the +// call to [Consume]. // -// @param input The input stream. -// @param ruleIndex The rule containing the predicate. -// @param predIndex The index of the predicate within the rule. -// @param speculative {@code true} if the current index in {@code input} is -// one character before the predicate's location. -// -// @return {@code true} if the specified predicate evaluates to -// {@code true}. -// / +// The func returns true if the specified predicate evaluates to true. func (l *LexerATNSimulator) evaluatePredicate(input CharStream, ruleIndex, predIndex int, speculative bool) bool { // assume true if no recognizer was provided if l.recog == nil { @@ -527,7 +521,7 @@ func (l *LexerATNSimulator) captureSimState(settings *SimState, input CharStream settings.dfaState = dfaState } -func (l *LexerATNSimulator) addDFAEdge(from *DFAState, tk int, to *DFAState, cfgs ATNConfigSet) *DFAState { +func (l *LexerATNSimulator) addDFAEdge(from *DFAState, tk int, to *DFAState, cfgs *ATNConfigSet) *DFAState { if to == nil && cfgs != nil { // leading to l call, ATNConfigSet.hasSemanticContext is used as a // marker indicating dynamic predicate evaluation makes l edge @@ -539,10 +533,9 @@ func (l *LexerATNSimulator) addDFAEdge(from *DFAState, tk int, to *DFAState, cfg // TJP notes: next time through the DFA, we see a pred again and eval. // If that gets us to a previously created (but dangling) DFA // state, we can continue in pure DFA mode from there. - // / - suppressEdge := cfgs.HasSemanticContext() - cfgs.SetHasSemanticContext(false) - + // + suppressEdge := cfgs.hasSemanticContext + cfgs.hasSemanticContext = false to = l.addDFAState(cfgs, true) if suppressEdge { @@ -554,7 +547,7 @@ func (l *LexerATNSimulator) addDFAEdge(from *DFAState, tk int, to *DFAState, cfg // Only track edges within the DFA bounds return to } - if LexerATNSimulatorDebug { + if runtimeConfig.lexerATNSimulatorDebug { fmt.Println("EDGE " + from.String() + " -> " + to.String() + " upon " + strconv.Itoa(tk)) } l.atn.edgeMu.Lock() @@ -572,13 +565,12 @@ func (l *LexerATNSimulator) addDFAEdge(from *DFAState, tk int, to *DFAState, cfg // configurations already. This method also detects the first // configuration containing an ATN rule stop state. Later, when // traversing the DFA, we will know which rule to accept. -func (l *LexerATNSimulator) addDFAState(configs ATNConfigSet, suppressEdge bool) *DFAState { +func (l *LexerATNSimulator) addDFAState(configs *ATNConfigSet, suppressEdge bool) *DFAState { proposed := NewDFAState(-1, configs) - var firstConfigWithRuleStopState ATNConfig - - for _, cfg := range configs.GetItems() { + var firstConfigWithRuleStopState *ATNConfig + for _, cfg := range configs.configs { _, ok := cfg.GetState().(*RuleStopState) if ok { @@ -588,14 +580,14 @@ func (l *LexerATNSimulator) addDFAState(configs ATNConfigSet, suppressEdge bool) } if firstConfigWithRuleStopState != nil { proposed.isAcceptState = true - proposed.lexerActionExecutor = firstConfigWithRuleStopState.(*LexerATNConfig).lexerActionExecutor + proposed.lexerActionExecutor = firstConfigWithRuleStopState.lexerActionExecutor proposed.setPrediction(l.atn.ruleToTokenType[firstConfigWithRuleStopState.GetState().GetRuleIndex()]) } dfa := l.decisionToDFA[l.mode] l.atn.stateMu.Lock() defer l.atn.stateMu.Unlock() - existing, present := dfa.states.Get(proposed) + existing, present := dfa.Get(proposed) if present { // This state was already present, so just return it. @@ -605,10 +597,11 @@ func (l *LexerATNSimulator) addDFAState(configs ATNConfigSet, suppressEdge bool) // We need to add the new state // - proposed.stateNumber = dfa.states.Len() - configs.SetReadOnly(true) + proposed.stateNumber = dfa.Len() + configs.readOnly = true + configs.configLookup = nil // Not needed now proposed.configs = configs - dfa.states.Put(proposed) + dfa.Put(proposed) } if !suppressEdge { dfa.setS0(proposed) @@ -620,7 +613,7 @@ func (l *LexerATNSimulator) getDFA(mode int) *DFA { return l.decisionToDFA[mode] } -// Get the text Matched so far for the current token. +// GetText returns the text [Match]ed so far for the current token. func (l *LexerATNSimulator) GetText(input CharStream) string { // index is first lookahead char, don't include. return input.GetTextFromInterval(NewInterval(l.startIndex, input.Index()-1)) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/antlr4-go/antlr/v4/ll1_analyzer.go b/vendor/github.com/antlr4-go/antlr/v4/ll1_analyzer.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..4955ac876f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/antlr4-go/antlr/v4/ll1_analyzer.go @@ -0,0 +1,218 @@ +// Copyright (c) 2012-2022 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved. +// Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license that +// can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root. + +package antlr + +type LL1Analyzer struct { + atn *ATN +} + +func NewLL1Analyzer(atn *ATN) *LL1Analyzer { + la := new(LL1Analyzer) + la.atn = atn + return la +} + +const ( + // LL1AnalyzerHitPred is a special value added to the lookahead sets to indicate that we hit + // a predicate during analysis if + // + // seeThruPreds==false + LL1AnalyzerHitPred = TokenInvalidType +) + +// * +// Calculates the SLL(1) expected lookahead set for each outgoing transition +// of an {@link ATNState}. The returned array has one element for each +// outgoing transition in {@code s}. If the closure from transition +// i leads to a semantic predicate before Matching a symbol, the +// element at index i of the result will be {@code nil}. +// +// @param s the ATN state +// @return the expected symbols for each outgoing transition of {@code s}. +func (la *LL1Analyzer) getDecisionLookahead(s ATNState) []*IntervalSet { + if s == nil { + return nil + } + count := len(s.GetTransitions()) + look := make([]*IntervalSet, count) + for alt := 0; alt < count; alt++ { + + look[alt] = NewIntervalSet() + lookBusy := NewJStore[*ATNConfig, Comparator[*ATNConfig]](aConfEqInst, ClosureBusyCollection, "LL1Analyzer.getDecisionLookahead for lookBusy") + la.look1(s.GetTransitions()[alt].getTarget(), nil, BasePredictionContextEMPTY, look[alt], lookBusy, NewBitSet(), false, false) + + // Wipe out lookahead for la alternative if we found nothing, + // or we had a predicate when we !seeThruPreds + if look[alt].length() == 0 || look[alt].contains(LL1AnalyzerHitPred) { + look[alt] = nil + } + } + return look +} + +// Look computes the set of tokens that can follow s in the [ATN] in the +// specified ctx. +// +// If ctx is nil and the end of the rule containing +// s is reached, [EPSILON] is added to the result set. +// +// If ctx is not nil and the end of the outermost rule is +// reached, [EOF] is added to the result set. +// +// Parameter s the ATN state, and stopState is the ATN state to stop at. This can be a +// [BlockEndState] to detect epsilon paths through a closure. +// +// Parameter ctx is the complete parser context, or nil if the context +// should be ignored +// +// The func returns the set of tokens that can follow s in the [ATN] in the +// specified ctx. +func (la *LL1Analyzer) Look(s, stopState ATNState, ctx RuleContext) *IntervalSet { + r := NewIntervalSet() + var lookContext *PredictionContext + if ctx != nil { + lookContext = predictionContextFromRuleContext(s.GetATN(), ctx) + } + la.look1(s, stopState, lookContext, r, NewJStore[*ATNConfig, Comparator[*ATNConfig]](aConfEqInst, ClosureBusyCollection, "LL1Analyzer.Look for la.look1()"), + NewBitSet(), true, true) + return r +} + +//* +// Compute set of tokens that can follow {@code s} in the ATN in the +// specified {@code ctx}. +// +//If {@code ctx} is {@code nil} and {@code stopState} or the end of the +// rule containing {@code s} is reached, {@link Token//EPSILON} is added to +// the result set. If {@code ctx} is not {@code nil} and {@code addEOF} is +// {@code true} and {@code stopState} or the end of the outermost rule is +// reached, {@link Token//EOF} is added to the result set.
+// +// @param s the ATN state. +// @param stopState the ATN state to stop at. This can be a +// {@link BlockEndState} to detect epsilon paths through a closure. +// @param ctx The outer context, or {@code nil} if the outer context should +// not be used. +// @param look The result lookahead set. +// @param lookBusy A set used for preventing epsilon closures in the ATN +// from causing a stack overflow. Outside code should pass +// {@code NewSetTo support output-preserving grammar transformations (including but not +// To support output-preserving grammar transformations (including but not // limited to left-recursion removal, automated left-factoring, and // optimized code generation), calls to listener methods during the parse // may differ substantially from calls made by -// {@link ParseTreeWalker//DEFAULT} used after the parse is complete. In +// [ParseTreeWalker.DEFAULT] used after the parse is complete. In // particular, rule entry and exit events may occur in a different order // during the parse than after the parser. In addition, calls to certain -// rule entry methods may be omitted.
-// -//With the following specific exceptions, calls to listener events are -// deterministic, i.e. for identical input the calls to listener -// methods will be the same.
-// -//If {@code listener} is {@code nil} or has not been added as a parse -// listener, p.method does nothing.
-// @param listener the listener to remove +// If listener is nil or has not been added as a parse +// listener, this func does nothing. func (p *BaseParser) RemoveParseListener(listener ParseTreeListener) { if p.parseListeners != nil { @@ -274,7 +278,7 @@ func (p *BaseParser) removeParseListeners() { p.parseListeners = nil } -// Notify any parse listeners of an enter rule event. +// TriggerEnterRuleEvent notifies all parse listeners of an enter rule event. func (p *BaseParser) TriggerEnterRuleEvent() { if p.parseListeners != nil { ctx := p.ctx @@ -285,9 +289,7 @@ func (p *BaseParser) TriggerEnterRuleEvent() { } } -// Notify any parse listeners of an exit rule event. -// -// @see //addParseListener +// TriggerExitRuleEvent notifies any parse listeners of an exit rule event. func (p *BaseParser) TriggerExitRuleEvent() { if p.parseListeners != nil { // reverse order walk of listeners @@ -314,19 +316,16 @@ func (p *BaseParser) GetTokenFactory() TokenFactory { return p.input.GetTokenSource().GetTokenFactory() } -// Tell our token source and error strategy about a Newway to create tokens.// +// setTokenFactory is used to tell our token source and error strategy about a new way to create tokens. func (p *BaseParser) setTokenFactory(factory TokenFactory) { p.input.GetTokenSource().setTokenFactory(factory) } -// The ATN with bypass alternatives is expensive to create so we create it +// GetATNWithBypassAlts - the ATN with bypass alternatives is expensive to create, so we create it // lazily. -// -// @panics UnsupportedOperationException if the current parser does not -// implement the {@link //getSerializedATN()} method. func (p *BaseParser) GetATNWithBypassAlts() { - // TODO + // TODO - Implement this? panic("Not implemented!") // serializedAtn := p.getSerializedATN() @@ -354,6 +353,7 @@ func (p *BaseParser) GetATNWithBypassAlts() { // String id = m.Get("ID") // +//goland:noinspection GoUnusedParameter func (p *BaseParser) compileParseTreePattern(pattern, patternRuleIndex, lexer Lexer) { panic("NewParseTreePatternMatcher not implemented!") @@ -386,14 +386,16 @@ func (p *BaseParser) GetTokenStream() TokenStream { return p.input } -// Set the token stream and reset the parser.// +// SetTokenStream installs input as the token stream and resets the parser. func (p *BaseParser) SetTokenStream(input TokenStream) { p.input = nil p.reset() p.input = input } -// Match needs to return the current input symbol, which gets put +// GetCurrentToken returns the current token at LT(1). +// +// [Match] needs to return the current input symbol, which gets put // into the label for the associated token ref e.g., x=ID. func (p *BaseParser) GetCurrentToken() Token { return p.input.LT(1) @@ -446,7 +448,7 @@ func (p *BaseParser) addContextToParseTree() { } } -func (p *BaseParser) EnterRule(localctx ParserRuleContext, state, ruleIndex int) { +func (p *BaseParser) EnterRule(localctx ParserRuleContext, state, _ int) { p.SetState(state) p.ctx = localctx p.ctx.SetStart(p.input.LT(1)) @@ -474,7 +476,7 @@ func (p *BaseParser) ExitRule() { func (p *BaseParser) EnterOuterAlt(localctx ParserRuleContext, altNum int) { localctx.SetAltNumber(altNum) - // if we have Newlocalctx, make sure we replace existing ctx + // if we have a new localctx, make sure we replace existing ctx // that is previous child of parse tree if p.BuildParseTrees && p.ctx != localctx { if p.ctx.GetParent() != nil { @@ -498,7 +500,7 @@ func (p *BaseParser) GetPrecedence() int { return p.precedenceStack[len(p.precedenceStack)-1] } -func (p *BaseParser) EnterRecursionRule(localctx ParserRuleContext, state, ruleIndex, precedence int) { +func (p *BaseParser) EnterRecursionRule(localctx ParserRuleContext, state, _, precedence int) { p.SetState(state) p.precedenceStack.Push(precedence) p.ctx = localctx @@ -512,7 +514,7 @@ func (p *BaseParser) EnterRecursionRule(localctx ParserRuleContext, state, ruleI // // Like {@link //EnterRule} but for recursive rules. -func (p *BaseParser) PushNewRecursionContext(localctx ParserRuleContext, state, ruleIndex int) { +func (p *BaseParser) PushNewRecursionContext(localctx ParserRuleContext, state, _ int) { previous := p.ctx previous.SetParent(localctx) previous.SetInvokingState(state) @@ -530,7 +532,7 @@ func (p *BaseParser) PushNewRecursionContext(localctx ParserRuleContext, state, } func (p *BaseParser) UnrollRecursionContexts(parentCtx ParserRuleContext) { - p.precedenceStack.Pop() + _, _ = p.precedenceStack.Pop() p.ctx.SetStop(p.input.LT(-1)) retCtx := p.ctx // save current ctx (return value) // unroll so ctx is as it was before call to recursive method @@ -561,29 +563,22 @@ func (p *BaseParser) GetInvokingContext(ruleIndex int) ParserRuleContext { return nil } -func (p *BaseParser) Precpred(localctx RuleContext, precedence int) bool { +func (p *BaseParser) Precpred(_ RuleContext, precedence int) bool { return precedence >= p.precedenceStack[len(p.precedenceStack)-1] } +//goland:noinspection GoUnusedParameter func (p *BaseParser) inContext(context ParserRuleContext) bool { // TODO: useful in parser? return false } -// -// Checks whether or not {@code symbol} can follow the current state in the -// ATN. The behavior of p.method is equivalent to the following, but is +// IsExpectedToken checks whether symbol can follow the current state in the +// {ATN}. The behavior of p.method is equivalent to the following, but is // implemented such that the complete context-sensitive follow set does not // need to be explicitly constructed. // -//-// return getExpectedTokens().contains(symbol) -//-// -// @param symbol the symbol type to check -// @return {@code true} if {@code symbol} can follow the current state in -// the ATN, otherwise {@code false}. - +// return getExpectedTokens().contains(symbol) func (p *BaseParser) IsExpectedToken(symbol int) bool { atn := p.Interpreter.atn ctx := p.ctx @@ -611,11 +606,9 @@ func (p *BaseParser) IsExpectedToken(symbol int) bool { return false } -// Computes the set of input symbols which could follow the current parser -// state and context, as given by {@link //GetState} and {@link //GetContext}, +// GetExpectedTokens and returns the set of input symbols which could follow the current parser +// state and context, as given by [GetState] and [GetContext], // respectively. -// -// @see ATN//getExpectedTokens(int, RuleContext) func (p *BaseParser) GetExpectedTokens() *IntervalSet { return p.Interpreter.atn.getExpectedTokens(p.state, p.ctx) } @@ -626,7 +619,7 @@ func (p *BaseParser) GetExpectedTokensWithinCurrentRule() *IntervalSet { return atn.NextTokens(s, nil) } -// Get a rule's index (i.e., {@code RULE_ruleName} field) or -1 if not found.// +// GetRuleIndex get a rule's index (i.e., RULE_ruleName field) or -1 if not found. func (p *BaseParser) GetRuleIndex(ruleName string) int { var ruleIndex, ok = p.GetRuleIndexMap()[ruleName] if ok { @@ -636,13 +629,10 @@ func (p *BaseParser) GetRuleIndex(ruleName string) int { return -1 } -// Return List<String> of the rule names in your parser instance +// GetRuleInvocationStack returns a list of the rule names in your parser instance // leading up to a call to the current rule. You could override if // you want more details such as the file/line info of where // in the ATN a rule is invoked. -// -// this very useful for error messages. - func (p *BaseParser) GetRuleInvocationStack(c ParserRuleContext) []string { if c == nil { c = p.ctx @@ -668,16 +658,16 @@ func (p *BaseParser) GetRuleInvocationStack(c ParserRuleContext) []string { return stack } -// For debugging and other purposes.// +// GetDFAStrings returns a list of all DFA states used for debugging purposes func (p *BaseParser) GetDFAStrings() string { return fmt.Sprint(p.Interpreter.decisionToDFA) } -// For debugging and other purposes.// +// DumpDFA prints the whole of the DFA for debugging func (p *BaseParser) DumpDFA() { seenOne := false for _, dfa := range p.Interpreter.decisionToDFA { - if dfa.states.Len() > 0 { + if dfa.Len() > 0 { if seenOne { fmt.Println() } @@ -692,8 +682,10 @@ func (p *BaseParser) GetSourceName() string { return p.GrammarFileName } -// During a parse is sometimes useful to listen in on the rule entry and exit -// events as well as token Matches. p.is for quick and dirty debugging. +// SetTrace installs a trace listener for the parse. +// +// During a parse it is sometimes useful to listen in on the rule entry and exit +// events as well as token Matches. This is for quick and dirty debugging. func (p *BaseParser) SetTrace(trace *TraceListener) { if trace == nil { p.RemoveParseListener(p.tracer) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/antlr4-go/antlr/v4/parser_atn_simulator.go b/vendor/github.com/antlr4-go/antlr/v4/parser_atn_simulator.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..ae2869692a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/antlr4-go/antlr/v4/parser_atn_simulator.go @@ -0,0 +1,1668 @@ +// Copyright (c) 2012-2022 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved. +// Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license that +// can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root. + +package antlr + +import ( + "fmt" + "strconv" + "strings" +) + +var () + +// ClosureBusy is a store of ATNConfigs and is a tiny abstraction layer over +// a standard JStore so that we can use Lazy instantiation of the JStore, mostly +// to avoid polluting the stats module with a ton of JStore instances with nothing in them. +type ClosureBusy struct { + bMap *JStore[*ATNConfig, Comparator[*ATNConfig]] + desc string +} + +// NewClosureBusy creates a new ClosureBusy instance used to avoid infinite recursion for right-recursive rules +func NewClosureBusy(desc string) *ClosureBusy { + return &ClosureBusy{ + desc: desc, + } +} + +func (c *ClosureBusy) Put(config *ATNConfig) (*ATNConfig, bool) { + if c.bMap == nil { + c.bMap = NewJStore[*ATNConfig, Comparator[*ATNConfig]](aConfEqInst, ClosureBusyCollection, c.desc) + } + return c.bMap.Put(config) +} + +type ParserATNSimulator struct { + BaseATNSimulator + + parser Parser + predictionMode int + input TokenStream + startIndex int + dfa *DFA + mergeCache *JPCMap + outerContext ParserRuleContext +} + +//goland:noinspection GoUnusedExportedFunction +func NewParserATNSimulator(parser Parser, atn *ATN, decisionToDFA []*DFA, sharedContextCache *PredictionContextCache) *ParserATNSimulator { + + p := &ParserATNSimulator{ + BaseATNSimulator: BaseATNSimulator{ + atn: atn, + sharedContextCache: sharedContextCache, + }, + } + + p.parser = parser + p.decisionToDFA = decisionToDFA + // SLL, LL, or LL + exact ambig detection?// + p.predictionMode = PredictionModeLL + // LAME globals to avoid parameters!!!!! I need these down deep in predTransition + p.input = nil + p.startIndex = 0 + p.outerContext = nil + p.dfa = nil + // Each prediction operation uses a cache for merge of prediction contexts. + // Don't keep around as it wastes huge amounts of memory. [JPCMap] + // isn't Synchronized, but we're ok since two threads shouldn't reuse same + // parser/atn-simulator object because it can only handle one input at a time. + // This maps graphs a and b to merged result c. (a,b) -> c. We can avoid + // the merge if we ever see a and b again. Note that (b,a) -> c should + // also be examined during cache lookup. + // + p.mergeCache = nil + + return p +} + +func (p *ParserATNSimulator) GetPredictionMode() int { + return p.predictionMode +} + +func (p *ParserATNSimulator) SetPredictionMode(v int) { + p.predictionMode = v +} + +func (p *ParserATNSimulator) reset() { +} + +//goland:noinspection GoBoolExpressions +func (p *ParserATNSimulator) AdaptivePredict(parser *BaseParser, input TokenStream, decision int, outerContext ParserRuleContext) int { + if runtimeConfig.parserATNSimulatorDebug || runtimeConfig.parserATNSimulatorTraceATNSim { + fmt.Println("adaptivePredict decision " + strconv.Itoa(decision) + + " exec LA(1)==" + p.getLookaheadName(input) + + " line " + strconv.Itoa(input.LT(1).GetLine()) + ":" + + strconv.Itoa(input.LT(1).GetColumn())) + } + p.input = input + p.startIndex = input.Index() + p.outerContext = outerContext + + dfa := p.decisionToDFA[decision] + p.dfa = dfa + m := input.Mark() + index := input.Index() + + defer func() { + p.dfa = nil + p.mergeCache = nil // whack cache after each prediction + // Do not attempt to run a GC now that we're done with the cache as makes the + // GC overhead terrible for badly formed grammars and has little effect on well formed + // grammars. + // I have made some extra effort to try and reduce memory pressure by reusing allocations when + // possible. However, it can only have a limited effect. The real solution is to encourage grammar + // authors to think more carefully about their grammar and to use the new antlr.stats tag to inspect + // what is happening at runtime, along with using the error listener to report ambiguities. + + input.Seek(index) + input.Release(m) + }() + + // Now we are certain to have a specific decision's DFA + // But, do we still need an initial state? + var s0 *DFAState + p.atn.stateMu.RLock() + if dfa.getPrecedenceDfa() { + p.atn.edgeMu.RLock() + // the start state for a precedence DFA depends on the current + // parser precedence, and is provided by a DFA method. + s0 = dfa.getPrecedenceStartState(p.parser.GetPrecedence()) + p.atn.edgeMu.RUnlock() + } else { + // the start state for a "regular" DFA is just s0 + s0 = dfa.getS0() + } + p.atn.stateMu.RUnlock() + + if s0 == nil { + if outerContext == nil { + outerContext = ParserRuleContextEmpty + } + if runtimeConfig.parserATNSimulatorDebug { + fmt.Println("predictATN decision " + strconv.Itoa(dfa.decision) + + " exec LA(1)==" + p.getLookaheadName(input) + + ", outerContext=" + outerContext.String(p.parser.GetRuleNames(), nil)) + } + fullCtx := false + s0Closure := p.computeStartState(dfa.atnStartState, ParserRuleContextEmpty, fullCtx) + + p.atn.stateMu.Lock() + if dfa.getPrecedenceDfa() { + // If p is a precedence DFA, we use applyPrecedenceFilter + // to convert the computed start state to a precedence start + // state. We then use DFA.setPrecedenceStartState to set the + // appropriate start state for the precedence level rather + // than simply setting DFA.s0. + // + dfa.s0.configs = s0Closure + s0Closure = p.applyPrecedenceFilter(s0Closure) + s0 = p.addDFAState(dfa, NewDFAState(-1, s0Closure)) + p.atn.edgeMu.Lock() + dfa.setPrecedenceStartState(p.parser.GetPrecedence(), s0) + p.atn.edgeMu.Unlock() + } else { + s0 = p.addDFAState(dfa, NewDFAState(-1, s0Closure)) + dfa.setS0(s0) + } + p.atn.stateMu.Unlock() + } + + alt, re := p.execATN(dfa, s0, input, index, outerContext) + parser.SetError(re) + if runtimeConfig.parserATNSimulatorDebug { + fmt.Println("DFA after predictATN: " + dfa.String(p.parser.GetLiteralNames(), nil)) + } + return alt + +} + +// execATN performs ATN simulation to compute a predicted alternative based +// upon the remaining input, but also updates the DFA cache to avoid +// having to traverse the ATN again for the same input sequence. +// +// There are some key conditions we're looking for after computing a new +// set of ATN configs (proposed DFA state): +// +// - If the set is empty, there is no viable alternative for current symbol +// - Does the state uniquely predict an alternative? +// - Does the state have a conflict that would prevent us from +// putting it on the work list? +// +// We also have some key operations to do: +// +// - Add an edge from previous DFA state to potentially NewDFA state, D, +// - Upon current symbol but only if adding to work list, which means in all +// cases except no viable alternative (and possibly non-greedy decisions?) +// - Collecting predicates and adding semantic context to DFA accept states +// - adding rule context to context-sensitive DFA accept states +// - Consuming an input symbol +// - Reporting a conflict +// - Reporting an ambiguity +// - Reporting a context sensitivity +// - Reporting insufficient predicates +// +// Cover these cases: +// +// - dead end +// - single alt +// - single alt + predicates +// - conflict +// - conflict + predicates +// +//goland:noinspection GoBoolExpressions +func (p *ParserATNSimulator) execATN(dfa *DFA, s0 *DFAState, input TokenStream, startIndex int, outerContext ParserRuleContext) (int, RecognitionException) { + + if runtimeConfig.parserATNSimulatorDebug || runtimeConfig.parserATNSimulatorTraceATNSim { + fmt.Println("execATN decision " + strconv.Itoa(dfa.decision) + + ", DFA state " + s0.String() + + ", LA(1)==" + p.getLookaheadName(input) + + " line " + strconv.Itoa(input.LT(1).GetLine()) + ":" + strconv.Itoa(input.LT(1).GetColumn())) + } + + previousD := s0 + + if runtimeConfig.parserATNSimulatorDebug { + fmt.Println("s0 = " + s0.String()) + } + t := input.LA(1) + for { // for more work + D := p.getExistingTargetState(previousD, t) + if D == nil { + D = p.computeTargetState(dfa, previousD, t) + } + if D == ATNSimulatorError { + // if any configs in previous dipped into outer context, that + // means that input up to t actually finished entry rule + // at least for SLL decision. Full LL doesn't dip into outer + // so don't need special case. + // We will get an error no matter what so delay until after + // decision better error message. Also, no reachable target + // ATN states in SLL implies LL will also get nowhere. + // If conflict in states that dip out, choose min since we + // will get error no matter what. + e := p.noViableAlt(input, outerContext, previousD.configs, startIndex) + input.Seek(startIndex) + alt := p.getSynValidOrSemInvalidAltThatFinishedDecisionEntryRule(previousD.configs, outerContext) + if alt != ATNInvalidAltNumber { + return alt, nil + } + p.parser.SetError(e) + return ATNInvalidAltNumber, e + } + if D.requiresFullContext && p.predictionMode != PredictionModeSLL { + // IF PREDS, MIGHT RESOLVE TO SINGLE ALT => SLL (or syntax error) + conflictingAlts := D.configs.conflictingAlts + if D.predicates != nil { + if runtimeConfig.parserATNSimulatorDebug { + fmt.Println("DFA state has preds in DFA sim LL fail-over") + } + conflictIndex := input.Index() + if conflictIndex != startIndex { + input.Seek(startIndex) + } + conflictingAlts = p.evalSemanticContext(D.predicates, outerContext, true) + if conflictingAlts.length() == 1 { + if runtimeConfig.parserATNSimulatorDebug { + fmt.Println("Full LL avoided") + } + return conflictingAlts.minValue(), nil + } + if conflictIndex != startIndex { + // restore the index so Reporting the fallback to full + // context occurs with the index at the correct spot + input.Seek(conflictIndex) + } + } + if runtimeConfig.parserATNSimulatorDFADebug { + fmt.Println("ctx sensitive state " + outerContext.String(nil, nil) + " in " + D.String()) + } + fullCtx := true + s0Closure := p.computeStartState(dfa.atnStartState, outerContext, fullCtx) + p.ReportAttemptingFullContext(dfa, conflictingAlts, D.configs, startIndex, input.Index()) + alt, re := p.execATNWithFullContext(dfa, D, s0Closure, input, startIndex, outerContext) + return alt, re + } + if D.isAcceptState { + if D.predicates == nil { + return D.prediction, nil + } + stopIndex := input.Index() + input.Seek(startIndex) + alts := p.evalSemanticContext(D.predicates, outerContext, true) + + switch alts.length() { + case 0: + return ATNInvalidAltNumber, p.noViableAlt(input, outerContext, D.configs, startIndex) + case 1: + return alts.minValue(), nil + default: + // Report ambiguity after predicate evaluation to make sure the correct set of ambig alts is Reported. + p.ReportAmbiguity(dfa, D, startIndex, stopIndex, false, alts, D.configs) + return alts.minValue(), nil + } + } + previousD = D + + if t != TokenEOF { + input.Consume() + t = input.LA(1) + } + } +} + +// Get an existing target state for an edge in the DFA. If the target state +// for the edge has not yet been computed or is otherwise not available, +// p method returns {@code nil}. +// +// @param previousD The current DFA state +// @param t The next input symbol +// @return The existing target DFA state for the given input symbol +// {@code t}, or {@code nil} if the target state for p edge is not +// already cached + +func (p *ParserATNSimulator) getExistingTargetState(previousD *DFAState, t int) *DFAState { + if t+1 < 0 { + return nil + } + + p.atn.edgeMu.RLock() + defer p.atn.edgeMu.RUnlock() + edges := previousD.getEdges() + if edges == nil || t+1 >= len(edges) { + return nil + } + return previousD.getIthEdge(t + 1) +} + +// Compute a target state for an edge in the DFA, and attempt to add the +// computed state and corresponding edge to the DFA. +// +// @param dfa The DFA +// @param previousD The current DFA state +// @param t The next input symbol +// +// @return The computed target DFA state for the given input symbol +// {@code t}. If {@code t} does not lead to a valid DFA state, p method +// returns {@link //ERROR}. +// +//goland:noinspection GoBoolExpressions +func (p *ParserATNSimulator) computeTargetState(dfa *DFA, previousD *DFAState, t int) *DFAState { + reach := p.computeReachSet(previousD.configs, t, false) + + if reach == nil { + p.addDFAEdge(dfa, previousD, t, ATNSimulatorError) + return ATNSimulatorError + } + // create new target state we'll add to DFA after it's complete + D := NewDFAState(-1, reach) + + predictedAlt := p.getUniqueAlt(reach) + + if runtimeConfig.parserATNSimulatorDebug { + altSubSets := PredictionModegetConflictingAltSubsets(reach) + fmt.Println("SLL altSubSets=" + fmt.Sprint(altSubSets) + + ", previous=" + previousD.configs.String() + + ", configs=" + reach.String() + + ", predict=" + strconv.Itoa(predictedAlt) + + ", allSubsetsConflict=" + + fmt.Sprint(PredictionModeallSubsetsConflict(altSubSets)) + + ", conflictingAlts=" + p.getConflictingAlts(reach).String()) + } + if predictedAlt != ATNInvalidAltNumber { + // NO CONFLICT, UNIQUELY PREDICTED ALT + D.isAcceptState = true + D.configs.uniqueAlt = predictedAlt + D.setPrediction(predictedAlt) + } else if PredictionModehasSLLConflictTerminatingPrediction(p.predictionMode, reach) { + // MORE THAN ONE VIABLE ALTERNATIVE + D.configs.conflictingAlts = p.getConflictingAlts(reach) + D.requiresFullContext = true + // in SLL-only mode, we will stop at p state and return the minimum alt + D.isAcceptState = true + D.setPrediction(D.configs.conflictingAlts.minValue()) + } + if D.isAcceptState && D.configs.hasSemanticContext { + p.predicateDFAState(D, p.atn.getDecisionState(dfa.decision)) + if D.predicates != nil { + D.setPrediction(ATNInvalidAltNumber) + } + } + // all adds to dfa are done after we've created full D state + D = p.addDFAEdge(dfa, previousD, t, D) + return D +} + +func (p *ParserATNSimulator) predicateDFAState(dfaState *DFAState, decisionState DecisionState) { + // We need to test all predicates, even in DFA states that + // uniquely predict alternative. + nalts := len(decisionState.GetTransitions()) + // Update DFA so reach becomes accept state with (predicate,alt) + // pairs if preds found for conflicting alts + altsToCollectPredsFrom := p.getConflictingAltsOrUniqueAlt(dfaState.configs) + altToPred := p.getPredsForAmbigAlts(altsToCollectPredsFrom, dfaState.configs, nalts) + if altToPred != nil { + dfaState.predicates = p.getPredicatePredictions(altsToCollectPredsFrom, altToPred) + dfaState.setPrediction(ATNInvalidAltNumber) // make sure we use preds + } else { + // There are preds in configs but they might go away + // when OR'd together like {p}? || NONE == NONE. If neither + // alt has preds, resolve to min alt + dfaState.setPrediction(altsToCollectPredsFrom.minValue()) + } +} + +// comes back with reach.uniqueAlt set to a valid alt +// +//goland:noinspection GoBoolExpressions +func (p *ParserATNSimulator) execATNWithFullContext(dfa *DFA, D *DFAState, s0 *ATNConfigSet, input TokenStream, startIndex int, outerContext ParserRuleContext) (int, RecognitionException) { + + if runtimeConfig.parserATNSimulatorDebug || runtimeConfig.parserATNSimulatorTraceATNSim { + fmt.Println("execATNWithFullContext " + s0.String()) + } + + fullCtx := true + foundExactAmbig := false + var reach *ATNConfigSet + previous := s0 + input.Seek(startIndex) + t := input.LA(1) + predictedAlt := -1 + + for { // for more work + reach = p.computeReachSet(previous, t, fullCtx) + if reach == nil { + // if any configs in previous dipped into outer context, that + // means that input up to t actually finished entry rule + // at least for LL decision. Full LL doesn't dip into outer + // so don't need special case. + // We will get an error no matter what so delay until after + // decision better error message. Also, no reachable target + // ATN states in SLL implies LL will also get nowhere. + // If conflict in states that dip out, choose min since we + // will get error no matter what. + input.Seek(startIndex) + alt := p.getSynValidOrSemInvalidAltThatFinishedDecisionEntryRule(previous, outerContext) + if alt != ATNInvalidAltNumber { + return alt, nil + } + return alt, p.noViableAlt(input, outerContext, previous, startIndex) + } + altSubSets := PredictionModegetConflictingAltSubsets(reach) + if runtimeConfig.parserATNSimulatorDebug { + fmt.Println("LL altSubSets=" + fmt.Sprint(altSubSets) + ", predict=" + + strconv.Itoa(PredictionModegetUniqueAlt(altSubSets)) + ", resolvesToJustOneViableAlt=" + + fmt.Sprint(PredictionModeresolvesToJustOneViableAlt(altSubSets))) + } + reach.uniqueAlt = p.getUniqueAlt(reach) + // unique prediction? + if reach.uniqueAlt != ATNInvalidAltNumber { + predictedAlt = reach.uniqueAlt + break + } + if p.predictionMode != PredictionModeLLExactAmbigDetection { + predictedAlt = PredictionModeresolvesToJustOneViableAlt(altSubSets) + if predictedAlt != ATNInvalidAltNumber { + break + } + } else { + // In exact ambiguity mode, we never try to terminate early. + // Just keeps scarfing until we know what the conflict is + if PredictionModeallSubsetsConflict(altSubSets) && PredictionModeallSubsetsEqual(altSubSets) { + foundExactAmbig = true + predictedAlt = PredictionModegetSingleViableAlt(altSubSets) + break + } + // else there are multiple non-conflicting subsets or + // we're not sure what the ambiguity is yet. + // So, keep going. + } + previous = reach + if t != TokenEOF { + input.Consume() + t = input.LA(1) + } + } + // If the configuration set uniquely predicts an alternative, + // without conflict, then we know that it's a full LL decision + // not SLL. + if reach.uniqueAlt != ATNInvalidAltNumber { + p.ReportContextSensitivity(dfa, predictedAlt, reach, startIndex, input.Index()) + return predictedAlt, nil + } + // We do not check predicates here because we have checked them + // on-the-fly when doing full context prediction. + + // + // In non-exact ambiguity detection mode, we might actually be able to + // detect an exact ambiguity, but I'm not going to spend the cycles + // needed to check. We only emit ambiguity warnings in exact ambiguity + // mode. + // + // For example, we might know that we have conflicting configurations. + // But, that does not mean that there is no way forward without a + // conflict. It's possible to have non-conflicting alt subsets as in: + // + // altSubSets=[{1, 2}, {1, 2}, {1}, {1, 2}] + // + // from + // + // [(17,1,[5 $]), (13,1,[5 10 $]), (21,1,[5 10 $]), (11,1,[$]), + // (13,2,[5 10 $]), (21,2,[5 10 $]), (11,2,[$])] + // + // In p case, (17,1,[5 $]) indicates there is some next sequence that + // would resolve p without conflict to alternative 1. Any other viable + // next sequence, however, is associated with a conflict. We stop + // looking for input because no amount of further lookahead will alter + // the fact that we should predict alternative 1. We just can't say for + // sure that there is an ambiguity without looking further. + + p.ReportAmbiguity(dfa, D, startIndex, input.Index(), foundExactAmbig, reach.Alts(), reach) + + return predictedAlt, nil +} + +//goland:noinspection GoBoolExpressions +func (p *ParserATNSimulator) computeReachSet(closure *ATNConfigSet, t int, fullCtx bool) *ATNConfigSet { + if p.mergeCache == nil { + p.mergeCache = NewJPCMap(ReachSetCollection, "Merge cache for computeReachSet()") + } + intermediate := NewATNConfigSet(fullCtx) + + // Configurations already in a rule stop state indicate reaching the end + // of the decision rule (local context) or end of the start rule (full + // context). Once reached, these configurations are never updated by a + // closure operation, so they are handled separately for the performance + // advantage of having a smaller intermediate set when calling closure. + // + // For full-context reach operations, separate handling is required to + // ensure that the alternative Matching the longest overall sequence is + // chosen when multiple such configurations can Match the input. + + var skippedStopStates []*ATNConfig + + // First figure out where we can reach on input t + for _, c := range closure.configs { + if runtimeConfig.parserATNSimulatorDebug { + fmt.Println("testing " + p.GetTokenName(t) + " at " + c.String()) + } + + if _, ok := c.GetState().(*RuleStopState); ok { + if fullCtx || t == TokenEOF { + skippedStopStates = append(skippedStopStates, c) + if runtimeConfig.parserATNSimulatorDebug { + fmt.Println("added " + c.String() + " to SkippedStopStates") + } + } + continue + } + + for _, trans := range c.GetState().GetTransitions() { + target := p.getReachableTarget(trans, t) + if target != nil { + cfg := NewATNConfig4(c, target) + intermediate.Add(cfg, p.mergeCache) + if runtimeConfig.parserATNSimulatorDebug { + fmt.Println("added " + cfg.String() + " to intermediate") + } + } + } + } + + // Now figure out where the reach operation can take us... + var reach *ATNConfigSet + + // This block optimizes the reach operation for intermediate sets which + // trivially indicate a termination state for the overall + // AdaptivePredict operation. + // + // The conditions assume that intermediate + // contains all configurations relevant to the reach set, but p + // condition is not true when one or more configurations have been + // withheld in SkippedStopStates, or when the current symbol is EOF. + // + if skippedStopStates == nil && t != TokenEOF { + if len(intermediate.configs) == 1 { + // Don't pursue the closure if there is just one state. + // It can only have one alternative just add to result + // Also don't pursue the closure if there is unique alternative + // among the configurations. + reach = intermediate + } else if p.getUniqueAlt(intermediate) != ATNInvalidAltNumber { + // Also don't pursue the closure if there is unique alternative + // among the configurations. + reach = intermediate + } + } + // If the reach set could not be trivially determined, perform a closure + // operation on the intermediate set to compute its initial value. + // + if reach == nil { + reach = NewATNConfigSet(fullCtx) + closureBusy := NewClosureBusy("ParserATNSimulator.computeReachSet() make a closureBusy") + treatEOFAsEpsilon := t == TokenEOF + amount := len(intermediate.configs) + for k := 0; k < amount; k++ { + p.closure(intermediate.configs[k], reach, closureBusy, false, fullCtx, treatEOFAsEpsilon) + } + } + if t == TokenEOF { + // After consuming EOF no additional input is possible, so we are + // only interested in configurations which reached the end of the + // decision rule (local context) or end of the start rule (full + // context). Update reach to contain only these configurations. This + // handles both explicit EOF transitions in the grammar and implicit + // EOF transitions following the end of the decision or start rule. + // + // When reach==intermediate, no closure operation was performed. In + // p case, removeAllConfigsNotInRuleStopState needs to check for + // reachable rule stop states as well as configurations already in + // a rule stop state. + // + // This is handled before the configurations in SkippedStopStates, + // because any configurations potentially added from that list are + // already guaranteed to meet this condition whether it's + // required. + // + reach = p.removeAllConfigsNotInRuleStopState(reach, reach.Equals(intermediate)) + } + // If SkippedStopStates!=nil, then it contains at least one + // configuration. For full-context reach operations, these + // configurations reached the end of the start rule, in which case we + // only add them back to reach if no configuration during the current + // closure operation reached such a state. This ensures AdaptivePredict + // chooses an alternative Matching the longest overall sequence when + // multiple alternatives are viable. + // + if skippedStopStates != nil && ((!fullCtx) || (!PredictionModehasConfigInRuleStopState(reach))) { + for l := 0; l < len(skippedStopStates); l++ { + reach.Add(skippedStopStates[l], p.mergeCache) + } + } + + if runtimeConfig.parserATNSimulatorTraceATNSim { + fmt.Println("computeReachSet " + closure.String() + " -> " + reach.String()) + } + + if len(reach.configs) == 0 { + return nil + } + + return reach +} + +// removeAllConfigsNotInRuleStopState returns a configuration set containing only the configurations from +// configs which are in a [RuleStopState]. If all +// configurations in configs are already in a rule stop state, this +// method simply returns configs. +// +// When lookToEndOfRule is true, this method uses +// [ATN].[NextTokens] for each configuration in configs which is +// not already in a rule stop state to see if a rule stop state is reachable +// from the configuration via epsilon-only transitions. +// +// When lookToEndOfRule is true, this method checks for rule stop states +// reachable by epsilon-only transitions from each configuration in +// configs. +// +// The func returns configs if all configurations in configs are in a +// rule stop state, otherwise it returns a new configuration set containing only +// the configurations from configs which are in a rule stop state +func (p *ParserATNSimulator) removeAllConfigsNotInRuleStopState(configs *ATNConfigSet, lookToEndOfRule bool) *ATNConfigSet { + if PredictionModeallConfigsInRuleStopStates(configs) { + return configs + } + result := NewATNConfigSet(configs.fullCtx) + for _, config := range configs.configs { + if _, ok := config.GetState().(*RuleStopState); ok { + result.Add(config, p.mergeCache) + continue + } + if lookToEndOfRule && config.GetState().GetEpsilonOnlyTransitions() { + NextTokens := p.atn.NextTokens(config.GetState(), nil) + if NextTokens.contains(TokenEpsilon) { + endOfRuleState := p.atn.ruleToStopState[config.GetState().GetRuleIndex()] + result.Add(NewATNConfig4(config, endOfRuleState), p.mergeCache) + } + } + } + return result +} + +//goland:noinspection GoBoolExpressions +func (p *ParserATNSimulator) computeStartState(a ATNState, ctx RuleContext, fullCtx bool) *ATNConfigSet { + // always at least the implicit call to start rule + initialContext := predictionContextFromRuleContext(p.atn, ctx) + configs := NewATNConfigSet(fullCtx) + if runtimeConfig.parserATNSimulatorDebug || runtimeConfig.parserATNSimulatorTraceATNSim { + fmt.Println("computeStartState from ATN state " + a.String() + + " initialContext=" + initialContext.String()) + } + + for i := 0; i < len(a.GetTransitions()); i++ { + target := a.GetTransitions()[i].getTarget() + c := NewATNConfig6(target, i+1, initialContext) + closureBusy := NewClosureBusy("ParserATNSimulator.computeStartState() make a closureBusy") + p.closure(c, configs, closureBusy, true, fullCtx, false) + } + return configs +} + +// applyPrecedenceFilter transforms the start state computed by +// [computeStartState] to the special start state used by a +// precedence [DFA] for a particular precedence value. The transformation +// process applies the following changes to the start state's configuration +// set. +// +// 1. Evaluate the precedence predicates for each configuration using +// [SemanticContext].evalPrecedence. +// 2. Remove all configurations which predict an alternative greater than +// 1, for which another configuration that predicts alternative 1 is in the +// same ATN state with the same prediction context. +// +// Transformation 2 is valid for the following reasons: +// +// - The closure block cannot contain any epsilon transitions which bypass +// the body of the closure, so all states reachable via alternative 1 are +// part of the precedence alternatives of the transformed left-recursive +// rule. +// - The "primary" portion of a left recursive rule cannot contain an +// epsilon transition, so the only way an alternative other than 1 can exist +// in a state that is also reachable via alternative 1 is by nesting calls +// to the left-recursive rule, with the outer calls not being at the +// preferred precedence level. +// +// The prediction context must be considered by this filter to address +// situations like the following: +// +// grammar TA +// prog: statement* EOF +// statement: letterA | statement letterA 'b' +// letterA: 'a' +// +// In the above grammar, the [ATN] state immediately before the token +// reference 'a' in letterA is reachable from the left edge +// of both the primary and closure blocks of the left-recursive rule +// statement. The prediction context associated with each of these +// configurations distinguishes between them, and prevents the alternative +// which stepped out to prog, and then back in to statement +// from being eliminated by the filter. +// +// The func returns the transformed configuration set representing the start state +// for a precedence [DFA] at a particular precedence level (determined by +// calling [Parser].getPrecedence). +func (p *ParserATNSimulator) applyPrecedenceFilter(configs *ATNConfigSet) *ATNConfigSet { + + statesFromAlt1 := make(map[int]*PredictionContext) + configSet := NewATNConfigSet(configs.fullCtx) + + for _, config := range configs.configs { + // handle alt 1 first + if config.GetAlt() != 1 { + continue + } + updatedContext := config.GetSemanticContext().evalPrecedence(p.parser, p.outerContext) + if updatedContext == nil { + // the configuration was eliminated + continue + } + statesFromAlt1[config.GetState().GetStateNumber()] = config.GetContext() + if updatedContext != config.GetSemanticContext() { + configSet.Add(NewATNConfig2(config, updatedContext), p.mergeCache) + } else { + configSet.Add(config, p.mergeCache) + } + } + for _, config := range configs.configs { + + if config.GetAlt() == 1 { + // already handled + continue + } + // In the future, p elimination step could be updated to also + // filter the prediction context for alternatives predicting alt>1 + // (basically a graph subtraction algorithm). + if !config.getPrecedenceFilterSuppressed() { + context := statesFromAlt1[config.GetState().GetStateNumber()] + if context != nil && context.Equals(config.GetContext()) { + // eliminated + continue + } + } + configSet.Add(config, p.mergeCache) + } + return configSet +} + +func (p *ParserATNSimulator) getReachableTarget(trans Transition, ttype int) ATNState { + if trans.Matches(ttype, 0, p.atn.maxTokenType) { + return trans.getTarget() + } + + return nil +} + +//goland:noinspection GoBoolExpressions +func (p *ParserATNSimulator) getPredsForAmbigAlts(ambigAlts *BitSet, configs *ATNConfigSet, nalts int) []SemanticContext { + + altToPred := make([]SemanticContext, nalts+1) + for _, c := range configs.configs { + if ambigAlts.contains(c.GetAlt()) { + altToPred[c.GetAlt()] = SemanticContextorContext(altToPred[c.GetAlt()], c.GetSemanticContext()) + } + } + nPredAlts := 0 + for i := 1; i <= nalts; i++ { + pred := altToPred[i] + if pred == nil { + altToPred[i] = SemanticContextNone + } else if pred != SemanticContextNone { + nPredAlts++ + } + } + // unambiguous alts are nil in altToPred + if nPredAlts == 0 { + altToPred = nil + } + if runtimeConfig.parserATNSimulatorDebug { + fmt.Println("getPredsForAmbigAlts result " + fmt.Sprint(altToPred)) + } + return altToPred +} + +func (p *ParserATNSimulator) getPredicatePredictions(ambigAlts *BitSet, altToPred []SemanticContext) []*PredPrediction { + pairs := make([]*PredPrediction, 0) + containsPredicate := false + for i := 1; i < len(altToPred); i++ { + pred := altToPred[i] + // un-predicated is indicated by SemanticContextNONE + if ambigAlts != nil && ambigAlts.contains(i) { + pairs = append(pairs, NewPredPrediction(pred, i)) + } + if pred != SemanticContextNone { + containsPredicate = true + } + } + if !containsPredicate { + return nil + } + return pairs +} + +// getSynValidOrSemInvalidAltThatFinishedDecisionEntryRule is used to improve the localization of error messages by +// choosing an alternative rather than panic a NoViableAltException in particular prediction scenarios where the +// Error state was reached during [ATN] simulation. +// +// The default implementation of this method uses the following +// algorithm to identify an [ATN] configuration which successfully parsed the +// decision entry rule. Choosing such an alternative ensures that the +// [ParserRuleContext] returned by the calling rule will be complete +// and valid, and the syntax error will be Reported later at a more +// localized location. +// +// - If a syntactically valid path or paths reach the end of the decision rule, and +// they are semantically valid if predicated, return the min associated alt. +// - Else, if a semantically invalid but syntactically valid path exist +// or paths exist, return the minimum associated alt. +// - Otherwise, return [ATNInvalidAltNumber]. +// +// In some scenarios, the algorithm described above could predict an +// alternative which will result in a [FailedPredicateException] in +// the parser. Specifically, this could occur if the only configuration +// capable of successfully parsing to the end of the decision rule is +// blocked by a semantic predicate. By choosing this alternative within +// [AdaptivePredict] instead of panic a [NoViableAltException], the resulting +// [FailedPredicateException] in the parser will identify the specific +// predicate which is preventing the parser from successfully parsing the +// decision rule, which helps developers identify and correct logic errors +// in semantic predicates. +// +// pass in the configs holding ATN configurations which were valid immediately before +// the ERROR state was reached, outerContext as the initial parser context from the paper +// or the parser stack at the instant before prediction commences. +// +// Teh func returns the value to return from [AdaptivePredict], or +// [ATNInvalidAltNumber] if a suitable alternative was not +// identified and [AdaptivePredict] should report an error instead. +func (p *ParserATNSimulator) getSynValidOrSemInvalidAltThatFinishedDecisionEntryRule(configs *ATNConfigSet, outerContext ParserRuleContext) int { + cfgs := p.splitAccordingToSemanticValidity(configs, outerContext) + semValidConfigs := cfgs[0] + semInvalidConfigs := cfgs[1] + alt := p.GetAltThatFinishedDecisionEntryRule(semValidConfigs) + if alt != ATNInvalidAltNumber { // semantically/syntactically viable path exists + return alt + } + // Is there a syntactically valid path with a failed pred? + if len(semInvalidConfigs.configs) > 0 { + alt = p.GetAltThatFinishedDecisionEntryRule(semInvalidConfigs) + if alt != ATNInvalidAltNumber { // syntactically viable path exists + return alt + } + } + return ATNInvalidAltNumber +} + +func (p *ParserATNSimulator) GetAltThatFinishedDecisionEntryRule(configs *ATNConfigSet) int { + alts := NewIntervalSet() + + for _, c := range configs.configs { + _, ok := c.GetState().(*RuleStopState) + + if c.GetReachesIntoOuterContext() > 0 || (ok && c.GetContext().hasEmptyPath()) { + alts.addOne(c.GetAlt()) + } + } + if alts.length() == 0 { + return ATNInvalidAltNumber + } + + return alts.first() +} + +// Walk the list of configurations and split them according to +// those that have preds evaluating to true/false. If no pred, assume +// true pred and include in succeeded set. Returns Pair of sets. +// +// Create a NewSet so as not to alter the incoming parameter. +// +// Assumption: the input stream has been restored to the starting point +// prediction, which is where predicates need to evaluate. + +type ATNConfigSetPair struct { + item0, item1 *ATNConfigSet +} + +func (p *ParserATNSimulator) splitAccordingToSemanticValidity(configs *ATNConfigSet, outerContext ParserRuleContext) []*ATNConfigSet { + succeeded := NewATNConfigSet(configs.fullCtx) + failed := NewATNConfigSet(configs.fullCtx) + + for _, c := range configs.configs { + if c.GetSemanticContext() != SemanticContextNone { + predicateEvaluationResult := c.GetSemanticContext().evaluate(p.parser, outerContext) + if predicateEvaluationResult { + succeeded.Add(c, nil) + } else { + failed.Add(c, nil) + } + } else { + succeeded.Add(c, nil) + } + } + return []*ATNConfigSet{succeeded, failed} +} + +// evalSemanticContext looks through a list of predicate/alt pairs, returning alts for the +// pairs that win. A [SemanticContextNone] predicate indicates an alt containing an +// un-predicated runtimeConfig which behaves as "always true." If !complete +// then we stop at the first predicate that evaluates to true. This +// includes pairs with nil predicates. +// +//goland:noinspection GoBoolExpressions +func (p *ParserATNSimulator) evalSemanticContext(predPredictions []*PredPrediction, outerContext ParserRuleContext, complete bool) *BitSet { + predictions := NewBitSet() + for i := 0; i < len(predPredictions); i++ { + pair := predPredictions[i] + if pair.pred == SemanticContextNone { + predictions.add(pair.alt) + if !complete { + break + } + continue + } + + predicateEvaluationResult := pair.pred.evaluate(p.parser, outerContext) + if runtimeConfig.parserATNSimulatorDebug || runtimeConfig.parserATNSimulatorDFADebug { + fmt.Println("eval pred " + pair.String() + "=" + fmt.Sprint(predicateEvaluationResult)) + } + if predicateEvaluationResult { + if runtimeConfig.parserATNSimulatorDebug || runtimeConfig.parserATNSimulatorDFADebug { + fmt.Println("PREDICT " + fmt.Sprint(pair.alt)) + } + predictions.add(pair.alt) + if !complete { + break + } + } + } + return predictions +} + +func (p *ParserATNSimulator) closure(config *ATNConfig, configs *ATNConfigSet, closureBusy *ClosureBusy, collectPredicates, fullCtx, treatEOFAsEpsilon bool) { + initialDepth := 0 + p.closureCheckingStopState(config, configs, closureBusy, collectPredicates, + fullCtx, initialDepth, treatEOFAsEpsilon) +} + +func (p *ParserATNSimulator) closureCheckingStopState(config *ATNConfig, configs *ATNConfigSet, closureBusy *ClosureBusy, collectPredicates, fullCtx bool, depth int, treatEOFAsEpsilon bool) { + if runtimeConfig.parserATNSimulatorTraceATNSim { + fmt.Println("closure(" + config.String() + ")") + } + + var stack []*ATNConfig + visited := make(map[*ATNConfig]bool) + + stack = append(stack, config) + + for len(stack) > 0 { + currConfig := stack[len(stack)-1] + stack = stack[:len(stack)-1] + + if _, ok := visited[currConfig]; ok { + continue + } + visited[currConfig] = true + + if _, ok := currConfig.GetState().(*RuleStopState); ok { + // We hit rule end. If we have context info, use it + // run thru all possible stack tops in ctx + if !currConfig.GetContext().isEmpty() { + for i := 0; i < currConfig.GetContext().length(); i++ { + if currConfig.GetContext().getReturnState(i) == BasePredictionContextEmptyReturnState { + if fullCtx { + nb := NewATNConfig1(currConfig, currConfig.GetState(), BasePredictionContextEMPTY) + configs.Add(nb, p.mergeCache) + continue + } else { + // we have no context info, just chase follow links (if greedy) + if runtimeConfig.parserATNSimulatorDebug { + fmt.Println("FALLING off rule " + p.getRuleName(currConfig.GetState().GetRuleIndex())) + } + p.closureWork(currConfig, configs, closureBusy, collectPredicates, fullCtx, depth, treatEOFAsEpsilon) + } + continue + } + returnState := p.atn.states[currConfig.GetContext().getReturnState(i)] + newContext := currConfig.GetContext().GetParent(i) // "pop" return state + + c := NewATNConfig5(returnState, currConfig.GetAlt(), newContext, currConfig.GetSemanticContext()) + // While we have context to pop back from, we may have + // gotten that context AFTER having falling off a rule. + // Make sure we track that we are now out of context. + c.SetReachesIntoOuterContext(currConfig.GetReachesIntoOuterContext()) + + stack = append(stack, c) + } + continue + } else if fullCtx { + // reached end of start rule + configs.Add(currConfig, p.mergeCache) + continue + } else { + // else if we have no context info, just chase follow links (if greedy) + if runtimeConfig.parserATNSimulatorDebug { + fmt.Println("FALLING off rule " + p.getRuleName(currConfig.GetState().GetRuleIndex())) + } + } + } + + p.closureWork(currConfig, configs, closureBusy, collectPredicates, fullCtx, depth, treatEOFAsEpsilon) + } +} + +//goland:noinspection GoBoolExpressions +func (p *ParserATNSimulator) closureCheckingStopStateRecursive(config *ATNConfig, configs *ATNConfigSet, closureBusy *ClosureBusy, collectPredicates, fullCtx bool, depth int, treatEOFAsEpsilon bool) { + if runtimeConfig.parserATNSimulatorTraceATNSim { + fmt.Println("closure(" + config.String() + ")") + } + + if _, ok := config.GetState().(*RuleStopState); ok { + // We hit rule end. If we have context info, use it + // run thru all possible stack tops in ctx + if !config.GetContext().isEmpty() { + for i := 0; i < config.GetContext().length(); i++ { + if config.GetContext().getReturnState(i) == BasePredictionContextEmptyReturnState { + if fullCtx { + nb := NewATNConfig1(config, config.GetState(), BasePredictionContextEMPTY) + configs.Add(nb, p.mergeCache) + continue + } else { + // we have no context info, just chase follow links (if greedy) + if runtimeConfig.parserATNSimulatorDebug { + fmt.Println("FALLING off rule " + p.getRuleName(config.GetState().GetRuleIndex())) + } + p.closureWork(config, configs, closureBusy, collectPredicates, fullCtx, depth, treatEOFAsEpsilon) + } + continue + } + returnState := p.atn.states[config.GetContext().getReturnState(i)] + newContext := config.GetContext().GetParent(i) // "pop" return state + + c := NewATNConfig5(returnState, config.GetAlt(), newContext, config.GetSemanticContext()) + // While we have context to pop back from, we may have + // gotten that context AFTER having falling off a rule. + // Make sure we track that we are now out of context. + c.SetReachesIntoOuterContext(config.GetReachesIntoOuterContext()) + p.closureCheckingStopState(c, configs, closureBusy, collectPredicates, fullCtx, depth-1, treatEOFAsEpsilon) + } + return + } else if fullCtx { + // reached end of start rule + configs.Add(config, p.mergeCache) + return + } else { + // else if we have no context info, just chase follow links (if greedy) + if runtimeConfig.parserATNSimulatorDebug { + fmt.Println("FALLING off rule " + p.getRuleName(config.GetState().GetRuleIndex())) + } + } + } + p.closureWork(config, configs, closureBusy, collectPredicates, fullCtx, depth, treatEOFAsEpsilon) +} + +// Do the actual work of walking epsilon edges +// +//goland:noinspection GoBoolExpressions +func (p *ParserATNSimulator) closureWork(config *ATNConfig, configs *ATNConfigSet, closureBusy *ClosureBusy, collectPredicates, fullCtx bool, depth int, treatEOFAsEpsilon bool) { + state := config.GetState() + // optimization + if !state.GetEpsilonOnlyTransitions() { + configs.Add(config, p.mergeCache) + // make sure to not return here, because EOF transitions can act as + // both epsilon transitions and non-epsilon transitions. + } + for i := 0; i < len(state.GetTransitions()); i++ { + if i == 0 && p.canDropLoopEntryEdgeInLeftRecursiveRule(config) { + continue + } + + t := state.GetTransitions()[i] + _, ok := t.(*ActionTransition) + continueCollecting := collectPredicates && !ok + c := p.getEpsilonTarget(config, t, continueCollecting, depth == 0, fullCtx, treatEOFAsEpsilon) + if c != nil { + newDepth := depth + + if _, ok := config.GetState().(*RuleStopState); ok { + // target fell off end of rule mark resulting c as having dipped into outer context + // We can't get here if incoming config was rule stop and we had context + // track how far we dip into outer context. Might + // come in handy and we avoid evaluating context dependent + // preds if this is > 0. + + if p.dfa != nil && p.dfa.getPrecedenceDfa() { + if t.(*EpsilonTransition).outermostPrecedenceReturn == p.dfa.atnStartState.GetRuleIndex() { + c.setPrecedenceFilterSuppressed(true) + } + } + + c.SetReachesIntoOuterContext(c.GetReachesIntoOuterContext() + 1) + + _, present := closureBusy.Put(c) + if present { + // avoid infinite recursion for right-recursive rules + continue + } + + configs.dipsIntoOuterContext = true // TODO: can remove? only care when we add to set per middle of this method + newDepth-- + if runtimeConfig.parserATNSimulatorDebug { + fmt.Println("dips into outer ctx: " + c.String()) + } + } else { + + if !t.getIsEpsilon() { + _, present := closureBusy.Put(c) + if present { + // avoid infinite recursion for EOF* and EOF+ + continue + } + } + if _, ok := t.(*RuleTransition); ok { + // latch when newDepth goes negative - once we step out of the entry context we can't return + if newDepth >= 0 { + newDepth++ + } + } + } + p.closureCheckingStopState(c, configs, closureBusy, continueCollecting, fullCtx, newDepth, treatEOFAsEpsilon) + } + } +} + +//goland:noinspection GoBoolExpressions +func (p *ParserATNSimulator) canDropLoopEntryEdgeInLeftRecursiveRule(config *ATNConfig) bool { + if !runtimeConfig.lRLoopEntryBranchOpt { + return false + } + + _p := config.GetState() + + // First check to see if we are in StarLoopEntryState generated during + // left-recursion elimination. For efficiency, also check if + // the context has an empty stack case. If so, it would mean + // global FOLLOW so we can't perform optimization + if _p.GetStateType() != ATNStateStarLoopEntry { + return false + } + startLoop, ok := _p.(*StarLoopEntryState) + if !ok { + return false + } + if !startLoop.precedenceRuleDecision || + config.GetContext().isEmpty() || + config.GetContext().hasEmptyPath() { + return false + } + + // Require all return states to return back to the same rule + // that p is in. + numCtxs := config.GetContext().length() + for i := 0; i < numCtxs; i++ { + returnState := p.atn.states[config.GetContext().getReturnState(i)] + if returnState.GetRuleIndex() != _p.GetRuleIndex() { + return false + } + } + x := _p.GetTransitions()[0].getTarget() + decisionStartState := x.(BlockStartState) + blockEndStateNum := decisionStartState.getEndState().stateNumber + blockEndState := p.atn.states[blockEndStateNum].(*BlockEndState) + + // Verify that the top of each stack context leads to loop entry/exit + // state through epsilon edges and w/o leaving rule. + + for i := 0; i < numCtxs; i++ { // for each stack context + returnStateNumber := config.GetContext().getReturnState(i) + returnState := p.atn.states[returnStateNumber] + + // all states must have single outgoing epsilon edge + if len(returnState.GetTransitions()) != 1 || !returnState.GetTransitions()[0].getIsEpsilon() { + return false + } + + // Look for prefix op case like 'not expr', (' type ')' expr + returnStateTarget := returnState.GetTransitions()[0].getTarget() + if returnState.GetStateType() == ATNStateBlockEnd && returnStateTarget == _p { + continue + } + + // Look for 'expr op expr' or case where expr's return state is block end + // of (...)* internal block; the block end points to loop back + // which points to p but we don't need to check that + if returnState == blockEndState { + continue + } + + // Look for ternary expr ? expr : expr. The return state points at block end, + // which points at loop entry state + if returnStateTarget == blockEndState { + continue + } + + // Look for complex prefix 'between expr and expr' case where 2nd expr's + // return state points at block end state of (...)* internal block + if returnStateTarget.GetStateType() == ATNStateBlockEnd && + len(returnStateTarget.GetTransitions()) == 1 && + returnStateTarget.GetTransitions()[0].getIsEpsilon() && + returnStateTarget.GetTransitions()[0].getTarget() == _p { + continue + } + + // anything else ain't conforming + return false + } + + return true +} + +func (p *ParserATNSimulator) getRuleName(index int) string { + if p.parser != nil && index >= 0 { + return p.parser.GetRuleNames()[index] + } + var sb strings.Builder + sb.Grow(32) + + sb.WriteString("
If {@code to} is {@code nil}, p method returns {@code nil}. +// Otherwise, p method returns the {@link DFAState} returned by calling +// {@link //addDFAState} for the {@code to} state.
+// +// @param dfa The DFA +// @param from The source state for the edge +// @param t The input symbol +// @param to The target state for the edge +// +// @return If {@code to} is {@code nil}, p method returns {@code nil} +// otherwise p method returns the result of calling {@link //addDFAState} +// on {@code to} +// +//goland:noinspection GoBoolExpressions +func (p *ParserATNSimulator) addDFAEdge(dfa *DFA, from *DFAState, t int, to *DFAState) *DFAState { + if runtimeConfig.parserATNSimulatorDebug { + fmt.Println("EDGE " + from.String() + " -> " + to.String() + " upon " + p.GetTokenName(t)) + } + if to == nil { + return nil + } + p.atn.stateMu.Lock() + to = p.addDFAState(dfa, to) // used existing if possible not incoming + p.atn.stateMu.Unlock() + if from == nil || t < -1 || t > p.atn.maxTokenType { + return to + } + p.atn.edgeMu.Lock() + if from.getEdges() == nil { + from.setEdges(make([]*DFAState, p.atn.maxTokenType+1+1)) + } + from.setIthEdge(t+1, to) // connect + p.atn.edgeMu.Unlock() + + if runtimeConfig.parserATNSimulatorDebug { + var names []string + if p.parser != nil { + names = p.parser.GetLiteralNames() + } + + fmt.Println("DFA=\n" + dfa.String(names, nil)) + } + return to +} + +// addDFAState adds state D to the [DFA] if it is not already present, and returns +// the actual instance stored in the [DFA]. If a state equivalent to D +// is already in the [DFA], the existing state is returned. Otherwise, this +// method returns D after adding it to the [DFA]. +// +// If D is [ATNSimulatorError], this method returns [ATNSimulatorError] and +// does not change the DFA. +// +//goland:noinspection GoBoolExpressions +func (p *ParserATNSimulator) addDFAState(dfa *DFA, d *DFAState) *DFAState { + if d == ATNSimulatorError { + return d + } + + existing, present := dfa.Get(d) + if present { + if runtimeConfig.parserATNSimulatorTraceATNSim { + fmt.Print("addDFAState " + d.String() + " exists") + } + return existing + } + + // The state will be added if not already there or we will be given back the existing state struct + // if it is present. + // + d.stateNumber = dfa.Len() + if !d.configs.readOnly { + d.configs.OptimizeConfigs(&p.BaseATNSimulator) + d.configs.readOnly = true + d.configs.configLookup = nil + } + dfa.Put(d) + + if runtimeConfig.parserATNSimulatorTraceATNSim { + fmt.Println("addDFAState new " + d.String()) + } + + return d +} + +//goland:noinspection GoBoolExpressions +func (p *ParserATNSimulator) ReportAttemptingFullContext(dfa *DFA, conflictingAlts *BitSet, configs *ATNConfigSet, startIndex, stopIndex int) { + if runtimeConfig.parserATNSimulatorDebug || runtimeConfig.parserATNSimulatorRetryDebug { + interval := NewInterval(startIndex, stopIndex+1) + fmt.Println("ReportAttemptingFullContext decision=" + strconv.Itoa(dfa.decision) + ":" + configs.String() + + ", input=" + p.parser.GetTokenStream().GetTextFromInterval(interval)) + } + if p.parser != nil { + p.parser.GetErrorListenerDispatch().ReportAttemptingFullContext(p.parser, dfa, startIndex, stopIndex, conflictingAlts, configs) + } +} + +//goland:noinspection GoBoolExpressions +func (p *ParserATNSimulator) ReportContextSensitivity(dfa *DFA, prediction int, configs *ATNConfigSet, startIndex, stopIndex int) { + if runtimeConfig.parserATNSimulatorDebug || runtimeConfig.parserATNSimulatorRetryDebug { + interval := NewInterval(startIndex, stopIndex+1) + fmt.Println("ReportContextSensitivity decision=" + strconv.Itoa(dfa.decision) + ":" + configs.String() + + ", input=" + p.parser.GetTokenStream().GetTextFromInterval(interval)) + } + if p.parser != nil { + p.parser.GetErrorListenerDispatch().ReportContextSensitivity(p.parser, dfa, startIndex, stopIndex, prediction, configs) + } +} + +// ReportAmbiguity reports and ambiguity in the parse, which shows that the parser will explore a different route. +// +// If context-sensitive parsing, we know it's an ambiguity not a conflict or error, but we can report it to the developer +// so that they can see that this is happening and can take action if they want to. +// +//goland:noinspection GoBoolExpressions +func (p *ParserATNSimulator) ReportAmbiguity(dfa *DFA, _ *DFAState, startIndex, stopIndex int, + exact bool, ambigAlts *BitSet, configs *ATNConfigSet) { + if runtimeConfig.parserATNSimulatorDebug || runtimeConfig.parserATNSimulatorRetryDebug { + interval := NewInterval(startIndex, stopIndex+1) + fmt.Println("ReportAmbiguity " + ambigAlts.String() + ":" + configs.String() + + ", input=" + p.parser.GetTokenStream().GetTextFromInterval(interval)) + } + if p.parser != nil { + p.parser.GetErrorListenerDispatch().ReportAmbiguity(p.parser, dfa, startIndex, stopIndex, exact, ambigAlts, configs) + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/parser_rule_context.go b/vendor/github.com/antlr4-go/antlr/v4/parser_rule_context.go similarity index 77% rename from vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/parser_rule_context.go rename to vendor/github.com/antlr4-go/antlr/v4/parser_rule_context.go index 1c8cee74795..c249bc1385c 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/parser_rule_context.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/antlr4-go/antlr/v4/parser_rule_context.go @@ -31,7 +31,9 @@ type ParserRuleContext interface { } type BaseParserRuleContext struct { - *BaseRuleContext + parentCtx RuleContext + invokingState int + RuleIndex int start, stop Token exception RecognitionException @@ -40,8 +42,22 @@ type BaseParserRuleContext struct { func NewBaseParserRuleContext(parent ParserRuleContext, invokingStateNumber int) *BaseParserRuleContext { prc := new(BaseParserRuleContext) + InitBaseParserRuleContext(prc, parent, invokingStateNumber) + return prc +} + +func InitBaseParserRuleContext(prc *BaseParserRuleContext, parent ParserRuleContext, invokingStateNumber int) { + // What context invoked b rule? + prc.parentCtx = parent - prc.BaseRuleContext = NewBaseRuleContext(parent, invokingStateNumber) + // What state invoked the rule associated with b context? + // The "return address" is the followState of invokingState + // If parent is nil, b should be -1. + if parent == nil { + prc.invokingState = -1 + } else { + prc.invokingState = invokingStateNumber + } prc.RuleIndex = -1 // * If we are debugging or building a parse tree for a Visitor, @@ -56,8 +72,6 @@ func NewBaseParserRuleContext(parent ParserRuleContext, invokingStateNumber int) // The exception that forced prc rule to return. If the rule successfully // completed, prc is {@code nil}. prc.exception = nil - - return prc } func (prc *BaseParserRuleContext) SetException(e RecognitionException) { @@ -90,14 +104,15 @@ func (prc *BaseParserRuleContext) GetText() string { return s } -// Double dispatch methods for listeners -func (prc *BaseParserRuleContext) EnterRule(listener ParseTreeListener) { +// EnterRule is called when any rule is entered. +func (prc *BaseParserRuleContext) EnterRule(_ ParseTreeListener) { } -func (prc *BaseParserRuleContext) ExitRule(listener ParseTreeListener) { +// ExitRule is called when any rule is exited. +func (prc *BaseParserRuleContext) ExitRule(_ ParseTreeListener) { } -// * Does not set parent link other add methods do that/// +// * Does not set parent link other add methods do that func (prc *BaseParserRuleContext) addTerminalNodeChild(child TerminalNode) TerminalNode { if prc.children == nil { prc.children = make([]Tree, 0) @@ -120,10 +135,9 @@ func (prc *BaseParserRuleContext) AddChild(child RuleContext) RuleContext { return child } -// * Used by EnterOuterAlt to toss out a RuleContext previously added as -// we entered a rule. If we have // label, we will need to remove -// generic ruleContext object. -// / +// RemoveLastChild is used by [EnterOuterAlt] to toss out a [RuleContext] previously added as +// we entered a rule. If we have a label, we will need to remove +// the generic ruleContext object. func (prc *BaseParserRuleContext) RemoveLastChild() { if prc.children != nil && len(prc.children) > 0 { prc.children = prc.children[0 : len(prc.children)-1] @@ -293,7 +307,7 @@ func (prc *BaseParserRuleContext) GetChildCount() int { return len(prc.children) } -func (prc *BaseParserRuleContext) GetSourceInterval() *Interval { +func (prc *BaseParserRuleContext) GetSourceInterval() Interval { if prc.start == nil || prc.stop == nil { return TreeInvalidInterval } @@ -340,6 +354,50 @@ func (prc *BaseParserRuleContext) String(ruleNames []string, stop RuleContext) s return s } +func (prc *BaseParserRuleContext) SetParent(v Tree) { + if v == nil { + prc.parentCtx = nil + } else { + prc.parentCtx = v.(RuleContext) + } +} + +func (prc *BaseParserRuleContext) GetInvokingState() int { + return prc.invokingState +} + +func (prc *BaseParserRuleContext) SetInvokingState(t int) { + prc.invokingState = t +} + +func (prc *BaseParserRuleContext) GetRuleIndex() int { + return prc.RuleIndex +} + +func (prc *BaseParserRuleContext) GetAltNumber() int { + return ATNInvalidAltNumber +} + +func (prc *BaseParserRuleContext) SetAltNumber(_ int) {} + +// IsEmpty returns true if the context of b is empty. +// +// A context is empty if there is no invoking state, meaning nobody calls +// current context. +func (prc *BaseParserRuleContext) IsEmpty() bool { + return prc.invokingState == -1 +} + +// GetParent returns the combined text of all child nodes. This method only considers +// tokens which have been added to the parse tree. +// +// Since tokens on hidden channels (e.g. whitespace or comments) are not +// added to the parse trees, they will not appear in the output of this +// method. +func (prc *BaseParserRuleContext) GetParent() Tree { + return prc.parentCtx +} + var ParserRuleContextEmpty = NewBaseParserRuleContext(nil, -1) type InterpreterRuleContext interface { @@ -350,6 +408,7 @@ type BaseInterpreterRuleContext struct { *BaseParserRuleContext } +//goland:noinspection GoUnusedExportedFunction func NewBaseInterpreterRuleContext(parent BaseInterpreterRuleContext, invokingStateNumber, ruleIndex int) *BaseInterpreterRuleContext { prc := new(BaseInterpreterRuleContext) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/antlr4-go/antlr/v4/prediction_context.go b/vendor/github.com/antlr4-go/antlr/v4/prediction_context.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..c1b80cc1f0f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/antlr4-go/antlr/v4/prediction_context.go @@ -0,0 +1,727 @@ +// Copyright (c) 2012-2022 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved. +// Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license that +// can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root. + +package antlr + +import ( + "fmt" + "golang.org/x/exp/slices" + "strconv" +) + +var _emptyPredictionContextHash int + +func init() { + _emptyPredictionContextHash = murmurInit(1) + _emptyPredictionContextHash = murmurFinish(_emptyPredictionContextHash, 0) +} + +func calculateEmptyHash() int { + return _emptyPredictionContextHash +} + +const ( + // BasePredictionContextEmptyReturnState represents {@code $} in an array in full context mode, $ + // doesn't mean wildcard: + // + // $ + x = [$,x] + // + // Here, + // + // $ = EmptyReturnState + BasePredictionContextEmptyReturnState = 0x7FFFFFFF +) + +// TODO: JI These are meant to be atomics - this does not seem to match the Java runtime here +// +//goland:noinspection GoUnusedGlobalVariable +var ( + BasePredictionContextglobalNodeCount = 1 + BasePredictionContextid = BasePredictionContextglobalNodeCount +) + +const ( + PredictionContextEmpty = iota + PredictionContextSingleton + PredictionContextArray +) + +// PredictionContext is a go idiomatic implementation of PredictionContext that does not rty to +// emulate inheritance from Java, and can be used without an interface definition. An interface +// is not required because no user code will ever need to implement this interface. +type PredictionContext struct { + cachedHash int + pcType int + parentCtx *PredictionContext + returnState int + parents []*PredictionContext + returnStates []int +} + +func NewEmptyPredictionContext() *PredictionContext { + nep := &PredictionContext{} + nep.cachedHash = calculateEmptyHash() + nep.pcType = PredictionContextEmpty + nep.returnState = BasePredictionContextEmptyReturnState + return nep +} + +func NewBaseSingletonPredictionContext(parent *PredictionContext, returnState int) *PredictionContext { + pc := &PredictionContext{} + pc.pcType = PredictionContextSingleton + pc.returnState = returnState + pc.parentCtx = parent + if parent != nil { + pc.cachedHash = calculateHash(parent, returnState) + } else { + pc.cachedHash = calculateEmptyHash() + } + return pc +} + +func SingletonBasePredictionContextCreate(parent *PredictionContext, returnState int) *PredictionContext { + if returnState == BasePredictionContextEmptyReturnState && parent == nil { + // someone can pass in the bits of an array ctx that mean $ + return BasePredictionContextEMPTY + } + return NewBaseSingletonPredictionContext(parent, returnState) +} + +func NewArrayPredictionContext(parents []*PredictionContext, returnStates []int) *PredictionContext { + // Parent can be nil only if full ctx mode and we make an array + // from {@link //EMPTY} and non-empty. We merge {@link //EMPTY} by using + // nil parent and + // returnState == {@link //EmptyReturnState}. + hash := murmurInit(1) + for _, parent := range parents { + hash = murmurUpdate(hash, parent.Hash()) + } + for _, returnState := range returnStates { + hash = murmurUpdate(hash, returnState) + } + hash = murmurFinish(hash, len(parents)<<1) + + nec := &PredictionContext{} + nec.cachedHash = hash + nec.pcType = PredictionContextArray + nec.parents = parents + nec.returnStates = returnStates + return nec +} + +func (p *PredictionContext) Hash() int { + return p.cachedHash +} + +func (p *PredictionContext) Equals(other Collectable[*PredictionContext]) bool { + switch p.pcType { + case PredictionContextEmpty: + otherP := other.(*PredictionContext) + return other == nil || otherP == nil || otherP.isEmpty() + case PredictionContextSingleton: + return p.SingletonEquals(other) + case PredictionContextArray: + return p.ArrayEquals(other) + } + return false +} + +func (p *PredictionContext) ArrayEquals(o Collectable[*PredictionContext]) bool { + if o == nil { + return false + } + other := o.(*PredictionContext) + if other == nil || other.pcType != PredictionContextArray { + return false + } + if p.cachedHash != other.Hash() { + return false // can't be same if hash is different + } + + // Must compare the actual array elements and not just the array address + // + return slices.Equal(p.returnStates, other.returnStates) && + slices.EqualFunc(p.parents, other.parents, func(x, y *PredictionContext) bool { + return x.Equals(y) + }) +} + +func (p *PredictionContext) SingletonEquals(other Collectable[*PredictionContext]) bool { + if other == nil { + return false + } + otherP := other.(*PredictionContext) + if otherP == nil { + return false + } + + if p.cachedHash != otherP.Hash() { + return false // Can't be same if hash is different + } + + if p.returnState != otherP.getReturnState(0) { + return false + } + + // Both parents must be nil if one is + if p.parentCtx == nil { + return otherP.parentCtx == nil + } + + return p.parentCtx.Equals(otherP.parentCtx) +} + +func (p *PredictionContext) GetParent(i int) *PredictionContext { + switch p.pcType { + case PredictionContextEmpty: + return nil + case PredictionContextSingleton: + return p.parentCtx + case PredictionContextArray: + return p.parents[i] + } + return nil +} + +func (p *PredictionContext) getReturnState(i int) int { + switch p.pcType { + case PredictionContextArray: + return p.returnStates[i] + default: + return p.returnState + } +} + +func (p *PredictionContext) GetReturnStates() []int { + switch p.pcType { + case PredictionContextArray: + return p.returnStates + default: + return []int{p.returnState} + } +} + +func (p *PredictionContext) length() int { + switch p.pcType { + case PredictionContextArray: + return len(p.returnStates) + default: + return 1 + } +} + +func (p *PredictionContext) hasEmptyPath() bool { + switch p.pcType { + case PredictionContextSingleton: + return p.returnState == BasePredictionContextEmptyReturnState + } + return p.getReturnState(p.length()-1) == BasePredictionContextEmptyReturnState +} + +func (p *PredictionContext) String() string { + switch p.pcType { + case PredictionContextEmpty: + return "$" + case PredictionContextSingleton: + var up string + + if p.parentCtx == nil { + up = "" + } else { + up = p.parentCtx.String() + } + + if len(up) == 0 { + if p.returnState == BasePredictionContextEmptyReturnState { + return "$" + } + + return strconv.Itoa(p.returnState) + } + + return strconv.Itoa(p.returnState) + " " + up + case PredictionContextArray: + if p.isEmpty() { + return "[]" + } + + s := "[" + for i := 0; i < len(p.returnStates); i++ { + if i > 0 { + s = s + ", " + } + if p.returnStates[i] == BasePredictionContextEmptyReturnState { + s = s + "$" + continue + } + s = s + strconv.Itoa(p.returnStates[i]) + if !p.parents[i].isEmpty() { + s = s + " " + p.parents[i].String() + } else { + s = s + "nil" + } + } + return s + "]" + + default: + return "unknown" + } +} + +func (p *PredictionContext) isEmpty() bool { + switch p.pcType { + case PredictionContextEmpty: + return true + case PredictionContextArray: + // since EmptyReturnState can only appear in the last position, we + // don't need to verify that size==1 + return p.returnStates[0] == BasePredictionContextEmptyReturnState + default: + return false + } +} + +func (p *PredictionContext) Type() int { + return p.pcType +} + +func calculateHash(parent *PredictionContext, returnState int) int { + h := murmurInit(1) + h = murmurUpdate(h, parent.Hash()) + h = murmurUpdate(h, returnState) + return murmurFinish(h, 2) +} + +// Convert a {@link RuleContext} tree to a {@link BasePredictionContext} graph. +// Return {@link //EMPTY} if {@code outerContext} is empty or nil. +// / +func predictionContextFromRuleContext(a *ATN, outerContext RuleContext) *PredictionContext { + if outerContext == nil { + outerContext = ParserRuleContextEmpty + } + // if we are in RuleContext of start rule, s, then BasePredictionContext + // is EMPTY. Nobody called us. (if we are empty, return empty) + if outerContext.GetParent() == nil || outerContext == ParserRuleContextEmpty { + return BasePredictionContextEMPTY + } + // If we have a parent, convert it to a BasePredictionContext graph + parent := predictionContextFromRuleContext(a, outerContext.GetParent().(RuleContext)) + state := a.states[outerContext.GetInvokingState()] + transition := state.GetTransitions()[0] + + return SingletonBasePredictionContextCreate(parent, transition.(*RuleTransition).followState.GetStateNumber()) +} + +func merge(a, b *PredictionContext, rootIsWildcard bool, mergeCache *JPCMap) *PredictionContext { + + // Share same graph if both same + // + if a == b || a.Equals(b) { + return a + } + + if a.pcType == PredictionContextSingleton && b.pcType == PredictionContextSingleton { + return mergeSingletons(a, b, rootIsWildcard, mergeCache) + } + // At least one of a or b is array + // If one is $ and rootIsWildcard, return $ as wildcard + if rootIsWildcard { + if a.isEmpty() { + return a + } + if b.isEmpty() { + return b + } + } + + // Convert either Singleton or Empty to arrays, so that we can merge them + // + ara := convertToArray(a) + arb := convertToArray(b) + return mergeArrays(ara, arb, rootIsWildcard, mergeCache) +} + +func convertToArray(pc *PredictionContext) *PredictionContext { + switch pc.Type() { + case PredictionContextEmpty: + return NewArrayPredictionContext([]*PredictionContext{}, []int{}) + case PredictionContextSingleton: + return NewArrayPredictionContext([]*PredictionContext{pc.GetParent(0)}, []int{pc.getReturnState(0)}) + default: + // Already an array + } + return pc +} + +// mergeSingletons merges two Singleton [PredictionContext] instances. +// +// Stack tops equal, parents merge is same return left graph. +// +// +//Same stack top, parents differ merge parents giving array node, then
+// remainders of those graphs. A new root node is created to point to the
+// merged parents.
Different stack tops pointing to same parent. Make array node for the
+// root where both element in the root point to the same (original)
+// parent.
Different stack tops pointing to different parents. Make array node for
+// the root where each element points to the corresponding original
+// parent.
These local-context merge operations are used when {@code rootIsWildcard} +// is true.
+// +//{@link //EMPTY} is superset of any graph return {@link //EMPTY}.
{@link //EMPTY} and anything is {@code //EMPTY}, so merged parent is
+// {@code //EMPTY} return left graph.
Special case of last merge if local context.
These full-context merge operations are used when {@code rootIsWildcard} +// is false.
+// +// +// +//Must keep all contexts {@link //EMPTY} in array is a special value (and
+// nil parent).
Different tops, different parents.
Shared top, same parents.
Shared top, different parents.
Shared top, all shared parents.
Equal tops, merge parents and reduce top to
+// {@link SingletonBasePredictionContext}.
I have scoped the {@link AND}, {@link OR}, and {@link Predicate} subclasses of -// {@link SemanticContext} within the scope of this outer class.
+// an ATN configuration is valid. It's either a single predicate, +// a conjunction p1 && p2, or a sum of products p1 || p2. // - +// I have scoped the AND, OR, and Predicate subclasses of +// [SemanticContext] within the scope of this outer ``class'' type SemanticContext interface { Equals(other Collectable[SemanticContext]) bool Hash() int @@ -80,7 +79,7 @@ func NewPredicate(ruleIndex, predIndex int, isCtxDependent bool) *Predicate { var SemanticContextNone = NewPredicate(-1, -1, false) -func (p *Predicate) evalPrecedence(parser Recognizer, outerContext RuleContext) SemanticContext { +func (p *Predicate) evalPrecedence(_ Recognizer, _ RuleContext) SemanticContext { return p } @@ -198,7 +197,7 @@ type AND struct { func NewAND(a, b SemanticContext) *AND { - operands := NewJStore[SemanticContext, Comparator[SemanticContext]](semctxEqInst) + operands := NewJStore[SemanticContext, Comparator[SemanticContext]](semctxEqInst, SemanticContextCollection, "NewAND() operands") if aa, ok := a.(*AND); ok { for _, o := range aa.opnds { operands.Put(o) @@ -230,9 +229,7 @@ func NewAND(a, b SemanticContext) *AND { vs := operands.Values() opnds := make([]SemanticContext, len(vs)) - for i, v := range vs { - opnds[i] = v.(SemanticContext) - } + copy(opnds, vs) and := new(AND) and.opnds = opnds @@ -316,12 +313,12 @@ func (a *AND) Hash() int { return murmurFinish(h, len(a.opnds)) } -func (a *OR) Hash() int { - h := murmurInit(41) // Init with a value different from AND - for _, op := range a.opnds { +func (o *OR) Hash() int { + h := murmurInit(41) // Init with o value different from AND + for _, op := range o.opnds { h = murmurUpdate(h, op.Hash()) } - return murmurFinish(h, len(a.opnds)) + return murmurFinish(h, len(o.opnds)) } func (a *AND) String() string { @@ -349,7 +346,7 @@ type OR struct { func NewOR(a, b SemanticContext) *OR { - operands := NewJStore[SemanticContext, Comparator[SemanticContext]](semctxEqInst) + operands := NewJStore[SemanticContext, Comparator[SemanticContext]](semctxEqInst, SemanticContextCollection, "NewOR() operands") if aa, ok := a.(*OR); ok { for _, o := range aa.opnds { operands.Put(o) @@ -382,9 +379,7 @@ func NewOR(a, b SemanticContext) *OR { vs := operands.Values() opnds := make([]SemanticContext, len(vs)) - for i, v := range vs { - opnds[i] = v.(SemanticContext) - } + copy(opnds, vs) o := new(OR) o.opnds = opnds diff --git a/vendor/github.com/antlr4-go/antlr/v4/statistics.go b/vendor/github.com/antlr4-go/antlr/v4/statistics.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..70c0673a0f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/antlr4-go/antlr/v4/statistics.go @@ -0,0 +1,281 @@ +//go:build antlr.stats + +package antlr + +import ( + "fmt" + "log" + "os" + "path/filepath" + "sort" + "strconv" + "sync" +) + +// This file allows the user to collect statistics about the runtime of the ANTLR runtime. It is not enabled by default +// and so incurs no time penalty. To enable it, you must build the runtime with the antlr.stats build tag. +// + +// Tells various components to collect statistics - because it is only true when this file is included, it will +// allow the compiler to completely eliminate all the code that is only used when collecting statistics. +const collectStats = true + +// goRunStats is a collection of all the various data the ANTLR runtime has collected about a particular run. +// It is exported so that it can be used by others to look for things that are not already looked for in the +// runtime statistics. +type goRunStats struct { + + // jStats is a slice of all the [JStatRec] records that have been created, which is one for EVERY collection created + // during a run. It is exported so that it can be used by others to look for things that are not already looked for + // within this package. + // + jStats []*JStatRec + jStatsLock sync.RWMutex + topN int + topNByMax []*JStatRec + topNByUsed []*JStatRec + unusedCollections map[CollectionSource]int + counts map[CollectionSource]int +} + +const ( + collectionsFile = "collections" +) + +var ( + Statistics = &goRunStats{ + topN: 10, + } +) + +type statsOption func(*goRunStats) error + +// Configure allows the statistics system to be configured as the user wants and override the defaults +func (s *goRunStats) Configure(options ...statsOption) error { + for _, option := range options { + err := option(s) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil +} + +// WithTopN sets the number of things to list in the report when we are concerned with the top N things. +// +// For example, if you want to see the top 20 collections by size, you can do: +// +// antlr.Statistics.Configure(antlr.WithTopN(20)) +func WithTopN(topN int) statsOption { + return func(s *goRunStats) error { + s.topN = topN + return nil + } +} + +// Analyze looks through all the statistical records and computes all the outputs that might be useful to the user. +// +// The function gathers and analyzes a number of statistics about any particular run of +// an ANTLR generated recognizer. In the vast majority of cases, the statistics are only +// useful to maintainers of ANTLR itself, but they can be useful to users as well. They may be +// especially useful in tracking down bugs or performance problems when an ANTLR user could +// supply the output from this package, but cannot supply the grammar file(s) they are using, even +// privately to the maintainers. +// +// The statistics are gathered by the runtime itself, and are not gathered by the parser or lexer, but the user +// must call this function their selves to analyze the statistics. This is because none of the infrastructure is +// extant unless the calling program is built with the antlr.stats tag like so: +// +// go build -tags antlr.stats . +// +// When a program is built with the antlr.stats tag, the Statistics object is created and available outside +// the package. The user can then call the [Statistics.Analyze] function to analyze the statistics and then call the +// [Statistics.Report] function to report the statistics. +// +// Please forward any questions about this package to the ANTLR discussion groups on GitHub or send to them to +// me [Jim Idle] directly at jimi@idle.ws +// +// [Jim Idle]: https:://github.com/jim-idle +func (s *goRunStats) Analyze() { + + // Look for anything that looks strange and record it in our local maps etc for the report to present it + // + s.CollectionAnomalies() + s.TopNCollections() +} + +// TopNCollections looks through all the statistical records and gathers the top ten collections by size. +func (s *goRunStats) TopNCollections() { + + // Let's sort the stat records by MaxSize + // + sort.Slice(s.jStats, func(i, j int) bool { + return s.jStats[i].MaxSize > s.jStats[j].MaxSize + }) + + for i := 0; i < len(s.jStats) && i < s.topN; i++ { + s.topNByMax = append(s.topNByMax, s.jStats[i]) + } + + // Sort by the number of times used + // + sort.Slice(s.jStats, func(i, j int) bool { + return s.jStats[i].Gets+s.jStats[i].Puts > s.jStats[j].Gets+s.jStats[j].Puts + }) + for i := 0; i < len(s.jStats) && i < s.topN; i++ { + s.topNByUsed = append(s.topNByUsed, s.jStats[i]) + } +} + +// Report dumps a markdown formatted report of all the statistics collected during a run to the given dir output +// path, which should represent a directory. Generated files will be prefixed with the given prefix and will be +// given a type name such as `anomalies` and a time stamp such as `2021-09-01T12:34:56` and a .md suffix. +func (s *goRunStats) Report(dir string, prefix string) error { + + isDir, err := isDirectory(dir) + switch { + case err != nil: + return err + case !isDir: + return fmt.Errorf("output directory `%s` is not a directory", dir) + } + s.reportCollections(dir, prefix) + + // Clean out any old data in case the user forgets + // + s.Reset() + return nil +} + +func (s *goRunStats) Reset() { + s.jStats = nil + s.topNByUsed = nil + s.topNByMax = nil +} + +func (s *goRunStats) reportCollections(dir, prefix string) { + cname := filepath.Join(dir, ".asciidoctor") + // If the file doesn't exist, create it, or append to the file + f, err := os.OpenFile(cname, os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0644) + if err != nil { + log.Fatal(err) + } + _, _ = f.WriteString(`// .asciidoctorconfig +++++ + +++++`) + _ = f.Close() + + fname := filepath.Join(dir, prefix+"_"+"_"+collectionsFile+"_"+".adoc") + // If the file doesn't exist, create it, or append to the file + f, err = os.OpenFile(fname, os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0644) + if err != nil { + log.Fatal(err) + } + defer func(f *os.File) { + err := f.Close() + if err != nil { + log.Fatal(err) + } + }(f) + _, _ = f.WriteString("= Collections for " + prefix + "\n\n") + + _, _ = f.WriteString("== Summary\n") + + if s.unusedCollections != nil { + _, _ = f.WriteString("=== Unused Collections\n") + _, _ = f.WriteString("Unused collections incur a penalty for allocation that makes them a candidate for either\n") + _, _ = f.WriteString(" removal or optimization. If you are using a collection that is not used, you should\n") + _, _ = f.WriteString(" consider removing it. If you are using a collection that is used, but not very often,\n") + _, _ = f.WriteString(" you should consider using lazy initialization to defer the allocation until it is\n") + _, _ = f.WriteString(" actually needed.\n\n") + + _, _ = f.WriteString("\n.Unused collections\n") + _, _ = f.WriteString(`[cols="<3,>1"]` + "\n\n") + _, _ = f.WriteString("|===\n") + _, _ = f.WriteString("| Type | Count\n") + + for k, v := range s.unusedCollections { + _, _ = f.WriteString("| " + CollectionDescriptors[k].SybolicName + " | " + strconv.Itoa(v) + "\n") + } + f.WriteString("|===\n\n") + } + + _, _ = f.WriteString("\n.Summary of Collections\n") + _, _ = f.WriteString(`[cols="<3,>1"]` + "\n\n") + _, _ = f.WriteString("|===\n") + _, _ = f.WriteString("| Type | Count\n") + for k, v := range s.counts { + _, _ = f.WriteString("| " + CollectionDescriptors[k].SybolicName + " | " + strconv.Itoa(v) + "\n") + } + _, _ = f.WriteString("| Total | " + strconv.Itoa(len(s.jStats)) + "\n") + _, _ = f.WriteString("|===\n\n") + + _, _ = f.WriteString("\n.Summary of Top " + strconv.Itoa(s.topN) + " Collections by MaxSize\n") + _, _ = f.WriteString(`[cols="<1,<3,>1,>1,>1,>1"]` + "\n\n") + _, _ = f.WriteString("|===\n") + _, _ = f.WriteString("| Source | Description | MaxSize | EndSize | Puts | Gets\n") + for _, c := range s.topNByMax { + _, _ = f.WriteString("| " + CollectionDescriptors[c.Source].SybolicName + "\n") + _, _ = f.WriteString("| " + c.Description + "\n") + _, _ = f.WriteString("| " + strconv.Itoa(c.MaxSize) + "\n") + _, _ = f.WriteString("| " + strconv.Itoa(c.CurSize) + "\n") + _, _ = f.WriteString("| " + strconv.Itoa(c.Puts) + "\n") + _, _ = f.WriteString("| " + strconv.Itoa(c.Gets) + "\n") + _, _ = f.WriteString("\n") + } + _, _ = f.WriteString("|===\n\n") + + _, _ = f.WriteString("\n.Summary of Top " + strconv.Itoa(s.topN) + " Collections by Access\n") + _, _ = f.WriteString(`[cols="<1,<3,>1,>1,>1,>1,>1"]` + "\n\n") + _, _ = f.WriteString("|===\n") + _, _ = f.WriteString("| Source | Description | MaxSize | EndSize | Puts | Gets | P+G\n") + for _, c := range s.topNByUsed { + _, _ = f.WriteString("| " + CollectionDescriptors[c.Source].SybolicName + "\n") + _, _ = f.WriteString("| " + c.Description + "\n") + _, _ = f.WriteString("| " + strconv.Itoa(c.MaxSize) + "\n") + _, _ = f.WriteString("| " + strconv.Itoa(c.CurSize) + "\n") + _, _ = f.WriteString("| " + strconv.Itoa(c.Puts) + "\n") + _, _ = f.WriteString("| " + strconv.Itoa(c.Gets) + "\n") + _, _ = f.WriteString("| " + strconv.Itoa(c.Gets+c.Puts) + "\n") + _, _ = f.WriteString("\n") + } + _, _ = f.WriteString("|===\n\n") +} + +// AddJStatRec adds a [JStatRec] record to the [goRunStats] collection when build runtimeConfig antlr.stats is enabled. +func (s *goRunStats) AddJStatRec(rec *JStatRec) { + s.jStatsLock.Lock() + defer s.jStatsLock.Unlock() + s.jStats = append(s.jStats, rec) +} + +// CollectionAnomalies looks through all the statistical records and gathers any anomalies that have been found. +func (s *goRunStats) CollectionAnomalies() { + s.jStatsLock.RLock() + defer s.jStatsLock.RUnlock() + s.counts = make(map[CollectionSource]int, len(s.jStats)) + for _, c := range s.jStats { + + // Accumlate raw counts + // + s.counts[c.Source]++ + + // Look for allocated but unused collections and count them + if c.MaxSize == 0 && c.Puts == 0 { + if s.unusedCollections == nil { + s.unusedCollections = make(map[CollectionSource]int) + } + s.unusedCollections[c.Source]++ + } + if c.MaxSize > 6000 { + fmt.Println("Collection ", c.Description, "accumulated a max size of ", c.MaxSize, " - this is probably too large and indicates a poorly formed grammar") + } + } + +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/antlr4-go/antlr/v4/stats_data.go b/vendor/github.com/antlr4-go/antlr/v4/stats_data.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..4d9eb94e5fa --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/antlr4-go/antlr/v4/stats_data.go @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +package antlr + +// A JStatRec is a record of a particular use of a [JStore], [JMap] or JPCMap] collection. Typically, it will be +// used to look for unused collections that wre allocated anyway, problems with hash bucket clashes, and anomalies +// such as huge numbers of Gets with no entries found GetNoEnt. You can refer to the CollectionAnomalies() function +// for ideas on what can be gleaned from these statistics about collections. +type JStatRec struct { + Source CollectionSource + MaxSize int + CurSize int + Gets int + GetHits int + GetMisses int + GetHashConflicts int + GetNoEnt int + Puts int + PutHits int + PutMisses int + PutHashConflicts int + MaxSlotSize int + Description string + CreateStack []byte +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/token.go b/vendor/github.com/antlr4-go/antlr/v4/token.go similarity index 86% rename from vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/token.go rename to vendor/github.com/antlr4-go/antlr/v4/token.go index f73b06bc6a0..9670efb829e 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/token.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/antlr4-go/antlr/v4/token.go @@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ type Token interface { GetTokenSource() TokenSource GetInputStream() CharStream + + String() string } type BaseToken struct { @@ -53,7 +55,7 @@ type BaseToken struct { const ( TokenInvalidType = 0 - // During lookahead operations, this "token" signifies we hit rule end ATN state + // TokenEpsilon - during lookahead operations, this "token" signifies we hit the rule end [ATN] state // and did not follow it despite needing to. TokenEpsilon = -2 @@ -61,15 +63,16 @@ const ( TokenEOF = -1 - // All tokens go to the parser (unless Skip() is called in that rule) + // TokenDefaultChannel is the default channel upon which tokens are sent to the parser. + // + // All tokens go to the parser (unless [Skip] is called in the lexer rule) // on a particular "channel". The parser tunes to a particular channel // so that whitespace etc... can go to the parser on a "hidden" channel. - TokenDefaultChannel = 0 - // Anything on different channel than DEFAULT_CHANNEL is not parsed - // by parser. - + // TokenHiddenChannel defines the normal hidden channel - the parser wil not see tokens that are not on [TokenDefaultChannel]. + // + // Anything on a different channel than TokenDefaultChannel is not parsed by parser. TokenHiddenChannel = 1 ) @@ -118,21 +121,22 @@ func (b *BaseToken) GetInputStream() CharStream { } type CommonToken struct { - *BaseToken + BaseToken } func NewCommonToken(source *TokenSourceCharStreamPair, tokenType, channel, start, stop int) *CommonToken { - t := new(CommonToken) - - t.BaseToken = new(BaseToken) + t := &CommonToken{ + BaseToken: BaseToken{ + source: source, + tokenType: tokenType, + channel: channel, + start: start, + stop: stop, + tokenIndex: -1, + }, + } - t.source = source - t.tokenType = tokenType - t.channel = channel - t.start = start - t.stop = stop - t.tokenIndex = -1 if t.source.tokenSource != nil { t.line = source.tokenSource.GetLine() t.column = source.tokenSource.GetCharPositionInLine() diff --git a/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/token_source.go b/vendor/github.com/antlr4-go/antlr/v4/token_source.go similarity index 100% rename from vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/token_source.go rename to vendor/github.com/antlr4-go/antlr/v4/token_source.go diff --git a/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/token_stream.go b/vendor/github.com/antlr4-go/antlr/v4/token_stream.go similarity index 90% rename from vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/token_stream.go rename to vendor/github.com/antlr4-go/antlr/v4/token_stream.go index 1527d43f608..bf4ff6633e8 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4/token_stream.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/antlr4-go/antlr/v4/token_stream.go @@ -8,13 +8,14 @@ type TokenStream interface { IntStream LT(k int) Token + Reset() Get(index int) Token GetTokenSource() TokenSource SetTokenSource(TokenSource) GetAllText() string - GetTextFromInterval(*Interval) string + GetTextFromInterval(Interval) string GetTextFromRuleContext(RuleContext) string GetTextFromTokens(Token, Token) string } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/antlr4-go/antlr/v4/tokenstream_rewriter.go b/vendor/github.com/antlr4-go/antlr/v4/tokenstream_rewriter.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..ccf59b465c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/antlr4-go/antlr/v4/tokenstream_rewriter.go @@ -0,0 +1,662 @@ +// Copyright (c) 2012-2022 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved. +// Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license that +// can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root. + +package antlr + +import ( + "bytes" + "fmt" +) + +// +// Useful for rewriting out a buffered input token stream after doing some +// augmentation or other manipulations on it. + +//+// You can insert stuff, replace, and delete chunks. Note that the operations +// are done lazily--only if you convert the buffer to a {@link String} with +// {@link TokenStream#getText()}. This is very efficient because you are not +// moving data around all the time. As the buffer of tokens is converted to +// strings, the {@link #getText()} method(s) scan the input token stream and +// check to see if there is an operation at the current index. If so, the +// operation is done and then normal {@link String} rendering continues on the +// buffer. This is like having multiple Turing machine instruction streams +// (programs) operating on a single input tape. :)
+//+ +// This rewriter makes no modifications to the token stream. It does not ask the +// stream to fill itself up nor does it advance the input cursor. The token +// stream {@link TokenStream#index()} will return the same value before and +// after any {@link #getText()} call.
+ +//+// The rewriter only works on tokens that you have in the buffer and ignores the +// current input cursor. If you are buffering tokens on-demand, calling +// {@link #getText()} halfway through the input will only do rewrites for those +// tokens in the first half of the file.
+ +//+// Since the operations are done lazily at {@link #getText}-time, operations do +// not screw up the token index values. That is, an insert operation at token +// index {@code i} does not change the index values for tokens +// {@code i}+1..n-1.
+ +//+// Because operations never actually alter the buffer, you may always get the +// original token stream back without undoing anything. Since the instructions +// are queued up, you can easily simulate transactions and roll back any changes +// if there is an error just by removing instructions. For example,
+ +//+// CharStream input = new ANTLRFileStream("input"); +// TLexer lex = new TLexer(input); +// CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lex); +// T parser = new T(tokens); +// TokenStreamRewriter rewriter = new TokenStreamRewriter(tokens); +// parser.startRule(); +//+ +//
+// Then in the rules, you can execute (assuming rewriter is visible):
+ +//+// Token t,u; +// ... +// rewriter.insertAfter(t, "text to put after t");} +// rewriter.insertAfter(u, "text after u");} +// System.out.println(rewriter.getText()); +//+ +//
+// You can also have multiple "instruction streams" and get multiple rewrites +// from a single pass over the input. Just name the instruction streams and use +// that name again when printing the buffer. This could be useful for generating +// a C file and also its header file--all from the same buffer:
+ +//+// rewriter.insertAfter("pass1", t, "text to put after t");} +// rewriter.insertAfter("pass2", u, "text after u");} +// System.out.println(rewriter.getText("pass1")); +// System.out.println(rewriter.getText("pass2")); +//+ +//
+// If you don't use named rewrite streams, a "default" stream is used as the +// first example shows.
+ +const ( + DefaultProgramName = "default" + ProgramInitSize = 100 + MinTokenIndex = 0 +) + +// Define the rewrite operation hierarchy + +type RewriteOperation interface { + + // Execute the rewrite operation by possibly adding to the buffer. + // Return the index of the next token to operate on. + Execute(buffer *bytes.Buffer) int + String() string + GetInstructionIndex() int + GetIndex() int + GetText() string + GetOpName() string + GetTokens() TokenStream + SetInstructionIndex(val int) + SetIndex(int) + SetText(string) + SetOpName(string) + SetTokens(TokenStream) +} + +type BaseRewriteOperation struct { + //Current index of rewrites list + instructionIndex int + //Token buffer index + index int + //Substitution text + text string + //Actual operation name + opName string + //Pointer to token steam + tokens TokenStream +} + +func (op *BaseRewriteOperation) GetInstructionIndex() int { + return op.instructionIndex +} + +func (op *BaseRewriteOperation) GetIndex() int { + return op.index +} + +func (op *BaseRewriteOperation) GetText() string { + return op.text +} + +func (op *BaseRewriteOperation) GetOpName() string { + return op.opName +} + +func (op *BaseRewriteOperation) GetTokens() TokenStream { + return op.tokens +} + +func (op *BaseRewriteOperation) SetInstructionIndex(val int) { + op.instructionIndex = val +} + +func (op *BaseRewriteOperation) SetIndex(val int) { + op.index = val +} + +func (op *BaseRewriteOperation) SetText(val string) { + op.text = val +} + +func (op *BaseRewriteOperation) SetOpName(val string) { + op.opName = val +} + +func (op *BaseRewriteOperation) SetTokens(val TokenStream) { + op.tokens = val +} + +func (op *BaseRewriteOperation) Execute(_ *bytes.Buffer) int { + return op.index +} + +func (op *BaseRewriteOperation) String() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("<%s@%d:\"%s\">", + op.opName, + op.tokens.Get(op.GetIndex()), + op.text, + ) + +} + +type InsertBeforeOp struct { + BaseRewriteOperation +} + +func NewInsertBeforeOp(index int, text string, stream TokenStream) *InsertBeforeOp { + return &InsertBeforeOp{BaseRewriteOperation: BaseRewriteOperation{ + index: index, + text: text, + opName: "InsertBeforeOp", + tokens: stream, + }} +} + +func (op *InsertBeforeOp) Execute(buffer *bytes.Buffer) int { + buffer.WriteString(op.text) + if op.tokens.Get(op.index).GetTokenType() != TokenEOF { + buffer.WriteString(op.tokens.Get(op.index).GetText()) + } + return op.index + 1 +} + +func (op *InsertBeforeOp) String() string { + return op.BaseRewriteOperation.String() +} + +// InsertAfterOp distinguishes between insert after/before to do the "insert after" instructions +// first and then the "insert before" instructions at same index. Implementation +// of "insert after" is "insert before index+1". +type InsertAfterOp struct { + BaseRewriteOperation +} + +func NewInsertAfterOp(index int, text string, stream TokenStream) *InsertAfterOp { + return &InsertAfterOp{ + BaseRewriteOperation: BaseRewriteOperation{ + index: index + 1, + text: text, + tokens: stream, + }, + } +} + +func (op *InsertAfterOp) Execute(buffer *bytes.Buffer) int { + buffer.WriteString(op.text) + if op.tokens.Get(op.index).GetTokenType() != TokenEOF { + buffer.WriteString(op.tokens.Get(op.index).GetText()) + } + return op.index + 1 +} + +func (op *InsertAfterOp) String() string { + return op.BaseRewriteOperation.String() +} + +// ReplaceOp tries to replace range from x..y with (y-x)+1 ReplaceOp +// instructions. +type ReplaceOp struct { + BaseRewriteOperation + LastIndex int +} + +func NewReplaceOp(from, to int, text string, stream TokenStream) *ReplaceOp { + return &ReplaceOp{ + BaseRewriteOperation: BaseRewriteOperation{ + index: from, + text: text, + opName: "ReplaceOp", + tokens: stream, + }, + LastIndex: to, + } +} + +func (op *ReplaceOp) Execute(buffer *bytes.Buffer) int { + if op.text != "" { + buffer.WriteString(op.text) + } + return op.LastIndex + 1 +} + +func (op *ReplaceOp) String() string { + if op.text == "" { + return fmt.Sprintf("This is a one way link. It emanates from a state (usually via a list of +// transitions) and has a target state.
+// +//Since we never have to change the ATN transitions once we construct it, +// the states. We'll use the term Edge for the DFA to distinguish them from +// ATN transitions.
+ +type Transition interface { + getTarget() ATNState + setTarget(ATNState) + getIsEpsilon() bool + getLabel() *IntervalSet + getSerializationType() int + Matches(int, int, int) bool +} + +type BaseTransition struct { + target ATNState + isEpsilon bool + label int + intervalSet *IntervalSet + serializationType int +} + +func NewBaseTransition(target ATNState) *BaseTransition { + + if target == nil { + panic("target cannot be nil.") + } + + t := new(BaseTransition) + + t.target = target + // Are we epsilon, action, sempred? + t.isEpsilon = false + t.intervalSet = nil + + return t +} + +func (t *BaseTransition) getTarget() ATNState { + return t.target +} + +func (t *BaseTransition) setTarget(s ATNState) { + t.target = s +} + +func (t *BaseTransition) getIsEpsilon() bool { + return t.isEpsilon +} + +func (t *BaseTransition) getLabel() *IntervalSet { + return t.intervalSet +} + +func (t *BaseTransition) getSerializationType() int { + return t.serializationType +} + +func (t *BaseTransition) Matches(_, _, _ int) bool { + panic("Not implemented") +} + +const ( + TransitionEPSILON = 1 + TransitionRANGE = 2 + TransitionRULE = 3 + TransitionPREDICATE = 4 // e.g., {isType(input.LT(1))}? + TransitionATOM = 5 + TransitionACTION = 6 + TransitionSET = 7 // ~(A|B) or ~atom, wildcard, which convert to next 2 + TransitionNOTSET = 8 + TransitionWILDCARD = 9 + TransitionPRECEDENCE = 10 +) + +//goland:noinspection GoUnusedGlobalVariable +var TransitionserializationNames = []string{ + "INVALID", + "EPSILON", + "RANGE", + "RULE", + "PREDICATE", + "ATOM", + "ACTION", + "SET", + "NOT_SET", + "WILDCARD", + "PRECEDENCE", +} + +//var TransitionserializationTypes struct { +// EpsilonTransition int +// RangeTransition int +// RuleTransition int +// PredicateTransition int +// AtomTransition int +// ActionTransition int +// SetTransition int +// NotSetTransition int +// WildcardTransition int +// PrecedencePredicateTransition int +//}{ +// TransitionEPSILON, +// TransitionRANGE, +// TransitionRULE, +// TransitionPREDICATE, +// TransitionATOM, +// TransitionACTION, +// TransitionSET, +// TransitionNOTSET, +// TransitionWILDCARD, +// TransitionPRECEDENCE +//} + +// AtomTransition +// TODO: make all transitions sets? no, should remove set edges +type AtomTransition struct { + BaseTransition +} + +func NewAtomTransition(target ATNState, intervalSet int) *AtomTransition { + t := &AtomTransition{ + BaseTransition: BaseTransition{ + target: target, + serializationType: TransitionATOM, + label: intervalSet, + isEpsilon: false, + }, + } + t.intervalSet = t.makeLabel() + + return t +} + +func (t *AtomTransition) makeLabel() *IntervalSet { + s := NewIntervalSet() + s.addOne(t.label) + return s +} + +func (t *AtomTransition) Matches(symbol, _, _ int) bool { + return t.label == symbol +} + +func (t *AtomTransition) String() string { + return strconv.Itoa(t.label) +} + +type RuleTransition struct { + BaseTransition + followState ATNState + ruleIndex, precedence int +} + +func NewRuleTransition(ruleStart ATNState, ruleIndex, precedence int, followState ATNState) *RuleTransition { + return &RuleTransition{ + BaseTransition: BaseTransition{ + target: ruleStart, + isEpsilon: true, + serializationType: TransitionRULE, + }, + ruleIndex: ruleIndex, + precedence: precedence, + followState: followState, + } +} + +func (t *RuleTransition) Matches(_, _, _ int) bool { + return false +} + +type EpsilonTransition struct { + BaseTransition + outermostPrecedenceReturn int +} + +func NewEpsilonTransition(target ATNState, outermostPrecedenceReturn int) *EpsilonTransition { + return &EpsilonTransition{ + BaseTransition: BaseTransition{ + target: target, + serializationType: TransitionEPSILON, + isEpsilon: true, + }, + outermostPrecedenceReturn: outermostPrecedenceReturn, + } +} + +func (t *EpsilonTransition) Matches(_, _, _ int) bool { + return false +} + +func (t *EpsilonTransition) String() string { + return "epsilon" +} + +type RangeTransition struct { + BaseTransition + start, stop int +} + +func NewRangeTransition(target ATNState, start, stop int) *RangeTransition { + t := &RangeTransition{ + BaseTransition: BaseTransition{ + target: target, + serializationType: TransitionRANGE, + isEpsilon: false, + }, + start: start, + stop: stop, + } + t.intervalSet = t.makeLabel() + return t +} + +func (t *RangeTransition) makeLabel() *IntervalSet { + s := NewIntervalSet() + s.addRange(t.start, t.stop) + return s +} + +func (t *RangeTransition) Matches(symbol, _, _ int) bool { + return symbol >= t.start && symbol <= t.stop +} + +func (t *RangeTransition) String() string { + var sb strings.Builder + sb.WriteByte('\'') + sb.WriteRune(rune(t.start)) + sb.WriteString("'..'") + sb.WriteRune(rune(t.stop)) + sb.WriteByte('\'') + return sb.String() +} + +type AbstractPredicateTransition interface { + Transition + IAbstractPredicateTransitionFoo() +} + +type BaseAbstractPredicateTransition struct { + BaseTransition +} + +func NewBasePredicateTransition(target ATNState) *BaseAbstractPredicateTransition { + return &BaseAbstractPredicateTransition{ + BaseTransition: BaseTransition{ + target: target, + }, + } +} + +func (a *BaseAbstractPredicateTransition) IAbstractPredicateTransitionFoo() {} + +type PredicateTransition struct { + BaseAbstractPredicateTransition + isCtxDependent bool + ruleIndex, predIndex int +} + +func NewPredicateTransition(target ATNState, ruleIndex, predIndex int, isCtxDependent bool) *PredicateTransition { + return &PredicateTransition{ + BaseAbstractPredicateTransition: BaseAbstractPredicateTransition{ + BaseTransition: BaseTransition{ + target: target, + serializationType: TransitionPREDICATE, + isEpsilon: true, + }, + }, + isCtxDependent: isCtxDependent, + ruleIndex: ruleIndex, + predIndex: predIndex, + } +} + +func (t *PredicateTransition) Matches(_, _, _ int) bool { + return false +} + +func (t *PredicateTransition) getPredicate() *Predicate { + return NewPredicate(t.ruleIndex, t.predIndex, t.isCtxDependent) +} + +func (t *PredicateTransition) String() string { + return "pred_" + strconv.Itoa(t.ruleIndex) + ":" + strconv.Itoa(t.predIndex) +} + +type ActionTransition struct { + BaseTransition + isCtxDependent bool + ruleIndex, actionIndex, predIndex int +} + +func NewActionTransition(target ATNState, ruleIndex, actionIndex int, isCtxDependent bool) *ActionTransition { + return &ActionTransition{ + BaseTransition: BaseTransition{ + target: target, + serializationType: TransitionACTION, + isEpsilon: true, + }, + isCtxDependent: isCtxDependent, + ruleIndex: ruleIndex, + actionIndex: actionIndex, + } +} + +func (t *ActionTransition) Matches(_, _, _ int) bool { + return false +} + +func (t *ActionTransition) String() string { + return "action_" + strconv.Itoa(t.ruleIndex) + ":" + strconv.Itoa(t.actionIndex) +} + +type SetTransition struct { + BaseTransition +} + +func NewSetTransition(target ATNState, set *IntervalSet) *SetTransition { + t := &SetTransition{ + BaseTransition: BaseTransition{ + target: target, + serializationType: TransitionSET, + }, + } + + if set != nil { + t.intervalSet = set + } else { + t.intervalSet = NewIntervalSet() + t.intervalSet.addOne(TokenInvalidType) + } + return t +} + +func (t *SetTransition) Matches(symbol, _, _ int) bool { + return t.intervalSet.contains(symbol) +} + +func (t *SetTransition) String() string { + return t.intervalSet.String() +} + +type NotSetTransition struct { + SetTransition +} + +func NewNotSetTransition(target ATNState, set *IntervalSet) *NotSetTransition { + t := &NotSetTransition{ + SetTransition: SetTransition{ + BaseTransition: BaseTransition{ + target: target, + serializationType: TransitionNOTSET, + }, + }, + } + if set != nil { + t.intervalSet = set + } else { + t.intervalSet = NewIntervalSet() + t.intervalSet.addOne(TokenInvalidType) + } + + return t +} + +func (t *NotSetTransition) Matches(symbol, minVocabSymbol, maxVocabSymbol int) bool { + return symbol >= minVocabSymbol && symbol <= maxVocabSymbol && !t.intervalSet.contains(symbol) +} + +func (t *NotSetTransition) String() string { + return "~" + t.intervalSet.String() +} + +type WildcardTransition struct { + BaseTransition +} + +func NewWildcardTransition(target ATNState) *WildcardTransition { + return &WildcardTransition{ + BaseTransition: BaseTransition{ + target: target, + serializationType: TransitionWILDCARD, + }, + } +} + +func (t *WildcardTransition) Matches(symbol, minVocabSymbol, maxVocabSymbol int) bool { + return symbol >= minVocabSymbol && symbol <= maxVocabSymbol +} + +func (t *WildcardTransition) String() string { + return "." +} + +type PrecedencePredicateTransition struct { + BaseAbstractPredicateTransition + precedence int +} + +func NewPrecedencePredicateTransition(target ATNState, precedence int) *PrecedencePredicateTransition { + return &PrecedencePredicateTransition{ + BaseAbstractPredicateTransition: BaseAbstractPredicateTransition{ + BaseTransition: BaseTransition{ + target: target, + serializationType: TransitionPRECEDENCE, + isEpsilon: true, + }, + }, + precedence: precedence, + } +} + +func (t *PrecedencePredicateTransition) Matches(_, _, _ int) bool { + return false +} + +func (t *PrecedencePredicateTransition) getPredicate() *PrecedencePredicate { + return NewPrecedencePredicate(t.precedence) +} + +func (t *PrecedencePredicateTransition) String() string { + return fmt.Sprint(t.precedence) + " >= _p" +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/antlr4-go/antlr/v4/tree.go b/vendor/github.com/antlr4-go/antlr/v4/tree.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..c288420fb20 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/antlr4-go/antlr/v4/tree.go @@ -0,0 +1,304 @@ +// Copyright (c) 2012-2022 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved. +// Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license that +// can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root. + +package antlr + +// The basic notion of a tree has a parent, a payload, and a list of children. +// It is the most abstract interface for all the trees used by ANTLR. +/// + +var TreeInvalidInterval = NewInterval(-1, -2) + +type Tree interface { + GetParent() Tree + SetParent(Tree) + GetPayload() interface{} + GetChild(i int) Tree + GetChildCount() int + GetChildren() []Tree +} + +type SyntaxTree interface { + Tree + GetSourceInterval() Interval +} + +type ParseTree interface { + SyntaxTree + Accept(Visitor ParseTreeVisitor) interface{} + GetText() string + ToStringTree([]string, Recognizer) string +} + +type RuleNode interface { + ParseTree + GetRuleContext() RuleContext +} + +type TerminalNode interface { + ParseTree + GetSymbol() Token +} + +type ErrorNode interface { + TerminalNode + + errorNode() +} + +type ParseTreeVisitor interface { + Visit(tree ParseTree) interface{} + VisitChildren(node RuleNode) interface{} + VisitTerminal(node TerminalNode) interface{} + VisitErrorNode(node ErrorNode) interface{} +} + +type BaseParseTreeVisitor struct{} + +var _ ParseTreeVisitor = &BaseParseTreeVisitor{} + +func (v *BaseParseTreeVisitor) Visit(tree ParseTree) interface{} { return tree.Accept(v) } +func (v *BaseParseTreeVisitor) VisitChildren(_ RuleNode) interface{} { return nil } +func (v *BaseParseTreeVisitor) VisitTerminal(_ TerminalNode) interface{} { return nil } +func (v *BaseParseTreeVisitor) VisitErrorNode(_ ErrorNode) interface{} { return nil } + +// TODO: Implement this? +//func (this ParseTreeVisitor) Visit(ctx) { +// if (Utils.isArray(ctx)) { +// self := this +// return ctx.map(function(child) { return VisitAtom(self, child)}) +// } else { +// return VisitAtom(this, ctx) +// } +//} +// +//func VisitAtom(Visitor, ctx) { +// if (ctx.parser == nil) { //is terminal +// return +// } +// +// name := ctx.parser.ruleNames[ctx.ruleIndex] +// funcName := "Visit" + Utils.titleCase(name) +// +// return Visitor[funcName](ctx) +//} + +type ParseTreeListener interface { + VisitTerminal(node TerminalNode) + VisitErrorNode(node ErrorNode) + EnterEveryRule(ctx ParserRuleContext) + ExitEveryRule(ctx ParserRuleContext) +} + +type BaseParseTreeListener struct{} + +var _ ParseTreeListener = &BaseParseTreeListener{} + +func (l *BaseParseTreeListener) VisitTerminal(_ TerminalNode) {} +func (l *BaseParseTreeListener) VisitErrorNode(_ ErrorNode) {} +func (l *BaseParseTreeListener) EnterEveryRule(_ ParserRuleContext) {} +func (l *BaseParseTreeListener) ExitEveryRule(_ ParserRuleContext) {} + +type TerminalNodeImpl struct { + parentCtx RuleContext + symbol Token +} + +var _ TerminalNode = &TerminalNodeImpl{} + +func NewTerminalNodeImpl(symbol Token) *TerminalNodeImpl { + tn := new(TerminalNodeImpl) + + tn.parentCtx = nil + tn.symbol = symbol + + return tn +} + +func (t *TerminalNodeImpl) GetChild(_ int) Tree { + return nil +} + +func (t *TerminalNodeImpl) GetChildren() []Tree { + return nil +} + +func (t *TerminalNodeImpl) SetChildren(_ []Tree) { + panic("Cannot set children on terminal node") +} + +func (t *TerminalNodeImpl) GetSymbol() Token { + return t.symbol +} + +func (t *TerminalNodeImpl) GetParent() Tree { + return t.parentCtx +} + +func (t *TerminalNodeImpl) SetParent(tree Tree) { + t.parentCtx = tree.(RuleContext) +} + +func (t *TerminalNodeImpl) GetPayload() interface{} { + return t.symbol +} + +func (t *TerminalNodeImpl) GetSourceInterval() Interval { + if t.symbol == nil { + return TreeInvalidInterval + } + tokenIndex := t.symbol.GetTokenIndex() + return NewInterval(tokenIndex, tokenIndex) +} + +func (t *TerminalNodeImpl) GetChildCount() int { + return 0 +} + +func (t *TerminalNodeImpl) Accept(v ParseTreeVisitor) interface{} { + return v.VisitTerminal(t) +} + +func (t *TerminalNodeImpl) GetText() string { + return t.symbol.GetText() +} + +func (t *TerminalNodeImpl) String() string { + if t.symbol.GetTokenType() == TokenEOF { + return "+ +This library provides options for fast detection and rejection of duplicate map keys based on applying a Go-specific data model to CBOR's extended generic data model in order to determine duplicate vs distinct map keys. Detection relies on whether the CBOR map key would be a duplicate "key" when decoded and applied to the user-provided Go map or struct. + +`DupMapKeyQuiet` turns off detection of duplicate map keys. It tries to use a "keep fastest" method by choosing either "keep first" or "keep last" depending on the Go data type. + +`DupMapKeyEnforcedAPF` enforces detection and rejection of duplidate map keys. Decoding stops immediately and returns `DupMapKeyError` when the first duplicate key is detected. The error includes the duplicate map key and the index number. + +APF suffix means "Allow Partial Fill" so the destination map or struct can contain some decoded values at the time of error. It is the caller's responsibility to respond to the `DupMapKeyError` by discarding the partially filled result if that's required by their protocol. + +
+ +This library checks tag validity for built-in tags (currently tag numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, and 55799): + +* Inadmissible type for tag content +* Inadmissible value for tag content + +Unknown tag data items (not tag number 0, 1, 2, 3, or 55799) are handled in two ways: + +* When decoding into an empty interface, unknown tag data item will be decoded into `cbor.Tag` data type, which contains tag number and tag content. The tag content will be decoded into the default Go data type for the CBOR data type. +* When decoding into other Go types, unknown tag data item is decoded into the specified Go type. If Go type is registered with a tag number, the tag number can optionally be verified. + +Decoder also has an option to forbid tag data items (treat any tag data item as error) which is specified by protocols such as CTAP2 Canonical CBOR. + +For more information, see [decoding options](#decoding-options-1) and [tag options](#tag-options). + +